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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 29, 2024 2:05pm-3:01pm MSK

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history, nature, culture, faith, people, charity, you feel something once and you will never forget it, everything is true here.
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vitalik, it's time for the child to have breakfast, vitalik, it's time for the child to have breakfast, i won't tell you where you 're going, but semyonovna, we have a motorcyclist growing up here, and so on, bring her here, the porridge is ready, that's it, we're going to wash our hands now. breakfast, okay? yes, yes, vitalik, tell her sternly, otherwise she won't understand, come here, sternly, that's it, sternly, yes, very sternly, come here, we're taking this little girl now, very sternly, let's go have breakfast, darling semenovna, let's go have breakfast.
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mash, march! there are problems with gasoline for trips,
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we agreed with the sixth taxi company, for now fill up there, i understand, volodya, the script needs to be redone, it turned out sluggish, it needs to be shorter and tougher, okay, i'll rewrite it, then i'll show it to you, so it's 1993, the year of the water rooster, water, they would have written wet right away, it's clear what to expect, we read on, here's a girl from the ad for the assistant's position, hello, hi, what's your name? svetlana ivanova, do you work, where? i work as a journalist at the podolsky newspaper worker, and i also live in podolsk. and graduated from, what? msu philology department, russian language and literature. yeah. what's the difference between mom's red wool sweater and dad's blue flannel ring? from a linguistic point of view. hi. almost nothing. both are adjectives, qualitative and possessive. only in the first case singular, and in the second plural. well done,
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you can go to work on monday, do you hear, marya, what the horoscope says, look, life will move along a bizarre trajectory, and predict what will await us next problematic with the turn, yeah. natasha, you 've watched the material, we have to give it to the air today, we have to give it to the air every day, and we can be paid once every 3 months, no, all the normal people have long since run away, seryoga went into commerce, tarasenko has been pretending to be sick for six months, vashchilov is only sitting here because of you, fedorova, stop getting up, go to the editing room and i'll expect the material in an hour. lina, you're a mental double-minded person, they'll work on you until you get there, but thank you, you don't care for it no one will say, ram, pam, come,
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beauty, bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, come on, bye, bye , so, i read this proposal of yours, well, what can i say, a very good project , so i'll embrace you with my arms, the only thing, you know, the problem is, i don't do projects, like these new ones with new tv presenters, it's
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not in my competence, in whose, in whose, that everything is already there, so now all that's left is to wait, that's why you're sitting quietly. what, good afternoon, hello, what 100 dollars, here you go, 50, just i'll give you
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please don't tell anyone, these trakladites will find out, they 'll let the whole editorial staff have it, this has happened before, thank you vadim viktorich. i'll give you my salary, so what salary am i getting? masha, what are you doing tonight? i have two tickets to taganka, to taganka, yes, that's great, but my diploma is burning, i'm going to lenin, let's do it another time, well , let's do it another time. who are you waiting for, vladimir ivanovich, who? vova kapp. let's go. are you a writer? yes, vladimir ivanovich, something like that. explain, i don't get it. i graduated from the institute
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of cinematography. stop, i don't need a movie. no, but cinema is the same, first they come up with it, then they record it. only then they shoot it, oh well excuse me, you know, i'm so busy i don't have time to fart, what's your name, vitaly, listen, vital, you should write a book about me, 3 years ago i was a captain of armored forces, and now i'm a millionaire, you know, i understand what's so hard to understand, you don't understand a damn thing, last week my assistant was shot in the chenyi, that's it. first they fired a grenade launcher, and then they finished him off with machine guns, as a former tanker, you should have foreseen the situation, so i foresaw it, that's why assistant and sent, and did not go himself, a subtle move, but that's not the point, vitalya, in 100
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years no one will remember us, a person lived and no, fig, when i think about it, you want to sing, and... and you can't take these fucking bucks with you to heaven, so i decided to write a book about myself. pushkin is still being taught yesenin, but they don't really remember about merchants, i can't do it like pushkin, i don't have that kind of budget, 3.0 bucks, write a book, well, it will be better for four, i won't haggle, 3500, we agree, well, guys, they'll give you materials there from childhood, and if you have any questions, call. vladimir ivanovich, what about the advance? how are you doing with this? oh, no, i've been sober for 4 years now
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, watch out, if you start drinking, god forbid. oh, yeah, well i know, you 'll run me over with tanks, and your good fellows will shove a soldering iron or a typewriter at me? something like that. sweetie, stop, you're rejoicing too early,
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you're rejoicing too early, in my soul i'm a demoman, i'll demand the impossible from you, hurray, well, well, how do the feelings feel, strange. it seems like i should be happy, but in my head there are some stupid things thoughts, what, if it's not a secret, nothing has changed, i still drink your wine, only the cups are now plastic, before they were cardboard, that's the only difference, and the difference is huge, you will understand it very soon, i have a favor to ask of you, after filming straight home, katya is depressed. you are very much needed, of course, as soon as i am free, straight home, to the starting point,
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vitalik, and why are you always at home, and mom is not, because mom needs to earn money, and you, i don't, why? because i am a writer, and a writer must be. hungry, that's why he doesn't need money, and if a writer has to be hungry, then why did you eat bread and sausage yesterday, i often ask myself this.
