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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 1:30am-1:57am MSK

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in harmony with nature, belarus 24, good afternoon, on the air of the first national.
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in the world, shuttle democracy has become so popular today, americans all over the world, chinese, indians, now it's also fashionable, well, and olga aleksandrovna shpilevskaya, we practically don't see you in the country, because your last trips, we'll start with the last one, uzbekistan, before that... mongolia, what before that, zimbabwe, ahead, i understand, more trips, but what can you say, of course, our women are under the special care of the state, personally under the care of the head state, alexander grigorievich lukashenko, well, and i understand that you are sowing goodness all over the world, well, you understand correctly, on the one hand, of course, it is correct. that, perhaps,
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you will not see me often in the country lately, but believe me, with my heart and soul i am always in the country, yes, because the more you see the outside world, the more you understand and appreciate the country in which you live, and the conditions that are created in this country for the comprehensive development of any woman, well, and not only women, it seems to me that we understand that we have a socially oriented state that gives everyone equal opportunities for equal development of their potential, and shuttle diplomacy is really gaining momentum. and this is great, and you know why it is great, because in fact you can correspond for a very long time, communicate online, have some contacts, but nothing will ever replace face-to-face conversations, this is as the president said at a meeting with the teaching staff, yes, no gadget can replace a teacher at school, just like your presence in the environment and offline communication will never be replaced by any online platform or gadget, of course today everyone... the country is trying to attract
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to its territory as many representatives of different states as possible, yes , in order to show the potential of their country and in order to become an international platform. it is very pleasant that belarus is invited to all forums, believe me, there are very few countries there, our neighbors, who are represented at this forum, yes, at best it is a representative of the russian federation, and not everywhere. belarus represented everywhere, i will say honestly, we are received very well in the very...
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which unites absolutely different women, and we understand that there is no need to fight for our rights there in the literal sense today, yes, we just need to arrange something somewhere, to level things out, but nothing more, this is also very important. because we are bringing our belarus to all these platforms, well yes, i completely agree with you, alexandrovna, that under any of your visits, your trips, these are political gestures, of course, let's be frank, there is an economic basis, that's it now i will ask you to include one short story that will demonstrate the economic basis of your trips, this trip.
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why, because women, in countries like zimbabwe, the first ladies, have a special mission: men are directed to maintain the integrity of the state, to be responsible for the military component, to be responsible for some large economic component, and to watch how it develops, and the first lady is responsible for the social situation in the state, the social situation of women, the creation of jobs places for women, improving working conditions for women, developing... business, it seems to me, today, as women's business is developing in zimbabwe, it is developing in few places in european countries, the second visit was already specifically with a women's delegation from zimbabwe, where all the industries of interest to them were represented, agriculture, they have women working, by the way, in
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metal mining, there is no need to be surprised by this, in heavy industry and everywhere there is a woman's hand, it seems to me, this is even visible from today's visit, or rather yesterday's visit zimbabwean. delegation, who is the head of the delegation, is also a woman, so this women's business and the feminine principle there is very strong, so when we went at the invitation of the first lady, the visit took place very quickly, it was supported by the head of state, of course, we went with those women from our side who also understand how to establish economic ties and who can specifically offer them something in the obvian side, and well, potatoes - this was a gesture from the head of state, because the first. for zimbabwe really liked the potatoes that she tried here on our territory, it is different from the zimbabwean one, it is different in that, as she said, it is more tender in consistency and taste, and it is suitable for baby food, and you know what - this is precisely the children's topic, it
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is special for any woman, so this task of feeding children to feed children with a really high-quality product is also theirs, hence their interest in our processing, in our. baby food, in ours, in our agriculture, because zimbabwe, like us, is an agrarian country, them, you don't have to think that this is distant africa, in fact they have built the largest logistics center in harari, which can very quickly deliver any product to any point in the world, the task of this center, as i understand it, which the first lady sets, is to collect products from small women farmers, and bring them to this large logistics center and thus distribute the products further, to help, that is, women,
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there, i think, in the twenty-third year, at the beginning of february, then the president of zimbabwe
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the phone was ringing off the hook, his colleagues, presidents of neighboring countries, how were you able to lure lukashenko here, yeah, yeah, what did you promise him that he came to you with such serious intentions with such serious proposals, well , the head of state opens doors everywhere, then the head of state is received. other delegations judge us, it's true, and if the head of state comes somewhere, look, he always says that our policy, our policy is open, we are not going to solve our national interests at the expense of some nationalities, yes, we come with an open heart, with an open soul, we bring technology, and we also expect that we will be treated similarly, that is, it is equal working with equal, it does not matter what color your skin is, it does not matter how developed or undeveloped your country is, we offer equal partnership relations.
