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tv   100  BELARUSTV  August 31, 2024 3:50pm-4:46pm MSK

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in the future, we plan to cultivate fields for 1000 hectares, there are attempts on the belarusian bulb, and this means that the farmers have been promoted, they need to work so that there is enough money on the steel . maryna ramanovskaya, mikhael khristafora, talachyn district. this year's olympic festival includes only athletes, including medical professionals, young people, an excellent final for professional vocational education, and a record-breaking number of udzelniks. three dozen teams for jumping have delicate medical aid and experience with specific injuries situational. competitive sweets are as close as possible to reality. they spread out in the garadian surroundings and the hell of the patsyarpelago on the wadze and the masavaga of the super-extraordinary zdarennya, two-five brigades from different districts of the minsk region prepared reports for the project. professional assistant alyaksandra goitan. hooks of siren, skilful carriages and medytsynskiy brigades, ready for extra calls.
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yes, the realities, their relaxation in the garadian surroundings. popular summer stories: garadsky park with vadayam, unpredicted months for the beach in adpachynku. negledziachy on prapisanne, spekka vabits da vada, yak vynik, patsyarpely, yak patrababna khudy meddapamoga. he also actively participates in watching this event, expresses presumptive diagnoses and even tries to help the teams provide medical assistance. badai themselves laid out the stage of the route with the heavy smells of the hostage. this super-extraordinary situation was created by the authorities of the special forces militia in the educational class of the maladzechansky palette technical college. the tandem teams from different regions of the minsk region have completed reports on the implementation plan such extra abstavins, the people of the statistics, students of the maladzechansk medical college. someone may have considered for themselves how we are obstetricians, doctor’s assistants, then some of us will 100% get to... just this month
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to represent the minsk region on the republican level. aliaksandra goitan, maxim lvov, mikalay lashkevich. minsk. the report knows the rules of the road and the delicate maneuvering of passenger vehicles. the minsk region has the final final of the school lepsha vadzitsel competition. this is a unique innovation for belarus, which runs in the central region every year. the masters have 22 hours. the first round is theatrical on the issue of 20 tasks in no more than 10 minutes, and the second stage is a test drive. on the improvised palace of the first, the police evaluate the accuracy of the parking and the ability to maneuver. it is necessary
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to pay more attention, small passengers behind the back every day, i represent the ulagotsky district, i have been working for 10 years, i have a kolovskaya school of the district.
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and they had enough space for this, you do not need to go too fast, because you never know who can come out of the corner, for example, also, when you drive up to a pedestrian crossing, it is better to get off your bike, look around and walk carefully. the level of knowledge, of course , is high in our children, but it is not always applicable in practice, and such events, as means, various tests on computers, game programs.
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reception weekends and yes meetings.
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hello everyone, exactly in a minute the hero will come out to us, who will answer everything, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the hero. vladimir, what feelings are you experiencing now, is it similar to the excitement before going on stage? no, it's about that when i go on stage, i know approximately what awaits me, here i am in complete ignorance. and do you promise to tell only the truth? i hope so, well, i will probably have to refuse some questions. well, then good luck, dear participants of the program, today our guest is the people's artist of belarus, soloist of the bolshoi opera and ballet theater, vladimir gromov. hello, vladimir, i
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want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse a question three times and pay attention to the questions at the end of the program you. have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly tell about yourself, time has started, i am a happy person who does what i love, i sing in the opera, in it i, so to speak, live, open up completely, well and naturally, this is family, this is my wife, my children, my home, which take, in fact, my whole life. without a trace, you fit in less than one minute. well, now let's move on to questions from
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our audience. we have 100 participants in the studio, each with their own question. let's see how long you can answer. are you ready? yes. then let's begin. who is asking the question ? hello, my name is ksenia. where did you get such a beautiful voice? what did you inherit from your mother and what from your father. well, i think that the voice is a gift from nature and... well, something is visible from above, and of course, probably, the love of singing is from my mother, and the love of music, understanding yourself as a person who is involved in music, and who must achieve everything, well, dig to the depths, this is to dad, it's such a symbiosis, but i think it's from parents and naturally work and well , god's providence. how exactly did you come to opera? and it's such a long path, because
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at first i was not engaged in singing at all, i was engaged in guitar, but somehow the crooked fate led me to first engage in vocals, and then, naturally, like any lieutenant or private dreams of becoming a general, so i had a dream, at first there was a dream to be a musician, then it transformed, somehow crystallized, i wanted. and then already, when i started taking my first steps, i wanted to sing on the big stage, well , don't be shy and don't be afraid to set yourself some serious goals.