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she's sleeping, i went to meet masha. masha, oh, hi, i just happened
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to be passing by, here you are, listen, i'm in the car, do you want me to give you a lift home, but it's not on your way, and what's the difference, on the way or not, i'll give you a lift anyway, come on, come on, i just happened to be passing by, that's it. how did you get up? yes, very much. if possible, i 'll take a nap.
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potonok, was waiting for her on purpose, time chose. in the evening, and i wonder where he got the car from, their salaries are delayed for 3 months, he probably grabbed it from hidden advertising, a thief, what a brother, his wife went on the spree, don't take anything bad into your head, a woman, they are all like that, sir, shut up, please, i don't think i asked you about anything, and your opinion doesn't interest me, how dare you judge her, or all women at once? what's your name? casanova or maybe freud? bratel, i'm just keeping the conversation going. i have nothing to do with it, understand? don't get worked up. katya, are you again? what's wrong? my girl, why not?
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you this? well, what do you lack? why? why? and you don't know? why? okay, i 'll tell you why? because i'm boring my husband, because he's only happy when i'm not around, because i'm abyss. is that enough? or should i continue? he works a lot. you know what it cost me to get him this picture. he has no right to make a mistake now. he, him, him, and me. does anyone care what i have. i don't know anymore who you love more, him or me, katya, what are you saying, and i i live for you, don't leave me.
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hi, i just decided to take out the trash, like alina. everything is fine, she's sleeping, thanks, guys, i'm not inviting you, i'm just falling off my feet, bye, bye,
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tired. you smell of alcohol and women's perfume, your daughter also smells of women's perfume and alcohol, this bottle was full in the morning, i drank it, waiting for you, in your usual manner, from the bottle without a snack, don't play with fire, i gave birth to you, i can destroy you, not anymore, i can get rid of you in no time, you can, you can, but why, you are a good player, and i am your trump card, you understand that the future is mine, not yours, think, i will not allow you to humiliate my daughter, no one is going to humiliate
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your daughter. "i am ready to observe the rules of decency, but making her happy, i am tired, besides, this is a thankless and useless task, pour me a drink, with pleasure, mom, mommy, come on faster, vitalik is already waiting, how do you know, mommy, i am always." waiting, now you will see, hello, beauty, how did you sleep, well, and to you, i am wonderful, i had a wonderful dream about prince. she grew a long nose blue hair, and why did her hair grow lilac, i don't know, maybe she washed it with ink
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instead of shampoo, what a strange girl, yes, she also had a very, very strange prince, and what kind of hair did he have, the prince was blond, he bleached his hair, came and said: hello, my beloved lilac-haired! that he even got attached to her, who is he pretending to be a father and her child, in fact, no one at all, a stranger, grabbed her like his own property, an activist, mash, i forgot the cigarettes buy, i'll run to the kiosk now, 5 minutes, okay, i'll be right back,
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excuse me, can i have a light? va, vladimir, how strange, what are you doing here? no, no, don't tell me that you are on the instructions of the management. how your colleagues spend their weekends, and i'm not going to make excuses, i'm a free man, i'm in a free country, i can do what i want, and you are free, you are free forever, because masha is mine, you won't get anything, that's what i 'll ask masha, i'm not going to listen to the opinion of her neighbors, it would be in vain to listen to the opinion a smart person, we would have spent less time and no, don't make me laugh, morozov, what a smart person you found, you're just afraid of competition, you, i, it's not even funny, you know, it's not funny. hi, volodya, vitalik, take alina, i need to talk to volodya. volodya, i've wanted to tell you for a long time,
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mash, i wanted to tell you, you're the best woman i've ever met in my life. volodya, thank you for these words, just don't come anymore, i beg you. i think about you all the time, it's even strange how... it turns out that no matter what i do, no matter what i'm busy with, my thoughts are always with you, i imagine how you live, what 's happening to you, everything in the smallest details, it seems that i'm watching vilma, mash, is it my fault that i fell in love with a woman who wrote such piercing lines, but i wrote them to someone else, vitalik, can i not answer your question. i'll go, mash, volot, don't be sad, everything will be fine with you, i know, honestly, bye, see you tomorrow, volodya,
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i ordered a car for lenya last week they were supposed to deliver, still not, you check, okay, i'll check. you still have a client from astrakhany waiting for you and more papers to sign. okay, go ahead, call him and give him the papers. good afternoon, i'm healthy. nikita, this is my third helicopter from you this month. give me a discount, a couple of percent. i can't. petrovich, with these volumes it's hundreds of thousands, my shareholders won't understand me, but if i leave as your competitor, will they understand? you won't leave, we have the lowest
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prices on the market, you're a difficult person, nikita, this is your first time with him, the main thing is don't be afraid, dmitry olegovich grasps the essence of the problem very quickly. and makes a decision, the main thing is to speak clearly and confidently, he generally does not like people who beat around the bush and mumble, he is a concrete person, sit down, marya mikhailovna, and you know why i called you, i am thinking about a new women's program, right, the idea is wonderful, but about the host you still need to think very carefully, if i understand you correctly, then i do not suit you as a host, not quite so, are you a capable journalist? firstly, you have little experience, and secondly, there are some circumstances about which you know nothing at all, such are the matters of our decision.
