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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 28, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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well finally, where have you disappeared to, vanya, what happened, i have to leave, now, where, it doesn't matter. and what about me, and you will stay here, vanya, what are you doing, leaving me, pasha, you love me, what will you say, do you want me to be killed, why should you be killed, for what, because if i stay here, then in 2 months they will take me into the army, i will end up in afghanistan, you want this, i will not take you anywhere. we will think of something, what
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will we think of, whatever you want, i will throw this on your leg and you will stay, are you crazy, don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt, stop, really, it is it doesn't hurt, do you want me to quit first so you can see that it doesn't hurt, just don't leave me, darling, if i leave now, then tomorrow they'll accept me into the institute, and if i stay, then they'll take me into the army, we 'll part anyway. "you're lying, you're lying , you're just tired of me, no, it's true, katya's mom is waiting for me downstairs, katya is feeling bad, i offended her, if i go to her now, then tomorrow they'll enroll me, she wants to see me, it's not true, maybe you want the best for me, well , tell me, just..." yes or no, go, go,
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of course.
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mom, it's you, katyusha, it's us, why did you come, you felt sorry for me, yeah, katyusha, what are you saying, mom, i'm not asking you. katya, i
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came to apologize to you, i said a lot of nasty things to you today because i was angry at myself, that is, what you said, it 's not true, of course, it's not true, forgive me, katya, don't say anything, sit with me, sit for a little while, then you'll go, katyusha, ivan also entered the institute, and for... it will only start in 2 months, and they kick him out of the dorm, and i suggested that he live with us, well the guest room is empty anyway, do you mind, no, of course not, and do you agree, yeah, you know, i thought this was the scariest day of my life, but... it turned out to be the happiest, for
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you, for me too. nikita, look, did anyone from ours get in, yeah, katya ivanka, it can't be, maybe, look for yourself, he's number eighteen and twenty-one, we have the same points, i don't, but they took him, i don't understand, what don't i understand, vanka is a talented guy, they took him, i won't leave it like that, i'll go complain, i'll write, you write a book first, my university, and the first volume, how and why they didn't take me involved, well, don't start, and why not start, these losers always spoil their mood, let's go, your vanka got in, because they're techeli, and why are you so boiled? i'm saying, vanka got in, i know, i wonder how you know, the lists have only just been posted, he
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told me himself, when he said, he wasn't there at all, mash, what's going on, and where is ivan? he left, how, where could he have gone if he got in, i don't understand, nikita, can you ask her what happened, he went to katya, forever, you left yourself, why, he loves you, he doesn't love me. is it me who loves him or hates him? mash, mash, what happened? well, tell me, what happened? well, well, did you have a fight, huh? did he beat you? why are you silent? do you know
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why he went to her? her mother pushed him into college. why is that? why are there so many good girls in the world, and of the men, only one kovler? mash, let's take you with us to almaty, will you go home? no, i'm not going home either, i'll stay here. okay, come on, get ready, let's go. where to my aunt's, to mine, oh, nikita, are you sure, there are no other options, i'll try, nothing could hurt, the main thing is don't pay attention to him, keep quiet
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, i'll do the talking, hello, right? i'll come by, yeah, ho, i showed up, what do you need, hello, auntie, and here's for you, where did you dig it up, bought it in eliseevsky, aunt klar, prove, however, that there are still decent people in moscow, and where?
