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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 11:20pm-11:51pm MSK

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are you ready for an exciting adventure through the cities of belarus, unique architectural monuments await you, the temple greets you with simplicity, high windows, and the bell tower, it is the only entrance to the shrine, here in the family estate of mikhail aginsky, together with his wife...
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castle hill, and therefore its complete disappearance was only a matter of time, but still something interesting for tourists has been preserved. watch the program of the cities of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. serafima petrovna, it seems we have found the missing boy. you refuse to believe that your mother could have stolen sashenka. that's okay, but all the details of the investigation are against her.
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she's already tried to get rid of the child, tell me your conditions, i'll only talk to alexey, watch the tv series family secrets on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. pritytsky sergei osipovich, one of the organizers of the komsomol underground in western belarus, an activist of the communist party. ryana fought against the polish occupation, paved the way for a better future for his people. during the great patriotic war , he participated in the defense of mogilev and gomel, worked in the political department of the central front. in january 1942, he became the second secretary
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of the central committee of the leninist communist youth union of belarus. in october of the same year, he became an assistant to the chief of the belarusian headquarters of the partisan movement. having experience in underground work, he instructed a sabotage group before being deployed to the occupied territories. one of these was the "faith of their weapons" group. in october 1943, sergei osipovich was awarded the order. from march 1944 until the end of the war, he led the polish headquarters of the partisan movement. in june 1945 was awarded the order of the red banner for the second time. many cities in our country are named after the prominent state political figure of the bssr sergei osipovich bretytsky. he went down in history as one of the national heroes.
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this crop is unique to us, the fact that it is important and useful for us is absolutely certain, there are a number of reasons for this. firstly, the climate that we have in the republic is comfortable enough for farmers to grow this crop, secondly, the yield of oilseeds from the mass. about 40% of the oil yield, in depending on the different extraction technology, but in general it is about 40%, thirdly, the seed oil is a rich source of protein, about 20% of the mass of seed oil is protein, it is very important and necessary for our livestock farming, one of
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the other important reasons is that it can be called an environmentally friendly crop, for its cultivation. the task is to grow a million tons, i will repeat, we have overcome this figure in the bunker by weight, i believe, we will provide a harvest of about 1,100,200 tons this year. how much rapeseed oil is produced per year in belarus and how many enterprises are involved in rapeseed processing? and in our country there are about 90 enterprises that are engaged in
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oil extraction, and there are two methods of extracting oil, this is extraction and the pressing method, these are different technological methods, the lion's share of the volumes is about 65%, and these are our four enterprises, and those that are engaged in extracting oil by the extraction method, this includes our vitebsk oil extraction plant, it is part of the concern, this is our state enterprise, the remaining 35% of the volumes are small enterprises, they extract oil by pressing, for last year we will now literally in a couple of weeks receive exact statistics, but we already...
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which are in olive oil, are in rapeseed oil, but what is important is the degree of absorption of these useful substances by the body for...
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27 mg of vitamin e, one tablespoon in the morning is enough, you can on an empty stomach, you can after breakfast, this is 15 g, so you consume rapeseed oil, you have provided yourself with omega-3, 6,9 for the whole day, so we practiced before, when we taught in that
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among colleagues to this useful action, now colleagues in the morning take a spoonful of rapeseed oil at home and go to work, so it really is a very useful product, and we are very active in this... the lion's share of the oil that we produce, we export, the lion's share, last year it was about 550 thousand tons, in total, it is a little more than half a billion dollars, this is a fairly large foreign exchange earnings to the country and a good resource for attracting currency to the country, if we talk about the structure of the markets, then until recently, i am now talking about the period last year, these were the countries of the european union, and last year their share was 37%, why i emphasize.
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and the share of china in the countries importing our product will grow, moreover, we actively supply to israel, including refined oil, deodorized in a bottle, last year several new markets, this is vietnam, this is the united arab emirates, so the geography is quite wide, the world really appreciates the usefulness of this product, our belarusian arab oil also has its share in the world market. what products enterprises of the concern produce?