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by the way, if you agree to our offer, we are ready to pay you a bonus from our special fund, let's say, 3,000 dollars. secrets, good morning and good mood. dobraya ranitsa
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belarus, on the air of the satellite tv channel. and each of you shpatseruet in your own way, you have one people's artist for all, and also a lot of useful and interesting information, our museum is the center of the cultural capital, it is planned there are a lot of events, these are different exhibitions, cooperation with different museums, and how old is the museum, he loved hunting very much, according to stories and testimonies, he even went bear hunting more than once, and you bowed your head, hung your pigtail, said, yes, mom,
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okay, mom and... i told you that i would give the money back in six months, no earlier, that's it, bye. nikita, who is alena sidrova, so, listen, here is his new passion, so, a complete loser sits in the information department, here, but i didn't tell you anything, so don't tell anyone,
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no, i understand, okay, not a little girl anymore. decide for yourself, what happened? hi, len, i have problems at my company, such problems that you'd better leave, how to leave, where to leave, i think, there's nowhere else to go to moscow. nikita, well, wait, can you explain to me what happened? i sent 20 tanks of gasoline to moscow under a letter of credit, the letter of credit turned out to be a scam, the people with whom i negotiated with crooks, the deal was thrown to you. in short, i got into trouble for a lot of money,
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everything we have is not even enough to pay, but these people can wait, nikita, you are smart, you will earn some more and give it to them, they don't want to wait, today they made it clear to me, so i think you should leave, and you will stay and cover my retreat until the last bullet, it's not funny, that's it, drop your afghan tricks, either we go together or i stay with you, that's it. frida, what's going on here, did you see anything? no, clora, i didn't see anything at all, i saw how the guys were taking away your furniture, what guys, those who were loading it said that you decided to buy other furniture.
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and they sold this one, oh my god, what crooks, oh my god, klara, i immediately realized that they were crooks, did you at least remember the numbers of the car, i'm alive. i don't know, go call the police, call the police, vitaly told me everything, how you called the police, they called the police and drew up a report, wrote down the description, they will search, oh my god, how badly it all happened? nikita and leno are flying in in 3 days, what are we going to do, she ran away, and what are we going to do, meet her, so that, what else is left, everything is very bad for them, lina said that she has no money at all, now we have, it's not a problem either, i always have
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money was messing around, you forgot that i worked in a bank, i was always with money, and this, you sold your ring, why did you decide that you sold yours? i'll take this, if you don't mind, so be it, we'll figure this out later, but tomorrow, and what are we going to do today, vitali suggested spending the night at his place, for some reason, the germans didn't drive me out of this apartment, and i'll be hanging around in the corners of some punks, but
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no, we'll lie down on the floor in a cell and go to bed, i'm the one and you're with me, beauty, vladimir ivanovich, vladimir ivanovich! vladimir ivanovich, very an important matter, a clear matter, the apartment was robbed, grandma got sick, a friend got into trouble, money is needed again, what's the story this time, how do you know, my apartment was really robbed, everything was taken, honestly, morozov, i can see you through and through, even further. come on, come on, come on, don't be afraid, breathe, there really is no smell, how much money do you need, that's it, no,
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i can't give it all, take 300 bucks, but no offense, vladimir ivanovich, i need two thousand before i die, it's not in my principles, well... well , maybe you can advise where to get it, you're a businessman, aren't you? you you know, i have a friend who is looking for a kidney for his mother-in-law, a very rich man, well, he'll fork out about 50 grand, that's how much, i've heard, but i'll get ten for acting as an intermediary, that's how it is. oh, great, vitaly, get that
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out of your head right now, masha, that's the most idiotic idea you've ever come up with, you'd better sell your head, you don't need it anyway, masha, why do i need two kidneys, i quit drinking. and i need a head, i eat, that's it, we've closed the issue, i'll come back and we'll talk, hello, dmitry olegovich, i'm very grateful to you for your offer, but i have there is your own, alternative, speak, do not be shy, i believe that this program should be hosted by one person. therefore, i am ready to cede this right to alena sidorova for a prize from your fund. maria mikhailovna, but you were described to me as a very smart person, but you simply exceed all my expectations. however, despite all my respect
