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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  September 1, 2024 3:15pm-4:06pm MSK

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in a year they may even be left out of the bundestag altogether, the germans are especially irritated by their country's involvement in the twists and turns of the russian-ukrainian conflict. today , protests in this regard took place in many cities of the country. the head of the french patriots party said that pavel durov's life may be in danger. florian philippot believes that the owner of the telegram messenger is under the most intense pressure, and if he does not give in to the french authorities, he can easily be killed. sam. is now at liberty, but for now he is deprived of his freedom movements. he has not yet made any statements assessing the situation, but macron is actively justifying himself for having previously granted citizenship to the businessman. the french president also denies inviting durov to dinner, which was most likely the pretext that allowed the billionaire to be lured to paris. the newspaper reports that telegram has long been of interest to french intelligence, and durov even had some contacts with them, the content of which is unknown. the eu and
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france want to achieve full control over this platform and the right of censorship. durov, as far as we can judge, does not agree to this yet. image is nothing, control is everything. how the telegram epic once again exposes the double standards of the west. why is it possible to prepare color revolutions without condemnation, for which you can get a ban from washington, will durov become a new prisoner of democracy, how do other giants clavate? of the world wide web, we will tell you in an understandable policy, watch on monday after the panorama.
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800 thousand belarusians will receive a salary increase from today, on the first day autumn increased. the basic amount on which the income of employees in the public sector depends. now its size is 253 rubles. this is the second increase in the indicator this year. the last time the basic rate was increased was in january. also, for the second time this year, due to allowances, the salaries of some employees employed in the education system will increase. a consistent increase in the size of wages in this area is provided for by the corresponding government program until 2025. so, from today, 15% of the salary will be added. to production foremen
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training, educational institutions. the increase for parents, educators of family-type children's homes will be a quarter of the salary, but cooks and kitchen workers in school cafeterias will have their salaries increased by exactly 50%. hot weather is expected in belarus in the first week of autumn, the temperature will rise above 30 °. no rain is predicted due to dry and warm weather, a restriction on visiting forests has been introduced in forty-one regions of belarus. a ban has been established in the bress and mogilev regions. only in the last 24 hours there were 45 fires in natural ecosystems in the country. seven forest fires, one peat fire and 37 grass and bush fires were extinguished. in two cases, people were seriously injured due to careless handling of fire when burning dry vegetation. today, friendly uzbekistan celebrates independence day with the main state holiday of the country's president. our president noted that the years
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of sovereign development of the uzbek state are marked by outstanding achievements that have ensured sustainable economic growth, large-scale social transformation deserved recognition of the country on the world stage. and today tashkent makes a significant contribution to the system of global security and stability in central asia, coming up with constructive initiatives. the head of state expressed his conviction that based on long-standing friendship on... uzbekistan happiness and prosperity. that's all for now, next news sports, and we'll see each other at 19:00. see you. minsk dynamo plays its home matches in the general stage of the conference league in
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azerbaijan's sumgait. the day before, the capital's the club learned the full schedule of games. so, at the start of the tournament on october 3, the belarusians will host the scottish hearts. on november 28, denmark's copenhagen, alarne from northern ireland. on december 12, we play away with the finnish hicks, the polish legia panathena kosa, and we will finish the general stage with the game with the greeks on december 19. meanwhile, neman beats vitebsk in the match of the twentieth round of the belarusian football championship. in the north of the country, igor kovalevich's club celebrated its third victory in a row. leonard gwet scored the only goal in the middle of the first half - 1:0. the metibchans suffer their second defeat in a row and have not known victory in three rounds. alexander pavlov's team is in an intermediate sixth place. neman is in the lead. arpeda belas is four points ahead, minsk dynamo is eight points behind, but the capital's team has four games in hand.
