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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  December 15, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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ability to place that order and get it quickly, something i asked the basic fund ceo about if customers want more of these care bears, how quickly could they get it? he has already brought a lot of them to u.s. shores through china. it could really get them in a matter of days this time around, very different from what we were looking at in 2021 with this exact same air. >> we had tomley on yesterday, two bears on overtime today. that will do it, "fast money " starts now. in the heart of new york city's times where, this is "fast money" here is what is on tap tonight, while streaking, that nasdaq and s&p into the weekend, this week nearly 20% of the s&p hit 50 two week highs. 1. below drop 12. we will debate that plus options. fedex delivery i had of big returns. can it still be a stocking stuffer for your portfolio?
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later, traders had to take the wraps off their chart of the week from burgers to builders, the bank will be on at the reveals and reasons behind their call. melissa lee coming to you live from studio bf in and nasdaq on the desk tonight. courtney garcia, looking back. i almost renamed you. and we start with a historic week for markets. the main driver today, the doubt managed to record close for the third straight session. it is up 13% from october lowe's. the nasdaq is up nearly 18%. all three indices closing out their second straight week of gains, even with today's slight loss, the s&p put on the longest winning streak since october 2017. how long can this seemingly hated rally keep rolling on? of course, the other backdrop to today's action, we had two fed speakers today, tim. >> dialback. >> just a little. it did not really work. >> when we got those stop clocks early in the week, and i
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know people glaze over about this tough, because we have been doing it so long, there were no dots hired and today. all the two happenings significantly lower than last year. say what you want, we have that look into the room. we have a pretty good understanding. back to the markets. this has been historic by a lot of different measures, almost by any measure 15 1/2% on the s&p, since the market turned on the 26th and 27th. what is probably most interesting, you have the dow jones outperforming. the dow certainly is revenge of the industrials. that is what it feels like. i think in between airlines, shippers, other parts of the complex, i actually think you could get more outperformance. if you think about where we are , steve likes to talk about this stuff and we all look at momentum in the market. overbought conditions can get worked up pretty quickly. at one point today, the dow was at a 90 rsi.
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as oversold as i have seen it going back five years. just where we are here, ultimately, what the fed did this week was over the doorway to asset classes. we will talk about those in our charts. i'm sure everyone has got a slightly different interpretation on this. huge week. >> can i ask before we move on? show of hands, who thinks we are going to rally into year end? raise your hand. everybody. the question is, after the 31st of this year, if we rally into year end, do you think we are setting up for disappointment next year? a lot of things have to go right next year in terms of the soft landing scenario or narrative that needs to happen in order for this rally to be validated. >> we are definitely setting a higher bar. a lot of this was prized even before the head indicated that they would be pivoting. the bar is higher. i think we will continue to see a good year next year. realistically, i would have thought this would happen earlier. there is a perfect set up for these values to outperform.
