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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  November 17, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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i'm not inclined to chase it. >> nobody said anything the entire show. >> i was going to say -- >> what would you -- >> you know what i was going to say? nice fit. >> at this moment's pfizer interesting. the more you read about orals. >> >> my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i will help you find it. mad money starts now. >> welcome to mad money. i'm just trying to make you money. my job is not only to entertain but to help make you some coin. some things have changed. the market is, for lack of a poetic term, better.
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the naysayers have been stunned or at least momentarily. >> it's been bolstered by the enterprise software. the max seven. now that loan rates have pulled back. it's become more hospitable to the rest of the stock market. some could say it's less
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hospitable because of changes at a company called microsoft. i will leave it to the people who know about what happened. i think that they are out at the >> reporter: seven rate. a whole host of potential, i'm sorry had to say this. when i started the show 47 years ago i put my hand in to draw it but they have replaced this with an actual turkey. >> zoom reports, breaking out the seemingly post covid-19 funk. people having their own video conference platform. i can't turn it off. this could ignite the stock.
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tuesday, look at this, it's insane. the ceos of the company are trying to get a pre- thanksgiving heart attack. let's go through it. it's one of those companies that people bought because like zoom, it's been a hangover. it's not things that you need to set up regularly. once it's done, we don't need more appliances either. judged by the whirlpool offers we got. they reported upsides. let's think. best buy over 5% healed. good management which could surprise them. next, the price jam is a rough one to get. they report, tjx gave stunningly good results. while ross gave a good result in good forecasts.
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tjx had a habit of issuing conservative guides and knocking it down. you have to buy the selloff and that's what we are doing. ross went straight up. we don't know which with hank. what else? supporting abercrombie and fitch, they may need to jump ship. i will say like best buy, dick's sporting goods seems cheap to me. we thought something could happen to move this higher. something less than a disaster. i thinkings berg did a fabulous job before he took the coles job. the stock had a big move today with a big move in gap. remember when home depot was
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widely affected as a good pulse. the same goes for lowe's. we have housing stock numbers. one more reason why i like the stock of lowe's here. where is the elusive infrastructure money maybe jacob solutions could tell us. it's a terrific operator with a huge engineering structure. if anyone would know it's these guys. at one point, biden was tracking with ali baba, this week it did okay in the quarter. it was the cloud spinoff. i have to wonder if they were
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in the same boat or not. remember, i don't like the chinese stock market or chinese stocks that are listed over here. more on the dreadful group there later. >> tuesday night features perhaps the most anticipated earnings report of the quarter. i like buying the stock ahead of the quarter although it was something you didn't do last time. the stock has had quite the run. it's not a good set up. still, i reiterate you should own nvidia but do not trade it. it's the king of ai semiconductors. it's staggering but so is the product but i'm tired of hearing of companies that have other things waiting in the wings for them. forget the knockoffs, show me the lighting. i keep thinking the computer stocks will have their day in the sun like they used to. people bought a huge amount of tech hardware during the pandemic. could hp tell us to have a different story. there's no getting around the fact that we knew pcs packs if
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hp stock wants to go higher. could nordstrom break out of their funk? they are known for its service and recognizes the cost for finance services being very high. if we need help finding something you like, amazon has something called inferencing. i cannot think of a way to save the chain without, i don't know, maybe another company. on wednesday we heard from a company that was consistent for years but has done nothing as of late. like many other commodities the price upgrade has collapsed. i think we've been telling people there's a good enough company to hold them down for the ad cycle. the strategy will be sorely tested. here's the bottom line, next week is a pretty positive time.
