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tv   Bloomberg Technology  Bloomberg  January 9, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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>> from the heart of where innovation, money, and power collide in silicon valley and beyond, this is "bloomberg technology" with caroline hyde and ed ludlow. caroline: i am caroline hyde at the world headquarters in new york. ed: and i am ed ludlow live at ces las vegas. this is "bloomberg technology." caroline: full coverage at ces. we sit down with the ceos of qualco -- qualcomm and
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mobiley. and amazon reveals its new streaming feature. details on that ahead. bitcoin hovers below the 47,000 dollar mark all before the spot decision on the bitcoin etf that we anticipate. all of that coming up but you are live on the ground and it must feel like it is about artificial intelligence. ed: yes. it is ai everything, but the name consumer electronic show, the range of companies bringing substantial avenues about ai is interesting from beauty to big-box. walmart ceo, one of the keynote speakers, i will be speaking to the nasdaq ceo about the impact of ai on financial markets. over the next 24 to 48 hours look at the stocks because we are seeing moves. nvidia based on the announcements that they are making. caroline: maybe amazon driving trade.
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the cars are still front and center. it feels like cars have encroached on the tech space of late. ed: there is a heavy prentice from the automotive sector, with a particular focus on technology ranging from ai and advanced driver assistance in a tawny right through to the next generation of battery electric vehicles. that will be the discussion, really heavy automotive underpinning ai. caroline: we will get to mercedes in a moment but first let us get a check on the markets because we are looking at a macro feeling that the market is trying to get its head around whether or not the federal reserve will be ultimately able to cut as soon march into 2024. the nasdaq is treading water as it decides what valuations are looking like. we are up eight points. but it is interesting that we pushed into the green on some of the chip stocks. really samsung was the key takeaway. this dictated some of the mood music that took risk off
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feeling. samsung coming in that -- with worse than anticipated numbers in terms of revenue and profitability. that had driven the stocks lower. we are seeing the semiconductor index up about six points. the three year we focused in on because we have an option. we are interesting still seeing a bed. we are trading flat one basis point lower as we have seen trying to see the bond market understand which way we will see travel in terms of rate cuts. hewlett-packard, hpe off more than 7% because it might be buying juniper networks which has spotlight -- which has skyrocketed. match group is all about activist investors coming in. we understand $1 billion in position, dating has been under pressure. can they drive subscriptions and profitability. we are up 3%.
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we have to talk about what is happening on the ground and you have a key special guest for us. ed: yes. let us get first to the -- let's get to the first interview, the mercedes c four. and i do not know what to make of this. we are calling in a virtual assessment -- assistant part generative ai tool and cockpit. explain what it is and what you have announced? markus: i would call aia game changer. at this moment of time, ai is used in several instances, creating a car must fast -- much faster in writing code. this is helping us put the car in a different light. so, the car is no longer a vehicle that takes you from a to b, but somebody that you can talk to. ed: how does it work and how do i interact? markus: the human-interface -- human-machine interface. it was voice signals and phrases
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that you are using. now at the present time, we are using chatgpt in some instances in u.s. cars. at that is a one-way dialogue. the virtual relation -- the virtual assistant will have a dialogue which and enables a fully intelligent car and conversations of the car appears in a completely different context. and that is what users are already experiencing participating in our beta program. the use of voice control and voice into action with a car is just rising dramatically by more intelligent conversations with the car. that is the virtual system that we are creating with the help of ai and in-house software. this is changing the relationship between you, the customer and the car. ed: who built the underlying technology? mercedes or you worked with an
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ai developer? markus: the key is that we developed our own in-house software called mercedes-benz operating system. this is the foundation and the basis. this is chip to cloud architecture so we are defining the base layer and the middle and defying the cloud. -- defining the cloud. we own the cloud so it is a complete 360 degrees is done. within the system you have partners. we are using partners for ai modules and data access -- access so we are partnering partially when we comes to the virtual assistant but partially it is written in-house to be in control of the result once the customer enters data for the privacy. ed: if i am a mercedes customer do i purchase virtual assistant or does it come as a software suite? markus: the ideas that we cope -- that we provide a complete entertainment package.
