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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 9:00pm-9:46pm MSK

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this is a panorama, we sum up the main results of the day on the calendar friday, august 30, watch in our issue, a new school year with keys to a new apartment, today in belarus the first rental house for teachers was opened. saints of those
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who love native words. 31 days of belarusian writing are saved by ivanovets. yes, the city was sleeping at the forum and the mystery of what is waiting for the end, we will tell in the panorama. the working visit of the delegation of the government of belarus to bashkartastan has started. our joint projects and export-import of goods in the program official meetings, as well as business negotiations. bought by belarusians have not been able to cross the border for several months, the lithuanian transit corridor was completely blocked. equal opportunities, how professional training of young people with special psychophysical development is organized in belarus and where the guys can realize themselves professionally, we will tell in the material. the belarusian union of women summed up the results of the annual republican action let's collect a portfolio together. it was held in the format of
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the security council of the russian federation dmitry medvedev and chairperson of the federation council of the federal assembly valentina matviyenko. issues of developing bilateral
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relations and the upcoming summit in early october. the interlocutors also congratulated alexander lukashenko on his upcoming birthday. the most sincere congratulations are being addressed today to our legendary paralympian. just a few minutes ago , victorious news came from paris: igor bokey is an eighteen-time paralympic champion. belarusian. ovec won his second gold medal in france, today he had no equal in the 100m backstroke. in the qualification, igor showed only the second result, losing to the russian vladimir sotnikov, but in the decisive swim we took revenge. right now we are watching the final meters of the distance.
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igor boki won his first award at the paris paralympics the day before, he had no equal in the 100m butterfly. the president congratulated the athlete on his outstanding start. igor boki will be able to add to his medal collection tomorrow in the 400m program freestyle, just right. at this distance, both the world and paralympic records were set by a belarusian. we continue to support and cheer for our entire team, evgeny kovalenok will also compete for awards in this type of program, maxim vashkevich and dmitry salei will perform at a distance of 100 m backstroke in the c-12 class. preliminary heats will begin at 10:30 in the morning, in the evening program the finals are at 18:30, of course, we wish the athletes victories from
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september 1 in belarus , budget salaries will increase. this is due to an increase in the basic rates, by the government's decision it will be 253 rubles. this is the second increase this year, which will affect more than 800,000 public sector employees. the previous time , the base rate was increased from january 1, and in total, this year, the rate increase compared to last year was 9%. in total, more than 17 billion are planned to be allocated for the payment of wages to public sector employees in 2024. the wages of employees of budgetary organizations for 7 months of 2024 increased by 18.4% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 1,711 rubles. real wages
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increased at a growth rate of 112%. at the same time, wages in education are growing at a higher rate, for example, the wages of teaching staff have increased by 25% compared to last year, and teachers by 29%. the base rate is the main element of the tariff system, it is on its basis that wages are paid to employees of budgetary organizations, other incentive and compensatory payments are tied to it, the amounts of which will also increase from september 1. in general, if we talk about education, today this area is the most close attention, because the issues that education is currently solving are, in fact , strategic for the country. and therefore the state will take all measures for social support of teachers.
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our president emphasized this separately during the republican pec council, announcing the opening of the first rental house for teachers. and today teachers. and a gift, keys to apartments. the house was built in other education workers received a large village liskovka, this is near minsk. in a two-entrance building there are 40 apartments. most of them were provided to young specialists, representatives of thirteen educational institutions of the district. large families will move into two apartments. here we are planning a children's room, there will be two boys, and well , accordingly. the girl is small, she will be with us temporarily for now, and then we will equip a room for her. we also received a block in the dormitory from the somkovsky kindergarten, and i have three children, but of course we are cramped there, and this is a gift from heaven. it was built,
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again, this is by a separate order of the president, because well, the current the legislation does not allow us to build such a house specifically for the target group, specifically for teachers.
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in the future, a new social initiative may reach the legislative level with the right to acquire such housing as property, with the conditions of working in the industry for 10 or 15 years. here is another example of a sovereign initiative that not only
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scaled up, but also became a significant event for the entire country, emphasizing the important role of cultural education. welcomes guests in ivatsevichi, the holiday has become a national symbol unity of the slavs, strengthening of spiritual values, because it is writing that unites the past, present, future, the connection of generations as the greatest treasure. today's day of belarusian writing will be marked by the most important anniversaries: the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the fascist invaders, the thirtieth anniversary of the presidency and the 30th anniversary of the constitution. the events will also reflect the theme of the year of quality. well, now let's take a closer look at the holiday that was celebrated in various historical cultural centers of the country.