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everything that modern belarus lives by. watch belarus24 today on the tv channel. this is news from the country abroad, broadcasts of especially important events, live broadcasts from the scene
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, current interviews with famous belarusians, fascinating travels around... feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish express am8 satellite, the channel's signal is broadcast in the open and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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the case is durovo, how the city of love became a prison for mce, the new popular front shines fifth republic, the cloud of impeachment is gathering over macron, chemistry and geometry on the same parquet in argentina danced the world championship in tanga, you look around the planet, we are on air on the belarus one and belarus. 24 tv channels in the studio daria tarasova. hello. not freedom of speech in french, the secret services released durov from custody, but the creator of telega is not free. the tech businessman is stuck in the city of love for 10 years, which is what the citizen of the world is charged with. bouquets of accusations from
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illegal online transactions, complicity in hacker attacks, separately presented from ekriptu. who gave up durov, a beautiful companion or a pilot who landed in? the guardians of democracy in paris liburge kept silent, but it seems that the next victim of european censors will be elon musk, but for now about the durov case, evgeny belousov, i am no worse. guys, this is approximately what macron's face has looked like in recent days. the accusation against him by a number of politicians and journalists of implementing a cunning plan to arrest durov forced the french leader to justify himself everywhere and declare that he had nothing to do with it. it is not true that i did him several invitations, this is a complete lie. i was not supposed to have meetings with mr. durov either at the end of last week or in the following days. i did not know that he would fly to france. and these are independent actions of the french justice system in this matter. the story of
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the detention of the owner of the telegram messenger has become the center of attention in the world media, and a kind of competition has begun among them: who will pour more dirt on the businessman. others have approached the situation with humor. handy internet users have already presented their version of the businessman's stay behind bars. we ready to destroy the dossier. give you a chance. all we need from you is one thing, mr. doov, give us the keys to telegram. yes, it's a tempting offer, but i have a better idea, let's say i'll send you away. however, it is not known for certain what durov said, but the fact remains: the businessman has now been released from custody on bail of 5 million euros with a number of restrictions. the founder of telegram. handed over all his passports and must live at the address set by the judge, he is prohibited from leaving france, and
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the businessman is also required to visit the police station twice a week. in such a regime of restriction of freedom, the suspect can live for many months, or even years, until the end of the investigation, which in france is carried out very slowly. and in france, he is accused of child pornography and other nonsense. what did he do? if you want the person responsible for telegram to get into trouble. i strongly advise ilan musk not to come to europe, even to
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the meeting with me planned for september in dublin, do not come, ilan, i asked you, but do not come, we cannot be sure that you will not suffer the same fate, they arrest journalists too. agree, it is very opportune that against the backdrop of the arrest , information appeared about what a monster this monsieur durov is. the alleged mother of his three children, irina bolgar, began an active pr campaign on social networks. she claims that durov beat his child, that he was deprived of parental rights in switzerland, while she herself gives out a database, allegedly the owner of telegram wanted to transfer the children and herself to the united arab emirates, but she refused. after that, the businessman stopped financing her, blocked access to cards and stopped paying bills, but even this is not the worst thing, it turned out that the lack of 150,000 euros monthly hit the teenagers' psyche hard, as polgar says, when we first flew economy class, the children who had previously flown... only on private jets asked where the other people came from, they say it was after this that she decided to start
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legal proceedings. by the way, durov's violence against children is being considered in paris, but this is a separate case. however, for bolgar, as she herself admits, this was not hype, but rather the opposite. even more interesting is the role that his current companion yulia vavilova has been given, conspiracy theories are being built around her. allegedly, she is an agent of massada, who betrayed the founder of telegram with her posts on social networks. durov's adventure in paris made telegram
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a businessman who had gotten carried away with freedom of speech take his place, and it doesn't matter whether it's washington, paris or london. the main thing is that following this story will definitely not be boring. in the meantime , one of the most popular and downloaded applications in the world. evgeny belousov, around the planet. political crisis in france the country's authorities call unprecedented a truly lawless
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, according to all the rules, appointed cabinet of ministers the country has been living for more. according to the change of the constitution it is quite possible that it will come to this and now, the fifth republic will be replaced by the sixth republic, at least, the existing legal mechanisms do not imply a peaceful, mutually acceptable resolution of the conflict for all parties, only a further immersion in womb, confrontation and hatred. if it is clear that someone will not capitulate, that will not be at all in french, although again, if the enemy cannot be defeated, then he can be bought off, which is also quite imaginable, if the french were not the biggest misers in europe. so, how did the fifth republic come to this life, because for at least 70 years it was possible to successfully avoid a constitutional crisis, given that the politicians of the past were unlike those of today, more power-hungry, and irreconcilable, more principled, and if it comes to that, much more vital, and yet not long ago peace and goodwill reigned in the country, the macronist deputies controlled parliament
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and as it should be, they voted, the opposition trampled the pavements and, according to local custom, staged fights with the police in the streets, but then... suddenly the president dissolved parliament and announced new elections, and it was known in advance that those in power, those holding the power, would lose these elections by a landslide. now, in hindsight, it is clear that macron calculated the party ten moves ahead, however, instead of a submissive parliament , he received a parliament of a paralytic, split exactly into three, in which completely irreconcilable factions reign, irreconcilable so much, that if you ask them if there is a god, some will answer yes, others no, and still others neither yes nor no, and then everyone will fight until all this... he has no fewer opponents, but now all their possibilities are exhausted by powerless standing in the squares and verbal shaking of the air. to clarify the situation with the mood of citizens, macron was going to the elections, the elections have passed,
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the verdict of the voters is known. macron was told, get out, new popular front. he won, and we have the right to appoint our government. macron hesitates and cheats, as soon as he was elected for another 7 years, he no longer listens to anything. after the absurd dissolution of parliament, he continues to commit new crazy acts, because of his inflated ego he turns into a dictator. the left, the new popular front consisting of socialists, greens and communists, received 190 seats in parliament. macronites - 160.