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who are interested in this, and about what a popular genre means, an unpopular genre , if we have the same melody, even one that you, you won't like it, it will constantly sound from every iron around you, as they say, you will get used to it and some short period of time will pass when you will no longer miss it, therefore it all seems to me to be changeable, this popularity, what is popular is that... that is what is advertised, well, the fact that, for example, classical music is not advertised that much, well, it does not take up such a large part of our lives, well, this does not mean that it is bad, to become an opera soloist, there must initially be
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some natural talent, or can you just pump up your vocal cords to sing like that? no, well , it is impossible to pump up your vocal cords. they were given to you by nature, you can only preserve them, develop them, yes, well, what does it mean to pump up, there are concepts endurance, because when i started singing, well, at first it was enough for 5 minutes, 10, then more, more, more, because singing, well , it’s probably akin to, so that it’s closer to you, akin to screaming, so you try to go out somewhere in the forest so as not to scare anyone in the city,
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and the text must be understandable, it’s quite difficult, well, and i repeat, it ’s impossible to pump up the ligaments, these are two small muscles that fold and tremble there, it’s like blades of grass, many of you probably whistled like blades of grass, a little louder even a blade of grass breaks, the same thing can happen with the voice, that is, it needs to be protected, cherished, nurtured, and be able to use it, do you remember your first one?
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like a clean sheet of paper and you want to fall through the ground, surely many have caught themselves thinking that time is at this second, at this instant, it becomes somehow incomprehensible, either it is rubber and stretches, or it contracts, and you are standing in this state of timelessness, when all this and you just want to fall into hell, well , thank god, all this knowledge and skills are here the mechanisms of some developments are already switched on, what is called, what is brought to automatism, the same mechanism happened to me at the performance of carmen. i took this step, i thought, well, whatever happens, here is a clean sheet, i go out on stage, then everything turns on bam, like by the wave
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of some magic wand, thank god, everything happened safely, and what did your mother tell you then, and in general she often comes to your performances, maybe gives some advice or criticizes you, naturally criticizes and praises and advises, well, mother goes to everything... premiere performances for all some new concert programs, what i do for the first time, then sometimes he watches there, something is filmed, something, well, on video, sometimes he also comes to some already ordinary performances and suggests some things, naturally, this is criticism, which, well, you need to listen to, process and, well, do something better. i want to tell you that, probably, you can’t do everything well at once, everything won’t work out at once, for this you just need to be, probably, some julius caesar, but
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we are not caesars. vladimir, i ask you turn right, yellow sector. hello, vladimir, was your childhood different from the usual, did you have many friends? well, basically, my childhood was different only in that while many boys played football, went to... what place does belarus occupy in
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the art of opera? i think that belarus with our opera house and with our musicians who work in this theater, directors, conductors, it occupies a worthy place. our theater produces such performances, for which, well, i have always had as a yardstick to measure i was not ashamed of the product that i presented to those viewers who came, paid money, bought a ticket, because when we come to the store, as consumers, we have the right to demand a quality product from the manufacturer, i liked the phrase, and what are you producing, and we are making a good impression, so we must make such a good impression, for which the viewer came, that we are not ashamed of it, and i believe that our productions they... occupy an absolutely worthy place, i was lucky and fortunate that i got into our theater, and i am that, well , grain that does something so
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that our theater takes its rightful place in the art of opera. we are moving to the red sector, to your right, in films we are often shown how artists drink raw eggs to make their voice work, does it really help? well, you know, maybe it helps someone, eggs in principle are a high-calorie product, we all know, probably, they help the body gain strength, but the specific effect of the of this stomach, protein, whatever, eggnog, i sometimes make it myself, but not for the sake of it being there, but i just like the taste, mix, beat eggs with sugar, firstly, it's delicious, regarding some positive effect.