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names and many manufacturers in the country produce.
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everything that modern belarus lives today, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news of the country abroad. especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating trips around the country, feature films for all ages, on the territory of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria,
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switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite. the channel's signal is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. who wanted to steal september 1? imagine this huge tree, flying straight at the school building. are belarusian schools ready for the new school year? we love our children, everything for them, painting, cleaning. why does the state invest in education? absolutely. equal access to education, it's sacred, what
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a modern temple of knowledge it is, safety is paramount here at school, and how did the adults cope with their summer homework? everything is at the highest level now, a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, watch right now. wind over 30 m/s. thunderstorms, showers, large hail. that july weekend , belarus was hit by the most powerful. over 1,200 fallen trees, over 700 damaged roofs, a total of 330 settlements were affected points. the gomel region took the brunt of the blow. a state of emergency was declared in the region. this is all that remains of the perennial poplar. its diameter is one and a half meters, no less. now imagine this huge tree flying straight at the school building.
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this is the backyard of the buddokoshleva gymnasium. on that ill-fated sunday evening , fortunately, there were no schoolchildren or teachers here, no one saw how the powerful poplar fell on the roof, but the whole city eliminated the consequences, such a lesson in caring on the eve of september 1. our ro-chs, too thank you very much to them, because they also responded, came to the rescue immediately, started to saw all this pieces of large trunks, because there is no saw of their own, so they involved public associations, utilities, an experienced forestry department also responded. to private individuals who have huge equipment in the form of tractors, amkadors, loaders, all this was so prompt, and this is the oldest educational institution in zhlobin, built in 1929, and this is also the only one that helped with sawing, removal, a huge thank you to the building that survived the war. for 95 years the school changed its name several times, but the essence remained unchanged, at all times
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it was a true temple of knowledge, the railway school is the second secondary school, here
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we continue the work on the restoration of this object and bringing it to a modern look, a modern state, but preserving its historical identity. we also updated the facade and windows, the offices have modern repairs and equipment, an example of how history and modernity are harmoniously combined. we want to teach our children to cope with homework with the troubles of a son knowing how to hammer a nail, and a daughter welding a side. and sewing on a button. this is what the workshops of mogilev secondary school no. 9 looked like a year ago. the porch was falling apart, the walls were crumbling, the roof was leaking. such classrooms certainly did not inspire teenagers to do useful things. and the sanitary inspection issued a verdict: it is strictly forbidden to study in such conditions. the state control committee drew attention to the state of the school. after the intervention of the state control committee
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, the workshops were repaired using funds allocated from the city budget. and already at the end last school year, the children started their classes. feel the difference, the building is also renovated, the boys now have new machines and tools, the girls have modern sewing machines and a kitchen. it would be interesting to know the opinion of independent experts, to accept the object, we ask those who have something to compare with. our classes were more in writing, we wrote notes and studied less. now there is new equipment, new desks, new chairs, everything is very beautiful, everything is wonderful, there is even motivation to study.
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not only what is on the menu, but in what conditions on what equipment will be used to prepare school lunches? new equipment has been purchased, for example, a wonderful combi steamer, an electric kettle, an oven, an electric frying pan, cosmetic repairs have also been carried out in the form of replacing tiles on the floor and walls, the sewer system has been completely replaced, the plumbing has been completely replaced, quality, accessibility and... equal conditions for obtaining an education, this is one of the priorities of the social policy of our state, that is, every child, regardless of place of residence and income parents have the right to decent education, readiness.
