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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 28, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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give until riga raises the barrier. according to bilateral agreements, the capacity of both our grigorovshchina checkpoint and the neighboring paterneeki is 200 trucks per day. however, we are seeing a picture where the latvian country is in no hurry to implement the agreements reached. on average, up to 30% per day is only issued to the neighboring side. exactly 30 years ago , dedication to book printers and masters of words was born in belarus. polotsk was the first to host the day of belarusian literature, a holiday of the native words. has become a significant cultural event in the country, since 1994 it has been moving to cities that are associated in history books, with book printing and the birthplace of recognized writers. this saturday, the center of the celebration will be ivatsevichi. an expedition of representatives of the creative scientific intelligentsia and clergy set off for the capital of writing. the road to the shrines started from the holy spirit cathedral in the capital. well, first of all, we ourselves perform in front of different audiences.
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only in the city of magilev, in bobruisk, but in our regional centers, where there are also many caring, kind, merciful people who respond to the call of the red cross and provide all possible assistance in preparation for the new school year. belarus and china continue to strengthen cultural ties, today a chinese book center opened in the national library in minsk, about a thousand publications were donated by the chinese international communication group. on the shelves there is a variety of genres. from historical chronicles to modern works by chinese authors. literature the celestial empire is available in three languages: chinese, russian and english. the chinese book center has already been created in 15 countries in europe, asia, latin america, and belarus has become the sixteenth. yae gіstoryya. pryroda.
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hello, the program "sas" is on air , i am authorized to declare. i am its host nadezhda sas, i welcome you, i remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. the topic of today's program is why the west lost the sanctions war, we will discuss this in more detail immediately after the digest of key events in world politics this week. on august 22, president of belarus alexander lukashenko met with premier
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of the state council of china litian, who visited minsk on an official two-day visit. the belarusian leader noted that the documents that were signed between the countries are of fundamental importance. one of them can definitely be called historic, this is the agreement on the creation of a free trade zone for services and investment. belarus - the first country in the eurasian economic union with which china is concluding such an agreement, the president noted. it is expected that in the next 5 years, the export of belarusian services to china will grow by at least 12-15%. and investments in belarus by at least 30%. during the official visit, prime minister of belarus roman golovchenko and premier of the state council of the people's republic of china lixiang held talks in a narrow format, the parties made a statement on strengthening cooperation in several sectors: trade, security, energy and finance. china and belarus will also strengthen cooperation in industrial supply chains and will continue to enhance trade facilitation to reduce costs for both sides. belarus intends to deepen cooperation with the greater guangdong bay area, hong kong-macau, and the megapolis.
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u.s. vice president kamala harris has officially accepted the nomination as the democratic presidential candidate. harris has defended ukraine and nato, criticizing republican candidate donald trump's previous comments on the war in ukraine. according to the vice president, she warned kiev about the beginning of the conflict 5 days before the fighting began, and also helped shape the us diplomatic response to russia's military operation in ukraine. in june, on the sidelines of a peace conference in switzerland. harris said that washington supports kiev not for the sake of charity, but to preserve a world order that is beneficial to itself. republican candidate donald trump has repeatedly spoken out about the need to limit support for ukraine. in august , he also said that one of the main reasons the beginning of the conflict in the country was the public statements of us president joe biden
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that kiev could join nato. indian prime minister narendro modi arrived in kiev. the official visit lasted one day, during which modi held talks with volodymyr zelensky. as friends and partners, we hope for the speedy restoration of peace and stability in the region, the indian prime minister noted. according to him, he continued previous conversations with zelensky and also exchanged views on a peaceful settlement of the conflict. at the same time, as the agency wrote bloomberg was not going to act as a mediator, but was ready to convey a message between putin and zelensky if necessary. narendra modi visited moscow in early july. at the time, he noted that he felt optimistic during his conversation with putin and that he had hopes for the future, according to modi, he heard the position of the russian president and his positive views. in february 432 bc, the athenian assembly approved the so-called megarian psifisms. people from the city of megara were prohibited from trading in markets of athens, their ships to enter the ports
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of the athenian maritime union. in fact , a blockade of megara was established. the city's residents had no choice but to complain to the athenians' rivals, the spartans. so because of the first known.
