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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 29, 2024 2:00am-3:11am MSK

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there is no way out of the clinch. the parties really want to sort things out with each other, but it is impossible to do so without catastrophic consequences for themselves. we will talk about the next sharp steps in this protracted macabre dance of two inseparable enemies in today's program. i welcome alexander borisovich olesin, a military expert, to our studio. hello. good afternoon. for the first time in our program, nikolai petrovich, parkhidko, associate professor of the russian university. friendship of peoples, member of the russian military historical society, candidate historical sciences, i welcome you, i also add to our broadcast karina gevorgyan, orientalist, international expert, karina aleksandrovna, i welcome you, hello, as per tradition, we begin our discussion with a blitz question: has the threat of a major war in the middle east passed in the near future? karina aleksandrovna, how would you answer this question? you see, i would not take on such a thankless task as predicting such.
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changes, i will try to comment dialectically, the fact is that the alternative it would be a reasonable decision if it had passed, but unfortunately we see that the western elites, to which benjamin netanyahu certainly belongs, have very rarely pleased us with reasonable decisions in the last decades, so the threat remains. karina aleksandrovna, and what do you think, is this what produces this position taken by mr. netanyahu and israel as a whole? because israel cannot accept the fact that not everything is allowed and that it does not have the right to use certain actions, even such aggressive ones. you know, it seems to me, that netanyahu missed the beginning of the process when israel ceased to be a valuable, super-valuable asset for the united states as a whole, the western bloc, to some extent even.
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the fighting will cease, he faces prison. let me remind you that the situation in the middle east has worsened due to the attack on the head of the political bureau of the palestinian movement hamas ismail haniyeh in the center of tehran, iran blamed the incident on israel, promising a quick and tough response. tel aviv warned that tehran would pay a high price in the event of an attack on jewish states, we will tell you the details in our story. the assassination of the hamas leader threatens to escalate
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tensions in the middle east. the head of the palestinian movement's politburo, ismail haniyeh , was killed on july 31 as a result of a missile strike on his residence in tehran. he was there for the inauguration of iranian president masoud pesichkian. hamas blamed israel and the united states for the assassination, while in israel itself the topic remains closed. ministers are prohibited from speaking out about haniyeh's death. the radical movement said that they are leaving the right to a tough response for... the murder in hamas emphasized that haniyeh's death will not affect the movement's position in the negotiation process with israel, but the jewish state will nevertheless pay a high price for this crime. the iranian authorities are conducting an investigation, but experts are already unanimous in their opinion that the murder of the politburo leader threatens to escalate tensions in the middle east. any attempts to resolve the situation were immediately under threat. negotiations between the parties were already extremely difficult, in recent months, it was not possible agree to. on a temporary
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ceasefire. now the situation has become even more complicated. the liquidation of hania poses a greater threat to the lives of the hostages. today, there are more than 100 people. the israeli army is having an extremely difficult time rescuing its fellow citizens, while the pressure on the government in this regard is not weakening, crowds of local residents regularly take to the streets of israeli cities, demanding that their relatives and friends be returned home. whether this will be possible in the near future is an open question, since a number of experts do not predicts the outbreak of a full-scale war in the region, analysts are only competing in forecasts of when exactly the retaliatory strike will occur. some believe that revenge is served cold, others are sure that iran will not wait. there is an opinion in the world media space that iran may take measures against israel in the very near future, in particular, this was stated by the american media , citing officials. and here, karina alexandrovna, we are accustomed to the fact that israel and iran are the worst enemies, but
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there is much that is strange in this confrontation. these the states are not neighbors and have no territorial claims to each other. and in the struggle for influence in the muslim world , israel is not a rival to iran, and not even economically. they do not compete in any way, but what about the hostile attitude of the iranian elite towards israel? let us designate exactly, your view, what is the reason then? let us dwell on the rhetoric used by the iranian leadership, they never speak out against jewish statehood, they talk about the zionist regime, which is toxic for the region, creates... a huge number of problems of dangers, including through the palestinian issue, which we have seen, because 4,000 dead in gaza is nothing new, as they say, yes, this is really genocide in essence, in connection with this, the international criminal
