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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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mesvizh state college named after yakub kolos, it is designed for 112 places and is distinguished by modern areas for drawing, sports, watching movies, creativity, cheerleading and even golf. the competition is held in several stages, at the regional level, at the provincial, and then only at the republican level , as a rule, about seven dormitories reach the republican level, among which we choose the three best, this year, when ... we held a competition among college dormitories, we had to give 2/3 places, because in fact those hostels that reached the finals, they are very worthy, here we together with all the students our guests spent all this beauty, now our students also spend their time here, we take them here for physical education classes and here they can even play just our... townspeople come
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to enjoy the views, so to speak. i live in the nessersky district and for quite a long time i wanted to become a teacher, so the choice of college was already predetermined. well, i was very happy when i found out that the college provides a hostel, because, despite the fact that i live in the vnesvezhsky district, it is rather inconvenient to go to school every day. once a year, the trade union of education and science workers selects the best hostel with...
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the fight against illness. by the way, this is the artist's second exhibition in derzhinsk. we already know that art is a way of rehabilitation for her and about natalia, that she, she is in the process of rehabilitation after a serious illness. and this exhibition shows and says that inspiration gives strength for recovery, hand is getting stronger, and we hope that the third exhibition of natalia udenkova herself will be here with us. the author dedicated most of the exhibition works to her own pet, the images of the fairy-tale cat bayun are some of the artist's favorites. next, sports news, we are on air at 13:00. see you there. football players
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of the capital's dynamo lost to anderlecht in the second match of the playoff round of the europa league qualification. let me remind you that the first meeting of the teams on the nominally home field of the white-blues ended with a minimal victory for the belgian squads - 1:0. a similar score was recorded in the return match. they played very disciplined, followed the structure of the game, the team was especially important. actions in defense, they tried to work in a counterattacking manner, looked for their chances in quick counter attacks, we had some good moments, the game at this level will serve as a starting point for further european tournaments, they were confident that they can play with any opponent, the most important thing is to believe in yourself, and of course, to realize the goals moments. thus, minsk dynamo goes to the group stage of the conference league, their opponents, the team will find out today.
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dad was rarely with us, he had little time, so each time it was a real holiday, the last one happened before the war, it was my birthday, dad came for a festive dinner, and then took me with him to the store, promising to buy what i wanted, i was 12 years old then, he
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bought me candy, some boxes, but for me it was not important, to be honest, i i didn't want anything, it was a joy for me to walk holding his hand, everyone paid attention to him, dad was very handsome, fit. i was terribly proud that i was walking next to him, my dad was a brilliant officer, when we talk about significant victories, about significant achievements, the army, formations, fronts, because we cannot talk about it impersonally.
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look at the fate of ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky. with the beginning of operation bagration , the germans frantically tried to establish a defense on the rapidly disappearing belarusian balcony and received a new blow, which resulted in the defeat of the army group northern ukraine. however, the soviet military leadership forced the wehrmacht to make a fatal mistake in belarus. initially, the general staff of the armed forces nurtured the idea of ​​the future bagration as delivering two main blows at once in the bobruisk region. however, on the map of the red army offensive in belarus in the summer of 1944, we see many large and small
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red arrows, they are all the main ones. on the northern wing of the offensive, the decisive role was assigned to the first baltic front. the front was was formed in april 1944, when preparations were underway for operation bograsion, but we certainly understand that the formation of the front did not happen out of nowhere, behind the front that was created in april of 1944, there are people, there is a command, there are fronts that operated before that, that accepted themselves... a blow in 1941, that took part in the battle of moscow, that began to liberate belarus in the fall of 1943. after the autumn-winter operation, 1943-4,
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unfortunately, our troops were unable to liberate vitebsk, it was one of the key tasks. during this period, several offensives were carried out. investigate the situation on the ground, really admitted that 11 operations were unsuccessful, 11 military operations, so the commander of the western front was removed, in his place on april 15, 1944 , colonel general at that time ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky was appointed, literally 10 days later he became the commander of the third belarusian front, because the western front was