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i'm cognizant we had a big threat here but if we get a continuation of the rotation with retailers along with this, maybe this would work during the week. terry in ohio. >> this is your longtime fan , terry in ohio. >> thank you terry. i hope that you liked our meeting on wednesday. >> i love it. jim, i really appreciate everything that you've tried to teach me about investing but that doesn't stop me from making a bonehead mistake with one of my largest holdings and i'm hoping that professor cramer could help be me. >> i've got tenure so i could do whatever i want. >> okay. like you i was disappointed that exxon didn't offer better
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prices for the buyout and when you sold the entire holding i let go of a quarter of my shares hoping for a better price. i have a smaller position and was wondering what you would recommend i do with the high end year as its gone below. >> great question, oil seems to be bouncing back from 72. bouncing to 75 or 77, when that happens you probably able to get 240 depending on how much you sell it. sell it. we could make money with pioneer. i'm confident we had a big run here however, in this rotation, beating retailers continues we could have a strong week. you could get spared on thursday. we had 500 names in the index
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over the last five years we have a rundown for the list of names. it was a big week for u.s. china relations. what could this mean for china ipos? >> we hosted our monthly meeting this week. and we couldn't get to all the amazing questions so we kept the momentum going within the other around tonight. you won't want to miss it so stay with kramer. cramer. >> don't miss a second of mad money follow at jim cramer on x. have a question, tweet cramer. sent him an email mad money online at if you missed something go to mad
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>> we had our monthly meeting where my colleague and i went through the thought process of the club. we went through current holdings and took on some questions. we always have more questions than time and this one went wrong anyway so we thought maybe we give a little measure of what the meetings are liked to you by using these questions. if you aren't part of the club but you want to be you could open the camera or your phone and scan the qr code behind me or become a member and go to investing club. we worked really hard. my colleague jeff is unbelievably good. we have a question for someone who asks, i want to include
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pharmaceuticals in my portfolio. please advise or feedback or other suggestions. >> novo is a terrific product. they also have this incredible possible jog for dimension and novo nordisk doesn't and this would be during 2024. why be in a one trick pony when you could be with a company that has a lot more to offer? we have a question from tom in illinois. i always debate the hold versus taking profits and too often emotion drives that decision. i want to create rules for myself but i'm looking for guidance. should i apply with house money and when should i walk away? that's a great question. kenny rogers, a gambler went to walk and when to run. here's what to do, when you're in a situation, when you are playing with the houses money, what you could do is take some
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and you could never get a loss which is what i'm trying to get across here. trying to find the point to cut and run, it's easy. to the story changed from when you bought it? if something else happened, saying you've got no business being in the stock. your thesis is done. it's shot and you are gone. taking a question from john in virginia. jim, looking at a open position in nvidia for my young children. what do you consider to be a good entry point? what i said in the game plan earlier in the show, i don't like to play the russian roulette game to buy ahead of a quarter. i find the emotions around a quarter are such that if it's up by 80, i want you to own nvidia. by a little bit of nvidia. say you want to buy 25 shares. by hi and see what happens in the quarter. the worst that happens it goes up and if it doesn't you would
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sell it. i don't want you to trade it i want you to own nvidia. i don't want you to be furious that you bought it all if it drops 80 points the next day. next up we have another robert. a lot of roberts from pennsylvania who asks how much time should you give a company to turn things around after reporting and providing enough a quarter and guidance? >> if a balance sheet is good and you've got a path outside the new remain another two quarters. if the balance sheet isn't good, it's incumbent that you begin selling now. a lot of the times these things could be in the middle where the balance sheet is okay. cut your position down into any strengths. when you've got that strength you need to take it. as i said when we did the meeting i made the mistake of
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not cutting in a couple of cases and detailed them extensively to show you to not express the pain that i felt but how awful it is when you begin making excuses for situations they shouldn't be in because they are different from what you thought. let's go to todd. do you believe that solar stocks like in phase have experienced in over boost? >> it reminds me of my father's gift wrap paper. if you've got to finance things and interest rates go up whatever you have to finance is not worth as much and if it doesn't sell well, you basically are having to buy it and you are borrowing a lot of money and that's what payback is determining by how much you borrow. stocks are still like this. the rates have come down, they've come down a little bit but it's not worth as much. so we won't play so what you really want is a solar situation. you don't want a borrowing
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money situation. right now, you are borrowing money, we are not a finance shop but a solar shop. we have a question from stephen and california, i want to know when the holding is too big with 10 stocks it's perfectly balanced. there's the stock at 15%, how about for the eight stock portfolio? what size positions do we need? >> i hate to be self referential but we spend this time in the meetings talk about the stock of the alphabet . we think too big, what you want to do is does your portfolio swing on one stock? do you find that if it's down by five that your portfolio is down too much for your liking?
