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tv   Bloomberg Daybreak Australia  Bloomberg  December 3, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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it's an amazing thing when you show generosity of spirit to someone. and you want people to be saved and to have a better life, then you don't stop. the idea that we have saved five million people's lives, it's overwhelming. it's everything. >> good morning. shery: the top stories this
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hour. israel launches the next phase of its war. the u.s. urges safe zones. haidi: evergrande gets a final chance to avoid liquidation. shery: big pledges from big oil. israel is pushing the offensive into southern gaza after jesus fired. it is telling civilians to move to know target zones. u.s. officials have been more
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vocal. what does it look like? >> it's only just begun. there were reports of bombings in rafah which is next to egypt. khan yunis is the main target the u.s. has been pushing israel to not push the same level of destruction and has been calling people to say go to a safe zone,
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there have been reports it has not been working and the chief of staff said we are going to hit the south as hard as the north to destroy hamas. haidi: is there a possibility we could see talks on a temporary cease-fire? >> as of now it does not look that way. hamas repeated there will be no more releases until the war is over. shery: we heard that a u.s.
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warship was attacked in the red sea. >> we had seen these attacks before, the u.s. just put out a statement talking about and made it clear they believe iran was behind it and said they would take an appropriate response so when you talk about how it could flareup to bits of it here and there.
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haidi: we see some prospects for gains. jerome powell says they are in no hurry to ease interest rates. we will get to the cash open, we are seeing futures in japan and hong kong pointing to early gains. the s&p closed higher, the highest since march of 2022. watching for further weakness when it comes to the dollar, one
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of the other big things we are watching or is evergrande, the golden dragon index slumping on friday. haidi: evergrande is facing the matter when annabelle joins us from hong kong. we could see a potential court order. >> that's important. evergrande is the world's most indebted developer. they have been trying to push through a restructuring plan,
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the hearing has been postponed a number of times but today is the day. judge said this is the time so evergrande needs to prove it has a concrete plan in place or likely liquidation. haidi: there have been so many issues. >> evergrande has so many different groups but it needs to satisfy. the view has shifted over time. we heard they are looking for controlled equity stakes,
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perhaps another indication on how much this is coming down to the wire. shery: we know hong kong and mainland china have different systems. what does that mean? >> if we did see liquidation, would be acknowledged? beijing and hong kong struck a deal a couple of years ago and
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they are recognizing something that will ultimately come from china's government. the judge presiding over the case said there will be a lot more coming, the huge level of intrigue. haidi: a judge says they might
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need to do something. shanghai should he come a global tech and innovation center. the financial industry is dragging. investors are due to vote on a takeover later on monday. what is on the cards? >> it is looking like it is dated. you can never tell, we expect
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them to keep pursuing the business so it rules out a christmas for thing or. it seems unlikely. this has been a 13 month process. a lot of it has been brinksmanship and volatility to the energy markets.
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recently, the government put out a new plan for incentivizing more sustainable energy investments, it's a contract to encourage and that hits producers. even outside of origin they have been trading down 10%. shery: this is a major deal. what is next? >> so many people have been working round-the-clock on this.
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they have thought about every option to rescue the deal. what it speaks to is a huge victory, it's an investing consortium. it speaks to the emergence of
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the industry playing a similar role in the future. shery: we will be watching that. we will have more analysis later this hour. a deputy associate joins us next to tell us why they are voting in favor. bill gates said the country probably won't be to gold. this is bloomberg. ♪ >> we won't hit the aspirational targets.
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>> we are speculating. the fomc is moving carefully forward. the strong actions we have taken , monetary policy. the fomc is bringing inflation down.
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my colleagues and i anticipate growth will slow. haidi: fed chair powell pushing back against expectations. we take a look at the week. south. gdp will be on watch. the bank is expected to hold. third quarter gdp data. that is your week ahead. shery: the next guest favors small and mid-caps.
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great to have you with us. >> people are forecasting they should catch up and pray. that's the opportunity i see.
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>> i will not forget that it was a year ago they thought they'd be cutting rates in september. they have not been perfect, they been very good. we should give the fed a lot of credit and chair powell is really determined to keep inflation down. does not want to repeat the 1970's. he will probably over tighten and i think that's the risk, this inflation number can't seem to get to the target. they have to be more restrictive.
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>> what do you make? >> they are shopping, people are spending money. how much longer can this last?
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it's a nice statistic to look at , last year was not so much so that's good for stock investors. we don't abandon technology, you have to ride the wave of generative ai and these mega cap companies are so well-capitalized that they should be well in any market environment. shery: we saw the outperformance but we are now seeing treasuries rally. how do you balance the allegations? >> it's a huge sigh of relief,
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you're getting paid. most of the future returns come from starting yields. for the bond investors, we could lean on them if we see market turbulence. shery: good to have you with us. you can get a round up, terminal subscribers can go to dayb area.
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this is bloomberg. ♪ a few years ago, i came to saona, they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora.
