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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 28, 2024 6:20pm-7:01pm MSK

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good afternoon, on the air of the first national channel of the belarusian radio and tv channel belarus24 analytical project topical microphone, my name is evgeny meleshka, hello, i will introduce myself right away our guests: natalia korchevskaya, rector of the belarusian state university, culture,
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or name, and then we carry out this work, we are probably the only ones in the world who annually celebrate the day of the elbe on april 26, it has turned into our, our name day, the name day of our gymnasium, before that we hold a large civil-patriotic marathon, we have there are a lot of partners in this project, there are already partners in st. petersburg, and for us this is a message of uniting all the people of the world in the fight for peace, there is no other, it seems to me that you have a great future.
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i instructed you to make the school a temple, so i want to natalya vladimirovna first of all turn to you now, you feel that you have made the school a temple, including the higher school, well, for me it has always been a temple and the secondary school and we have always treated it with respect, i can. say that at least in that the institution where i work, which i head, we have actually, well, come close to the point where students understand that this is not just a pastime, and that this, as the president said at previous meetings,
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is not a sphere of providing services, although formally it is written educational services, nevertheless, this is a place where a person determines his future and the future of his country, therefore, yes, in my opinion... over the past 4 years , significantly, everything at once, as the minister said, cannot be resolved, but at least we have significantly reduced the number people who perceive what the state does for them, what the university does for them as a given, yes, they are starting, we have simply stopped being embarrassed, to say that somewhere it is not so, somewhere not everyone can get into, for example, the same university, not even everyone can finish school. and especially those opportunities that our country provides to support talented youth, i can already say as deputy chairman of the board of the presidential fund for the support of talented youth, they are not in every country, therefore gradually in my opinion, well at least
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we are recording that the attitude of both the children and the teachers themselves has changed first of all to the education system to the place where some work, others receive knowledge. well in higher education, young people always treat the teaching staff differently than at school, let's say i come from a family of teachers and at home i perceived them as my parents, but when i came to school my father taught a russian literature or russian language class, my mother did not, but this is already a teacher's family, and i i couldn't perceive him as a parent anymore, he was a teacher for me and it was a real thrill.
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in my time, when i was studying, there really was a thrill before the teacher, today, what is happening to us? after all, we lived through the nineties, and i remember how difficult it was for teachers, not even because of the financial situation, not because of the low salaries that teachers had. because of the attitude of students and their parents towards teachers, i remember this , my children grew up at that time, what is happening now? you very wisely noted that we at some point lost communication with parents, this is my 100% point of view, in search of relationships between teacher and child we lost a very important component parents. at that time what happened happened, and children at school received one
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information and treated the teacher, came home for some reason received another information, and could themselves, some parents still have to admit, what did he tell you, what did you answer him? we even at some point lost the knowledge of parents, and the teachers who teach their child history, geography, language. those subjects in which children are formed today, it is very great that recently this interaction with the family where the child is raised, it has really increased, today i can safely say that we communicate with parents, i agree that we have stopped hiding something, well, so that everyone is happy, no, if there is a problem, we identify it and identify it for everyone, and for teachers, and for children, and for parents. and today the main message is - to the students of our fifth gymnasium, all are good, you must be
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the best, you should be those with whom we will not be afraid to grow old tomorrow, we do not hide this information from them, we do a lot of work with parents, we show all our steps, sometimes we consult with them on how to do it better, how to act better, and today , speaking about schools, a temple, not a temple, i can say for sure, it is a family, and if it is a family, then it is a temple, a teacher, a teacher, yes, the role of a teacher in a child's life, it increases, and if the role of a teacher in a child's life increases, therefore the prestige of the teacher increases child, in the family, in society as a whole, it cannot be any other way. natalya vladimirovna, in higher education, communication with parents probably does not happen to the same extent, if it does, not to the same extent, of course , but nevertheless, we especially... for the parents of first-year students, who are often minors, and then
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we involve parents in the life of the university and even organize parent-teacher meetings for them, which did not always happen before, because, for example, my parents did not really know where the university was, this independent, and well then , people used to grow up earlier, now it seems to me that... parents are calmer when they see the conditions in which their children live, because they spend most of their time in a university dormitory, who teaches them, when they understand that they sent their children for 4 years to get a profession in a place that will give them a future, let's say so, this is especially important, oddly enough, for foreign parents who send them, including here, if there is an opportunity to invite them.
