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tv   Bloomberg Technology  Bloomberg  April 16, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> from the heart of innovation in the southern valley and beyond, this is bloomberg technology with caroline hyde and ed ludlow. ♪ caroline: i'm caroline hyde in new york. ed: i'm ed ludlow in san francisco. this is bloomberg technology. caroline: microsoft to invest $1 billion in a u.a.e. top firm weather g-42 where the u.s. pushes abu dhabi to end
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relations with china. ed: and we talk to an expert on a.i. and bank earnings. caroline: we look at chip developer rivos is about to bring its first product. we discuss the race for a.i. infrastructure and so much more this hour and focus on the public markets which in the united states, relatively sanguine and the nasdaq is off by a 1/4 of a percent. europe is trading and asia with a bench mark. and because of what's happening in the u.s. and bonds at a two year yield and jay powell we look for him and what he says about the policy with inflationary pressures. we look at a dollar that rises five straight days with the best run and the bit down is down at
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$62,000. we're looking at it on the micro. ed: i'm looking at tesla, a two day chart with the stock down another 4%. we broke the news job cuts closer to 20% and elon musk said more than 10%. we drew the story a 18-year veteran and four named executives resigned and he confirmed it on social media. the milestone is tesla is $500 billion below market cap and there's questions that we'll ask about this quarter about what comes next for the e.v. name. also looking at microsoft up half a percentage point. had a slow start to the session. the headline on news is the $1.5 billion investment in g-42. there's a back story which is, you know, i've been looking into for a few months. g-42 really likes what sam outman and open a.i. is doing.
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they have a relationship with microsoft and wonder if that helps. the back story is a split one as well, g-42 is now safe for a u.s. company to invest in and it's very complicated but a name we'll hear more about. caroline: let's talk about microsoft and the deal. you come with microsoft expertise covering all things of that business. take a step back, what has to happen first and what led to the divestment or move away from china? >> what a bunch of plugger dina: what they've been talking about is g-42 and that resulted in a secret pack which g-42 agreed to divest from china. they were under a lot of criticism from the u.s. government and some members of congress for its close ties to
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some chinese companies and were under threat they might not have access to the key and video chips they need for their a.i. work. this secret pack resolved and eased the way for this microsoft deal. ed: it's worth explaining to our audience what g-42 is, it's essentially a investment term but in all conversations i have, g-42 comes up with the sam outman initiative and that g-42 wants to give them lots of money and i don't think we stopped and ever said what is g-42? dina: it's essentially the biggest a.i. company in that region, the u.a.e. and large parts -- that part of the world. it's a company focused on a.i. and has its hands in a lot of different parts of a.i. there's significant health care initiatives that is working on
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artificial intelligence. for microsoft, it's a multistage deal and they want to take part in what g-42 offers them, including what microsoft president brian smith told us yesterday, in the later stage of the deal they'll put microsoft data in g-42 centers and use that to access markets in central asia and africa where microsoft doesn't have a presence but their own centers and another role g-42 plays, easing the speed of cloud and a.i. in those regions where u.s. companies don't really have access and part of the reason why the biden administration wanted to make sure that it removed g-42 from the chinese sphere influence and got closer to the u.s. technology companies and the u.s. technology industry. ed: bloomberg's dina bass one of the bilines reported on bloomberg this tuesday. we've had the reporting and
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details, let's get more analysis and reaction with dan yves. you've covered this from microsoft's perspective and written a few notes about the bigger picture of open a.i. and the a.i. buildout. give us your scorecard on this redman and u.a.e. operation. dan: it's a massive strategic bet. for g-42 they had a choice, china and u.s. or redman. you'll take microsoft every day of the week right now along with n-video. for microsoft, just another doubling down. they're playing chess and others are playing checkers. ed: dan, microsoft is forming a lot of relationships with a lot of different people. are they making sure they're covered, basically? dan: they know their way ahead
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and they're putting the guardrails up around the world to any blind spot, the middle east being one of them, they're betting on the big horse and they ultimately had to divest the chinese piece, also making sure within the beltway, the 202 area code. and microsoft is miles ahead and further and further gaining share from a a.i. perspective given the a.i. revolution, where they, altman, the golden child of a.i. resides. caroline: in this case the u.s. government played a role. in other areas, i think what happened last week with the u.k., c.m.a. worrying from a regulatory perspective about certain key players having a web of relationships and crossing over too much in the world of a.i. will this be regulated from a competition per expectative? dan: brad smith knows as well as
