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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  January 25, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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so, last break you heard me giggling as we came back. i will tell you why, because dan is in pain about something and i found that amusing. some people say that's mean- spirited i think it's actually kind of funny. >> checking on intel down 10% right now. >> my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. >> hey, i'm kramer. welcome to mad money. i'm just trying to make you a good old money. my job is not to entertain, but to educate. teach!
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tweet me at jim cramer. i think we might be approaching that a very special moment that happens after a huge flood. that moment where you say, what the heck am i doing? i just made a fortune. i haven't taken anything off the table. 242 points to a new all-time high. i think we are pretty much there. and i'm glad i am talking about this on an update. because if i spattered these same lines after a big downturn you would justify me saying, thanks cramer for nothing. you never get these rare five moments. got you! it means you need to do some trimming. purely, because your privates don't count. and until you bring a register you don't take -- make any money until you take it off. right now we don't seem to notice that we are being greedy.
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we are just so darn slaphappy we forget misses cramer's first law. my late mom who loves the ponies, and the slots. boom! when you scored a big head you headed out of seizures or the liberty bell racetrack as fast as you could. and you went, and bought a beautiful cashmere sweater so you have something tangible to show for it. let me ask you, have you bought your cashmere sweater yet? i can't buy sweaters. we give away the winnings $.3 million worth. but my had a misses cramer experience these last two days. it would've been a vicious tug of war between the balls and the bears. there were so many short sellers in cat. so many analysts. anything they did to knock it down. knock down the stop with phantom worries and bonus concerns about inventory that
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it did become a truly belligerent holding. but, when the fight pivoted back in november when it said it had to cut race down. caterpillar stocks, well exhumed. it took off. it ran over the shorts like an 18 wheeler peterbilt running over a squirrel at 80 miles an hour and a jersey turnpike. the 240s, 250s, 260s, 270s, 280s, to 90s. all i said was, here i come! 300, get out of my way. then yesterday it happened. yesterday bought us dupont. when i read the release i said, here comes the 10 point club. usually i'm pretty good at assisting how bad the pain is when the position. if you own the stock at dew point you did not go past go. he didn't collect $20. you lost 10 points. we told members of our club at our monthly meeting yesterday it's time to ring the register on this in cat.
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just sell half of the stock. we downgraded from a one 202. we didn't want to repeat the two point experience, and give up a game that likes. even though dupont and kent together has to do with your mind. mind you, we knew nothing about how caterpillars actually do it. i can't tell you. we know that oil and gas are important in the market hasn't been strong. we the biggest construction projects in the country are plans that export liquefied gas , and to anything fossil fuel related is dicey with biden in the white house. data center builds are still strong. that's terrific. most important we bought cat for structure in washington. which we will get. but, the main reason we owned it is because we thought the fed might cut rates a whole bunch of times, and the stock would benefit. even as in this particular quarter it's been since 2017 since the stock has ctually gone higher after they announce. i don't like those odds.
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numbers that are so hot like today's gdp north of 3%. i believe another reporting that the next step might be tightening, not loosening. you will actually hear something like that. people will say, you know what? they made the wrong move. i think perhaps they do declare victory in the fight against inflation too early. you know what we did? we sold half of our business. today i came in, and i saw i get crushed, because the health insurer made a mockery of the consensus. in the forecast was truly hideous. humana stock lost $47. it's a disaster. okay. a slight miss. more on that later. we had to dump the rest of our cat. something new? he said, no. we just sold humana last weekend. the grace of god we didn't get had hit by that nasty 18 wheeler. with a huge cat, and bought the verb are real sweater. today responses good from united rentals. which uses equipment similar to cat. we caught some of that came on the go.
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i've got nothing on machine. about long term i think is the right call. you never get her taking a profit. we are seeing other signs of the whole thing being a little too much. this morning the new ceo of paypal alex chris who moved up from stock from 50 to 65 on talk of shocking the street with new initiatives. shocking them. well, he came out, and said it's the age of ai. i don't like aquarius i'm starting to think. the age of ai to enhance the checkout experience. i feel as he mentioned ai that's probably worth about five. and i shouted over, i said hey did he mention. that's where they are! but, chris did not have a picture of him with jensen. he didn't even have his digital twin. it is a initiative might be using ways to end up competing with apple! so, you know what happened? the stock went down. and actually went down.
