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tv   Power Lunch  CNBC  January 24, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm EST

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oh no, a rash. maybe it'll go away. awww, how am i going to find a doctor i'll actually like? is that a qr code? dr. stafford makes you feel at ease. thanks rash! you've got more options than you know. book now. >> welcome to power lunch, everybody, alongside contessa brewer. dave calhoun basin questions about boeing safety procedures. elon musk facing investors as tesla reports after the bell. >> presidential politics, is trump-by linda siegel a certainty? if so, all of the big money that has been behind nikki haley, with the move to donald trump as he tries to retake the
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white house? but first let's get a check on the markets. the stock slightly higher. the nasdaq higher than a little less that 1%. there you are seeing the dow jones and the s&p 500 and half a percent it -- have a percentage. netflix getting a boost, helped by continued crackdowns on account sharing. that has been a big for them. >> boosting technology will be microsoft and meta. microsoft crossing the $3 million cab level. meta getting back above $1 trillion. let's begin with the boeing ceo meeting with senators in washington to answer questions regarding the 737 blowout. the faa promises to take a direct inspection approach. and then on the ground tesla earnings after the bell have some firms expressing caution about the months ahead.
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wolf research added tesla and his earnings blowup warning list . let's begin with boeing. hello, phil. >> let some arrive exactly what's happening. things are changing hour by hour depending on what you hear washington and seattle, where alaska airlines is based, owing is based. let's with the alaskan air ceo ben minicucci. yesterday he summarized how he feels. i am angry. by the way, we will hear from ben minicucci tomorrow after the company reports fourth quarter results. meanwhile the faa following through on what they told me a week ago that they would be adding on the ground inspections at the boeing facility in renton, washington. as for boeing and the ceo dave calhoun, he was meeting with
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senators on capitol hill. here are some of what he had to say after a few of those meetings. >> we fly safe planes. we do not put airplanes in the air that we do not have 100% confidence in. i am here today in the spirit of transparency to number one recognize the seriousness. two, to share everything that i can with our capitol hill interest and answer all their questions. they have a lot of them. >> as a take a look at shares of boeing member the company will be reporting fourth quarter results next week. dave calhoun taking a far different approach than what we saw from his predecessor during the max. he did not go to capitol hill right away to say i understand the concern and as a result a lot of people in washington were furious by the time they held hearings. curious if there will be hearings in this case with regard to the max 9 and his grounding. >> it does seem calhoun has owned this and certainly has
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been up-front. he has been in front. you've talked to him and everybody, right? >> absolutely. they are not dodging this. they understand there is no way to make this look positive. there is no way to spend this aside from say we screwed up. we are going to fix it and make sure it doesn't happen again. that is the bottom line. the question is how quickly can you fix it? how quickly can you reassure regulators in washington and won't happen again? >> in my have been tempting to push some of the "blame" backlog spirit aerosystems. did i get the name right for once? >> yes. >> spirit aerosystems, the fuselage manufacturer. >> ultimately the ntsb will make a determination in terms
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of the root cause. if you push the blame off on spirit, which they have not been doing. ultimately they been saying anything that comes out of this factory has our name on it. they realize the ntsb is going to make a determination. that will be the ultimate decision in terms of what caused the accident. our next guest that calhoun is doing the right thing by interfacing with officials in d.c. let's bring in the lead analyst. welcome, good to have you here. both phil and i acknowledge mr. calhoun has been up-front on behalf of boeing this matter of the door plugs, but is that enough? it would seem to me that airlines who have done a lot of business with boeing maybe going here we go again after the 737-8 max issue. this may be a company that has intrinsic afety issues? >> i think what we compare this
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to the situation before the max grounding in my mind this is a different situation. this is post-covid. one of the key differences is in the workforce. we have a different factory floor today and we had five years ago. clearly there have been lessons learned going through the max experience a few years ago and seeing how calhoun has taken note of that, i do think he is trying to put boeing's best foot forward here and acknowledge that they need the tightest possible oversight on the factory floor. again, this is because we have a much newer workforce that has yet to get up the learning curve. >> that is what i was going to ask. are you saying they are better or worse or less skilled or less experienced or what? >> the last part.