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then, a i was a big craze and we kind of set that along the sidelines. now, we are finally seeing that and i think we are just starting to see it come back around. a lot of these things rallying are still barreling for the year. i think we will continue to see that next year. >> i remember a couple of shows back i said i am begrudgingly finding ways to get long exposure. it has been painful, but ends up time, you have to determine whether you want to be right or make money. sometime, you have to eat humble pie and get involved. i think when you have people like me, that have found various ways and interpretations of why there is a buried case to this market, i think when you start to see those people capitulate, i think it should give you pause. we are still seeing the big said very subdued levels. next year, it really feels like there is no more possible pricing of the goldilocks scenario, even going into this. the fed was still saying to me or the rhetoric was, higher for longer. the plots now say the exact opposite of that. i wonder, what is the next
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thing to take us higher? we have ai, crypto currencies that are rallying, a robust and resilient housing economy. we have a bounce back in the regional banking system that has some contingent. all of the pockets where we thought there was some concern, there has seemed to be some resilience. what is the next driver? it definitely gives me caution to just go in him a full steam ahead, without at least taking some of it into consideration. >> so, last week, when carter was on, we said, what was the next leg higher? it was when the bears capitulate. when you see people throw in the towel and say, you know what, i was wrong, the market is going higher, then that is your pause. and the fed, they did not walk back on stopping to hike, they walked back on cutting. we are still at the end of the right hiking cycle, which means that the markets can go higher. once they peak i think goldman
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put out the average increase of markets was 18%, once rates have peaked. well, we have peaked, we still have more upside to go. >> nothing about this ruling is that it is predicated on this notion that the fed will in fact cut rates. wall street is getting over three rate cuts next year. that has to happen. in order for that to happen, inflation has to keep coming down. oil prices have to remain low. the consumer shows no stopping at this point. why are we to believe that inflation is actually in check? i am not trying to be a bear here, i am just trying to put out these points. we got to figure this out here. >> i think it is important to point out that the fed-- i think we have sticky inflation here, especially the services side. when we look at where jobs are, where wages are, the wage component, the work week being better. think about the economy we printed in the third
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quarter. that is my equities are having a good time here. because the economy is in a pretty good place, inflation is falling faster than the economy. if you think about where the growth has come from me this is where i think you should get most concern. there is the mag seven, and he said 493. you have this whole-- andy 493 have really been part of where the excitement is. this is where i would get back to. look at the week the airlines have had, the autoworkers have had, and there are of course reasons why in both of those sectors you have reason to feel like you have gotten some clarity, got it path some periods of uncertainty. to me, there is a dynamic where i think there is a limit to where we could trade on the floor. i go back to the three things that i thought were the biggest ingredients in my rates were going higher, that is an enormous amount of supply. is flying, a dynamic where you still have some late inflation that the fit is not comfortable with. these are ingredients that tell us that tenure, we have overreacted to the upside, i
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think overreacted to the downside. look at eggs, eggs are half the price. >> getting back to the question,-- $5, about $6 now. >> if you go organic. >> don't put me on the spot. i don't pay for el gato eggs. >> you can get eggs for $2.99. >> i don't want to catch them on the street falling out of a chicken. eggs are half the price. gasoline went from $5 a gallon to $3 per gallon. >> costco talked about that last night. the inflation 0 to 1% next year. >> and lumber, it looks like mount everest. $1600, now it has got a $500 handle on it. there are pockets of deflation, strong pockets of deflation that the average person cares about. and if you listen to johnny yelling, she says, there is still a cash award, i don't know about that, but people still have their jobs, the job market is still strong. >> i would argue we are seeing
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disinflation of pockets. i can't quite get on the deflation both. i will say, is the fed going to cut because of economic weakness him a possible recession where they are saying no? you still see retail spending strong, gdp resilience, which means, they are cutting a continued spur growth, which i believe i definition is inflationary. back to steve and tim's point, as far as these sticking, that is where the sticky inflation might rear its head, that is the wildcard that is not being priced in. >> that they start cutting and inflation comes back? that is why you get what we have today. there is no position to dial back to me they are in no position to be cutting now. we know what the market has none. we had a composite pmi today, services and manufacturing. manufacturing gets worse and worse every month, it seems. i know we are not a manufacturing economy, but those are some ingredients at