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even if we are mentioning ai. can you imagine? oh, no i said to myself. no more cashmere sweaters for you paypal shareholders. it's an actual ai doctrine a big way. so, this morning before given that most of his case before the end of the session. it's real. it's god profitable ai. but, it had a great rent for the quarter. that makes sense. and it's such as stocks. by the way, we've seen the bitcoin double in anticipation of being wrapped up to an etp. at the cousin of ets that's first to bring in many, many new investors. billions upon billions of dollars came in to run ahead of the suckers who would buy the atp when it was launched. but, you know what? here's one that shocked me. a sucker is born any minute. in fact, there is been an actual outflow of crypto ebt money for the past few days.
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overall, less than $1 billion that new money has come in. these new spot between edp since they started training two weeks ago when people thought there would be tens of billions of dollars coming in. a bit queen was 187 billion on june 18th when blackrock filed for their eve ebt. to be training as between eras all over the world ran ahead of all the suckers who were supposed to come in, and take them out of the trade. now, bit queen is up a huge amount. and the expected boom is a bust. that means bitcoin speculators who predicted these is now seeing people are getting warmer chance to sell bill quinn. but, now it's all over. man, you know what question you can buy a lot of cashmere sweaters. whole closet of them. but, the bottom line. as wall street realizes it's time to bring the register. i beckon you to take something off the table if you haven't done so already.
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it's the disciplined thing to do. i'm not saying sell everything. i'm not saying get out now. i'm saying, do a little schnitzel ink. and you won't regret it. austin, and pennsylvania. >> how are you doing question >> doing well, because it's almost the weekend and i've got nothing lined up. >> i hear you on that one. everlasting weekend. >> yeah, well none of my teams are involved. hilton achieves, and i do like the general manager of the ravens is a really good guy, and left the show. >> good. so, my questions on the specific northwest regional bank has been on my watch list for a while, but i had a very concerning quarterly readout yesterday. what are your thoughts on columbia banking system moving forward? >> well. what the heck happened there? that stuff went down too much. you owe 7%. i don't like that. that's a very high yield. it makes me want to look deeper, and deeper. the sound region is doing quite well. i think this calls for more scrutiny.
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all right. as more people in wall street realize it's time to ring the register. i beckon, just pick off a little for me. oh, it's jim. he's telling me to buy a sweater. get a little more expensive sweater. and suddenly i got and complicated in the industrial space. against the backdrop of the industry and focusing on one players whose faces stood out all week. then, with all eyes on ai i will will will have two companies surfaced now and ibm i really backing on the trend. plus, investments race and earnings surrounding gop competition to bed? i'm talking to the ceo. so, stay with cramer. don't miss a second of mad money. have a question? tweet cramer. send jim an email to mad money at
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or, give us a call at 101 807 43 cnbc. the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? the chookie! manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at
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>> the industrial is finally starting to get a little wobbly? something is supposed to happen. on tuesday texas interns reported ugly numbers, and blamed increasing weakness on their industrial markets. yesterday, dupont especially chemical maker talked about customer g stocking within its industrial business. meaning there is too much inventory. today, dow looks more of a commodity. soft numbers with its industrial and infrastructure business. down 19%. although, as i told him investing club members at our morning meeting i do see some
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green shoots there. bearings are looking too hot for the auto industry either. including, tesla. guess what? there is one copy me that's doing great. that company is paccar. you've seen them on the roads. they are heavy duty trucks. it doesn't say paccar on them. but, it does a kenworth, and peterbilt, and tof. nearly two years since the spring of 2022 we have been hearing about a freight recession. as consumers started spending less on goods, and more services. china has been we cannot pack our second largest market. it's only 7.5% of the sales. we high north america. although interest rates have come down from the highest levels they are still pretty darn high historically. paccar's big rates can't be cheap. people don't buy it for pass. they pay for dead. despite those headwinds paccar turned in a very strong quarter on tuesday morning. it really caught my eyes. allowing it to make new all- time highs this week. highs. when i saw that, i immediately had to know.
