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tv   Bloomberg Technology  Bloomberg  July 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> from the heart of her innovation, money and power collide in silicon valley and beyond, this is bloomberg technology with caroline hyde and ed ludlow. >> live from london san francisco this is bloomberg technology. the first of the magnificent seven gather up to report results. ed: plus, wiz walks away from google's offer. caroline: plus our exclusive
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interview with the meta-ceo mark zuckerberg. first we check in on these markets. it is a fight to stay in the green the nasdaq 100 is losing. off by 1/10 of 1%. the nasdaq bigger benchmark. it is still in the green but more broadly we are seeing some weakness from a number of the earnings and indeed some that haven't dissipated. ed: spotify up 12% in the session, subscribers, paid subscribers up year on year. there's a focus on one of the cost-saving measures they took and the bottom line. let's stick with the spotify story. the company releasing those earnings. lucas leads screen time which is our coverage of the entertainment industry and all things streaming. we are so back, talk me through spotify. >> netflix and spotify having great earnings. spotify is finally starting to losing a profitable business. that's what investors are
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excited about. both profit and margin ahead of expectations and perhaps most notably for them they raised prices and still be on their subscriber addition so it feels like their ability to raise prices now and going forward which is good news for everyone looking at it. they've done what wall street wanted which was cut costs and start profits. caroline: they have focused on the profitability over and above more broadly just subscriber growth in totality. there was weakness on the bigger larger number. lucas: i've been surprised over the last couple of years at their ability to continue to grow their customer base not just premium but the free they have had a lot of success in india and southeast asia which is part of how they've done it. but they feel like they've reigned in the spending on podcasting, they are investing a fair amount and audiobooks. their skepticism as to how that
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will sort itself out. it's a company and it's a product that people really like, they are not canceling. spotify has pricing power. where there have been concerns about how that business would look it's starting to feel like a company that investors can rely on. caroline: i'm still -- ed: i'm still focused on podcast. i find the industry to be so vibrant if you track the news flow individual names doing licensing deals for properties, spotify today have anything to say about that? lucas: spotify's content to be a neutral distributor podcasts. they spent a bunch of money buying podcast networks, funding originals. securing exclusive rights to shows because they use those deals to bring people in and get people listening to podcasts on spotify. spotify feels less of a need to pay for people and feels like it
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can just benefit from ad fills from shows it doesn't control or pay for. caroline: lucas shaw, we appreciate you bringing all things spotify. sticking with results out of europe. christian klein joined bloomberg to weigh in on the results. >> we are not only focusing on moving customers to the cloud we looked into their business model transformation so it's all about how can you actually grow your business. exxon mobil, one of our largest customers in the cloud they are moving towards renewable energies and our software is key for that. talking about resiliency of supply chains we infuse ai and are connecting your supply chain with these operations of thousands of your suppliers and that's why it is so relevant these days. caroline: sonya, shares at a record high. is it all about ai?
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sonja: ai plays a role and business development. we've seen some good growth on the cloud revenue and also that seems very healthy so we can expect more of the growth to come later this year and in the coming months. the ai is connected in attracting new customers. to the more lucrative cloud business. ed: thank you very much. another tech company reporting today, tesla. let's discuss what to expect with the head of research. getting myself organized, putting my posts in for the blog today. a big focus will be fsd. you have an interesting view on that. why are you watching this so closely? >> the car sale data is very transparent.
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the car sales has hit a wall. weather in california, china or europe. sales down 24%. in california being 25%. in china it's down 7% that's part of very aggressive promotions. in europe it's a different story. the chinese car going to europe you face 20% increase in tariffs. at this cross current, tesla all of a sudden pivoted it story from ev sales to fsb -- fsd. that's a story of you by a car, i give you a driver. that supposed to be a differentiation for tesla car to get more share in the market.
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it is our view after speaking extensively to the researchers in a field as well as the competitions ai effort that it's a very immature product. it's time to get a higher quality data probably a rework of the underlying system in the waiting for more for this to work. >>. driving has been something ed and i have been playing with. why do you think the underlying technology, the overall scale of investment tesla needs to make it so much larger in the market is factoring in. this is always the long-term bet. >> because tesla's ai vision everone else in the industry relies on sensors in addition to the underlying ai software.