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least i think people point to. the service side was not that robust. leading indicators continue to tell us that the market is going to go into a recession. if you look at history, this is where it is. back to i think where you are trying to summarize, is the ed moving to offset significant weakness, or moving because they feel that inflation is back to their target? i think the reality is, it is going to be because of weaker growth. if anything, that is what will be driving the fed to pull back. >> what are you hearing from your clients in terms of the ones sitting on bonds? is there any willingness or desire to put that money into markets? >> not a ton. what i am hearing more so, and we can probably get into this more, the cash people have on hand. people are finally getting on board, maybe we should start looking into intermediate bonds. as far as the money market rate, people forget, you pay tax on that money and it will probably go down next year. you have to do something with it. i am getting a lot more
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interest in bond than equities, whether it is my recommendation or not, people are still conservative now. >> actually, investors are sashaying nearly $6 trillion in market funds as high interest rate gave those better turn to the stock market. a cost fall in 2024, will that hoard of cash make his way back into equities and push the markets higher? our next guest is, history could be telling otherwise. lpl financial, adam, good to have you with us. he reported about this in august . i thought this was the chart. it is not now, people aren't going to be cycling back into equities right now. >> that is the message history has told us when you look at the previous four major peaks in money market assets, they really did not start to roll over until they are well into the rate cutting cycle. i'm still getting used to saying rate cuts after the last year. that has been the trend in history. i do not see any slowdowns. if
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you look at november fund flows into money market assets, you have $200 billion going into money market assets, despite rates coming down. the trend is still up, for now. i do think you will have some flows coming into equity markets, of course, and support the market, especially a lot of us positioning, there is confidence in this market as well. i think we have seen the highest four interest rates. support for the market, i don't think it is worth holding your breath for a minute trench change with flows into money markets. >> and i agree with you. i see it with my clients. i think you also have a dynamic. how are folks feeling about-- do they feel like they have missed a move in the markets? when you think about the intensity, how quick the losses to move higher, which got a lot of people off the sidelines, it is great to learn 3 to 5% in the front end of the treasury curve, but at some point, equity outperform over time. when you see this kind of move in markets, it is hard to feel great if in fact you can cash out. speak the other opportunity is not lacking in some of these yields you are seeing in the
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market. if you are missing on both ends, missing the equity market rally, and some of this rally we have seen in treasuries, we think, and we have been telling our investors and clients to really lock in rates. you don't need to go further down the curb, you don't need to take additional credit risks and high-yield. lock some of these rates in now. the outside of yields is likely kept as we look at 2024. >> is there data, adam, on where that money actually goes when he goes from money market or treasury bonds? i am sure not a lot of it goes straight into equities. some of it must go elsewhere, like corporate, there must be some intermediate step. >> i think when you think about fund flows, income is probably going to be first downstream coming out of money markets. when you think about investors sitting in money markets from a comfortable standpoint, they probably will move into more of a fixed income, safer security versus chasing equity money rally. data, we could see pretty
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evidence of fund flows coming back just over the last week, of course powering this rally that we have seen brought it up significantly the last several weeks. >> and we will leave it there. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. you are mentioning before, you are finding ways to get constructive in this market, although it is tough to do that mentally. are you using the fact that the volatility is so low to use option positions instead of going all out in equity? >> i think that is the way to play. it gives you downside protection. you are able to take advantage of subdued volatility. you are participating at a very large cliff, paying like very little in terms of market participation, without taking on risks. we all agree, the risk reward, as we continue to march higher, is more skewed to the downside. >> i guess my question that i am arguing against, we are finalizing the earnings recession probably turning a corner here. that is what we will see