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how the heck is paccar doing it as well? when so many other stocks are just struggling and rolling over to get hurt. look at this latest score. paccar 11% double-digit coming in much higher than expected. core truck segments. smaller parts segment, and the company's financial services on them all beating revenue expectations. as impressive as the top and was in the making $2.70 per share. we're looking for 225. i was up 53% every year. that kind of growth. moment of the stocks to make new highs. when the people expected normally at this point to be making new lows. a summer fourth quarter results completed in a truly banner year for paccar finally passing three pandemics for production. at the same time was very smart about controlling costs. the company's pretax margin jumped from 14.1% in 2022 to 17.2% last year. that's a gigantic increase in gross margin. geographically paccar scoring everywhere around the world with
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calling out australia, mexico. that's not the first time i've heard. this is may be the season of mexico. south america's pockets of strength. i'm hearing good things about brazil. brazil sales were on fire. but, then again why would anyone need to talk about china when there's so many other great growth markets around the world? china's lagging so many countries. most importantly, paccar gave you. the stocks are about 40% last year. a sporting exactly will coming into the quarter. if they only imported strong results, but said anything negative about 2024. i think the stock would've sold off. that's not what happened. although, there was an ambiguity here. paccar doesn't give explicit guidance. it just offers comments about his expectations for the heavy duty truck market in the united states, canada, and europe. they are expecting flats to suddenly lower industry sales over here. definitely lower sales across the atlantic. at first glance it doesn't sound too great, does it? by the way, paccar lso says after delivering 51,000 trucks in the fourth quarter of 2023
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alone, they are aiming for 48,000. they are basically looking at a slight pullback from deliveries for record last year. meanwhile, paccar parts position should be up 3 to 5% this quarter. that's a good business. and up 40% for 2024. more generally while management acknowledges that industrywide truck sales will be worse this year they also sounded pretty bullish when they were pressed for specifics about their own business. as far as the slowdown in orders, i'm not sure i can recognize that in our major north american markets. we see good orders intake and good visibility. more importantly, we know that packers order book for the first quarter is effectively full. the second quarter is filling nicely. this is not supposed to happen, people. basically, while the injury outlook is most people are speaking positive about its own business. it should still continue to grow in the mid-single digits this year. 2024 truck production is well understood.
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at this point. and i think it's a good way to put it. people know that the industry sales are peak, but it simply nodded. in the best-of-breed is most certainly paccar. why are they staying confident? well, i got a theory. paccar is not just another plan trucks. it's an innovator. this is the point where they often get lost in the shuffle. we talk about class eight trucks as commodities. but, that's wrong. not all heavy-duty trucks are created equal. this is a company whose $5 million in research and development here. they are investing in technology and innovation projects including next generation clean combustion engines, battery and high- powered vehicles. advanced driver systems, and new connected vehicle services. frankly, paccar's latest generation trucks are technological marvels. something that was apparent when the company presented its newest models at ces. that's the newest consumer electronic show once a month. some of these companies are doing amazing things. it makes darn good trucks.
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it makes it easier for truck drivers, and fleet operators. finally, given that we are entering a softer year for the industry it's worth remembering that there's other reasons investors stick with paccar. with its records which were the results paccar has noted a profit for 86 consecutive years. and it's paid every year since 1941. you probably never even heard of the darn thing. paccar's intentional push into the trucks parts business. which will help smooth over -- without their overall results. overall, the company is reliable at performing. these latest results, paccar is now beating the stations for nine consecutive quarters. with double-digit percentage beating eight of those 9/4. if you can't bet on that track number, what can you et on? here's the bottom line of this great american company. while we are starting to see areas of softness, and worse. the economy is not rolling
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over. and there are companies that are truly shining. companies like paccar. this truck maker is still firing at all cylinders, and even though the heavy-duty truck space may copout this year, the stocks hitting new highs. because paccar itself is so dependable. innovation, and dependability can shield a company from all but the worst of downturns. mad money is back after the break. coming up, cramer flags at ai winner with room to run. don't miss his take on this stock to watch next.
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>> you had to wonder if last year's ai winners could possibly live up to the hype. in 2023 two to ai. but, aside from a few exceptions like nvidia. most of those companies really weren't making any money often. but, last we heard from not one but two companies i've hired as ai winners. service now and ibm. both of them delivered spectacular numbers against very high expectations. sending their stocks soaring today. especially, ibm. that went up 90%. although, the stock service had run big into the quarter. so commuting to the full accumulation that you thought you would. with so many ai pretenders, how do these two companies do it?
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look at these companies have said or done to make wall street feel even more bullish about the prospects? we know from the paypal for example at the top of the show. would actually do for all companies. let's take it one at a time. starting with servicenow. the enterprise company that helps businesses automate i.t. and back office. it's more more of that once it's in the enterprise. it was easy to move into ai, because servicenow has been a leader in software automation all along. around last spring started talking about artificial intelligence. specifically, and for me servicenow cemented its status as an ai winner. when they announced a true partnership not for show within the video nvidia. that is really paying off. last nights now, the blowout fourth quarter. in fact, this is the fourth straight quarter of what we call accelerating revenue growth.