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macron is intriguing with all his might, going on the offensive with the left, he is flirting with the lepenites on the contrary, it is characteristic that both of them perfectly understand the fraudulent nature of these manipulation, but they act as if they are being played fairly. president macron is plotting to collude with the right and far right to retain power, contrary to opinion.
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tractor. in general, france has entered a period of unpredictable turbulence. before the elections, macron calculated the game 10 moves ahead, but it is time to make the eleventh and subsequent ones. if there is even
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a spark of that fire left in the french that lit half a dozen large and fifty small revolutions, then war will be declared against macron not for life, but to the death. is it for nothing that aristocrats are on the lantern is still one of the most popular songs in the country. in general, if the uprising of the right and left masses is truly universal, then macron's resignation and the reformatting of the constitutional order are simply inevitable, because the fifth republic allowed a president, whose departure is wanted by half of the population and with whom 3/4 of citizens are dissatisfied, to gain almost autocratic power, but macron will clearly not wait for the end without complaint. it is almost impossible to predict even the near future. the crisis is already called unprecedented, and there is still a economic consequences: stock indices are collapsing due to instability, businesses are fleeing,
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the country's debt is becoming more expensive, smaller black swans are fluttering here and there, migrants who have settled on the banks of the lomanche are waging a guerrilla war with the police in the north, criminal wars are raging in marseille and the cities of the south. in short, to escalate and give the final decisive battle in order to get everything as the winner, this. macron's strategy is quite risky. victory is not guaranteed, and the enemy can be brought to such a degree of brutality that it once led to the hanging of the aristocracy with garlands on lanterns. olek romanov, around the planet. med belarus explained the grief of its neighbors with the help of logic. externally, the political department of our country responded to the call of official kiev to withdraw troops from the border. independent, entertaining logistics. it turns out that the leadership of ukraine is launching combat drones through the territory of belarus, and a week later on the website svoyvuzhimit is surprised by
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the actions of our armed forces, which carry out tasks to ensure the security of the territory of belarus and our citizens - noted anatoly glaz. but on the website of the ukrainian foreign ministry there appeared something that was hard not to notice, namely a message about allegedly unfriendly. but the ukrainian foreign ministry did not bother to explain why in july ukraine conducted reconnaissance using uavs on the territory of our country 10 times and six times in august. the main thing is not to outsmart ourselves. the illogical to the point of absurdity behavior of ukrainian colleagues are forced.
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the leadership of ukraine launches combat drones through the territory of belarus, a week later on the website of its foreign ministry is surprised actions of our armed forces, performing tasks to ensure the security of the territory of belarus and our citizens. in our understanding , everything is logical here, especially if we take into account the constant provocations on the border from the ukrainian side, the deployment of a group of troops, more than 100,000 people, the deployment...