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anybody, he'll be proactive that they are good with this because they don't want to go 18 months from now this being a bigger issue. they checked all the boxes and the g-42 diverse which i occur he -- divestiture. and amazon is trying to play catch-up and they're making aggressive bets and they continue to be the lead from an a.i. perspective. caroline: phenomenal game of chess we referenced and what's on many players' minds right now is where are the bottlenecks and it has to do with energy and a.i. infrastructure. is that what you hear from the leaders of these companies and how much more investment will we see to see a solution globally from that? dan: ed, when he was talking about the chip side, there's a
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two-parter here and ultimately will lead to more investment from the middle east to some of the altman and chip adventures going on with open a.i. and microsoft. of course, energy continues to be the constraint but use cases are exploding across the board and now this fourth industrial revolution is here being led by jenson and adele. caroline: we thank you. let's go to a key player, apple, pledged to buy more components and accessories and devices from vietnam suppliers. the move is a big boost for the southeast asian companies and vietnam emerges as a electronics hub and apple is looking to shift production of their gadgets away from china to minimize the geopolitical use and they're exploring india and vietnam which has seen a four
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poll increase in companies assembling apple products over the last decade. let's talk about global regulation for a moment and joined with the european commissioner of financial services to discuss all things digital finance and regulation, ed. ed: we're looking at erickson, the swedish shares, 2% higher as it stands and the u.s. a.d.r. is higher even still than that. beat on earnings and it's really interesting, a company going through restructuring at a time the mobile phone cell carriers are not spending on 5g network infrastructure but the market likes what it sees. stock up 2%. this is bloomberg technology.
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ed: the european union is back in silicon valley and this time the focus is payments, crypto, and the impact of artificial intelligence on banks. the commissioner of financial has met with plaid and have meetings lined up with apple and stripe. the commissioner joins me on set. >> it's been a while since i was on this side of the country. ed: it's interesting the ongoing relationship between the commission and silicon valley based companies, you forget there's more than 400 million people in europe who have access to those companies and their products. just summarize the purpose of your visit and objectives. >> it's always good to meet colleagues. can you talk to my phone but being here in person matters. we're at a critical stage and this commission is coming towards of end. we have artificial intelligence
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and digitalization and we're here to exchange views and see what's happening on the ground here because it's a fast moving area, even since my taking up this role we've seen a huge evolution in banking, covid accelerated the use of ding tom payments and we want it to be instant and we have registration around -- legislation around that and we're trying to harness niece technologies and looking at the risks that might be involved in them. our idea is no to stifle innovation and this is where innovation flourishes. ed: i'd like to take off crypto, coin base was on the show last week and have is a number of grievances, like regulation instead of going through courts. what were the grievances they brought up in context of europe. mariead: they feel that europe
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has provided certainty with our legislation. there may be issues but they know how they'll be regulated at the european level and here it's different and we talked about the benefits of certainty. and often europe can be accused of being rules based which is a good accusation because rules matter but sometimes overregulating. i was very interested to hear how certainty is important for a company like coin base. i also was interested this was an area of concern a few years ago. but when you listen to that company and vision for what could come next in terms of innovation and they believe regulation is important, i was concerned about that. we didn't have grievances but issues they would talk to us about and we're open to talking with those who are using our legislation and those who need clarification. caroline: i'm reading a report from tether, for example,
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nowhere near as much oversight as the previous business we were talking about. but a key player within stable coins, the player of stable coins have gone on record saying the message being sent is europe does not want crypto, and regulation is had that is largely limiting access especially for retail investors. brussels effect for many feels like a cooling effect. mairead: everyone has a different opinion and we had three options when it came to crypto, ignore us and let things evolve or ban it because we couldn't control it and this is the approach we have taken, regulate it so those in the industry have certainty when they're dealing with clients within the european union. we took the right course and it's a fast moving area and many in that space originally came to it because they didn't want to be in the regulated zone, if you like. but i do thinking there's more maturity now that those who want to have a lifetime in this business which will evolve over
