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tv   Worldwide Exchange  CNBC  January 9, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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it is 5:00 a.m. here at cnbc global headquarters and here is your "five@5." we start with stocks coming off the best day in months as the tech traded rallies back to life, but futures are making it look like just a one-day bounce. in portland, investigators recover the blown out door panel. now the focus is on the ground issues with the 737 max-9 jets. what is shaping up to be a very busy week for healthcare
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and pharma. the world's largest memory chip maker warning of the profit shortfall. and later, a topline spending deal reached in d.c. why getting it over the finish line could lead to more drama in d.c. it's tuesday, january 9th, 2024. you're watching "worldwide exchange" right here on cnbc. ♪ good morning and welcome to "worldwide exchange." i'm frank holland. let's get you ready to start the day. we kickoff the hour with the check of the u.s. stock futures with the nasdaq and s&p coming och off the best day since early november. the dow would open up lower for a second straight day. a huge part of the yesterday's move was nvidia surging to a
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fresh record high. we will have more with dan ives in a moment. we are checking the bond market with yields staying steady. we will talk more about bonds later on in the show. the former bond king weighing in. the yield over 4%. 4.04 this morning. in energy, oil coming off the worst day closing down more than 4% to nearly $70 a barrel. this morning, a bit of a rebound. wti trading at $72 a barrel. up 1.75%. similar for brent crude trading at $77.60 a barrel this morning. that's the he set up for th u.s. markets. let's go to joumanna bercetche in the london newsroom for the european markets. >> european markets not joining
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the rally from wall street yesterday. the ftse 100 as you see is the out performer. we see a boost from oil and gas stocks as you mentioned. also retailers are in focus with m & s with stronger sales numbers for christmas season. the dax is down .25%. we had an update from automakers. cac 40 is down .10%. the prime minister has stepped down. the cabinet reshuffle is expected to happen today. the ibex in spain is down 1.4%. that is because of one stock in particular which is grifols which opened 42% weaker after the hedge fund indicating this
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healthcare stock cooking up their numbers. a sharp reaction to the downside in terms of the ibex today. as for the autos in germany, a couple of things to watch. bmw with the 10.3% growth selling 2.56 million units across 2023. volkswagen as well reported a 6.7% increase in vehicle sales in 2023 with sales of electric vehicles jumping over 21%. those numbers came in better than expected, but we are dropping in trade. frank. >> joumanna bercetche live in our london newsroom. turning to alaska airlines flight 1282. shares of boeing and alaska air and spirit aerosystems all looking to rebound after boeing dropped yesterday. the focus today is on the grounded fleet with 177 boeing
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737 max-9 jets. during the investigations, united and alaska say they found loose parts on the grounded aircraft, including quote instances that appeared to be related to installation issues with the door plug or bolts that needed additional tightening. an update yesterday, the ntsb says it cannot tell yet if the recovered cabin panel that blew off the jet had been properlly at attached. pressurization leaks appear to have no impact on what happened. >> we verified from the maintenance logs that the redundant system operated as designed on december 7th, january 3rd and january 4th going into the alt mode and not going into the manual mode. at this time, we have no indications whatsoever that this correlated in any way to the
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expulsion of the door plug and the rapid decompression. >> again, boeing shares looking to rebound this morning. lower .75%. we will keep you updated here on cnbc. time for the check on the top corporate stories with silvana henao. silvana, good morning. >> frank, good morning. let's start with hp. it is in talks to buy juniper networks in a deal that would value the company at $13 billion with a deal expected as early as this week. last year, hp said it was ruling outs a cloud computing service designed to power a.i. systems similar to chatgpt and a deal for juniper would help in that effort. along with hardware, juniper is known for network security and enterprise network security. shares of hpe is downth 8.5 in e
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pre-market. and the federal reserve governor michelle bowman an adjusted her stance and now sees the rate hiking cycle as likely over. she is adding she is not starting to advocate for cuts just yet. speaking at the private event in south carolina, bowman says progress has been made against inflation and says the bank should continue with short-term rates at the current levels. shares of samsung under pressure in overseas trading. the world's largest memory chip maker says its operating profit fell 35% last quarter to $2.1 billion. that is a far short of estimate closer to $2.8 billion. the shortfall weighed on the results. in late october, sk, the second