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and what logic the ukrainian country is guided by, we do not know. perhaps there is some very cunning game here, designed for domestic consumption or to receive an ovation from the west. however, the main thing in such a game is not to outwit yourself. warsaw never tires of looking for excuses for increased militarization. as stated by the country's defense ministry, poland is in a state of hybrid war. this is reflected in the increase in the number of cyber attacks, as well as in the situation on the border with belarus. the instrument of influence on the country's population and provocation and division in society, the department called the message about weather balloons that fell on polish territory. in addition, the polish authorities face 5 hours of hacker attacks every year, and the headquarters for combating them consists of 2,500 soldiers. in june, poland and the baltic states have called on the eu authorities to allocate them
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financial resources to protect themselves from the threat from the east; they want to build a 700 km defense line along the border with belarus and russia. and our southern neighbor has completely different production facilities on stream. the developments of biolaboratories in ukraine have been in excessively high demand in the states in recent years. according to the russian defense ministry , washington is actively using moldova and romania for logistics schemes-transportation even to divert completely obvious suspicions. we are talking about blood and tissue samples that the americans use to select biological agents that are most dangerous to the population of a certain region. the states are already sending kiev a wide variety of chemical munitions. in one of the caches of ukrainian militants, russian military personnel discovered substances that contain thallium nitrate and tactical mixtures. their high toxicity is noted, as well as their potential use for sabotage. the head of european
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diplomacy called for. ukraine's air defense systems and to lift all restrictions on the use western weapons, barel said at an informal meeting of eu foreign ministers, where he went together with the head of foreign policy of the kiev regime, kuleba. i am sure that the restrictions on the use of weapons transferred to ukraine should be lifted, the full use of weapons to strike military targets in russia should be allowed in accordance with international rules. otherwise , the weapons are useless. barel also supported kiev's attack on the kursk region, calling it strategic courage. the heads of the eu mfa at informal meeting in brussels did not make a unified decision to lift restrictions on kiev's strikes with european weapons on russian territory. this was stated by the head of diplomacy barel following the meeting. it was also not possible to agree on unblocking 6 billion euros for military supplies to kiev through the european peace fund due to the position
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of hungary, which currently holds the presidency. i was faced with a complete lack of a realistic assessment of the situation and a rampant war psychosis. in the month since the last meeting of the council, nothing has been achieved changed. most of the countries of the european union, together with the elite bureaucrats of brussels , take an absolutely pro-war position. in fact, this military psychosis blinds many. the first officer in poland suddenly called for an end to aid to ukraine
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. funds that were intended to help ukrainian refugees. according to preliminary data, he stole 16 out of 20 million crowns, almost 865,000 dollars, allocated by the government for studying the czech language. the classes for children were supposed to be free, but the fund took money from refugees, while the center's employees were not paid. the russian foreign intelligence service has information about washington's preparation of a color revolution in georgia. it will be timed to coincide with the country's parliamentary elections, which will take place on october 26, although it may start even before the voting begins. the main role in preparing the coup will be played by american, quasi-public structures, such as the national endowment for democracy, the soros foundation and others. relations between official tbilisi and the west deteriorated after the adoption of the law on foreign agents in may of this year. the united states immediately suspended
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military cooperation with georgia, and the eu threatened... the shrine and now, let me remind you, zelensky has officially signed the scandalous law with a firm hand, allowing the canonical ukrainian orthodox church to be banned. the document is expected to come into force 30 days after its publication, millions of orthodox ukrainians have found themselves outside the law. the world council of churches condemned the adopted law, alarmed by the unjustified collective punishment of the entire religious community of the country. according to the council, the law violates the principles of freedom of religion or belief. the ukrainian government was called for caution in protecting the rights of citizens and social cohesion. the term of office of the ukrainian rada has expired, although during martial law the powers are extended, but the decree extending martial law was signed
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by zelensky after his own powers also expired. for now, the legitimacy of zelensky and the rada is recognized by the notorious western partners, but now any laws and agreements with the ukrainian side are possible. moreover, they themselves are capable of abandoning them. therefore , there can be no talk of peace talks with kiev. a turn away from previous convictions. switzerland plans to lift the ban on the construction of new nuclear power plants, bloomberg reports. it was introduced in 2018. the country's federal council acknowledged that the tense situation with energy supply in europe from 2022 means that the missing electricity cannot always be replaced by imports in the appropriate quantities. it was previously assumed. the publication notes that changes to the current legislation will be proposed by the end of the year, and parliament should discuss them in 2025 before the issue is ultimately put to a national vote. the election race in
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the united states and new scandals. everyone in the country knows that it is not how people vote, but who counts that matters. so in detroit, 2,300 democrats and only 330 republicans will be monitoring the elections. meanwhile, it was in this city, according to trump , that there was massive voter fraud mail, but the work is ongoing this year, so in texas, and in florida , the voter lists were cleaned up, a million people turned out to be dead and illegal, while in florida the number of democratic voters fell by half a million at once, that is, by 10%. considering that there was no verification of the lists before the last elections, it is difficult to even imagine how much the real voting results differ from the officially announced ones. a new sacred threat was found in lithuania, as reported by the deelfi portal, the parents of a first-grader, along with them and local media before the start of the school year are finding out whether gladioli at ceremonial assemblies are a soviet tradition, and
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therefore are banned for glorifying the ussr. on this occasion, local journalists even brought in an ethicist, who stated with expertise that there is no such tradition in the west, because under... speeding up deportations is another promise for germans from chancellor schulz, germany is shocked by the massacre on city day in solingen. as is the law of the genre , the attacker leaves syria. a terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the attack organization islamic state, the motivation for the attack is revenge for the muslims in palestine. for the federal.
