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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 29, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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so that i could look people straight in the eye, there are no trifles in life, there are no trifles in the profession, working in intensive care taught me to take a hit, it taught me to control my emotions, it is necessary to learn to accept the joy of saved lives, then it levels out preserves your psycho-emotional state, you believe in the result always initially believe that everything will be fine. everything depends on us, so you can never give up. 1,300 km on the way to the belarusian viewer. fine art of mordovia is now available in minsk, in the national art museum, painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied arts. about six dozen works reveal. the richness of the culture
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of two ethnic groups of the mordvins: erzi and moksha. this art school cannot do without bright color solutions. the rich palette is a tribute to the local nature. an impressive collection in ethnic style arrived from the mordvin republican museum of fine arts named after erzi. colleagues found a new technological way of working with ornament. mordvin outfits, generously decorated with national patterns, are made with the help of modern technologies. we tried our best to make it. told about the history of the people, yes, about its traditions, that is why today there are such wonderful replicas and on national motives, new designer solutions of the costume, all digital printing, but nevertheless it is authentic, that is, and the ornament is transferred from the mordvin shirts one to one, of all the finno-ugric peoples, the mordvins have the brightest costume and richly decorated decorated, they said that you will first hear the mordvin woman, and then you'll see, it really was like that, get to know this -
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the team joined yunost and vitebsk, who guaranteed themselves a place in the decisive stage based on the results of the group round. a tough game, tough ice, yes, it's hot, both on the ice and outside it, such viscous hockey, with an abundance of physical struggle, i had to force a little after the second period in the locker room, the boys heard, i say again, they fought, they chopped, so a well-deserved victory. the matches of the decisive stage will be hosted by the city. over the dvina from 31 august to september 1, that is, this weekend the name of the winner of the ruslan salei cup will be known. it is worth recalling that vitebsk won the trophy for 2 years in a row. all matches will be shown live on the belarus 5 tv channel, follow the program.
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june 24, 1945, k makes a speech, after which the anthem of the soviet union is played and 50 volleys of artillery salute. the victory parade begins. it is opened by the regiment of the karelian
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front, followed by the soldiers of the leningrad front, and behind them the first baltic front led by general of the army, hero of the soviet union, ivan khristoforovich bagramyan. at the victory parade, ivan bagramyan led the combined regiment of the first baltic front. first baltic front. operational unification of the soviet armed forces during the great patriotic war. operated in 1943-45 in the baltic direction. created on october 20, 1943 as a result of renaming
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the kalinin front. the front itself was created quite late. this is a front that began to function only in the fall of 1943, well and its first commander was yelemenko, though not for very long, about a month, then ivan bagramyan led the front, his task was precisely the liberation of northern belarus and military operations in the baltics against the enemy troops. under his command, the first baltic contributed to the operation that shook the whole world. ivan khristoforovich bagramyan, born into a family of a railroad worker, graduated from a railroad and technical school and before the first world war did not even think of going down the military path, but in
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1915 he volunteered for the russian army, fought on the caucasian front, proved himself a brave fighter, scout and just before the february revolution. received his first officer's warrant officer. in the interwar years, he rose from squadron commander to regiment commander. ivan khristoforovich met the war at dawn on june 22, 1941, when he was heading to a military unit in a column. no one immediately realized that the roar of airplanes was not coming from a neighboring airfield. then it began. and after that, ivan bogramyan more than once found himself in situations where his life literally in the sense of the word was under threat, but he
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never sat back in the rear, he was always at the forefront. june 23, 1944, a memorable day for... the russian people. on this day , one of the largest strategic offensive operations began, which can rightfully be considered one of the most grandiose operations of the great. ivan khristoforovich bogramyan. in early may, i was summoned to moscow, where i was received by general antonov. despite his enormous workload, as always, he greeted me warmly and introduced me to the draft plan for the belarusian operation, as he noticed then, the main offensive operation of the forty-first year, which later received a conditional.
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encircle to destroy the vitebsk group of the enemy, after which, developing the success in the direction of polotsk, complete the liberation of the territory of belarus by the troops of the third belarusian front, transfer the military operations to the territory of lithuania and latvia and cut off the army group north from the army group center. army groups north and center, operational-strategic associations of the wehrmacht troops during the second world war. it was precisely established that the enemy in the strip the upcoming offensive of the front has 12
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divisions, two division groups, 10 separate security regiments over 40 battalions of various purposes. in the first echelon defended five infantry, airfield division and two division groups. the remaining forces were echeloned in depth. bagramyat managed to become the commander of the first baltic front. to inspire the troops of the front and faith in victory and the desire to win. in the end, he found unconventional methods of conducting the same military operations. well, in any case, as the soldiers of the first baltic themselves said front, operation bagratyon, but we have baghramyan, that bagra, and this bagra, which means there will be success. he worked actively.
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he told young soldiers: a fight is such a thing where a person's soul is visible through and through. if you hesitate in battle, that's the end for you. we, the infantry, must remember that artillery shelling is half the battle. the crown of everything. hand-to-hand combat, the brave always wins, the fascists are afraid of the brave, a frightened enemy is half defeated. the commander of the first baltic front, ivan khristogorovich baghramyan, planning the vitebsk operation, decided to inflict a broad arc strike not directly at the enemy's vitebsk bridgehead, preventing
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german troops from the baltics from coming to the aid of the encircled enemy. the choice of the direction of the main attack turned out to be, as the course of the offensive itself later testified, very successful. in this case, he decided to use
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the technique of a barrage and an offensive following a barrage, which he had successfully used on the kursk salient, when breaking through the enemy's defenses in the vitevsky and bagushevsky directions. after the victory in the battle of kursk for the artificial command of the armed forces of the eleventh guards army, demonstrated operational and strategic knowledge, bogramyan was awarded the rank of colonel general, at the same time by the decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, bogramyan was awarded the highest at that time, the military leader's order, the order. ivan khristoforovich bogramyan. the front command did everything to ensure that the offensive of our troops was a surprise for the fascists. and it was. the risks were such that it would not be possible to break through the german defenses in the first day. again, as in early forty-four, the troops
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bogged down in the foreground or on the first.