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but tesla walls to differentiate his unique play therefore markets as a vision only ai play. if you talk to people in the area they will tell you it's a very difficult route. because it needs a lot more extensive data input and it requires a much more extensive ai system to truly give you. you have this very big operation domain design and you have limited but you want to achieve five. so that's -- >> we were just showing some of the things of the top of mind for retail investors. they have a platform they can vote, they will up both their questions. what's missing from that is robotaxi. how critical is it that elon
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musk gives us a new dayton for the robotaxi? >> robotaxi is just one manifestation of its vision. but robotaxi gets easier to achieve because there's no one behind the wheel. so in terms of the legal liability it's much crystal clear. if robotaxi gets into trouble it's tesla that will fully compensate and be financially and legally responsible as opposed to fsd. as long as it's autonomous and tesla doesn't claim 100% legal responsibility, the insurance company -- that's why you see lots of waymo's on the street but there's no tesla robotaxi because it requires a different hardware software and ai program
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integration. caroline: we are used to to perhaps being patient on elon's promises pretty pushed back robotaxi, he pushed back optimist in the last day or so. does that matter in the longer term if we are seeing the vision of ai. this is also an energy company that does relatively well. junheng: energy does extremely well but energy is not something giving a hundred times surprised to earnings ratio. the company's poster -- so effectively you are giving it a ¥100 price-to-earnings ratio. fsd's story will get this to where elon musk will wanted to go. so the math is this. fsd will allow the penetration to go up to 30% of all cars.
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so u.s. sales about 18 million cars. that gives you 6 million cars for tesla because it's giving you a car and driver. and then the company makes 10% on the margin and you get 30 times price-to-earnings with that kind of run rate. just like you give to apple that gives you 2 trillion evaluation. that's the story to tell to the investor base and pacify them. it might be someone else gets there first and tesla does not. if you give 20% probability, that gives you significantly less market valuations than 2 trillion. >> we try to vindicate that 93 times future earnings that is the valuation of tesla. look at what's happening with alphabet. it's not just tesla out after
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the bell. we are up 5/10 of a percent not only focusing on search cloud and ai but also the wiz rejection of googles billion dollar offer. we will talk about that later in the show. >> bloomberg's emily chang for more on that exclusive interview with mark zuckerberg. that's next, this is bloomberg technology. ♪ this is clem.
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>> today, meta unveiled the largest open-source ai model ever. the company is updating its meta-ai service and is being billed as a rival to chatgpt in
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an exclusive interview with emily chang, the -- mark zuckerberg opened up about his strategy and why he believes it superior to competitors like openai and google. take a listen. emily: you are releasing llama 3.1. including the biggest open-source model ever paid 405 billion. what does that jump unlocked? mark: they are going to use it as a teacher to train smaller models they use in different applications. if you think about all the startups out there or all the enterprises are even governments that are trying to do different things, they probably all need to build custom models for what they are doing and it's hard to do that with closed systems out there with her it's openai or gemini. this gets to a pretty core part of our philosophy is we don't believe there's good to be one ai to rule them all. our vision is there's got to be
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millions of different models out there. i do think to some degree if you think you can accrete this one super intelligence -- i find that both the wrong way to look at and also very unappealing. it's a must order million creators on the platforms. people want to interact, there aren't enough hours in the day. every single one of them can easily train and ai version of themselves, that they can make it what they want. it's almost like an artistic artifact that they are putting out there for their community that allows their community to interact with them and gives them control over how that interaction happens. emily: facebook and you have been blamed for a lot of things whether you agree or not. why should we trust you with ai?