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you've got to make it as a personal decision but if you see your portfolio swinging because of one or two stocks, those two stocks are too big. you don't want a single stock to be able to sink you. we have a question next from david. he wants to know why do extended hours exist preopening and post closing when should we use them if at all? this is the wild west, the markets aren't real. the reason they exist is because the government feels they have no right to stop trading at 4:00 because every time we try, other people do this offshore. suffice it to say, take it from me, you won't make money if you do that stuff in the wild west. you'll get ripped off. i've been around and i've been doing this over 40 years. i know what doesn't work. if you want to get hurt switch to the other guy, spongebob and patrick. now we are taking a question from don from pennsylvania. should we be thinking about energy, invest, or sell or stay away?
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>> natural gas is up. oil is breaking down. but not gas. this is for you. that's the best one. we have gotten rid of almost all of the others . there's always the engineering and construction company stock. >> coming up, 500 stocks in the s and p and only 14 can say they've done it. cramer reveals the elite group of names that's consistently beat the market since 2019 and which should be on your radar. next. >> find your next investment opportunity here on the cnbc investing club. >> i wanted to get a better understanding of using my own money. >> go for exclusive early access to meetings and real- time portfolio alerts. >> this is an awesome
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experience. >> join the club and let me teach you the right way to invest. ( ♪ ♪ ) but what if you... stop? you work hard, it's time for a bank that'll work hard for you. everbank brings security and a guarantee that you'll earn a yield in the top 5% of competitive accounts. going, that's what got you where you want to be. we're the partners for your next move. everbank. advantage, you. ♪♪ we're not writers, but we help you shape your financial story. ♪♪ we're not an airline, but our network connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets.
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>> this was a rocksolid quarter. a major industrial gastric leader delivering their 19th straight great set of numbers.
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i bring this up because a few days later there investment strategic team noted that their team was one of 14 companies in the s&p 500 that performed the benchmark index over the last five years. that's why i stress that lin is is sleep at night stock even though it's industrial. i said, they made the same elite list. every year for the last five years in a row. other than that not a lot of surprises here. starting with the ones that had multiple stocks in the list like the cadence design systems. two longtime partners of nvidia. they make designs. they let you play the long-term rise of the industry with the nature of
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the actual business. i was surprised to see the 10 core on the list because they make machines for chip manufacturers. i like this group here. i assumed that they were hostage to big swings in the chip market. this stuffs beating the s&p 500 from 2019 until today. kla's earnings have tripled during the period. machines that make them are a lot less cyclical and more secular growers than they used to be. a couple of insurers brokers made the list. old-fashioned names that you may not be interested in. i don't care, i like money. i'm talking about arthur j gallagher and brown and brown. the actual insurance stocks were unimpressive until the last few years. they only picked up when they
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started raising interest rates. you invest them in something else. when the rates go up so to the earnings. it appears the insurers brokers, companies that sell you policies, these commercial policies are more consistent than that. they are steady before, during, after. not bad. a bunch of rocksolid industrial companies making the list. i've been pushing trane and its competitor, carrier. there's a lot of money retrofitting in their control systems and a lot of infrastructure money that goes away. they are a big european acquisition. i don't think that the street is sold on them yet. train them straightforward. make a list for this in the first place. we have the industrials industrial. there is another trustee.