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for you, i will not be able to pay you more than six, no, 7 thousand dollars. i agree. great, you agree, i agree, i think everything will be great for us. slavik, you haven't forgotten, if anything, remember maria mikhal, well, i've lived to see my patronymic, is there anyone here? we want to, i'd like to buy this ring back, sold, girl, your
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ring, how was it sold, well, how, you didn't come for it for a long time, the management decided to sell it, this ring was handed over yesterday after lunch, the receipt indicates the deadline, a month from the date of delivery, what are you bringing me, yes, that's right, it's my... partner, she, well , confused it with another ring, but you know, we agree to pay you compensation in half the cost, so that's it, beauty, hmm, i give you have 5 minutes to find this ring, and then problems will start that you don’t even suspect, oh, listen, look, don’t scare us, we’re so scared, scared, stas,
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hi, it’s me, listen, they attacked me because of this ring, hmm, how do i know, someone young to early, well, yes, yes, of course i didn’t give it back, and i’m not going to, you know, i threatened trouble, so if there’s any showdown, you know. we’re reporting from one of moscow’s pawnshops, a valuable ring was handed in here yesterday, which today reported missing, the value of this ring is 50,000 dollars, so the employees of the pawn shop will be charged with two articles at once: fraud and theft on an especially large scale, we will try to figure out what happened to help the future investigation, turn off the camera, your ring was found, yes , i'm writing it down, no, you just the data... dictate everything, yeah, gorky film studio, yeah,
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i'm writing it down, yeah, i'm writing, just a second, excuse me, you said it, and the last two digits that you named, yeah, 20, eight, yeah, that's it. oh, ok, i recorded it, i'll send the film crew today, goodbye, lyudka is back, i missed you, i missed you, but - there aren't enough experienced workers either, and what about your main star, what, well, ilyina, well , ilyina drags everything along with her, just like a workhorse, by the way, without her it would be a complete disaster, and i have news about her. so, just don't tell me, please, that she's pregnant, no, your ilyina has entered a new
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format for alena sidorova, completely, for alena, yeah, ilyina has given in to the format completely, stop, one second, and how is it, now, now, now, wait, i just have to understand, is it her, stop, how did she give in to the format, what is this, just a second, i have to. so, ilina, come to me urgently, please, is there any good news? are these bad ones not enough for you? no, these are already enough. hello, lyudmila igorevna, hello, masha. hello, masha. masha, i have a question. tell me, please, is this true? you passed on the new format to sidorov, right? yes, you passed it on. uh-huh. tell me, masha, maybe i just don’t understand something, right? you’re telling me then explain to the old fool, here is one
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of two things: either i have gone crazy, yes, or i do not know you well, what do you think, i asked you for advice, you said that i can do as i want, i, mashenka, forgive me, was 1.00% sure that you would send him, you understand, you understand that this was your chance, maybe the only one? there will be no more like this, and you understand that now you would already be famous throughout the country, and instead of this, and what's more, you yourself came up with this program? no, i refuse to understand this, there will be other chances, oh my god, what arrogance, there will be other chances, suddenly there won't be, people, you heard, there will be other chances, that's what you'll say to that, well maybe we don't know something, vadim, here
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, maybe we don't know something, please, let him explain, masha, maybe you 'll explain something to us, or you don't want to, so... then i'll fire you, yes-yes, i've already fired you, tarasenko, please accept the leadership of the department yourself, no, well, have you seen this theater, no, well, what can you do with such people, you're an idiot, can't you see what state she's in,
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the boss is making you out to be hysterical, i don't understand, there are 5 26 27 of these women, why are you sobbing, oh don't pay any attention, do you know how many times he fired me, i lost count, well, you don't want to take this interview, to hell with it, i'll go instead of you , if you want, well, my friend, will you shake off the old days, why not, there's still gunpowder in the powder flasks and berries in the buttocks, can i, can i come with you, who are you, lovely child, i'm sveta. the new editor, well, what's nice, sveta ivanova, let's go, i'll teach you how to screw directors, he was a captain tank troops, then, when it all started, he became a bandit, do you want me to write a book about him, oh, oh, what kind of people are you at such
