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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  December 1, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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wednesday. plus, the november jobs is out friday. and economists can expect nearly 200,000 jobs added and a 3.9% unemployment. we've got more interviews from here at the reagan national defense forum tonight. on last call, ceo of ge is going to join me exclusively, and monday on gina raimundo. >> that does it. "fast money" starts now. >> live from new york city's times square, this is "fast money." a strong start. december picking up right where november left off. it's a sea of green. should investors keep riding the momentum through year end? plus, big fat fail. pfizer pulling the drug on its twice a day weight loss pill as
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too many patients said no mas to the drug because of too many side effects. plus it's frd and that means it is me for a little "options action." professor khouw and the chart master are back again. ready to rap about the regional i'm melissa lee. on the desk,teve grasso, bonawyn eison and michael khouw. supersized losses today. the the stock falling more than 5% to its lowest level since march 2020 after they announced they're pullg the plug on their weight loss pill. they say patientstruggle to deal with the side effect os thisedicine. for the year, down 43%. badly lagging its obesity drug rivals. eli lilly and norvo nordisk. >>fizer's ambitionin the
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obesity space falling behind after the drug caused gh rates of side effects for trial participants. more than 70% reported nausea, half experienced vomiting, and a arter experienced -- that in addition tthe side effects for too much to overcome. pfizer says it will keep working on a once daily formulation of this pill. the company is expecting data on this in the first half of next year. it still puts pfizer further >> what's the difference between the once daily formulation, which is a time release formulation and twice daily? why will it yield different side effects? maybe fewer side effects? bustill, the side effects in terms of the percentagof patients thaexperience them were so high --
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and that's a big question. i've seen a few analysts today whether it makes sense for out phaser to ke moving forward. it's essentially the same drug, but it's once a day versus tce a day. of crse there's probably some nuances to the formulation there is. but the idea is that it's still the same drug, and i think that's why you're seeing the today where investors are just really negative on the prospects for this. all right, angelica, thank you. what was interesting today, too, was eli lilly and nordisk were low on the session. carter, what's your take on these stocks? >> the first thing we know is health care has been a massive underperformer to the s&p and it's breaking s all data relative trend line,o we don't like it as a space pfizer was always one of the largest. now eight in terms of market cap, and its covid lows are in
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play. >> right, and so it still hasn't figured out after all this time what its future is post covid. image being back from it discovered all these just rt of seminal vaccines that changed the course of events in the pandemic. >> right, you need something to reple or plug that hole. when we listen to that entry, you talk about diarrhea, voming and nausea. i'm thinking, doesn't that -- isn't that what they're looking for? that'shat you want to lose weight. >> you don'tant weight loss that way. >> i kid, i d. but when you look at this, they still haven't figured out how to plug that hole. when you look at moderna it has weaker year to date performance th pfizer. so they're all trying to figure out what the next holy grail is, d they'll continue on that climb until they figure -- whether it's a combination o two or m&a and how they do it. >> what we've seen is there's been an outperformance of contrarian bulls, and they've done well ov the last month pfik
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the only way path to groh is going to be acquisition, and that implies they're going to have to continue to pay a premium to be at market, and in that position it's tough to get bulled up. i think it's tough to set up a underperformance buck for them to essentially climb over the r&d hill, then payn acquisition premium, i really just think the path for them to be a real player in the space is going to be fficult. with that said, they have plenty of cash, so i woulexpect they would be in the acquisition market. >> they do have that pending acquisition expected to close some time in 2024, mike. that could give them all kind of new cancer drugs. are we setting up here? this could be a real value. >> i think iis looking luke a value here. right now the company's got about a 15% margin. go back to 2018 when the company was making $13.5 billion on
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significantly less revenue than the compans got right now. you get to that number you're going to get another $3.5 billion, $4 billion a year. as far as the appetite sup suppressant bacally the side effects you'd lose more than 10% on the trial, just reading the side effects, but that is going to be a critical area not only for them but for everybody. that's probably the biggest growth prospect, so i think that's something you're going to have to coinue to focus on. hopefully they can range things in on the cost side. i also think there's a littl bit of liability on the vacces. >> in your note this morning, which came out i think at 7:00 in the morning you said you didn't eect it to fall more than 5%. it fell a ttle bit more than 5%.