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for the affairs put forward, it so happened that in such a young age he was entrusted with leading the whole front, the front that not only liberated belarus, it was part of this front that liberated the capital of belarus, the city of minsk, the tank that was the first to break into the streets of the city was from the third belarusian front. in his memoirs , chernyakhovsky appears as such a person, a person who knew how to change his mind
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if he saw that it was necessary. ivan danilovich, his fate was not easy, he was born in a ukrainian village, in a large family, there were six children in the family, unfortunately, at the age of nine he lost. both father and mother, father and mother died of typhus, of course it was a great tragedy, ivan danilovich studied in elementary school at that time, but was forced to leave it in order to work to earn money, worked as a shepherd, worked as a laborer, a laborer, but he worked in order to earn money somehow for... for education, for getting an education. having successfully graduated from the academy of mechanization, the future general served in
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tank units. certifying him, the command gave ivan the following characteristics: a highly cultured commander, excellent in operational calculations and specific knowledge in combat training of tank units, knows all brands of combat vehicles well and drives them well, a strong-willed commander, demanding of himself and his subordinates, disciplined. initiative, hardworking, knowledgeable in work experience, worthy of promotion to the position of tank division commander and assignment of the rank of colonel on an out-of-turn basis. chernyakhovsky's military skill grew from battle to battle. the thirty-three-year-old colonel met the great patriotic war in the post of commander of the twenty-eighth tank division of the baltic military district. during the defense of novgorod in august forty -one, he first made people talk about him
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as a talented military leader, forcing the germans to go on the defensive. the soldiers fought. in that battle for every inch of land, in fact, to the last tank, after which the thinned twenty-eighth division was withdrawn to the second echelon, ivan danilovich himself fell seriously ill with pneumonia and went to the hospital. anastasia grigoryevna, the commander's wife. kept a letter dated 27 august 1941, chernyakhovsky wrote to his wife: "if you saw me now, you wouldn't recognize me, i've lost 17 kg, no belt fits, they're all too big, even the watch bracelets slip off my hand, and i dream of washing and shaving, a beard like a sixty-year-old
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grandfather, i've long since gotten used to it, but all this doesn't stop me from commanding with the same passion. as always, ivan danilovich loved his wife, daughter and son very much, although he raised his children strictly, and constantly wrote to them from the front so that they could join the ranks of excellent students. ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky, first of all , always understood that for any leader , a personal example is very important, so he did not lower his demands on himself, those around him saw it, “i see heroism with my own eyes, the other day we had an offensive, when i crawled up to one of the flanks, i saw one medical assistant, nadya golovina, a good girl, a real
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patriot, crawling under a hail of bullets to bandage the wounded, when the time came for the attack, she was the first to jump up with a grenade in her hands , shouting “hurray for comrade stalin”, led the way attack of all fighters. it is amazing. i nominated her for the order of the red banner. this is a private episode, but how much courage and heroism soviet people have. all this is exciting makes you want to be with them ahead, with the people who decide the fate of our glorious homeland. well, that's a little about our affairs. and ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky, his contemporaries, his colleagues speak very warmly, they say that he was a man who
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was not afraid to cancel his decisions. and admit, perhaps, his mistakes and somewhere his failures, it is believed that it is thanks to this is why he and the front, the troops under his command were able to achieve those victories and those successes to which they came, because the situation at the front, at the forefront changes instantly, it is not always possible to follow the planned plan. developed strategy and tactics, you need to be flexible, be able to not just make a new, different necessary decision, but be able to take responsibility for it yourself, because only a person who is in close proximity to the events, he sees the situation on the spot, he
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can coordinate and give acceptance the right decisions and give the right orders. in difficult defensive battles, ivan danilovich scrupulously studied the enemy, his tactics, the experience of our soldiers boldly applied the new things that combat life gave birth to. he belonged to that glorious galaxy of soviet soldiers , educated by the party, who did not get lost in the face of any enemy, but exhausted and bled him dry, from the first day of the war they prepared the defeat of hitler's army.