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it is ultimately about the customer experience. and the virtual assistant is an intelligent enabler that opens up the world of entertainment for the customer. so you purchase a whole package of entertainment, it is video and audio. we announced a partnership with audible so there are many ways that entertainment in a mercedes-benz is taken to the next level through the virtual assistants. -- assistant. ed: you are entering a key battleground with drive pilot. and customers will be able to start taking delivery download of this early 2024. what has demand been like. can you tell me how many customers will be able to use drive pilot on roads in those states? markus: we started offering level 3 in germany last year so we have some experience in
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germany. and the interest in purchasing the drive pilot with the s and qs is -- eqs is high. now we are starting in nevada and california. the interest is high. but this is a game changer, -- ed: for revenue as well as technology? markus: technologically it is a game changer. because responsibility moving from level two to level three changes from the driver to the vehicle. and that is a fundamental paradigm shift that is happening supported by technology. so there are cameras and radars and software and extensive work to get it certified. it is a huge technology package that we are offering the customers with the benefit that you are able to perform side
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activities while you are driving. so eyes off of the road and hands off of the steering wheel for the first time. this is the only vehicle in the market so far. ed: you raised a good point, the certification, the big story of the past week has been the recall of all tesla vehicles on autopilot in china and the regulator said you needed to do more to get the driver focused on the road, more alerts. do you think you will avoid a soft recall like that? are you confident that once it is rolled out in the united states and later china that it will be able to exist in the marketplace? markus: i believe you can never rule out running into a recall. on the other hand we are doing everything to avoid this. and making sure that this is a reliable system. so the extensive work with the authority is a couple of years with the many authorities in
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the cost -- in the country to explain to them what the system can and cannot do are two essential and to explain in detail to the customer so it is an education process that has happened over the last two or three years in the country making sure that customers and the legislature understand about the boundaries of the system. and i think it is important, to distinguish between a driver assistant system and an automated drive pilot. ed: the lowest level autonomy or not -- or level 3. markus: so the customers understand what the system is able to do and what they can and cannot do in order to a vied -- to avoid a moment of confusion. you should never confuse the customer and that we feel this is a distinguished, this is level two, driver assistance takes a load from you that you always have to have your hands on the steering wheel and you are in charge.
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but at level 3 you give the responsibility to machine and that is a fundamental change with a benefit that you can perform slight activities like watching movies and doing other things legally. ed: the mercedes chief technology officer, good to check up. -- to catch up, back to you in new york. caroline: coming up we will continue the coverage from ces. next up the mobileye ceo. you do not want to miss our conversation and keep an eye on what is happening with the shares, going from auto discussion to the discussion around flexible working and gig working. the pushback is on once again. the federal government tried to look at how we are protecting employees where the contractors are indeed full-time employees or not. you can expect the chamber of commerce and companies to push back against the latest labor law that dropped. lyft up one percentage point and
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uber up 2%. this is bloomberg technology. ♪ how am i going to find a doctor when i'm hallucinating? what about zocdoc? so many options. yeah, and dr. xichun even takes your sketchy insurance. xi-chun, xi-chun, xi-chun! you've got more options than you know. book now.
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ed: welcome back to ces las vegas. nexen view is a mobileye ceo. the technology company announcing a range of items to deal with advanced driver assistance and you were literally announcing a new one.
