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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  September 7, 2024 9:40pm-10:30pm MSK

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young scientists whose creative ideas can change the future, because in our country we have everything necessary for this. sergegivanenko, tv news agency. the new school year has arrived, preparations were serious as always, there is an addition to the pages of textbooks, the lunch menu has been finalized, and a number of capital schools have joined the pilot project, their clothing style has become uniform. teachers and students are ready to evaluate the innovations, watch the section. the role of quality tomorrow on the main air. without major reforms and sharp turns, the first week of the school year behind us, which means it's time to evaluate new education products on the spot. i read it, i worked on it, offered comments. the presentation is brand new on the pages of textbooks in new images of schoolchildren. in the morning, how closely does the teacher generally watch what they came in? well, yes, this is a successful test after all . this.
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we will do it, how many facets are there in the quality of education, how the state reacts to the needs of belarusian schools, why there are no trifles in this matter, crispy, quality control of school education, we will check in this sunday on the main air. sha narodnaya.
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today sings in the sports palace, which hosts the national folklore festival. at this moment, thousands of people in love with the original motives are on the dance floor, among the headliners is alexey glyzin. the culmination was the gala concert. they sincerely reminded where galina lives, how wide is mother earth. our cultural observer lidiya zabludskaya examined the details of the soul wide open. are you ready to sing along today, so that the soul goes to dance, then, maybe continue? let's gather, all together, all well, friendly, some kind of family tradition to get together, then in any case it all happens to some belarusian folk music. honestly, i didn't expect that there would be so many people, i thought so, well, somehow it would be mediocre, there is a lot of excitement here, honestly, and how else, when the soul, songs require and not from three notes that are erased by rotations, the once forgotten pipe, our national voice. again in
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the headliners set the rhythm. more and more often , the sports yard gathers soldouts of russian performers of people's honored ones, who constantly on the first line of the hit parade on radio charts, well and today the soulful festival proved that 5,000 viewers can come here for folk music with soul on raspakushka on conversation. international competition of folk performers. this is my first performance on such a big stage, i feel that this is not the only one, there will be such a stage, there will be many more like it. now the main thing for kristina is not to retreat from the folklore path later. the viewer will decide
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whether to be a people's favorite, examples today stage, where did you come from? from the vitebsk region, the city of orsha, especially for the performance of alena, alena petrovskaya, yes, we follow her work and try to support our fellow countrywoman. the most soulful st. petersburg singer was born in mogilev, alena petrovskaya, used to support vaenka herself with backing vocals.
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she was replaced by a white day, or rather its main female voice, which is in tune with the symbol of the slavic bazaar, so on the stage of the sports palace and vasilek blossomed, and kalina blossomed. how are the belarusians, did they reveal their souls today? i generally really like the organization, especially when you run out of there with emotions, with an open soul, with an open heart, because
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no one can ever catch me with these emotions after a concert, usually i run away after the stage, thank you for this mood, i love you so much, i love belarus so much, my grandfather is from belarus, he died during...
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family show, good evening, stay with us, it will be very interesting.
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evgeniy, good evening, good. investment banker and professor at the higher school of economics, consultant and author of the telegram channel thousands subscribers, but this is only one telegram channel, yes, this is only one, you have, i counted six, but there may be more. well, i have been involved in investments, it is no secret, for 33-34 years, it just happened, i have accumulated
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colossal experience, i began to share it on social networks, just to tell, you know, this is so, this is so, this is how it will be, guys, so don’t freak out, people, when they come to financial markets, they go crazy, they make a huge number of mistakes, they do not understand why they came there, this is not only a question financial markets, in the economy, in all their...