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it's amazing this was in the stock considering how low the stock was to start with. >> exactly. i feel like expectations for pfizer have been low, i think for a reason. they have been really unable to ove their pipeline out to investors over the lt few years. i think that's why there continues to be pressure, trades at a low multiple, 52-week low, trading where it was. depends on your time line. if you want to take shot now. when you look at reaction today from investors, there's disappointment because the company continues to kind of make se they are expanding their pipeline and giving you new assets and this one falls by the wayside. >> is there still hope for the once a day pill? what will be the different between the once a day and twice a day when it's the same compound? >> there's hope for it but i
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wouldn't be betting on it. pfizer is obviously trying to play catch up here. any time you play catch up in this industry, you wind up facing uphill battles, because a lot of patients that need med invi medication are already on novo, lilly. i think there's diminishing returning for all the companies that try to play catch up. i'm not favorable on it. i feel like they're trying to get good efficacy out of one pill. i feel like when we look at the one versus two pill efficacy comes down. even in safety is good, lilly and novo are giving you -- >>- because there are still others that are rking on weight loss ugs. >> i think amgen's got a chance
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next year, pfizer, grace of god something comes out of thi pill, or they go acquire something like astrid did. there are shots on goaling albeit way behind, but like we saw nvo and lilly do the last couple week they're investing millionsn manufacturing, so small cap biotech i believe will not be able to manufacture or commercialize, si think the only way out is m&a, maybe w start to see some of that next year. >> jaredyou just mentioned amgen was the way i'd play it. but are they too far away from making any progress? and the other side of the question is, if we're talking about pfizer m&a, do we look at those companies, or are they too small we wouldn't know them? >> you could look at them. gpo. stock has done well out of the gate, albeit on very small
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number of patients. trnz. there are ways to play it. people put baskets together. it's been hit or miss because you have had real failures, some success. i think amgen is a fine way to play it. they haven't gotten nearly the credit lilly and novo vchl could there be another $50 billion, is hundred llion dollars jump if they're as good or better? it possible. >> ipfizer worth investing? do you tnk it's a value, or do you think it's too murky at this point? it's trading terribly, doesn't have the pipeline, there are too many unknowns? >> it's been decadesince the stock really worked. it worked dung covid for obvious reasons -- >> so no. >> i not there. i find it very difficult. i think any time you have to acquire drugs, that all of you mentioned earlier in the show, in order to just fulfill revenue and earnings growth, i think
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that's a tough story. >> forittlely and novo, what are some of the wild cards that can stand in the stock's continued gains? is it black box label in europe because of the suicide concerns? what iit out there? >> i'm not concerned about t south s suicidsituation. seems too small to matter, and it's really refined to a select community. but i do think pricing at some point. we discussed this before. that wilcome into play, call it 2027, 2028. >> pricing in terms of pressure downward because of medicare. >> exactly, and what that might mean for commercial. and just broad based managed care saying, before weescribe this to every person that wants it, make them jump through some hoops. we've heard anecdotal evidence around dieti and exercise for some period ofime before get on it so that the insurance companieare not writing scripts left and right, because
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if they do, it's going to be a tough problem for them. >> if not eli lilly, if not novo and not pfizer. >> no. >> then what? >> i have been pushing merck a little bit. i feel like keytruda concentration the tire world knows what's going on. not a secret. they've been acquiring hematology assets, inflammation assets. they're trying to get ahead of it instead of getting behind the 2028.and having to acquire in they're going it proactively abvi is fine, too. didn't seem like they payed a ton for an asset. if not these. two i would play >>'m still sort of thinking about you saying astrid acquiring thright to the chinese drug, because that was like phase one. >>orrect. >> and you're saying even that
