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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 12:35am-1:01am MSK

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who's here, it's me, you, oh my god, how did you get here, up the stairs, i thought you left, that you wouldn't forgive me, that you decided that it was because of me that you were fired, yes, it's me, a fool, forgive me, i freaked out, i left without understanding. when i understood everything, i immediately rushed here to you, god, how grateful i am to this lieutenant, what lieutenant, but yours, who sent a letter to the editorial office, because if it weren't for him, we would never have met, oh you masha, who would entrust such an important matter to some lieutenant? i wrote this letter myself, word for word
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in a word, that's how it is, funny tyya, by god, like a child.
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ivan kuzmich zakharov, one of the organizers and leaders of the communist underground and partisan movement in the vitebsk region. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, he was evacuated to the soviet rear, in november 1941 he was sent to the territory occupied by nazi troops to organize a partisan movement in the asveysky district of the vitebsk region. in april of forty-second, he organized and headed a partisan detachment, the composition of which included only 11 people. the detachment quickly grew stronger and larger in number, by june of 1942 the partisans had moved from small-scale sabotage to operations against large enemy forces.
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during the execution of assigned tasks, the people's avengers under the leadership of zakharov, saving their comrades, women, old people and children , demonstrated miracles of heroism and selflessness. for exemplary performance of command assignments behind enemy lines and special merits in the development of the partisan movement, colonel zakharov ivan kuzmich was awarded the title of hero. of the soviet union with the presentation of order of lenin and the gold star medal.
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belarus is summing up statistics on external food sales, what are the types of export, new markets, modernization, the deputy prime minister will answer. receives guests, who is interested in the belarusian experience and what kind, watch our report from ostrovets, the city of atomschikov. and the last days of summer are counting down, how our schools have been transformed, we will estimate the costs of capital repairs and current expenses. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about notable events in the economy. with you olga onishchenko. hello. more than 4 billion dollars, that is how much the export food revenue this year. of course, by the end of the year the figures will grow and grow.
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we export our feed amino acids. the belarusian national biotechnology corporation is responsible for this, where deep processing of grain for its own market and for foreign markets is carried out. at the bnbc site, our correspondent, svetlana lukinyuk , talked about our main export positions with deputy prime minister yuri shuleiko. here we are now with you at the bnbc site. in general. how do you assess the implementation this large-scale business project in belarus in terms of production, in terms of export, and in terms of providing agricultural organizations with the amino acids we need, some premixes, we must clearly understand that our country is an agrarian country, and today we are engaged in intensive
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animal husbandry, we are engaged in milk production for these results, for proper animal nutrition and obtaining the corresponding results, the necessary whole complex of micro-macroelements.
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this is the economy, this is protein for animals, for an integral part of livestock farming, and of course the oil itself, today rapeseed oil, i am a person here who has been using it for 10 years, look how i look, excellent, excellent, thank you, we are increasing volumes from year to year, the yield is growing, this year we will have somewhere around 1,140, ​​yes, this is 1,400 more than last year, the average yield will be about 29 centers, which are basically azim raps and there are 16-17 spring ones, where we are insuring ourselves a little in order to understand, we have 2 million rape seeds for processing, the principle is this: in seeds
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rabes contains 50% of oil, which means that we will actually receive 600 thousand tons of oil, today we have domestic consumers, yes, but also... if we take a little more than 80%, we export it, that is , there is more than enough oil on the belarusian market today for technology, this volume of exports is from the year. what we export today is meat, milk, these are our main export positions, there are already 4 billion dollars, although the government has brought us a fairly accelerated growth of exports, because there is objective growth of production in...