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largest chipmaker, signalled that weak demand may have finally bottomed out. frank. >> we will watch that. shares down 2.5%. silvana, see you later on. turning attention back to wall street. the ten-year treasury inching back above 4% after falling below the key level yesterday. former bond king phil gross calling it overvalued at 4%. gross said advocating for the 2/10 year earns more carry. we have more with seema shah to discuss. good morning. >> good morning. >> he is a fan of the two-year treasury or the treasury protected tips. what is your take? are you a fan of the two-year
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bond? >> i do think there is some pressure on the ten-year term in the near term. at the end of last year, the market is pricing in cuts and prematurely. we are not expecting interest rate cuts to come as soon as march. you will see continued resilience for the time being in the labor market and other data. that should put a little the bit further pressure. if you are looking at the year as a whole, we are anticipating in the middle of the year, you will see interest rate cuts not just in the fed, but ecb and bank of england. accompanied with that is an economic slowdown. both factors should put some downward pressure on years. >> according to the recent note, you see a rally in the second half of the year. in q1 and q2, you see a lot of
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volatility. what is the catalyst for the volatility? earnings season kicks off later this week. >> at the end of last year, it was priced to perfection. little chance for good news to continue or push the rally up another leg. at the beginning of the year, we are anticipating a pushback which should add volatility. as you get to q2, some evidence of the economic slowdown which we think investors will be a little bit concerned by and that will volatility. investors need to look through the noise and recognize once the fed does start to reduce rates provided it is not accompanied by recession, you should see equities perform fairly well. that also extends to cyclical parts of the market with small caps. >> you are mentioning more cyclical parts.
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i want talk about the magnificent seven. we saw nvidia moving to new record highs. apple has an announcement with the pre-orders of the vision pro headset. how do you see these shaping up in the first half of the year? >> we can't exaggerate that importance. i'm not expecting weakness. i think earnings performance should be good. valuations are extended. investors now need to see proof in some of the numbers with the elevated expectations. i think thing magnificent seven may not see the same kind of rally they saw in 2023. that is not to say we are anticipating a significant pull back. it probably won't match the gains we saw last year. >> seema shah sees a second half rally. we will see.
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s seema, thank you. turning attention to another developing story. ahead of the general elections in taiwan, the authorities in the territory say beijing launched a satellite and urging caution. eunice yoon is joining us on the cnbc news line from beijing. eu eunice. >> reporter: thanks, frank. here in beijing, chinese state media and state tv said the satellite had been launched from the satellite center in southwest province. it is described as a mission complete success. the defense ministry in taiwan has said this satellite was launched at around 3:00 p.m. this afternoon and it flew over southern taiwan's air space. residents across the island had been reporting receiving an air raid alert warning on the mobile phones asking people to be careful. if they see any unidentified
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material, they should notify the police. they are tracking the trajectory to appropriately alert and respond to the situation. frank. >> eunice yoon, taiwan says beijing launched a satellite ahead of their elections. could this impact the elections for taiwan? >> reporter: it is very interesting that this would come a few days before taiwan votes for a new president. the chinese have had a long pattern of trying to influence elections in taiwan through different military style intimidation. this goes back to the 1990s. 1996 is when the shot in the taiwan straits. there were officials trying to
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paint the preferred choice as the candidate as a choice between war and peace an. we are seeing parallels here because the message here was voting for the current candidate who was not seen favorably by beijing was tantamount to war. we are seeing that pattern by beijing authorities. >> certainly a developing story. eunice yoon, we know you will stay on top of it. eunice yoon on the cnbc business news line. thank you. more to come on "worldwide exchange," including the one word investors have to know today. first, the ces kicking off this week and the timing could not be better in light of the chip bounce back. the stocks on dan ives list.
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arn later, a top line spending deal reached in d.c. why getting it over the finish line will be anything but easy. a very busy hour when "worldwide exchange" returns. [disconcerting stomach gurgle] not again.
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maybe i should get this looked at? [suggestive stomach gurgle] zocdoc? [talkative stomach gurgle] you're right, i bet they deal with this all the time. dr. finley really puts you at ease. let's do it! you've got more options than you know. book now. the power goes out and we still have wifi you've got moreto do our and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem.
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introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. welcome back to "worldwide exchange." tech stocks rebounded after the sour start of the year.