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in berlin and in minsk. on july 22, when it was just light, i arrived with a group of commanders at the observation post to direct the battle of the assigned units.
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the enemy's fire immediately weakened sharply, and just at that time a red flag rose and flared in the wind over one of the tallest buildings in the enemy's rear. the soldiers, as if on command , rose up with a cry of hurray and rushed forward; nothing could stop them. after the battle , it turned out that a group of fighters led by a sergeant had quietly emerged in shumilino sakhatov. the brave commander got onto the roof of the house and tied a red flag to the chimney. this caused a huge panic among the fascists. it seemed to them that the soviet troops were already in their rear. by evening the offensive died down. in the end, at the headquarters of army group center they decided
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that the expected russian offensive had been thwarted. well, what happened in the morning? on june 23, the german generals could not have dreamed of this even in their worst nightmares, and the german soldiers, too, when artillery groups on the belarusian balcony rained 3,500 shells per minute on the german positions, and this lasted 2 hours, when the bomber assault aviation took off, when by and large they were not hitting areas, but identified
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enemy strongholds. our tankers quickly overcame the wooded and marshy area and cut off the road to the retreating enemy troops. for active assistance to the red army, maria andreyevna was awarded a medal for military merit. during these days, we observed many examples when regiment and division commanders skillfully directed their troops around populated areas, if the fascists managed to firmly. entrench themselves in them. such resistance centers were usually attacked from the rear. judging by the commanders' reports, the troops continued to receive great assistance
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from the belarusian partisans. their task was to capture crossings, capture road junctions and bridges, prevent them from being blown up by german troops, and prevent enemy reinforcements from approaching the front line. the expectation of surprise was justified. during the vitebsk-orsha operation , the enemy group in the vitebsk and orsha region was surrounded and destroyed. developing success of the troops of the first baltic front on july 4, 1944 liberated the city of polotsk, after which they began offensive operations in the riga and šiauliai directions without pause. the front did its job during operation bagration. having secured the northern flank of the advancing group, having ensured the cutting off of army group center from army group north, but
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the offensive of the troops of the first baltic did not end there, ahead were the front roads of the soviet baltic. to a large extent, the success of this offensive operation depended on the one who commands the front. the first baltic front made a great contribution to the liberation of the northern part of belarus in such cities, first of all, as vitebsk, polotsk, those territories that probably suffered the most from the occupation regime, there were huge human casualties, so for belarus , the liberation of these territories from the nazi invaders, it was very...
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the liquidation of the front and before the transfer of its units to other fronts, he led it, and his contribution, his talent in success the first baltic front, of course, they are enormous. ivan khristoforovich bagramyan, although he was the son of a railroad worker and himself a former railroad worker, was a military intellectual, he was a man of principle in the sense that everyone should give it their all, but before giving it their all... it is necessary to explain what needs to be done, because he was against working with subordinates using the method of throwing water and let him rake it out himself, it is necessary to explain
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to the person so that he himself understands what is required of him, in working with the troops, ivan khristoforovich acted on the principle of better under in peacetime than blood in war, but if it comes to battle, then no blood will be excessive if... the task is to achieve victory and achieve the defeat of the enemy. a military leader endowed with outstanding abilities. he has experience in both command and staff work, which helped him successfully resolve issues of commanding troops, as well as experience in developing a plan of military action, and he strives for victory by the shortest path, has a strong, steadfast character. ivan.
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not the first war behind him, he could be a father commander, a brother commander, and somewhere even a son-commander. a very decent person, a good military man and a good operative worker, who played a big role in organizing resistance to the nazi invasion in those areas where he was assigned to do this.
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the great commander was just as persistent in matters of the heart. he was distinguished by his devotion not only on the military front, but also on the love front. bogramyan was 20 when he fell madly in love with a girl named tamara, but by that time by the time she was engaged to another, it was impossible to change it. fate itself decided everything. tamara's husband soon died, the young woman was pregnant. but this did not stop ivan, who, ignoring the gossip, married her. baghramyan raised the born boy as his own son, and soon he and tamara had a daughter , margarita. from a letter to his wife. don't worry about me and don't grieve. i feel good and cheerful. i cope with work, i work on...
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please, write more often, because your letters are a great joy to me. having received the letter, his wife decided that she should be there and went to the front to see him. for ivan , his beloved's arrival was a real holiday.
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he learned from her that their son had also been at the front since the first day of the war. unlike many of his fellow military leaders, bagramyan never had any girlfriends at the front. all his thoughts were only about his wife and children. with tamara's name on his lips, he went into battle. at the victory parade on june 24, 1945, he led the combined regiment of the first baltic front, with his wife and daughter watching him from the guest stand. tamara. he outlived his tamara by 9 years, but despite this, until the last day of his life, marshal baghramyan continued to write her notes declaring his love, never having come to terms with her loss.
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marshal baghramyan has a unique, rich biography, full of ups and downs, incredible successes and tragic twists of fate. he took part in the bloodiest battles. many of the military operations he conducted are still carefully studied in all military academies of the world. having gone through four wars, from world war i to civil, from soviet.


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