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i'll train her, and then she'll do everything herself, okay, i'll test her, cope, leave her, and if she doesn't cope, good riddance, come in, hello, i'd like to see masha lyano, and who are you, actually? i just came to get acquainted , to get acquainted, it sounds funny, i understand, you're late, young man, she doesn't live here anymore, i see, but how to find her, i don't know, and there's no point, she
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won't look at men for a long time, that's what i think, excuse me, take the bouquet, i, well... but it's not a bouquet, it's more like wine. goodbye. masha, come with us, i ask you to come, listen, if, if you disappear here, i will never forgive you for this in my life, if suddenly something goes wrong, if if something happens, call us right away, okay, i 'll send for you, nikita, okay, len, come on, let's go. that's it, mash, there's 4.5 hours of ice here, if
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necessary, i'll evacuate you from here myself, don't be afraid, we're always nearby, let's go, and you hold on, mashka, do you hear, you call, okay, well , that's it, bye, what! stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stand, stand, i said, well, you don't want to live in moscow, i'm not trying to persuade you, come on , one more time, like this, either you put a leash on him now, a collar, and take him out, or where are you from, lipetsk, you come back to your lipetsk and tell everyone that klara semenovna kicked you out of... he 'll bite me, if you don't care whether he bites you or not, he won't bite, but if otherwise,
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he'll definitely bite, let's go, you have to believe that you're stronger, then everything will work out, got it, i believe, forward, sit, sit , good, doggie, good, let's go for a walk. the team is nearby, that's how we'll earn money, you walk one day, i do the next, forward, well done, clever girls, both clever girls,
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so how should i understand you? well, i'm a writer , i write books, yeah, a writer, come here, books - that's good, can you write a letter? just something that would touch you, that would open your heart, to whom? yes, i have a friend , i've been trying to persuade her for half a year now... to come, but she's not this, she's not that, she still has doubts, i don't know this or that anymore
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, but we'll persuade her, comrade ensign, we'll persuade her, you say, well, look, we'll persuade her, ask me for whatever you want, for me a leave of absence to go to moscow, to see a girl there, a girl, well , look, mine will come, you'll get your leave of absence right away, i'm telling you this as an incentive, but it's impossible to do it any earlier, and it's time... no way, you won't have any incentive, eat it from gooseberries, royal, thank you, mm, delicious, no one makes it like that in moscow anymore, i lost the recipe, my mother also makes gooseberry jam, if you don't like it, don't eat it, i won't cry, well, are you very tasty? why did you stay in moscow anyway? do i
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want to work at mosfilm or on television? you've been living with me for 3 days already and you've never set foot there? well, you only prescribed it to me yesterday, i haven't even had time to transfer my things from the obchaga yet. yesterday, and you sat there all day today and didn't even notice, so tomorrow i 'll bring you vastankin, but i only remember. i'll lead you to the right person, then you're on your own, eat some delicious jam, thank you, no, sorry, i'm responsible for my words, that is why. no, oh well, well, i'll tell him so, i 'll personally tell him so, no, no, sorry, that's your personal opinion, i have nothing to do with it, yes, ok, that's it, that's it, what a nightmare, what do i owe you, they called you, i'm ilyina, they called me
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, you're ilyina, what do you want, i want to work for you, uh, work, here. yes, have you at least seen what's going on around here, it's a madhouse, only losers and psychopaths work here, by the way, who are you talking to you consider yourself, and you, i, yes, i probably count myself among those and others, and so far i am only a loser, well, you see, you have a lot of prospects ahead, well, wide open spaces are opening up , you know what i would advise you, ilyin, so you go now, leave the editorial office and go straight to the institute.