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this time is not only problems, a time of lost profits, yes, in this case, profits, we have received many benefits, but the war is not over yet, so i think that it is still time to sum up the results, here is alexander, and what do you think, here is the west could have assumed that by introducing sanctions against the allied state the russian federation, the republic of belarus,
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shot themselves in the foot, because the current economic situation in the same european union, it is clear, the key bonuses from this sanctions war were won by the united states of america, but there is a victim, and in this case it is not us. yes, they are losing this battle, and the goals they set for these sanctions have not been partially achieved, why partially, because the damage from them is inflicted primarily on european countries, to call this an unfortunate development of events for the united states cannot, but this is a long war, we must remember that in general it did not begin in the twenty-second year, not in the fourteenth, but it is being waged, but we can trace the history there to 1548, when sanctions were introduced against ivan the terrible, who hired specialists abroad, but they did not arrive because of... these sanctions there by one of the baltic orders, so in this regard we
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are winning in this situation, yes we got unexpectedly, one might say, for them the effect is the opposite of what they expected, and the process of import substitution, be that as it may, but it is happening, and the de-dollarization of the economy is going on, and the growth of settlements in national currencies is happening, so that they did not succeed in many things, but nevertheless , we have results... not a recession, stagnation, but it is unlikely that this is the result of victory or loss,
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so to speak, of the west or we expect the results of the sanctions that the west introduced against us, therefore the west is a number of countries that are purely politically opportunistic because of the policies of their leaders, who are working for someone unclear, not their own electorate, for the same west, great britain, here it received that is, the hostages here are such a multifaceted picture, well, by the way, we... and is present between states, when we talk about the same collective west, not about a specific organization, about the unification of countries, that model of relationships, which , unfortunately, is present exclusively dominant the rest, well, satellites, i don’t know what to call other states correctly, which, unfortunately, for the sake of the same united states of america, forget about their exclusively internal sovereign interests, now i would like to draw attention to on the chronology of the introduction.
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on march 9, 2022, the eu council approved a new package of sanctions against the financial sector of belarus , including disconnection from swift of three large belarusian banks, a ban on
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when there are no such goods, the people will take to the streets in the squares and sweep away this government. this is what, to what insanity can be reached when imposing sanctions against this group of goods. it seems to me that this characterizes the policy of the west in general. yes, colleagues, with your permission, i will add, striving to inflict another crushing blow to the economy belarus, the european union has recently adopted a new package of sanctions, including a ban on supplies to our country from the european union.
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russia has the right to request compensation from the government of the russian federation, that is , entrepreneurs from germany, france, italy, can write a request to the government of the russian federation, we have applied sanctions against you, we have suffered losses, please compensate us for this, they have such a right. koltashova, economist, director of the institute of new society, vasily georgievich, i greet you, hello, we are talking about
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sanctions policy, who won, who lost, one of the goals of the western sanctions pressure was called restricting access. companies from russia and belarus to innovative technologies in order to complicate their technical modernization, it is impossible to deny that in the west there are many developments of inventions that were important for the extraction of minerals at great depths, for the creation of modern electronics, the modernization of mechanical engineering and so on. to what extent in this aspect does western pressure harm large medium-sized business in the union state, in your opinion? well, in my opinion, it causes damage, simply because. in the nineties, in the noughties, the stake was made on the services of western companies, in particular the schlemberger company, as a result they received, well, quite profitable contracts. another thing is that the unpleasant moment that we are experiencing is still now, and it will have consequences for the restoration of our own technical, production base,
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including the engineering base, in terms of developments, which will lead to ... a complete elimination of dependence on the west, yes, because we know that, for example, equipment from the schlemberger company, it continues to come to russia, there were publications about this in the us, like, oh-oh-oh, what can we do, but in fact , the americans are not really trying to block their own trade with russia, they primarily want the european union to stop trading with russia, selling us primarily high-tech products, not to mention... not only and not so much against russia and belarus initially, well and if we talk about the period from 22 to 24, then to what extent were they generally aimed against the european union, since