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dxp, and operating system for ados, explain how it works. amnon: it is good to be here and see you. dxp is a driving experience platform. there is a natural tension between the need of a supplier to scale and create one system that fits all and the need of the customer or carmaker to differentiate, to try to make something that is unique to its own driving experience. and, the way that this has been handled so far is let us provide the carmaker with library's, with api code and let the carmaker build their own system. this does not look like it seems to work. ed: you are basically going and saying here is an operating system. and then what? amnon: there are two extremes. once we separate it is what is universal and unique? perception is universal because
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there is not any directory and she to do with other standing environment. the be about -- the bmw or audi vehicle should understand the environment the same way. hmi and control that is the territory of the carmaker to differentiate. ed: especially if you have a sports car. amnon: but then comes a big thing in the middle, the elephant which is called driving policy. this is all of the decision-making that the car makes and needs to do to merge into traffic when you are doing a hands-free experience. decide to change lane and went to change lanes and how to negotiate with other road users, the braking profile, comfort versus safety type of balancing. there are a lot of heavy ai, a lot of validation. a huge amount of data for training. and this is something that so far has been difficult to separate into something that you
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can just give the library to the carmaker. what we created was an operating system that separates driving policy into the universal part which mobileye does of the substrate, all the difficult ai parts. and then the unique parts, that is a set of code that we provide , the reference code to the carmakers that control every ex-pat -- aspect of the driving experience. ed: they customize relative to the mark -- to the model. you are going to make money from this? amnon: it allows us to scale. ed: how so? amnon: we are talking about complex systems, not just the front facing camera, these are systems with 11 cameras and radars, and radars, a heavy computer. and scaling this from carmaker to carmaker is a challenge because these are complex systems. dxp allows us to scale easily
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from our point of view. we are creating one system that fits all but from the point of view of the carmaker they have the full control of the driving experience. ed: let us talk about this and we have to in the context of last week. you gave a cells -- a sales estimate under wall street estimates. first-quarter sales will be down 50%. why? because customers have built-up inventories and they have paused to work through the backlog. the question is why did you not see that coming sooner? amnon: this is the dockside -- dark side of long-term commitments. the covid years or three years and we sold 99 chips. we had to give long-term commitments to our material suppliers and we had to ask for long-term commitments from our customers. that is a year-and-a-half going forward. it is difficult to forecast
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year-and-a-half. so, we felt very secure that we have enough firm purchase orders a year-and-a-half ahead. what it turns out is the customers gradually built up ed: ed: inventory. severe inventory? amnon: 7% of what we had shipped. but, it was kind of under the rug. we did not see it coming. and now the first quarter of 2024, all of this inventory has to be used. in the number remaining years is growth. second, third, and fourth quarter is the national growth. ed: and you are seeing quickly evidence that the inventories are being worked through? amnon: first-quarter inventory will be depleted and then we will be going back to normal. ed: the other piece of news is that you are going to provide a technology for their next generation cars. amnon: we have tech with
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mahindra and prior suv models and it turns out to be successful. the demand is three or four times what they forecasted. so there is a strong sense of desire for safety in india. what is interesting with this particular pr is not that it is regular, but the latest model supervision, 11 cameras around the car and hands-free driving. you would not expect india to be one of those territories that would go on that system. and it shows that in india, new roads are being built and you hi raise -- highways are being built and in this safety that the system provides there is a need for them. india is a huge growth territory. ed: you also announced a deal with an unnamed automaker and you will not name them. the question is who is the lidar supplier on these deals?
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when they posted you are coming on and they asked who is the lidar supplier? amnon: if i tell you it would indicate who is the western oem. but we won 17 models supervision and chauffeur. this is a great win for us. it is all coming out in 2026. it is auto drive, the roman tracks a -- taxi, it is a huge deal for us. when you look at the supervision platform we now have 30 car models when we started with two a year ago. ed: mobileye cl, great to catch up. back to you in new york. ed: coming up we have so much more including what amazon has announced. they are taking on a new video streaming feature. we have more the details and what is in the work next. this is bloomberg technology. ♪
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how am i going to find a doctor when i'm hallucinating? what about zocdoc? so many options. yeah, and dr. xichun even takes your sketchy insurance. xi-chun, xi-chun, xi-chun! you've got more options than you know. book now. it's an amazing thing when you show generosity of spirit to someone. and you want people to be saved and to have a better life, then you don't stop. we have been able to reach over 100 million people impacted and affected, and at risk of hiv. the rocket fund takes all of the work that we're doing, all over the world, and looks at the most effective ways, to get resources to them, to get services to them. the idea that we have saved five million people's lives, it's overwhelming. it's everything.
