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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 31, 2024 2:35pm-3:01pm MSK

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hoped, i believed, i had no doubt that it would go, how far, there was already a question, it is still a game, and maybe really anything, somewhere gathered, somewhere knows something, something does not know, but i am proud of both endurance, and determination, and readiness to admit somewhere your shortcomings, we also did not know everything, as you saw, that yes, so you and i will go to work together. i am in the superfinal, and i am heading to the main one , congratulating you, i hope we will see each other at the site to congratulate sofia. the game is over, it's time to reward and congratulate the winner, this wonderful bouquet is for you. thank you, thank you very much, and now that the game is over, i think we can share our impressions. sofia, how are you?
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new challenges await sofia ahead, and we wish the participants of the game who did not score enough points for the super final not to be upset, but to gain new knowledge. see you on the playground, i know, all the best, bye! what is the name of one of the classes of the flatworm type? anna, what is your attitude towards worms? i have a negative attitude, what do you think answered this question?
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the song is catching, everything may change, but they are unbearable, they do not come together with the smoke of autumn love and spring, only this will not be an hour, it will live forever, as it lives, bright people
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. several years ago, the city of lida received the prestigious status of the cultural capital of belarus. here they celebrate the iron day, there is
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the lithuanian apartment of the sixties, amazing contemporary art, how they preserve, promote and increase the cultural values ​​of the lida region. we will see all this in the halls of the lithuanian historical and art museum. by you yulia burlo and this is a project fashion for culture. litchina is a unique corner of the grodno region, which is distinguished by rich. material and spiritual values. the museum business of the region has an interesting history, because they tried to open a museum in lida several times. and in 1959 , the lithuanian historical and art museum opened its doors in this amazing city. each exhibit is a treasure trove of information about cultural traditions and crafts. the museum collection consists of twenty-five museum collections and is more than 40,000 units. the main fund and more than 5,000.
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scientific and auxiliary, permanent and changing exhibitions that introduce the history of the region, the fate of people, the work of local artists. i suggest starting your acquaintance with the hall, the theme of which will be ... understandable to any viewer. the exposition nature of litchina was opened on october 4, 2008. you will meet squirrels, wild boars, martens, badgers, wolves, beautiful lynxes and many others, as well as their cubs. local birds did not fly around the exposition either. black crows, goshawks, tits, bullfinches, geese, owls, seagulls and ducks. in addition, popular science films about the life of animals, birds, fish, and insects are shown. now we will see the only exhibition in belarus dedicated to the housing issue. the museum-like hall khrushchevka of the sixties is a composite representation of the era of the sixties of the twentieth century, shown through the life of that time.
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khrushchevka is not lost among multi-story buildings, dormitories and elite buildings today. the soulful exposition has been operating for more than 5 years and attracts with the opportunity to hold in hands cult. objects, read newspapers, watch diofilms, albums with photos of everyone's favorite actors, turn on the radio. in the world there are house-museums of specific people or events, our khrushchev-era buildings are public house-museums of an entire era. it is in the litovsk museum that utyag's birthday is celebrated. it turns out that such a holiday exists. museums have been operating all over the world for several centuries. collectors are following their own path next to them. within the walls of the litovsk museum there is an exhibition of a private collection, household items from the end of the 19th century, beginning of the 20th century. andrey gennadievich, good afternoon, hello, thanks to your efforts we can study the history of household items of the late 19th-20th centuries. tell us, please, about your collection? my collection has about
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300 items and consists of samovars, irons, household items, kerosene lamps, scales. the collection of samovars was collected. starting from the ninety-ninth year to the present day it is replenished, part of the collection is presented here, part of the collection is at my home, the samovar came to us from russia, most of these producers were in tula, samovars are presented not only from the tsarist period, but also samovars after the revolutionary period of the times of nep, the times of soviet power before the second world war, production after. the second world war of the ussr, where collecting began, i can’t remember exactly, but probably with the fact that when i came to belarus, i fell in love with belarusian culture, i myself am from kazakhstan, i was born in kazakhstan, when i came across the first clay pot with a belarusian