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our newest position. something you know if you enjoy and joined the cnbc investing group. eaton, infrastructure spending. a lot of great equipment. they've made the company one of the best growing stories of the sector. from this perspective we are waiting from a pullback to buy more. you never purchase all the stock at once. it's called pure arrogance and when you deal with the stock that outperformed the s&p 500, you can feel confident that you could buy more. you could wait. next, we have a couple of infrastructure plays. think united rentals. construction equipment all over the country. terrific company. setting them up at 600% over the last decade. united rentals remains cheap at 12 times this year's earning
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estimates. they will be a big winner for federal money but understand, people are always thinking it's the first stock to dump when the rates go up so be aware. they built prepare and maintain the infrastructure. i lost track of it. quanta is a consistent operator. they've had alternative energies. it's reminiscent of the engineering construction firms that we were covered all year . they are all infrastructure gatekeepers. i want to do more homework before i give them my blessing but it requires a further look. moving onto the unique players another name i wish i knew better called amphenol. they are obviously doing something right. how about one of the newest members of the s&p 500 called
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axon. formally known as taser international. i recommend the stock. they have a big police body camera bit is as business. there's the razors or razor blades. the software. real money comes from the software service edition where they help police departments manage all of the video footage from the body cameras. excellent stock. i've had this one for ages. then there's dr horton. homebuilders are supposed be boom and bust but this has been top in the s&p 500 over five years. mortgage rates soared from august through last month. there is a home shortage. the stocks took a hit. even the numbers, the earnings didn't get hit, people pay less
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for the earnings, that's what that was about. now interest rates are well after their highs, they make and one for the earnings. if you listened to their strategy it hinges on turning over inventory consistently. they find themselves stuck between the inventory. horton operates with great discipline to avoid it and i think this is the real reason why like this one more than i used to, they have a great selection of affordable homes and stress that on their website. the bottom line, when you want the 14 stocks that have beaten the s&p 500, it's practically a shopping list. they would make a great addition to your portfolio but i put money on them and pullback for a while. the stocks go down and come back. sunny and homestay new jersey. sunny. >> hello. how are you?
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>> i'm good, how are you, what's up? >> j and j. they were acquired by an employee over the last 30 or 35 years. wondering at this point whether or not to hold it and put it in a program which it currently is not in and begin to sell it off. begin with capital gains lack or? >> here's the problem with j&j and i've studied it extensively. the lore for johnson & johnson, it's way too glib. i've done a study on the situation and could tell you that the lawyers are too optimistic and johnson & johnson stock cannot be better. until they are realistic about the hazards of asbestos. they should advise the ceo on a safer and better strategy. trey
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from texas. >> after taking the beating of a lifetime during the --. i promised i'd never get crushed again with real estate. i've been hiding what money i had left for the last 14 years but i'm ready to get back to the market. i won it all back. office real estate. >> hey professor cramer. five-star professor. i hope you are doing well. the question has to do with u.s. steel. i owned them. i understand there is strategic
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processes involved where others are looking to apply toward or all but you owned them both. >> i would not own both. if a deal for x falls through , i think it's extraordinarily good. good. rategy is i by clf right here because that's how much i feel. they say they are convicted about it. convicted means you're going to jail, wall street should stop with the stupid language. that's the stock you should own, clf. i think almost any of the stocks could beat the market over the last five years. that's why i highlight the list. thank you for suggesting. i wait for more markets.
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there is much more mad money despite the summit and my etf. i explained why this could be very bad for your wealth. >> a shopping mall to help you discover your next great investment. stay with cramer. [phone: starting route.] technology helps us navigate to work. [phone: go straight.] but, to navigate the complexities of modern work... [phone: turn left.] need more than technology. you need cdw. [phone: you have arrived.] so we'll implement cloud based microsoft modern work solutions like microsoft 365, teams and azure, so your teams can collaborate
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with zero trust security anywhere. [phone: destination ahead.] microsoft makes modern work possible. cdw makes it powerful. meet gold bond daily healing. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry, sensitive skin. gold bond. ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ ♪ upbeat music ♪ (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪
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the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ encore energy, america's clean energy company poised for production in south texas, energizing america with reliable and affordable nuclear energy fuel with an environmentally friendly extraction process. encore energy.