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could move the needle. because that seems just li a press release. >> it's possible. theynly played $10million plus/minus for it. it's a cl off option if it works. amazing. if not, no big dl. >> being in the space has been incredibly impactful for two companies. no surprise eryone else is trying to do it. >> jared, good tsee you. >> thanks. >> michael, go to you for the trade. >> yeah, i mean, we saw a huge amount of options trading today on the back of this news unsurprisingly. traded almost 400,000 contracts, 200,000 puts trading. but i did see some people sellinsome of those puts, kind of drawing a line in the sand thinking most of the damage has been done, and they'd be willing to pick it up around that 27 level should it fall down there. >> yeah. >> well, the question is, do we or don't we get to the covid lows at 26/40 or 29 plus/minus? in principle, while we all break these rules it is never right to
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buy a stock in a downtrend. st away. resist. >> i like the way amgen's setup is. problem is people still think about this -- we have options players about desk. these are not the ones i'm targeting this to. it's an expensive priced stock. but amgen is given pretty much zero credit for an obesity drug. jared mentioned it and briefly crossed over. this one's not ginn credit. you can find it there. talked about turn, tern. that's a lower market cap, but it's a cheap stock. that one you can play, too. >> when we talk about people that are already in the space, we talk about the moat that's there. lilly is best in class. there's a study say there's 15% to 18% more efficacy and they lost more weight over time. if you told me or make or carter that i'm paying $100 million for
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a call option i'd say you're better off buying the stock. given the speculation, all we don't know -- the only thing we do know for sure is the hill in order to get in this space is quite steep. i'm going stick with one that's already there. it's lilly for me. streets ignoring fed chair powell's warning that the talk of cutting rates and premature and hikes could still happen. the nasdaq and s&p 500 up more than half a percent each. and check out the ten-year. it ended the week at 4.21%, a move of nearly 30 basis points just this week. carter charted the ten-year earlier for us this week. has anything changed? >> no, it's more of the same meaning rates are sinking and the irony is the street came up with one of those terms they came up with, higher for longer. as soon as that became the headline, rates start going
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down. once people look for a moniker, it's usually the end of the run. we have a few charts. let's look at them together. weir at 5%. we lived within this channel. mathematically so. now we've crashed down through it. and ultimately we're approaching what i think is the first stopping point, which is 4.195%. we're very close. at that point this intermediate move basketball a bit overdone, which brings us to the s&p. the s&p is loved for this. there's always this belief that if rates are going lower, you expand the multiple. one client said is interesting, as long as they're staying 4 and 5 -- 3 means there's a problem on main street. the problem is we're literally back to where we were in july. a trip to nowhere. if you look at this year, we were the 12th biggest year on record in terms of first half performance, and second half up
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3%. we've done nothing in five months. we're back to the july high, and ultimately i think we struggle here. that's not a popular view. i think everyone's keyed up for big december. my bet is otherwise. >> if you've enjoyed the market's run this year, sounds like you're saying ring e register. >> that's always the temptation. there's only two circumstances you can be in. one is ahead of the mark and one's to maybe sort of play chess with it to keep that gain. or one's behind and either makes the decision. but stop now, because it could get worse, or gamble more to catch up. >> mike, what's your take? >> it's interesting you get back to the highs, the level we were at in july. think of what everybody was saying at that time. people forecasting we were going to see rate cuts by year's end. now i feel a lot of market participants are saying the same thing, looking at a comparable
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time out. i don't think the market's buying powell's higher for longer, might be another rate hike. the market is forecasting rate decreases, and i think that helps explain where equities are right now. >> do you think the market -- year end? >> i do. begrudgingly. i ha been on the wrong end of this. i hear carter that you don't want to chase performance, but unfortunately many investors are forced to chase performance or explain why they haven't matched performance. for indexing i would likely play it with call options. i think it's tough, because i think there are a lot of head winds going into next year. with that said you have to put in capital work and it would probably be with upside or money calls. >> when bears turn bulls and capitulate, that's when you sell the market. >> that's happened? >> no, 5 trilln money markets -- if you listen to