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court, which we certainly do not respect, but nevertheless, and applications to judge israel on this platform have already... been initiated, that is why in this case i remember that the iranian side did not object earlier before the start of these events, at least in gaza, before october 7 against the creation of a diplomatic format for settling the conflict between tel aviv and tehran, and telaviz was against it, so there is no diplomatic format for... settling these relations, and now at this time iran was creating its own axis of resistance, it has very serious positions in iraq, in lebanon, in syria, and as we have seen,
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it helps ansarul, in yemen, in this sense , the task of the iranians is to ensure maximum security for their own country, which , i will remind you, has, unlike israel, a fairly large military-technical and military power, and strategic depth. yes, nikolai petrovich, please tell me, in your opinion, is there any rational grain in this ideological struggle confrontation. let's turn to the personality of the liquidated ismail haniyeh. what kind of person was he? he was not just the chairman of the hamas politburo, because he was the person who... was directly involved, including in the negotiation process on the part of iran, it turns out, with the mediation of egypt and qatar to resolve this catastrophic situation in gaza, he was one of the key negotiators, and this person is being liquidated, even if israel
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denies its involvement, but i think that much, if not everything, indicates that it is israel that is involved in the liquidation of officials of this level, moreover, continuing the topic. hamas is considered one of the most significant and radical personalities in the movement, is the organizer of the hamas attack on israel on october 7, 2023, for the kidnapping of two israeli
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soldiers, he was sentenced by israel to four life sentences, of which he served 22 years old. in 2011 he was released as a result of a prisoner exchange, in 2017 he was elected as the leader of the movement in the gaza strip. 3 years ago he was the subject of an assassination attempt by israel. since november 2023 he has been under sanctions by the uk and the us, and on may 20, 2020 , because he was at the inauguration of the newly elected iranian president, he was a guest in iran at that time, because he
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permanently resided in turkey and kator, if i am not mistaken, at this moment iran is being insulted by israel, that is, it is quite obvious that iran, in response, appoints a much more radical, much tougher figure to replace the person who, i repeat, could well have organized the negotiation process. to de-escalate this situation. if we look at the situation from iran's point of view, iran is guided by national interests, security interests. iran is on the defensive . if we look at israel's position, the issue there is not only about the gaza strip, because the issue is not only about the attack that took place on october 7. yes, of course, this the topic now overshadows all the others. but i think everyone remembers that 2 years ago, for example, there were mass protests in israel for the unsuccessful.
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the united states of america in the world over the past 4 years under the current president, these are definitely friends, these are enemies, this is a son of a bitch, but ours is a stranger, the government will change, it will be like in afghanistan, it will definitely be, this is not the first time, in order to change the government, they definitely need to start some kind of war, god forbid, they use the conflict situation in the middle east to start a new world war. they are ready to do this too. alexander borisevich, we often say that the globalists
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are interested in destabilizing the middle east. however, in practice, we are now seeing how the biden administration is making great efforts to put out the fire that is being actively fanned by the far-right netanyahu government, that is, there is even a certain confrontation today in certain goals and visions of what is happening between israel and the united states of america. i think that the united states
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says that shoigu came in order to, so to speak, sell iran air defense systems, familiarize it with the position of the russian federation on the ukrainian issue, but as some experts say, the russian federation has insistently asked iran not to rush into a military conflict and at least wait until iran's air defense is strengthened by the latest russian anti-missile and air defense systems. even the most extreme reactionaries in israel, in no
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way, except for benjamin netanyahu, i think, are interested in this conflict, because well, the time allotted for the existence of the state of israel is dwindling, from the point of view of the long-term perspective, the chances of preserving the state in the long term are promising. karina aleksandrovna, do you agree with this position? do you associate iran's decision ? recent, because the iranian authorities are considering the possibility of changing tactics, abandoning the initial plans for a massive attack on israel, the publication writes politics, citing sources. according to the publication's information.
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anyone, none of the mediators, neither the katorskys nor turkish, neither british, nor french, nor the question of its scale, nevertheless, that is , to dissuade the iranians, another thing is that it is curious that the americans nevertheless ended up in tehran by secret means, they conducted negotiations,
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apparently discussed some issues, i will remind you that the americans themselves have...