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caroline: time now for talking tech. in entertainment, they have missed the deadline to pay walt disney's india unit for cricket matches. zee did not pay a $200 fee. zee and disney star ended that agreement in august to broadcast the cricket names until 2027.'s data nexus is investigating suspicious practices that lead to a discrepancy. a routine audit shows that it overestimated sales and support costs triggering a 46% drop in its share price. dependent advisors will assist. juniper networks rising the most after with the wall street journal said that the company
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was a mute -- was in merger talks. hpe would acquire juniper for about 30 million representative -- $30 billion. representatives did not comment. let us return to what is going on at ces and there is going to be some big announcement from the biggest players. one of them is amazon which has been unveiling its new video streaming feature similar to apple airplay. joining us is spencer. already, you can do google android cast, apple airplay. why does amazon want to option this too? spencer: amazon is playing a little bit of catch-up. the key thing is that amazon does not have a smartphone so it comes in in a weak position. people are using prime video and they want to scream -- dream on another device they will have to do that through an android phone or ios device. and so amazon has that capacity
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to have the apps and functions operate that way on devices. so right now you will be able to stream prime video from ios or android devices onto an echo show or still be able to do it on a fire tv. what they are realizing is that devices need to be able to talk to one another and stream from one device or your phone where you get the signal onto another device you want to watch it. caroline: it is called matter casting. all we know -- already we know that some of these companies have been trying to agree on which the ways we can do this technology. what is so hard about it? how hard did amazon have to work? spencer: we know they had to negotiate with apple and google. and those things can be tense because it is hard to find a way and these companies want to be a
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walled garden where they control everything. caroline: spencer, i know you are busy and you are about to make the flight to las vegas and we appreciate you bringing us that story. this is ". bloomberg technology" ♪ (upbeat music) there's more to business than the business you're in. if you use data, that's the privacy business. manufacturing on demand? you're talking cloud business. got a few million hyper-connected customers? digital experience business. that was fast. that's where deloitte comes in. with the right combination of talent and technology to help advance and connect all that it takes to excel in business ... to the business i'm in. deloitte.
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caroline: welcome backe to bloomberg technology,d it is in -- ed is in las vegas. we see a recovery, we see concerns around tech when it comes to the chip stocks which we delve into in a moment. the nasdaq recovering 23 points, less than .2%. the risk and cautious holding to the nasdaq, 10-year yield seeing a bit come off by two basis points and some buying into the three year auction we are anticipating. the direction of travel dictates what happens with overall equity
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markets and we are wondering what the federal -- where the federal reserve goes. bitcoin down, we delve into it in a moment. caution and treading water ahead of the spot bitcoin etf that we hope, the market anticipates might be signed off as soon as tomorrow. moving into the individual movers who are looking at, individual stocks on the move, we have been seeing i think this is the wrong one here but i was looking at the chip stocks in particular and we are seeing stocks under pressure but seeing a recovery in chip stocks after samsung told us that profitability for them and the slump continuing in chips and memory and what that means for the tech recovery. in software, pokemon go, they're having to shed jobs after developing we all recovery by then it turns -- developing. we saw a recovery but then it turns. we are under selling pressure,