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then i would ask you very much, nothing happened between us, and what needs to be done? yeah, what needs to be done? it's simple, you should go to the sovetskaya hotel, the artist alexander razenbaum is staying there, so you will need to get from him, now, excuse me, no need to call here, we'll have to get his consent to come to our broadcast - on friday, okay, yeah, okay, but nothing good, i 'm warning you, he's already... sent us four times, and once in such a rude and cynical form, how is that, that's swearing, my dear, and swearing at me personally, he won't send me, yeah, yeah, let's hope, yeah, that's enough, well, are you standing there, you've received the assignment,
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go ahead, carry it out, well, that means tomorrow. to the stadium somewhere at 7:00, alexander yakovlevich, what, what, what is it? wait a minute, see how nimble she is, let her in, let her go, let her go, alexander yakovlevich, yes, i don't sing, i don't write poetry or music, i don't even want to meet you tonight, listen to me, and you will never regret it in your life. so, i have very little time, you have a couple of minutes, i'm from television, and i really need you to come to our live broadcast on friday. that's all, no, if you refuse me, i'll commit suicide, because there's nothing else left for me. firstly, you don't have to commit suicide, because no one will appreciate it, and secondly, tell your boss that he doesn't play by the rules, no, i won't pass anything on to anyone, if you refuse me, i 'll commit suicide, i
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'll drown myself. igor, why are we surrounded by crazy people all the time, tell me. i'm not crazy, honestly, am i asking you for something bad, after all, 2 years ago you didn't even dare to dream about such a thing, now refuse to be on air on central television, how do you know what i dreamed about 2 years ago, and so you'll come, well, i can't refuse such a beautiful girl, really, then come to an agreement with my administrators, when, what time and where, yeah, tell your boss, although no, it's better if he doesn't... call, and i 'll explain everything to him. thank you, please, and by the way, this interests me more than anything else in the world. what will i never regret? that you saved the life of a seriously ill person. well, i've been doing this for quite a long time. bye-bye. goodbye, thank you. bye. yes, no need, that's two. he
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'll come, who? oh well, he doesn't seem to be lying, but you can't play like that, so i work for you, i have a moscow residence permit, i do, well, what does that mean? work, hurray, i'll tell you both that i 'm very happy with the fact that you... don't pedal your mutual sympathy that you feel for each other, i think that's exactly how it should go on, mom, stop, but i 'm saying that... i think, i think that it's better to talk about everything than to remain silent,
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constrained, shy, well, even afraid to admit her feelings, you'll have to be more delicate with her, you know, sometimes it seems to me that we're like two puppets in your hands, so weak-willed on strings, and you deftly control us. just don't exaggerate, i i'm trying to help my daughter, but life is yours, and you make your own decisions, yeah, 47, 48, 49. come on, oh, i was young,
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if i wanted, i could move mountains, by the way, at 22 i was in charge of a department at a bank, and not just a department, a credit department, how my superiors respected me, the manager would say straight out, well where are you going, good girl, are we without clara? well, well, how did the guys run around with me, i was never like that, and why didn't you get married, for work, how did you not get married, who told you that i didn't get married, i really did, i'm still married, you don't believe me, and look, a wedding ring, a gift for my husband, it used to be his mother's, and his mother got it from his grandmother. his name was misha, we
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were 18 in 1944, we met at the institute, and when he got his summons, we got married, and 2 weeks later he was taken to war, he died, he died, but he didn't give me a divorce, oh.
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your time has long passed, and this is almost rudeness, no, rudeness is when someone is late for a meeting, and then tries in every way to disrupt it, if he remembers some past times, then, then you could remember that for some lateness in the past people ended up in prison, by the way, i don’t go for walks, you know very well how busy i am, that ’s great, take yana as your partner and unload together with her, you’re joking, now i’m more serious than ever,
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come in, so, you’re sleeping again, scarecrows, i wasn’t sleeping, i was thinking, as you thought, i heard your snoring in the hallway. there was no snoring, the creaking of the brain, but i promise not to do this again, i promise not to think anymore, hello, there are old people all around, no one to work, meet, this is our new employee, forgive me, i forgot your name, maria ilyina, just maria, it's not just maria, it's a future star, maria ilna, if stars light up, it means someone needs it, that's it, that's it. yes, but so far that hasn't happened, thank god, i want to warn you that our work is stressful, yes, seryozha, shut up, there's a lot of it, it's quite difficult, but at least it's not boring, i'm ready,
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lyudmila igorevna. uh-huh, my order. seryozha, where do we start? give me that box of letters. come on, come on, get moving. here, mashenka, these letters, they all need to be read. yeah. sort. and answer. sverdlovsk region. and all this needs to be done urgently. your workplace is near the window. well, what yes so somehow yes no, i'm talking about the new girl, how is she, and she tries. that is, are you happy with her?
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yes, quite, yeah, but i know, you arranged some kind of egyptian execution for her, well, you're a bitch, lyudka, come on, vadim, i have a lot of work, do you want me to unload it, please, for you always.