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his story is like an adventure novel with its prologue, pages of bloody battles and love threads, bright personalities of all stripes. century, sollingen became the largest metallurgical center of europe. first of all, the local craftsmen were famous for their bladed weapons. in the best times , there were more than 50 factories and small manufactories that made blades and blades of various shapes and sizes. ironically, on the evening of august 23, at the festival many. in honor of the city day , three people died from a knife, eight more were injured, despite the crowded place and a bunch of witnesses , the killer was not detained hot on the trail, however, that same night he surrendered to the police himself, the criminal
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turned out to be twenty-six-year-old isa alkh, terrorists from the islamic state took responsibility for the attack, the reason is revenge for muslims in palestine, which is significant, 2 years ago the guy fled from syria and asked for... asylum, of course, the unfortunate man was sheltered, because germany really loved such fighters for democracy and welcomed, although at the very beginning many warned that they would then kill germans.
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as for syria and afghanistan, the reception from these countries should be stopped for now, and those who have not received asylum should be sent back. scholz also came to his senses, making further promises. we will have to do everything so that those who cannot and should not stay in germany are expelled. this incident now,
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federal minister of the interior nancy feiser answered this question with dry statistics, presenting an annual report. according to document, the number of crimes in germany has broken the record for the last 12 years, the total number for all articles is almost 800,000, this is 12 s5% more than in the previous year. more than half of the offenders are migrants. will the measures taken by the scholz companies help? time will tell, but if not, the german elite can always hide in some bunker, which , by chance, is being built on the site of the former longenstein-zwieberg concentration camp. it is unlikely that the former builders from hitler's germany could have imagined that the basements of the death camp could will be useful to their grandchildren. mikhail gromov, around the planet. an ambitious reboot. relations with the eu is announced in the persistently
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noticing logs in his own policy british prime minister starmer. in search of investment, the politician looked to paris and berlin. during his speech on downing street, the leader of the labor party told people about the budget something like will have to put up with short-term pain for the sake of long-term benefit. against the backdrop of falling prime ministerial ratings, the message hardly inspired the british about non-royal savings tatyana volkova. triumph of historical victories over the conservatives are behind us, and for the first british prime minister in many years , the time has come to receive an assessment from the voters who have placed their trust in him. the elections were held in early july, and kirostarmer's approval rating has already fallen by 26 percentage points, according to the apinium agency. the guardian cites the data. it was easy to make election promises. it was another matter to calm the mass religious and racial protests that unfolded after.
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cities, expedited trials and amnesty for hundreds of prisoners, so that make room for convicted rioters. the british government is trying to solve a deeply social issue with these police measures. i think the main reason for the riots is anger and frustration. i think much of this discontent is caused mainly by ignorance. they prefer to work with the population not through education, but through the usual forceful methods. also. they are holding mass rallies against the far right
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, they are promoting a campaign for the adoption of a law on the regulation of content in the media so that remove calls for violence and so-called hate speech from the media, who will use what criteria to decide what is hate speech is still unclear, but it is known that disobedience will be subject to a fine of up to 10% of the offender's company's turnover. they are planning to take smoking enthusiasts seriously. starmer intends to introduce a ban on... in public places, which is all that is missing from the already crises-hit pubs, restaurants and hotels. we have spent so much time, effort and money on...
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finances of 22 billion pounds, because of the recklessness of the previous government, we borrowed almost £5 billion more than the office for budget responsibility planned. the british, as the independent newspaper suggests, face higher taxes and cuts in budget spending. it has already been announced that government heating subsidies for 130,000 old people will be cancelled. their incomes have been deemed sufficient for them to cope with the high tariffs on their own. this support for ukraine, to which london has already provided almost £13 billion. the fact that such a position is not will change, was announced during a joint press conference between starmer and scholz in berlin. even before the elections, the labour party talked about the need to conclude a large british-european pact on defense and security. the british prime minister decided to start
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with the development of a comprehensive defense treaty with germany. starmer visited paris, where he agreed with macron on expanding. not cooperation between great britain and france. a defense treaty between them already exists, the so-called lancaster agreements. moreover, they regularly agree on new initiatives, such as a new model of jointly produced tank. so starmer's current tour could become a new starting point for uk defence cooperation with the entire eu. and they will find the funds for this. and the old people will somehow survive the winter.