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investments, what will happen next, what are the global trends, we'll probably talk about this, what will happen to their personal money, where are the cars, they are primarily interested in, if the majority of the population, everyone thinks, so what if, and you know, again the topic of scammers, there are a lot of them, they are trying to get our money by any means, they call me regularly... well, we'll definitely talk about scammers today, too, but you worked in israel, worked with americans and russians, you know, with israelis, with the emirates, by the way, amazing guys, with americans, and europeans, and russians, and belarusians, with anyone, well, the fact that you are now working in russia, in such extra-turbulent conditions, is this a good sign for russia? you know, that russia, that belarus, belarus, excuse me, this is
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an opportunity, i always look at any situation, from two sides, on the one hand, yes, this is a colossal challenge, these are things that we have never covered, this was not in any textbook, on the other hand, this is challenge, because the departure of western corporations is a niche, lack of information is a niche, bloomberg left, and where to get data, interpretation of data, understanding of data, that is, it turns out that now american and german, conditionally, yes,
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entrepreneurs, economists are being educated in new conditions, they have to work, and these are far from economic conditions, these are not just non-economic conditions, they themselves do not understand what to do, they are often afraid to take certain actions, you understand, russian business is built very interestingly, the brains of a russian businessman and a foreigner, a foreigner has always been used to working in very clear, comfortable conditions orkuberis, this is possible, this is not possible, and we are used to working in conditions when, you know, this is a niche, you can't do this, then you can do this, you can't do that either. okay, then you can do it this way, if anything, i'll ask my friends. you know, as i always say, what's the difference between a good lawyer and a bad one? a bad one says that it's not possible, and a good one says how it's possible, of course, of course, and what's happening today, for them it's often an unsolvable problem, but for us this is an opportunity, and i see every day my friends come to me, listen, there is such a
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calculation mechanism, what do you think, listen, and i am engaged in export there, or parallel import, comrade, you will be surprised. or jokes, you know, such a concentrated expression of sarcasm, or , on the contrary, a description of a certain reality, this is a very wise thing, in fact a joke and a deep anecdote, but about sanctions, you know, you told me about the westerners, so i came up with such a joke, the main problem of ours today western counterparties, what, to find gray
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schemes to bypass their own sanctions, well, that's true. in the comments, yes, about westerners, i don't think it's a joke now, but it's always very strange how scholz manages to politically justify the need for the blown up nord stream in the interests of germany, this is a paradox for me, but he 's managed to do this for two years, it's completely normal, this simply says that he's probably a professional politician,
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a politician with economics is a little more complicated, okay, german, today in principle.
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concrete, here to ask the state how much it will invest in social programs, this is absolutely normal, and it needs to be promoted, and there is money here and there, you noted this very correctly. evgeniya, meanwhile crime, here you touched on this topic, yes, in the virtual sphere it already occupies a quarter of all, yes, the other day even larisa dolina was caught, she was caught in a fraudulent scheme, yes, she sold an apartment in moscow, that's how they write, at least. here is the fortress from which you first disavowed, yes, and then you plunged into it headlong, this is also a subject of fraud, here in the same instagram, almost daily we see infocygans there, yes, who tell how they were orphans, yes, at one moment they became millionaires, here
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are endless courses, mining, blockchain, it is clear, and most often it is simple. bring real money, and i will withdraw it to you in a fortress, for example, on the field of miracles, yes, it is true, isn't it time to regulate this sphere by law and how? well, let's start with the fact that we will not regulate scammers in any way, they were, are and will be, unfortunately, but this is part of the common life, if a country does not have its own righteous people, then there are no swindlers, then there are always both, you understand, but this is a joke, but seriously, look, the world is developing, the same hammer, it can be used for construction, for hammering nails, it can be used for completely different purposes for breaking a computer, for example, for example, for breaking. you can't regulate everything, you understand, these are basic things, but that is , there are things that just need to be built right, they should work correctly, but
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from the point of view of regulation, i absolutely agree with you, if we are talking about crypto, crypto is essentially some kind of illegitimate daughter, maybe the birth of blockchain, blockchain is the technology that is part of today's... life, therefore crypto has become a part of our life, business has arisen, mining has arisen, an understanding has arisen that crypto is a unique sphere, a unique product, by the way, a product is either money, you understand, yes, also a discussion, well, you and i tried to discuss this, absolutely right, but in my opinion, this is a product with unique properties, okay, they have good consumer properties, i can throw money anywhere without any compliance. you will say: stop, stop, but what about the fight against terrorist financing and money laundering? is there such a problem, aimau legislation? so look, crypto is a truly
