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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 31, 2024 10:05am-10:36am MSK

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by april 1944, the shturmovik pilot had completed 109 combat sorties, and by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, guards senior lieutenant leonid bida was awarded the title hero of the soviet union. for the next 105 combat sorties, on june 29, 1945, guards major leonid beda was awarded a second medal. gold star. on a sunday in august of last year, a resident of the village of pervomaisky, in the vetkovsky district of the gomel region, was working. in the courtyard of the house where he
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lived with his mother after the death of his father, the man was digging a trench for the sewerage system in the house, what is this, mother, here, come, what, son, i'm coming, i'm coming, look, i found a horse, son, what kind of horse, well, you said, the previous owner, when he sold it to us, buried the horse, and i remember, we bought this house, the former owner, said that here on this site. dug up the horse, it happened, so what to do, the inter-sewerage system needs to be dug, but what the man will see next will force him to stop the excavation work and shudder with horror, in the next few hours excavations of a completely different kind will begin on his site, with with the participation of the most experienced investigators, forensic experts, this is a home, well, that is , a house, a fenced area, classically, with
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a vegetable garden, with paths, with flower beds, a typical belarusian yard, and not far from the entrance, the area was towards the vegetable garden, that is, where the invertebrate remains were found, but this is not a horse, it is a human, and what to do now, i call the police. soon after the call to the police , investigators will begin to sort out the mysterious circumstances of the skeleton's appearance in the yard of the applicants' house. first of all, they will begin a thorough study of the burial site found.
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of a person, which were buried at a depth of 26 to 46 cm. based on external signs, it was clear that the death of this citizen, an unidentified man, was of a criminal nature. alla vladimtseva, an investigator for especially important cases of the department for the investigation of crimes against the person and public safety of the investigative department of the investigative committee of the gomel region, carried out a preliminary investigation of the criminal case, conducted. examined and analyzed documentation from the last place of work murdered. during the examination of the bone remains , a metal loop was found in the area of ​​the vertebrae, as well as a fracture of the base of the cranial vault and ribs. including during the examination of the bone remains were found...
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in the middle, yes, in the very clearly, if you take the territory, well, there is logic here too, the logic of the one who buried, because if somewhere on the screen, then they could see him, in the middle nearby outbuildings, that is, what was the person doing in his yard near the outbuildings, that is - the logic of not being noticed, rather all he used it in, thus, he buried it right here... in the middle of his
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yard next to the outbuildings, which could possibly cover it at the time of burial. there was no doubt about the death of the unknown person, whose remains were found, someone clearly had a hand in it, but who, how, why exactly in this place the body was buried, and most importantly, who the murdered person was, a man or a woman, how old the deceased was, and what could connect him with this house, having too many questions, it was unclear even in which direction to move the law enforcement officer, there was practically nothing from the evidence, they left for the scene of the incident, together with the district investigator we conducted an additional inspection of this area of ​​the area, all the buildings on the territory and the house itself, in order to make sure that nothing was missed, everything was seized and no other traces or objects were left, we used metal
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sieves with different fractions, completely sifted all the sand that was removed from this hole. andrey kashevich, head of the forensic department of the osk pogomel. region in 2023 worked as an investigator for especially important cases of the forensic department. from the moment the criminal case was initiated , he was part of the investigative team, went to the scene of the crime, participated in an additional inspection of the scene of the crime, recorded the situation and trace picture at the place where the bone remains were found, which contributed to the disclosure of the crime. from practice, i can say that it makes sense to do this, because. there were cases when sifting ash, sand were found metal fragments, clothes, metal fragments, buttons, laces, house, sheds every meter of the yard was carefully examined, the only thing that could
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attract attention was the presence of wire on the site, identical to the one found in the area of ​​the skeleton, this will later be confirmed by the results. but the owners of the house, who currently own this house, or the previous owners, did not exclude the investigators that someone who has nothing to do with the house was involved in the mysterious murder, the body lay underground for too long, many