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mark: that's a loaded question. we have gotten blamed for a lot of things. i take our role in all of this stuff seriously. i think we try to handle this as well as possible. i'd like to think we are an important and relevant company so i think the scrutiny is generally healthy. one of the defining things around open-source is anyone can scrutinize the work. because of that it puts a lot of pressure to make sure the quality of the work you are doing gets better quickly. ed: that was emily chang in her view with -- interview with mark zuckerberg bread emily joins me on set. it was so well-timed the interview and it's critically important back to the last where zuckerberg said we think meta could be the leading ai company. but he's coming from behind a little bit. you did some catching up with him in that conversation. emily: the scale of facebook,
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instagram, whatsapp is incredible. there chatbot is already embedded across these products and you can use it as a standalone chatbot. he says hundreds of millions of people will be using this by the end of the year. in fact before the end of the year which he believes makes it the most used chatbot in the world. in a few months it's potentially good to be eclipsing chatgpt. we talked about the level of intelligence in these latest models and he admits he still -- there is a gap between llama 3.1 and the most advanced models but they are working on it and they are closing that gap when the update comes out. caroline: as you were mentioning in what he termed a loaded question for he's used to criticism but there's been criticism on the fact it's open source and the danger it brings. how was he responding to that element of things? emily: i think broadly open-source is more safe and secure, you've got all these
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people around the world building on it, using it. if they see something wrong, meta will get called out on it he said and will fix it. the question is what's in it for meta. it's not that there's nothing in it for them. it comes in -- it becomes an industry standard this is more secure but also is better for us. because what's happening under the hood you can't necessarily see when something goes wrong. what's interesting is without open-source he couldn't build facebook, that's a deep-seated part of his philosophy for 20 years. it's interesting he understands why there's been pushback and some people see him as this unlikely champion of open source given how meta and facebook and its platforms have evolved but he doubled down this is the best way forward. ed: mark zuckerberg, the gold
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chain wearing, new haircut mma fighting man and then there mark zuckerberg at the helm of a critically important company you spent time with him at his home in tahoe. emily: i learned how those characters relate to each other. you know he just seems i've met him many times over the years. he seems more comfortable in his own skin. then i've ever seen. zach has all the side quests and we talked about how he just has energy. his wife was there as well. i prefer when he's doing these other things because he just has so much energy. the main takeaway was he's not going anywhere if you think about jeff bezos's, who left amazon who left google there's all these major tech founders. he said look i want to see this ai wave played out.
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it's 10 or 15 more years before the next platform will emerge. >> emily chang, can't wait to see more of the interview. tune into this on bloomberg tv tonight is 6:30 p.m. eastern time. apple a foldable iphone according to the information we are currently at session highs it could fold with wise like a clamshell. and it would make it similar to the samsung galaxy x flip in 2020. this is bloomberg technology. ♪
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caroline: big news in
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cybersecurity. start up wiz has rejected google. turning down there takeover officer sticking instead to the plans for an ipo accord into a memo bloomberg has seen. it marks a blow for google whose tried to catch up on shoring up its security offerings of cloud services. please to bring in dana for more. talk to us about why this was so integral to pete with microsoft and take on the other competitors and aws in the space of cloud. >> it would have rounded out cybersecurity offerings. the company had acquired a little over 5 billion. and they would have just routed out the portfolio. the real focus on detecting cyber threats on various cloud platforms into a number of major existing platforms including
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microsoft azure, a web services. these are googles alphabet -- google/alphabets competitors. as long as there one of the major no names -- no names in that major critical space. >> according to sources is the leaders are also conscious about the regulatory environment, antitrust. >> this indeed would have been a really risky deal had the agreement gone through. rather had they agreed to an acquisition. google is facing various regulatory challenges, everything from its search business to its advertising tools and probably even a much smaller acquisition would've drawn some regulatory scrutiny. we are talking a $23 billion acquisition. this would have dwarfed previous
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alphabet acquisitions certainly even the one that i just mentioned which is about 5.5 billion. it would have been a huge risk indeed which according to our reporting was one factor that the team considered in choosing to ipo instead of being acquired. that not only did it feel that it could build more value as an independent company but had some concerns about whether he could even get past those regulatory hurdles in the u.s. and possibly elsewhere. ed: thank you. coming up on the show we will be joined by the author of the crypto is macro now newsletter to get her take on the newly approved ether etf's. from london san francisco, this is bloomberg technology. ♪
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how am i going to find a doctor when i'm hallucinating? what about zocdoc? so many options. yeah, and dr. xichun even takes your sketchy insurance. xi-chun, xi-chun, xi-chun! you've got more options than you know. book now. the moment i met him i knew he was my soulmate.
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you've got more options t"soulmates.". soulmate! [giggles] why do you need me? [laughs sarcastically] but then we switched to t-mobile 5g home internet. and now his attention is spent elsewhere. but i'm thinking of her the whole time. that's so much worse. why is that thing in bed with you? this is where it gets the best signal from the cell tower! i've tried everywhere else in the house! there's always a new excuse. well if we got xfinity you wouldn't have to mess around with the connection. therapy's tough, huh? -mmm. it's like a lot about me. [laughs] a home router should never be a home wrecker. oo this is a good book title.
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ed: welcome back to bloomberg technology. >> i'm caroline hyde in london for the week. i want to point you to what other earnings we've had out today and they've been helping drag this market softer. nxp semiconductors up by more than 9% this is we see revenue in the autos chip sector being weaker once again and maybe some other chipmakers. let's call it 6%. the universal side of the theme parks not looking good.