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unique product that allows you to solve a variety of, often even incredible problems, but is it necessary to regulate? yes, it is necessary, yes, it is necessary, another thing is that regulation should be reasonable, stimulating, rather, that is, please, made money on crypto, present it, show it, like in america, by the way, it’s simple for them in this regard, that is , made money in crypto, report it, pay the tax, go, please, like in candy wrappers in krept, no problem, this is the first thing, accordingly, simplicity and ease of reporting, this is right, this is the introduction from the gray zone to the white zone, yes, this is reality, it gave us a feeling, it solves such and such problems, pay attention, today the central bank of russia... who said earlier, guys, for goodness sake , over our dead body, we don't even want to know, and what's the result? they said, you know, for foreign economic settlements, yes, perhaps,
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yeah, yes, that's really true, because today sanctions try to pay off, many today can buy crypto for rubles, this crypto allows you to pay off partners, solve the problem of sanctions, because not a single biden, not a single paul, not a single, i don't know, the head there. he can't close, especially if you count on those stable coin, which are in circulation and the issuer is here, that's all , that is, this is the most important tool, which today is intended to solve a huge number, in particular, calculation tasks, import tasks, therefore, you know , they tell me, now there is a catastrophe, import, everything has stopped to nonsense, people will invent 30 ways, while around russia there are various countries that want to make money on this business, in which there are enterprising people, this is great. now, since this will be a new sphere, you know, i look globally, why trump, and he is not a fool, although he seems to be a peculiar
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person, but he is a very smart person, expressive, it seems, nothing more, well , god, god bless him, well, let him be like this, everyone is already used to it, he is like this, why does trump say that he wants to make the crypto capital of the usa, okay, it will work out, it won't work out, that's a separate conversation, but he plays this. his political games, so to speak, but today in the world there is really a huge number of people who would like to make a normal, white business out of this , understandable what, and it is in demand, therefore, competition will begin very soon for countries, between countries, regions that will offer more comfortable legislation and conditions of opportunity for the same it specialists, for the same guys who do this, of course, and this industry, it provides jobs... places, this is not fraud, that's another matter, understand, fraud can be made out of anything, there are law enforcement agencies for this, but here is the problem, law enforcement agencies do not understand these
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things, for them it all seems peculiar, you need to train the guys, they are not enemies, they are we just have to understand, if it helps the economy, if it helps the national economy, helps solve social problems, then we will also give a grant, you understand, here it is simple, probably also training. and here the position of the state is very important, yes, it should be clearly formulated, and accordingly enshrined in law, then there will be a normal result, there will be a white scheme, as you say, right, well , in total, your audience is more than a million, yes people, but you plan to bring it to 10 million, how realistic is it to do this at the present time, when in principle foreign platforms are extremely hostile to us? you know, at the present time, i have already said, on the one hand, this is hostility, that's how it is, on the other hand, we have a wild shortage. of information,
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a wild shortage of trust in information and the one who breaks through this wall will say, guys, let's do it this way, you can read me, you can not read, i tell you what the laws of development are, how they work, what are the possibilities, then people say, oh, this is interesting, well 10 million, you understand, this is a wish, a goldfish, goal, task, whatever, it's normal, well yes, you know, tasks should always be ambitious, otherwise...
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everyone understands this, and i think that what do they do, excuse me then, and what do we do? look, there are two options, the smart option is to regulate, encourage those who carry reasonable, kind eternal and vice versa give them all the opportunities, well and where there is fraud, deception, quickly stop, you understand, this is also easy to understand, for example, people who write, there are fraudulent sites, there are fraudulent resources, everyone understands and knows them, here mechanisms, when they are defined, are also not simple, but there must be clear mechanisms, there must be professional communities, you understand, when the state begins to regulate something very much down to the details, it is impossible, simply impossible, then the ministries must inflate to the level, i don’t know half the country there, i understand you, each must have a wild number of experts, no need, the state must form general rules of the game, then, then this can be given over to
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the mercy of pro... society, who will figure it out themselves, we need to work with them, you know, and everything is fine here, the main thing is to set them a task, guys, we need to solve social problems, whoever solves this is a good guy, whoever does it in such a way that people's money simply disappears is not a good guy, which means that the members of the association should be those who are right, who will decide this themselves, there is no need to decide from above, you understand, it seems to me that this way, it will probably be more rational, more rational, i agree, but it turns out from your words...
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in fact, after all, we have a colossal problem with personnel, if you can find good, good personnel through this network, then this great, this is the right social task, well , so great, the guys are creating a network, we have kolkovo, accordingly, go there, ask for a grant, get a grant and work, create a network that will be a useful, b, which will optimize the costs of employers on labor in search, well , let him earn reasonably, but...