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the president also spoke about this, that the internet is the evil on which we must take this as the main threat, take this very seriously, by the way, zhanna evgenievna, how do you cope at school, he said a good phrase that teachers at school should think in advance what kind of primer a child who has been sitting in gadgets since he was a child should have
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, did you find a primer here? and we are looking for it, i can’t say that we have already found it. there is, but we are not sitting idle, and it is very important that we do not get involved in this work ourselves, yes, but we involve third-party specialists, interesting to children, who can tell them in a very modern, very stylish way, i will even say so, and correctly about those things that they consider modern brands of the internet, and we teach children... to use the internet for peaceful purposes, i will say jokingly, but this is really so, because today it is impossible for us to live without receiving some, children do not know how to get information not from newspapers, not from books, we teach them, they know how to get information from the internet from childhood, this internet should be safe, so we
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pay a lot of attention to cybersecurity, we have separate optional classes, we have separate lessons, but... yes, for some reason parents believe that children should be constantly connected, for parents this is important, they give a small child a phone, and for some reason he should always be connected, in the educational process we use phones, well no, we do not take them away, we use them, because today in textbooks there are a lot of augmented realities, that
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is, qr codes, through which we go to some films, pictures, images, that is, we use. space for educational purposes, absolutely this happens often, our national textbooks, they are supplemented with this, but children understand perfectly well when and where they can use phones, yes, in each class there is an organizer where children leave their phones when they do not need them, but when they do, we also use them, of course we use the negotiation room of our national platform, which today negotiation room by is actively using for some teleconferences we communicate educational institutions with other educational institutions, colleagues with colleagues, so without the internet today it is impossible, but we are obliged to teach children to use it as comfortably as possible for themselves, well, and fraud has not been cancelled either, children also become objects of fraud, so they also know about this, we carry out such work on an ongoing
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basis, well, yes, you see, if 100 years ago it was... the super task to teach writing, reading , counting, and this was the super task, really, then now we are talking about a completely different level, even from a young age, that we should from the age of 6, as we go to school, already begin to teach the child how in this world not to get into a difficult situation due to a lack of understanding of what the internet and topics bring us.
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that they are also given phones only to contact their parents there for half an hour, but depending on what institution is located, this is actually a big problem, i even read somewhere that there is a kind of psychiatric disorder, a person's dependence on the phone, when he cannot in general, do without it, and a person needs to understand that periodically it is necessary to turn off the information noise, to fall out of it, that life, as the president also said yesterday , is not...
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where it is not necessary to use a telephone, although on the other hand, when i, for example, gave lectures, we left long ago, and this is a requirement, we now do not teach children to take notes, yes, that is , there is no need to dictate to students, now a teacher or lecturer is no longer a bearer of sacred knowledge, yes, you can get information not just like we did before having gone to the national library, having ordered a book, that is, this path is much much shorter, the teacher should show the way to...