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the competitiveness of american industry has been declining for a long time, now they are reporting that since... the year their labor productivity in industry has not grown and in general things are hard, this year alone they have 132,000 people laid off in the high-tech sector, which means they need to break their ally faster in order to have their own positions stronger and use its market to support their own industry, especially high-tech, so destroying the industry of europe is one of the goals of the sanctions policy of the west, it is achieved. that is, it works, here they are, they create problems for us, we solve these problems, we develop, we move forward, but who, who completely, so to speak, succumbs to the pressure of sanctions, who they hit most effectively, it is germany, these are other european countries, they are deprived of their competitive advantages, in particular consisted of energy supplies from russia, we understand this, but
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do the representatives of european countries understand what a hole... the people are waiting for this, so to speak, that the ordinary electorate, it has actually doubled housing and communal services, and not only in germany, but in poland, so to speak, in the countries of south-eastern, so to speak. europe, so there is understanding, and another thing is what to do? but here i would also like to note one more factor, which seems to me to be important,
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that is, when we talk about sanctions, then we need to understand that it was not the collective west that lost, but one country specifically, the united states of america. yes, indeed, germany was destroyed, in fact, it has now moved towards stagnation, but politicians, they are not eternal, they are removed by the electorate, so , well, how... the chinese say: you have to sit on the mountain and wait until, so to speak, the corpse of your enemy floats past you, so i want to draw attention to the direct speech of alexander lukashenko, the belarusian leader noted who actually gets profit, who, on the contrary, suffers from this, in this case there are no restrictions for the republic of belarus, because a fairly effective reorientation has occurred, but even those countries neighboring the republic of belarus,
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in my head, well, i think, alexander, you will agree that in some ways the current position of the european union resembles the relationship between ukraine and the russian federation, which were absolutely unhealthy and illogical, because for a long time ukraine, harming itself, tried to harm the russian federation, but in the end in the end we see what this has led to, that is, in every action, especially if it is the leader of the state or a number of people making decisions in a particular state, from which they should push off. first of all , take care of providing financial, yes, comfortable life of their citizens, but ultimately the situation is completely different, there
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common sense is replaced by political expediency, which is sent down from overseas, over national european authorities, the european council, the european commission and so on, which are represented by such people as there ursula vondelaien, as the head of the so-called diplomacy of the european barrel, they do not work off. the interests of the peoples of european countries, after the second world war, for many decades, after the liberation from the german fascist occupation, these countries were occupied by the united states, the occupation continues to this day, these so-called political elites were raised over the decades, when we say, how is this possible, look, we give you such wonderful conditions for cooperation, stable supplies at low prices hydrocarbon prices, we provide our market, what do you lack, they say, we are not interested, well... who is interested in ursula or scholz to carry out the will of the german people, the global media are driving around the brains of european residents, introducing into their
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consciousness that russia is an enemy, it wants to conquer you there, i don’t know, go to the borders of nato countries and so on, instilling in them, in general , some kind of modern neo-nazi ideology, where russia is an enemy. recently, these same trips have become quite frequent foreigners to the russian federation. this tragedy: eastern finland, which lived off the influx of russian tourists, off the railway that connected st. petersburg and finland, and off
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the boat excursions, all of this is now completely destroyed, eastern finland has turned into a subsidized region for its own state, and people who, well, continue to communicate, we live there in extreme closeness to each other, we have... in addition to the communication of our establishment, there is also purely human communication, for example, like we were friends with the university of turku, we are friends because we graduate specialists in the same field, we used to have academic mobility, we would go to each other to give courses, send students, now it is officially banned, but you can’t ban human relations, when we see statistics or sociology in the finnish media that all finns are 75% for joining nato, colleagues here write: don’t believe it, they changed all sociology the other way around, there are only 13% for it, and some percentage is hesitant, and 78 are categorically against this joining, therefore
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really a breakaway.
