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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 31, 2024 4:20am-4:50am MSK

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for the past thousand years there have been only empty ladies, at the same time in this month the quarry, where the clay was created, i think it was realized that the technology that was working here has changed the roof of the distance at the side of the former tsagelnag plant, new ideas have been developed there ovy kar'er. hello, petro, hello. rafimovich, like the fish, they are weak, weak, and feed, of course, and don’t catch anything, there are two of them, well, here the lump is not flaccid, really, the knee, but what do you want, flaccid fish boulders , well, i’ll at least like a little fish, what, oh, what is our catch.
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the tatars, who came to our land as buryers of ashche in the distant 17th century, have now burned many ladies here with meat-bearing roasters for their connection and support of bagdan khmyalnitsk. 600 thousand women and men were driven out of slavery. and for the last hour the tatar horses were standing here, there were so many of them that there were many hectares of them, like a dry lake. kalia
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dzesyatsi, kali brats on the squares, yes, they trampled out such meat and it’s deep, well, maybe for the azeris it’s not deep, but for us, kali we in the past, the swimmers passed here, the waters seemed dry and deep, not only did they swim here, there was a constant supply of fish, the lakes flooded and flooded the waters of the fisheries and agarods, and from now on , if... there will be a lot of sales, then you can start again in the agarods here near the lying ladies, well, all this history, the plowing of this lake, is not called, but it seems to be some the oldest, asable zhyhars, yana seem, this is the tatar stall, well, napeina, so this is the requirement, it rains in those months, dze nekali was balota. all this tepid
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part is what has become a hell of a certain dry swamp, call it marochnae, the area where there is 28 thousand hectares. in the past, i know from the jurisprudence that there are several caravans here, and they often went out of their way to extract a car that was loaded with a load, and there were times when they loaded several cars. we went to the village of the village for 4 kilometers in order to remove people from the wars and extract these cars. the end of the 60s sucked, when i was out of my mind more than 10 years ago, excavators arrived here and the swamp began to dry up. for the past few months, the old balota vyalika lake, i call it vadaskhovishcha fyadorskaya, for hours everything has been ...
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bound, and only all the hets of the nevyalik kavalachak balocista myastsovatstsi are reminiscent of the past vintage. there are times when you want your soul to succumb to hellishness. parties, i say yes to you, my dear son, the waters of the kingdom. on the waters of the tsishynya tsishynya, childhood here, the hooks may have grazed, and the memory of the memory is joyful. everything is tight for the abdymka’s pile hands, well, it’s all clear, my lake of dyatsinstvo, here i have a good sleep, and that’s how we swam here, trying to figure out who can dive further, and that’s why the big fish is evil, the extreme crucian carp, that’s it our great-prahodzila dzyatsinstva on the getym waters, an hour of course. ours, not the same waters, there
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were hours when it was drying up this past year, but the waters were filled with fish, carp, so i ask all hells on the lake dzyatsіnstvo, on raynik, for me the lords and the lords of the meeting are formal and formal, whenever such hours happen, when i’m busy, i come here to avoid spam, well, i’m glad we. chargu this people, what kind of life we ​​have, this, this, and meat, what love with all our souls, this love that we are belarusians, this fee for the fact that we have our own culture, our own language, our own culture,
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i, lyas, i peraleski, y goman bird mizhgallya, all this... dear palesse, all this native land, i’m not eager to fall with you , i’m sleeping with the ladies from afar, because i’m the dearest may i save you, holy father of the earth.
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we are belarusians, peaceful people, we were given our native land to the sirs, we are strong, we are, once
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again, our land.
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like the beginning, the earth was layered, ours, the bright land, the people were formed. friendship of people, strength of people, on our
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victorious, owl roads, our mountains, clear pits, fear is likely, joy is holy, anger. on our land is a bright name, the people's union is glorious, our beloved mother, manechna zhyvilarus, our beloved.