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we see a pause in the run-up of bitcoin prices, eclipsing 47,000. label back to the $46,000 handle. that of course holds an awful lot of the oji og of the crib. let us talk about bitcoin and a spot bitcoin etf and what it means for the market. we have a busy person, fractal co-ceo and cofounder and you have been in this space for a long time. i'm interested what this means if we get the sign off. >> it is a pretty big move and it has been 15 years after the initial genesis block of bitcoin. what we expected was a rotation from the btc spot bitcoin as well as the future into the etf because not only is it cheaper, but also from a custody and security perspective, it will be a lot safer in terms of risks. you have bny mellon who is the administration for over half of the etf's, today, and what you see also is instead of paying 10
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plus percent for the futures carrier rate you are going to pay an implied cost of 20 bits in fees which again is a lot cheaper. you will see the basis collapse which we expect to be trading under. caroline: people get out of the futures because it is expensive. they go to the spot bitcoin etf. we are looking at a whole raft of inflows, five through 10 billion. what sort of scale of adoption do you anticipate? >> the market has a price between a one or 2 billion, you saw the standard charter, from 50 through 100 billion, and 2024 alone, it depends but i would say today, you still have open interest, the highest it has ever been on the cne, institutions are long but went and because it is so expensive but difficult to trade on the cne directly today whether it is through your broker, we expect
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to see that margaret over to the spot etf which will be easier to trade. caroline: fractal, the business you are building is about trading liquidity, the whole use case of this new asset class, easier. i'm interested as to what the scale of adoption you see from retail? a lot of this is about institutional buying and getting the pension. >> exactly. the conversations we have been having, we talk about the run-up or the conversations people have an thanksgiving when they are home with their families and a realistic thing is up until now people could not purchase this easily in their 401(k) and ira's this unlocks this entire market which is over 6 trillion in the etf market alone and the rr a look at is massive. we are seeing a competition of
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fees and aside from your dad or grandparents being able to purchase this we have seen a lot of narratives, bitcoin narratives on surrounding companies, we deceive specific have a run-up into this news. caroline: is there a way that the fcc has been trying to play this? participation and reporting they did not want to make a kingmaker. it happened with the futures bitcoin etf, proshares got ahead of the rest of the pack. how do we decide which particular offering you go for? is this a rush of marketing to decide which particular whether you go to fidelity or you use art? all of the different type of spot bitcoin etf's's >> it always comes down to the comfort of the individual user. the access that they have is the overhead is going to be really high in terms of changing, opening new accounts, they are not going to be using it. we are seeing model in terms of access, is already sitting in someone's 401(k), is the right
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already exposed? the competition around fees, you saw down to 20 bits. arc at 25, although we -- all of the way up to 20%. realistically i think when you look at the exposure blackrock has in the specific market it is a no-brainer that they probably have the overhead in terms of just being able to access a wider market. caroline: people who have been in thereare looking to trade. i know you provide infrastructure whether it is clearing, settling, margins on digital assets. they are not just looking to play in bitcoin, they want altcoins as well. what does the spot bitcoin etf mean for some of the smaller altcoins? the main coins, even? -- memcoins, even? >> this is the lowest level of the btc we have seen over the
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past year, it is going to be interesting now to see what is the narrative around etf once it is approved and also we have seen client trade the e future into the approval assuming that there might be an etf coming next. on the more esoteric alts we have seen around the bitcoin narrative, stacks, ftx, a small contract on bitcoin. all of these are built on bitcoin and also we are seeing a price appreciation into the move with the ctf. caroline: we thank you carving out a bit of time, it is a hectic week i am sure. thank you so much, date fractal co-ceo and cofounder. coming up, we continue our coverage and we will sit down with the qualcomm ceo, you do not want to miss that conversation whether it is the chips that have been used within autos and the latest vr nar, we have a conversation across the world. this is bloomberg technology.