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vaneck hitting a record high after re vveals the big desktop a.i. partnership. the rally in tech helping apple move higher snapping the five-day losing streak. apple will take pre-orders for the vision pro headset. let's talk more about what we can expect from ces with dan ives. he is currently in vegas for the event. calling it a late night or early day for us. dan, good morning. >> great to be here. >> let's start with apple. apple shares down 4% since the year started. the vision pro headset. is this the next iphone or is
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this hype? >> i think it is important in terms of the next form factor. frank, the most important thing is this all the start of the a.i. vision from kcupertino in terms of the a.i. app store. i think many yelling fire in the crowded theater is bullish. >> dan, i have to be fair. you are bullish on all tech. including nvidia. it hit a fresh record high yesterday after announcing the chip that powers a.i. at home. how meaningful is the release of the chip? is it a catalyst to move the magnificent seven trade higher this year? >> frank, i believe this a.i. revolution is here. i have been coming to ces for de decades. this is the biggest in of the last 30 years. nvidia, the godfather of a.i.
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this is the next stage as they move into healthcare and other verticals. many are starting to see this a.i. move is a get out the popcorn moment which is just starting for nvidia. >> i want to talk about the evs. a number of vehicles with the news. that hasn't had a straight up line. it has had fits and starts. how critical is this for ev adoption? >> it is critical. you see demand modestly wane gl globally. this is a significant doubling down from the perspective with the foreign automakers which are going after the market share. we are seeing autos and ev and transformation happening. competition is heating up. this is a do or die moment for the ev players when it comes to
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ces. >> dan, i want to ask you according to the survey by wedbush, 50% of enterprises see 20% use of a.i. you are meeting with companies about monetizing a.i. in a extensentence or two, how u see a.i.? >> i think the street is under estimating it. use cases are exploding. i think this is a get out the popcorn moment. >> probably the most bullish person with tech on the street. dan ives. i know you hosted a party last night. great to see you. >> thank you. >> cnbc will be live from vegas with coverage of ces all week long. we will have the ceos of siemens and loir'oreal and sam's club.
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this morning, british pharmaceutical giant gsk is announcing a $1.4 billion deal to buy san francisco's aiolos bio. it expands the asthma drug pipeline. the wall street journal is reporting that novartis is close to making a deal for cytokinetics. one drug could estimate up to $3.6 billion of sales by 2032. this includes the deal for amblos. it is coinciding with the jpmorgan chase healthcare conference where jim cramer is there.
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one big player is obesity and weight loss. >> 4 billion people are likely to be obese by 2025. that is a massive market opportunity. most analysts peg the obesity market around $100 billion. there will be many opportunities for many players to be in the market. >> we have about a half dozen other projects, that we are generating data for. we think overnight time, there be a need of medicines to address the global obesity epidemic. >> our coverage of the jpmorgan chase covenference continues at 10:15 a.m. eastern with the ceo of eli lilly. the big money movers and retailer popping ahead of the open. a bk ghafr iswereacrit teth.
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what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the
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energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and welcome back to "worldwide exchange." i'm frances rivera with the nbc news headlines. fire officials are looking into an explosion that left 21 injured. it blasted the hotel in downtown fort worth yesterday blowing out frames on the first and second floor. the explosion was sparked by a
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gas leak. firefighters say one suffered critical injuries and four others seriously hurt. donald trump will be back in court today in washington, d.c. the former president will attend a hearing in the interference case. the federal grand jury inndicte trump on the efforts to overthrow the 2020 election. he will argue claims he had immunity because he was president at the time. and the wolverines set the tone early. the run from donovan edwards was just one of the four rushing touchdowns that michigan punched in over washington. jim harbaugh and the wolverines take home the first title since 1997. 34-13. frank, back to you. >> michigan championship by a michigan man. go blue. i'm happy. >> you got it. >> frances rivera live in new
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york. thank you. time for the big money movers. we start with urban outfitter shares moving higher on the positive holiday sales update. total company net sales rose 10% in november and december. the free people stores. shares of the extreme network cutting q2 revenue guidance from $312 million to $307 million. management says the revised outlook is issues with the elongated sales cycles as more deals are pushed out. and micro chip shares lowering the revenue forecast calling for a 22% revenue decline. the company says the weakening economic environment is weighing on demand as customers look to derisk inconvventory positions.