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that time want certainty in terms of their dealing in the european union and we have provided that certainty. and i think that's all to the good of the industry itself. in one sense a.i. has overtaken some of the conversations around crypto because crypto has been around for some time. and it looks like it will prevail and there are different views in europe whether crypto is and asette or not and we have all these conversations. what we do in the commission is bear in mind the greater good, so is the balance of regulation better than allowing things evolve without any guardrails and our view is -- caroline: the a.i. guardrails, for example, the a.i. act, how much do you think a.i. is a concern in terms of, well, financial stability right now? mairead: that's a very big question. ed: we need big questions on this show. mairead: when you listen to the
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scary stories about a.i. you want to stop it immediately but is not something you can contain. what we can do is try and look in a measured way of what are the risks? because not only a.i. is high risk, in fact some of it is extremely useful. again, our approach -- it sounds dull but is important to say it, it's about balance. allow the industry to evolve but allow those who are -- if you like in charge of watching these things like the commission and our parliament to have a say in how it evolves and we wanted to do good so we again look at the risks involved rather than allow an unfettered evolution of artificial intelligence which is already being used in the financial system in any event. i gather i have one who talks to me on my banking app. we get on sometimes, not all the time. and i think behind all of this is a desire to harness technology but not remove the human dimension around technology. i think there's a risk that
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could happen so we've been mindful of all of these things and we've been careful to categorize where the risks are. conscious, also, this will evolve. it is evolving before our very eyes. caroline: it is, commissioner and still conversations to be had. we wish we had more time with you. the european commissioner for financial services. coming up, rivos raises more than $250 million in its latest funding round works and about to take on the likes with video and m.d. with a cheaper option. more on that next. this is "bloomberg technology." ♪
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ed: rivos is a silicon valley chip developer without a product offer yet but raised more than $250 million in an overdescribed funding round with matrix
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capital management, the largest investor in the round joining the board. this is an a.i. chip based on risk 5 architecture. i hear a lot about that at the moment as an alternative to video. but let's go to the idea you're in design, in the r&d phase, the $250 million, where does it get you? >> thank for you having me on this show, first of all. it's an honor to be here. what we plan to do with this fundraise we're announcing today is to really support our increasing customers and we have a huge demand coming at us. ed: p how do you increase numbers if you don't have anything to offer yet? puneet: they're impressed by the design and what we have to offer. and what we'll do with this money we raised is expand globally and increase our hiring and engineering efforts and get to production of parts and
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really get to trials. ed: i hear increasingly there is a market for a risk 5 based a.i. accelerator, an a.i. chip and a point of differentiation from nvidia and forthcoming generations but doesn't seem like the market is here in america and no one is taking it seriously, is it in china? puneet: that's not true. it is here, too. in the last few days you saw an announcement, for example, from one of the big a.i. drivers they're using risk 5 in their chips already. so we definitely see a place for risk 5 in the a.i. market and there are several companies in this marketplace already. caroline: who are not averse in risk 5 versus our architecture, talk about the alternative it offers, is it about cost or ability or efficiency? puneet: a combination of many
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factors, costs is saving a license fee, for example, rather than paying somebody else. really the biggest thing drives a lot of innovation because it's a brand-new architecture. it's open. so is that allows anybody to do research with that architecture and this is where we see innovation happening in the next 5-10 years and eventually will rethink -- displace many of the other players in the market, the existing incumbents. this is the lennox moment, which brings architecture for c.p.u. designs. caroline: there is hammering going on about the access to a.i. infrastructure and the need for energy. we talked about the teaming up of microsoft in g-42, the obvious global conversation going around with access to chips. who would be your customer? who are you going after nvidia's customers are those that can access nvidia?
