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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 30, 2024 11:50pm-12:16am MSK

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what kind of assistance will fully ensure the survival of the karma, us, meat and malak. it is possible to make several decisions in favor of the new machine. first, this machine works all year round, ksk works only for a season. gomsylmash, the main designer of skb valantsin shurinov. today, these units have been equipped with modern computer technology, but ...
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this is not enough today, today a number of enterprises of the ussr ministry of automobile industry, these are automobile plants, plants, suppliers of electrical equipment components, are delaying the development and delivery of these to us products, well, this machine is certainly much more complicated, if we assemble, of course conscientiously, the machine is good poles.
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it's just as if everything here was blooming before, as if there was no swamp at all, it seems like it was only created by hands, their sons and grandchildren will remember them forever, everyone admires them.
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry. antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus, when the soul pushes you to move forward, and from the heart to keep up sings belly, and a thirst for travel and adventure, you like to eat somewhere on the road, there is always food wherever you go. belarusian cuisine is not
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only potato pancakes, see for yourself, because cuisine is a reflection of the history, culture and character of the people, we will show. what they eat in the west and east of our country, how they cook in the predvinye and in polesie, we are going on a journey to make a gastronomic map of belarus. rhetorical question: deep or rogachev, outdated, now they ask in antony or dzyaodzy? i choose the latter. 10 minutes the perfect appetizer. ready! chopped cucumbers in chinese will surprise all your guests! babka from tandoor is a traditional belarusian dish with an oriental flavor. small and daring. this is how you can describe mstislavl in two words:
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with a population of just over 10 thousand, there are more than a dozen attractions, similar to which you will not find anywhere else. the historical center is intuitive. understandable very compact, you can walk around it in half a day, what is worth paying attention to? two mountains: maiden, where an ancient earthen a defensive rampart in the form of a ring, a castle, a hill from which the city began its existence. in the middle ages, there was a princely castle fortress here, which could only be entered by passing a wide moat on a wooden drawbridge. today, this is the venue for the annual mstislav knights' festival. the main architectural dominant is the carmelite church in the vilnius baroque style, rare for our lands, visible from any point in the city. unique ancient frescoes of the 16th century have been preserved inside. not far from the temple is the kogalny or translation you are sitting public well, for a long
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time served as the main source of drinking water in mstislavl. until the middle of the 20th century, water from this source was collected in barrels and delivered throughout the city. in the very center is located. jesuit monastery, founded in 1690. the complex has preserved to this day the church of st. michael the archangel, a pharmacy, a fence and a chapel. the three-story college is especially beautiful. another interesting temple is the cathedral of st. alexander nevsky, which was built on the site the bernardine church that burned down in 1870. all these cult publications are united by an urban legend. allegedly, they were once connected by secret. underground passages, because they are located close to each other. now there is one famous hotel in the city, mstislavl, but once on alexander ii street, which i am walking along now, there were many hotels, they had bright names: berlin, paris, london,
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the hermitage, sonorous names that speak for themselves. today , mstislavl can no longer boast of such sonorous names, as well as abundance of catering outlets. on the city map. i found only a few cafes and restaurants, they say there is culinary freedom here during the knight's fest, the rest of the year the townspeople prefer home cooking, but the farmsteads just a couple of kilometers from mstislav are ready to surprise and feed tourists all year round. i came to an amazing place where exotic plants grow, very good people live who cook very tasty food, all this is very close to mstislav. i travel a lot around belarus, but very rarely do i come across places with such amazing atmosphere of goodwill and tranquility. it is easy to breathe and think here. it is amazing when the cuisine of the peoples of the world brings something to the belarusian cuisine. chinese cuisine is prepared by the peoples
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of china, the chinese diasporas in belarus and people who travel a lot. one of them is tatyana. so what are we going to cook today? we are preparing the famous chinese dumplings, they also come in two types, we will cook, tiao zi - these are probably the most popular dumplings in china, since we have touched on them with you, well, one of the most popular, from other chinese dumplings, wontons differ in the thickness of the dough rolling, here it is thicker, from the usual russian filling, in addition to minced meat, it must necessarily contain cabbage. but we start preparing unusual chinese dumplings in a completely traditional way, with the dough. we take three parts flour, one part water, take one egg, take one teaspoon of salt,
