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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 28, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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it is not so small when you deal with it as a whole, this whole economy, this machine needs to be turned from the west to the east, you need to ensure that you are accepted in the east, thank god, we are doing it, but it is the hardest work, i want you to understand that the country is living in a very difficult period, the question is either or we are now being advised, thrown in from the outside. listen, all this is pouring out on me, let's retreat here, free up there, starting from here and ending, spit on this russia, turn away from this russia, let's fight with ukraine against russia, open the borders, we will bring nato troops to smolensk, it even comes to this, today i am being given proposals from all sides, which we... cannot accept
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99%. therefore, i want you to understand in what situation we are living? this is all i can tell you, and i simply cannot say the same today, not because i am hiding something, i do not want you to strain yourself unnecessarily, all the other questions are my questions, i often say: do your job, and i will do my job together with with their colleagues in the government, senior officials, so i want to hear the truth from you, i want to feel the nerve of our teachers, taking into account the situation that is developing today, not only in the fact that there is no salary, no place to live, no housing and so on and so forth, when ukrainians come to us, even russians, they say: listen, we would like...
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this does not mean that it was not at a borrowed level, but the very fact that we see ourselves in the lens of the entire republic allows us to adjust in a timely manner to see everything problems that exist within the educational institution. much has been said today about increasing the prestige of vocational education. in our country, education has long been fully integrated with production. belarus trains personnel for the real needs of the economy, and not only its own. today, many states are turning to us with a request to prepare in-demand specialists.
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how long is it a year, so go on to get a secondary specialized education? yes, it is possible, this is the only advantage, we were not mistaken that we combined it, we have an effect from this received. i am guided by the fact that today i have masters of industrial training, there are teachers, there is a base, there are workshops and the country needs workers more than ever, so i try to make sure that we prepare workers and send them to...
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work, as you said, it exists, but it is not so acute, then we have a base where we can, well, let it be through a dictatorship, something else, as we are accustomed to say everywhere, we can prepare more workers on this base , both masters and foremen, so this is the most important link, although out of habit many still chase a university diploma, and then it happens, they wander for a long time in the labor market in search of themselves, others without a doubt go to college, for example, gain experience in production already at a young age have a specific idea of ​​​​the work of electricians, mechanics, builders, such guys know for sure, you will be able to do everything, you will definitely not get lost in life, believe me, i live by this, i see what will happen tomorrow, i see what may be, we
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need to not just pay attention, we need to grab hold of our children so that they we went to school like to... a temple, so that they would shiver, like it was once after the war, people crawled out of the trenches, out of the forest, hungry, poor, just bones and skin, they appreciated all this, that you don't see that we've gotten pretty spoiled, and that oh, our youth, oh, what good youth, youth is what we are, we make this youth, but it's good everywhere, always... why are we lying to each other? our youth is smart enough to understand and perceive what we say, just don't lie to it, that it's so ideal, look how many slackers there are in minsk, we seem to be lacking someone somewhere,
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but we have enough of everything, we have too much democracy, i want to work, i want to, i don’t work, has this ever happened, and i want to ask you a question directly: what is it that pleases you if you toil there for 2,000 rubles, someone doesn’t do a damn thing, lives better than you, is this normal, this is good, so it depends on us, we are the masters of this country, you and i stood firm in 1920, and we must be the masters, we must not be afraid of anyone, and there the president will decide everything, i cannot decide for you what you should decide. so there is no need to be afraid of anyone, if you are afraid, you will once again be under the whip, you will go, because you are young, because the future is in your hands, so take power in this country and act, my job
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is to guide you and prompt you, and you go forward, forward, forward, and if someone does not understand that he came to school, well, we need to decide what to do with this offspring? so we need to hammer it into the heads of our youth, good youth, so that they understand this understood that without work nothing can happen, a diploma is received, if you are a public sector employee, be kind, work, but not everything is so smooth with those who are assigned, frankly speaking, at the start and it is so difficult to integrate into the profession, the team, salary is a separate issue, here there are also additional stresses, i receive information about the unacceptable attitude towards ...