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ed: we are live at ces las vegas and we are talking to the ceo of qualcomm, good to see you. there is a flood of wide-ranging news and announcements. i want to start on your updated xor chip, this is a process or that you are going to put into headsets. mixed reality headsets that will take on the apple vision pro. i want you to talk about how confident you are that people take on the apple vision pro and i one end of the market you will support. >> we have been a big believer in spaceship computing and i think the xr is another instance
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of what we have been doing generation after generation, for a special computer, most importantly is driving out of range in scale, you have seen the partnerships that we have with meta, with this series, we are working and we are working with samsung and google, we saw devices being announced from sony. i think that is a great opportunity and the key thing is can you get to a scale with the performance and the price point that we excite developers? it is a great opportunity. ed: there is a feeling that apple will come in with a next generation at a lower price point and take the market, based on the demand have had for xr2, will not -- will that be the case or not? >> you have to look at it a different way. it is great if we bring it to scale, all of that this is going
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to do is ignite the developer and the system. those computing platforms and developers creating content, the more that you have, the more content and the content that they create is going to be available on other platforms as well and vice versa and it is about creating the next computer platform and it is a great opportunity and we are in the early growth stage of this market. ed: you have been to many ces'. it is hard to find a common thing, it is ai. particularly in the cell phone or smartphone context. this year, the pc seems to be the battleground. what is qualcomm doing ai on pc? >> we are incredibly excited and we feel what we have been saying is validated. as you look at all of the other companies all announcing ai, something we have been talking for more than a year, if you look at what we did in
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snapdragon summit we announced the x elite, it is the king of all device ai computing platforms for the pc. it has an integrated total 75 top operations per second. we started to see what microsoft is doing at other companies are doing and this is exciting. we have over 30 different ai models being ported to the snapdragon platform. preparing for this device ai pc. it will change user experience and productivity, but at the number of ceos investing in this and when you run on the device it is more secure and you have context and privacy. ed: arm has been talking about the promise of chips that power ai quite a long time. it kind of has not materialized until now. when i posted on x and asked her audience will you are excited
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about from a gadget perspective -- what you are excited about from a gadget perspective, most people replied snapdragon delete. what does it look like in 2024? how many consumers can sit at their laptop or pc and do something of interest? >> you will be able to do a lot. to put a perspective on x elite, a lot of excitement. we are happy in a number of designs. we will announce with the new version of windows, it will have our own demise copilot and there are so many things you are able to do. from being able to have a computer that will predict your moment and you will have copilot, the windows system across all of the different applications. there is a number of other use cases when you think about visual models, language models, they are being developed. it will happen on pc and funds and it will happen in cars as well. ed: our audience worldwide, we
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are live and we are speaking to the ceo of qualcomm. but as a baseline and say there is still some weakness in -- let us set a baseline and say there is still some weakness in the smartphone market. what functionality in the ai era will bring the consumer back to get a smartphone growth like we have seen in prior cycles? >> as far as the weakness i think we did say in the last earnings call that the correction and inventory is behind us for now. we are excited about the market being a stable. it leads to exactly this point that you bring up. what is going to create a new operating cycle that people want to buy a new phone? we are convinced that what is happening right now with jen ai on the phone. the way that you need to think about it is we have been accustomed to the experience that you have a platform, the os platform on top of the computer and you have the apps and you touch it. now, on top of the os you will
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have to protect your every move. it is going to bring on the efficiency but new use cases and we have seen that and we have seen no automatic translation, with web summarization and abilities to create content in real time. content that did not exist before using visualization models. something as simple as texting will have context that will allow the ai to bring information that you may want to share and schedule. all part of the experience. i am believing that the next user experience is going to be based on jen ai. we are optimistic that we can see devices as early as this year with both capabilities. caroline: as early as this year. what is your 2024 global smartphone call outlook? >> difficult to make a call of the total market, we are happy that the correction is behind us and let us see what