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especially in the western camp we see there a swan, a crayfish and a pike, which of them, let's say, will provoke today's american leadership to participate in military actions, well, that's a big question, as they say, someone can do it, there are interested parties, and we are i see how the same statements, for example, from london testify to the fact that war is war, they don’t really want to drag out of...
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that is, today, you know, just like we love to dig into conspiracy theories and guess who is interested in this or that conflict, that is , it seems that the situation is completely uncontrollable, and what the outcome will be, just like for us, again , it is impossible to guess, on the other hand, is there then an opportunity to improve relations between states, because in diplomatic there is no solution yet, well, you know, regarding that... it is easier to answer the question of how it will all end in the event of escalation, it is clear that it will end, well, at the very least , with regional chaos in the middle east, and no one will undertake to predict its duration in time, it could drag on for at least a decade, so how to resolve this situation, well , in fact, i will risk assuming that under very
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serious, but categorical... some kind of agreement can be reached, but it is quite possible, quite possible that i would like to make a small note here: in terms of a hypothetical military, or rather, i am even now mistaken, not necessarily a military response from iran, the veteran proclaimed how, he said that he would respond
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as needed, when needed and where needed, this does not necessarily mean that 300 missiles will fly at israel, as it was, we know on april 14 of this year, yes, in response to the israeli air force strike on the iranian consulate in syria, this could be a proxy war, this could be... hezbollah has a motivation to do this, here therefore, for iran , the so-called proxy war is much more advantageous in this situation than waving its fists, that is, formally, it
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saves face and does not go for escalation, the only country that is going for escalation today, we have already said many times, is israel, therefore, therefore , it is necessary to influence and the efforts of the international community for peacekeeping, it is necessary to direct specifically to israel, we will display on the screen the map that we have prepared.
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potential, i would say more missile potential. in addition, israel warned, that any hostile actions on the part of its neighbors will be brutally suppressed, including strikes on the largest centers, that is, both industrial and military, so everyone is waiting, waiting, on whose side, as they say, there will be a military advantage, and i think that iran has adopted the tactic of, well, revenge is a dish that should be served cold, they are now calculating the options, i do not agree that the matter can be limited to proxy operations, iran must show a clear
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answer of its own, because this is its authority not only among its own population, but also in the entire muslim world, so it should be emphasized precisely as an iranian response. the question is: how to deliver this blow so that it is effective in terms of information... very loud, at the same time not to suffer significant damage, given the large missile power of israel in general and the fact that a large territory of iran cannot be completely covered by air defense and missile defense systems. i think that everyone is still waiting for a step from the outside, from iran, how it will act, there are many experts here options are put forward, that is, that there could be a raid on the territory of israel and iran.
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behind-the-scenes negotiating campaign from the outside, and so on, but it is going on, i think, all the same , as a colleague said, as the united states, china and the russian federation, the issue is very complex, it concerns the ideology of prestige, therefore, of course, iran cannot give in to anything and this. 100 brave guys have gathered in our studio, each of them has a question for an adult. you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself. time has started. how will you react if a person will ask you to do something that is not suitable for him? well, i will also dissuade him somehow. there is a stereotype that all athletes study poorly, how did you study? we
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studied on a five-point scale. watch the project 100 questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel. poland has been the hyena of europe, and remains so. it is not only the main consumer of european money, but also one of the leaders in armament among other
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members of the european union. this is probably something else. as for the training of the ukrainian legion, according to polish law, recruitment foreign citizens for the needs of a foreign army is an action that is prosecuted by law. services for slopes in ukraine today are one of the most rapidly developing sectors of the economy. shadow economic booking, the volume of which is from 700 million dollars and reaches 2 billion dollars per year. poland, of course, takes part. in military actions on ukrainian territory, there are polish mercenaries or mercenaries recruited in poland, and here we have a continuation of those events that many poles fear, the possibility direct involvement of the regular army in operations in ukraine, the polish authorities tell their citizens that this is all for defense, but there is no smell of defense there, ksenia lebedeva's author's view on the policy of double standards in the project is different,
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watch on the belarus 2 tv channel let me remind you, on the air the sas program is authorized to declare, we are talking about the threat of a major war in the middle east. i am adding to our broadcast igor aleksandrovich matveyev, associate professor of the department of international business of the faculty of international economic relations, financial university under the government of the russian federation.