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ornament, i held it in my hands - some feeling appeared for this dishware, probably from this pot, probably the collection began, samovars came later, then there was: a collection of irons, tell us, what are the most unique samovars in your collection? well, i think that the most unique samovar is presented here on this table, this is the egoist samovar, the samovar that a friend gave me, my friend from minsk, my friend bought a house in ostrovets for a summer house, this samovar was found in the attic of the house, of course, it was in an unsightly state, i restored it, brought, that is, in the form in which it should be, this is ... that is, this is a samovar for one person, that is why its name is egoist, this is not the only unique samovar in my collection, there are also travel samovars that people took on the road, samovars were used not only by poor people, the samoar was a fairly expensive thing, its price at that
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time was 25 rubles. if you consider that a worker at the putilov plant earned a salary of 10 rubles, then in fact he had to work for 2 months so as not to eat or drink, they did not were available to everyone, but they were not all available. therefore, samovar manufacturers made samovars of various shapes, from various materials, so that there was a price category for different consumers, you can often find inscriptions on samovars that the supplier of his imperial court, there were factories that really did supply samovars to the table of the russian emperor, basically these were all advertising tricks, that is, manufacturers needed to sell their products, so everything they could, they brought out on tulgo samovar. these were medals of various exhibitions, it even happened that samovar factories did not participate there, but they put them, these samovars are all restored, that is , they can all be launched at a certain moment, so that they work and warm and please, i will say that the most delicious tea is from such a samovar, and how
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samovars were decorated at that time, naturally, to sell a samovar, the appearance must be excellent, that is, the manufacturers a little, but almost many of them had forms ... so that the samovar had a beautiful marketable appearance , possible engravings were made, samovars were painted with paints, one of the samovars that are presented is a soviet samovar. here with the painting of poppies, as a rule, samovars of that period, of that time, they were smooth, why? because with daily use, frequent use, they were covered with soot, therefore, every day, in addition to boiling them, they were also cleaned, and they were cleaned with what cleaning agents there were no at that time, they used brick, they beat the brick with this brick sand, rubbed it, all what inscriptions there were also decorations on this very... they wore out over time, please tell us about your collection of irons, how did it start, maybe there is some
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unique exhibit? yes, there is such an exhibit, it was with which my collection started, american iron number two, it was given to me by my friends, my great-grandfather, their great-grandfather went to america to earn money, this iron was brought from america, and it was kept and passed down in the family for so many years, seeing that i collect... household items decided to give it to me for the collection, at the moment in the collection irons, probably more than 150, one of the exhibits that i really like, its fate is also unusual, it is an american iron, a steamer, i call it that, yeah, the iron was found in a school, in an abandoned school area, i didn’t restore it on purpose, so that people could see how the object was, in what condition it was received, irons... they were used constantly, their soles were polished so much that they practically didn’t leave
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any stains. the collection also includes gas irons, alcohol irons, from the beginning of the 20th century. there is another interesting exhibit, many don’t know that irons are not only those items that were used to iron clothes. there is an iron for skis. 90% of the items that are presented here at the exhibition are items from the grodno region, these are the items that our people used. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only draniki, we will cook something new, something that i have never tried, never seen, the name of this something is very funny, say, the most important thing, remember.
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know exactly how to behave when visiting, you will be my instructor today, yes, that's it
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today i was lucky, so small, but beautiful, very beautiful, excellent, shukran, you could say, thank you, shukrami, foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore the sights, good morning, friends. rooster, yes, we have it like that, good morning, and how does your rooster crow, kikiriki, kikiriki, yes, wow, that's where i came to the jungle, in venezuela or something, one of the oldest, uh, mosques in our territory, it's muslim, it's a muslim temple, yes, and they also share their vivid impressions, oh-oh-oh, this is a conference.
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one of the largest projects is a permanent exhibition of contemporary art of the region: painting, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied arts and...