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we will provide them with support in the construction of housing, they should be able to offer those people who want to work for them, including housing, i am not even talking about normal salary, and after that, individual heads of enterprises every 2 years after this distribution and so on ask for a new specialist to replace those who worked according to the distribution, this is absolutely. the president will say that issues of social support for teachers, strengthening the positive image of the teacher and
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the school are priority areas of state policy, they promise to equalize salaries with the national average by next year and provide housing, there is an idea of ​​a target program for the construction of housing for social workers in all regions. this conversation is very important. education is a fundamental sphere of our life, which permeates absolutely all sectors, determines, if you like. there are no trifles, any inconsistencies, shortcomings lead to the fact that the whole country is in turmoil, from
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small to large, with all the fine-tuning and innovations, the basic approach to the belarusian system of education remains unchanged, this is certainly equal access to education, this is sacred. over the past 3 years alone , 30 billion rubles have been allocated to the education system. the schools themselves, classrooms, classes, the whole are constantly being updated. base. plus nine new schools will open their doors by the end of this year. in other words, the state is investing a lot of effort and resources into training and the educational process, and wants to see the return here in the country. everything is logical. it is not surprising that pressure from outside is growing on us, we see all the attempts to discredit the belarusian education system, but i have only one question, at the same time, if we teach so poorly. then why chase our graduates, why drag them there to ourselves? the answer is obvious:
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our young neighbors, lithuanians, latvians, poles, estonians have long been looking for happiness in europe from across the ocean. now these neighbors and others need our children. for belarus, this is a challenge, and it is the education system that must respond to it. this is an imperative and, at the same time , a direction for our work. in the near future, the role of university science will be strengthened and the educational process will be taken seriously. scientists must prepare a replacement, pass on their knowledge to our talented, gifted youth. this is my ironclad requirement. the minister reported on the results of the inspection of the activities of universities and rectors, conducted on my instructions. but i will tell you that this is only the beginning, and no one will be able to sit it out. we intend to restore order in the most uncompromising way. universities, yes, we will support our teachers, university management, both financially and materially, but
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demand will increase, including for these purposes i have planned to visit a number of regional and capital educational institutions, i will ask you to take this seriously, at a meeting with rectors i already spoke about the need to revise the list of specialties in in accordance with the needs of the economy, updating the curriculum, strengthening... the practical component of training, i do not understand why yesterday's diploma graduate needs to be further trained, who is to blame for this: the university, which does not provide the necessary knowledge or the employer, who does not want to help with adaptation to the first job. what is this? such approaches in modern conditions, when an enterprise needs trained personnel, are an unaffordable luxury. on the other hand, the head of an educational institution, in particular rectors, must be more mobile, understand what faculties, specialties, forms of education
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need to be introduced, and what to abandon? it is also worth sorting out the target directions, it seems like there is a system, but there is no proper transparency, efficiency. a lot of time has passed since we made a global decision on target students, it is time to sum up the results, andrei ivanovich, this must be done in the government and reported. and how did the audience react when the head of state started talking about bureaucracy and paper valakita, a phenomenon that, alas, has not yet been lived in pedagogical environment, it's just embarrassing to talk about it, about this bureaucratic.
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on these topics you can ask and demand the teacher to get involved, i should not hear any more conversations on this topic, make a personal decision. the school and the parents will have to share responsibility for upbringing, education, they sometimes demand a lot, ask the teacher himself, while completely removing themselves from all processes, this will not work, how to educate the younger generation to be priotist and without damaging discipline to introduce digital technologies, there will be many opinions, which i am guiding you to, here there is no responsibility of only one ministry department, it is very good that recently the military and representatives of the internal affairs agencies have actively joined in physiological educational work, they are helping our school, even though real men have started going there, this is very right, the topic of patriotic education should be
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in reliable hands, but let's not forget about another educator of our children, aggressive, sometimes very dangerous - this is the internet. we another serious challenge has been thrown down. we all teachers, parents, law enforcement agencies, public associations, opinion leaders, must be as consolidated as possible. we must know whether we are doing enough to develop children's skills for safe behavior on the internet? understanding the basics of information hygiene, it is necessary to analyze and strengthen this work significantly. such a good tradition. long before the start of the new school year, consult and discuss current issues with those who are the stronghold of our education. today the school in senior classes is focused on specialized education, when at an advanced level, in-depth study of those subjects that will later be necessary for students to study at the university. my students
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have a heavy workload, they increasingly ask this question: why do we need such a large number of subjects, maybe it is worthwhile for students in the tenth and eleventh grades to be given such an opportunity to choose for study only those subjects that they will need in the future for studying at the university, although personally i adhere to the established model of education, when a graduate is being prepared with a broad outlook and the ability to analyze what is happening.