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they preach, that is, in fact, they, well, everyone is fighting with everyone else, that is, this is abnormal, simply abnormal. i will also add that the policy of sanctions is intended to evoke a kind of pavlov's dog reflex in international life, sanctions are often aimed at weakening the enemy in the event of noticeable tension or a long dispute, they also often hide economic problems behind the assertion of great principles, and finally they seek to punish for what is considered a violation of international order, in lack of consensus on more radical ones. the targets are usually major players in the international system that cannot be directly challenged by other means, such as russia, china, iran, and currently the republic of belarus, but due to the split in the international community, sanctions are increasingly being adopted on a regional basis, in particular the eu sanctions against belarus and russia, which is further evidence of the weakening of the global security architecture and the tendency towards the creation of a more multipolar world, and vasily
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georgievich, i want to discuss with you again. a problematic issue, a separate aspect - this is the brain drain, this has always been a problem in the post-soviet space, but in the last 2 and a half years the west has literally forced young scientists, it specialists, even athletes to move from belarus, from russia, to continue their careers, that is, this is a kind of blackmail, in the end, in many areas of modern science it is simply impossible to work seriously without participating in scientific exchange information, foreign colleagues, and belarus and russia in this regard, here is their artificial... and we find a lot of confirmation, here are the possible solutions, maybe use interaction with friendly countries, the same as china, to include scientists in their cooperation programs with the western scientific community? it is difficult for me to judge what is happening in belarus with the academic system, but in russia everything is very unhealthy with it, not healthy, because it is bureaucratized, young people simply do not can make a normal academic,
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scientific career, simply because... well , you need to sit through a phd, then you need to somehow defend yourself, in the case of economists, the defense, well, how can i say, it's generally a money-making matter, and as for the other areas, well, technical areas are probably much better there than the exact sciences, engineering, it's in good shape compared to the humanities, but in general - there are a lot of steps, a lot of bureaucracy, extremely bureaucratic reporting, so it's very easy to lure them away, it is very easy to lure for...
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now in india business schools are very widely developed, then, when both russian and belarusian programs were deprived of nba accreditation, so to speak, in leading western business schools, many today are related as partners to the same india and china. in belarus, entire programs are being implemented for the exchange of not only students, but also scientists. programs that are financed by the government of belarus and russia. therefore
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, i think that this is the situation that was. sciences of russia, how can you not know how things are, what my colleague was talking about is 25 years ago, probably, i prepare it myself, bring it to the defense, in september one of my postgraduate students in sociological sciences is defending, this is a social humanitarian profile, my postgraduate student recently defended his thesis, defenses are now taking place in different councils, internal and bakovsky, there is such a right, defenses are effective, over the past 5 years we have increased the level of defenses. by 27%. and the system is far from bureaucratic. moreover, academic ties with other countries are well-established. my department has been conducting a project with people's republic of china, we are studying the social credit system together, how
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it affects chinese society, how it is perceived in general in world science. therefore , it seems that my colleague is stuck somewhere around 30-20. we need to speak responsibly, that is, we cannot take and'. that's how the reform went, did the person not notice, there is another problem in the russian federation, i am talking about russia, as an alternative to belarus, this is the dominance of the so-called principle of the washington consensus, the basel convention, the dominance of monetary policy, and moreover
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, policies based on western recipes over support for the real sector of the economy, how can we talk about support for the real sector of the economy, the prefix refa 18% and the announcement of 20%, when having become higher than 10%, the economy in principle should not work, this is the problem of following these western standards , this is the problem today, so to speak, of russia, the economy as such, it is, by the way, in defiance of the theses on support, so to speak, of the real sector of the economy, innovations, instructions of the russian president, as an example, here the level of inflation that is being fought in the russian federation, through monetary methods, refinancing rates, we are solving this. through social justice, through regulating the price chain along the entire chain of added value, this is exactly in line, oddly enough, with russian experts, western standards, france, germany, great britain
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and even the usa, this is hushed up, the role of the state in the market economy is hushed up, here, probably, in russia, it is not my business to advise, but it seems to me that today it is time this question, and the russian ones, so to speak, so on...