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i invite you to an interesting trip. the city is ready
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and waiting for a joyful meeting with guests. part of lenin street is closed to traffic and given over to pedestrians, pedestrian areas, which are presented by organizations not only of our region, but of the entire republic. in the next two days , the ivatsevichi will be very large and bright. 31 days of belarusian writing promise to be significant in scope. more than 70 events and exhibitions are planned. a book festival and presses, budze dzeynichats chatyry thematic pavilions. severed in belarus. belarus - memorable, present-day belarus and the words of a writer. menavit, on the basis of the aposhnyag there will be meetings with famous, well-known characters, autograph sessions and presentations. velma appreciates the fact that our belarusian language is occupying another month in the whole world, in small towns. it will take more than 140 hours to come here, writing, paetau.
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more than 80 years ago, the creation of the legendary partisan detachment number 112 named after molotov, which was commanded by no less than the legendary twenty-one-year-old lieutenant alexei petrovich chertkov, this partisan detachment was an example for all other partisan detachments. a bright moment of the saint will be the presentation on the main stage of the highest state recognition of writers of the national literary prize. and the central district ballroom will open the computer tamagraphy room, the red shavings of the dachshund
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will be carried out on the basis of the first school of the city, where they will publish a daily dance dance, and will further reveal the intrigue of the art project forest school, created by our local blacksmiths father and son, this is a reference to our partisan detachment, in addition to the fact that adults fought, children studied, children studied, they continued to accumulate their knowledge, a girl... with a boy standing under an oak tree, that is, this is also the personification of wisdom, the power of life, everything is clean, neat, beautiful, you can’t even say that 23,000-something people live here, as if more, all such very pleasant shades, pleasant colors, the stage is so huge, i have never seen one like this here at all, correspondents of the tv news agency, the creative group of the belarus 3 tv channel are working the christmas days together with the zhyharami, the guests of ivanovets, will work and open school, 31-year.
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we want to fight, instead of volleys of weapons the world should hear our voices. this was the starting point for a difficult, at the same time absolutely unambiguous decision, to win. for the show factorby. daniil savenya took the oath of allegiance to the fatherland. the solemn ceremony took place today in the officers' house. daniil's dream is not only to sing about the homeland, but to serve in the ranks of the armed forces belarus, found a response in the artist's letter to the head of state. serving with his voice, the belarusian singer will be in the academic
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song and dance ensemble of the armed forces of belarus. all the details in the story by katerina pavlova. the artist with absolute pitch and deep timbre will now, in addition to musical harmony, work under the minting of soldiers' dogs. to serve the fatherland despite health problems. this is the goal that daniil savenya has set for himself. he asked to join the army in a letter to the head of state and the supreme commander-in-chief and was heard. after all, the artist had long dreamed of becoming a full-fledged. defender of his homeland, i dreamed of this since childhood, without false modesty i will say that if it is necessary to stand up for the defense of our homeland, i think that each of the servicemen will not hesitate at all, take up his instrument, microphone, make sure that the enemy himself capitulates,
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say your name hero, you are unconquered by fate. the fighting spirit of a real defender of the fatherland was tempered since childhood, and honed on the factorby project, bright charisma and, of course, soul, immediately conquered viewers and the jury of the show, although he did not grab the stars from the sky, on the contrary, he immediately made it clear that he should not be pitied, why did you make such a decision, how did it come about, when did the events unknown to everyone actually begin, i realized that my duty was to protect my country, in my opinion, except...
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he immediately found a place for himself in this ensemble , they accepted him. daniil shared one of the most exciting and responsible days with his closest ones. with pride and tears of joy, the family of the belarusian artist watched as daniil pronounced the oath to the homeland. comrade major, private sovenia arrived to take the military oath. to begin taking the military oath. yes. from now on, the belarusian artist
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will not only delight his fans with songs about love for his native land. but will fulfill his civic duty by joining the ranks of the armed forces of belarus. katerina pavlova, alexey sosnovsky, tv news agency. the delegation of the government of belarus on a working visit to bashkartastan. they flew to ufa from pskov, where two-day negotiations replenished the piggy bank of bilateral agreements and contacts. today, the focus is on joint...