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anybody, this is still the most unloved market rally. the amount of money, the trlions that are in money markets right now is still on the sidelines. once you get those people to say, okay, let's go back to risk assets, that's when you think it's gotten too far. hasn't gotten too far yet. >> mike? >> well, the vix, at least that's an indicator of people's sentiment is suggesting that people are pretty complacent. we closed at 13. this is the lowest levels of the year we're at right now. that signals that folks are not that concerned. it does seem like there has been a reluctant switch to bullishness, and if anything has us concerned, it's that, that people have gotten complacent. >> you're saying that you want to be contrarian, basically. >> i want to stay contrarian, because that's what worked. >> that means bullish to your end. >> i believe we go sideways to
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higher. if we break through 4,500 to the upside, then we could see new highs and we've seen day moves that used to take months. now you're seeing things eclipse old levels of resistance and blow through them in an afternoon. >> consensus is for december everyone's playing for santa claus rally, seasonal strength. maybe contrarian would be g betting against that. >> i see where you guys are going, but i don't think everyone's gotten to consensus. i think we have the ability to break through -- if people are still looking at treasuries in, a ten-year in the money market, they have to come ouof those for this to be long winded. it's not to exhaust. people have to pull that money out. >> you also have to believe your return is going to be greater than 5.5%. which is a high bearer at this point in our run. >> stock market is below where
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it was five years ago. >> a couple weeks ago we traded up 10% in the s&p. the vix hasn't been a real barometer of the market bullishness in quite some time. there is complacency if you're in treasuries. >> there is. that's why i'm saying you want to play it in upside calls. the risk reward means i don't want to be in this long-term. with that said i tend to agree there's likely going to be a squeeze. just because consensus -- there still is a horde of cash on the sidelines. you've seen treasuries and performance of that asset. if you make the argument you take profits in equities you make argument you take it in -- market as well and redeploying that. i would argue, yeah, we're flat on the year, but if you look at the timing from january to july
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and from july to hear, there have been exacerbated moves. options gives you a chance to play on the timing rather than there be a complete secular shift higher. >> coming up, a huge week of consumer stocks. how traders are positioning for next week's reports. atndighlight the friday trade. th a much more than "fast money" rolls on. this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-bling! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep,
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we've got a news alert here. we've got some additions and deletions to the s&p 500. one major addition, uber. deirdre bosa's g the details. >> that's right, uber is sort of the mo noteworthy addition to the s&p 500. speculation months in the making that would be coming. shares up 5% in the afterhours. this is really a milestone and on top of a really gd year for uber. it achieved gap profitability to achieve that before you were able to enter the s&p 500. it won a bunch of regulatory battles.
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it's going to be ptnering with black cabs in london. it's worth other $100 billion in terps of market cap and this year it's really taken off. ever since it went public it stagnated behind that $40 ipo price. but itas taken off, worth 60 bucks a share. a real moment, and i think i did bring you commentary from the ceo shortly. >> looking forwa to that. dei deirdre, thank you. mike, any indication in the options market -- this had been widely speculated. i'm not sure if anybody put bets on this would happen. >> uber is one of these -- it's popularry traded option, so i think there was lot of speculation this could happen, but it's not really all that noteworthy in the sense, but this is probly one of the top 50 busiest stock options in any case. i ink people had been% expecting this. they were trading for it, but
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didn't make it exceptionally noteworthy in that sense. >> people look to this as a good thing, because s&p managers will have to buy uber to mirror but if you look at other stocks added to the s&p 500 not that great, and i'm thinking of tesla because tesla has been in the news and basically trade at the level it was when it was added to the s&p 500 a few years ago. >> it's a 50/50 if you look at the at sta on that. something gets added, gets the po and fad. one thing th's consistent is when someone are a moved from the dow --ou're so bad we have to get rid of you, it's the point when it starts to rally. >> all right, waiting on commentary from the ceo in a moment. we'll bring that tyou. shar of paramount popping app announcing they're discussing pairing with apple in
