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tv   100  BELARUSTV  August 29, 2024 3:25pm-4:31pm MSK

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we're collecting promotions from school in minsk this spring. green lands, blakіtny azery
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national park narachanski, chverts stagodzia. significant is the harvest of crop beetles in this agricultural season in belarus, i want to ensure that the market is protected, plus earnings on the expatriate. agulny production of sweet potato fruits is approximately 5 million tons. prague was stated in the neasviysk region, where the sister of vice-president yury shchulya was located.
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today the population consumes directly, we sell about 280-290,000 tons, this is about 42% for export, today a positive trend, which speaks in the word profitability, today in the state food industry it has developed from 16 to 20%, therefore the economy will definitely be, we will produce equipment, it is much cheaper than imported, therefore... there are less costs for maintenance, yes, it is much simpler, but we see in the world, that means, there are such combines that are used, that means, also by small farmers, therefore we will work on this, i mean, the meeting took place on the basis of the state-owned combine harvester, all in our country there are four such creations, fell in minsk. belarusian chyrvony kryzh pratsyagvae marathon.
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chatuli yaplom more than 7 thousand dzyatsy. daluchytstsa can skin. there are two ways: the first is the transfer of rivers to the valantser, and the tax collection points in the violent ganglion centers. and yashche dapamagchy praz placezhnuyu systemu zadrabyazne na sayce arganizatsii. a former school couple, future students of the central district of stalin. for them, thematic saints, a concert program and an animation show were organized. for the first time, everyone who lives in... homeschool
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families and without their father's guardianship has the most essential for new knowledge. in minsk , more than 24 thousand children will sit down at school first. i really want to go to first grade as soon as possible, i promise to study well and i want to meet my first teacher, we want to congratulate all the children, not only ours, but in general all children going to first grade, this is where their working life begins, as i always say, it is pleasant to note that a large number of citizens, enterprises, organizations, public, organizations.
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tree and shrub species bear fruit tasty fruits, wrinkled rose is the largest sweet rosehip, in the thickets of rosehip, it weaves its cozy nests and nearby grow, of course, fruit trees, and chokeberry, red rowan, that is
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, it is clear, the table is simply gorgeous for this animal, so it feels safe here and is always well-fed and of course fish, which feel just ... taksim on the site welcome day and meeting at 18 o'clock.
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music, dj, hello everyone, exactly in a minute the hero will come to us and answer all questions, are you ready to meet our guest? sergey anatolyevich, do you often have to communicate with children? before, i would... sergey anatolyevich, i want to warn you
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that according to the rules of our program, you have the right to refuse to answer a question three times, i hope you will not use it, and be attentive to the questions, at the end of the program, you will have to choose the best one, well now you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself, time has started, my name is sergey krasny, i was born and raised in minsk, in last century. graduated from medical school , have been working at the alexandrov republican scientific and practical oncology center for over 30 years. i am a very good surgeon, a good scientist, just a wonderful husband, the best daddy in the world. wonderful, sergey anatolyevich, you fit into one minute. we have 100 children in the studio, each with their own question for you. let's see how many you can answer. so, children.
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my grandmother went through the war, was married to
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an officer, spent her whole life in military towns, no command, you need to be a doctor, too kind, you don't know how to obey, so she was an indisputable authority, and accordingly i believed her, it was a shock for the whole family, only years later they all resigned themselves, although i also... became a lieutenant colonel of the medical reserve service, this is to the delight of my father. and why did you choose oncology, because everyone is afraid of cancer. my grandmother died of a malignant tumor, and i was not able to recognize it in time, i did not have enough brains, i was still a student, now, of course, i would have saved her, but the second there won't be a chance, probably, that's why oncology,
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thank you for your frank answer, to your right is the yellow sector of the next one: a question from there, tell me, how do ordinary people feel about the fact that you are a doctor? acquaintances, very respectfully, i try not to talk about strangers, because from now on all conversations will only be about their illnesses, about the illnesses of their relatives and acquaintances, and nothing else. hello, my name is milana, and why is the disease called cancer? that's what a famous, great ancient greek doctor called it, hippocrates, he studied malignant tumors, their appearance, called them karkinos, by their appearance, and karkinos is not only cancer, it is also a crab, the tumor has a basic appearance in the form
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of such a ball, from which invasive tentacles extend, very similar to specks. hence the name, i heard that cancer appears from nerves, and why then do small children get sick with it? nerves are only a small part, thank god, indeed one of the causes of cancer can be stress, it is very difficult with small children, they get sick with cancer very rarely, children mostly other tumors. presarcomas and leukemias receive this mutation, which leads to the formation of cancer, more precisely a malignant tumor, children from their parents, either by inheritance or during intrauterine life, so it is so important to protect pregnant women, protect them