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they are less experienced. i think we have all learned is the aerospace supply chain is among the most fragile across the industrial sector. we have seen this over the last 3-4 years through and post-covid . it has taken quite a while and longer than most expected to repair that supply chain. a lot of talent left in 2020 and in 2021. new folks are coming in. it takes a long time to train an aerospace mechanic, aerospace engineers. i believe boeing is doing the best it can. there are always opportunities for changes and greater oversight. this does seem like a management team willing to do what it has to do, recognize problems quickly and attack them. we see this not just at boeing, but across some peers and suppliers. getting this workforce onboard trained and mature.
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it is nobodies fault, it just needs to be done with care and efficiency. >> we have spent so much time on the big headlines and it is concerning for the public. we have heard airline ceos are furious, we get that. what is the impact? does it mean airlines in the future are going to go to a competitor to purchase planes? doesn't mean the flying public is going to say i'm not flying on a boeing? in the long run, isn't this a blip? >> it is, and it is understandable in the context where we had the tragic max accidents and now this. those have been boeing issues, but there have been issues elsewhere. issues with maintenance across the aerospace industry. in general in many cases it reflects what we have been talking about with the supply
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chain and labor force coming together. over time you have two primary suppliers boeing and airbus, their track record over the long haul is excellent. they make very good product. they are generally very safe. neither one can supply the entire airline demand that is out there globally. they have to split the market at this point. most are having great success. obviously this accident was very unwelcome and they have to get on top of this quickly. i think they are doing everything they can in order to make that happen. >> there is going to be a lot of attention paid to the earnings call next week. robert spingarn, thanks for adding your perspective. switching gears. phil, what do you expect from those results after the bell? >> three things that people are going to be focused on separate from the numbers. we have talked about the numbers, let's talk about the three themes that are going to
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come up during the call and maybe we will hear about it before. what are they saying in terms of pricing pressure, especially in china? is there a lower price model coming? there is a link that they are working on a lower-priced vehicle that will come in 2025. what are they say about that? and what about elon's future plans? remember, he had to sell a bunch of stake in tesla in order to purchase twitter, which he then renamed. well, he is now saying and has said in a post last week that i think i should have 25% share. that is going to be a topic that is going to come up, whether or not he addresses it or says that is between me and the board, you can bet people want to know about his commitment to the future at tesla. one last thing is you take a look at shares of tesla, the number that a lot of people are focused on deliveries for 2024, 2.1 million vehicles is the estimate.
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there is chatter that tesla may not give a guidance estimate for this year. they may say we are going to try to hit our benchmark as much as possible. given the dynamic and economies around the world, we are not giving a definitive guidance number. that is also something people will watch. >> stay with us for a minute. our next guest lowered his price market for tesla as he forecast moderate volume growth in 2024 amid a slowdown in global demand. he is bullish and thinks the company will maintain a lien as the world makes the transition eventually to electric vehicles. let's ring in dan levi. is good to talk to you. you expect a big shift where demand is driving the volume rather than production, right? >> that is right. this is really the first time that we are seeing this in tesla's history. historically volume for the
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country has been defined purely by production capabilities. we started to see it last year where the shift into more of a demand restraint, even on elon's own admission saying we are not going to go all out and some of the macro uncertainty. it is really this more challenged macro back drop and fundamentals that is really the backdrop into the call that we have this evening. >> how much do you think the selloff is going to give competition to what tesla is trying to do in terms of selling cars? >> the hertz sale is a reminder of some of the demand challenges we have in the broader market. hertz was part of the ev excitement a couple of years ago, when they said that they were going to ramp up on their
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fleet. it hasn't worked out very well. the fact that you have hertz selling more into the market is another indicator that from a demand perspective ev's are facing challenges. the fact that we have gone from early adopters to the early majority, that has been a bit of a challenge. the fact that you are selling into a market where there are subsidies rolling off in different regions. i think it is important to acknowledge there is some ev demand, even if over the long term you have upward penetration and growth. >> does that softness in demand explain why you expect them to come in short of the consensus of 2.1 million units next year? >> yes. we are at 2 million units and there are a couple of things driving that. as you know, the underlying demand softness, it is tricky to sell vehicles into this type of a market. the other piece that you have is
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what is their willingness to sell giving the pricing backdrop? we have actually seen them if you contrast a year ago, elon said we will sell cars that zero profit. that is not the case. they haven't been cutting prices as aggressively. they are trying to set a floor on the margins. combine that with the fact that this year all your selling is incrementally model y's. cybertruck really isn't contributing much to the volume growth this year. that i think underscores our below consensus. >> matheson's loss that i will purchase a car right before they introduced massive price cuts. there you go. i got that out there. >> this is part of what appears to be the new strategy. if they are talking about the leak over the cheaper models, this is something elon musk has been talking about as a
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strategy for the future. why hasn't it already happened? >> you got to drive down the cost. it is easier said than done. they came out with a lower priced battery pack formula for the battery and all of the automakers, when it comes to electric vehicles, they are doing that. with that said the cost of building an electric vehicle is still high relative to a traditional combustion engine vehicle. they have been driving down the cost, the key is can you drive it down low enough that you can make a $30,000 ev and be profitable doing it? that is a challenge. elon musk has said get it down under there and it becomes one of these things where it really starts to take off. add in robo taxis, part of his long-term vision. by the way this is not just a challenge for tesla, it's all automakers.