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should give, well, if not such huge, extensive knowledge of the world, but enough to live in society and communicate with others. more than 2,000 teachers came to the republican with proposals and even with what was sore. children, of course, they are still the flowers of life, this will tell you teachers from the capital, a very small agro-town. any reforms are always difficult, especially in such
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a sensitive area as education, because that it affects every family in our country, there are children everywhere. in my children, in my students, a sense of self-respect for themselves, when you learn to respect yourself, you will respect everyone around you, you will respect, love, understand, appreciate. everything that happens. education is such a sphere that everything is important. however, like any petsovet, this is no longer just textbooks and programs, but also new challenges. now our teachers work in completely different
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realities, this is an additional burden and responsibility, but the president, as always, promises support. to do this, it is important not to hush up the problems, to openly say what else needs to be done. ilona krasutskaya, veronika bud, alexander oleshka, ilya puchko, tv news agency. a line of trucks awaits entry into the european union. the closure of their checkpoints by poland, lithuania and latvia has disrupted the logistics chains of carriers and put an increased load on existing border crossings. now, before getting to europe, truckers are forced to stand idle for 10 or more days in the heat. the states bordering belarus seem to be mocking who will keep people longer. on the side of the road, as a bad example, latvia, almost 700 trucks are stuck at the entrance to the country. what do drivers who have become hostages of the situation think about this,
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a story by marina romanovskaya. riga puts a spoke in the wheel, and european carriers incur huge losses for their citizens due to the downtime at the border. truck drivers have to wait for days until latvia raises the barrier. how long did they stand in the rut? 10 days, at 9:00 pm it will be 10 days, they have to stand for a long time, sometimes we stand longer, but now they have stood for 10 days. drivers, it would seem that we have gotten used to everything, but such an attitude towards people goes beyond the bounds of reason. trucks with latvian, lithuanian, and moldovan license plates have stopped at the barrier of the baltic state, although truckers are ironic when studying geography, but we would like not to just stand by the side of the road, but to work and feed our families. we could go, come, bring again. with products that, for example, we have already accumulated juice of wine in moldova, but we have to stand, it is not about belarus, belarusians, as if we always enter and leave quickly, probably,
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after all, politics in the european union we have a bit of a problem, who needs it, you know, i don't know who needs it, but everyone suffers from it, our budget is small, everyone, i think that everyone suffers from it, first of all the drivers, i don't like big loud words, i'm not a politician. i'm a hard worker, people are not stupid, everyone understands this, all the freight transportation, the detour, diesel fuel, fuel, our salary, all this, in the end, is reflected on consumers, that's why everything on the shelves is getting more expensive, that is, everything is interconnected, it's a mechanism, a chain mechanism, somewhere it broke, everything is not going well, according to bilateral agreements, the capacity of both our grigorovshchina checkpoint and the neighboring ones is 200 trucks per day, but we are seeing a picture where the latvian... country is in no hurry to implement the agreements reached, on average up to 30% per day is only issued to the neighboring side. while the control services of the neighboring state are cooling off at their workplaces,
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drivers on the multi-kilometer track are forced to escape the heat. a trip for water, fortunately in the belarusian border area has the appropriate infrastructure instead of morning exercises, within walking distance, a store, gas station, 24-hour cafe, drinking water, juices and ice cream, the most popular. carriers have the opportunity to have a snack here and buy the necessary goods that they need, there are also showers here , carriers have the opportunity to use this. now on the belarusian side, the road surface is being repaired in the waiting area, which will make the forced downtime more comfortable. meanwhile, the latvian the border area, drivers complain, is met with overgrown roadsides and a lack of basic infrastructure.
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from the tyranny of our neighbors and civilian transport, people in personal cars and tourist buses stand at the border like vessels. the latvian and polish sides, which left one functioning checkpoint for trucks, process no more than half of the required number of vehicles. a tense situation with queues of cars and buses is noted on the route to poland. during at least 500 passenger cars are waiting to enter the adjacent checkpoint every day. the bus queue in the middle of last week in this direction reached a maximum of 108 units. i would like to note that only five out of fourteen checkpoints are currently operating on the state border with eu countries. at the same time, belarus remains open to eu citizens, and ordinary europeans know about our hospitality. citizens of germany, estonia and italy are the most likely to travel to us under the extended visa-free regime. moreover
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, in the last month alone, since became.