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all the countries of the world are there now, because everyone is interested in coming there, everyone is interested in coming there, everyone understands that this is not a momentary return, that this is a long-term game, because the future, including sales markets, that's exactly where we see their demographic situation, we see how their population is growing, while the population of the european union is falling catastrophically, yes, and we understand that everything is concentrated there.
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the richest country, it is a mineral resource, we have our own interests there, not only to promote our technology, but probably
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to get something from them, the general extraction of minerals - yes, so your opinion, it is taken into account when making decisions, i will say this, of course, women's opinion is taken into account, of course, with on the one hand, as far as the head of state is concerned, i am sure that he is monitoring and sees our agenda, he understands, he always says, when we met, there was a meeting with the activists... of the belarusian union of women, the head of state gave a clear message: if something doesn't work out, speak directly, we have the opportunity even from today's broadcast to convey some things to the head of state, if they confuse me there or someone somewhere doesn't hear me, like editors' clubs, yes, so there are no questions here, but i would like, certainly, so that at a lower level, let's say, they would listen even more, because of course there are some skeptical men, unfortunately, who also occupy leadership positions... who say: well, what about taking potatoes, you know, to zimbabwe, right? so i want them all to hear and understand that it's not
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easy, well, taking potatoes to zimbabwe is not easy, let's say, not everyone will be allowed there with these potatoes, that is, i understood your hint that you recommend that right now, right from our broadcast, we replace the skeptic men with women pragmatism pragmatism, no well , men skeptics will be even more offended by me. well, then, you have to listen. skepticism, probably, first of all from ignorance in the opponent's position. well, you know, it's always good when. there are several opinions, let's say so, yes, you see, if everyone listened to you, spoke as you think, well, as you think it is necessary to do, nothing would work out, because truth is born only in a dispute, women see one side of the coin, men see the other side of the coin, it's not for nothing that we are different, yes, but you need to find somewhere this golden mean, which will lead not your interests, not my interests, not women's, not men's, but will lead the interests of the country, and
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therefore our children in the right direction, this is the most important thing, it seems to me, here in this regard we all need to work together. "i will completely agree with you, thank you, especially since they listen to you, i am interested in your last trip, this is uzbekistan, a large joint business forum, a women's business forum, we have many women businessmen, as far as, if i am not mistaken, in my opinion, there are about 40%, 40%, yes, women who are engaged in business, in general, these are successful women, right?" "what was agreed upon, well, there was a lot of information, but here is your personal impression, how effective was it and the documents that were signed, there were specific contracts, but there were also such framework agreements, how effective will this business forum work? well, in general , everything always starts with framework agreements, then it develops into specific contracts, this is already the second business forum of women entrepreneurs of the belarusian
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uzbek, the first one took place a year ago on the initiative of natal ivanovna kachanovo and with the support of tanzilin, natal ivanovna. these are also two women leaders who are interested in the development of women's business, of course, we already saw from the first forum that the second one will definitely take place, because there is a demand for it, at the second forum, by the way, there were more men represented as business leaders, because already through our female contacts we understand that a large enterprise is coming to the first, well, as if to the first position, they conclude contracts, the representation was the widest, in uzbekistan, but i am always more interested, because what concerns big business, it is always visible, that is , we see, for example, going into a store, tashkent, we see kommunarka candies, and we understand that this means two businesses are working well, yes, or we see our tractors on their territory, we see our light industry suits on their territory, these are such stories about big business, i am always
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interested in smaller stories, what this gives small and medium-sized businesses, because we are trying to bring to uzbekistan, as well as uzbekistan, to expand our production, which means creating jobs and giving our women work, we are interested in this, of course, because a successful woman is a successful family, this is also such a direct story, and i asked the chairman of our women's wing, the belarusian union of women, also our wing of women entrepreneurs, it is a little over a year old. but we see how interested women are, they come successfully work, businesses that women open, they are socially oriented, which is also important, yes, this is inclusion, this is also what concerns the green economy, which is popular all over the world today and is developing, women behave very carefully in business in terms of ecology, everything and such subtle, let's say, things and matters, where maybe men will not pay attention, so she
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told me, gave the following facts: one small woodworking enterprise.