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es electricidad aquí es salud.
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haidi: some of the political headlines we are watching. they retain power and wrestled control of the state legislatures. the opposition. the philippine says the coast guard says that had militia.
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gina raimondo says her department needs more money to restrict power. she told ceos to adapt to u.s. exports. shery: take a look at the pressure on the u.s. dollar. for more on where the labor market is going we have seen
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three weeks we have trade data to watch out in china. more, next.
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shery: very controversial given
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it's not reducing production. >> that is the crux of the matter. they are not reducing oil and gas production and this is a global warming conference, again there are concerns that planet warming is happening so fast and the crisis becomes much bigger. this refers to cutting back the release of methane. a new tracking program is being designed to hold them accountable. the ceo of abu dhabi national is
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saying they must do all they can to point out the climate summit is an ambitious effort with hundreds of organizations and activists in attendance and not all of those attendees are on the same page, not all of them are praising the pledge. shery: what are the key issues? >> that is just it, the agenda is clear but fossil fuels is a key issue. what we have is, that are causing a big divide. some say it could throw cold water on a commitment to phase out fossil fuels.
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they are saying the pledge does not address the key issue. these efforts are ongoing. shery: bill gates is say world leaders are expected to take stock and he spoke with bloomberg.
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to point out is not likely. fortunately if you stay below three, a lot of the ill effects don't happen unless you are irresponsible. >> if you see different components, is there any low hanging fruit? that's primarily in rich countries where energy has been so cheap. most commissions are coming from
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middle income countries. providing the basic level and so we can get rid of that, we can have some efficiency, a good example of that are the current windows so if you're willing to pay for the improved window then your heating bill goes down.
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the biggest effect is farmers crops are going to fail and that leads to malnutrition and vulnerability. the farmers can have food and continue to have life expectancy go up. shery: staying on climate talks, the world bank is putting out large sums for climate deals.
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a ceo veteran hedge fund manager. >> veteran hedge fund manager but he is being forced to wind that down. the reason it's being attended
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and they have not led to any concrete steps. talk about what he is seeing. the approach has not been rewarded and investors are not being too cautious. there is an expectation we're going to see cuts over the course of next year, the bond moves that could test the
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narrative. we have the jobs report, inflation report in the fed meeting. they could take things too far, they are saying that the data has ratified market moves and we are seeing the crypto prices. >> they are topping the 40,000 level for the first time since may of 2022. it's not just the expectation
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about the fed and what the u.s. would allow for the bitcoin etf to whether the crackdown we saw. bloomberg spoke with the governor on the sidelines of cup 28. >> [indiscernible]
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once this is addressed and it stays. >> between growth and inflation, what is the concern?
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>> looking at the outlook and growth. we believe [indiscernible] >> what about the comments? he says the country should return to the dollar.
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[indiscernible] the reopening is 3.4%. [indiscernible]
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this will help. >> the israel-hamas war remains front and center. run me through your read on the indicators. >> in terms of what we are seeing, it's very minimal. in terms of where we go from here. shery: this is bloomberg. ♪
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haidi: the energy partner --
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earlier they were say anything can happen. why are you voting for the deal? >> look at it from a valuation perspective, we believe the price is attractive. we know they are looking at the forward forecast. >> that gets to the other issue.
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how difficult is it going to be? >> they will assess regulatory changes and anything else, if you look at the share price down 10%. i do know where it's going to lead to but there are a lot of moving parts. haidi: how much pressure do you see from shareholders?
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>> if you look at the last vote, they are not official numbers which is blocking the deal from going ahead. if we look at decarbonization, three to five gigawatts as come in with 14 gigawatts. seems like a good idea.
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from my perspective, brookfield seemed like the right company. haidi: is it realistic? >> they are looking at evaluations. it does not look like they will go to that level anytime soon, so i would say they are wanting to ensure origin does not the list. it's always a detriment when you are losing infrastructure.
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from the point of view, there is going to be some takeover. see where you are going through. haidi: it's going to be a hard bar. do you think there is an argument that this denies shareholders? it takes away from any form of investor capabilities.
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losing the company is not good for the exchange even if in the best interest. that was always going to play out. haidi: great to have you with us. you're watching daybreak australia.
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send us instant messages. this is bloomberg.
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haidi: some corporate headlines
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we are watching. the move challenges the biden administration's aggressive stance that has derailed a partnership. no injuries are reported. china has approved and inhaled vaccine. the who said it is the most transmissible strain.
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china approved inhaled vaccines as booster shots. that is just about it for daybreak australia. asian stocks are pointing to some gains. this is bloomberg ♪ you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card.
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like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. a few years ago, i came to saona, they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life
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to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud.
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it's an amazing thing when you show generosity of spirit to someone. and you want people to be saved and to have a better life, then you don't stop. the idea that we have saved five million people's lives, it's overwhelming. it's everything. haidi: asia equities are seeing gains.


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