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a bundle. could these tie-ups become the new norm as the viewing landscape gets more fragmented and expensive? this is something you have been talk about for a long time, that we're going to go back to where we started from. >> reporter: yes, i have been talking a lot about this anticipated rebundle of streaming services. paramount shares finish up nely 10% on this report that the media giant is in talks with app about bundling the streaming services. we got no comment from either company,ut this would make sense given paramount's track record of partnehips, including with walmart plus and internationally with sky in italy and germany among other partnerships. paramount and apple tv plus are working together right now. paramount is doing the theatericle distribution of flowers of the -- there's also a
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negative factor that could bin play here. apple tv plus and paramount plus both have more than 7% churn. that's ahead of the industry average of 5.7%. insider intelligence saying apple tv plus gains to stand re in subscriptions, but because streaming is more important to paramount as a company, the deal wi have a bigger impact on paramount. of course we'll have to wait and this kind of doeal looks like ad what kind of terms are behind the deal. but we're watch for it. >> julia, thank you. it has been quite a month for paramount, up 46%. what do you make of this? >> that's right, to it's all about what your time frames are in the market. after dropping some 60%, 70% to catch a move like this -- it's nascent and young. is it? it's up 40%. if you're short-term and tactical, you fade it. if you can deal wi the
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prospective deal back that's coming you initiate a position. it's just about your time frames. >> i find myself on the opposite side of the chart master here. i actually think you want to in terms of the short-term continue to ride momentum higher. i think with the lack of news, the lack of sports, it makes for a difficult long-term value proposition for me, so i think i would probably look to ride the momentum, but long-term i don't think it's sething i'd be adding to the portfolio. all right, here's what's come up next. >> baba bummer. china's champion of e-commerce dropping on a major downgrade. we'll tell what you sent morgan stanley runng from this name and the rival stock they're betting on instead. plus, khouw and carter kicking it old school. the ogs of "o.a.", the technicals and the trade coming up. you're watching "fast moy," live from the nasd market site in tesque. 're back right after this.
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welcome back, we've got a news alert on a few other names being added to the s&p and removed. >> reporter: s&p renounced the results of quarterly rebalancing and uber, jabil and builders added to the s&p 500. they're replacing alaska carry, eeled air, and solaredge. >> thank you, steve. steve kovac that rule about the dow when you're thrown out it's lights out. how about the s&p? >> i don't know. but i mean, the dow is such a small universe. by the time -- it take a lot to
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get in there and thrown out. by the time you throw it out, it usually rallies. >> shares of alibaba down today. moving the e-commerce from equal weight to lower weight. morgan stanley opting instead to favor pin duo duo in the space. pdd of course the owner operator of temu, which competes with shein, the goods you can buy shipped directly from china. grasso, you agree with this call. >> if you would have told me about this call a ways back i would say i agree with it. nothing bad about morgan stanley specifically, but when you look at these calls, sometimes they're a little late. room to breathe on alibaba, i'd rather do the reverse, but a buyer than a seller. >> mike khouw, where do you stand? there's a report that jack ma
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came back and posted an internal message to the company saying, come on troops, rally, we can do it. >> i played baba on the long side. we had some bullish moves in a few of the chinese stocks going into the biden's meeting with xi. i think there was bullish sentiment there. but overall i feel like the chinese stocks are really in quite big trouble. this is probably a big question for carter, but i'm eyeing that october 22 low in fxi. this has had quite the move in duo duo, and i'd be more inclined to fade it here, i think. >> all right, carter. >> i'm with you there in the sense that if you think about baba, fxi or k web, pdd is biggest waited, almost 15%. but the ones that are struggling, they just -- at this point you cannot continue -- one cannot continue to say, well, one day. at some point you have to move away from something that's bad. they're not working. >> i'm caught on the wrong side of baba as well, and i think the
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argument has been valuation and reach. with that said, pin duo duo is a tough buy for the reasons we said. the overarching theme in china, and the run -- i believe it's 65%, 70% that it's realized this year. tough to deploy new capital when the overarching economic back bro ground is challenging. we'll chart some of the biggest gainers and see if they have more room to run. plus, defense stocks hitting a record high today. the role a.i. could play in the sector in the years and months to come. "fast money" back after this. >> announcer: miss a moment of "fast"? follow the "fast money" podcast. we're back right after this.