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titanium polymer is aimed at import substitution, such a packaging film for industrial products, medical and even food for radio and microelectronics. we
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do not have such production, but the product is needed. since our launch last year, we immediately began working with belarusian companies. and the first deliveries were to the republic of belarus. this year we expanded this cooperation, increased the volume of bupet deliveries. and as a result of this working visit, a large business dialogue, the amount of signed contracts is 745 million russian rubles, and of course, agreements, which simply cannot be reached without live communication. our delegation went to ufa, in bashkartastan , the supply of our food products is growing, including milk.
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this was stated by the chairman of the house of representatives igor sergienko at a meeting with the ambassador of china to belarus. sessiyao yun is completing his depission in our country. over the years of work
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in belarus, the diplomat was able to deeply immerse himself in belarusian-chinese projects. thanks to including his participation became a reality of a landmark event. the adoption in september of the twenty-second year on the sidelines of the sco summit in samarkand of a joint declaration on the establishment of the highest level of all-weather relations in history and...
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the difficulties of translation, their main rhetoric now is war, sanctions, weapons, money, but their voices increasingly sound uncertain and even fearful. the heads of the eu at an informal meeting in brussels were unable to agree on lifting restrictions on kiev's strikes with european weapons on the territory of russia. as it writes to politicians, only latvia, poland, france, the netherlands and sweden have spoken out in favor of kiev receiving carte blanche in this matter, this is what the giant of thought, the father of european peacekeeping, barel, insists on, while he
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traditionally contradicts himself according to his postulates: no one wants to fight with russia, but missile attacks on its territory are necessary, nato must be allowed. i will insist that by supporting ukraine, even in the event of an attack on russian territory, we are not fighting with russia, no one wants to fight with russia, we simply support ukraine. italy, slovakia and hungary did not support barrell's initiative. the head of the hungarian foreign ministry criticized the european bureaucracy, which, in his opinion, is subject to military psychosis regarding the conflict in ukraine. by the way, the eu has set the task of training another 15,000 suicide soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces by the end of the year. the training will take place as close as possible to ukraine, but still outside its borders. it is still unclear at what cost, whether they will find them either, especially since the summit failed to agree on
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european pre-election empty talk, one of the presidential candidates said that ukrainians are becoming increasingly impudent, while polish politicians remain helpless, but statements are statements, and they will still diligently fulfill the tasks of their masters. the main polish voivode flew to the united states to bow to his boss from the pentagon. at the meeting , they discussed security guarantees, planned purchases, joint production of launchers for... zerka patriot. special attention was paid to poland's recent acquisition of almost hundreds of apache helicopters f-35 fighter bombers. yesterday, your team was in texas and saw the first polish f-35 aircraft roll off the assembly line. this is a major step towards poland having the most lethal and survivable fighter on earth. the f-35 will improve your defensive capabilities, increase interoperability with our allies and help
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deter conflict. let me also congratulate you on your acquisition of the apache helicopters. poland will now be the largest apache operator outside the united states. states. and here is a small remark for those who can hear the agreement on the purchase of 32 f-35 fighters was concluded back in january 2020. poland is training 24 pilots and 92 technicians in the states. well, this is a story about how... american miracle weapons end up in the wrong hands. zelensky fired the commander of the ukrainian air force. the corresponding decree appeared on his website. the reasons are not given. however, they are clear anyway. the day before, mykola leshchuk was harshly criticized by the nord of the verkhovna rada, maryana bezugla. due to the destruction of the american f-16 fighter jet with patriot anti-aircraft missile system. the main reason is lack of coordination.