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with elements of industrial style, since we are talking about the activities of an industrial enterprise here, i wanted to emphasize what the modern products of this plant look like, so after all, this is neoclassicism with interspersed interactive zones, the space is very... universal and it is designed in such a way that you can very quickly change its design, make it different, festive or more everyday, you can make it more complicated, in this space you can, coming here several times, see completely different accents,
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cultural, that is, in this space you will never get bored, we try to make it like this, in addition to the interactive spots that i have already mentioned, there is also an interactive board where you can get additional information about each author, in what techniques are the works of the graphic authors presented? watercolors, pastels, there are stamps, several types of stamps, there is airbrushing, modern techniques presented, it is modern. art of the lithuanian region, it is clear that the authors show the lithuanian region, in many paintings we can see history, architecture, including the history of architecture, absolutely right, this year is our city's anniversary, the city is 700 years old, almost every exhibition of our museum has sections that reflect
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elements of the history of the region, this exposition is no exception, here are... retro works, landscapes of the city, which no longer exist, for example, here is the work of alexander ivanovich sudar, there is a view of the city around the castle, which no longer exists there is a wonderful series by a modern artist who depicted for us the attractions of the litsky park, which have not been in our city for more than 40 years, in addition to graphics, sculpture and painting , art glass is presented in the space. yes, and, decorative and applied art, a section of art glass, is quite a widely presented in our museum, here are author's works in single copies, here are glass works for interior decoration, modern, here are presented works - very famous, artists, leading, who
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worked continue to work on the glass back, and this is sergey. her art studio, we see here old furniture, art materials for decoration, writing works, here in my hands, brushes that he... used, that is, you can come up to it, look at it, but touch it, no, life behind the glass of the wonderful brilliant academician of the russian academy of arts vladimir
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semenovich murakhver, sketches, studies, drafts of his works unfinished or previously unknown to date are exhibited at mini-exhibitions, and changing, they, we her we change in different seasons, semenovich left us a great many more than 500 sketches of drafts in the same context, but with a completely different presentation, this year we have an exhibition dedicated to the centenary of another very famous person in our city, in our country, also an honored artist of belarus, i am even sure that they knew each other personally. leonid shimelev, people's artist of belarus leonid shimelev would have turned 100 this year. in the funds of our museum, one of his previously unknown
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monumental work, a painting called onega, and this painting is exhibited in a separate room. tatyana, an exhibition of one painting is a very unusual format for a museum, how did you come up with this idea? an exhibition of one painting in this case is aimed at leaving the visitor alone with the work, in addition, here are the catalogs of leonid dmitrievich shchemelev's work, in which this particular painting is not present, it is not presented there, so you can get to know the work in more detail and add for myself, this is also an original work. the lithuanian museum of history and art is a bright spot in the palette of impressions. find opportunities to travel around belarus.
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visit museums in our country, remain a pleasant conversationalist. yulia burlo was with you, we are following the cultural path together. see you in a week, until new cultural meetings. in belarus, in my opinion, there is a very rational and correct attitude to what is called the law. laws must certainly be observed by everyone. but there is a nuance: the head of state, for example, i said the same thing at the time, sometimes there is no time for laws, a hurricane passed through belarus and it is necessary to quickly repair buildings and structures. they began to announce procedures for
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selecting contractors, as a result , a contractor has not yet been selected, and work has not begun. there are two ways, the one that is prescribed in the laws, this is to agree on everything with everyone, hold a tender, and so on and so forth. and the one that is dictated by logic. it is raining, people have roofs. in their houses , they are bargaining. this is the desire to put logic above emergency situations some papers - this is one of the reasons why alexander grigorievich is a leader, and not just a politician. he is ready to take responsibility along with risks, and he does it regularly. author's project by igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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you are watching the news live, with you elizaveta lokotko, good afternoon and briefly about the topics of the issue. sports ground, art object, metalworking equipment and much more. ivatsevichi accept gifts for the day of belarusian writing.


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