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from any harmful effects, especially infections, it is not for nothing that people say: that if you refuse a pregnant woman, then mice will start up in the house. is it true that many adults scare children that mobile phones and computers can cause cancer? i i think that adults want to protect you, they are not just scaring you. with mobile phones, this is true. the thing is that mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation. previously, this was much stronger radiation, modern models have reduced the radiation, but if you hold a mobile phone to your ear for a very long time and share the news with all your friends and acquaintances, then our brain will still receive some dose of this radiation. of course, research still needs to be conducted in
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this direction, but why risk it? if you if you want to talk to someone for a long time, you can use external mouth. love for sweets, i have a big sweet tooth, i can't live without it at all, if i don't eat a candy or a cake, jam, maybe my brain doesn't work, i still need glucose for my brain to work, well, as for bad habits, for example, throwing things around, probably,
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men mark their territory like that, well, with bad habits... my wife is already struggling, my name is eminika, tell me, do you think how many lives you managed to save? it's a very difficult question, dominika, well let 's try to count together, i 've performed 3,500 operations on cancer patients in my life, but you can't do them all yourself, so i have a lot of students, surgeons, and i think that in every life they save there is a little bit of my participation too, i speak a lot...
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there are about 17,000 malignant tumors , i think that in every death there is a little bit of my fault, so i try
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to do everything possible, believe me, so that there are fewer of these deaths. i heard that, that every doctor has his own little cemetery inside his soul, where he sometimes comes and draws his experience anew, looks at his mistakes and so on. do you have such a place in your soul? of course. of course, you do, you remember every patient who could not be helped, you remember your mistakes, you learn from them, of course, it is better to learn from other people's mistakes, but you have to learn from your own too. go back 180°. it is believed that treating oncology is very expensive, is this true? oncology is the most expensive branch of medicine. this is undoubtedly true. i can
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give an example, there is such a method of treatment, it is called rather complicated, cardi-cell therapy. i will not tell you what it is, but the treatment of one patient with this method costs about 500,000 euros in europe. in our republic it is about 50,000 dollars, but naturally, all our patients receive treatment for free. what is the reason for such a cost? this is expensive equipment and research that must be carried out in advance, expensive transportation of drugs, their production and in general the complexity of the profession itself. why do they think that cancer better speech abroad? i think that's a myth from the past. during the collapse of the soviet
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union, we had big problems, really with the supply of medicine, then in the west they treated better. now there is no difference, i have visited many countries, in some i have worked for quite a long time and i know this process from the inside. what is not different, it is necessary to compare only equivalent centers, of course, if you compare an inter-district dispensary with some leading israeli medical oncology center, then there will be a difference. it is necessary to compare the same medical institutions or the entire system as a whole, in such a situation we are no different from the leading western countries. and what place does belarus occupy in the treatment of onology? as for the republic of belarus in the general structure, i can say that... we are among the countries with high morbidity, but our treatment results are very good, they are comparable with the leading world powers, and in some
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positions we are even ahead, for example, among the countries with the lowest mortality from bladder cancer, the republic of belarus has reached third place in the world is second only to finland and south korea, and if we smoked less, we would have come out on top. hello, my name is anna, what is the most difficult thing for you in your job? a lot of difficult things, but myself. the most difficult thing, i
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think, is to stop in time, to make a decision when any of my influence will do more harm than good. and how do you make the right decision? how do you say, stop? i try not to do it on my own, such things should be decided after consulting with colleagues, that is, a council. then the yellow. sector to your right, tell me how to convince the patient whether he has a chance of recovery, how to convince him of this, and this should not be done, a person is so arranged that he always grabs at any straw, he will use it, even if it is one chance in a million, you just need to tell him what is ahead, what treatment, what the possible
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results are? difficulties, complications, everything. and how to tell the patient that, well, alas, there is no chance of recovery. but this one at the institute is not teach. having already had quite a lot of experience, and having read a huge amount of literature on this subject, i already know today what to say to a dying patient, especially to his relatives. it is always. very difficult, you need to talk to each one individually, i say that you need to spend more time together, not to waste the time that is left, to discuss all the problems, to ask each other for forgiveness, to ask what the dying person would like to be done after his death, to be sure to do, that's the catch.