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significant, but as they say, you know, how the spoons were found, the sediment remained, what is happening with us, let's see, the american and generally the world market over the past year, six months has grown not... with artificial intelligence, but by and large a bubble, because artificial intelligence will solve all our problems, everyone ran to navidia, amd and so on, yes, this is known, we have been through our time many times, this is many times, secondly, a colossal budget deficit, huge debts of american corporations, in particular banks, many problems have accumulated, the american economy is slowing down, because they have high rates. geopolitics are also colossal challenges and problems with logistics, the rise in the cost of logistics schemes, the rise in the cost of checks, you see, this is also inflation, which is announced in america, that it is 2-3-4% there, but
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in reality, people who go to the store understand that everything is a little different, but these are methods, no one is deceiving, just such methods, let's leave this in the country, and you see, a huge number and not only these problems have accumulated. then at some point, large investors, i follow large investors and what they do on the stock exchange, buffet announced that he was selling and sold a large stake, the owner of ai is also selling, this guy leather jacket, also sells all his steaks, the guys understand this, a huge number of individuals, funds come to the market overvalued, who say hurray-hurray, well , it always happens, so look, black... its reason was the decision of the bank of japan to raise the rate, let's be honest, they raised it to zero, well, by pennies, the rate became 25%, but nothing, but the yen was 160, instantly 142, that
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is, a sharp strengthening of the yen against the dollar, everyone clutches their heads, my god, how will they, well, this is the market, it is emotional, how will japanese manufacturers live. all they will die, the shares of the japanese manufacturers immediately fall, of course, eh, then, the korean market immediately falls by 10%, the japanese market fell by 14%, the fire spreads to america, horror, everything is lost, then it turns out that not everything is lost, everything was found, by and large , things calmed down little by little, this is what happened, this very black monday, in itself this event is insignificant. it's just a shake-up, it happens on the stock market, this is not an institute for noble maidens, this is normal, these are emotions, but now here are the practical conclusions, it all makes you think about the fact that all this inflated show is a serious thing,
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the slowdown is happening, when everyone says that the world was dragged by china, which gave a confident 5-5.5% economic growth, china is trying, now it is stimulating its economy, still 4.7, it does not work. the population is heavily indebted, weak demand, you understand, there are many, many problems, so do i expect shocks, do i think that these are the first alarm bells? yes, i think, i think that these are the first alarm bells, in the world there is reformatting in parallel with this, evgeny, and what is your attitude to... to the thesis, which sounds something like this: america deliberately provoked the war in ukraine in order to economically weaken europe and russia to earn, ultimately, i will not tell the whole chain, yes, and
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to earn ultimately 90 trillion dollars in order to reduce their economic problems. you know, the fact that americans are accustomed to solving their problems with the hands of others, we know this very well. this is not a forceful way, even, it is administrative way, when you understand, they themselves do not really participate anywhere, here's some money, here's some money, here's some technology, 95% of the money they allocated to ukraine remained in the us, well, yes, they went somewhere, lockheed, general dynamics, gruman, it's all clear there, there's nothing new here, yes, the americans really live by the principle that...
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that chaos is controlled, it will always be controlled, here the guys are very cruelly mistaken, at some point, you understand, there is a reformatting today, i already said, of this world, and the financial world, because many people ask themselves: why is everything arranged this way, is it wrong, irrational, unfair, and who benefits from it, to be honest, i'm writing a book on this topic right now, yeah, and so on, there are a lot of questions, there's no politics here, there's just pure, you know, rationality, economics, compliance, all these endless procedures, when life is getting so complicated for us, everything should be simpler, but it 's getting more complicated, again, nothing against anti-money laundering legislation, that is, we need
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to figure out where the money comes from and everything else, but when it turns into a tool to slow down some, you understand that the largest offshore in the world, you know which one, america, well, it's on the tip of your tongue, that's the whole point, that is, you understand, the americans do everything to make transactions in the world very problematic, ask any businessman, you have transactions and the bank asks you a billion questions.
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and no one will give it back, in 5-6 years, taking into account such a colossal budget deficit, that is, well, think for yourself, the entire budget is 6 trillion, of which two are deficits, guys, 18% of the budget, how is that? i can't imagine how it's possible to work like that, but for now the dollar is the world's reserve currency, based, here we should pay attention to the administrative power of america, the economic power of america, military and technological power.