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did not feel at home there, and here we are in the place where you really found a home, well yes, fell in love with this area, and birch, my city, my homeland, i say, yes, foreigners find a new homeland with us when they understand and see a truly fair world, and this is from another life on the other side, where
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principles are preached only in words.
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consider the note of the russian side with the demand to provide consular access to durov. moscow is waiting for a response, they are working in this direction, as are the uae. the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov has already noted that rumors about the alleged order from the kremlin for officials to clean up their correspondence are complete nonsense. moreover, civil servants should not use any messengers for work purposes anyway. it is noteworthy that today the media reported that macron himself and the french elite actively use telegram. against this background , the head of the american corporation meta decided to draw attention. zuckerberg admitted that the biden administration punished pressure on the campaign to censor content on social networks. poland is in a state of hybrid war. this was openly stated by the ministry of national defense of the country. today, this is no longer news, it has flown around the world media.
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warsaw is open. involved in the ukrainian conflict and even calls it its war, while continuing to arm itself and demanding new investments from overseas sponsors, for this those resources. do not spare, as analysts note, it is warsaw that is counted on in the event of ukraine's defeat in the conflict with russia, therefore, in order to maintain the necessary public opinion in the polish media constantly reminds us of the threat from the east. olga davydovych will continue: warsaw never tires of looking for justifications for increased militarization, and accordingly money for it from overseas, european sponsors. it is not surprising that the news from our not entirely friendly neighbor has recently been mainly related to defense, security and the situation on the borders, in particular on the eastern borders, and now the country's defense ministry claims that poland is being drawn into a hybrid war, they are naturally they did not want to, but as it is, they are being disingenuous.
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what we are facing today in poland is de facto a hybrid war, and we can directly say that poland is in a state of war today, but in a state of hybrid war. as arguments supporting this statement. judging by tomczyk's words, they are those intimidating instruments that can easily influence the country's residents, in particular, cause discussions and disagreements in society, so that citizens do not believe in their state, the deputy minister emphasized. weather balloons are actually a tool worth several hundred dollars that can very easily affect. all of us, they only need a few words in cyrillic, all portals in poland will write about it. the latest incident occurred on august 24 in the arminsko-mazurskie voivodeship, when locals allegedly found a weather balloon with cyrillic inscriptions. polish authorities
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claim that it was launched from a weather station in the vicinity of kaliningrad. there is no confirmation of this, as well as the panic in society predicted by the ministry of defense. what can not be said about another incident, yesterday's drone flight from ukraine, which flew as much as 30 km in polish airspace, and then fell down. despite the fact that the object, according to local generals, was under full control and under full surveillance, they have been searching for it for the second day, over a hundred soldiers, helicopters, drones, but they cannot find it. poland is really in a hybrid war, and not since last year or the year before, or even since the beginning of those conflicts in ukraine. poland is in full, with full awareness, such a war already years against belarus, against russia, against other countries too, this year we are going to spend 180 billion and something on buying american weapons, so there is simply a reason and there are people who want
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to make money on this, that is where the idea comes from, that this burden needs to be raised somehow, in order to somehow set the poles on fire, people, this is clear, that is why all these are being done... are of decisive importance, therefore we must all strengthen them with all our strength, with our determination, our will to fight, unfortunately, also with our blood, you have proven that long ago belong to the european family. poland will not abandon you in this fight. it is surprising that
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the polish authorities are not at all embarrassed by what has been happening in the last few years , the ukrainization of the country, the increasing cases of banditry and ethnic conflicts, the denial of the volyn massacre, finally, all for the sake of receiving dividends from washington. you do not need to be an expert to understand that this entire information campaign of warsaw, about its sacrifice in the fight against the eastern threat,
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is aimed at its own citizens, who are being driven into a deep debt hole in front of the word overseas suziriyan, but we should not forget that the authorities, under the guise of fighting for western values , enrich the american... military-industrial lobby at the expense of polish taxpayers, and of course, have a good percentage of profitable deals, and they will traditionally put this percentage into their own pockets, a classic scheme of work that has been worked out for years is corrupt. group. one of the refugees told