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often more than 5% and once again seeing a struggling with broadband. this is some afraid perhaps to my producer not the right company to be looking at. logitech is the one we wanted to look at. sorry if i sent around the wrong particular company for this. we have been seeing this on the downside aftersun slower growth in the future. we look at the earnings as they decide not to be buying it seems as though wiz has been pushing back on that author -- offer. all eyes as they come out with their earnings. what will they say in terms of robotaxi. the future texas instruments by 3%. an xp signaling some weakness. is this a tech stock. it had some success. we know it's an ip company with hot wheels on the light. up by more than 5% and they will give us the earnings after the bell. pushing back on thus yet we are
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wondering if they remain an independent company. for now saying we like our strategy of remaining independent. they have benign that particular company. what are you looking at? ed: regulators approve the first u.s. etf's investing directly in ether according to filings and statements from various asset management. trading is imminent so let's bring in bloomberg's katie greifeld. friend of the show, friend of mine, experts in all things cap meme related. i think why this story is so interesting we been talking about it's a good test for wider interest in crypto markets. >> demand beyond bitcoin. it sorted trading in january and a wild success blowing past expectations we have seen eight spot ether etf's trading in the u.s. today. these are expected to not draw as much interest but trading
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volume so far has been pretty impressive over 300 million in trading volume so far today. if you look at black rocks in particular the ticker is eth a. volume after the first hour was $50 million. maybe it will get to 200 million by the end of the day. just for context, the spot etf did about $1 billion on its first day of trading. impressive but not quite bitcoin levels. >> it was never going to be bitcoin levels was it. can you marcus up to what we all anticipated and whether or not the flows are good enough for what the market needed to see. katie: there was an interesting note from winter view trading, typical analyst projections into an annualized inflows of about 4.8 to $6.4 billion for these ether products in the first year which again is not nothing. for a new etf debut in a new category that's pretty
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impressive. it's just that the bitcoin etf's receive so much enthusiasm, and net inflows of $17 billion even with the outflows you've seen, there some pretty difficult comps there but it will be interesting to see how these develop whether financial advisors in particular will embrace these. how do you market ether. bitcoin is digital gold. what's the sales pitch for ether to a non-crypto audience. caroline: oil, silver we've heard it all. we appreciate it. let's get an insiders take. newsletter based in europe a lot of the time and europe understands and already has exchange traded notes related. what are some of the issues. it can yield yet more if you were indeed staking it and that will limit it to a certain extent? >> exactly.
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the last time i was on seeking rewards as you pointed out. we had net return they are critical as they should be. so there are many people who are happy at that 3.5 basis point. and we have many funds -- ed: i'm sorry to interrupt you we are having some issues with your audio. we will work on it and get you back as soon as possible. author of the crypto is now macro now newsletter, thank you. it's time now for talking tech. crowdstrike ceo george kurtz is set to testify before congress.
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the u.s. house committee has called on the executive for questioning after last week's botched software update. additionally the u.s. department of transportation has opened an investigation into delta as he continues to see major flight cancellations and delays from the crowdstrike outage despite rivals return to normality. plus shares falling as authorities have arrested its founder brian kim over alleged market manipulation. the billionaire entrepreneur was taken into custody after hours of deliberation and fears of evidence destruction. their spokespeople deny the allegations. coming up on bloomberg technology we will take a look at the role of ai and robotics and that's who the company might -- chris joins us next. this is bloomberg technology. ♪
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all-day energy starts with clean hydration. lmnt. more electrolytes. zero sugar. you feel the difference when you get it right. stay salty.
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ed: you are looking at a live shot of the principal room. check out our podcast you can find it on the terminal, apple, spotify and also on i heart. this is bloomberg. caroline: talking venture now and iconic capital known for managing the fortunes of silicon valley's elite says it's raised 5.7 $5 billion for a new venture focused fund. another example of the concentration of dollars in a handful of big vc firms.