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unfortunately, we see multiple conflicts that remain in the region, and, what is very important, their mutual dependence and mutual influence are growing, well , take for example the israeli-palestinian conflict, a long-standing one, yes, at the same time , the confrontation between the west and the yemeni uzbek forces allied with iran, this is, in fact, a military-political confrontation between israel and iran, yes, well, for now it fits into... the paradigm of strategic patience on the part of tehran, which in general in fact is means a proxy war using paramilitary formations allied to themselves in the so-called shiite crescent zone, yes, but this term was introduced into circulation by the arabs at one time, these are actually countries such as iran itself, then iraq, syria, lebanon with access to the border with israel, so all these conflicts have a tendency, not just
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to escalate, yes, but to increase interdependence, plus there are also extra-regional conflicts, also generally connected, yes, therefore here, unfortunately, one cannot say that there are no risks - the emergence of a major conflict, a major war. igor aleksandrovich, i would also like to discuss with you the new leader of iran, the new president of iran, masoud pazeshkian, we have prepared a short reference. let's take a look and discuss it in more detail. masoud pazeshkian, the president of iran, who won the early elections. the reformer and ethnic azerbaijani gained over 16 million votes, that is, almost 55% of the total number of voters. pazeshkian is considered a supporter of a more liberal course in domestic policy. in particular, he advocated for providing large freedoms for women. in relations with the west, pezishkian adheres to a pragmatic and constructive foreign policy.
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he believes that overcoming. anti-iranian sanctions is possible through negotiations with the united states and the european union. as for russia, his position is not fundamentally different from the approach of his predecessor. it is expected that in the near future the course on... information about the new president of iran, based on those biographical data, his political position, the absolutely cruel actions of israel against iran, do you think, were they are aimed at driving a wedge between iran and the united states of america, because, based on the position of the new president of iran, one could... assume that the relationship would be close to establishing a mutually beneficial existence, even regardless of who is the president of iran, well, of course, yes, in the case of the new president, the foreign policy priorities
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of the islamic republic of iran remain the same and one of the most key priorities is the weakening, ideally the lifting , the cancellation of anti-iranian sanctions by the united states states, because from the side of other countries, well, in many ways these sanctions are limited in nature, this is connected with the imperative of ensuring guaranteed technological sovereignty, scientific sovereignty, that is , obtaining and obtaining sustainable access to the achievements of scientific and technological progress, this is very important for the iranians, it is clear that the israelis are trying...
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in the west he is known as a reformer, this is generally such a subjective factor, its significance should not be overestimated, but in general it really is such a circumstance, probably, under certain conditions of acceleration of the normalization process, the israelis, of course, are not happy with this, because in such a case the risks for them increase in terms of their security, as the israelis understand it, so they do everything to irritate iran, to force it to take steps in the wrong direction. the concept of strategic patience, which is sanctioned by rahbar, the supreme leader of iran, of course, and iran continues to firmly adhere to this doctrine of strategic patience, the israelis are playing in this way they are pushing iran in every possible way so
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that it will begin to take more decisive actions, so that later the united states can be involved in possible strikes against iran, in order to disrupt the process of normalizing iranian-american relations, this is one of the priorities for israel, i continue.