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okay, i'll help you with this, and what else and sugar, sugar for this amount. i take a tablespoon. chicken eggs at tatyana derevenskie, they have a bright yolk, giving the dough a beautiful yellowish shade. if you want the same, but you don't have any familiar chickens in the village, here you go. life hack: add a little turmeric to the flour and the color of the dough will pleasantly surprise you. now we stir a little bit of sunflower oil with a spoon. it remains to add hot water to the dough. to be clear, we will need three cups of flour exactly the same cup of hot water. the process has begun. yes, it is better to do this more intensively, otherwise there will be an omelet. we do not need an omelet. hands, they have their own energy,
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so it is better to do this with your hands. i always i tell my guests when they ask about "how do you cook this?" i say: "and the most important ingredient is love." so now we will add the most important ingredient. there will already be love, the kneaded dough needs to rest for 15-20 minutes so that the gluten is released in it, by the way, it is better to rest the dough under cling film, and we have time to finish the filling. tatyana, i noticed that - minced meat is essentially just minced meat. we will definitely add pepper there, we will definitely add salt there, we will definitely add there. and rib onion? in general, we should somehow already refuse salt in cooking and replace it with some
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other products, what can replace salt, in principle, soy sauce? and why then didn't we do the same with our minced meat? so do we do this? okay, so we put a little salt and add soy sauce. chop the pepper, onion and chinese cabbage. pepper to taste, one onion is enough, as much cabbage as minced meat. chop them in a blender, this is what we got, is it enough or do you need to do it very finely to get a puree, no, it's better of course, so that it's visible that it's cabbage, that it's pepper, well , at least that's what i observed, and now i 'm loading it into the mince, no, no, another ingredient, what, a very important ingredient, chinese, which will make nasim. okay,
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jokes aside, what is dzhusai, i've never heard of dzhusai, and i don't even understand if it's meat or poultry or vegetables, and this is a mixture of onion-garlic, onion-garlic, and where can i get it at noon in belarus, and where in our garden, tatyana's wonderful things. there are more here fifteen types of tomatoes, from traditional
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for belarus to completely exotic. i am engaged in the selection of those varieties that i liked and which are necessary for the preparation of certain dishes, for example, for gazpacha, for spanish, fat ones are needed, such large tomatoes. eh, there are tomatoes that i use for decoration, these are some cherry tomatoes, or like in china, for example, cherry - this is generally. "well, this is generally a berry, like a berry, tatyana's garden deserves special praising, which she rightly calls fragrant. tatyana, you have an excellent fragrant garden, that's a fact, duhmyany sab, duhmyany, that's right, come on, come on, list what grows here, pear, one, that's what, and pear of many, several varieties, specifically this is the tolgar beauty, and this..." dogwood, and this dogwood is considered a juridical plant, but experience has shown that in belarus it grows and bears fruit very
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remarkably, even apricots, in addition, plums, apple trees, there is even a duke, a hybrid of cherry and sweet cherry, nisata rock of fruit abundance, well , here he is our handsome man, he is so nondescript that we skipped it, it's her, yes, nondescript, but very tasty, dzhusai, yes, well, by the way, there are belarusian, the belarusian name for this plant, here they call it slisum, juicy aromatic dzhusai on our table, it remains to grind it and add to the filling. one bunch is enough the final touch is a teaspoon of ground ginger, the filling for tiaozi is ready, rested and tight, it's time to start sculpting, we cut it into such squares, squares, we have all the dough in flour, we will be able to glue it together the way you like, of course, well, we make from it
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probably some kind of pancakes, well, we're not making pancakes, we have nothing to do, why would we roll them out, of course. the month hurried, the score is 5:10, that's how fast tatyana makes the dough, then we 'll probably cook some dumplings, no, the chinese fry everything, and it's better to do it in deep fat, so we'll pour oil into the frying pan , put our dumplings in there, add
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spices, star anise, bay leaves , put the dumplings in the frying pan, and while our dumplings are stewing, let's make some chopped cucumbers, that's what the name suggests, take a cucumber and prick it, we beat and prick, all together, let's start with the fact that we'll cut it for now, take cucumbers, these will be sliced ​​cucumbers, not chicken, no, we cut it, then put it in a bag, then in the same bag we add chopped ginger and garlic cut into circles. hot pepper, we add a pinch there, mustard, pepper, what is this, and what is this? this is coriander, i found out, we move on to the marinade, its base is soy sauce, to which we add balsamic vinegar and