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when this moment
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with america really comes, the debt, well, okay, it can be 130% of gdp, as we know with japan, it can be more than 200%, and there is nothing tragic here, this will arise when the central banks of the world, little by little, they are doing this now, the trend is already underway, they begin to get rid of dollars or from the majority of dollars in their reserves, they buy currency, in 2022 they bought 400 tons of gold, right? this is a trend, it exists today, central banks are quietly, little by little switching to gold, we see it growing, growing beautifully, diversifying its investments, well, even the volume of dollar mass in central bank reserves has decreased over 8 years from 65 to 59%, this is very serious, and this is a trend, so look, while it is 59, well 59, the americans are not sleeping either, they understand this, they will be in... if you run away from bear, what is most important, do not run to
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the last, as they say, overtake your friend, yes, absolutely right, so, and if something happens to you, put your foot down at the right moment, well , to make it easier to run, you know, i like the feeling when you come to russia, that there , after all, when the conversation about calculations is in rubles, yes, little by little the psychology is changing, russia on the stock exchange arose, came from abroad and the size of these accounts, if earlier the account there, i don’t know 100 million rubles, this is a huge account, you know, great, well that is 100 million today there is what million 200 thousand dollars, today a huge number of accounts hundreds of millions
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of rubles, even billions, people came who realized that they are more comfortable in russia with all the risks, with all the risks with the ruble and so on. all our volatility is vital, well what to do, such is our life, on the other hand, they realized that they are more comfortable there, no one will arrest, interest rates are high, this is not very good, but this is a separate story, well why not stay in ruble instruments, if you don’t have complaints, so i'll tell you more, the population also reacts in exactly the same way, if they see that stability has existed for many years, they in any case national currency in...
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rationally, i'm for rationality, rational model: you work, you make achievements, you get money, you develop your company, it's rational, yeah, but if instead of healthy competition, which the state supports and encourages, by the way, they give you money from above and say:
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here you go, this, this, they give money to everyone, then this is already, excuse me, the freebie begins, then you sit down and say, guys, why should i work, why should i compete? they will help me anyway, well, the example of greece, once for 200 billion, which they simply threw at them, well, in particular, yes, there is the corruption of people, the crime is the printing of money, this huge machine, this is anything, and the most important thing is this world of freebies, here you go, you get it, only this very thing, so to speak, and so on, look, the punishment here is not only inflation, the punishment is the awareness all regions, countries of the world, that guys... something is wrong, you exported your inflation to us, we ended up with problems, yes, but it's somehow not that, here is the punishment , the awareness by the whole world that the world needs to be reformatted. look, so the first question is a crime, a punishment, everything is much
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deeper, i think, and much more serious, they launched a very serious machine, it worked before, but it went, you know, at full speed rethinking this whole world, the creation of new points, decentralized points of development of this world, that's what they did their freebies, in fact, these are much deeper events, now the second part is an idiot poor people. and poor people, well, this can be briefly, i don't know how to answer this question, poor people, you understand, poor people, they can leave, yes i'm leaving, because it's difficult to answer your question, it will not be correct, he developed this theory a little differently there, okay, okay, for me personally yes, and not only for me, since 2021 entry to the eu has been closed, so old europe yes i easily exchanged yes for china and not but, here's the truth, for me china is an economy that is developing faster and will develop faster, that's why i
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perceive it this way, asian stock markets, and you know this very well, this is a separate lever, and it's not for nothing that you like to go there, you know, i'm just sorry , in simple terms, i'm stunned by what they're doing, by the pace, by what they think, they believe that there are no unsolvable problems, that's the problem for them, yes, yes, then, how can it be solved, yes? what can brics, sco and similar structures influence? that's today. it's difficult, but let's say it this way, they, in essence, they are just this manifestation of what we said, the reformatting of the world, that is, it is an alternative, it is an alternative, it can be in the form of brics, shos, anything, these formations, remember how tomuikovskiy, but if the party is not exhausted enough, to give up cancer is frozen, let's say. so: this is the realization that those countries that are uncomfortable with the modern
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dollar-centric world structure, in particular, the saudis, they also receive oil these petrodollars, they say: guys, and somehow we somehow interferes with our work, slows down payments and not only that, there are many things, and a certain dictate, they are such guys today, why do we need this, you know, everyone has their own views, someone is under economic dictate... someone is under administrative dictate, someone is under barriers, as the chinese say: oh, guys, what kind of trade barriers are these, yes, we compete, yes, our bevodi are better than your prison that you are building, this loud and smoky one, well, i myself drove this bevodi, i will say honestly, it is an awesome car, well, if it has a good configuration, really, to me liked it, so i ask her a question, you see, the west says, stop, we are now creating barriers for you, guys, but where is the competition, where are the laws of economics? then, yes, exactly, then a question arises from all those who say: let's develop normally, and let's somehow solve our problems together,
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it is logical that they are uniting, so and so, you understand, brics - it was originally just an abbreviation that did not mean anything, well, china, brazil, what is the connection, then suddenly the leaders of these countries, and not only the leaders, but the elites of these countries realized, guys, but our problems are often the same, let's think about how we will solve them. here we talk about currency, look, before currency, remember, europe also had eq, they tried for a long time, took a long time to get going and...


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