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over the years the area has changed, by the way, as have its owners, surveys of the current residents of the house began, well, naturally, people were shocked, denis kuzmin, an investigator for especially important cases of the department for the investigation of crimes against the person and public safety of the investigative department of the osk for the gomel region, went to the scene of the incident, carried out initial investigative and procedural actions. when communicating with the owner of the property , they explained that. when buying this house in 1998, the previous owner asked them just in this place do not carry out any excavations and how exactly in this place the village of slofon allegedly buried the carcass of a horse. this version, although it raised doubts, required
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verification. for this purpose , forensic experts from minsk went to the vetkovsky district. in agreement with the central office , another additional inspection was carried out after some time. using such a device as a georadar, these devices in general are very few in the republic, and the employees of the central office, investigators of the communist department, they passed training in the use of these ground penetrating radars in moscow, in the main department of forensic science, however, during this additional examination it was possible to say with certainty that no bones were found additionally. uh , no animals, including horses, as was reported, were found. meanwhile, the bones found were sent to the laboratory of experts, specialists give the first clue. the body could have been buried from the beginning of the nineties to 2010. from the conclusion of the forensic
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medical examination, presented at examination, the skeletal remains belong to a caucasian male, with an approximate height of 165 to 166 cm. the approximate age of the burial of the skeletal remains can be from 10 to 30 years. it is impossible to establish the age of death relative to the age of the burial of the skeletonized corpse due to the lack of scientifically proven methods. also , experts were able to identify a genetic profile from the bone tissue of the vertebrae-skeleton, but a comparative sample was also needed to establish the identity of the deceased. law enforcement officers began to work on the village of pervomaysky, where the skeleton was found, the nearest settlements of the vetkovsky district, checked everyone who was listed as missing there. from 1993 to 2013, the activities of any
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investigative unit have a priority area of ​​investigation, yes, a crime, this is such priority areas , of course, a crime against a person, why because they are considered especially serious. alexander prikolotin, deputy head of the osk for the gomel region, carried out procedural control for the investigation of the criminal case, provided organizational, practical and methodological assistance. at the time of the crime , there is an investigative.
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that during this period he disappeared, he lived on the territory of the budkoshelevo district, that is , this is an adjacent settlement... we immediately began to work in that direction: perhaps the bone remains belong to this particular man, but all our activities were reduced to zero, this man has nothing to do with these bone remains. the answer to the most important question: who was killed, what could be used as a starting point in the investigation of the case, was still not found: to reduce the supposed period when the crime could have been committed , helped. at first glance, an inconspicuous detail on the clothes of the deceased,
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the fragment of a jeans tag that i mentioned earlier, here it reduced the period from 1993 to 1995, that is, by 5 years at once, because when receiving information from open sources, we established that this company, let's say, the gin brand began to be produced in turkey only in 1998, that is... and we immediately shortened our period from 1993 by 5 years, and we understood that the murder could not have occurred before 1998. in parallel with the work on populated areas, one by one, criminal cases on missing persons in the areas closest to the branch were studied. the geography of the search expanded, they reached zhlobin. and one of these cases really aroused interest. in 1998 , a certain alexander shevchenko disappeared without a trace in the district center,
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nothing was known about him for a long 25 years. and we began to work in this direction with in order to confirm that the skeletal remains belong to shevchenko aleksandr, a forensic genetic examination was ordered, the results of which established kinship on the maternal line, that is , shevchenko's sister aleksandr was identified. and accordingly, we established that the skeletal remains belong to him. from this point on, the story became more interesting. next, it was necessary to figure out what connected twenty-four-year-old aleksandr shevchenko with the house where, decades after his death, find his body. the first thing we did was to establish a connection between the current owners of the house, because our victim's age... that is, shevchenko alexander fell within the age range of the sons of the owners of the house, but we also
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did not receive any positive results in this direction and began to work on the version of the previous owner, that is, that vladimir tolstynkov was involved in this crime. as investigators get closer to solving this confusing story, the name of the previous owner of the site, vladimir tolstenkov, will be heard more and more often in the case. it was known about tolstenkov that he lived in that very house since 1994 with his wife and two small sons, but later divorced for some time. at the same time, when alexander shevchenko disappeared, vladimir tolstenkov for some reason decides to hastily sell the house, inventing a legend about a horse for the new owners. people from