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less than before the performance, you can understand how much moisture is lost from a person, and what happens to the body during singing. and can your voice break a glass? no, no, the thing is, why does a glass break? a glass cracks because the walls of the glass enter into resonance with some sound source,
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sound... singing, it is loud due to what? there is such a thing as noise pressure, it is in decibels, you have heard this word decibels, as far as i remember, an airplane on takeoff is about 100 or so decibels, 110 or 120 decibels, a good, real strong opera voice is 70-80 decibels, that is, imagine this... noise pressure, what happens to the glass, these waves affect it, it enters into resonance, probably there are voices that are tuned to a specific glass, probably you can make one like that a glass that will break from my voice, but i haven't encountered anything like that yet, let's say. vladimir, it was curious, they probably tried, no, i haven't tried, i tried differently, you know, it will probably
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be funny, in order to achieve... some kind of correct sound, you need to hear it, but we sing there, it flies off somewhere to the side, a completely different sound flies into our ear, we hear a sound that is not ours, we hear our own sound, which was reflected from some object and returned to us, already having acquired the color of the room in which we are, here to achieve this, and i took a saucepan like this and sang into it, you immediately hear what is happening, how this sound changes, you need to remember, choose that sound and those feelings that you made, remember this save, this is a rather complex process, in general, children, if you see a person singing into a saucepan, you know, this is an opera singer,
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it was precisely that difficult situation in which our athletes found themselves, it bore fruit. the athletes were even more motivated and performed with such sporting anger. the voice of the ministry of foreign affairs the voice of belarus in the international arena should sound louder, louder, creative, with some very non-standard decisions that our friends will accept with pleasure and which will puzzle our ill-wishers, we were very well received, there was absolutely no aggression, when we started winning medals, then they say: well guys, the conditions are so difficult and you perform, well, just bravo, work
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is at the forefront. always stands, and such effective work really gives opportunities, such as directly the formation of social the well-being of the working person himself, as well as society as a whole, to recover as soon as possible in international sports, such is the task before the nok, it stands, the time will come when everything will fall into place, it will be as it should be. the markov project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. in order to reboot yourself, you don’t have to go far. i love cycling, but of course, riding in the forest is a special pleasure. the route is built in the program, we go on a trip around belarus, they call it because of its mountainous terrain, a city on seven hills. friends, today i am planning my route along the volozhin region. belarusian polesie, how much is contained in these words? long
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history, original culture, real natural wealth and hospitable polesians, for adventures, you will be left, right, carefully, a girl with a manger, oh my god, you are so cool, you can eat an apple, you will be an apple, so, of course, it will be, oh, positive emotions, oh, this is a compass, show me, take the compass yourself, it's a pity that the tv does not transmit.
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you probably sing incredibly. in karooke, i don’t sing in karooke, well, we were somewhere on vacation, i tried several times, i want to say right away, i didn’t get 100 points, people who sing out of tune got it, but they sing rhythmically, when they hit the right notes, like evenly, the text goes, the words, they turn pink there, well , they change colors, that’s when people... perfectly hit the beat of the change of words, those people, i noticed, get 100 points, i never managed to do it, well, firstly, i don’t really need it, after all, singing is that kind of
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i have a lot of activities in my life, and to sing in a caravan, well, it's like a mathematician, coming home from work, takes a calculator and starts to... calculate something at home, what do you perform among your friends? well, among friends, sometimes we sing some songs, well, there were a lot of bard songs in my childhood with a guitar, by the fire, there is such a song under the blue sky, then a very famous song, how great that we are all gathered here today, well , there are also some romances, old ones some, basically, if we get together with friends, relatives, we, and just communicate, and not so much sing, and could you now perform something, besides opera, well now i'll think of something, oh you darling,
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beautiful maiden, we'll go... we'll have fun with you, we'll go with you, have fun, and let people reign over us, what is this? what kind of couple, a good fellow, with a red teritz, applause, bravo,
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hello, my name is milania and my question.
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development has reached the point that we have now refused in our theater from such anachronism, although i had such a case in my life when this prompter really helped me, i sang in one theater, and there the acoustics were so interesting, the sound that goes into the hall is simply fantastic, that is, you understand that you don’t need to force it, that any quiet sound of yours, any nuance will be heard by all the spectators,
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just a little bit diverge, in some fractions of a second i diverge from the orchestra and then i see the prompter, who starts to hum to me, i don’t hear his singing, but i see his articulation, how he closes, and i follow his articulation i understood where i needed to, like, to get along with the orchestra, well then i already understood, so i need to slightly rebuild my whole existence mesonstage.