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earlier next year. does that change your opinion at all of where the markets are going long-term? met it also depends on rates. rates historically-- sorry, risk-free rates historically the last 20 years are still quite high. i would argue, being loan options would still give you up side, still continuing to earn risk-free, that pairing is really compelling to me. >> when we think about what pushed all f that money into money markets, it was the failure of regional banks. people wanted a return on the money. they had not had it before. for years, we have not been earning anything. now they have a 4%, 5% whatever the case may be. to your point, you have people going out saying, i want to own the 10-year note. not all of it will come back. maybe some of it stays. a lot of corporations keep it like cash and are earning something. markets on average are up 10% a year. so, stop taking, whether you are getting in at the lows, getting out at the house, wherever you are on your time horizon, you can pull the money
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back and go safely. money is up 10% on average a year. you are still beating that. >> appleshare is modestly lower after reports china is accelerating its iphone ban across government and state worms. reports say, this broader , more coordinated effort is a part of beijing's push to wean itself off of american technology. we knew about some level of shadow band within the government, within the chinese government, but this doesn't seem frightening in terms of geographic reach and the types of firms asked to dial back from american technology. >> not just american technology too, samsung is in the crossfire and it also coincides with a resurgence, where they actually have been able to put products out there that have been wildly popular. the local, national champion is now competitive. this also comes a week after gina raimondo was up there basically saying, china is our enemy. this is after all of the summit where she and biden on the west
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coast, but also multiple trips including secretary to go to beijing. i think that some of this is china pushing back. when apple was 30 points lower, we talked about how this was a threat to apple. now, apple is effectively at all-time highs. it should seemingly be for the stock a bigger threat. i was one of the people that said, i thought apple could go lower. i think it can go lower we are in a period where the market can go higher, all about five or six, seven stocks. apple is the biggest holder in the world i think apple is vulnerable. i think it is vulnerable on multiple, less about china. this is not news that helps. >> he has not had that great of a week. i think it is up 2% for the week, when everything has seemingly levitated. the higher beta stuff has really taken a jump. look at the regional banks, some of the solar companies. all around, you are seeing things low in peer to tim's
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point, apple has moved higher with the market if you want to argue, in fact apple is the market. i don't think you have seen outperformance by any stretch of the imagination. next, taking a trip around the world from brazil and beyond. if you are worried that the rally in the u.s. is running out of steam, should you be sending your money on an international voyage? could this highflying semi be the cheapest chip around? one of the top analyst is set to join to make his case of white this is a budget buy. this is "fast money" with melissa lee right here on cnbc. the smallest things are creating giant revolutions... at world wide technology, we're at the forefront of ai. with our one of a kind ai proving ground, cyber range, and full stack approach, you can build, test, protect and implement ai solutions that deliver for you and your customers... in a big way.
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welcome back to "fast money." markets emerging. mexico with particularly strong showings, both the e ww and i nda hitting near 52 week highs. domestic markets slow, are there more attractive alternatives overseas? a part of the equation too is the dollar, i would imagine, tim. what you think about overseas versus the u.s.? >> overseas there is developed, then emerging, then hybrid. i would advise on an etf of
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some hybrid or both. i think the opportunities now are everywhere. i look at japan, this is kind of like their state of the economy. if you saw the consumption, 32 year highs. you have got forced corporate government from the tsx, reflation, and of my cc. japan is booming, it is going to boom. companies like this are a digital company, a tech company. back to brazil, they cut rates this week. if you have an environment in the u.s. where you don't have a gross scare yet, you have got falling rates and falling inflation, this is a sweet spot. remember, if the fed starts cutting out of weakness, emerging will sell. the current scene is where you usually make a lot of money. i am arguing, the dollar has been at a 13 year fair market. it peaked last summer. since dollar peaked at the end of last summer, the euro has outperformed the s&p by 21%. you do get that tailwind from
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the currency. i think we have it. >> you are the ambassador for a reason because of your expertise and markets. what is your favorite now? >> overweight brazil, overweight mexico, like india. again, in the developed world, loved japan, loved the energy supercycle as it pertains to your emigrating, i think they actually break in at cheaper levels than the u.s. again, latin america now, you don't have to own china. that is why the ew in or bdo have underperformed, that is what he percent china. >> absolutely. china has been the big story we talk about china. it is such a large part of the index. i think india probably will be that next conversation. they just surpassed china with the largest population, now the fifth largest economy in the world here they were only the 10th about a decade ago. their average age there is about 28 me about 10 years younger than the average age in