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it gets a sore throat, but when after some time the relatives of such a deceased patient come to you and say: doctor, thank you, thank you for teaching us, it ’s worth a lot, do you believe in god? i do and...
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over time we can explain some miracles, thanks to progress. and during your medical practice there have been many miracles, can you tell us about such a miracle? well, miracles happen every day, but now i’ll try to tell you something, since 1999 we have been developing and implementing in our republic an operation called artificial bladder. previously, after the removal of the bladder due to cancer, the person's ureters were brought out onto the skin and tubes were inserted, urine was collected in such bags, well , an infection gets into the kidney through these tubes, kidney failure develops, and most often such patients die within a year after the operation, it turns out that we treat one thing, we cripple another, so these
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are the developed operations.
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this operation of forming an artificial bladder without preparation at night, taking advantage of the absence of the authorities, was in time for night? in the morning the manager came, gave us a hard time, how we weren't fired, i don't know then, but nevertheless we withstood this pressure, well then, thanks to the incredible efforts of this patient, he managed to get out , a huge scar had formed on his stomach, 30 centimeters long, 5-7 centimeters wide with such legs, branches very po... this patient came for many years for check-ups, and i always offered him to remove this scar to make a beautiful cosmetic one, he refused every time, said that it was his
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talisman, when he has some problems in life, he looks at his scar and remembers: what happened to him and evaluates difficulties in life in a completely different way, so this is one of the miracles, since then the attitude to this operation has been revised, the preparation has completely changed, everything has become completely different, and today such operations are performed everywhere, in belarus they have already been performed about 2, the next question in the red se. come back, is it true that all doctors like black humor? i can't speak for all doctors, but they like it because of black humor usually comes from life. and can you tell
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your favorite joke? well, since we are talking about medicine, then a medical joke. doctor, will my husband be able to play the violin after the operation? of course he will, doctor, you are simply a magician, a sorcerer, why is that? the thing is, before the operation my husband did not play the violin. why can't scientists come up with a universal medicine so that you can take a pill and be healthy? cancer is very complicated.
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you see illness and death every day, what helps you believe in the best? i think that the eyes
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my patients, this is an inexhaustible source of energy, i would even say, a perpetual motion machine, each saved life is such a powerful incentive to work. in general, but in some localizations, for example, breast cancer, colon cancer , ovarian cancer, this figure can reach twenty, so cancer can be
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inherited, accordingly, if close relatives were sick, then you need to be examined earlier, i heard that some ... accurate wisdom says that we are what we eat, i would also add what we drink, therefore there are products that contribute to the development of cancer, this is primarily fast food, smoked sausages, red meat in general, you should eat as little of it as possible, and i would also add sweet carbonated drinks here, well, and there are products that prevent the development of tumors, these are primarily vegetables. fruits, seafood,
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the right oils, those that contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, but in general you can give a whole lecture about this, i think we will film a separate program, what belarusian achievement in the treatment of oncology you are proud of most of all, about 15 years ago, even more, time flies at... very quickly, it turns out, we began to develop a prostate cancer screening program in the republic of belarus, and gradually implement and expand it. this is the most common tumor in men today. and we were under tremendous pressure from leading countries, western ones. at that time, it was believed that screening for prostate cancer had more negative consequences than benefits. we were opposed.