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money."come back to "fast another batch ey earnings reports out next week. they include home builder, toll brothers, autozone, and lulu lemon. in four years.ts highest level let's start with mike. wh are some of the implied moves ahead of next week's result >> of these four you just mention lulu is implying the biggest move, and that's
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slightly below the average of the last four quarters. this is a name we own. i like, but would rather trade it than chase with options. toll, 4.4%. inline with average. autozone, also the average move of 3.4% in that case. and broadcom we so in zone. >> which one are youatching, bonawyn? >> toll, and is a barbell tradwith tol and dhi that give you thbest insight in the market. toll broad end, dhi starter homes. i think the incentives that the builders are offering are really continuing to attract first-time buyers and people that can afford to spend $900,000 or more. >> and there just hasn't been a
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wealth of existing homes. you buy the mortgage, u're not married to the house. you can't sell sething, so lack of liquidity or inventory on the existing home side has helped all the home builders to all the points that bonn awyn said. toll brothers looks like it can go higher. a lot of charts look similar. toll brothers looks a hair better than the rest of the group. >> i concur. how about that? >> oh! >> we might have a chart of toll here. what we know is toll, if you think about the market's drop from its july high to october low, that's almost 11%. to beta trade drops 20. toll has not only recaptured the high, it's making slight new highs and setting up for a presumptivive eakout. >> mike, can they still go higher because of the inventory tuation? >> look, we have a housing shortage. we own lesson ard so i like home builders a bit. and tooewas hitting on the
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critical point. if existing home sales, if there's not a sufficient turnover that creates a base level of demand -- i think the point that bonawyn was making is a good one, particully for toll. for people who want to buy a house and can afford to buy one, toll is well positioned because they focus on the high end consumer. we have undeuilt for a number of years and, if existinhomes aren't being sold and we've seen positioning in the multifamily area as well, basically on the -- side, then the single family homes are probably still a buy here. >> coming up, a brand-new a.i. powers jet drone. who will be joined by billionaire palmer lucky who uif fee is piece odens eqpment? more "fast money" after this.
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( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) ♪ (when the day that) ♪ ♪ (lies ahead of me) ♪
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♪ ( seems impossible to face) ♪ ♪ (a lovely day) ♪ ♪ (lovely day) ♪ ♪ (lovely day) ♪ ♪ (lovely day) ♪ a bank that knows your business grows youbusiness. bmo. welcome back to "fast money." up like a rocket. the defense and air space etf ticker ita hitting an all-time high today up a 10% in just the last month. the makers are gathering at the reagan space. morgan, take it away.
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>> reporter: melissa, thank you. the big news today is you've unveiled something called palmer. it's a reusable missile, powered by a.i. walk me through it. >> we just annnced last night, is an a.i. powers jet power drone intercepter thate have been building the last two yea to counter the drone threats you're seeing increasingly strike at u.s. tros, partner troops, allied troop we've seen these threats get muchore advanced. they're faster, more maneuverable, carrying more dangerous payloads. we started building roadrunner becauswe wanted to build a vehie that would allow you to address thosthreats and take them out long before they get close to you. they can take off and land vertically, flat very high speeds, maneuver very aggressively and go after targs that never would have barely been possible for our previous drone intercepters to be able to address. >> there's also, to your point,
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demand in the marketplace for this. we've got a war in ukraine, this war in the middle east, troops that need to be protected in syria, and the d.o.d. looking to modernize the military. do you already have customers? >> yeah, we already have for this, roadrunner m, we already have a government customer. and we are in production right now ramping up production into larger quantities. you mentioned there's demand for these ings. i want to be clear,s the not just systems like this, it's large quantities of systems that can defend against these types of aerial threats. something we've seen in ukrae, something we've seen elsewhere. it's just a lited number of thgs are being made, numericall the quantities of the products is not matching up to the number of threats that our advearies are buildi, whether it's russia or iran or china or a wide range of others. >> such a key point, especially
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a time when restoing of supplies for the military is very much in focusight now. anduril is disruptive in terms of not only your business model, you spd your own money and pitch out to defensearket and others. >>e're more a defense products company than defense contractors. >> yes. you're aggressive with your price pots. who are you competing against? our price points because we have to be. we're a new entrant. we use our own money to build products, make them work, and then we sell them to the government. that's the vast majorityf our business model. we're inntivized to move quickly, reuse technology we're used in the past. we're incentivized to reuse those things that allows us to ve lower price points, wch is what you're invent vised to