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>> this week there's been a thought in the u.s. and china relations which involved a important meeting between
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president biden and president xi. it's a big deal because it prevents access which could lead to certain things. meeting with our top business leaders. when the governor of california gave him a golden state warriors jersey, it wasn't to say that he wouldn't flood our country with fentanyl anymore. viewers know i'm a hardliner when it comes to the chinese communist party, they've engaged in abusive trade practices. say nothing of their abysmal human rights record. with any successful diplomacy, this makes me think these companies with exposure could benefit. i'm thinking about various teams. apple, starbucks, and disney or of course, nike. don't let these cheerful
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meetings low you into a false sense of security about their stocks. let's just say it rarely ends well. look, if you had to say what's in a name you'd probably say ali baba, a chinese commerce titan. a few years ago, the communist party started cracking down on certain companies that were too successful and they never recovered. ali baba's stock tumbled more than 60% with a plan to spin off its plan for a computing vision to break up in loctite. they were up less than $10 from where they became public. they were down 17% to close in its first day of trading. they were upped 125%. and despite being a success story if you hung onto their stocks since the ipo than you've done terrible. this brings me to my main point,
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they don't play by the same situations that we do. i'm especially dubious about chinese ipos. it's something that i warn about all the time. not since the end of 2020. when they passed the law aimed at forcing financial trade over here. they had some harsh new rules. it seems like they band the exchanges. it didn't help that there were a bunch of high-profile imposing. they were crushed by a government crack in. we've seen an uptick. they forced chinese companies to come here for inspections. we had 101 deals and 21 of them were based in china. the mainland, six in hong kong. not to mention one company in
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the cayman islands for tax purposes. most of these are little deals. the average chinese ipo raise $20 million, they remain just $250 million. they are too mall for us to talk about let's talk about the performance and aggregate because they keep up with tradition. they've done terribly. of the 21 ipos this year they were trading below the offer price and most of these are way out of order. we have 12 chinese ipos with more than 40% from where they became public with 50%, and others were down more than 60% and three of them had fallen 80% from where they started. >> that was easy. >> the 21 ipos have average data. 24% for the off prices. it's one of the cases where the average is widely skewed by these outliers . if you look at the median chinese ipo, the one that falls in the middle, it is
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down by 49%. it gives you a much more accurate picture of the pain of chinese ipos. looking at these chinese ipos that are doing well, call me skeptical. at this, the second performing deal this year, a company called golden heaven group. they run six amusement parks in china like the six flags of china, you know what i mean? they became public at $4. now they trade at $20 and change. pretty good, right? wrong. they lost $25 in stock. they unleashed a devastating twitter threat saying that the firm shorten golden heaven because an investigator and companies, the photos looked less like a golden heaven and a lot more gleich more like a brown purgatory at best so some of these allegations are inflammatory. he does high-quality work more
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so than some of these research firm so check it out herself. this could be a sham or a scam. what does this say about all of the other ones with uglier stocks? i say, not good. it's not some political take from me. i'm following the numbers. the chinese ipos used to be great. it's been an awful strategy to own these stocks over years. it made money. i know. i would be there for you. the odds say you're going to get hurt. not every chinese ipo will create these situations to happen because some of these have gone with very smart people. i was impressed by the coo. i can't vouch for the stock which ended up getting smacked around from the beginning. that's why i'm covering this
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subject. i'm not trying to be mean. to protect you from what historically is a bad class of investments. the bottom line, for a couple of years what we didn't need to fret about, the chinese ipos. these deals are coming back in a big and bogus way. you need to remember they tend to be hazardous to your wealth. when it comes to the companies that list stocks here in america, take your cue from my old friend public enemy and don't believe the hype. mad money is back after this break. >> coming up, pop open your umbrellas and tee up the toughest questions. cramer takes on everyone in the lightning round .