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i love people, those who work here, i have a feeling that i come to my home, watch the project quality mark on our tv channel, we will introduce you to the people of our country, artist of the grodno regional puppet theater of the honored collective of the republic of belarus, leading master of the stage, i was very pleased, of course, that such a fairly short period of time i was so received and medals for one title and the second, here they have a lot behind them.
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i remind you, on the air the program sas ospredelennym to declare we continue our heated discussion, i am grateful to the participants of today's program for their activity for the discussion moments , because the truth is born in them. vasily georgievich, you do not agree with how european society reacts to... the sanctions policy, from which it itself already suffers, absolutely, so i must say
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honestly that we have an incorrect, widespread incorrect idea of ​​the mood of europeans, and how they are set up, this is not so recently shown by the mass protests of farmers in france, when at an agricultural exhibition, farmers broke through to macron and began to express all their complaints about the dire situation, then they, in response to his reproaches, said, we are not against ukraine, we are not against ukraine, we are not for russia in general, that is. they still, in their majority , perceive russia as prey, and belarus too, as something that will solve their problems. i am talking about the unconscious level of the european average person. i know that many finns are so inclined, that just like that, at the click of a button , there will be no protests against nato, although they should be. society quietly swallowed finland's entry into nato. a society of pacifists, it seems. the same thing happened in sweden. therefore, what we must understand in this situation is that the peoples are not... first of all, they bear responsibility, that is, the european peoples bear responsibility
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for what they allowed, it was accepted to believe that the peoples are never responsible for anything, because as stalin said, the hitlers come and go, but the german people remain, of course they remain, but no one removes responsibility from the european peoples for what they have allowed, they must fight against the united states, expel them, because the united states is destroying their economy, depriving them of a future, and the united states is a beneficiary of the war of sanctions, another thing is that... the states have a destroyed digestive system, they have already decomposed themselves with their financial policy, so this is what they get in the form of the murder of european industry, it does not create an economic boom there, but still joe biden constantly emphasized that economic growth in the us, relative stability, even prosperity there, as he imagined it, is the result of his policy, and we know that this policy is paid for by the reduction of industry in germany and in other countries , the reduction of jobs there and the destruction of the middle class there. which and this process actually horrifies those who left
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belarus or russia to look at the wonders of western civilization, they are generally unhappy with what they see, because it doesn't look like a fairy tale, it doesn't look like a blooming garden at all, that's what's happening, but at least it brings a special smile, a hidden joy, but because it seems to me that justice has prevailed, i would also like to discuss a difficult issue in more detail, because a separate big problem is air traffic, we can puff out our cheeks as much as we like and say that everything is fine, but speaking about myself personally, from talking to belarusian and russian acquaintances, i can say that the narrowing of the road to europe to the narrow istanbul few people consider the vents convenient, and whether some of the turbo patriots like it or not, many in the west have a business, real estate, relatives, friends, today, of course, if you are a patriot of your country, you should forget about it or at least try to move all this to the place where you live and for the sake of...
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germany for the first half of the year 0.1%. the european union -
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0.7% - this is only in the plans for the twenty-first year , in fact, so far 0.3. the united states declared 2.5
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is always there, therefore those players who only profit from conducting military actions, they, naturally, in no case even want any rapprochement or finding compromise solutions between ukraine and russia. yes, i agree with you. as for business, you know, we have the st. petersburg international economic forum every year. i constantly participate in this forum as an expert at a number of venues. and every year i see more and more european business representatives, american business representatives, whose travel was even restricted this year, who come to the st. petersburg international economic forum in order to conclude such private partnerships and agreements with russian business, with belarusian
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business, with the business of those countries that come to the smf and do this, well, in such a private manner, in isolation.