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an early hour, well, how are you, everything is fine, would you like some tea, and no, well, i'll go have a smoke, well, well... well , well, well, something is happening to you, i just don't understand whether it's good or bad, good, only good, absolutely nothing bad, you know, and today for the first time in my life i was called by my first name and patronymic, oh, and i still think that i'm still 18, oh, i'll tell you a secret that i also still think that i'm 18 years old, true, yes, there are two girls sitting here, 18 years old, only... of different degrees of maturity, why are you doing this, we still have a lot, here is a gift for you, i got the money, masha, now we will all have enough, and for nikita and lenka, masha, what a good person you are, and you know,
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i realized this a long time ago, right away, oh, only it hurts me that you are alone. why am i not alone, i have alya, you, mom, no, that's not what i 'm talking about, look at vitalik, how he loves you, ladies, it's time to take our little monster, today is my turn, i'll go through, and i have money brought, not much, but enough for a month, thank you, vita! you are great, my kind literary planter paid me 300 dollars in advance, thank you, masha, i have long wanted to tell you that i love you, and i would like to offer
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you to become my wife, no need, vitalik, i beg you, no need, march. why not, the most important thing i have in life, i am ready to wait, how much you say, vitalik, it is very difficult for me to say this, but i want you to know, between. nothing will ever happen to us. what did i do wrong, and was i wrong, just tell me, it will become
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easier, you did it all so, you are probably the best man of all, it's just, i just love another. hurray, it's simple, there are two buttons, black , red, so this, this opens, this closes, try it yourself, oh no,
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i can't stand these narcissistic kenyans , you go alone, i'll go look for a buffet, and what should i ask him, don't ask anything, just praise him, he'll tell you everything himself, got it, the era is not a pen, to hell, i'm getting ready, come on, come on, excuse me, please, can i interview you? yes, you can always, of course, i want to get to know you, and why did you decide to work in the cinema? yes, i want such wonderful , charming girls to interview me.
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please sign, yesterday's report is ready for tomorrow, not yet, editing at 10, and after 12 we will be with you with the materials, tell svetlana to come in, okay, yes, yes, yes, i remember, marya mikhailovna, the general manager is calling you, he has already started, yes from today, and that he starts right with me, well, you are our main star. what is his name? vyugin ivan andreevich, never i heard. oh, wait, please, i'll just
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change, you cover me, and nadezhda vasilievna, are you crazy, what are you doing? well, i look like a teddy bear in them, and you know, i can't live without them either, there's a draft, i 'm catching a cold. so what, why take them off? what if he doesn't like me, what if he chases me away, and he's wayward, impudent, he'll find himself a new... young woman, aren't you afraid yourself, what, like a new broom sweeps in a new way, i'm not afraid, oh, but i'm afraid, vyugin. what a vulgar surname, you're free,
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but i like it, there's something in this primordially russian, real, powerful, on the other hand, white, pure, new, i should have taken another pseudonym, something ba... barska, well, yes, for example, romanov with a hyphen, or katin, now it is also fashionable, with a pseudonym it happened by chance, on the first picture i was the director and the author of the script, and at our debut we have such stupid rules, the script had to be signed by another surname, so i chose, well then it went like this, you are married, look in my personal file i am lying i am lying. i know everything, i am not married, but you see, everything turned out as i said,
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we were of no use to anyone, and now this city is ours, really. what kind of fortune-telling talent is wasted, maybe it would be better for you to get a job at the weather bureau with such abilities, why are you like this, how is it, and what did you want anyway? mash, i came to the channel for you, i had other tempting offers, oh, thank you, ivan andreevich, you know, we were all so worried here, we kept guessing , will he come, won't he come, well, stop it, okay. "i can go, wait, let me tell you what else, i want you to know, all these years i've loved only you, loved, always loved, you hid it very well, vanya, no one even guessed, oh my god, fired."
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the telenovosti agency team continues the information day, with you tatyana korol, hello, now i will tell you about the main thing in the country in the world. the focus is on the president, issues of information policy, the main accents during work in the upcoming election campaign.


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