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puneet: we're going after any customer really using a lot of data. any data driven business that needs more hardware support is our potential customer. now, we know the big three or four players in the market, obviously nvidia is the biggest and a countera. m-d-and intel and others in the industry building hardware for a.i. we think the field is growing fast enough that we have ample opportunity to address any of the players that can't get access to nvidia hardware, whether it's cheaper or more power efficient and several factors go in the decisionmaking process. ed: you were associated with a company that was sold to apple. there's been a piece of legal proceeding or litigation that's now been settled which came before this funding round. could you just explain that and where we sit with it? puneet: what we're celebrating
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today is our fundraise. what we're really trying to do here is keep at our product. yesterday was the litigation that is behind us but what we're really trying to do today is focus on our product going forward and we've been at it for three years, laser-focused on getting where we want to get to and we really look forward to our product being around the next six months to a year. ed: come back when the product is ready to show. puneet: i would be delighted to. ed: coming up on "bloomberg technology" we'll break down the bank earnings we referenced earlier and what they told us about the a.i. story in the world of banking, coming out next from san francisco. this is "bloomberg technology." ♪
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caroline: welcome back. we have seen perhaps a little more stability in the loop -- in the u.s.. the nasdaq 100 turning green at the moment. it little bit in down as we await jay powell speaking later. all important for the bond market which saw a selloff earlier. nevertheless, we see money going back into big tech. msci all country under pressure. bitcoin off by one point 3% as the u.s. dollar marches higher. what will we hear on
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inflationary pressure? move over, have a look at some of the names. i said europe was under pressure. why is basically sending many -- money abroad. revenue up 24% for this particular fintech darling. it was not as much as much as the market wanted to see. tesla off by more than 2%, as they see executives leave and as much as 20% in head cuts. netflix outperforming today. upgrades to the price targets coming from various analysts today. what are you looking at in other earnings areas? ed: banks are big this tuesday. ai has been changing the game. listen to a soundbite from pnc earlier today. >> technology now is allowing us
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to move data to the cloud and then to do things with artificial intelligence that we never could do before. it now is being used by our investors, being used by the frontline to make decisions. that is a very different use of technology and i think that is very exciting. ed: let's bring in sonali basak. bank of america is what is moving in the market and his thoughts on the ai story put it better than i ever could, to summarize what is happening this tuesday morning. sonali: when you thing about bank of america, it is their propensity to bring in new clients and keep a handle on costs. one thing being asked of the ceo was if further investment in digital ideation -- digitization of the bank would help bring efficiency ratios down below 60%, and you had brian moynihan
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say they were pushing to get that done. some interesting statistics. when you thick about how quickly our -- how quickly things are going digital, this quarter alone, zelle transactions at bank of america past the combined number of check smit -- written plus the amount of cash withdrawals. that is how fast money is moving online. the faster they can get this done, they believe they can create cost savings for themselves and their customers. that is one side of things, how the banks are using digitization to drive efficiency. the other end of things, i want to pull up a quote from goldman sachs ceo david solomon about how the significant demand for ai infrastructure and as a result, financing would be a tailwind to their business. a day later, he and morgan stanley saying that the top amount in equity underwriting fees so far this year, the more the people are raising money in
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these markets, the more you can fuel some progress in terms of generation. caroline: that is fascinating because ai is a driver on both fronts. we've got cost efficiency and the fact that anything with ai and its name is trying to go public or spin that story. how much resilience is there coming from some of these ceos playing catch-up ultimately to jamie dimon who's been leading the pack? sonali: you look at the bottom line here, how much they are spending on technology. you have costs rising at every bank, but for many of these banks including bank of america, morgan stanley, you're seeing technology really be on the rise as well, you look at the cost rising. they are competing not just to invest in talent but also to invest in the way of automating these banks as quickly as humanly possible, because of the end of the day, they believe it will help the bottom line. caroline: that is interesting, bank of america having its worst day since the silicon valley
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bank collapse back in march 2023, which is all about money moving too fast. sonali basak, please to have you on the show. to break down ai and tech, let's stick with that because over at jefferies, private conferences, santa monica is where it is being held. 500 tech leaders meeting to discuss ai, emerging opportunities and the growth in tech. with us is the jefferies head of global investment banking. congratulations on the event today. what is front of mine from the private allocation of money right now? is it trying to pick a winner? >> thank you for having me and for covering our event. but we have this week is a collection of about 400 to 500 companies, as well as investors in tech and consumer tech, this
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year we have a team around ai as you've been talking about, and it is hard to not get excited about what the prospects are from an ai perspective, and there are two elements that we are looking for this week. one is the ai first companies. think about companies that are trying to disrupt existing monopolies, existing large industries, whether that be everything from dental services to nursing to the search and there is a whole universe of those companies, and then you've got a large consumer internet companies that are using ai in their business, from the perspective of new services as well as from taking out cost. that will be a big thing -- big theme across both of those sectors. caroline: do you expect m&a to be driven by this ai wave? >> not any meaningful way yet. what i mean is a lot of the companies we have here right now
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are still relatively early in their evolution. yes there is a lot of hype, they are getting a lot of investment from early and late stage investors, but they are still early in where they sit in the revenue profile of companies in the business models. i think everyone is monitoring it. i've talked to several large company executives that are here, that are doing meetings with some of these companies that are monitoring how this is going to impact their own business i think acquiring something is hard vis-a-vis these high valuations as you noted. very big company to acquire something for billions of dollars when it's not really generating meaningful revenue is going to be hard. i don't think it is going to be a big m&a thing from that perspective. is going to be a big investment theme and these companies can get very big very quickly and i think it is the one thing to look out for.