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this is a panorama, we sum up the main results of the day on the calendar friday, august 30, look in our issue! in the new school year with the keys to a new apartment, today in belarus the first rental house for teachers was opened. saints of those who love their native word: 31 days of belarusian writing are saved by ivanovets. yes, the city was sleeping at the forum and the riddle of what awaits the end, i will tell. the working visit of the delegation of the government of belarus to
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bashkartastan has started. our joint projects and export-import of goods in the program official meetings, as well as business negotiations. about 400 cars have accumulated in the port of klaipėda, cars bought belarusians have not been able to cross the border for several months; the lithuanian transit corridor has been completely blocked. equal opportunities. how professional training for young people with special psychophysical development is organized in belarus and where the guys can realize themselves professionally, we will tell you in the article. the belarusian union of women summed up the results of the annual republican campaign let's collect a school bag together. it was held in the format of a big holiday, the guests were pleased with a bright program with surprises, all the colors events in the story. serves the fatherland, the winner of the show.
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president of azerbaijan ilham aliyev, president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. telephone conversations also took place with deputy chairman of the security council of the russian federation dmitry medvedev and chairperson of the federation council of the federal assembly valentina matviyenko. the issues of developing bilateral relations and the upcoming summit in early october were discussed . the interlocutors also congratulated alexander lukashenko on the upcoming day birthday. the most sincere congratulations are addressed to our legendary
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paralympian today. just a few minutes ago , the victorious news came from paris. igor bokiy, eighteen-time paralympic champion. the belarusian swimmer won his second gold medal in france. today, he had no equal in the 100 m backstroke. in the qualification, igor showed only the second result, losing to the russian vladimir sotnikov, but in the decisive swim we took revenge. right now , our attention is drawn to the final meters of the distance. igor bokey won his first award at the paris paralympics the day before, he had no
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equal in the 100-meter butterfly. the president congratulated the athlete on his outstanding start. igor bokey will be able to add to his medal collection tomorrow in the 400-meter freestyle program, as this is the distance where the belarusian sets both the world and paralympic records. we continue to support and cheer for our entire team. evgeny kovalenok will also be competing for awards in this program. maksim vashkevich and dmitry salei will perform in distance of 100 m backstroke in class c12. preliminary heats will start at... 10:30 am, in the evening program the finals will be at 6:30 pm. of course, we wish the athletes good luck in their victories. from september 1, salaries of public sector employees will increase in belarus, this is due to an increase in the base rate, by the government's decision it will amount to
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253 rubles. this is already the second increase this year, which will affect more than.
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the base rate is the main element of the tariff system, it is on its basis that wages of employees of budgetary organizations are paid, and other incentive and compensatory payments, the size of which will also increase from september 1. in general, if we talk about education, today this area is the focus of the closest attention, because the issues that education is currently solving are, in fact, strategic for... the country, and therefore the state will take all measures for social support of teachers, our president emphasized this separately during the republican pec council, announcing the opening of the first rental house for teachers, today teachers, educators and other workers education received a big gift, keys
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to apartments. the house was built in the village of liskovka, this is near minsk, in a two-entrance... knowledge of 40 apartments, most of them were provided to young specialists, representatives of thirteen educational institutions of the district. large families will move into two apartments. here we are planning a children's room, there will be two boys, and accordingly , a little girl, she will be with us temporarily for now, and then we will equip a room for her. we also received a block in the dormitory from semkovsky kindergarten. and i have three children, but of course, it's cramped for us, and this is a gift from heaven. was built, again, this is by a separate order of the president, because well, the current legislation does not allow us, specifically for the target group, specifically for teachers, to build such a house, so we say again, we are grateful to the head of state for supporting
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our, i think, successful solution, successful project, considering that the president spoke about this at... pedagogical conference, i think that these projects will be intensively scale not only in the minsk region, but in all regions of our country. well, here i would like to separately note that the construction of housing for teachers in the minsk region is unique. this is an initiative of the minsk regional executive committee, which was supported by the head of state. the region is one of the most densely populated annually. its population grows by 5-8 thousand people. up to half a thousand young people come to the social sphere.