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between units, while in the reports , according to her, it was noted that the pilot lost control, which is an outright lie. aleshchuk, by the way, in response threatened bezuglya that she would apologize to the entire army for the attack on the ukrainian armed forces. however , he miscalculated again. as recently with the f-16 patriot, as the american military watch magazine notes, this crash has jeopardized the entire program of deliveries of western planes to ukrainian militants, so when and what will the future world be like and whose handwriting is visible in the scandal with the religious schism of ukraine. experts and guests of the editors' club discuss the most important events of the week. how the west uses a popular messenger to commit coups in other countries, revelations from the state department and the logic of the arrest of pavel durov. who
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benefits from this, why? chat human rights activists and what the information battlefield will look like now , he was detained solely for political reasons, no matter what anyone says, and... this not only proves that freedom of speech has long since ceased to exist in europe, but that they want to control everything they want to do with telegram: give us access, give us the keys, take away what we don't like, and what we don't like is not pedophilia, not terrorism, not extremism, take away russia, belarus, take away the attacks on biden, stop criticizing bareilles, which the owner of facebook said at the same time, that he had already done all this a long time ago, and also why the violence continues to grow on a global scale, fear management and the economy of military action. all the details in the editors' club today, right after the panorama. the number of vehicles
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entering the eu is approaching 4. according to the state border guard service. neighboring countries continue. registration of vehicles coming from belarus. artificially increase queues by slowing down this applies to trucks, cars, buses. control services of the polish border committee kukuryki on our side kozlovichi daily allowed only half of the trucks from the norm into their territory. on other checkpoints are even less, the busiest route to eurosat for cars remains the polish border crossing in terespol. the situation in the port of klaipeda is getting worse, there are already about 400 cars there, all of them cars bought by belarusians from the usa . for several months now , they have not been able to cross the border. the local authorities have completely blocked the lithuanian transit corridor. they
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have changed the procedure so much that it is almost impossible to drive cars to belarus. at the same time, cars are not free at the port. belarusians pay from 5 to 20 euros for downtime. in difficulties vladimir korolev tried to figure out the transportation, we had a fire in the house, we had a good car, we had to sell it in order to restore the house and after selling the car we decided to bring a cheaper car from america. maria has been waiting for her car from the usa since the end of may, almost immediately after payment the car arrived at the port of new york for loading, but the joy of the speedy delivery was overshadowed by the country of the intermediary, lithuania imposed restrictions. since then the car has been in a paid parking lot in klaipeda, this story is not isolated,
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there are thousands like maria, among the victims are large families, resellers of car delivery companies, owners whose cars are stuck in lithuania are uniting into a community to solve the problem together, lithuanians will release the car. if you present a manufacturer's declaration, but such a document does not exist, lawyers say. the manufacturer releases cars with a clear set of documents about where this car was made, what its characteristics are, what its vin number is. and everything that concerns the passage of cars across the state border, this is also regulated by law. if, for example, at the border they require a document stating that this car will not be detained on the territory of the republic of belarus or that some third countries are transiting through the territory of russia, then such requirements are absurd due to the fact that such a document does not exist, accordingly, such requirements are included in the rank of some kind of impossible to fulfill. meanwhile , about 400 cars have accumulated in the port of klaipėda, whose owners are belarusians who bought the car abroad but cannot bring
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to their homeland, cars in a paid parking lot from 5 to 20 euros per day, the owners do not know what to do. there are a lot of people who want to deceive, who want to make money on ... trouble, they offer to even take the car out for 5-6-7 thousand dollars or euros, while this entire route involves re-registering the car to several people, there in georgia, somewhere else, that is, in some other countries, some unknown people, and of course, this is very dangerous, because we most likely will not even see the car, the company car assistants who help to buy a car, they did not warn about it, that is, they hoped that now everything would be sorted out quickly, as if everything would be fine. himself a lucky man, because his car is already on the way to minsk. the owner of tesla does not regret that he overpaid for a world tour for a car. usa, turkey, kazakhstan, belarus, came out to 4.0 dollars more expensive and longer for several months, but reliable. i changed
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the route back to lithuania four times, well, because i wanted to save money, through the south it turned out to be much more expensive. here, but again i still lucky that i sent it straight from america to the south. those people who have already brought it to lithuania, they are very. they were very. they were shooting, their cars have been standing there, well, let's say, for three to four months, they can't pick them up, however, there are not many like vadim, it is a big problem to take a car out of klaipida. for a thousand belarusians, it is not always possible to send a car to another port, the owners complain that the lithuanian side drags on with the preparation of documents for shipment. there is only one way out, to appeal such decisions in higher authorities, however, it is very difficult to predict what decisions will be made. deceived car owners are collecting signatures for a petition to the lithuanian government, writing to lithuanian customs, local media and the european parliament, but for now the car is still there. not everyone is able to get it out.