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china. you are looking up where is the money going, where is the economy going? they will be a huge economy. you were talking about apple and how china might be banning iphones. they are already moving production. they are expecting that will be a big part of their revenue going forward, that part of the world and i think that is something you definitely want to take advantage of. >> i think this makes a strong, compelling case. for naprosyn, i think primary is around 11 1/4, all compelling dynamics. if you're looking for alternatives, the u.s. with that said, i have to put out the disclaimer, there has been, over the course of history, a value trap when it comes to equal europeans read versus the u.s. market. there are times where that looks cheap. over the long run me there is always an issue in the dynamic for the u.s. trades at a premium for a reason. leverage technology versus banking in the industry. >> there is a lot more "fast money" to coming up next erie
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as cyber criminals expand their toolkit, we must expand as well. we need to rethink... next level moments, need the next level network. [speaker continues in the background] the network with 24/7 built-in security. chip? at&t business. welcome back to "fast money." you name it, it is covered. the options are lighting up ahead of these key reports. mike got all the action and also delivering a trait on one
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of these names. that is a hint. mike k marx >> taking a look at three names, all three of them charting in our portfolio, actually. the first one is implying a move of about 5% higher or lower after they reviewed reported earnings. nike, moving a little bit more, moving about 5.7%. fedex has implied move up about 4.8%. that is the one we will take a look at. the good news, this is a company that has been aggressively trying to cut costs with their program that covers a number of key operational areas. after 2024, probably another $2 billion in potential savings, if they do that. the bad news, you can't cut your way to growth and the top line really has not been growing that much. what is interesting, in the month following earnings, this company has moved, on average, about 8%. we can actually spend just four percent, divide calls that go even further than that. i was looking at the february 280 calls, that one will cost a little over $14.
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that is actually slightly in the money. you're looking at basically an upside break of 4% to see profits on that trade and of course, you are mitigating your risk to the downside if the results are disappointing. anybody who saw how this company did late 2022, around the september earnings, knows how painful that can be because it had a big drop at that time. >> how are you feeling about fedex and ups? ups is giving rebates to a lot of customers. there could be some pricing pressure. i want to see if fed ex can remain firm on that. >> at a year ago at this time, not only they had pricing power, pushing through price increases, if we look at grout and immigration of some of those businesses, that x trends are good. if you think about where this company was four or 5/4 back, this was clearly a provement story. i think these numbers are going to be solid. i think industrials like this
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will continue to hire. >> also, fed ex did not have the ups union costs they had. it has outperformed itself 62% year to date, while ups is down roughly 6%. with gas coming in, another tailwind. i agree with tim, you don't want cost-cutting to be the main thing of the fundamentals, but that is definitely a tail end now. >> industrials overall had a pretty big rally since october lowe's or so to your point about the value trait coming back. we are seeing 16% gain on the industrial atf. fedex, of course one of the gangs. ups also fell off a cliff in october, gained it back. >> i think we are really going to see these things turn back around. you are just starting to see that. i don't think you missed the rally. i think you should probably invest in these things as they come back around, just like always. you will see a lot of the price action already happen. i don't think we are at the end of that and you want to make sure you have that position portfolio. that is likely the story, not only the end of this year, but
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going into 2024. >> right now, i think ups. typically, the spread is about two to three times in terms of the price of the earnings over the course of history, or recent history i should say. 15 1/2 and 6 1/2 respectively me that is narrowed to one. it has traded evenly. i think you are etting to the point where u.s. should be where you should be parking it appears >> this is one of those great pairs. we talk about target and walmart, in this case, you have actually seen that x outperform ups by over 65% year to date. and it makes sense. not only is ups trading as a premium, as it always does, but two times above where it normally does, usually about four terms of a better ex. this outperformance by fedex is extraordinary. maybe a relative value more expensive, but back to relative terms, it makes sense. mcgough, chips on the cheap. top analysts say, stock could also be the most undervalued in the states. we will sit down with the man behind that call, next. i have one when you can
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have four? that is the attitude we will bring to today's edition of chart of the week. more coming up next. more "fast money" coming up next. catches anytime on the go. follow the "fast money" podcast. we are back right after this. hear