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ev are still expensive to build. >> last hour tom said robel taxis are going to be a big hunk of the future, the driver of the future of tesla. do you agree? >> certainly the opportunity for more advanced ages of autonomous driving play into the opportunity and is certainly priced into the stock. we take a more cautious view on the rollout of those capabilities. right now as much as we talk about full self drive it is a level to advanced driver assist system they are selling. >> dan levy thank you. coming up, chipotle laying down the groundwork to avoid the union related pitfalls some of its rivals have fallen into. the company beefing up benefits for its gen z workforce. plus a major loss when nikki haley is making a round two of trump versus biden even more likely. that story when power lunch
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>> welcome back. chipotle has announced new benefits in an attempt to learn and keep is largely gen z workforce when competition remains challenging. taylor rogers has been hollowing the story for us. >> chipotle announcing new benefits that focus on mental and financial help as it says it is looking to attract and retain gen z workers , which makes up more than 70% of its current work force. chipotle says it will match up to 4% of employee salary through contributions to 401(k) if they make eligible student loan payments using the sulfide verification service. employees will have access to the dashboard to manage financial wellness and mental
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health benefits with a new employee assistance program. the new benefits comp as it seeks to recruit 19,000 workers for its easy burrito season. an uptick from the 15,000 workers last year. the company says it now has 110,000 employees. the current hourly wage $17 per hour. attractive workers in this age group has been tricky for years. challenger great had the lowest teen summer job forecast since 2011 last summer. in preparing for college summer seeking internships is that of traditional jobs. the company also does a fair amount of promoting from within. chipotle said it promoted 26,000 workers last year alone. >> do you know what's interesting? there are all these bureaucratic offerings and things that you have to be somewhat savvy about in order to access within a company.
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if they really want to attract and retain workers, why don't they just give them more money per hour? >> i think is not just about more money. in a state like california minimum wage is going up to $20 per hour this april. it is saying these are the things that matter to gen z, it's both financial wellness and mental health. it is becoming more more of a talking point for workers. they are zeroing in on those things and remind the people you can move up to what they call a restaurant tour in as little as three years. they make over $100,000, quite a salary. >> all right, appreciate it. the $150 million hampton mansion falling into the and hitting the auction block. we explain how it got there when we return. four it is.
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>> welcome back. key pieces of economic data due out in the next few days. let's see how the bond market is positioning ahead of those numbers. the auction got a d- in the last hour.
