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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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actions managed to liberate such belarusian cities as vitebsk, grotno, borisov, veleyka, orsha, and of course, minsk itself, our youth should know who to look up to, so ivan danilovich chernyakhovsky is a very illustrative example of a man who in many ways made himself, was able to go through the military path, starting from a simple soldier to become like... he always tried to keep his finger on the pulse of the battle, regularly went to the front lines to make important decisions on the spot. on february 18, 1945, he was in east prussia, where his troops were, now it is the territory of poland, he was driving in a car accompanied by guards,
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his chest hit the windshield, the front panel, the wound was fatal, after that literally...
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it became, he died in battle as a soldier, during february 1945, the talented commander was not buried in honor of the hero in moscow, a salute of 124 guns thundered, in the person of comrade chernyakhovsky, the official report said, the state lost one of the most talented young commanders, advanced during the patriotic war, unfortunately, died himself... on the threshold of victory, therefore ivan danilovich erichovsky is a very bright outstanding personality, whose life path can serve as an example for our younger generation.
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the tv news agency presents. the office, on the right of vladimir paley's fee to other enterprises, new equipment and his friends to give products only of high quality, which is why it is easy for children to work with atk, there is nothing to reject. in work with such
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small details, when the most insignificant adhilenni pryvodzyatsa yes marriage, chalavek tsyazhka forgot the necessary reporting. control over all pharmaceutical devices. the details have been added to the control templates dozens of times. machines will be used to mark the future of our parent enterprise. the gray creativity has the most riotous production of a planing machine with an automatic carving for finishing parts with a machine and 20 tons. the machine has been awarded the yakastsi sign. businesses visited the headquarters of french companies. machines from minsk brand paspyakhova compete with the most attractive foreign images. it is not surprising that they buy many lands of the world. here are the acts of the patryman patryyatychny pachynak. and work great,
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many delegates say that agriculture needs a tractor that is very mobile, maneuverable and powerful for agriculture. i'm the last year. as a result, the plant's production schedule includes new products such as cardan shafts and the k-700 tractor. shock stone worker cheslav kazimiravich. bagenskam persham at the factory it’s a cruel stigma. yakasts. following these mottos, the abbotniks of ab'yadnanny pramen practiced. and the hell of the shteparshchytsy
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ramualda strok and the hell of the tyrant galina kandymavay lay there. hell has dried up. the charms that wandered around this day came to the buyers. rejoice, zaruka tamu, gety ganar's hexagon. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we will talk about how belarusians of elegant age will receive pensions, whether it will be possible to come to the window with... a passport in the old fashioned way. let's go. in belarus the conditions for receiving pensions and some benefits are changing. some people who collected money from post offices must open bank accounts and receive their payments through them. these changes have been known for a long time, since
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last december, so they did not fall on anyone's head out of the blue, but not everyone is ready for them yet. pension recipients are going to the banks with delays. today we will clarify the situation for them. there are almost 2,400,000 pensioners in our country, 1,600,000 of them switched to receiving their pensions through banks long before december 2023, when it became known about the upcoming changes, but among those who remained, not everyone should change their post office to a bank. the social security fund accumulates funds for pensions for belarusians. each working citizen contributes 1% of their salary there towards their pension. employers send 28% of the salary fund, but not from the salaries of employees. in addition, the employer sends 6% of the salary for each employee for social insurance, that is, for sick leave and benefits. we have not forgotten about them, we are just talking about them now
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pensions. pensions are 1% of the employee, plus 28% of the employer. the regional social security departments determine what pension, who is entitled to it, apply to the fund. protection, it transfers the money, they distribute it to the country's pensioners, but the fund, or local authorities, cannot transfer the money to people themselves, they do not have the infrastructure for this, for this you need someone reliable, who can be trusted with the funds of pensioners, who has an automated accounting system, the ability to transfer and deliver money, a room for receiving citizens, cash windows, because the ministry of labor, and the fund social protection is part of the ministry of labor, transfers money to people through operators in our... these are commercial banks and belpochta. and from july 1, pensions can still be received through both structures. it's just that before , any recipient could choose: a bank or a post office. and now only the following groups of the population have the right to choose. record. pensioners over 70 years of age.