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high requirements recently convinced the expert community of kazakhstan. a group of specialists and journalists came to study
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the experience of our country in the sphere of not only the construction of stations for training personnel, but also the formation of the entire infrastructure of the facility and the region for the development of nuclear energy. official astana has already announced plans for the development of the nuclear industry. veronika buta will tell who else is interested in the belarusian experience what is the main priority of belaes. our story from ostrovets city belarusian nuclear power plant. a compact site one kilometer by one kilometer, more than 130 objects on the territory, plus 9 km of pedestrian tunnels underground, a seemingly small station, since the connection of its first power unit to the network, has already generated more than 34 billion kw of electricity, which made it possible to replace 9 billion cubic meters of natural gas. the growth in consumption. of electric energy in the country last year amounted to more than 2.5 billion
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kw, in 7 months of this year we have already grown by 2 billion kw-hours, that is, the rate is quite high. it should be noted here that last year, the total consumption of electric energy in the country exceeded 41 billion kw and reached a historical maximum for the entire period of independence of the republic of belarus. thanks to the commissioning of the nuclear power plant, we have completely abandoned the import of electric energy to the territory of the republic of belarus. and all our electric energy is consumed here. the resulting environmental effect. due to the work of bilas, greenhouse gas emissions have decreased by more than 15 million tons. the world is experiencing a nuclear renaissance. more and more countries are looking towards nuclear energy. new npps are being built by france, china, turkey. belarus is open and ready to share competencies. the russian federation is being implemented today in almost the same form. this is turkey, this is egypt, this is. and well, now it is only the beginning and hungary, that is, we have a very large
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exchange of experience, including with hungarian partners, that is, they are extremely interested, first of all, chinese partners are also very important for us, we have very good interaction with them, so we are as open as possible. about development plans the nuclear industry was announced by official astana. a group of specialists came to study the experience of our country. central asia is growing in population and, accordingly, in energy consumption. in kazakhstan, there is already an electricity deficit of more than 2 gigawatts, by 2030, according to forecasts, it can triple, this is equal to four power units, an impressive figure, when we have first second place in the world, imagine in reserves and production of natural uranium, but we do not have our own nuclear power plant and we buy electricity from neighboring countries, mainly from russia, well in part, kyrgyzstan had a peak power deficit in december last year, we... imported 9% of consumption from other countries, this is equivalent to what well, who remembers from the nineties,
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probably, there were some sure shutdowns, if we did not have imports for some reason, for technical or some other, it’s like we would sit without electricity for 2-2.5 hours a day in december, this is the situation in the energy sector, the issue of building a nuclear power plant in kazakhstan has been discussed for 20 years, the neighboring one gave acceleration uzbekistan, which is already starting construction of its station with russia. safety is the top priority... this is what nuclear fuel loaded into the reactor looks like: a 9 x 12 mm tablet, weighing only 5 g, there are 18 million of them in one reactor in a super-strong. shell, its diameter is 75. m. if something cannot happen, you need to prepare for it right now, the principle of which is followed
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at the station, so it was decided to add another one to all the existing super protections against emergency situations. a nuclear fuel melt trap appeared in the belarusian project. it can store the substance for an unlimited amount of time, preventing radioactive elements from getting into the environment. by the way, western projects do not provide for this. yes, the equipment and maintenance cost a lot of money, but they do not skimp on safety here. now from what i saw, such pleasant feelings. the new generation reactors, accordingly, inspire confidence, which. says that it is necessary to cope with your phobia and work on creating a station. now in kazakhstan there are public discussions, up to a national referendum is to be held by the end of the year, where the final decision will be made whether to build the stations or not . opinions in the country are currently divided 50-50. the belarusian npp is not only strengthening
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the country's energy security, it is a big step in the technological development of the national economy and improving the quality of life. not people. veronika buta ilya maksimov, area of ​​interest. now a short advertisement. next, exchange rates and readiness number one. belarusian schools are about to open their doors to students. how educational institutions have been transformed establishments? we will calculate the costs of major repairs and current expenses. we know exactly how to start the morning right, together with the viewers we will prepare a delicious breakfast. good morning, we are very glad to see you in our kitchen today. this will be one of my favorite breakfasts, we will cook zucchini pancakes, together with red fish, in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. vlad, good morning. i am glad to see you in my
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kitchen. today we will cook an omelet with zucchini and cottage cheese and spinach filling. and... what is the charge vigor and energy for the whole day. and the third exercise will be a crunch for the press, this will help you maintain a good figure . bend your legs, move them as much as possible to your buttocks, lie down and slowly rise. we will have three exercises, at an easy, calm pace, repeat all the movements and your joints, your muscles, your body will thank you. stretch your legs forward. take a deep breath, raise your arms up, lower yourself down, diagonally, touch your right hand, left, watch the breakfast of champions project on our tv channel, it was precisely the difficult situation in which our athletes found themselves, it bore
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fruit, the athletes were even more motivated and performed with such sporting anger, through the voice of the mead. we were very well received, there was absolutely no aggression, when we began to win medals, then they say: well guys, the conditions are so difficult and you perform, well, just right, work always comes first. and such effective work really does, it provides opportunities for both the direct formation of social well-being of the most working person, as well as society as a whole. as soon as possible to recover in international sports, such a task before the nok, it stands, the time will come when everything will return to normal, it will be as it should be.