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>> it wasn't a very pretty auction. that follows a slightly below average two-year option. tomorrow will complete the trifecta of treasury supply with four to 1,000,000,007 -- top-tier data, first look at fourth quarter gdp. on tomorrow will have continuing claims. friday personal increment spending. it is going to be busy. the yield extended after the very poor reception to the five- year note option by investors. we are on pace for the highest yield close going back to 12 december. if you look at the two day of tense, the yield today higher than yesterday. that is true on all treasury maturity after that very rough auction. if we look at 30 year bonds
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maturities are on pace for highest yield closing going back to early december. and finally, the two 10 spread now under or above it's minas, -20 basis points at -19 and change. why is that important? on halloween the least inverted the spread has been with -15 basis points. should we take that level out and trade above e will be looking at the least inverted since september 2022. believe me, every trader that i know is watching that from hollowing. back to you. >> thank you very much. the white house reportedly delaying a decision on a b gas terminal, a big hit to the export ambitions of u.s. companies. >> the new york times that the biden administration is delaying that and this would be
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the largest export terminal in the u.s. it is more than one of a dozen projects currently in the pipeline review process. this has become a battleground issue. the u.s. is now the largest exporter worldwide. last year we surpass australia and qatar. and of course biden ran on the platform of reducing emissions and focusing on the climate. not only is the u.s. the largest exporter, we are producing more oil than any country throughout history. our expert -- exports are at a record high. he has instructed the d.o.e. to take a more holistic review of the project and evaluate what the carbon emissions would be. typically that has not been done. now the industry is saying if all the other projects are also required to do that, back at me some of these projects never come to fruition. the american petroleum institute is a this could be
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detrimental for allies who now depend on u.s. lng, particularly after russia. >> if the demand from europe is high and we have the supply and what we need is the terminal to friendship, right? >> that is what the advocates would say. those who are against it say these projects are capital intensive. >> they put that the projects themselves create carbon, not to mention the fact that the encouragement of fossil fuel trade creates carbon. >> you are signaling there is long-term demand for lng since the up-front investment is very large, in excess of billions of dollars. you are then giving the green light for the u.s. to continue robust exports for years to come. that is why environmentalists are saying we should not be expanding. >> we should make it harder for
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global economy to stay hooked to fossil fuels? >> exactly, and our lng exports are set to double by 2027. they are it is that we have these five projects, we don't need anymore. >> a couple other big movers in your area. >> some under the radar is te connectivity, the stock any more than two year high. they make sense is for things like wind and solar farms. they say ev demand is a lot better than the chatter is saying. secondly, freeport, that stock up after earnings, complicating a booth on the back of china stimulus measures. the ceo earlier told nbc the weakness in china was offset by renewable and great spending. >> thank you very much. let's go to caitlin rogers who has finished her chipotle and going to deliver a cnbc update.
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>> officials announced the attack on a u.n. training center in gaza. the center was serving at the shelter the hundreds trying to escape the violence of the war. they reported nine deaths and 75 injuries after two israeli tank rounds hit the building. the state department reiterated this afternoon civilians must be protected in the violence. the white house announced president biden invited kate cox, the texas mother at the center of a high-profile abortion case in texas after the state passed a near-total abortion ban. the invitation is another sign the president will make abortion rights an important part of his re-election platform. sources tell cnbc saudi arabia opened his first alcohol store in the diplomatic quarter of its capital city. the store marks a major break through for the highly conservative muslim theocracy where alcohol has been banned since 1952. only non-muslim diplomats can
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enter the store. back over to you. big changes. after the break nikki haley was once a rising star and a hopeful contender to trump, but losing new hampshire is fueling fears that the same thing could happen to her in her home state of south carolina. that is up next. a car is a car... is a spa. an office. hi! hello! a cinema. so automated. yes, the definition of a car changes... but one thing stays the same. it's a mercedes-benz.
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that's 1-800-217-3217. welcome back, former president donald trump scoring a double-digit victory over nikki haley, his only remaining competitor in the new hampshire primary last night. as of now haley is still bowing to stay in the race despite the loss with her home state of south carolina coming up next. big-money donors are starting to abandon nikki haley. let's explore that with libby chemtrail, the head of public policy at pimco and brian schwartz, the clinical reporter for brian, you have news on a donor pausing who had been supporting haley? >> right before i came on air we are learning reed hoffman
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who did give $250,000 to the nikki haley super pack last year's now deciding to put a pause on any future help. that obviously could change if things change in the primary. right now nikki haley could look at is where hoffman is stepping back. he's usually a democratic donor. he gave to nikki haley in the idea is to be the best bet. he said that on a linkedin post. we are hearing that is over, at least for now. that is just a little trickle of what we have been hearing throughout the last 24 hours from gop fundraisers and the like where there is a look at this race right now and questions as to what impact any money they raise for her could have on the race? and where is she going in south carolina? >> in conventional wisdom, whoever brings in the most dollars has a better shot.
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in part because you can splash it over the airways and inundate people with your name. that doesn't seem to have worked for her in iowa and new hampshire. especially new hampshire is notable. i am a former new englander myself, i think i can say this, how critically independent new hampshire voters can be. do not tell me by your polls or predictions who i am going to vote for. >> if you look at it from an electoral perspective, this is one she could've won. there were enough independent voters. this should have been a stay she did well with them. the handicap will announce we did within 12 points. i would say 12 points back from number one is still number two. it is still silver, she did not win. that is just reality going into south carolina. >> let me turn to you, mrs. haley memorably said we do not do coronations in america, we do elections and choices.