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$7 billion went to a group of funds. another $3 billion to venture partners. >> a company focusing on industrial productivity with ai but also three-dimensional products. through a series b. we are delighted to be joined by the ceo and cofounder chris welty is also former tesla materials engineer who helped build what was tesla bought now optimists. it's not us as early a crowded field but i would say we had several startups on the show focusing in the field of robotics. what is specific about your technology and ambitions of how it's used in the real world? >> thanks for having me on the show. the challenge is 90% of warehouses today have no meaningful automation so this product market fit gap we
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experience some of the challenges with the current state of automation. we endeavor to make something extremely simple, user-friendly and the more simplistic we can make the system, the more cost-effective and more flexible solution could be. caroline: and the more people want to use it. albertson's for example, what are they solving already? >> what is it not solving for them? if you look -- caroline: is solving for them for it what's the positive you finding is already the application for this? >> we are focused on moving material at the bread-and-butter of supply chain almost everyone you see around you at one point. we are doing that in a much more simple and efficient way through the use of just two products. it's a steel lattice structure
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and one the moves in three dimensions that let's you use software to define how your warehouse operates versus traditionally using mechanisms like purveyors and that sort. >> i can't tell if that's quite a lot of money or not enough money to launch a product like this, scale it and put it into the real world. you tell me. chris: it sounds like a lot of course per you have to keep in mind there are different engineering disciplines and it's incredibly important to make a product reliable, scalable, etc.. automotive companies spend quite a bit of money on the manufacturing to bring an electric vehicle to market. essentially bringing not only moving 3000 pounds in has worked at horizontal plane but up-and-down. >> reliable, scalable and in a
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near-term ideal of being useful. we are about to get tesla numbers, we are about to fixate on a slight delay to its practical use cases. what was it like it optimists and how did you decide something different perhaps because of the delays there? >> my background that tesla was a very interesting one. i had experienced on the traditional warehouse side and trying to get flow up and running for the model 3 manufacturing and was also tasked to lead the optimist program. humanoid robotics absently fascinating. working on those problems and leading the team but ultimately it's a bit of a ninth-inning problem. there's innings 4, 5, 6 and seven that still need to be solved. for the next 10 to 15 years of my career as well as the rest of
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the team it's joined us on this mission we are really solving a very critical problem in supply chain a very simple and direct formfactor. >> philosophically but also from an engineering perspective why is the direction you are going better than the use case of a humanoid robot such as optimists in the warehouse or manufacturing environment. >> it's a great question. i don't know if one is better or worse than the other i would say this knowing two very different problems, what's unique about humans is their ability to manipulate and reason at the edge and that's where humanoid robot is very powerful. when you look at what's moved around in the warehouse a lot of those material ways hundreds if not thousands of pounds and that's not something that human really is designed to do. thinking of what we are building is something that's very complementary to humanoid robotics or humans in general.
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>> you going to work in line in a sophisticated manner to work alongside the future. you've got strategic investment i'm assuming you've already raised $78 million in funding how many more rounds of funding do you need? chris: it's unclear at this point our goal is to execute as quickly and efficiently as possible. the next two years will develop the system, invest in the team and launched to a few more customers. in that time we will be generating revenue and the funding environment in two years who knows what that will be like but it's safe to say funding can help accelerate the mission it's not necessarily always required for a company to exist. caroline: particularly if you're aiming to be revenue-generating maybe even profitability.
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chris, great experience you have come a great pushing us forward on what to expect. ed, what have we got? >> from one tesla alumni to another i took a trip on a boat, an electric boat from start up ark looking to launch later this year. here's what it's like. >> this is the arc sport, fully electric from los angeles-based arc and it's built for water sports but it can go in saltwater. so we got to tested out in the san francisco bay. without the golden gate bridge coming into sight we took it up to full speed and let it rip. it can get up to 40 miles per hour but it has a surprisingly intuitive drive by wire system. it also looks similar to teslas in aesthetic and functionality using front and rear cameras you can see the front and check on the wakeboard are in the back or make sure no passengers have fallen off. luckily none of us did.
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the boat has 500 horsepower from a battery pack that's almost double the battery capacity powering tesla cyber truck. about four to six hours of driving time. two and 58 thousand dollars, the price is comparable to gas powered boats from names like mastercraft but the direct consumer sales model means there's no dealer in the middle taking a cut which means they can spend more on the design and experience on the upscale sound systems and plush seedings. it can charge to 80% in 45 minutes. the boat is designed by team of engineers ended shipping later this year to go after a $2 billion market in 2024. >> 258,000 may be emily chang and mark zuckerberg have their eyes on one. >> coming up tech giants apple and micron paying a visit to china as the u.s. wraps up chip
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curb spread this is bloomberg technology. ♪ when you automate sales tax with avalara, you don't have to worry about things like changing tax rates or filing returns.