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the liberation of belarus and the participation of the third belarusian front. in the belarusian strategic operation bagartion began with the very first minutes of its beginning. ivan danilovich was the commander, but when making his decisions he consulted with vasilevsky, with marshals vasilevsky and zhukov, who were representatives of the headquarters, ensured the coordination of the activities of all fronts, thanks to which it was possible to ensure the success of the offensive. in many ways, the greatest difficulty. was in the very nature of belarus in the presence of a large number of forests and swamps, thanks to which it was much easier to defend in belarus than to attack, but thanks to
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the courage and resourcefulness of soviet tank crews and active interaction with the partisans, who suggested them the best routes through the swamps and forests. belarusian partisans made an invaluable contribution to bringing about the liberation of belarus and the victory over the horn, thanks to the fact that by their active actions, especially on the railway, during the so-called voyage. the right moment of their military units,
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as well as by actively assisting the advancing units of the red army, acting as scouts and guides, they helped the soldiers of the red army with minimal losses to reach the necessary places, where the enemy did not expect them.
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this bridge on the night of june 30, 1944 , the tank platoon of the soviet officer, tanker pavel rak was tasked with breaking into the city of borisov, occupied by german troops, engaging in combat to fight until the main forces of the corps arrived, of the four tanks, only the t-34 crew, consisting of tank commander pavel rak, tank driver alexander petryaev and tank gunner-radio operator. alexey danilov was able to break through the berezana river into the city of borisov. for 16 hours, the crew fought on the streets of the city. in an unequal battle, the soldiers
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died. mutank was alone in a city filled with enemies. a heroic page in the history of pavel rak's crew in the history of the liberation of borisov is precisely this. a tank from the third belarusian front , dmitry frolikov's tank, broke into minsk. this
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marked the beginning of the liberation of minsk, it was the day on which we today celebrate the independence day of the republic of belarus, the day of the liberation of minsk. ivan danilovich painstakingly worked on the preparation. of each operation, he invested in them, new, that was born in battles, he polished everything to the smallest detail. chernyakhovsky looked danger straight in the face, he was not afraid of the enemy, but did not neglect him either, but patiently studied the wolfish habits of the fascists , struck swift blows in the most sensitive places, at the most unexpected time. the nazis watched chernyakhovsky and where he appeared with his eagles, ...
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the enemy immediately improved and further strengthened his defense. we fight hard, especially my old tankers, how excellently they fight, some wonderful people, and how i love them. recently they called, matched me, refused, set conditions, anywhere, but with his heroes, with his beloved people. ivan danilovich never dissembled, did not compromise in assessing people, their actions. he was communistically irreconcilable, but at the same time humanly sensitive. my crew is hand-picked. the tank driver, petya, is a fearless virtuoso, a tireless mechanic who can withstand the stress of the levers for three days without closing his eyes for a minute. the second member of the crew is a rodist, a young lieutenant krasnov, always dozing. with
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headphones and wakes up in battle, and becomes unlike a slow person with headphones, but an agile, brave and rather passionate shooter with burning eyes. the second crew, which spent all the fighting days and battles with me and never lagged further than 10 m behind my tank, is the same. in general, our tank crew are wonderful. at the moment we are putting ourselves in order, and many are bored, everyone is eager to fight, when this happiness will fall to us, i do not know exactly. ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky was very an experienced, competent commander, who, who was always among the troops, felt their mood, felt a close connection with the soldiers, who sincerely loved him. tosenok, you know how everyday life in battle brings people together, no, you don’t have a thorough
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idea, here i am... the main burden fell on the third belarusian front during the implementation of the belarusian offensive operation bugration, thanks to their active and rapid actions
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it was possible... to liberate such belarusian cities as vitebsk, grodno, borisov, veleyka, orsha and, of course, minsk itself, our youth should know who to look up to, so ivan danilo chernyakhovsky is a very illustrative example of a man who in many ways made himself, was able to go through the military path, starting from a simple soldier and becoming , in fact, a general, he always tried to keep his finger on the pulse of the battle, regularly went to the front lines to make important decisions on the spot. on february 18 , 1945, he was in east prussia, where his troops were, now it is territory of poland, was driving in a car accompanied by security, os


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