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it has not been as interesting of a time and consumer tech as there is today, because a lot of the companies that are in the room today could be breakout companies in the next one to two to three years. these could be household names very quickly. ed: it is the same in the ipo market, you needed to have an ai story, you called them front lie ai names, names that he didn't ai story even if they had nothing to do with ai. in attendance this week, what is the proportion of what you would call genuine ai companies, builders of large leg which models versus those that just know in the shop window, they need the letters a and i to get the numbers? >> it is a good question. probably about 25% of the companies that are here are what i would say ai first businesses. we have companies like
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perplexity and glean and anthropic, and so on. ai first companies, that is from a be about 25% of it. for the rest, this team is so front and center. we've got a number of companies in travel tech. businesses like hopper and a company out of korea and so on and so forth. they are going to talk about how ai is transforming the business. you are right that they have to talk about it but in many cases, it is truly what is driving the business. similarly you will have companies on the music side and companies in fintech and health tech and this will be a big team across all of those as well. ed: jefferies global cohead of a global investment banking.
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you mention one of those names coming up. caroline: i can't bring it -- i can't wait to bring you the highlights from the conference. we will be joined by the ceo of complexity, next. we are also keeping a close eye on live nation. the justice department may file an antitrust complaint as soon as next month or's -- aimed at forcing live nation to spin off the ticketmaster ticketing business. the power of taylor swift. this is bloomberg technology. ♪
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caroline: you are looking at a live shot of the principal room. we are less than a month out from the live event in san francisco. check out the qr code for the details. this is bloomberg. ed: time for talking tech. google deep mine ceo says the company will spend more than $100 billion over time
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developing ai technology. the comment comes as the service was asked about a potential $100 billion supercomputer, dubbed stargate being planned by microsoft and openai, which was reported in information last month. is in the middle of a hiring drive the could see its headcount grow i a total of 1400 people. the latest sign of an improved employment outlook in the sector. cut a fifth of its staff in early 2020 three to control costs following a market rout. they began hiring again as tokens of such as bitcoin rallied. meta's oversight board is investigating the company's handling of ai generated deepfakes. sexually explicit deepfakes of taylor swift flooded facebook and other social platforms, prompting outcry from the white house, experts, and advocacy groups.
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according to a statement by the board, they will evaluate whether two separate ai generated images to putting nude women on facebook should have been removed under meta's content policies. caroline: i want to focus more on some of meta's business models. in the age of social media, it is very easy to be deceived but the latest scam is proving to be deadly, exploding the shame and embarrassment of teenage boys. joining us now, i'm not ashamed to say i cried reading the story on the train. what you are reporting does well so often and you shine a light on a few key individual stories who make the story real. jordan is one of them. articulate what happened to him and how many more numbers of people this is happening to. >> jordan fell victim to what is known as a sextortion scam. sexual extortion.
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essentially he was contacted by what he thought was a teenage girl on instagram and she turned the conversation flirtatious. she sent him a naked photo of herself and asked for one in return. when jordan complied and sent a nude photo back to this individual through instagram, immediately he was blackmailed for money. what actually unfolded and what he had no idea of is that who was behind that account was actually conmen or scammers in nigeria who had been contacting hundreds of teenage boys across the u.s., reaching out to them to try and elicit a nude photo from them to blackmail them. this crime, sextortion is now the fastest growing crime in the u.s. the fbi has been sending out psa's because sadly it has resulted in the suicide of more than two dozen teenage boys including jordan. caroline: and a guilty plea coming from two young boys
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themselves, who are now here in the u.s.. snap did respond to your reporting, saying they are ramping up tools to combat sextortion and they have extra guardrails to protect teenagers and meta's global head of safety was saying sextortion is a horrific crime and they are building technology to combat it and support law enforcement. ultimately you are saying this is still growing. what more are ways in which -- is it technology that ends up being able to be a force against this? olivia: i think it is a great question. for the social media platforms, they don't want this occurring. these individuals, these bad actors are hacking into instagram accounts to pretend to be teenage girls to coerce these nude photos. for the platforms, it becomes how do we prevent this from the outset? they are using artificial intelligence to do things like
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suspect or detect suspicious activity on the platform. sextortion safety notices are being sent to teenagers, saying this is what sextortion is, be careful of who you're talking to. just last week they announced they would be automatically blurring nude images that are sent through the platform. all of these steps are being taken, in effect to try and curb this crime. from the fbi's perspective and law enforcement's perspective, it has grown too big and is moving too fast and the scammers are too ruthless and how they blackmail teenagers. -- in how they blackmail teenagers. they try to get as much money as they can from these teenagers. ed: this is the latest in a series of investigations you have done, across a broad domain of ai generated content on social media, deepfake for not graffiti -- deepfake pornography, and now this.