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>> it's time. the lightning round. the lightning round, are you ready? starting with stephen in new york. stephen. >> hey, the company i'm looking at has a nice dividend but it's down to its 2012 price, is this a company i should look at? >> add this point there's so much bad news encapsulated in the stock and at the same time they have litigation but still i think anyone who's got litigation risks i want to stay away. they have some. i learned my jettison my lesson with j&j. find something better. >> greater minnesota. >> jim, thank you so much for responding. i followed you. a small stock
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it's got a pretty severe upside in the chart. a nice w formation for a time. volume is increasing. >> you remember when i stored index because it was all about scoreboards daktronics than it had a missed quarter. i can understand white be attracted to it but i don't think it's a bad idea because it's still way below where it used to be. let's go to mandy and marilyn. mandy. >> hi jim. thank you for taking my call. >> of course. >> i'm trying to be a better investor. >> that's the goal. >> the stock has gone up $.40 should i hold onto it or sell
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it? >> i'm sorry the stock is, i didn't miss that? >> it's a terrific networking company. arista. they could be mutually exclusive . a fantastic co and that stock goes hard. >> david from colorado. please, david. >> agent. smc i, why has no one talked about it yet? >> i don't know why people don't talk about it. it makes all sorts of different parts of computers so if people want something it's proprietary. i think you're right it does well. i don't want to push this on you but it does well. let's go to eric in maryland. >> hi. good evening to you, cramer. >> i worked in the materials
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industry for 14 years, mining, gravel, and stone. with the infrastructure buildup, what are your opinions on materials? particularly, vulcan materials. should i hold it or sell? >> your knowledge of the industry is spot on. i happen to be a fan of another company that sells materials. similar to vulcan but you are obviously are well-versed in the grow. those of the two and either one works. thank you for your call. greg in california. greg. >> a big 49er fan here. i noticed you are an eagles fan. >> that could be tough. we have a game coming up. 77,000 seats will be wearing number one. that should be difficult for you.
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a lot of people say the 12 man, i am the 12th man. >> vista energy is it a by or is it goodbye? >> i think that it will not be back. >> melinda in kansas. melinda. >> hello, jim. i love your show. my question is about skyward solutions. >> they make a lot of cell phones. cell phones are weaker but why not buy it now and wait for it to get strong? that will do it for the lightning round. >> the lightning round sponsored by charles schwab. >> coming up. is the retail space ready to join him on the markets party this year? cramer takes a walk through the mall to get a read on the
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we must expand as well. we need to rethink... next level moments, need the next level network. [speaker continues in the background] the network with 24/7 built-in security. chip? at&t business.
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>> imagine if we could stop talking about the magnificent seven and start talking about the gap. it feels like's it's been years since we've gone beyond common household names like apple. we've been plagued by the narrowness of the stock market which makes for a forbidding atmosphere. no one wants to stick their neck out that falls outside of consistent winners. one of the recognizable brands in the nation starting the quarter with a colossal turnover with gap and old navy. the numbers work terrific. the ceo has orchestrated a turnaround that reminds us we did keep our eyes and our minds open because that's how you catch the study one percent gain the 31% gain. this hits close to home for me. we decided to take a trip to the mall to see what's happening. we didn't see the uptick for restoration hardware but
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williams-sonoma was packed and ralph lauren had a ton of good stuff. gap. not only did the gap look really good but banana republic seems like it's becoming a better moving store. our ceo is talking about how she is aiming for profitability rather than shooting for higher sales. the stock is from 55% we certainly agree with that. they are still soaring. if they reported on monday i think that the stock would roar in response. i like that opportunity. nothing comes close to the gain in the gap today. they are just so dramatic. i like accessible games. the gains from enterprise is fun for harvesting. those companies are hard to get your head around because unless you interact with technology or people who are close about what they do i prefer to bet on
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stocks that are easier to understand. that's why i want to see them come back or maybe turnaround the ndf corp. i think it could happen. or maybe there is the uptick compared to burger king. i wish bed bath and beyond had been able to stay afloat. it's the same old same old. at least until gaps stock exploded today. 10% of virtually any other day would have been best of the former weeks though. i've got no illusions about how difficult it could be to buy these retail stocks when we are curing constantly that there's consumers that are strapped for cash. credit card problems. now they need to pay back the student loans. until this week's numbers, i regarded those numbers as a impediment to those in the industry except for amazon, costco, or tjx. now that they are trying to remove these obstacles, a few days ago it was target and now
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it's the gap. for most of my crew there was money to be made away from the most famous companies intact. this year it's been hard to do but that could be changing in these terrific retail quarters. if they are truly the way we will have more legitimate work on her hands. not just a tech market but we have a couple of the usual suspects thrown in. there's always a bull market i'm here for brian sullivan. write your last call, an ai shocker. how much will it cost to have the ai arms race? chris christie six, it looks as things ust get worse. are airlines prepared for that flop? the final countdown for f1 las vegas. it who is seeing the biggest fall? we will hear from the gm. we have the world's greatest chefs. you won't believe what he is making fans.


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