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our partners can announce, stay tuned for what samsung will announce soon, i think there is excitement about the snapdragon engine. ed: you are bullish and automotive and you have tried to position the company to diversify the company of automotive is a key pillar. 10% of revenue is the target in 2026, the end of the decade. what data hits your desk that tells you you are on track for that? >> i think we had said we are going to get to 4 billion, first milestone, we get to 9 billion. i think we are ahead of those targets. what is really showing traction is the number of oem's that has been working with qualcomm and how we continue to add to the pipeline. what is resonating is the car industry, it is transforming to a digital industry. ed: i am sorry to and dropped,
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what is the functionality if i make -- i am sorry to interrupt, but what is the functionality? buying a vehicle that has something that it does not have today? >> you have seen that, the could thing about tracking qualcomm progress, for us it is less about the market size and more about the share and new models are launching the technology. you can see the cars. if you go and buy a car today, mercedes e class, what gm is doing with their carline and many others, you have a fully immersive digital carpet you do not have before. that is enabled by snapdragon. you have the most beautiful screens, immersive, they bring you a lot of information about the car and the road. it has safety. we have a vision that assisted driving needs to be in every car. the announcement we did at the show, we have now announced at
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the csa supercomputer platform that you can have in addition to cockpit on the same silicon. you can do that for premium cars and that will bring into level cars. those will be different changes in how you think about safety and driving. ed: where geographically is the automotive growth coming from? which markets? >> for us it is across the board. new models take over and we are working with all of the americans and europeans and all of the koreans and the japanese, chinese, but he much of automotive industry. i will be hard pressed to tell our car company were not working with them. ed: that is the qualcomm ceo, live from las vegas, back to you. caroline: coming up, matt shares jump as elliott takes hold of the dating firm.
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this is bloomberg technology. ♪
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caroline: microsoft's investment into openai credit an -- created an investigation after openai laid bare deep ties between the two companies, sam altman and others, the european commission
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said on tuesday that it is examining whether microsoft's involvement should be vetted under merger rules. even a potential unwinding, it is found to it -- if it is found to hamper fair competition. the matchmaker match, a company that is the parent company of many dating apps, tinder, hinge, elliotts investment management has built up a stick of $1 billion in the company. graham points us to discuss, what they are concerned about, why are they building up? why do they want to be pushing for change on match? >> over the last four quarters, a match which owns a tender, the largest dating app in the world has seen a consistent decline in paid subscribers. even though it is increasing average revenue per user, investors are concerned about that number. there has been pressure on the company to increase the subscriber number and they have rolled out new plans as well as offerings to get new subscribers
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and paid users. . that is likely the goal for the year. something i want to make clear is that there are no cell ratings on match or even close competitor bumble which is seeing a similar decline over the last year. caroline: many would say this is a normalization, many a stock, when absolutely -- went absolutely buster, they charge $60 per user, after take in terms of the steering tender as well directly, what communities do? >> $60 a month, late last year they wrote out a $500 a month plan for tender as well. part of the same acquisition that they bought the league which is again a very expensive dating app that is peered towards career minded individuals in 2022. it is this investment in
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different ways in which communities can develop or develop community and focus dating apps. we launched archer which are focused on clear, bisexual, and gay men. caroline: ad campaigns, pricing plans, ultra premium tears, is it more that exacerbates things that are good? and this will drive even more change will of the value of the parts of this business? >> there is a goal for consistency, the company has seen turn and its ceo said it has not had a ceo for longer than two years. the ceo of tender in addition to match group, the company -- of tindr in addition to match group, the analysts attributed to high pricing plans overall. i think one investors are looking for assistance and see that the company can get more consistent paid active users. caroline: we will see if elliott management can help steer with
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that. great to have you on. that does it for this edition of bloomberg technology. the ces coverage continues tomorrow as well. this is bloomberg technology. ♪ c'mon, we're right there. c'mon baby. it's the only we need. go, go, go, go! ah! touchdown baby! -touchdown! are your neighbors watching the same game? yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs.
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>> live from new york. >> and i am kailey leinz. welcome. >> the deadline is here. eagerly awaiting a decision. >> we will speak with two firms that have stayed in the game. among the 11 firms sent for approval.


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