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this means that israel, which has colossal influence through its diasporas and through financial capital on most leading western countries, especially on the united states, it is like... the favorite child of the united states and its ruling circles, a kind of touchstone, which tests the loyalty, that is, of the ruling circles of the united states to their obligations to the civilized world, therefore, of course, the united states will never, that is, refuse to support, i mean the ruling circles of israel, in the same way, it will never refuse this support, that is. great britain, which is
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really fueling this conflict, which has its own interests, which dreams of taking the positions that the united states is now losing, everything that contributes to such a development of events, great britain only supports, throwing wood on the fire, therefore in the foreseeable future relations. collective west, the conflict in ukraine in palestine will not change. i think that now the russian federation will fight to further strengthen sympathy for itself from the global south, to attract as many countries as possible that occupy some still wavering uncertain position in relation to the special military operation and in this direction it will act both economically, and
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military-technically and diplomatically. i agree with you, nikolai petrovich, well, you see, the world is really at a loss and none of the players can predict how this tragic situation for many will end, but it can be noted that there were such opinions in the expert community, and it is beneficial for russia that the middle east is in flames, and it is beneficial for the globalists, but in fact we see how... for themselves, they simply project their own standards onto
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us, what is beneficial to them, then automatically, as they think, is beneficial to us, why? because it distracts from ukraine, supposedly, yes, here they are think in this category, and continuing the theme of comparison, the israeli situation with the ukrainian one, i would just, i would compare israel, just not with russia, but with ukraine of the fourteenth, twenty -second year, what it did in the territory of donbass, this is approximately the same, well, probably on a large scale, that... what israel is doing today in relation to the gas sector, by the way, there is such a, well, probably, a conspiracy theory, i will not undertake to assert that it is the ultimate truth, but after all what is the final task of israel, which, well, probably has been in the air since the time of ishak rabin's premiership, because it consists in basically evicting the gaza strip, in general, in principle, evicting
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a high-ranking figure, i think that, well
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, if we can't put a period on his liberalism, but at least he will think very hard about whether he needs it, in this regard i agree with the experts who are critical of such liberal ideas, so in principle it is possible that israel has achieved that foreign policy task global e to divide the victor of the united states of america and iran yes, so that they do not get closer, so that everything remains as it was, perhaps he really achieved this with his actions, but in the medium term in the regional context israel has harmed itself very much, because iran will now definitely take a defensive position. do you see a chance for a comprehensive settlement of the conflict, because as we talked today in skarinen easterners, she believes that any attempts to settle the diplomatic plane, they naturally are being destroyed by israel, he said his clear
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no, in fact, their paradigm of reconciliation of the middle east on a monetary basis with the help of has suffered a complete fiasco. that is , initially it was assumed that there would be no state of palestine, but that there would be access for the palestinians to big money, first of all, this is connected with global transport and logistics plans along with the chinese initiative, yes, the belt and road, the americans, of course, for their part support the alternative corridor that is being promoted by india, this is india, the near east, europe, so here's the connection, that is, saudi arabia from... got a piece of the pie, that is, not in words, in deeds, not to mention the neighboring arab americans, here they really judge by themselves, if the palestinians really states, the same external
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economic dependence of egypt is growing, yes, which for the sake of sustainable development goals, so to speak, uses funds from international financial organizations, that is, that's all. this in a complex, yes, precisely in a complex, will give a long-term measurement of the middle east. a comprehensive settlement based on the formulas of two states is also unrealistic for now, which means that for now the netanyahu government is definitely in power, and netanyahu is under pressure from even more right-wing forces that insist on an even tougher defense of israel's interests, primarily security, we draw attention to the fact that in... in the event of the creation of any palestinian state , the strategic depth will be completely lost, which is already very small, yes, just over 100 km, therefore, of course, for the current leadership of israel, for the majority of the military elite, the political elite of the country, this is unacceptable, and society has become radicalized
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precisely under the influence of military actions, consolidation has occurred precisely on a radical , rigid understanding of israel's security interests, therefore... the conclusion is that at the present time there are no prospects for a comprehensive settlement in the middle east. nikolai petrovich, and you see, this, i think, is relevant not only to the middle east, because when this or that peace agreement is signed between the parties, there must be guarantors, a state or a number of states that will ensure the preservation, yes , this signed document and, unfortunately, israel, well, it selfishly decides quite inhumanely even in some ways its own and...