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avalarahhh ahhh oh, thank you so much i couldn't have done it without you. honestly, i don't do a whole lot here. i'm really just here for the at&t internet, it's super-fast so, any pre-launch concerns? what if nobody buys them? that's mean or, what if everybody buys them? oh, i hadn't thought of that that's probably not gonna happen
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can we handle that kind of traffic? the network can handle it! i downloaded eight hours of true crime stories just during our last video call i'm learning a lot caroline: i know you -- emily: i
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know you've been fascinated by china. what do you know about where china is on ai and agi? mark: i don't personally know a ton. there's this question of how should the u.s. approach kind of ai competition with china when there's one strain of thought which is we need to lock it all down. and i just happen to think that that's really wrong. the u.s. thrives on just open and decentralized innovation. that's how we build awesome stuff. i think the leading company should work with the u.s. government and make sure that our national defense and things like that have a perpetual first mover advantage on the leading technology of the world. >> so we win the ai wars this way. mark: if you're trying to say should the u.s. try to be five or 10 years ahead of china i just don't know if that's a reasonable goal.
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so i'm not sure if you can maintain that. what i do think is a reasonable goal is maintaining a perpetual six month to eight month lead by making sure that the american companies and the american folks working on this continue producing the best ai system. ed: that was emily chang with more for exclusive interview with mark zuckerberg. you can tune into the schools of interview with mark zuckerberg online or on bloomberg tv tonight at 6:30 p.m. eastern time. let's keep the conversation going on china as chip curves tighten, leaders from apple and micron paid a visit to beijing. i want to bring in mike shepard who leads our coverage of the intersection of politics and technology. apple's coo jeff williams and micron's ceo go to beijing and it tells us how important despite the political backdrop
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the market is in the supply chain is. >> it was a great segue into our discussion now to hear from mark zuckerberg. about the importance of china and this tension between the government here in washington and the industry around the world sees in the world's second-largest economy which is opportunity both in terms of a large consumer market and the importance of the production and supply chain lines that are embedded in china as well. so as you hear from zuckerberg and you see in the visit of these two key executives, china is super important for their continued growth and development. caroline: they are both part of this u.s. china business council. i'm kind of trying to understand how much that sort of a counsel really achieves. how much they are able to get business done amid the tit for
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tat from a geopolitical perspective. >> that's a great question because you do see all these concrete actions emanating from the biden administration in the form of expert restrictions. these are measured in curbing china's access to advanced technology especially semiconductors with the technology like artificial intelligence mark zuckerberg was just talking about. now having this u.s. china business council meet with very senior officials including the vice premier and the foreign minister, these are important officials to meet at it carry some symbolism and allow the chinese to convey to the business community at a high level that we still need you. we realize politically there are some tensions but we do not want to see this decoupling that some in washington have been pushing for. >> we can get away from the u.s.
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presidential election but one strategy is also to lean on its allies in respect to tech curves in china. what's the chatter in that respect in d.c.? >> that's a great question. what now we are seeing is a bit more reluctant. and escalating those restrictions on technology. we see pushback from dutch in efforts from the u.s. to get the makers of the chipmaking machinery to dial back on servicing and the sending of spare parts. to china for some of those machines used in the production and fabrication of semiconductors. >> all eyes on the dutch and japanese. mike sheppard we so appreciated. thank you. that does it for this very busy additional bloomberg technology. >> very global.
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london, new york. check out the pod. big shout out to the pod where you get your podcast. a lot still to come this week in earnings. this is bloomberg technology. ♪ how am i going to find a doctor when i'm hallucinating? what about zocdoc? so many options. yeah, and dr. xichun even takes your sketchy insurance. xi-chun, xi-chun, xi-chun! you've got more options than you know. book now. ♪ ow! whoa! watch where you're going. yeah mom, pay attention. what if it's a concussion? hang on, i'll look it up.
11:58 am
uh... i'm probably fine... probably? we noticed something wasn't right and got her to a doctor. i thought i was okay, but i had a concussion. sometimes, it's hard to tell on your own. don't mess with your melon. if you hit it, get it checked.
11:59 am
12:00 pm
sonali: welcome to "bloomberg crypto. tim: a look at the technology shaping the world of centralized finance. sonali: lackluster debut for the second digital assets approved for the -- by the sec. tim: we will discuss the demand with the black rock head of digital assets. sonali: and robert joins the


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