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and the problems will increase in the near future, judging by the explanations of the lithuanian customs, from october 3 cars destined for belarus and russia will not be able to leave the country, in order to get the car out, additional costs are needed, to pay off the downtime on parking, pay for a new trip for the car at the port, most likely it will be through turkey, and after arriving in belarus still pay customs clearance, meanwhile, car owners have less and less time to save their cars. vladimir korolev, marina romanovskaya and grigory kristofovich, tv news agency. a little higher, we already talked about initiatives that affect
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our lives, the development of the country, society, and after all, at the heart of certain decisions of the state are our opinions, appeals voiced on pressing issues, their analyze, structure and decide. this is how the advisory council under the council of the republic of the national assembly of belarus on issues of social adaptation and integration of children with special needs appeared and started working in belarus. psychophysical development. the main goal is to help special children become active citizens of society. how the system of professional training of young people with special needs is built in the republic was discussed today at the college of digital technologies. all the details are below in the story. no longer students, but beauties are real professionals of the chosen business at integral maria have been working for 2 years and all this time with their o'.
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employees opportunities professional talent within the walls of the plant today are realized by 53 young people with health problems, who work do not stop learning, here they are also trained, receiving related professions. the workers are wonderful, i will say, that is , they are really motivated, attentive, the work process, when they got a job here, goes smoothly, let's say, because they already know the team, they know the equipment, they know what they will do. how they will do it, they are helped in this, again by the workers who are already
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working in production. integral today is the only customer of personnel with special psychophysical development features in the state program aiis order and admission for twelve years for the economy of the country special citizens have been working here. work on the order and reserve of such jobs is certainly not an easy process, and also continuous. this year, on the basis of the integral, for example, three student brigade, all 36 fighters.
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over the past 5 years, the number of children with autism spectrum disorder has increased threefold, each with special educational needs, only in minsk , six colleges train such specialists in the 2024 admissions campaign . the competition for the college of digital technologies was two people per place. it is not surprising, this is the only institution that teaches children with autism spectrum disorder intellectual professions. this year's recruitment is 40 people. automated systems management, mobile digital systems, we also prepare secretaries of referents, we have such an approach in our college, when they ask what is the peculiarity of people, i say only one thing: in showing more love for these people, support for socially vulnerable categories of the population is the most important part of state policy, this large-scale project for
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the social adaptation of children with special needs was born at a personal reception of citizens, parents approached the speaker of the council of the republic with a problem: and were heard, it is very important for us, so that the guys who have special needs can enter and study here, so we will discuss these issues today, how much it is necessary to reserve, determine places for the admission of such guys, where to send them for further work so that they work, but there are good examples, here we have an integral enterprise, these guys work and very successfully, and the high-tech park, thank you very much, they immediately joined us in this work, they help. these guys go through the learning process, i am sure that they will work in it companies in the future, because there are unique, just guys who give unique solutions that are beyond the power of many ordinary guys who study in gymnasiums and schools of our country. adaptation and socialization of children with special needs is a mutual process, today it is obvious that it is not enough to simply
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create conditions for such people to feel comfortable, there must be an appropriate environment, by leaps and bounds in belarus. it is being formed, today the first center in the republic was opened on the basis of the college of digital technologies inclusive culture. kapitalina zenkeevich, dmitry garkusha, telenovostey agency. today , a festive and fun atmosphere reigned in gorky park in minsk. the belarusian union of women summed up the results of the annual republican campaign "let's pack a schoolbag together". the event became a bright end to the summer and a real gift for all schoolchildren and their parents. they prepared for the guests.
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my girl has already managed to ride a car, and she also managed to be a firefighter, representatives of the ministry of emergency situations decided to remind children of the rules of safe behavior before the new school year and the ministry of internal affairs, but in a game format, what is in the box, a telephone booth, monopoly and a number of other types of entertainment. also, everyone
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can try on the role of a rescuer, only before that you need to put on a special uniform. well, we put on the uniform, so let's go! belty radio company also joined the holiday, whoever wants to be the host can read the prompter's text, well, and the little kids will be entertained by everyone's favorite characters from the kolykhanko program, for example, a bear, and a musical interactive program will be presented by belarusian radio, everyone could take part in the drawings and receive pleasant prizes from our media holding, branded caps, mugs, flags, in addition...


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