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markov's project, nothing personal, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is an area of ​​interest and we continue now with the exchange rate, the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the dollar and the euro and weakened against the yuan and the russian ruble. so, the current rates according to the national bank: the dollar costs 3 rubles 18 kopecks. the euro has dropped 3.53 , its rate is 10 yuan. time for final gatherings and a special morale, in a word, soon, very soon to school. in the new academic year, a million schoolchildren will sit at their desks in belarus, including 110,000 first-graders. while
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the children were resting, the adults were working. almost 100 million rubles were allocated for capital repairs of the educational institution. this does not include current expenses for renovation. to what extent did they manage to transform the educational institution, where urgent measures had to be taken, and how do young people assess the efforts of adults? experts, ilona volonets is also preparing for the new school season. this is what the workshops looked like mogilev secondary school no. 9 a year ago. the porch is falling apart, the walls are crumbling, the roof is leaking. such classrooms certainly did not inspire teenagers to do useful things. and the sanitary inspection issued a verdict: it is strictly forbidden to study in such conditions. feel the difference, the same building after renovation. the boys now have new machines and tools, the girls have modern sewing machines and a kitchen. it would be interesting to know the opinion of independent experts, we ask those who have something to compare with to accept the object. rashi classes
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happened more in writing, we wrote notes and studied less. now there is new equipment, new desks, new chairs, everything is very beautiful, everything is wonderful, there is even motivation to study. attention is paid to the availability and staffing. teachers, equipment, we also pay attention to the staffing, for example, of chemistry classes, chemical reagents, without which the educational process is basically impossible, we also pay attention to the food blocks, to the classes of labor training, it often happens that the school management does not pay attention to these buildings attention, together with the director we look into the food block, it is important not only what is on the menu, but in what conditions on what equipment. school lunches will be prepared, new equipment has been purchased, for example, a wonderful combi steamer, an electric kettle, an oven,
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an electric frying pan, cosmetic repairs have also been carried out in the form of replacing tiles on the floor, walls, the sewage system has been completely replaced, plumbing has been replaced, in belarus a million schoolchildren will sit at their desks in the new academic year, including 110,000 first-graders, while the children were resting, adults worked, about 300 million rubles were allocated for current capital repairs. those regions, such as mogilev, which signed 100% and approved 100% of readiness passports in advance, a number of regions, according to the norms of the same resolution, continued work after the twentieth, but with the goal of still creating the safest conditions to fulfill all the necessary requirements so that the educational process. in the new academic year for our schoolchildren was safe. large construction began in krichevskaya secondary school no. 5. director zhanna vasilyevna recalls that
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her grandmother built the building in 1949. her parents studied there, then she herself and even her daughter. her granddaughter will come here to learn. the age of the school, as they joke, can be determined by the layers of paint, but this is the case when cosmetic repairs are no longer enough. this school was built in 1949. and of course, it required repairs and attention to itself, this year more than in the previous one, funds have been invested here, work is being done here, they are already nearing completion, as for the interior work, roofs, exterior finishes. schools are ready for the new school year. all summer, adults have been polishing up so that the world of knowledge is as cozy and comfortable as possible. in all corners of belarus, the long-awaited first bell will ring, which will once again call the children on an exciting journey. tighten your belts, it will be interesting, ilona volynets, alexander moguchy, sphere of interests. and that's all for today, watch the sphere of interests three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck
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in your business and see you soon.


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