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the investigator that they were all heading through poland to germany. on the polish side, people in uniform beat them, including with their feet, intimidated by service dogs, and after committing such atrocities they were literally thrown out through the gate for animals into belarus. the migrants were given medical assistance, the criminal actions of the polish mercenaries were carefully documented. with the vislych district department of the investigative committee, their atrocities will be given. a fundamental legal assessment. according to the foreigners, they were detained on the territory of poland, asked for asylum, in response they were beaten with feet and truncheons, then taken to the border and thrown out on the belarusian side. since the beginning of the year, the migration policy of the polish authorities on the border with belarus has already killed four refugees. we have learned to live successfully under pressure, we have reliable
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partners and allies, and also huge economic potential. belarus and uzbekistan are determined to significantly expand the level of interaction. the second women's business forum took place today as part of the official visit of the belarusian parliamentary delegation to tashkent. as a result, 18 contracts worth tens of millions of dollars. alisa vysotskaya. belarus and uzbekistan are similar mentally hardworking peoples, who are also connected by a common history, and the agreements of the presidents are being implemented today in all areas, this was the common thread running through all the locations of the official day. a detailed discussion of the prospects was held at a meeting with the leader of uzbekistan. a lot has changed in the year since the first forum, the amounts of contracts have increased, many areas have advanced. here is the visit that took place in february 2024 of our president to uzbekistan and the signing of a roadmap on cooperation on 2024.
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the role of the parliaments of the two countries in promoting initiatives is growing, today meetings were held in both chambers, the states have many common interests in the economy and in the global political arena. first of all, i would like to say that... uzbekistan, mr. mirziyoyev, to the country, to the people, because, of course, we are connected by a lot, a lot, our cooperation is really developing today in absolutely all directions. roadmap for the implementation of the memorandum of cooperation between
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the upper chambers natalia kachanova left an entry in the book of honored guests. the exhibition of achievements became a demonstration of the capabilities of the two countries. belarusians presented a wide range of areas that can become additional growth points. at the top, mechanical engineering, medicine, chemical industry (light industry). for the development of the economies of the two countries, the stake on
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the exchange of technology and knowledge, the implementation of joint projects. over the past few years, the heads of our our states have held seven different meetings of various formats. friendly relations between the leaders of our countries, they have a positive impact on our practical results today. and in recent years, the volume of mutual trade has grown fourfold, reaching today.
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starting from the economy to the humanitarian sphere. we expect a fairly serious economic effect from the forum. there is serious interest in belarusian products in various areas in the field of mechanical engineering, in the field of light industry, woodworking. the parties noted that the forum became an impetus for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, and people, their relationships - this is people's and business diplomacy, which intend to move together towards a common goal for the prosperity of the two countries, for their independence. it is symbolic that the wreath is from the parliament. independence. olesya vysotskaya, sergey matveychuk, tv news agency, tashkent. and for our food security , farmers are now working in the fields. karavai 2024
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already weighs almost 7.800 thousand tons, taking into account rabs. the minsk region is in the lead, more than 2,000 tons of grain have been collected there.
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this season, harvesting was difficult, because in terms of weather conditions, it was very, well it's kind of ambiguous, you drive by in the morning, there 's a river, it's raining, then you don't know what to do, you sit and wait for it to dry, they clear it away for an hour or two, it's raining again, for 9 years now we've been among the leaders every year, and success can be considered good, firstly, it's productive equipment, it's... first, well , secondly, maybe some skills, again, the merit of the farm, that is, they grew a good harvest, orsha has always been one of the centers of development of the vitebsk region, here, in addition to industrial enterprises, the largest, probably, such headliners in the agricultural sector, we are in the fields of one of them now, after all, probably,
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the 56th decree, which the head of state signed, helped , it allowed to attract a little more people here. and to more carefully observe the technology, and to re-equip the enterprises with equipment, therefore, all this together allowed to preserve the orsha region as one of the centers of frost vite vitebsk region, today the arshan district is also the first in the northern region to reach the milestone of the hundred thousandth nomolot, on this occasion they baked a loaf of bread from new harvest, at the same time here they are harvesting spring rape, there is active harvesting ahead. yes, high-quality feed is the key to good results in animal husbandry. farmers of the mogilev region have also started harvesting corn. in total , over 2.5 million tons of processed crops will be stored in the region, and andrey yastrebov reports on harvesting technologies.