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our suspect's circle of friends have been identified, who said that despite all his isolation, he seemed to himself... our suspect is nothing special he didn't tell, but the fact that he had a horse and that it died, he tried to convey to his closest circle, that is, he was already looking for an alibi for himself, but what could connect thirty-seven-year-old vladimir tolstyanov and 24-year-old alexander shevchenko, where and under what circumstances they met, what the guy from zhelobino was doing in the vetkovsky district, and if the burial place of the deceased was clear. could the suicide have occurred in another place? it seemed that it was no longer possible to answer these and many other questions after a quarter of a century will be possible. investigators began to carefully study the facts from the biography of the murdered man. after studying, he worked at one of the enterprises of zhlobin, at 21 he received a criminal record. he stole a cable at work. in 1995, he
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was sentenced to three years of restricted freedom. he was sent to serve his sentence in special commandant's office number 2, which is located in gomel. now it is an open-type correctional facility. while serving his sentence, he managed to marry a girl named tatyana. however , the couple will soon divorce, the newlywed husband became addicted to alcohol and, when drunk, began to make scandals and beat his wife. it also turned out that while shevchenko was serving his sentences. he officially worked, but it was almost impossible to find out where exactly. after the special commandant's office was abolished, the archival documents were not preserved, it seemed that this was a dead end again. together with the police officers, we began to identify the people who worked at that time in the special commandant's office number 2 in the city of komel. some of these people were identified. we tried to restore the lists of convicts who
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that period were serving their sentences. they knew nothing about shevchenko-alexander, that is , they remembered such a citizen. could not, but there was still hope, the investigation continued to obtain useful information from the sisters of the murdered man. in one of these interrogations, it was as if the relatives were asked to find all possible documents that were associated with the name of their brother. so, one of the sisters from the city of zhlobin provided us with a whole package of documents, so, during the inspection of which i drew attention to one of the documents. that it was stated that the damage caused by shevchenko's actions to steal was fully compensated to the enterprise by the organization uao gomelskaya rasselkhozkhimiya, it became obvious that shevchenko worked in this, let's say, this enterprise during his sentence in the special commissariat. thus, the investigators became
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one step closer to the truth, but it turned out that gomelskaya rasselkhozkhimiya after the reorganization in 2007 became part of another enterprise in gomel that is still in operation today, which is engaged in professional cargo transportation, as well as fertilization of soils , harvesting of fodder. among the archival documents were those that confirmed: alexander shevchenko worked at the enterprise gomelskaya rai selkhozkhimiya for about 2 years since 1996. here it surfaced. another interesting detail, attention was drawn to the fact that shevchenko alexander was fired on july 1, 1998, while when studying the accounting books, he did not receive a salary calculation, which led to interesting thoughts, while his work book was, let's say,
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unclaimed, it remained in the archive organization, he was fired as... it was stated in the order at his own request, while a handwritten statement of his dismissal from shevchenko was not provided. this circumstance gave law enforcement officers every reason to believe that alexander shevchenko was killed then. in addition, since july of 1998 , he had not contacted his relatives, but it was still unclear where and under what circumstances shevchenko and tolstenkov met. we established that uao gomel rasselkhozkhimiya was located in agro-town of eremino, gomel district, despite the fact that from the biography of vladimir tolstynkov, he was a native of the age eremino. gomel district, 500 m from this enterprise , his parents lived. having learned about this, investigators put forward a version that it was there
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, at an agricultural enterprise in the gomel district, that shevchenko met the alleged killer. in order to verify this information, law enforcement officers were able to find some former employees of the organization gomel rayselkhozkhimiya. and they confirmed that tolstynkov, after his dismissal, really was still allowed onto the territory of the enterprise, he unofficially worked as a loader. witnesses, having seen photographs of both men , confirmed the fact that they were indeed acquainted. after that, all the collected data began to fit together into a single puzzle. there was practically no doubt that it was tolstyankov who killed shevchenko, but his guilt still had to be proven. maybe you remember when you saw? this was the last time, maybe something alerted you, there was something suspicious, i can’t remember now, so many years have passed, he then he rarely came by, but tell me,