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you really like it, maybe you're even a little in love with him you really want to meet him, you can, well, i don't know, mash, you try, i'm sure you'll succeed, come on, masha, otherwise we're already exhausted, well, i don't know where to begin, just start, my dear, i've wanted to meet you for a long time, well , okay, i'll try, my dear, for a long time... i want to meet you, i think about you all the time, it's even strange how it happens, no matter what i do, no matter what i'm busy with, my thoughts are always about you, i imagine how you live, what happens to you? everything down to
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the smallest details, sometimes it seems to me that i'm watching a movie about you, i live in anticipation our meeting, i think i can convince you that i am worthy of you, i want you to understand. how strong my love for you is, wait, wait, about love - that's too much, you just want to see him, mashka, well, you are an artist, you painted everything so much, i almost shed a tear, what is this, they found a third eye, kindergarten, how are things with the letters, i'll finish in a week, it needs to be in 3 days, on monday you'll go with vashilov to film the ballet on ice. gorbachev
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took up the post of chairman of the presidium today supreme soviet of the ussr, but gromyka accordingly retired. what happened? well, they arrived with something wrong, i understand, and what to do now? look for a phone, call a technician, and you call yours. yes, it's a pity, a good interview. it will work out, volodya, wait, i beg you, give me 5 minutes, i'll try, please, just don't go anywhere, okay, where, to the sports palace, only we have no money, i can give you a pitak on the metro. please help me to the
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sports palace, but without money, only if you kiss my lips, let's do it this way: shchoku and phone number, agreed, here, here, quickly! and, and he says: kiss me, i'll take you, and what, she kissed me, yes, on the cheek, and gave me the phone, gave the phone to seryozha petrov, said that she was married and her husband always picked up the phone, but somehow he didn't call yet, didn't call, well done, everyone should follow the example, that's how it is. you have to work, and what if he asked her for something else? so, well, what are you dreaming about, that's, that's understandable. well, well , mash, i'll write you a bonus in the amount of a month's salary, and for the initiative and resourcefulness you showed, yes, thank you, why are we sitting here?
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let's go, we work, we work, congratulations, masha, thank you, this, seryoga went down in history. did you eat something, no, masha, that's something completely different, look at your breasts, look how full they are, and it's definitely toxicosis, i had it with my second. already the most 10 times a day, this can't be, maybe masha, maybe, oh my god, well, what's the news at work,
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one of our girls got pregnant without her husband, oh, masha, oh, stay away from them, there 's a disease there. and the hell, what could it be, oh my god, you have to go to such shamelessness to get pregnant, no one knows from whom, any another girl would have drowned herself from shame, these prostitutes, well maybe you shouldn't judge her so harshly, we don't know what happened there, but i, my friend, can't judge differently, forgive me very much, i'm old. i also wanted to tell you, i found an apartment with my girlfriends, what
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about masha, what apartment, well, you live with me, why are you unhappy with me? no, come on, i feel very, very good with you, but i can't live with you forever, i need to start on my own. no, independence is good, but the fact that you're leaving me is offensive, because only she lived for a month, that's for sure, like a good person, she leaves, only bastards remain around, i will come to you, don't promise, you'll deceive, nikita, nikita, nikita, hi, have you been crying or something, mashka? i called, she's pregnant, what from whom? kovler, you're an idiot, from whom, from whom, from vanka, that's who, that's the number, and how did lara react to this, she doesn't know anything, and
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vanka knows, he doesn't know anything either, mashka hasn't told him anything yet, nikita, we need to go to moscow, we need to pick up mashka, we need to bring her, you know, well, wait a minute, well, you ask her first, she's not a bicycle , you can't shove her into the... trunk, nikita, something needs to be done, that's right, that's right, i think, and the girl is golden, remember my words, she'll go far, she's tenacious, proactive, decent, and smart, which, you must admit, is important in our business, oh, vadim, i won't argue with you, only the market women are also tenacious, your car could have made an excellent administrator, but i'm afraid that won't happen either. why is that? i don't even know what she paid anyone for, only the fish your gold with caviar, it turned out, i see, what kind of fish, what kind of caviar? pregnant, your masha, i think, is already in her third month,