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welcome back to "fast money." stocks closing out at historic games, locking in the longest winning weekly streak since february 2019. s&p up to a naprosyn, despite the slight pullback and nasdaq rising up 3% for the week. rocky shares signs surgeon 12% after the "wall street journal" reported the software company exploring a possible sale. stock is down 80% from its all- time high. the research reiterated its call today. the firm believes in the cheapest ai stock, sound counterintuitive, shares up 235% so far this year, trading less than 3% from an all-time high. stated harassment is behind that video call. good to have you on the show. welcome. >> good to be here. you think of the video as being the hottest ai around. when you take a look at fort
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evaluations, basically many, if not all of its peers at this point. >> it feels a little weird to complain about the stock that is more than tripled year to date. while that is happening, stocks have a bunch of earnings, i don't know quadrupled, they are up. multiples have been cut by two thirds. if anything, trading under 25 times, has not traded since the crypto bubble burst at the end of 2018. it is actually the discounts to the overall semiconductor. the stock is at 26 times, that has not happened since 2014, when there was no data center story. it is in fact the cheapest of all the stocks you would think the amount of ai plays, amd, or video is at 25 times. if those four numbers-- and that is the worry, we can talk about that. on the current consensus,
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estimates, nvidia is the cheapest of the ai's, even cheaper than the broader semi conductor. >> amd has had a massive run in just the past week to 10 days or so. is there anything we have learned about the product lineup that makes you think, perhaps money should go into amd, and that was to multiple is warranted? >> let's talk about it. why is nvidia so cheap? it feeds into that question. people are worried that the numbers are getting so big so quickly, they worry about sustainability. i will make it up, the southside is at $20 an earning. i think though worry is 25 next year, maybe the year after that 15. there is a worry there is an air pocket out there. they did something that was smart. they latched onto this ai story. they got products that look reasonably credible, and have given guidance. there is room
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to go up. they said, they would do more than $2 billion in ai revenue next year. that number could be 3 or 4, a rounding error. if in nvidia the 70 next year, that is disappointed. amd has left themselves. people have been migrating to that stock as a way to play ai, with maybe less perceived air pocket risks. whether that is justified is a whole other question, very expensive. i understand why it has had the move it has had. >> so when you look at nvidia, they have, i think 80, 85% of the market. correct me if i am wrong on that market right there. they always say, it is theirs to lose. is this just sent through an hourglass now, waiting on them to lose that marketshare? is amd the closest runner-up, or is this going to be spread around, where we will have to figure out what the permit feel stocks to play? >> there are other merchant
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suppliers like amd, and there is a roadmap with products on it, intel we can argue. players like google and the like that are doing their own chips, that is not new, actually. google has been on their own eight years. they are larger than anything we have seen with amd, only a piece you will buy those stocks. also bunch of startups, really hard to get scale. i would say, what i like about nvidia, they are not laying back , getting fat and happy. they are continuing to push the envelope, investing, shaping the market. they are accelerating their own product, anything out there today, even if it were competitive, it is not going to be competitive for long. probably h 200 that launches
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next year. they have got an entirely new architecture that launches the second half of next year. this is a moving target. in nvidia, to their credit , they are continuing to push that. they have not screwed anything up yet. >> there are all of these massive projections for dollars to be spent on ai. at some point, companies will have to think, am i getting a return on this investment. when do we hit the point where we will have to see that proof? have we seen it already? is the jury still out? how long before the company says, what are we getting? >> some of these big numbers we are seeing, nvidia, their current number is 300 billion . at least nvidia's number includes the chips and the servers, and the networking, all of the infrastructure that goes in. they actually sell all of that stuff. in that context, they are not crazy. they are actually quite plausible over time. in terms of getting a return, that is right. that is what needs to happen over the long-term, companies need to be able to build
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business models, driving revenue, or efficiencies. i think there is already evidence this is happening. it is still early. things like chat gpt have only been around a year. there is evidence that models and different ways of doing things and leveraging this technology are happening. it will take some time. i am confident that those will happen. if they did not have it, that would be the kiss of death for this whole space. nvidia, lots of news, i don't think that is the case. >> great to speak with you. thanks for your time. do you like bonawyn two, makes a good case, is this the cheapest on a foreign basis? >> really more expensive than most other things in the market. this is a piece of our portfolio, nothing i am jumping into now. i think the way interest rates are going, not something i want to be chasing. ai is going to be the story that will continue to benefit from that, but i would not chase, by any means. >> i think it is