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many know this fairy tale, and there karakol, he
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is a sweeper, a janitor, well i walked there with a broom and walked around the stage repeating all my movements that had been worked out many years earlier, so i swept the stage with a sense of business, not for performances, like this during breaks, to your left is the yellow sector. is it true that the more an opera singer weighs, the better his voice? no, you know, i already said that singing is quite a complex process, so it seems to me that any artist, and well , an opera singer too, must have a lot of strength, you can’t starve yourself, the body must receive food, it must spend calories, it ’s like any person, after all, opera singers...
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i would like to ask you, are you at home or are you mostly on the road? no, i
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’m mostly at home, it turned out that all my trips are quite compact, after all, it ’s a family, that’s why it’s a family, when everyone is together, right now my eldest son is studying at st. petersburg, i miss it, although i understand that a person, well, in a family on... it just so happened that when my youngest son was born, when fyodor was born, it turned out
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that i was not there in the summer when he was born, then i came for a few days and left again, then i was not there in the fall, almost a month, then i was not there all winter, when the child was just a newborn, then i return from a tour in the spring, and the child is already sitting and crawling, all this development passes you by, of course such not... very good as myself as a father, i missed this, and i am happy that my tours, if they happen, then they are so enough. pinpoint, you are a famous talented, surely women pay you attention? well, probably they do, i try not to focus on it too much, because well, as i
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call it, these are the costs of the profession, as funny as it sounds, the attention of the audience is nice. yes, but i never forget one thing, that any of this spectator and the attention of fans - it's all temporary, you know, it's like news, which is hot news now, a couple of days pass, a lot of new events come to replace it, which people then talk about, they become and... interesting and well, these are already other new hot news, and those are already forgotten, so let's say it this way, the love of fans - it's all temporary, it's a kind of, probably, like fashion, that's why yes, it's nice, i won't say what, but this is not the goal itself, and whether your wife is jealous of you, the thing is,
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that well you heard that natalia she is also an artist, she is also a performer, she teaches, she performs, she also exists in this coordinate system, she understands perfectly well what it is, therefore, it seems to me, no, and jealousy in general, in principle, jealousy, this is probably a feeling that will only just destroy, because everything that is created, everything that is done good in our life, everything is done only with love, and jealousy is well a destructive feeling, and it is a self-destructive feeling. that a person destroys, probably, himself, being jealous, that's why it seems to me that trust and love in the family are probably the fundamental, this foundation on which everything rests.
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and what are the most unusual gifts that fans have given you? well, different, there are some expensive, inexpensive gifts, recently i was given an icon when we were on tour in moscow, an artist came, and he didn't see me, but... he passed it on through friends, he painted a guardian angel for me, a small icon of a guardian angel, now a few weeks ago my colleague passed it on from him, he knew there, that something happened to me, not very good, he also gave me
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an icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker especially for me, that was probably the most unusual thing. do you think it is possible for an actor to portray his feelings that he has never experienced in real life? i will answer right away, no, even in the question itself you have an encrypted answer, to portray a feeling, you can portray anything, but not feelings, a feeling, if a person has not experienced it and he does not remember, after all, what is a feeling, this is what you can do now remember, let's say, how raspberry jam smells, you got distracted in your head, you remembered it, and this is the moment of feeling, those feelings that we show on stage, we experienced them sometime before, now
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this memory of this aroma of raspberry jam, we fish them out of some shelf inside ourselves somewhere. at this moment we put this experience of ours that once happened to us, we put it on that text, that hero whom we portray a hero, but we must experience our own experiences and feelings, that happened to us at some point, if, let's say, well, theatrical collisions, those stories that we show on stage, do not imply those events that should happen to us. so we imagine it, we write down inside ourselves this feeling, sensation, this event, no, we do not
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depict it, well, in any case, and i, i try to be always extremely somehow sincere, precisely in my feelings, that if this happens like this, then i feel it, you know, it even gets to the point of being funny, you can believe it, you can not, with us, i already i told you, somewhere there is even such a performance, bohemia, there we are cold, the characters, we are freezing, in the middle of the performance, my character goes outside where it is snowing, puts on his coat, winter, he is freezing, imagine, a theater, june, it is hot outside, it is hot in the theater, very, i am in a coat. and i am cold, this is that level of some kind of internal exaltation that