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what do you feel when you realize that can't you help your patient in any other way? you know, diana, such situations don't happen, at the initial stages. i can completely cure a patient when the stage is advanced,
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i can significantly prolong his life, well, when special treatment no longer helps, we can still help a person, we can remove pain, help him breathe easier, lift his spirits, improve his quality of life, in short, doctors of all... specialties should accompany a person until death. okay, do you cry when you lose your patient? cancer patients are treated for a very long time, for years, sometimes decades, and this brings us very close. most of the patients become family to me. so when... i lose a patient, i lose a loved one, i don't cry right away,
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a huge number of thoughts arise in my head about what was done wrong, what else can be done to avoid similar situations in the future, but then, when you remember, when understanding comes, tears roll down by themselves i cry. do you treat cancer patients? diseases, malignant tumors, and are you afraid of cancer yourself? no, i'm not afraid, because i undergo all sorts of screening tests, and if cancer is detected, it will be detected in the early stages, when the treatment results are very good, everything must be done on time, and what are you most afraid of, you made me
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think, in general, with age our fears change, i... i think that i am no different from people my age, i am afraid that something will happen to my children or relatives. i am afraid of a global war on our earth, but this is probably more than anything. is friendship possible between a patient and a doctor? of course, oncologists. get very close to their patients, i have a lot of friends among my patients, both former and current. sergey anatolyevich, have you had to treat your relatives, close people, the fact is that in medicine there is an unspoken rule, you cannot
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perform an operation on your close relative, for many reasons, firstly, firstly, when you do a complex operation, you need to have your head working smoothly, if something happens during an operation with a close relative, not only is this already a tense situation, but there will also be added adrenaline, worries about his life, and you will not be able to accept it coldly, not make a calculated decision, act instantly, well, and secondly, after such an operation , god forbid, your close relative dies, then it is generally impossible to live with this, therefore, even if you think that you would do this operation better, it is still necessary for another surgeon to do it. and maybe in your path, in
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this profession, were there those words from patients, maybe which you will remember for the rest of your life? probably, it is very difficult to single out such words, but i still remember one patient very well, because he calls me very often, he is almost 100 years old now, he always starts our conversation with such words. hello, doctor, i am still here. i say: where is here? and he says: in this world. we turn 180°, purple. the question from there, why is cancer called the plague of the 21st century? there used to be much fewer malignant tumors, because most people died from infectious diseases when there were no antibiotics, they simply did not live long enough to develop a malignant tumor. the thing
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is that malignant tumors are primarily a disease of elderly people. well, besides, people had a different lifestyle , they ate better, there was no such pollution of the environment, all this together led to a sharp increase in the occurrence of malignant neoplasms, therefore cancer is the plague of the 21st century, but i really hope that it will stop being the plague of the 22nd century, we will find still, the means for its treatment. i read on the internet that lonely people get cancer more often. observation, that's right, a person is a social being, excuse me for saying this, but communication is very important for a person, so loneliness is a big problem for people, lonely people get sick more often and live less, but i
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haven't seen any special studies on oncology, although one study really shocked me. scientists artificially identified two groups of women with breast cancer. in both groups had the same diagnoses, the same stages, the same treatment, but in one group the husband left the family, unable to withstand the test, in the other, the husband stayed and supported the woman throughout the treatment for... the difference in five-year survival between these groups was 30%. no state-of-the-art medicine gives such an effect, it is a force. psychological impact, if a woman has something to live for, if she is helped, if she is supported, then
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the results will be completely different.
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they say that love is a great force, like do you think that people in love recover faster? without love, it is probably impossible to live at all, this is my conviction, well and... he needs to be with his beloved, he misses her, i
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heard that doctors generally prefer to marry people of their profession, is your wife also a doctor? yes, i have a wife, a doctor, a wonderful therapist, you often bring work home, when my wife comes home, the first 2 hours she is silent basically and... that's all, but they need to have common interests, for example, common hobbies, approximately
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the same upbringing, preferably education, then the family will be stronger, only in fairy tales cinderella marries the prince, and emelya marries the princess, everything ends. and what happens next is hushed up, not by chance. let's move on to the black sector, to your left. you said that your father was a military man and wanted you to become like him, and would you like your children to be doctors? i would very much like to. i have three children, the eldest son and daughter categorically refused, they saw very difficult times when there was not enough
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medicines, no equipment, when there was practically round-the-clock... work, there were very few means of subsistence, but i didn’t insist, in such a situation you should never insist, because medicine is a special specialty, and a person ’s life can be ruined if you force him to be a doctor. i have hope for my youngest daughter, and what do you think, are you a good father? good, getting better every year, and can you call one of your children now and ask what kind of dad you are, that’s a suggestion, that’s something, yes, we’ll try now, and who we're calling, well, to the youngest daughter, of course, now they 're preparing with the minsk city team for the republican chemistry olympiad, hello,
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marusichka kitty. i'm sorry i'm interrupting you, can you talk now? yes, can you? yes, the program is still being filmed, and uh, the guys asked such an interesting question, asking you to tell me what kind of dad i am? yes, i'll be happy to tell you, and the most important thing is that you're simply the best dad in the world for me. you're very kind, very generous , caring, you always support me in everything my endeavors, you also taught me a lot, starting from the fact that i can ski, skate, you also brought me a great love for science and the ability
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to calmly ... keep you in any situation, and i really appreciate everything that you do for me, all your incredible support, and you help me move forward in this life. thank you very much, i love you very much too. this is incredible. thank you for these feelings, they say that doctors are much more difficult to treat than other patients, is this true? perfect true. there are several reasons for this. the first reason is that many doctors have an intolerance to certain
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medications because they are constantly in contact with them, for example, an allergy to... antibiotics, for example, i have an allergy to everything that is in the operating room, and i have to protect myself from this, so when doctors are sick, you need to - more carefully select the medicine, then, uh, almost all doctors are infected with hospital microbes that are very resistant to treatment, this also leaves its mark, well, besides, doctors know a lot about their illnesses, they... express their opinion, you can't be lower than the patient himself, well, besides, in difficult cases doctors know what to expect, this leaves its mark psychologically. and you, when you are sick, are you an obedient patient? well, for example, i
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had several difficult operations for. i follow all orders, many thanks to the doctors who put me down, and most importantly, now i can not only walk, but also continue to do the same alpine skiing, but when something is not serious, some trifle, then here is the problem, i... like to go nuts, if i have a cold, i want to be stroked, pitied, my wife often grumbles about this. to your right is the yellow sector, you have such a difficult job, how do you relax? oh, i have a lot of ways, i will try
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to list them quickly, only. i don't watch at all, i get news from the internet, i read a lot and always every day, i love the theater.
