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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 6:15pm-6:30pm MSK

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mardovia's art is immediately available in minsk and in national art museums. life, graphics, sculpture, decorative arts and crafts of dozens of works reveal the wealth of culture of the two ethnic groups of mardva, erdzi and muksha. this school of art would not be complete without bright colors . a rich palette, danina myastsovaya pryrodze. from the mardovian republican museum , a wide range of calcifications in ethnic styles was discovered in the name of erze.
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the host of the travel show is at home, they know exactly how to behave when visiting, you will be mine instructor today, i'm lucky today, so small but beautiful, very beautiful, shukrang you could say, thank you, foreign students travel. study its
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history and explore the sights, good morning, friends, rooster, yes, we have it like that, good morning, and how does your rooster crow, kikiriki, kikerki, yes, wow, that's where i came to the jungle in venezuela or that one of the oldest mosques in our territory, is it muslim?
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i've always lived so that i could look people straight in the eye, there are no trifles in life it happens, there are no trifles in the profession, work in intensive care taught me to take a hit, it taught me to control my emotions, it is necessary to learn. to accept the joy of
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saved lives, then it levels out preserves your psycho-emotional state, you believe in the result, always initially believe that everything will be fine. everything depends on us, so you can never give up. i am the deputy chief physician for off-budget activities of the city clinical hospital of emergency medical care. i came to the clinic at eighty in my ninth year, as a young specialist, having graduated from minsk medical school no. 2. since then, i have been working in the clinic for 35 years, i worked in different ones, the first 16 years.
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the first shift in intensive care was so physically difficult at that time i was a young girl, eighteen years old, i had never worked at 12 o'clock i wanted to cry bitterly, tears were really flowing, but i understood that i had to overcome, i had to learn, i had to help, the duty schedule was such as day, day, night, day off, and we found the strength in ourselves, and we went to work, we did not have familiar, that's the fashionable word now... burnout, we understood that it was necessary and should be, that case when there was a terrorist attack in the metro, svetlo nasilna lives close to the hospital, she was one of the first to sort the patients, it was
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painful, it was scary, but we coped, in this bright person there is faith in the future, faith in future hospitals, faith in the future... of the country and faith that we are improving, what a hospital is, for me it always represents a single living organism, where the final result depends on the work of each structural unit work, and the end result is the patient's recovery and ensuring his further quality of life.
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the near and far east, these are the countries of europe, these are the countries of the near abroad. in the twenty-third year, about 1,800 foreign citizens have turned to us for medical assistance. she always comes either with proposals or with a ready-made solution, in this she is invaluable. if they report to me that somewhere young people are starting to get depressed, burn out. i say, slanna vasilievna, go and talk, cell? drink, and you you know, she drinks some cheeka, and after that i look, our youth's eyes are shining, i have never based my actions on the word i wanted, i have always understood what is important for me in order to develop, in order to create harmony for myself, i understood that if i have
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a team, our team has 2,000 employees and 60% of them are women, but before i leave i think i have to look in the mirror, and if i... evoke positive emotions in myself, then i always hoped that i will evoke the same emotions in my team. why svetlana vasilno is called a super woman, because we even often laugh, she finds 27 in 24 hours, in an hour she managed to roll up tomatoes, cucumbers, potesons, make a stuffed pie , cook breakfast, lunch, dinner, for her family, get ready for work in a good mood to run there, of course, this is very inspiring impressive. my home, my family is the center of my life, but not its boundaries. i was born in marinogorka, this is the minsk region,
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pukhovichi district. i grew up in joy. i i studied at a wonderful school, i respect the soviet school very much, i remember these slogans of our morning performances. glory to the world on... glory to the bread on the table, many years have passed, but at the moment we understand that there is nothing more important than this, dad is no longer with us, but from dad i inherited optimism and cheerfulness, my mother is 80 years old, i love and respect her infinitely, she is a wonderful kind bright person, i can not, this...
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i am raising a wonderful son, he is an it specialist, i always wanted to have a daughter, but thank god, i have two wonderful nieces, not i actively interfere in their lives, but if they need my support, my participation, my presence nearby, i do it with joy, with pleasure, she surrounded me with warmth and care from the cradle, we did our homework together, she sewed me a dress for the new year of the snow queen, here i had a collar, and she sewed this dress from her wedding dress, if you need advice, she will give advice, any difficult situation will always be put on the shelves, it seems not so difficult anymore, if you need a magic kick, then when
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she writes it out, it is necessary, it will be, in principle, i believe in friendship, i believe in love, and i believe in female friendship, you see, because everything again depends on what you have inside, what you are filled with, the ability to choose friends is also a character trait and friendship is... you know, like in marriage, in sorrow in joy together. how i get away from negativity. i have a favorite hobby - this is my dacha, this is the place of my power, because it is the family nest, because my mother grew up there, because during the war my grandmother was left alone with two children, always when i came home, until she was alive. she would always come up to me, sit down next to me and stroke either
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my hands or my head, her hands were rough, she worked a lot and hard, but the warmth of those hands and softer than those hands, i have not seen anything, i am a believer, and we know perfectly well where... this is harmony, everything you do, you need to do with love, understand who you are doing it to and why you are doing it?
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sharko nikolai filippovich, commander of a rifle company of the 244th guards rifle regiment, guards captain in the red army since july 1900.
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in the battles for the capture of berlin, the guards captain was seriously wounded, as a result of which he lost his leg. by the decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr for exemplary command at the front of the fight against the nazi invaders, guard captain nikolai filipovich sharko was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union, with the presentation of the order of lenin and the gold star medal.
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secrets of a good morning and a good mood. dobroya ranitsa belarus on the air of the satellite tv channel belarus 24 program dobroya ranitsa belarus. my name is svetlana barovskaya. how is it that you have such a beautiful face, such whole ears, such a nose. it's me showing you girls, brides are growing up. rojuts, all the apples would be important, if only there would be some tsud here.


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