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underappreciated that nvidia is the durability of this earning power. also, how long this spend has to go based on the current dimension, whatever the time is, also they are selling systems, not just shifts. i guess, and i think it is cheap too if you got 25, 26. the question is, how far do you want to. the consensus, 24, 1090 a share. at $10.90 a share on 24, we can do that math, call it $11. trading at 46, 47 times. if you take it out to 25, where there is actual consensus closer to 19, goes up to $24 a share, you are at a really attractive level, trading the inside of intel, 23, 24 times. i don't think it is expensive. it is hard for people to understand the dynamics. it is not hard. it is difficult for people to buy a stock at such a meteoric rise, up to 230% year to date
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me when in fact, a lot of this is based on the growth you will see next year. >> i agree there is a psychological barrier. >> you are long rate? >> i am. i do agree there is that psychological barrier. you have to think about what the opportunity cost is. people will continue to spend as long as there is a perceived opportunity cost of missing, but what has happened in the healthcare space with weight loss drugs. you must be in the game to be relevant. this is the largest driver of growth that we have seen the last 12 to 18 months. large data set models are pervasive in every, critical aspect of the economy. i just don't really understand how you can not at least hold your nose and allocate something here. even if it is a mighty come of what your portfolio is, the potential growth far outweighs and makes up for in is essentially like a d.c. situation where one stock can return the portfolio.
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>> i love nvidia, but it does get too extreme at these levels. even for me, they are the ones that don't have the pixie dust. they are the ones actually making revenue off these products already. nothing to take away from bono, i think he is on. for me, i am trying to see, can i go to a micron that is trying to supply the storage for all the different ai companies, everyone spooked out of micron. it is not nearly as the rest of this space. coming up, will the box office find a golden ticket with the walker debut this weekend? or has the grinch stole the holiday glory. one of our traders watching the juicy returns with this stoc sk.hould you buy into this name? we will reveal it straightahead. we are back.
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( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ ) welcome back to "fast money." it has been a mixed year for movie theaters, but now they are hoping for a strong holiday season. julia joins us with a look at what to expect at the end of the year and into the next. i will mention the writers strike, actors strike, that sort of put a wrench in
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everything. >> it put a wrench in the fall, but now the holiday season is off to a strong start with warner bros.'s wonka opening last night. that puts it on track to growth as much as $40 million this weekend. the film also opened with $43 million internationally over the past week. now, wonka will have to hold up throughout the holiday season, into the new year to justify the $125 million budget, that is estimated. now, warner bros., whose stock is up 7% this week, has the most on the line of all of the studios this holiday season. it also has two other big budget films, aquaman, as well as the color purple, a musical and that one is from oprah winfrey. the question is, whether those franchises, along with more austerity type films, the family movies, can both be box office across nine billion- dollar milestone. year to date, the box office is still $2 billion below 2019 levels,
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according to score. now, after a mixed year for the interchange stocks, there are concerns that next year, the box office will. that is j.p. morgan's prediction despite the franchise films on the calendar, including dolma 2, deadpool, transformers, and lord of the rings, even a mean girls movie. they are looking at the 2025 slate of films that include the new mission impossible sequel and new marvel movies. the 2025 box office will rebound. a word of warning, franchises are no longer a safe haven for studios. melissa, everyone is hoping for another surprise bonawyn for phenomenon. >> how are you feeling about the box office and studios? >> i think the actors strike and writer strike led to a lot of less content, whether the
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box office or traditional cable networks. i think it will continue to benefit places like the streaming services, where there is so much content there, there is a series you can watch over and over. he left at the box office, the more you will continue your subscription with netflix or disney. >> can we translate the barbiehimer? >> the barbie and oppenheimer peers >> i get it but-- >> two big hits, they opened at the same time. did you miss that whole thing? >> obviously. >> i did not see "barbie." coming up, after a huge week for stocks, we are asking each rater what one chart is topping thmie nds. what they say you should keep your eye on when "fast money" returns.