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pensioners living in rural areas, people with disabilities of the first or second group of any age, citizens who refused to receive passports by... well, let's mention those who receives benefits, among them the right to choose a bank or a post office have: adults with disabilities of the first or second group who receive benefits for their children, parents of a disabled child who is not yet eighteen, and recipients of child benefits from rural areas, that is, elderly belarusians who have celebrated their seventieth birthday, as before, can choose for themselves whether to collect money at the post office, at the bank or order home delivery, the same applies to rural residents and disabled people, parents of a child with a disability recipients of child benefits from rural areas, nothing will change for them, now about those who will be able to collect pensions and benefits only through a bank. in the case of pensions, these are residents of minsk, regional and district centers
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without disabilities of the first or second group under the age of 70. as for benefits, they can only be accepted through banks. recipients of child benefits from minsk, regional and district centers. and people who receive benefits for caring for a disabled person of the first group who has reached the age of eighty. once again for pensioners, only those of you will receive your pension through the bank, he has not yet turned 70, and the person lives in the city and does not have a severe disability, all three criteria must match, then through the bank. transferring pension payments to the bank is not a burden, but an unloading for relatively healthy people under 70 years of age. they are called young pensioners, because our women retire at 58, and men at 63. these are active belarusians, they travel around ... and the world, use modern technologies, pay for goods and services on the internet, many of them are still working and for them the arrival
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of the sum on the card is more understandable and simpler than going to the post office, queuing for cash or waiting at home for the postman. mentruda has been working on changing the format of payments for several months, in total about 100 thousand people had to switch from the post office to banks, at the moment 90 thousand of them have opened accounts to receive payments, about 10 thousand have not reached the banks, and this ... means that they may receive their money with a delay. to receive a pension or benefit through a bank, you need to open an account in a basic account. to do this, you need to come to the branch with a passport or other identification document and fill out an application according to the sample. the bank will open an account, transfer the data about it to the ministry of labor, and link a plastic card to the account. you won’t have to pay for its maintenance, it will work everywhere where there are cash desks with card readers. you can open a basic account until june 21, that is, you need to have time
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tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. everyone who does this later will receive their pensions as soon as they open accounts. now a list of banks where you can do this to do: belarusbank, priorbank, belgroprombank, sberbank, belgazprombank, belinvestbank, bank dobrobyt, belvneshekonombank. a citizen can choose for himself which of them to open an account in order to receive a pension. there is an important nuance here: those who switch to payments through banks are not required to use a bank card. if it is more comfortable to stand in line the old-fashioned way and receive cash at a window under a signature, you can go to the bank with a passport, just like you used to go to the post office and receive paper money in your hands. as i said above, in belarus almost 2,400,000 pensioners, and 70% of them have long been receiving pension payments through banks, because it is more convenient for them. about 430 thousand pensioners continue to work. and the pension is
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just one of the payments that arrives on their card every month. that is, the changes that were introduced have long been in effect in practice and are very convenient for the majority of our pensioners. people 58, 65 years old can hardly be called uneducable and incapacitated. and it is completely wrong to spend money on sending pensions to those who immediately put them on cards, to make it more convenient to pay for the delivery of products or. let's put it this way: we live in a state, that is, in a system of economic relations, including. it would be disingenuous to say that changes in the terms of pension payments are needed only by pensioners themselves. we all need them to reduce the cost of delivering money, reduce the load on retail chains and the post office. the world is moving to digital. a huge amount of information is stored in virtual clouds. physical infrastructure is adapting to a new format of life. do we want it? or not, sixty-year-old belarusians are not surprised by ordering products on the websites of hypermarkets and
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cafes, delivery points of online stores in cities, on every corner. the state virtual pharmacy has been operating for more than a year, utility payments can be made online for a long time, most belarusians pay insurance and taxes there, a whole generation of people has already retired who are used to buying clothes on marketplaces, paying for everything through erib and even buying theater tickets online. there are more and more such pensioners every year... and for a full-fledged life they need life needs a quick transfer to a card, and not a trip to the post office. and now the important thing: any city resident of retirement age will be able to arrange to receive a pension at the post office or with home delivery as soon as he celebrates his seventieth birthday, moves to live in the village or , god forbid, becomes disabled. the function of receiving payments by mail is not irrevocable and ceases to operate only for the above categories of citizens. as soon as a person stops falling into them, he can ... return to the post office, but will he want to, you quickly get used to good things? we have
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there are really a lot of people of a respectable age who want to be naive with technology, but don’t know how to approach it. the national strategy active longevity 2030 is aimed at helping them . there are projects all over the country where volunteers teach grandparents how to use smartphones, tablets and computers. this is mainly done by territorial. social services for the population, sometimes an online course with the hashtag “teach your loved ones” for the elderly is conducted by the mobile operator mts. after these courses, grannies are happy to watch in tiktok recipes: they follow their grandchildren on instagram, and grandfathers post fishing and google edible mushrooms. in our country, there are very few citizens who consider it impossible for themselves to obtain a personal passport number, as their religious beliefs dictate. the situation is extraordinary, but our state is lenient to any manifestations of personal freedom, if they do not harm
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others. citizens who refuse to receive a passport receive a pension, a certificate is issued for them. which certifies the identity on the basis of this certificate payments. these people will be able to continue to receive them by mail. for those who will calm down in retirement. you, as before, will receive payments in full, on time, in a form that will allow you to live without stress and unnecessary movements. for those who are still far from retirement, be more tolerant of the elderly. many of them do not believe in what they cannot touch with their hands, but with the help of young people they will quickly master. new technologies, and young people will teach their elderly relatives to use everything that today's old people once used themselves patiently showed us the world, it's our turn, i'm marina karaman and what this july brings to pensioners, we figured it out, everything is clear, see you soon.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives with today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news of the country abroad, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. fascinating travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus,
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austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia. poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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it's easy to go below sea level to see the future belarusian baikal. new master class. on belarus 24. what does the largest granite quarry in europe hide? everyone will see, but no one won't hear, right? are there any machines bigger than belazs? the main thing is not to come close. it will fly to your head now. what is a giant shrew for? i just didn't believe these words. how is this even possible? all about mining. this saturday we will hold a master class and tell you how it 's done. i want to say one thing, how far has technology come? that's for sure.
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studio olga kalairova, hello! and we will start the issue with joyful sports news. our igor boki is confidently going for his second medal at the paralympic games in paris. the athlete came out in the final of the 100-meter backstroke. in class c-13. in the qualification, igor showed the second result - 58.97 seconds. another belarusian, evgeny kovalenok, could not.


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