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it can't be, of course it can, miracles don't happen, and there are girls who are ready for anything, above the roofs, now we just need to understand who the happy father is, otherwise there are rumors according to the editorial board? govt, what are you making such a surprised face for? and i don't shoot, i dig pits, it's much better, and what else are you doing? and else? i write love letters to the whole company, really, yes, to all the soldiers, warrant officers and even two lieutenants, you are probably very popular person, of course, they even gave me a leave of absence, and i will have a child, and i know where, is it really already visible, you just became so smooth, you listen to yourself all the time, my experienced look doesn’t... will leave, i don’t know what
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to do, vitalik, i left clara, i’m living in a vgik dorm with a friend for now, i paid marat extra, and vanka knows, forgive him, he’s a kind, good person, well, a fool, of course, a careerist. and he loves you, though he himself doesn’t know it yet, and if he drives me away, then i’ll marry you, if of course you will, masha, you haven't seen seryoga petrovna, so it's all at dinner. "seryoga constantly takes my hands from my hand and doesn't put them back,
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it gets on my nerves, well then tell him about it, but i can't, i'm somehow embarrassed, well it seems to me that he will joke, like i'm greedy, volodya, you surprise me, you have such a masculine appearance and such an indecisive character, well what is this appearance, what is the shape of the skull, the cut of the eyes, the cheekbones"? you are not the main thing, the main thing is what is inside you, and i, you know, have been indecisive since childhood, i even found a bride for myself through the newspaper i'm looking, you're playing around, no, why really, but why, and that's a completely different matter, right there, i write an ad, and only those girls answer me who want to meet just like me, and there's even one, it's hard to believe, have you met her yet? no, she sent me a photo, but that's not the main thing,
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the main thing is what kind of letters she writes to me, volodya, well, she writes to you, well, there 's nothing like that there, i just want you to hear what kind of person she is, listen, my dear, i've wanted to meet you for a long time, i think about you all the time you, it's even strange how it turns out, no matter what i do, no matter what i'm busy with, my thoughts are always with you, i imagine how you live, what happens to you, everything down to the smallest details, sometimes it seems to me that i'm watching a movie about you. then, yeah, it hooked me, i read on, i live in anticipation of our meeting, it seems to me that i can convince you that i'm worthy of you, can you imagine when you received this letter, a week ago, and what about masha, what happened, masha? oh, great, masha, you decided to have a smoke, that's you write a letter to vashchilov, what kind of letters, you know yourself, what kind of you, why me, everyone writes, the whole editorial staff, it's a joke, a prank. to meet, why don't i know anything, come
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here my dear, i've wanted to come here with you for a long time, tell me , tell me, well tell me, tell me yourself, daddy loves you very much, daddy. loves you very much, loves, yes, that's it, now, sorry, i can't talk, sorry, wife, vadim viktorovich, i want to say that in our editorial office they make fun of a good person, who is this, you, why me, with i'm fine, i'm talking about vashilov, they're playing a prank on him, and in a very vile way, you mean the stories with the letters from the girls, you know?
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and that's much scarier, do you even know what kind of morals we have here, here they'll eat you up with your shoes on and not spit out your laces, that's what i gave you? this vasilov, well , he's a healthy guy, he'll sort himself out, you better watch yourself, you know, i heard you here, you know, i heard that you're a careerist, i heard that you 'll walk over corpses, i even heard that you're pregnant, not even that you're pregnant,
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you're about to go on maternity leave, do you understand what rumors are circulating about you here. about the pregnancy, it's true, i wonder, well, why didn't you tell me before you started working, i didn't know then, it's a pity, even, even a great pity, so, but wait a minute, this is for you, how old are you now, you'll be 18, i wouldn't do this. i have , what, 4 months before maternity leave, so 4 months, yeah, but wait, do you have close people in moscow, it's bad, so, you know what, mash, let's do it this way, look, you go to work now, yeah, and, well, just
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go and just work, okay, and i beg you, don't get involved in this story with vashilov, well, no need, well, you don't need this, you don't need it, you've already gotten involved, you've already gotten involved, yeah, okay, wait for new entries, pass it on to the companies, here they are, hello, so, yeah, that's it, go and work, bye, what do you want, i'm talking about lina, well, yeah, oh, how surprising, ah, it would be more surprising if you came here with a work plan for the next quarter, modem, i... and i told you, but you didn't believe me, now please, please, what will leave us everything, who is ilina, who, of course, where would she go, what, i don't know people, or what? volodya,
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those letters that you received from the girls are a prank, it's such a joke, our colleagues like to joke, i myself took part in it, involuntarily, so forgive us, please, is it true, guys, tell me that she's joking, seryozha? it's true, well, go home, and i'll go to the rector, okay, oh, forgive me.