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do. >> there have been reports you're ithe market to raise capital right now. as that true? b, us howe does that set you up in the cominyears for a potential ipo? >> anduril is going to ipo. that's not huge news. if people don't know they're not paying attention to twitter or our interviews. the government likes companies at are publicly traded for major programs. they like being able to outsource intelligence to wall street, the securities exchange commission, all these oh entri that are going to make sure yore not cooking your books you have the money to capitalize things prorly. they can have little more confidence you're not going to disappear and go out of business. our customers are telling us they wou like us to be a publicly traded company, but i think there's other strong reasons for us to be a publicly traded company as well, and to be something in america people can be part of outside of just
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our private investors who i absolutely love and adore. ny are people who i worked with in my previous company, ulus. i'd love to do good by them buck do something with everybody, too. >> palmer lucky, thanks for joininme here. >> thanks so much. >> melissa, send it ck to you. >> mike khouw,hat's your pick in defense? >> boeing, i think, actually. some of the other big contractors like raytheon and lock heed martin haven't been doing asell. boeing seems to be getng out of the woods on the commercial side as well. the you want to play defense and play commercial aerospace i think boeing is the way to do it. comi up, an old-faioned "options action." it is friday after all. november wrapping up with big winners. can the rally hang strong. can ogs of options doing what
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they do best after this break. this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for covery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. i could use a little help. yeah, there's a lot of risk out there. huh ♪♪ hey, is this thing hard to learn? nah, it's easy. huh. you know, i think i'm going to ride it home. good thing you chose u.s. bank toanage and grow your money.
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now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. welcome back to "fast money." november wrapping up a strong rally. boeing, way fair, crowd strike, all up double digits. coin base jump a whopping 62%
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for the month. regional banks inbounding. the kre up 10% in november. 5% just today. mike's got the trade today. >> some of the pressures in the pace are well known. there are economic pressures. they're overrepresented in terms of commercial real estate exposure, and we saw delinquencies for commercial buildings increase litly. if you think there's going to be a decrease in rates that's going to decrease the cost of deposits and increase interest margins. options on kre are also relatively cheap. i think we can play this to the upside. i was looking at a call spread going out to january. i was looking at the 48/53. i think it closed at 47.5 today.
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a way to play to the upside. >> that maybe includes a santa claus, rally, carter, that you don't believe in. >> we shall see. one chart, the kre. there are 140 stocks that comprise this etf. the market cap of all them add up is less than jp morgan. it's a beta trade. these are small domestic companies, and they are on the move. and so the thinking here is that we will recover to that trend line dmepicted in the chart. >> do you agree, even if it's begrudgingly? >> i agree i'd be playing this wi optns and i like the payout. >> we've seen the collapse. i agree with the beta trade aspect. the you look at -- the kre is down 19% year to date, while the klf is up 6%. had a great month. up 19% kre for the month, and
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xlf is up 11% some you're giving up a little bit of beta or maybe a lot of bit of beta. say that five times fast. but more safe for me is to buy the xlf. when these companies go out of business, who buys them? j.p. morgan. >> you're buying derek shire hathaway. >> it's okay. >> it's dominated by -- but it works, too. >> up next, final trades.
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a few years ag i came to saona, theyold me there'so electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve.
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trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud.
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time for the final trade. let's go around the horn. michael khouw. >> the vix is very cheap. you want to get into the market right now, buy january 406 calls. >> bonawyn eison. >> trend is extrely strong, but if you havbeen in, take am profits, gld. >> carter braxton worth. >> add to that slv. more to come. >> show went by quick. >> te flies when you're having
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one. >> do you like paperocks? wrk. this stock is currently my biggest position, and i ink it's going to double and i'm not exaggerating. >> all right. thank you for watching "fast money." we'll see you back here on monday for more "fast". thisv a my mission is simple, make you money. i am here level the playing field for all investors. there always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. >> hey, i am kramer. i'm not trying to make friends i'm just trying to make you money. call me at 1-80-3-cnbc rotation out of the agnificent seven into lots of other areas continue today.


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