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alexey kozlov has worked his entire life on his native land, forage harvesting is his profile in the farm, they say that when such experienced machine operators are in the field, you can not ... we work in the morning, from 6:00 in the morning and all daylight, corn is coming, it 's time to harvest high-quality feed will be, experts of the farm tell about compliance with the technology, the basis for laying down high-quality feed for storage, this also applies to growing, harvesting culture, one corn plant should have one cob according to the norm, because one cob will gain the greatest power, there will be an optimal starch content, this cob is more or less closer to maturity, that is, you can already start harvesting, we have prepared more haylage, we have 113.5% of the previous level years, and we are not stopping, we are moving forward, i think we
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will prepare about 130% of last year's level for synage, and we also plan to increase the amount of feed for silage, since the livestock is increasing, the milk yield is increasing, we are going to approximately 115% of last year's level for milk, in total , 26,000 tons of feed necessary for livestock farming will be laid for silage alone , this is important - says the head of the moslaki mdc olga yakubovich. the burenykh diet should be balanced, filled with all the necessary nutrients. now the complex produces 16 tons of the most cost-effective milk product per day. by the way, they are expanding, building a health center for calves. we have completely switched to ground stall feeding, that is, our milk has now increased significantly, which has affected everything, people's salaries, the quality of milk, for us it has always been an extra grade, but people try, work, earn good money for... therefore high-quality laying of feed for storage is an important task, only in the goretsky district it is necessary to process on over 8,500 hectares of corn were planted, and in
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total, over 2.5 million tons of the nutritious forage crop will be stored in the region. this year, we plan to prepare 142,000 tons of haylage. according to the procurement plan, we have 13,000 tons of hay and 215,000 tons of silage. to date, we have already prepared 7,940, which currently amounts to 11.8 centners of feed units per conventional head of cattle, last year this figure was 9.9 centners of feed units. at the same time , the ogreers have actively joined the large passive company. rapeseed is already behind us. the queue of winter grass crops. ahead is the grain group, only in the mogilev region, its wedge will be 230. to cope with the company qualitatively in the shortest possible time. the task for agradians is to be with feed with bread. andrey yastrebova vasiliev ataliev, tv news agency.
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tv news agency presents in the public domain we have no secrets from our own. people. according to the control figures for the development
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of the national economy of the ussr for 1959-1965, belarus will specialize in the management of intensive dairy and meat livestock, meat pig farming and waterfowl breeding. by 1965 , meat and milk production should increase more than twofold. livestock breeders of belarus increase the livestock population to increase its productivity. in the mechanized kitchen , food is prepared for the head of cattle at a special rate. here you can find bulbs, mixed fodder, barley flour, trumpets, here, for those who have chosen them, there has been
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a great deal of anxiety, there has been a new breed of sherale in belarus, and white volats here are as good as bison. ў belaveska guns, skin zen flies at the vase is as big as a kilogram, they are flowing and growing in belarusian waters, because the new breed is important for yalavichyna’s creativity. and the rest of the meat industry is pleased not only with the external appearance, but also with the output of the final products, but there are problems here, although there are problems and they are significant. widespread use of advanced pig farming will help quickly solve the problem of increasing meat production.
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we don’t tell dry historical facts, we immerse you in the era. our ivev tatars still remember the grand duke when they pray. vitovt, because he appreciated them as great warriors and invited them here to our lands to help him fight. to say that it is comfortable, no. but i feel more confident, yes, more protected, it is true, artifacts from centuries of history, a real puzzle for us, as time travelers. this is one of the oldest items in our collection, this is the elkapion cross, which dates back a century. today, such a cross is worn, for example, by the pope or bishops.
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the task of our guides is to ignite a desire in you touch. in caring hands is our main wealth, when the joy of what has been achieved, so you want to share, create and develop, carefully preserving traditions, in the name of a successful happy future, where it is significant... the contribution
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of each to the common cause, and life with others in unity and love, that is true happiness. here it is always warm from spiritual moments and familiar views, together at the same table. belarus 24 - what unites us. on air is sports day, in the studio anna eisman, good evening. minsk dynamo is completing preparations for the new season. today the team held an open training session for media representatives. the filming crew of the tv news agency also visited minsk.


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