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i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. to helping people achieve their financial goals. i'm gonna be emotional, she's gonna be emotional, but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, it restores a lot of faith in humanity.
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welcome back to "fast money. " i have one when you can have four? that is right, it is friday on "fast money," and traders twice. four choices of the week for you. ladies first. >> i want to take a look at homebuilders here. obviously, interest rates coming down. that was the big news this week. this is one industry sensitive to interest rates changing your
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the one thing fascinating, it has done well, even in the face of higher interest rates all year. what is happening is fascinating. about 60% of homes out there have a mortgage. 90% are at 4% interest rate or less. even with rates coming down, most people who own a home, rates aren't going to come down enough for it to be cheaper for them to sell it. that will be beneficial to homebuilders. but also, every time interest rates go down, it will bring this whole sort of people able to sell homes and it will benefit them. they benefited in general, lower interest rates will make that continue to go better. >> tim? >> what is good for the housing market is good for regional banks, which is my chart. i looked at the 6.2 present outperformance of the kr e, relative to the snp in a big week. it tells me, that is the real economy at work. regional banks are in a much better place, not only because real estate dynamics, frankly rough effects, obviously also a real estate dynamics. that to me is a part of the market. regionals have been the center
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of the storm i think you can continue peers >> let's be clear before we move on to the other charts, you bring these as charts of the week me but these are charts you like. you are constructive on banks and you on homeowners? >> yes, but i also think it is important for the market and tone and what happened this week, the fact that you get this move in banks is why it is my chart. >> steve, what is shaking? >> i see what you did there. shake shack. i recently bought this one a week ago on ray j price target increase and they upgraded the stock. based on expanding margins, expanding footprints. there is only 500 shake shack locations globally. there is over 40,000 mcdonald's . there is a tremendous amount of room to grow off this. that was the first step in the market rallying this week. the second one was the ceo stepping down. why is that a good thing? randy rudy has been there 20
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years. at this point, he wants to spend more time with his family and they want to hire a growth ceo. that will be another leg. international growth, more kiosks, more tractors, a lot of upside. >> surprise. interest rate sensitive as well. i think that is the prevailing theme this week. you are seeing first run from me at 140 to 170. i don't think that is to be overlooked. it seemed like the sector was lost and forgotten. you have seen that completely reverse along the back of the fed policy news. i think you will want to be in the areas that are a bit more sensitive to utilities, rather than retail suppliers. i think this fits squarely in that hole. next, fil natrades. the first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado.
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time for the final trade on this friday. tim? >> congrats to longtime producer bree doyle. he is moving on to exciting new pastors. thank you for all of your help. the largest position in the ip. >> courtney? >> dell. we are actually about to hit the three-year cycle where after covid everybody got pcs, they will need them again. >> not going to fight the fed,
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they have clearly given runway to growth names. soul appeared >> crisper, the first ever fda approval for gene editing. it has been up-and-down a lot of runway for the stock to move high. best of luck to my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. >> hey, i'm kramer, welcome to "mad money", i'm just trying to make you a little money. my job is not just to entertain but to put into context, so call me at this number. we keep waiting for the ball to get exhausted, we thin


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