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now oil is coming off the worst day since mid-november closing down 4% to nearly $70 a barrel. you see the rebound up 2% across the board. a focus on natural gas as the u.s. officially becomes the world's largest exporter of lng. pippa stevens is here with more on the rise. pippa. >> good morning, frank. the u.s. rising to the top spot in 2023 overtaking australia and qatar to become the largest global lng exporter. in 2023, exports rose to 86.15 million metric tons. that was up from the 2022 levels and made up 21% of global lng exports. the majority is 65% which is going to europe after the eu moved away from russian gas. asia and latin america received 27% and 7% of u.s. lng.
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there are seven lng plants in the u.s. with more under production. the total exports from north america will double by 2027 which has led some to believe we'll have too much. still, there are a host of companies looking to take advantage of the growing market. that's everything from the up stream gas producers like chesapeake and eqt to the companies that own the pipelines that transport the gas to the lng plants. of course, the companies that own the liquid plants. frank, it has happened quickly given the lower 48 states started exports in 2016. a really massive growth here. >> pippa, given all this demand for lng, what does it mean for u.s. prices? >> that is a concern that lng is 50% of the total u.s. gas supply. we have record exports.
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lng depends on cheap gas that it is more expensive to cool and ship and re-gasify. the u.s. has that. there has always been a concern of what if we don't have enough. so far, that narrative hasn't come to fruition. we did see henry hub spike in the fall of 2022 when everyone was worried about the europe crisis, but producers responded quickly and prices came back down. it is certainly something to watch going forward. a lot of consumers are dealing with record inflation and utility bills are no exception, but we have record exports as well as a cap on prices. >> pippa steven, thank you very much. coming up here on "worldwide exchange," an activist investor takes issue with the dating
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scene and puts shares of match group on alert. we'll be back with much more. stay with us. hi, i'm sally. i'm from phoenix, arizona. i'm a flight nurse on a helicopter that specializes in trauma. i've been doing flight nursing for 24 years. as you get older, your brain slows down and i had a fear that i wouldn't be able to keep up. i heard about prevagen from a friend. i read the clinical study on it and it had good reviews. i've been taking prevagen now for five years and it's really helped me stay sharp and present.
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it's really worked for me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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it is after 5:30 a.m. in the new york city area. there's a lot more ahead on "worldwide exchange." here's what's on deck. stocks rallying to start the trading week. the mega cap tech spbouncing ba.
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and boeing scrutiny with new details into the investigation and what happened. and the race is on by house speaker mike johnson to get critical support to get a government funding deal over the finish line as he faces pushback from his party. it is tuesday, january 9th. you are watching "worldwide exchange" here on cnbc. welcome back to "worldwide exchange." i'm frank holland. we kickoff the hour with the check of the u.s. stock futures. the nasdaq and s&p coming off the best day since early november. futures are solidly in the red. the dow would open up 100 points lower. nasdaq down more than .30%. back to the nasdaq and tech. huge part of the move yesterday was nvidia and chip stocks.
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surging to the fresh regard high on the a.i. announcements. nvidia up .50% in the pre-market. we are checking the bond market with yields above 4%. the ten-year yield is 4.03. bill gross said at this yield, the ten-year yield is overvalued. that is the set up now. let's turn our attention to the developments with the alaska airline flight 1282. boeing and separate aerosystems and alaska airline are trying to regroup. attention remains focused on the 177 jets owned by alaska and boeing and others. united and alaska found loose parts on the grounded aircraft. including inn sstances that app to be related to the
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installations in the door plug or bolts needing additional tightening. the ntsb said it cannot tell yet if the recovered cabin panel had been properly attached. regulators adding pressurization warnings and cracks leading up to the flight appeared to have no impact on what happened on friday. again, boeing shares lower this morning after the 8% drop yesterday. we will update you throughout the hour and the day. time for the check on the morning's top corporate stories with silvana henao. >> frank, good morning. elliott investment management building a stake in match group. this is according to the wall street journal which says the position equals $1 billion in the parent company ttinder and hinge. they are looking to see how match can turn itself around.