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maybe you saw this man, do you know who he is, maybe he came with his brother, he seems to be similar, yes, that's right, he came with sasha, he was about 10 years older than him, but he was an advantage then. she kept quiet, didn't say anything, maybe you remember his name , it seems vova, i think vova, vladimir, yes, that's right, vladimir, they came by car then, bely you, who's there, sister, hi, oh, sasha, hi, haven't seen you for a long time, introduce yourself, this is hello, hello, listen, i'm here on business, i need money lend, you will have a hundred dollars, such a big amount of money, what do you need it for, we are going to do business, to bring raspberries to moscow, and we need start-up capital, you know,
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i'll go and see, i lent him money several times then, quite large sums, he said that when i earn it i will return everything, then he disappeared, we thought that he went to moscow, settled down there, until the last we believed that he was alive, all the sisters of our victim said for 1 year that alexander intended to create a business, a berry business, specifically for the sale berries, raspberries strawberries, specifically for sale in the city of moscow, because they had already, let's say, their brother came to the city of minsk, to the local market, but the bidding did not go, so the brother himself explained to them that it was necessary to change the place of sale, namely to go to the city of moscow, the agro-town of eremina, which is near gomel. was considered a raspberry region, annually tons of berries from the suburbs went in the moscow direction. in the late nineties, the sister of the suspect tolstyankov was also engaged in
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the berry business. together with her husband, they bought raspberries from the population in bulk and transported them to russia. the plantation was also in the parental home, at tolstynkov's own, and this fact will lead the investigation to the idea that the man himself also decided... to make money on the berry business, he had something to transport the goods on, on his vase , he took the recently released alexander shevchenko as an assistant, he needed him as a sponsor in order to buy raspberries in the required quantity from the population. after our victim visited his sisters, he no longer contacted, and his whereabouts were no longer known, and how could they have reported to the police, how without...
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the alleged killer had never been friends, only companions, but in addition to an interest in earning money, they were united by a passion for alcohol, drunken outbursts of aggression. from the case materials, vladimir tolstenkov's sister, interrogated as a witness, testified that her brother began to abuse alcoholic beverages in 1998. subsequently, he was burdened with binges, while intoxicated, he was aggressive, systematically beat his mother. taking this into account, the investigators
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stopped their investigation. already our victim, he committed a crime against his mother, that is, he beat his mother, as a result of which a criminal case was opened and the case was transferred to the prosecutor's office for referral to court, but subsequently, let's say, our suspect, he left for the russian federation, that is, he hid from the court, this is an unprecedented situation, when, well, in my practice , no claims, when at the time of the discovery
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of the body we did not know anything, ultimately... in an attempt to punish the culprit for the life taken, belarusian investigators made an official request to russia and from there they the answer came in... in 2007, vladimir tolstenkov died. he spent the last days of his life in the moscow region, hiding from punishment for beating his mother and possibly for taking the life of his companion. in connection with the death of the main suspect, the criminal case was closed, the verdict of the court was never heard, but the facts speak for themselves.
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serafima petrovna, it seems we have found the missing boy, you refuse to believe that your mother could have stolen sashenka, that's normal, but all the details of the investigation are against her. she suspects me, so what did she say anything specifically? well, here's the story, i needed to leave urgently, i just can't watch you torment yourself, and he doesn't seem to care, so what, the child is gone, but it can't be that the only thing that keeps you with her is one thing, as if you know what keeps me, 4 years ago, when mikhail andreev suddenly agreed to operate on me, we had no money, his operations are expensive, and you said that you would marry his daughter, i immediately understood everything, it wasn't him, she already tried
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to get rid of the child, tell me your conditions, i will only talk to alexey, watch the tv series family secrets on the belarus 24 tv channel. in our show , cheat sheets will not help the participants. the constant of our game is 42 tricky questions asked in four rounds. the variable is 12 players ready to shine and ruditsiya and find out which of them really has the right to say.
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can be. maria, how did you reason, how did you answer? i don’t know the answer to the question, but for some reason i decided that this is definitely not with. look, an intellectual and entertaining project, i know. on the belarus 24 tv channel. surprise us, today we are changing, teachers are going to the main site, and the kids are going to the teachers' room to support them, we came up with classes. economic indicators in the us now are about the same as before the great depression of twenty-nine. over the past 15 years, the us national debt has doubled, 34 trillion dollars, how are they going to get out of this situation, this is printed dollars, which is not backed by anything, yes, that is, in the region of 2 billion dollars are printed practically every day, quite an alarming bell for...


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