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the growth rate today is formed precisely by the growth of the global economy, they today must understand that india has become the leader today, so to speak, the leading speaker of the g7, in september this g7 forum will be held, and there will be an agenda to hear the voice of the south, that is , today not just russia, not just belarus, some iran, yes, there cuba, are starting to revise the unipolar world, and already a whole... economy, sco, brigs, here is the global south, are beginning to question, not just question, but generate a new world economic order, that is, this process. irreversible, this is a new paradigm of world, world politics, i would say so. vasily georgievich, little is said about the fact that
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the need to fight for economic stability makes partnership with such difficult countries for interaction as turkey or qatar especially significant, and often over these 2.5 years ankara received concessions from moscow that it could not have counted on in other geopolitical conditions, why so few? in the state equation than the stability of individual sections of the front. well, probably because the russian economy is growing and growing quite dynamically, despite the high interest rate of the bank of russia, and here such a factor as capital, accumulated capital, is included, that is, if a business has its own money, it does not need borrowed money, borrowed money is the last. refuge of medium and small capital, and at large businesses that are developing significant production volumes, they don't need it, they have huge funds,
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including off-shore ones, the president's task is to return this money, this is if we talk about sustainability, the second very important point of what is happening is that the growth of the russian economy, in general the development of the economies of the brics countries is happening with a weak role of the west, that is, these are not carriages that follow the western locomotive, when the rise in the american... starts the rise of the world economy, the situation is actually standard for the period from 1880 to 2008, even to 2013, the weakness of western economies opens up opportunities for new economies, for new industrial leaders, in particular for india, in particular for russia, this does not relieve them of various accumulated problems, like china has accumulated considerable problems, but it gives opportunities to grow and understand these mechanisms, this is still... very difficult, because the situation is truly unique, yeah, yeah, you know, i agree with you, alexander, it seems to me
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that when 2.5 years of the ukrainian tragedy have passed, the russian federation, because the republic of belarus is our internal struggle, unfortunately, our brothers, western partners, became aware of it, they manipulated it very skillfully, played such a shameless game of chess, but ultimately, as...
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central banks, in my opinion, the central bank of russia has caused more damage with its activities than all 14 packages of sanctions, because with the current rate of 20 there 18%, which will most likely be increased further, the development of production is impossible, thanks to the government, which, despite this rate, finds opportunities and implements many projects there under completely different conditions, but nevertheless , it is impossible for the entire economy to develop under such...
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that it was also difficult to predict what these jumps were connected with, i think, in certain periods of time, but at the moment we see such a situation, for the russian federation it is quite positive. you know, even before the announcement of sanctions, before 2014, until we became the most sanctioned country, russia was called a country with a resource curse, that is, a country that sits on oil needle, and which... is only engaged in selling off its energy resources and this supports its economy and so on. you know, there was some
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truth in this, because... to engage in the development of technologies, a technological revolution, it is really resource-intensive in all respects, both financial and intellectual, and it technologies are needed, when you have these resources, you can support the economy with these resources, of course, both the ruling elite and the russian state have used this, since the announcement of sanctions since their tightening, just in the twenty-second year, and it was necessary to completely revise the entire system. management and economy of the country, and from a country with a resource, with an oil curse, so-called, it will turn into a country that begins to develop all its resources and make these incomes from the oil and gas complex, so to speak, incidental income, and not the main income, of course, everything that is happening in the world with respect to oil and gas quotes, yes, it
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affects russia, because we really have large... now the system of management of the oil and gas sector has been restructured, here colleagues complain about the increase in the key rate of the central bank, yes, of course, this is a real blow to us in the gut, but we understand perfectly well why this happened in order to contain the growing inflation, and inflation is caused primarily by sanctions, so we understand this, but it does not make it any easier for us, but now we rely not only on the oil and gas sector,