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regions, maybe we should think about a target program for the construction of housing for workers in the entire social sphere and in all regions. in in the future, a new social initiative may reach the legislative level with the right to acquire such housing as property, subject to 10 or 15 years of service in the industry. here is another example of a sovereign initiative that not only scaled up, but also became a significant event for the entire country by... emphasizing the important role of cultural education. tomorrow, the thirty-first day of belarusian writing welcomes guests in ivatsevichi , the holiday has become a national symbol of the unity
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of the slavs, the strengthening of spiritual values, because it is writing that unites the past, present, future, preserving the connection between generations as the greatest treasure. today's day of belarusian writing will be marked by the most important anniversary dates. the eightieth anniversary: ​​liberation of belarus from fascist invaders, the thirtieth anniversary of the presidency, the thirtieth anniversary of the constitution. the events will also reflect the theme of the year of quality. well, now let's go into more detail. in different years, the holiday was held in various historical cultural centers of the country: polotsk, turov, novogrudok, nesvezh, and so on. most often, the celebration took place in the vitebsk region, as we see, seven times, three times in polotsk. and now in... this year, after 6 years, the day of belarusian literature returns to the brest region in ivatsevich. in 2018, the holiday was hosted by ivanov. for the first time
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, more than 150 writers of our country from different regions of belarus will take part in the national holiday of the native language and, of course, readers will be able to get autographs. more than seventy different events await guests. these are meetings with famous people of belarus and abroad.
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belarus and the words of a writer. menavit on the basis of the aposhnyaga will go through meetings with famous, well-known people, autograph sessions and presentations. velma appreciates the fact that our belarusian language is occupying another month in the whole world, in small towns. i will come here for more than 140 chalaveks, writers, paetau, litaratara. all zhykhars of our city, tax district, respect the literature. the recently published collection almanac of the works of our students in our schools. ivatsevich i ivatselskaga district. dzetsi themselves perished. to us , geta velmi is accepted, there is something dzetsi - geta our future. they are organizing a cinema under the open sky in the city. the program includes a screening
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of several films. in this case, the exclusive mysteries of life. the plot of this film is based on a story that happened more than 80 years ago. the creation of the legendary partisan detachment number 112 named after molotov, which was commanded by the no less legendary twenty-one-year-old lieutenant alexei petrovich chertkov, this partisan detachment was an example for all other partisan detachments. the bright moments of the holy word will be the presentation on the main stage of the highest state recognition of the writers national literary award. and in the central district hospital they open a computer tamagraphy office. the red flag will be transferred to the base of the first school of the city, where they built a modern spartan dance. it will be necessary to reveal the intrigue of the artillery object of the children's school. our local blacksmiths created it, together with their sons. this is a reference to our partisan detachment. in addition to the fact that
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adults fought.
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and peace. we do not want to fight. instead of volleys of weapons, the world should hear our voices. this was the starting point for not simple, but at the same time completely unambiguous decision of the winner of the show factorby. daniil savenya took the oath of allegiance to the fatherland. the solemn ceremony took place today in the officers' house. dream. "to serve with a voice, the belarusian singer will be in the academic song and dance ensemble of the armed forces of belarus. all the details in the story of katerina pavlova. the artist with absolute pitch and deep tempo will now, in addition to musical harmony, work under the minting of soldiers' boots. to serve the fatherland despite
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health problems, such a goal was set in front of him is daniil savenya, he asked to join the army ranks in a letter to the head of state and the supreme commander-in-chief and was heard, because the artist had long dreamed of becoming a full-fledged defender of his homeland, dreamed of this since childhood, without false modesty, i will say that if it is necessary to stand up for the defense of our homeland, i think each of ... on the employees , without hesitation, will take his instrument, microphone, will make sure that the enemy himself capitulates, the fighting character of a real defender of the fatherland was tempered even since childhood, and honed on the factorby project, bright charisma and of course, soul, immediately...
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our ensemble, i come to service in the same way, and i do it myself, i also carry out all orders and requirements of military regulations. daniil passed his first test of strength on a tv show, and improved his skills on a young fighter's course. daniil learned the basics of military service a few weeks before the oath, the promise given to the homeland is not just words for the singer. this is a symbol of honor and duty, which he secured with a 2-year contract with the intention of
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him. daniel had been undergoing a young fighter's course for three weeks and where he learned what the armed forces were, their structure, he really has a unique talent, he has a wonderful voice, he has perfect pitch, he is a very musical boy, he immediately found a place for himself in this ensemble, they accepted him, daniel shared one of the most exciting and responsible days with his closest ones, with pride and tears... from now on, the belarusian artist will not only delight his fans with songs about love for his native land, but will fulfill his civic duty by joining the ranks of the armed forces of belarus.


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