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i have to say this is looking more more like a coronation of donald trump. >> that is right. we've been talking to our clients for several months now that this was really donald trump's nomination to lose. he was such a clear front runner both in polling, but also in fundraising. also something that may not be really appreciated is his campaign this cycle is incredibly sophisticated and very professional as an excellent ground game. all of the ingredients are there and were there over the last few months for trump to basically wrap up the nomination in the early stages of the primary, basically the primary process being over before it really starts. nikki haley did well enough last night, i think the news about the donors are quite notable. she has a big fundraiser here in new york next week, at least
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supposedly. we will see how that goes. unless something really dramatic happens in south carolina, which looks very unlikely, this is going to be effectively a coronation. donald trump will be the nominee. >> is south carolina her make or break state? if she doesn't win, is it over? >> we were staying new hampshire with make or break. she did well enough. she didn't have a knockout that she really needed, but yes. i think for all intents and purposes south carolina is going to be the last chance. there is a chance like governor desantis who said he would stay in and then promptly dropped out. there is a chance that she may as well. i think that is unlikely. this is her home state. she was quite a popular governor. i would be surprised, but i do think south carolina will be make it or break it. this very much likely is going to be a trial -- donald trump
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nomination. >> interesting in that clip of donald trump, standing behind him with tim scott. >> that's right, an endorsement that is notable for where nikki haley is in this larger primary. >> very interesting. is the talk going to start turning to his running mate? >> i think we are already there and that is a notable situation. i think there is becoming a push from certain people to pick somebody. there has been a lot of chatter pre-new hampshire about nikki haley being one of those potential people for donald trump. which you want the job? she has that she is not running to be his vp and doesn't want that role. there are names being floated at the moment. >> i wonder if she is really running now as i suspect desantis is for 2028?
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>> she might be and that is the position. ironically that is kind of what the primary has been about. we are talking policy on one hand, it also what is the identity of the republican party now versus a few years from now? are they the futures of the party or could it still be trump? >> all right, thank you. great to see you. exclusive real estate up for grabs. one of the hampton's most expensive age from the states will hit the auction block no reserve price. could a lucky bidder be moved in by beach season and then turn around and rented out all the college kids? just kidding, key details when power lunch returns.
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welcome back, one of the most expensive properties ever listed in the history of the hamptons has fallen into bankruptcy and is up for
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auction. robert frank, how did that happen? >> such a fall from grace. the famous estate is headed to the auction block. it is four acres, two houses, 400 feet of oceanfront in southhampton. the owner was a canadian artworld publisher who purchased the property in the 1990s for $13.5 million. as her business faltered she put it up for sale in 2016. it came on and off the market, no buyers emerged at her price. last year she put it into bankruptcy. it has 23 bedrooms combined. there are two pools, a sunken tennis court, a theater, sauna, spa, two gyms, everything you could ever want. the oxen would be at 4:00 p.m. today. concierge auction so the
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most expensive home two years ago, an estate in l.a. that have been listed for 299 million -- $295 million. the bidding will start at $66 million. obviously it will likely go higher, but that's just to tell you this could go anywhere. we will know in about one hour. there is no reserve, there is clearly a starting bid, which means someone has pledged to bid for 66. the question is how much more than that? >> is there a lot of interest in getting a hamptons estate right now? is this a hot property to have and to own? >> it is. the very high end of the hamptons, oceanfront, a lot of land, very strong interest. last year we had two home selling for more than $50 million. one property in east hamptons sold for $91 million.