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it is unclear if it fans to nominate directors. jetblue announcing the ceo is stepping down. the company is saying robin hayes will step down next month. jetblue's coo will replace hayes becoming the first woman to lead a major u.s. carrcarrier. shares of unity software climbing ahead of the open. up 2% in pre-market. this after announcing laying off 1,800 employees or 25% of the work force. unity saying cuts are part of the corporate restructuring plan. the move marks the latest round of layoffs of the gaming technologies company. it said it would carry out the financial evaluation which would include reducing work force and
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discontinuing certain products. >> restructured our graphics. you looked there and you expect a different number. up 2%. silvana, thank you very much. turning attention now to washington where the house returns from the christmas recess today. house speake johnson has less than two weeks to pass a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. he needs to strike a deal with democratic leaders over the weekend to cut fiscal spending to around $1.6 trillion. lawmakers have to figure out how to direct the money before the funds run out. let's discuss this with courtney gillman at strategas securities. >> thank you for having me. >> let's talk about the test for
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house speaker mike johnson. what is your outlook on the bill passed and republicans having a narrow majority in the house? >> i think you have to appreciate the good faith effort. they reached the top line agreement on the bill as you noted. they have to get specific appropriations agreements on 12 bills. four of those due by january 19 are base case at this point is a partial shutdown because some of the bills on the 19th will be difficult to get bipartisan agreement on for the appropriations process. there is limited time. >> time is running out. as we see these negotiations ge deadline, what is the issue that mike johnson is seeing? the congress is unproductive. 27 bills s passed so far. >> narrow majorities make it
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difficult. as you noted, conservatives are angry about the deal. they don't think johnson is securing anything additional from mccarthy. he doesn't have the full conference hundrbehind him. he will have to pass these bills under the suspension of the rules. that means 2/3 vote in the house. he needs democratic votes to pass the senate and signed by a democratic president. he is limited in what he can do here. we had stories last night about some members talking about not ruling out the motion to vacate. those conversations are too early. i don't think the majority of the republican party is eager to have another speakership fight. >> last, but not least, the investor impact. do you believe a partial shutdown or a full shutdown is a macro risk or a market risk? >> we don't see future shutdowns
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a big macro or market risk let alone a partial shutdown. i would say i do think we had three of these now in the span of a couple of months. i think investors are probably not paying too much attention to the news stories and there are broader implications that are important. if they can't reach a deal, we go into sequestration on march 1st. this has an implication for a $100 billion tax bill with r&d which impacts bio-tech and defense. it impacts taiwan and ukraine. >> a lot to pay attention to. courtney gelman, thank you. coming up on "worldwide exchange," pivot by one fed policy hawk and what she is now saying about the path forward about the central bank's interest rate hiking cycle. some of your top trending
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stories. a tiger may never change its stripes. tiger ending his deal with nike. saying his time was filled with amazing memories and moments, but ready for another chapter. woods is one of the greatest athletes the world has ever seen. speaking of mvp, michael jordan's sneakers are expected to fetch $10 million at auction next month. it is the most valuable sneaker collection brought to market. the last auction broke the record. and tony soprano is making his way to social media in time for the anniversary. a new sopranos tiktok account of all 86 episodes. hbo max platform is out with an anniversary collection for the
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show with five hours of behind the scenes content. more "wex" coming up after this.
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quwelcome back to "worldwid exchange." hapag lloyd will continue to divert the ships around the suez
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canal. the company representative says it will review the issues. shares up 2.5%. time for the morning call sheet. morgan stanley upgrading crowdstrike moving to overweight and $304 per share. it sees improving demand for crowdstrike as accelerating cyber attacks and a.i. tailwinds drive to the upside. shares up 2% in the pre-market. citi downgrading netflix from kneutral to buy. price target premains the same t $500 per share. and jeff sries is upgrading keycorp. shares up 1% right now. time for the global
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briefing. shares of samsung falling in overseas trading after the 35% drop in operating profit for the fourth yquarter of 2023. the estimate of $2.1 billion is falling short of the expectations. samsung says high inflation and hardware oversupply is the issue. and india is ramping up starbucks. the venture with the u.s. coffee giant and tata consumer giant will operate 1,000 locations in india by 2028. the company saying it plans to double the work force as it faces intense competition. and news from airbus close to a significant deal with delta airlines. delta is looking to lock in an order for wide body jets, including extra a-350 1,000 aircraft.
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the deal could come as early as friday when delta airlines reports. coming up on "worldwide exchange," the one word every investor needs to know today and our next guest says the area that has plenty of rally left for the year. we'll be right back with more. how am i going to find a doctor when i'm hallucinating? what about zocdoc? so many options. yeah, and dr. xichun even takes your sketchy insurance. xi-chun, xi-chun, xi-chun! you've got more options than you know. book now.