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well, generally speaking, i just now had such an idea, sad, so now we have ricocheted onto such a global topic as, unfortunately, the degradation of the united nations, because such issues, of course, should be resolved such a structure as the security council, its decision is mandatory for execution, well in such cases, at least for sure, the resolution must be unquestioningly executed, in the worst case, stop the conflict, and in general, in the best case, prevent it and stop it at an early stage, this does not happen. the united nations, alas, alas, has lost its authority, so what are the options for joint peacekeeping work between the leading players in the region, but the leading players, whether someone likes it or not, these were there remain the united states of america, the russian federation, the people's republic of china, well, it probably makes sense to include turkey here, and egypt, egypt already
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provides mediation services, but what should be the vector of these efforts, because it is clear that at least'. players are in the position of observers and decide not to interfere, that is, they correct the actions of enemies, and hostile
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states at the moment, so as not to bring the whole world to ruin, but on the other hand they understand that it is more likely that it is time judge, the whole point is that you can't just look at the external counter-situation, you have to pay attention to the fact that hamas has a social base inside. and if we look, then, the total number of palestinians in the world, according to data for 2022, is 14-15 million people, then, the gaza strip, 1.5, 1.8 million, the west bank of the jordan river 2.5, 2.8 million people, therefore, in general, the palestinians are one of the most divided nations, except... then, they have a very large, then, historical memory, they remember their nagba,
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47-48, when the palestinian state was annulled, and 7,000 palestinians were forced out of their territories, a large number of palestinian settlements, populated areas and so on were destroyed, during this time new generations were born, who from their young narts... "they nurtured the idea of ​​a place, a return to national territories, the creation of a palestinian state, but we already see, as a consequence of the enormous number of palestinians, well, such an option, as was written into the decision, it is impossible, the current one cannot return to such a territory the number of refugees, if not all 14 million, but at least 7-8 will want to return, there is nowhere, there is nowhere to return to, so the situation is very difficult, in addition..." in addition, the conflict in gaza has caused an even greater deterioration in the disasters, the suffering of the palestinian people, this will not contribute at all, therefore,
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the increase in the authority of fatah peacekeeping, the wing of the palestinian movement and those forces that are set for dialogue with israel, on the contrary, there will be a large number of martyrs who will be ready to die, so i consider the situation very pessimistic, especially in the long term israel its... current actions drive the disease deeper, aggravating it and making it generally lethal, the prognosis is disappointing, but this is the reality in which you and i live. nikolai petrovich, let's sum up our program today, a difficult discussion is extremely interesting, i think our esteemed viewer will be grateful to you for such important topical analysis, therefore literally in 30 seconds each guest will finish, well, in principle, i.
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the end of the death of peaceful palestinian i think that the first task is the population, at least to save those who are still alive, well, what will happen in the future, this is a matter for the future, but now the main thing is to save as many people as possible, women, children, old people who live in the gaza strip, by any means, at any cost. i am grateful to the esteemed guests for our conversation. in conclusion of the program , i would like to recall the wise words of the english
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military intelligence officer thomas edward lawrence, the legendary lawrence of arabia. the whole secret of dealing with arabs is to study them continuously. the same is true for all other peoples of the east. sometimes we approach this extremely unique region with our european standards. and it seems like everything is in order. fertile land in caring hands, our
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main wealth, when... from what has been achieved , you want to share, create and develop, carefully preserving traditions, in the name of a successful happy future, where everyone's contribution to the common cause is significant. and life with others in unity and love, that is true happiness. there is always warmth from spiritual moments and familiar views. together for one table. belarus 24. what unites us.
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as part of the official visit, the belarusian delegation headed by the chairperson of the council of the republic natalia kachanova met with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. the parties highly appreciated the results of joint events between the parliaments, including the meetings of the valimyzhlisi of uzbekistan and the second uzbek-belarusian women's business forum. sincere greetings and best wishes from the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. the president of uzbekistan with noted with satisfaction the dynamic development of bilateral cooperation, the intensification of contacts and exchanges in accordance with the agreements reached at the highest level in february of this year. here is the visit that took place in february 2024 of our
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president to uzbekistan and signed.