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is there one outcome from your investigation since publishing the story that you could talk about? anything that happened in response to your reporting? olivia: i was surprised to see it was announced last week that the will going to be blurring nude images sent through the platform. that is a great step in the right direction. i tend to focus the stories on the dark sides of social media and obviously there is so much good that social media gives to children and young people as well. these are the edge cases and it is important for our viewers and our readers to know about the risks of social media, and specifically in this story, for young teen boys to understand the person you are messaging maybe isn't exactly who they say they are. maybe you need to be more cautious about how you behave on social media, what you put out to the public, and how you talk to individuals who are ultimately strangers, people you don't know. caroline: i urge everyone out
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there to go and read your reporting, and the implications of it. thank you so much for spending time with us. meanwhile coming up, we are going to do a bit of a hard pivot, going back to the jeffries conference we are going to be talking with the ceo of perplexity. this is bloomberg technology. ♪ starti is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business.
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ed: let's get back to the jeffries private internet conference. one major theme is ai. perplexity ceo aravind srinivas is joining us now from that conference. the developer of an ai based search engine platform. i hear the name perplexity a lot. i know a lot of people use perplexity and talk about perplexity. why are you at jefferies? what do you want to get out of it this week? aravind: i'm excited to meet people here. perplexity is still not a household name yet. i wanted to be used by every person and organization. it always helps to spread awareness and get more people excited about perplexity. ed: there have been reports that you are now a $1 billion valued startup. there is a lot of interest in your capability. talk to us about the financial
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health of perplexity right now. aravind: i think what we announced was -- when i was the last time here with you, we have not made an official announcement on a new round yet. caroline: for now, what strides are you making? are people switching from google as a search engine to you? what do your customers say? aravind: what they say is they are not billing us as using us or google. they are still happy to use google for quickly getting onto a website, like let's say they want to know, what is the latest thing going on at jeffries? who are the speakers at this conference that i should be aware of? in these sorts of things,
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perplexity is more useful. they are beginning to see us as a different answer engine. our growth in the united states ever since we announced the funding round last time along with you guys has been really good and it has also translated a lot to growing our revenue because we always wanted to ba.2 all that is used by people in high income countries and that is beginning to show up in our revenue. caroline: there is a lot of interesting talk about how google itself might start charging for ai offerings within its enterprise. are you seeing enterprise adoption for you? are you thinking about charging? aravind: we've definitely been considering it. it is something we will be sharing soon, something more on that. the way i see it is a lot of companies, a lot of people, i wish i could use perplexity at
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work but the company has banned it. that is a problem to solve and we will work on that. ed: what is the challenge right now for a company that is building and working at this level? what is your day today that you are facing -- day-to-day that you are facing? aravind: the pace at which this field keeps changing every week. at one point we were all -- and there is nothing else that matters and everyone was like you cannot build on top of them because they will eventually do all of the product and it doesn't matter. there is no independence from a -- from openai. glot3 is even better. models are much better than 3.5. it is cheaper and faster. open source is moving fast.
11:57 am
caroline: the pace of the show went too fast as well. aravind srinivas with us, ce i this is bloomberg technology. ♪ do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock.
11:58 am
so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okait's an amazing thingr.
11:59 am
when you show generosity of spirit to someone. and you want people to be saved and to have a better life, then you don't stop. we have been able to reach over 100 million people impacted and affected, and at risk of hiv. the rocket fund takes all of the work that we're doing, all over the world, and looks at the most effective ways, to get resources to them, to get services to them. the idea that we have saved five million people's lives, it's overwhelming. it's everything.
12:00 pm
>> live from bloomberg's world headquarters in new york i'm sonali basak. >> come to bloomberg crypto. >> we are less than one week away from the expected time of the next bitcoin having. we are going to speak to the right platforms ceo about the event set to reduce rewards companies received from mining bitcoin. >> will talk to the ceo of cipher mining as the sector sees downward pressure on its shares. .co the fever o


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