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this one is a little further west. at the very top end there isn't much inventory. last year nationwide we had a number, dozens of properties sell for over $100 million. that very top of the market, there is still demand. >> this house will sell today? >> it will no matter the price. this is a real cliffhanger. this house has been famous, on and off the market. it started in woody allen movies. everyone knows it from the movie interiors. a lot of eyes on this property. to your point, how many people would actually be bidding, that will be the question. she paid 13.5 in the 1990s. she built an extra house, that added value. off the hook, shares of at&t falling on softer than expected earnings. we will trade that in the re stock lunch when we return in
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lunch is here. we will look at the three big movers of the day. we are here with the founder
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and president of jewel financial. du pont announcing disappointing earnings results before the opening bell this morning. they are now off more than 13%. your trade on du pont? >> things for having me back. this is a no touch or a cell for us. it's always incising to look at a company that is down on news and think it's an overreaction and a cup shares. you have to be very careful, especially in an environment where so many things are working. they're going to move into things that are working. ultimately, yes, they lowered guidance. they talk about destocking, china demand and a goodwill charge. despite the lower guidance, the stock was not attractive to begin with. 16 times forward earnings now with those revisions. it's obviously going to be even
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higher. we have a decent balance sheet of $2 billion in cash. wait for the dust to settle to move in. it's not for us here. >> at&t shares dropping after posting a fourth quarter earnings miss. forecasting a lower than expect an adjusted earnings for 2024. slightly beat revenue expectations. how do you trade this one? >> i really want to like at&t. i've always wanted to like at&t but i could never touch it. the debt, the balance sheet just keeps me away, thankfully. this is kind of the same story. they did beat top line. they missed bottom, but with guidance going forward, if you dig through the report, they had some positives. latin america was up 26% year- over-year. some corporate segments were up
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surprisingly and that is fine. the reality is we are in the midst of a turnaround here and the midst is the key. you don't have to be early. they have a significant debt level and they pay out 50% of their earnings in that dividend which means they do not have a lot to work with as far as paying the debt down, et cetera. kind of like du pont, you have to be patient. it is not for us here. >> at&t says they are expected to deliver adjusted growth in 2025, looking down the road there. i think that's a great point. >> finally, ibm to report after the bell today. the stock has had a nice run, nearly doubling in price and slows about a year ago. your thoughts on abm. >> i like ibm. we are long ibm for clients. this is one going into the print i am not so sure i would chase it. but any ullback if the market, which looks a little frothy today, maybe we get a little pullback. this is one where i would cup shares. ibm missed the hardware
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conversion early. it looks like they are early or at least in line with the ai movement and that is really giving them some decent tailwinds. it's not cheap. seven in times forward. they do have a high debt load. price to sales, 2.6. 11 billion in cash. this is a decent turnaround. as you've put it, they run a pretty good amount. any pullback if you look at that chart, the long base, i think, gives you an opportunity to get in on a pullback. >> thanks very much for the good strategy there. we appreciate it, quint tatro. how peacock reportedly leveraged their nfl wildcard game into a monumental score. we will get a live report one power luh ncreturns.
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let's make the best use of these 2:20 as we can with another story that we are watching right now. new data from antenna shows the nfl wildcard game drove 2.8 million new subscribers to peacock, which is, of course, owned by our parent company. julia boorstin has the details for us. hi, julia. >> those 2.8 million people who signed up for peacock made the wildcard weekend that the biggest subscriber acquisition moment ever measured by antenna research. it 23 million viewers, making it the biggest live streamed event in u.s. history. the question is whether they can hold onto those subscribers who signed up for at least six dollars per month depending on what option they picked. we are sure to learn more when comcast, the parent company to cnbc and peacock reports the earnings tomorrow morning. back
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to you. >> i was one of the people who signed up. i was lazy and sat there with my clicker. my comcast xfinity clicker. i cannot find my password now for peacock, so i don't know how i will ever cancel it. how many will they hold onto? do you have any ideas? >> i think the whole idea is that they wanted this to introduce people to a platform of destination for live sports. they will have a ton with the olympics coming up this summer so the idea that they will try to hold onto those subscribers by using that game for customer acquisition and then showing them all the other great content that they have in store so i don't have a crystal ball, tyler, but i know that our parent company is working to hold onto all of them. >> have you seen another similar opportunity in soccer with lionel messi for apple tv -- have you seen any other moments where they put a lot of eggs in the basket and it just does not pay off? >> we don't know whether these
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payoff over the long-term. there's so many other back there's. lionel messi, his team did not make it to the finals. that was another piece of that equation. thursday night football for amazon, they made that investment in their larger strategy around streaming and they say that has paid off. >> thanks so much and thank you for watching "power lunch." >> the closing bell starts right now with scott walker. >> i'm scott walker here from the new york stock exchange. this make or break our begins with a bull run for stocks. we will watch the market with ed here in a moment. in the meantime, 60 minutes to go in regulation. looks like a new milestone for the s&p today. crosses 4900 for the first time ever. it has peeled back a little bit. why? i will show you what yields have done. they have moved higher a


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