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sesame oil, pour a few spoons into a bag with cucumbers and spices, and now there will be a mystery. now we'll think about all this, so why are cucumbers called pricked, i don't understand, because even if we're just going to prick them now, so that the process goes correctly, why did we put it in a bag, that is, it will all still be beaten off, you break the structure of the cucumber, the shape, that is, the cucumber turns into a crushed cucumber. it turns into a cold cucumber, having pricked the cucumbers well, we leave them alone for 5-10 minutes and see if the dumplings are ready, and now this must be done extremely carefully, because water with oil and right away will give a reaction, and we will turn on and now we do it
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like this, that is, with us. while the dumplings are getting ready, we return to the cucumbers, add fried crushed peanuts and a spoonful of liquid honey. i will not knead and beat them now, just mix. the cucumbers are ready, the chaudzy too. the most pleasant part of cooking remains: tasting. well, what can i tell you, this is a spicy, crispy cucumber, soy sauce is clearly felt here. balsamic vinegar is clearly expressed, although they mixed together and turned into one substance. the chinese were right. confucius said that a well-cooked dish is akin to a well-governed state. these cucumbers, as pompous as it may sound, are exactly that. while we are tasting cucumbers, tatyana shares another life hack. peanuts are
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a must-have ingredient in this dish, but if you don’t like soft nuts, add them to the dish just before serving. recipe for chopped cucumbers in chinese: cut the cucumbers in half, put them in a tight bag, add chopped ginger, garlic, coriander sliced ​​into circles, hot pepper. prepare a marinade from soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and sesame oil. pour a few spoons of marinade into a bag, beat or, as the chinese say, prick the cucumbers with a rolling pin. leave the bag for 5-10. then add fried crushed peanuts and a spoonful of liquid honey, mix the contents of the bag and put the finished dish on a plate. look, we got the mixtures as they should have turned out, that is, since we dipped in oil, ours is all
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fried on the bottom, and the top is practically cooked on time, i advise you to eat it with caution and not in a white shirt, there is a lot of liquid inside. vladimir, how do you like the filling? if you look, it is very juicy inside. despite the fact that it was deep-fried , it somehow skillfully preserved, preserved the juice, that is, we did not boil it like puppies, we did not make manti out of it, but it somehow managed to remain the way we wanted it to be. tatyana, there is a krinirat, which is not far from mstislavl, in the village of korobchina, and there is such a place. where a simple belarusian can e make a great gastronomic journey, just tasting the cuisine of absolutely different countries of the world, this is not typical for
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gastronomic tourism in belarus and it is great that it exists. in our show, cheat sheets will not help the participants. the constant of our game is 42 tricky questions asked in four rounds. the variable is 12 players ready to show off their irudition and find out which of them really has the right to say, i know. is it true that the ship that sailed for the heroine fieria green's asol under scarlet sails was called dream. if i'm not mistaken, it was called. oh, oops, you can only rely on your own strength here, is it true that there is an active volcano in antarctica, what
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do we know about antarctica in general, it is the highest continent and the coldest, i answered yes, there are mountains in antarctica, so there can be volcanoes too. maria, how did you reason, how did you answer? i don't know the answer to the question, but for some reason i decided that this is definitely not a. look, to entertain intellectually. structure, then something similar we can create and create altars. rounded corners. at the tops of the abaronchaga, they didn’t work like that. and here
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the yans are sound, and the first steps have ended on top of such imitating mashikul. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. the drapery princess melted away for a long time and was transferred then at the 20th century to a new month and today.
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no matter how good it tasted to me in tatiana’s perfume garden, it’s time to move on and eat material food. change to spiritual. a few kilometers from mstislavl is located one of the most famous belarusian monasteries is pustynsky. it was founded in 1380, according to legend, by the son of prince olgerd lugvin, a hero of the battle of grunald. the boy went blind and a wise old man told him: "go to the swamp, there will be a miraculous spring, wash your eyes from it and you will see again." so it happened. after his recovery, lugvin saw an icon of the mother of god nearby.


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