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the corresponding decree was signed by the president of belarus, the basic social tariff will include not only minutes for calls, but also sms messages and mobile internet. the problem of the quality of cellular communications is especially relevant for rural areas areas, now operators will have to direct part of the profits to the construction of new towers. about 100 base stations need to be built throughout the country in order to enter with a cellular signal directly into the homes of people who are in the middle areas, where 20 settlements have 25 households or more, so that you understand the volumes, very small settlements need to be built even more and built, and we are focused on this, the decree in principle gives us the basis for such plans to be implemented, these are very long-term prospects. a string of trucks is waiting to enter the european union, the closure of their checkpoints by poland,
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lithuania and latvia has disrupted the logistics chains of carriers and is putting increased pressure on existing border crossings. now, before entering europe, truckers are forced to stand idle for 10 or even more days in the heat. about 700 trucks are stuck at the entrance to latvia. european carriers are incurring huge losses due to the downtime. truck drivers have to wait for days until riga raises the barrier. according to bilateral agreements, the capacity of our checkpoint grigorovshchina, the maximum rate of potornie is 200 trucks per day. however, we see such a picture. that the latvian country is in no hurry to implement the agreements reached, on average up to 30% per day is only issued to the neighboring side. exactly 30 years ago , dedication to book printers and masters of the word was born in belarus. polotsk was the first to host the day of belarusian literature. the native word day has become a significant cultural event countries. and since 1994 it has been moving to cities that are associated in history books with
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book printing and the birthplace of renowned writers. this saturday, the center of the celebration will be ivatsevichi, an expedition of representatives of the creative scientific intelligentsia and clergy set off for the capital of writing, the road to the shrines started from the svyatoduhovo cathedral in... traditionally, the charity event let's get the children ready for school is taking place. the goal is to help needy families prepare their children for school. only from the belarusian red cross such assistance in the mogilev region will be received by thousands of children. the campaign continues throughout
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the country. such assistance, it seems to me, is important for any family, but for ours it is also very pleasant, even that these organizations remember, know, participate in the lives of our children, disabled children. let's say that this is very undeniable such great assistance. which is provided to our children. it must be said that this work is actively carried out not only in the city of mogilev, in bobruisk, but in our regional centers, where there are also a lot of caring, kind, merciful people, who respond to the call of the red cross provide all possible assistance in preparation for the new school year. belarus and china continue to strengthen cultural ties. today, the national library in minsk opened a chinese book center, about a thousand. publications were donated by the chinese communication international group on the shelves of a variety of genres from historical chronicles to modern works by chinese authors. the celestial literature is available in three languages: chinese, russian and english. chinese
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book centers have already been created in 15 countries in europe, asia, and latin america, and belarus has become the sixteenth. we were glad to see the fractions, we were happy, we felt the connection between the hour and the heat, we just respected it. the skin is stored traditionally. syonnya. a year or so agodze tamu, everything that was considered diligently, was very new, we ourselves do not respect it, we pass on the knowledge and experience of
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the past, this is our death, the wave of the hand, and such a dear pose. from simple, happy moments, we build our national traditions, and we cope with our downfalls. continue, appreciate the past for our modern, belarus 24. what meaning do modern icon painters put into their works? and so that all this is not in vain, so that it helps people to pray, so that it helps to repent, to become churched, as today
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the training is conducted in sunday schools, one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one lesson of creativity, one lesson of music, and for the older ones, that is , adults, there are already lectures on subjects, well, there is already, so to speak, more serious preparation, what is it? encounters, this is the sin of drinking wine, this is it a particle of relics that came to us just from greece, the answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects, on
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the belarus24 tv channel. ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, unique architectural monuments await you. the temple greets you with simplicity. high windows, and a bell tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine. here, in the family estate, mikhail oginsky, together with his wife and children, spent, perhaps. the most fruitful years of his life, and today the composer's family warmly welcomes guests. bow and exit to polones. this is a regular walking dance. they take three regular steps. the fourth step is done with a half-squat. and the most interesting historical facts. at that time, krichev was surrounded by a fortress. now it is only the name of the ancient settlement that reminds us of it. castle. mountain, and therefore
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its complete disappearance was only a matter of time, but still something interesting for tourists has been preserved, watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel . a native of menka goes to the village to find out how it is better than the city, you are the most a real modern belarusian gusli player, yes you have five children, yes very... take care of your grandmother, then you converted your parents' house into a stable, you studied, lived and worked in moscow, then at one fine moment in your life you had to return here to your historical homeland, now you save horses, why horses, after all, but... the only
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thing that relaxed in me is something somewhere down there, everything that is here, the cheeks, in particular the entire speech apparatus, eyes, spine, everything for some reason tensed up, i villages, watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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ivan, if there was a film about your life, what genre would it be? framecom, romantic comedy, after all, we are returning to comedy, right? yes, yes, after all, i like to approach with humor, even, i don’t know, the cashier at the box office, and even i, what can i do there?