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so we don't get bored, i have this all the time a feeling of muscle pain, physical fatigue, so that you immediately forget about stress, serafima petrovna, it seems we have found the missing boy, you refuse to believe that your mother could have stolen sashenka, this is normal, but all the details of the investigation are against her, imagine, she suspects me, well, what exactly did she say, well
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, in general, here is the story, i needed to leave urgently, i just can’t watch how you are tormenting yourself, and he seems to not care, well , so what, the child is missing, but it can’t be, that only one thing keeps you with her, you'd think you knew what kept me there 4 years ago, when mikhail andreev suddenly agreed to... tell me, do you like the person you 've become now? well, i 've already gotten over the inferiority complex, so i like it. what
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can you praise yourself for? here are some questions. probably for becoming a top-notch professional in oncology, while still... preserving the best human qualities, and what can you scold yourself for? i'm lazy, i like to shit, what do you expect most from life? such a little girl, and such a serious question, i have many expectations. life, but of course, as a specialist, i most of all expect that we will be able to find a universal remedy for malignant tumors, and that this will happen in my lifetime,
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if you had to send messages to the whole world, what would you say in 30 seconds, and you will let me think. dear inhabitants of the planet earth, everyone who hears me, today we must unite against our enemies, the enemies are known, these are endless wars, these are deadly diseases, very often artificially created, this is the pollution of our planet. this is the liquidation, the gradual liquidation of family values, all this together will inevitably lead to a global catastrophe. we, people of good will, need to unite
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to save our planet, the wonderful planet earth. we may not have a second chance. this signal means that the time for questions to the hero is over. now you have to choose the best question of this program, or two, of course, one professional question. made me think, this is about the number of saved people and the number of patients we couldn't help, well the second question, of course, when you asked to call my daughter. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question gets a special gift from our guest, come out to the site. these are wonderful
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pens for you, they will come in handy and you will remember this program at our meeting. thank you very much. sergey anatolyevich, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. a very adult question, since you adults asked me, then i will too. how do you feel about such a trend, which has been gaining momentum lately, as child free, that is, when a married couple prefers to live without a child. hello, my name is anton, and i believe that child free is from the point of view of biology and religion, one might say, it is wrong, since the main goal of any living being is to leave offspring, to continue its lineage, to continue its gene. and
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to evolve further, and personally i want to have children, how many? well, how will it work out? i think from one to six. well, there is such a thing as tree of life, i don't know much about it, but i understand a little, and if this tree of life ends with some person who doesn't want a child, then this tree will collapse.
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i will have no one to live with, many people are afraid of responsibility now, because children are always a responsibility and a very big one, in fact, now many people are not ready for this responsibility, they understand this , therefore they don't want children, personally i would like to have children, because this, as has already been said, is the meaning... sergey anatolyevich, it's time to say goodbye to our audience, thank you very much for such a frank adult conversation, i relived the most emotional moments of my life. a question about an adult, deputy
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director of the republican scientific and practical center of oncology and medical radiology, professor, academician, oncologist, sergey krasny. i'm waiting for you at the entrance to the site. sergey anatolyevich, what was the most difficult question for you today? well, probably the most difficult, excuse the pun, about the fact that


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