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simply based on some maybe even inattention of the school management , they did not fulfill, that is, this can be fulfilled, there are certain more global moments:
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the readiness of sports grounds, paths, approaches to the school, fences, in some cases there were facts when we identified such potholes, in rural settlements we identified such moments when there were some buildings, structures near the school that were unsafe. to one of such checks our film crew joined the state control committee: representatives of the state control committee meet at the capital's school number 99. the specialist carefully evaluates the material and technical base, looks into the canteen, the assembly hall, classrooms, restrooms. by september 1, everything should work like clockwork, from the hand dryer to the interactive projector, the director exhales, there are no comments. various communications were replaced. re-equipped classrooms, good workshops for technical work of boys appeared, which is very nice, this year acquired
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additional tables and chairs for organizing meals for students, some technological equipment has been replaced, and also due to the fact that we carry out cosmetic repairs every year, the hinges on individual door panels have been replaced, well, this is minsk, they will say separate... the viewers will be right in their own way: the capital's educational institutions really should set the tone, but is everything like that outside the ring road? derzhinsky district, energetikov settlement, nigorelskaya secondary school number one. it is immediately obvious that the students are spending their last days in a healthy way summer days. the new workout area is popular all year round. sponsors helped with the purchase of exercise machines. thanks to the major repairs , the school has become more beautiful from the outside inside. the facade was updated. educational institution, and plastered , insulated, painted, in addition , a major overhaul of the chemistry room, workshops was carried out, the fence was repaired,
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our educational institution has a stem class, where children have the opportunity to study robotics, and it has been open and working for a whole year - this is an engineering class, in addition, on the basis of the school in may the school forestry is open, the only thing... that they didn't manage to reconstruct the sports ground by the new school year, the director complains. it is clear that the fire department is not to blame for this, such construction work costs a lot of money, but the main thing is that money was recently allocated for the reconstruction, the state control will certainly monitor the deadlines for the delivery of the facility. violations in the operation of the basketball court were found in this educational institution, as you can see, it is in poor condition, it requires major repairs so that children... study safely, we will check the implementation, we will check how the violations were eliminated, all this will be checked by the state control committee. in belarus , a million
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schoolchildren will sit at their desks in the new academic year, including 110,000 first-graders. while the children were resting, the adults were working, about 300 million rubles were allocated for current capital repairs. those regions, for example, mogilev, which signed 100% in advance and approved 100% of readiness passports, a number of regions - in accordance with the norms of the same resolution continued work after the twentieth, but with the aim of in order to create the safest conditions possible, to fulfill all the necessary requirements so that the educational process in the new school year for our schoolchildren is safe. a large construction project has been launched at krichev secondary school no. 5. director zhanna vasilyevna recalls that her grandmother built the building in 1949. her parents studied there, then she herself and even her daughter. the granddaughter will come here for knowledge. the age of a school, as they joke, can be determined by the layers of paint, but this is the case when cosmetic repairs are no longer possible. to do without. in august 2023
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, the kgc hotline received an appeal about the inadequate condition of the school, this year, thanks to the intervention of the state control, funds were found , a major overhaul of the school began, the work will be completed by the beginning of the school year. this school was built in 1949, and of course, it required repairs and attention to itself, this year more than in the previous one, funds have been invested here, work is underway here, they are already nearing completion, as for the internal work, to ...
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now everything is at the highest level, i think. we there is something to be proud of, we have something to cherish. the topic of the first lesson in all schools in the country. belarusian language teacher natalia zhavner nostalgically recalls how she once crossed the threshold of this classroom, being a first-grader. much has changed since then, but the main values ​​are unchanged, she will definitely remind her students of them. i am already graduating from the last class, well, and already going to a well-deserved rest. therefore, i will be
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very pleased to leave behind such a beautiful, comfortable, convenient class. it is gratifying that our graduates are both doctors and teachers, they work in agriculture, in science, so as a teacher i have something to be proud of. schools are ready for the new school year. all summer adults have been polishing up so that the world of knowledge would be as cozy and comfortable as possible. neither a hurricane, nor the age of the school, nor the distance will be an obstacle. from the big city, in all corners of belarus the long-awaited first bell will ring, which will once again call the children on an exciting journey. fasten your seat belts, it will be interesting! the tv news agency presents: in the public domain, we have no secrets from our
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