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my guest dreamed of becoming a military man since childhood, but did not pass the competition, then worked on the railway as an electrician, until he decided, something needs to change, he went into directing. today my guest is an actor, screenwriter, director, ivan pavlov. ivan, hello, hello! i am very glad to meet you, because before that we mostly met only on the set, yes, as colleagues, such actors, yes, it is true that you started acting in films as a child, and how did you get to the set for the first time? well, then in the seventy-fifth year, children were taken to the sports palace for the new year's tree, i had a huge red hairdo, a woman came up and gave me a note and said: tell your parents, i gave it to my parents, it was written we invite you to
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audition for a film in secret to the whole world, i came i remember that they tried out for the main role, but there were such big lighting fixtures, remember those old ones, everything melted there, and i was standing on the set like that, it was very hard for me with that light, and i remember that i learned the main roles, everything, but then i was left just in an episode, but if at school everyone found out that you were in a movie, then you are an artist, this artist has been stuck since the first grade. well, if your career, your film career was going so well, i'll knock, thank you, why, after finishing school you wanted to connect your life with military service? three military men, grandfather an officer, but it so happened that the legislation changed somehow, and suddenly i didn’t get in with fours in all subjects and an a in physical education, but i should have been
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accepted into the school after the first year of the polytechnic institute without exams, and i went to the polytechnic institute, and so you ended up in the polytechnics, and there is amateur art there, wait, well, you also have to get into the polytechnic, and i gave these exams at the military school, i brought these grades, these statements, and i passed something, but one small subject, i went to the energy department, because my dad is an energy specialist, here they call me up for the army, well, i think, well, okay, if i really want to be an officer, from the army it’s generally no problem, in the army there is also amateur performance, a pole over the orphanage, that is, there it went , it went, it went already understood that and also the belsov people’s theater, then you go to the army, serve, return. worked as an electrician and only then you decide to enter the academy of arts, so what happened to that the key point that provoked you to make such a decision, to change your life radically, is that i was approved for a role in a film in one, but the director said,
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no education, maybe you'll fall, and i had already graduated from the polytechnic at that time, maybe at the academy of arts for acting, i said: well , okay, and i even met, androsik, recruited a course, recruited, i came to him in october, and he said: i haven't read anything, and he looked at it like, something, that's it, come on, submit your documents, and i once again to the academy, and they tell me, a second education you have to pay, and i turned around and left, but there you could get a recommendation from your place of work, that they are sending you to get a second higher education, like the railway will send you to the academy? and i had the same situation, yes, yes, from the radio plant, well, i didn’t know that, but they didn’t give it to me right away, and first of all, i didn’t know that, but general branislavovich came to me then and said: “don’t be upset, in the spring they will be recruiting tours for director, maybe
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they will turn a blind eye to your second education, that’s it, and i went to be a director, but i know that by the time of your when you entered the academy of arts you were already married, you had a wife, children. and how did your wife react to the fact that you decided to change your life so radically? again , i'll correct you a little, i got married in my first year, at the academy of arts, we met, of course we didn't have children, they appeared, our second son appeared in my last year, in the fifth, yes, but when we met we very quickly decided to get married, i'm a first-year student, she... a student, well of course, they helped, my parents, by the way, who were the parents who helped, yes , for sure, when you were studying, there was no money enough, no, well i worked in a guarded kindergarten, and you worked part-time, yes, as a guard in a kindergarten, there was also filming, in this film the son is for the father.


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