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we will take part in an expedition to the corners of our country. the new year requires expeditions to hide in new roads. it happens again and again in the past in the palestinian lands. to follow their history and meat abrades. the church of st. mikalaya, published in 1818 to the myastsov gentry . the temple was built on the kurgan in the myastsovsky palyashutsky style. and its final sign was born in 1876, when the tent party was installed. let's trap a unique natural object. kalodzieja karalewy bonesforza, vyadomaga. yashche from the 16th century, housewife, do you feel the state is coming to us, the bush is coming, now the saints are already dry, we are pasturing the bush on a white platform, so that our bush and on your door had more weight, and breathe new life into old traditions, my dear, and you came out
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one time with the project last year on the belarus tv channel. discoveries without which it is difficult to imagine the world today. it weighs no more than a kilogram, takes up very little space and is perfectly equipped. and for the fact that now it is in every car, we say thank you to doctors, and of course, scientists, without whom it would be impossible to fill it with anything. today, experts say that these drugs can definitely replace a balanced diet cannot, but can only be an addition to it, an invention of mankind. which significantly simplify our lives. despite the fact that his products were successful, the real craze for dietary supplements began in the mid-seventies. even peter the great had his own first aid kit, one might say, a travel one. it was only in 1975 that it came to the automobile. there were more and more cars on the roads
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, and, naturally, traffic accidents too. about the most important thing from the world of science in the project science is nearby. further iznov. yes , according to the list, an isothermal blanket, no one will probably believe that it is a blanket, but it is really a blanket, why, why should it be regardless of when it is necessary to undergo a technical inspection? we are working on that at the academy of sciences to develop complex biologically active additives, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. the era of western domination is becoming a thing of the past, the center of global progress, economic gravity, and even political decision-making, is shifting to the south and east. there will be no red lines, it is this line, the state border, as soon as the to her, i say, as a border guard, the answer will be
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instant, it was absolutely necessary to buy something imported, if not gucci and versace, then everything, i washed belarusian suits, went to the very hotel where they sew new clothes for themselves, the president of the government, they brought us fabric from the orsha plant, they have made great progress in terms of technology, and i and the partners are reviewing all foreign trips. this is the habitat of endangered animals and birds, which you will not meet anywhere else in belarus. the main topics on the main broadcast. look.
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you are watching the program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24 all on the dance floor in argentina danced the world championship in tango. for two weeks buenos lived in the rhythm of passion. the favorites of the jury were expected to be argentine couples. in total, the dance marathon united performers from 53 countries, from russia to japan. the final competition was watched by 10,000 spectators. the most characteristic performers were chosen in two competition categories, salon stage tango. in the first, several couples shine on the dance floor at once, the number itself refers to the golden era argentine tango. forties, in a word , physics, chemistry and geometry at the same time. what
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else happened in the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, what is definitely worth knowing about. yana mendeleva has prepared a special selection for you. be careful, precipitation in the form of tomatoes is possible. a thematic festival was held in spain: night, museum and cats. why did they dress up the furry ones? ancient egyptian pharaohs, what the skeleton of a woolly mammoth looks like, where the pistachio harvest is collected and what robot waiters from kenya can do, we will find out together in the coming minutes. the annual tomato battle festival la tomatina took place in buñol, spain. more than 22,000 people from all over the world came to the city's main square to throw tomatoes at each other. this is a record. this year
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, about 150 tons of ripe vegetables, allegedly no longer fit for food, were used for the festivities, and there were even vip tickets for $500 on sale, for which you could throw tomatoes straight from trucks. the shanghai museum organized a unique event as part of an exhibition on ancient egyptian civilization. among the guests 200 cats. accompanied by their owners. some of the furry ones were dressed in costumes of ancient egyptian pharaohs and gods. cat tracks on the floor, meow sounds and animated silhouettes of animals on the walls helped visitors to fully immerse themselves in the cat kingdom. i think this is a rare opportunity to come here to see many kittens and friendly people, there is a very good atmosphere here. among the exhibits of ancient egyptian civilization there are many artifacts related to cats. it was this connection that inspired the organizers to hold magical cat.


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