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needs to be done with oneself, so that it is, so that the viewer sees that this person is cold, this is how you can force yourself to believe in certain fictions, someone's the inventions that you show to the stage, i swear to you. i was cold at the moment, and i was shivering from the cold, it was 22-24° in the theater, i was wearing a coat, it was not cold, we were moving to the red sector, to your left, you have devoted your entire conscious life to the stage, have you managed to play pranks during this time, naturally , sometimes we even play pranks on the stage, for some reason i just remembered - such a case, there was a performance, figar's wedding, and it was april 1st,
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a comedy, we decided to joke around there, i started to play the fool, in the second act in scene in the garden, my character slaps - one character, well, and we agreed that well, i have to slap one, in the dark , so the collision of the performance is made, that... there are those nightmares that probably unite all artists, this is a nightmare that you dream
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that you need to go on stage and you did not have time to change, the second common, the same for everyone, a nightmare is that you need a stage, and you do not know the role, perhaps, probably, these are some of the strongest fears that are very common, they, as a rule, arise in these dreams. but it is true, you really feel just scared, i already know this mechanism inside myself, and i see this in my dreams, and i force myself to wake up to break out of this kind of vicious circle, where i can't have time to change clothes or i can't learn a role to go on stage, for an artist it's probably very difficult to overcome fear like. when something negative happens to him in his profession, what was
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the last brave act you did, i don't know, brave, here somehow, probably, you don't think about courage, like for some reason i remembered a phrase by baron munchausen, who had a feat scheduled for some time, say, 9 o'clock, and here it was somehow. well, you know , there was probably a time when my neighbor's car caught fire in the middle of the night, i noticed it, i ran to him, knocked on his door, pushed him out, we ran to put it out, and it could explode at any moment, because i knew that his car had gas equipment, that is, there was a gas cylinder in the car, which if there was smoke from the engine compartment, well, the fire would reach before... we ran to put it out, to drive it away, the car was on fire, we opened the trunk, disconnected it,
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shut off the gas line there so that nothing would happen. we put out the car before the firefighters arrived, and are opera singers superstitious? are there any signs that you believe in? yes, uh, superstitious, we are in principle, well, probably any person from the arts, he will be suspicious. okay, and do you have any rituals that you do before a performance, well, and also, more of these superstitions, so, if we have notes. fall, then you must definitely sit where they fell, sometimes they fly under the piano, here you climb there and twist, sit on them, they are under the piano, you climbed under the piano, sat on these notes, then ruin the performance, yes, then they say that the actor, well, some actors collect
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a bent nail on the stage, well, because there is a crowbar, when it happens , not the appearance, probably, i never wanted to change myself, although i remember myself as a child, i was very unhappy with what i see in the mirror, but i somehow considered myself, maybe this will seem funny to someone, i considered myself some kind of ugly duckling in childhood, then over time, when i just plunged into this
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abyss of my. uh profession, you know , in general, probably, for some time i looked in the mirror only for the fact that only when i shaved, and sometimes you could shave even by touch, i absolutely did not look there, and i believed that everything that was needed for the stage, everything would be drawn by make-up artists, my appearance, it, well, it is only that appearance, in my personal life. i have a wife, so if she likes me, then, well, then i am normal, for her i am normal, to change i never wanted anything, i even see, well, a crooked nose, they even offered me, they said, let's do an operation on you, we can fix your nose, i say, and to me, i've lived with it for many years and it will be somehow without it, it will be
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somehow not right and even... now there are plays that, well, you see, i've already become quite white with age, and there are roles when you play quite young people, well, this is the play onegin, eugene onegin, and the play the wild hunt of king stakh, when my character, well, a fairly young person, sometimes my, well, colleagues, i mean directors or relatives, say to me, well, somehow, probably, your... white hair color doesn't fit with those young characters, who are over 20 years old, well, and sometimes makeup artists darken my hair, and when i see myself with the hair that i had 15 years ago, i already feel uncomfortable, i want to quickly get into the shower, wash my hair and return to that pristine state that i am now, that's in which i am i live, i don't think that this is some kind of problem
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and that i need to change something in myself. i need to support what i have and try to preserve what nature has given me. what do you think, when should an actor leave the stage? oh, well, it's probably quite a complicated process, people love their occupation and what they do so much that...


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