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what is cirkul? cirkul is
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the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and welcome back to "worldwide exchange." time for the "wex wrap-up." the taiwan government sending an alert to citizens saying a chinese satellite has been launched. and michael o'leary is speaking with the financial times over the boeing warning. the profits will fall because of manufacturing issues plaguing boeing and airbus. hp enterprise is in talks to buy juniper in a deal worth $13
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billion. we are watching shares of apple this morning after snapping the five-day losing streak saying will begin taking pre-orders for the vision pro headset. and gsk is buying aiolos bio-. it . and michelle bowman adjusted her stance and sees the interest rate hiking cycle as likely over. she is not ready to advocate for cuts just yet. investors are facing a busy week to set the tone for the markets in 2024 with the inflation data and the kickoff of earnings season. let's bring in victoria greene the at g square private wealth. vicky, good morning. >> good morning, frank. >> i was looking at futures this morning. what do you make of the pressure
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on the dow, but the nasdaq as well? >> i think some of it is we r ran so hard so fast in november and december and everybody expected a breather and ckc consol consolidation. anytime it goes up that fast, it cannot continue at that pace. step back and take a breather. i think of it as we got pulled over for speeding and we are getting a warning ticket. slow down. pump the brakes. there is a lot of the trends in tact with the presidential cycle and earnings look to be growing. for me, it is a breather and pause. it is not the end of the world. >> give us a sense. how do you see today shaping up? what is your word of the day? >> it is whipsaw. i feel everybody is whipsawing back and forth. is it good or bad or is the world falling apart? mark twain said the report of my death has been greatly
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exaggerated. that is how i feel with everybody ratie hating on the b market and apple. they have been wrong in the past. everybody has been pointing to the weakening sales in china. that has been known for a year. non of none of this is unexpected. the end of the world is not happening. >> i think everybody needs to take a deep breath. i want to talk about tech in general. big announcement from nvidia and apple. the pre-order date for the vision pro headset. how do you see what we will hear from ces with tech influencing the action today? >> i think ces is phenomenal. it blows my mind how quickly technology is evolving. i sound like a boomer. i think ce, is pushing things forward. a.i. is still in play for 2024.
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even if we follow and exaccelere the internet path, you have the rally and momentum. it is the theme that analysts point to for accelerating margins. you can do more with less staffing. we may have taken a little bit of profits and pulling back to target benchmark. >> one quick question for you. netflix shares down 3% right now. the downgrade on expectations being too lofty. it is a high valuation name. 34 times forward earnings. what do you make of the downgrade? >> i love netflix. there are a couple of people which are not netflix bulls. they are continuing to monetize in different ways with the ad platforms. the crackdown is underestimated. s citi kept the price target in tact. that is interesting. they are continuing to monetize areas which have not been monetized before. it is almost the amazon model of
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keeping the core business and expand the add on. if they figure out gaming, that is a new line of business. i'm bullish on netflix. >> i want to get to your pick. unh. timely with jpm healthcare conference. why do you think now is the time to buy unh? >> i think they are a fantastic market leader position with healthcare. they are seeing better premiums. insurance has been a sore point in inflation. they continue to see premium increases with optum. they are spinning off the brazilian operations which is a net plus. they are operating loss. i love what united health is doing. they are just the leader in managed care. that is one area of the world that is protected. even if people lose jobs, they will go to medicare or medicaid or the government plan. they have built-in revenue
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growth. >> victoria greene, thank you. futures in the red across the board. the dow would open up more than 100 points lower. that does it for us. "squawk box" is coming up next. thanks for watching.
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good morning. developing story on boeing. both united and alaska air have found what we're calling loose hardware in their inspections of the grounded 737 max-9 planes. bolts and such. details straight ahead. fed governor michelle bowman adjusting her stance on interest rates. a reverse pivpivot. she says hikes are likely over, but not ready to cut yet.
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and pepsi is calling out who was responsible for pulling items from the shelves. the gang is all here. "squawk box" begins right now. good morning. welcome to "squawk box" here on cnbc. we are live from the nasdaq market site in times square. i'm becky quick along with joe kernen and andrew ross sorkin. the gang is all here. first time we have all been together in a long time. >> it will be this way for a while. >> we're going davos. >> sunday. sunday. sunday. boeing. >> it's a date. >> let's pick things up.


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