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and in mongolia too, because in uzbekistan you flew in from mongolia, there was an international women's forum, you gave a report there, i think you were talking about the green economy, yes, including the green economy, yes, what did you agree on? well, if in uzbekistan it is still a business forum, and how would it translate into specific projects and specific ideas, then in mongolia, of course, it was not, there were no contracts signed, we signed an agreement with the women's union of mongolia on cooperation, and this means that we are waiting for the mongolian side already on our territory, in order to introduce women closer to the direction.
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in a strict suit with a bun on the head, and it seems to them that we have a police regime here and no one allows anyone to develop, when you have the opportunity
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to convey to these people on an international platform that there is your country, to show specific photographs so that they can see how the country is developing, what beautiful women we have, what our women do, that we work as a non-governmental public organization, we have access to the head of state, and the head of state supports us, and i always openly say that our president... to call you a women's president, and we are proud of it, by the way, mongolian women really liked it, their president also really supports the women's organization, they said that we will ask their president to call himself a women's president, too, so here the head of state sets the trend, and well, this seems very important to me, yes, because no matter what, when you see this woman with your own eyes, you hear from her lips about how the country lives, and i always do this with specific examples, i repeat once again, with specific figures, even according to international ratings. after all, we are in very good positions in terms of gender equality or inequality, how to correctly voice it, yes, our country is quite high, that's where, if in
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uzbekistan the economic component was very important, then in mongolia for me it was precisely this political situation that was important, the presentation of the country, the presentation of women who live in this country, the story about the opportunities that are provided to women, because for them, for example, even to hear that our constitution stipulates equal rights for... wages, we do not divide by gentor, yes, because often even from european women you can hear that, occupying the same positions, a man receives a higher salary, a woman receives a lower salary, today, if you have the position of editor, they do not write there a woman or a man, you have a rate that you receive, in not depending on who you are by gender, so well, for me it was. this component is important, i really hope that we have coped with it, well, yes, this is also people's diplomacy, of course,
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yes, and tell me, olga alexandrovna, do you cite any impressions from there or, let's say, traditions or attitudes towards women that we lack and that perhaps should be introduced into our society, although i understand that you... most often visit the global south, the countries of the global south, it's a different culture, but suddenly they discovered something there, already an observant person, well, i can't say directly that it's a different culture in terms of attitudes towards women, it seems to me that all over the world a woman has always been revered and will be revered as a woman, as a mother, as the progenitor of the family, take any religion, any culture, everywhere a woman still has a special status, special significance, and as if, well, probably, it is shown by men there in different ways, yes, there may be less freedom somewhere, more somewhere, but everywhere women have always been respected and honored, and
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what our men lack, well i don’t know, that’s in my opinion, and i really like coming, well i mean i love uzbekistan in what sense, despite the fact that uzbekistan is actively developing economically and women are actively entering businesses, women are actively engaged in political activities, women are actively building a career. they get an education, their birth rate does not fall, and today the male population prevails over women, over the female, that is, more men are born in a kind of duration their life increases. when i ask the question: aren't you afraid that - after all, this is already such a world practice, the higher the economic position of a woman, the more opportunities she has to realize herself in her career, the lower the birth rate in this country will be, because such women, as a rule, give birth to one child, two children and... yes, and the first birth is postponed, of course, to a later date, they get married later, they have a different tendency, women who have children, who improve their
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economic position. material, this is already about how we raise our daughters and what we invest in them, and here, honestly, i would like more activity from men, because it seems to me that our men have gone somewhere in this regard in terms of family moments, somewhere to more passive positions, i would like them to participate more in raising children, especially girls, so that they would instill more of this need in girls.


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