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we understand that we also have other resources, well, you see, many were delighted the speed with which the european union , during the first year of the conflict in ukraine, adapted to the sharp reduction in imports of russian gas via pipelines, supplies were not completely stopped, they continue to transit through ukraine, through the territory through which three large pipelines are laid, and it is really impossible to dispute the ability of a number of european countries to adapt, for example, the same germany, they have repeatedly recalled today, accelerated the construction of terminals for the delivery of lng, however... the price of these significant changes are too often hushed up, while gas producers, even great britain, norway have benefited from the new situation, again, new such beneficiaries from this given war, and but the main beneficiary of sales of its shale gas has become first of all the united states of america, and these changes in supplies have cost the european economies very dearly, now
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gas here is three to four times more expensive than in the united states of america. that is, the competitiveness of the european economies suffered greatly and brussels is not affected even worse, since it does not abandon its goal of introducing comprehensive sanctions against russian hydrocarbons by 2027, this is rather the result of our discussion today, once again confirmation of who won and who lost, we are approaching the final round of our program today, i want the final word to be heard from the lips of each participant, vasily georgievich, please, let's sum it up. we need to carry out various counter-reforms, eliminating the heavy legacy of neoliberalism era, without masking this legacy, saying that it does not exist, but by eliminating it, this path of counter-reforms, it is inseparable from the path of industrial development, because pay attention that the main thing we now need is technically competent personnel, these are technicians and engineers, we have quite a lot of accountants, we have a lot of economists, sociologists, lawyers, we do not
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have enough people who have specific knowledge that can be applied in material production, i am talking here about russia and the union state as a whole, because this is a very serious problem, it is impossible to solve it without pulling out the lapdog from inside yourself, so the lapdog needs to be pulled out from inside the russian academic system, destroyed, so that there is no more lapdog there, not sitting there, not just renamed, but removed, and then, further, raise the quality of secondary education even more, and we will get, we will close this main problem, because we have two serious problems in growth - these are personnel. and this is expensive real estate, i think the union state is on the right path, georgy vasilyevich, please, well, everything is said very correctly, the world is really changing, there are really trends, but i would like to warn a little or caution against excessive optimism, that is, today, if we talk about the union state, the share in the world economy is in the region of 2-3%, that is, this is about 3 trillion us dollars, that is, from
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the point of view of the gross indicator, we cannot influence the processes with that... sovereignty, therefore we need to talk today about consolidation, unification, formation trillions of dollars are spent on this united and union state within the framework of the sco, brics, here is the global south, and this is probably a challenge, well, as if for all the authorities and for business as well. thank you, alexander dutchak, yes, yes, i think we need to develop relations within the framework of the sco, brics, with our partners, build our sovereign policy, get rid of, as was said, the legacy of the past, we need mobilization, mobilization of the brains of everyone, mobilization of the economy, mr. aleksanovna, please, and on behalf of the union state
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i would like to say to the west and the united states of america you will not wait. i am grateful to all the participants of today's heated discussion, i was delighted, i hope that our esteemed viewer is also pleased, at the beginning of our program i mentioned the first known sanctions from the history of migars. psiphisms, ancient authors claimed that the ruler of athens pericles achieved their adoption under the influence of his beloved hitera about the savior and had personal scores with the inhabitants of the city of megara. and the first famous woman, the creator of the intellectual soviet salon, which was visited by socrates, and herodotus, contemporaries accused of many things, including sanctions that gave rise to the war. well, let's see who will be accused of the current sanctions war after some time, but taking into account morals. in the west, it is unlikely to be the love of a strong charismatic man for a beautiful woman. thank you, it was a program with authorized to declare. see you in a week. europe is the main victim of western sanctions
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against the union state. in belarus, in my opinion, it is very rational and correct. which is dictated by logic, it is raining, people don't have roofs in their houses, but they bargain, this is the desire to put logic in emergency situations, above some papers, this is one of the reasons why alexander grigorievich
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is a leader, and not just a politician, he is ready to take responsibility along with the risks, and does this regularly. author's project by igor turai, propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.


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