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i can't say that all, but yes, many, especially if children are moving from another educational institution to us. so how are you, what did you eat, what, what did you get? on the one hand, it is good when the relationship between parents of children is so close, on the other hand, it seems to me, this is overprotection, which i feel is somehow wrong, because my child leaves at 8:30 and then only comes in the evening, although we also have experience, when, by decision of the parents, last year the class teacher asked to buy a safe for the class, and the children come, call back. to the parents that they got there, all the phones at the end of the school day they take them away, well, it's great that there is such interaction between the teacher, lecturer, educator and
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parent, it seems to me that the prestige of the profession depends on this in many ways, if there is contact with the parent, and for a child, even if he is a student, the parent is still the most important authority, and if the parent says: you listen to your teacher, he will not teach you anything bad. this young man or woman, accordingly, will have an attitude towards the teacher, these are the main words that we want each of our children to hear from their parents. i remember well when i was little i said: "mom, you are not teaching me correctly, vera nikolaevna told me to write like this, and i will do it the way my first teacher told me, and my mother always supported this, and if today there is such support among the parent community, the question of the prestige of teaching in general it will fall away, it will not be relevant at all, today it is important for us, here is the faith of
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parents in us, if parents bring... it is necessary for that, i will continue with what i started with, so that we are not afraid of growing old, so that we know what the president spoke about yesterday, that our children will continue, support and become better than us, but the president spoke about something else, the president spoke about the fact that in your work there are no trifles, and every teacher should understand this, and that a teacher must be impeccable, in this sense
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, this high standard of this is needed bars. adhere to, because well, that i absolutely agree with what was said by the colleague, but we ourselves must understand that we must raise our professional level, not make mistakes and that there is simply a declaration that i am a teacher of higher education, even if i am an associate professor, professor or something else, you cannot earn authority, you need to be this authority in fact, and not seem to be. yes, but the president also said that there are a lot of, well, let's say, attacks from outside on our education system, a lot, we are now we are talking to you, and i am proud of what i hear, and i understand that we are returning, we have left a lot of that soviet school that we had, and this is probably absolutely true, but that soviet school,
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our current education system , is also being belittled, well, first of all in the west, but is everything really that good there, at least according to the information on the same internet, which we are discussing today, according to those feature films that hollywood is pushing on us and has pushed on us very often, we see something completely different, is it really better there, than we have, why do we compare all the time, all the time we ourselves are often in the position. of some - such people who are one step lower, well, i have been to different educational institutions in different countries, and again , leading educational institutions, these are the leading ones who have achieved recognition there, at least in the field of art, and for them it is not at all what hollywood films show or something else, and they have a very strict discipline, very, i returned from one internship there.
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my students were scared, because i i tried to apply the principles that they have, that is, everything that is said that we have no freedom there, there, what we are often reproached for, in fact, everything is regulated much more strictly there, starting from appearance, ending with what can be said, how can be said, i remember my classmate, she also studied abroad for some time, she says: if phones were not so widespread then, if the phone rang there, you will not go into this classroom to this professor anymore, that is, everyone knew this, so we do not need to be embarrassed to put framework, we have a lot of achievements for which we are criticized, but which some do not believe that they actually exist, i recently just went to an interview on a program in moscow, and even in russia, this system of ours , the distribution, for which
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we constantly talk about how bad it is, yes, they kind of perceive it as the greatest achievement, they say that it is true, do you really have all graduates get their first job, when we say that this is so, that a person is not abandoned to the mercy of fate, he is looking for himself at 21 there 22 years old depending on who finished their first job and does not know where to go either as a waiter or, he works in the profession o...
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great as they are trying to present to us, and the president was right yesterday to say so, if we are so bad, why are you always chasing after our graduates of medical schools,
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children are learning something, learning very freely, learning as they like, why is our school often criticized, in my subjective opinion, because we have frameworks and norms, we we demand, we demand, and this is good, from children and knowledge, today a self-respecting teacher will not be satisfied to give the whole class three or four points, leave work, no, i am a teacher, i am obliged to teach, this is again. teacher's prestige, i am not ready to agree with the fact that petya, masha, vova do not want to study, i am a teacher, i must teach them, this is probably what the soviet school taught us, we cannot do otherwise, and there is a certain
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indifference of the teacher, the teacher came, told, left, because even in japan up to the sixth grade there is practically no grade education system, then somewhere around 13 years. then you choose a profession with this profile, all this is not yours, and what to do next? our children are approaching the end of their education at the level of general-secondary education, they already understand, they are already, i think, adults who make their
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choice, i always talk to parents about this, this is not your choice, this is your child's choice, give him the opportunity to understand what he wants and support him in this as much as possible, therefore in fact, here is what ...
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some general scientific knowledge of approaches, therefore yes, our guys are really very competitive, let me brag, we have very successful graduates this year, there is a four-hundred-point result, we have
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eight hundred-point results, yes, the children study subjects at an advanced level, this is a gymnasium, this is only a profile, but this year we had a competition, i will remind you that today in our studio, there were guests, the rector of the belarusian state university of culture and arts natalia korcheskaya and the director of gymnasium number 5 of the city of minsk zhanna. gvost. it was the program actual microphone. thank you all for your attention, see you tomorrow, take care of yourself. we do not tell.
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