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did something happen? "this doesn't concern you, everything that concerns ivan concerns me too, it's not by chance that you waited for him for a whole hour, i'm pregnant, that's it, you can go, listen, girl, maybe i
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seem like a monster to you, but someday you will understand me, maybe you won't forgive me, but you will understand for sure that you don't need it, nothing, many years ago i was just like you, standing pregnant in the middle of moscow, and didn't know what to do, where are you living now, in a geeky dorm with a friend, take this, call this phone, if you want to get rid of the child, if you want to leave, leave, it 's up to you, i don't need anything from you, take your money. take it, consider that i i lent you money. "we agreed to tell each other the truth, in a word, i, in addition to
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good news, have bad news, what exactly, i met with masha today, she couldn't get settled in moscow and decided to go home, i owed her money for the trip, what a scumbag i am, i betrayed her, kirill, stop, you can't do that here, "she lives nearby, in the vgik dorm, you can go to her now, but keep in mind that this is forever, or you stay, this is also forever, decide.
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let's go, and i know you, you study at vgik, when did you in the summer, i saw you often. i 'm not going anywhere, excuse me, take this, what am i,
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what a creature am i, what, mom, wake up, mom, what happened, why aren't you sleeping, mom, he wants, he feels bad, yeah, nonsense, what, mom, i'm scared, come here, lie down, it's important, a very emotional person, we talked a lot about you today, he told me how happy he is, all these are emotions, you know, he's crying from happiness, really. of course, kodyuzh, of course, from happiness, and from what else? mash, my
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burotina is going crazy, do you hear how he's screaming? and what's wrong with him? he got drunk, as always, that's why he's worried. okay, i'll go, i have to go. is anyone meeting you? no. how? no one knows that you gave birth? a friend. mate is far from here, of course, you're lucky, and this guy with all his relatives will come to pick me up, you won't figure out who's drunk whom, i'll go, wait, i think he's already left, let me walk you, yeah, masha, masha, masha, masha! tell me, tell me, are you a fool, tell me, are you a fool or not, i found out by accident from nikita, and if i hadn't
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found out, why didn't you tell me anything, well you scolded girls who give birth without a husband, you called them prostitutes, right, they are loose women, and you are not like that, what do you think, let's say, something bad might happen, you think, i didn't understand, give the child back, "masha, i congratulate you on the birth of your daughter, on behalf of our entire editorial team, of course, on
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my own behalf, thank you, so everyone in the car, took the child." thank you, i wonder why people like to lie so much?
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it's good to be friends with your neighbors, but we won't be lost without them in the modern, new architecture of the world, we already do without them, we are now in a state of harsh information
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war, it is possible to put a barrier to it in the simplest, most primitive way, we... the control system, it is a deal with the elites for their own peoples, but it is american , that is, they act against the interests of their own peoples, which revolve around us, mainly divisions, these are mechanized divisions from the third corps of the us army and the eighteenth airborne corps, that is, these are the same formations that, among other things... participated in iraq, yes, in all absolutely recent conflicts of the post-cold war, and even before the cold war, we we must definitely unite as a nation, we must understand that we are fighting now for our future, for the future of our children of the next generations, and there is no other option. the project is objective, do not miss new releases on the belarus24 tv channel.
3:00 pm
on air news, with you lyudmila kazak, good afternoon, watch in this release, verified, truthful and relevant content, you will be the first to know about the round-the-clock, informational, presentation, name and corporate style of the new national...


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