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rarely seen. more poorly know this company makes a ton of money with much higher than expected operating margins. 32 percent earnings. of 32%. i love that metric. more importantly some of the lines and items tell you the most . well, they look even better than that. specifically, there's this thing called -- i know, it's so confusing. i'm sorry about this. remaining performance obligation or rpo. which is a measure of business that's been booked, but not yet performed. 29% $18 billion. that's nearly $1 billion higher than what wall street was projecting. finally, servicenow forecast full physical year were very, very strong. i had a chance to speak with servicenow bill mcdormand this morning. where he explained that the company is now benefiting from the fact that it was a first mover in bringing what is known as large language models to his platform. servicenow has now seen tremendous customer interest ever since it brought in its ai
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enhanced products to market too. listen to this. >> we had this product on the market for just a little over a quarter. and it has outperformed every other product that we have ever brought to market. what's happening out there is companies realize that they need an intelligent platform from end to end digital transformation. >> yeah. there it is. they turned to bill, because he already has the product. and because this is his area of expertise. servicenow has real robust ai products on the market right now, and they are selling incredibly strong. they have saved companies huge amount of money coming at employee time by integrating ai to there's client service calls, back office, implementation. even hr claimers lose. and the rest of the business doing quite well too. that's where the rest of the stocks pushed into an all-time high on the charts today.
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i think this thing is actually headed to 800 without profit. remember, i'm not that bullish on the market. i'm just bullish in certain sectors. the big blue is the ai winner. that includes yours truly. but, just about a month ago i ran a segment where i explained how ibm's participating in the ai wave. have a ton of products that fit into the artificial technologies ecosystem. it helps developers make applications. analytics platforms to help customers make their digital info useful for the large language models that power generative ai. as an entirely new platform called wanton acts. which allows clients to train, tune, validate, and deploy their own ai models. you have to train these models to get it right. despite all this, i told you that ibm's ai exposure has been their consulting business. now, the business can know they can improve themselves with artificial intelligence. they need to bring in consultants to show them how to do it. don't know how to do it themselves.
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ibm's have a huge edge when it comes to ai. i call it technological ai consulting at a scale. not a lot of companies have that. while i might have been late to the story i'm glad i covered it. since then the stocks have rallied over 90% in just over a month. more than half of that gain came today as ibm reported that. positive revenue growth in all four of their main sectors. consulting infrastructure, and financing. that's a local pleasure for the historically challenged growth of ibm. nearly up 6%. looks like our consulting thesis is playing out as expected. credit where credit is due. the work of been a righteous antonelli has helped me to see the light here. ibm had been -- his pieces are just real good. i wish i could pick them out in a lineup. what can i say? ibm had a big gross market expansion too. in the end it delivered an eight center earnings beat.
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that's 8% earnings growth year for your from a company i would've expected maybe four. oh, and the annual blowout free cash number of nearly 70%. by the way, free cash flow is how people value this company. ibm doesn't give a sense of guidance. first the company quote expens . with that single-digit model. adding a foreign exchange is expected to be one point revenue growth. while that might not look impressive against the numbers for servicenow or any other numbers. let's remember ibm is great on the curve. for years this company the cutting crew at all. so, trust me the message single- digit growth is enough to keep investors happy. investors also guided for, and i quote $12 billion,". free cash flow in 24. it is $1 billion higher than any of the analyst were looking for. but, it was the congress call commentary that sent the stock into the stratosphere. had some very encouraging things to say about the ai
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business. listen to this. quote, every client i speak with is asking her to boost productivity with ai. and how to manage your technology stocks. he goes on to say, client demand for ai is accelerating and our book of business for watson x and generative ai roughly doubled from the third quarter to the fourth quarter.". that's 100% growth. it's hundreds of millions dollars, people. i think this move again is far from over. i recommended ibm a month ago i sent the accenture. acn. the best of the brief consulting firm. again, permanent ibm. the stock can have tremendous gains similar to playing catch up. which i think it will. really 19 times. for an outrageous 30 times this year's estimates. how about this? there's plenty of room to run as ibm gets mobile expansion. yes, they have a three net percent yield. a lot to like here. here's overall bottom line. not every stock can appear true
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ai winner. this earnings season they need to give you a real reason not to simply take profits, and walk away. but, last night ibm serves as just that. they are no longer theoretical winners from artificial intelligence. they are making a lot of money on it. right now. then righteous? no, no. been in arizona. been. >> hi, jim. thanks a lot for taking my call. >> of course. >> i'm a first-time caller, and a longtime listener. >> thank you. >> i owned most of the mag seven. what i'm looking for more exposure to artificial intelligence. specifically, a smaller, younger company. my question is about a company with exposure to artificial intelligence software for robotics. the company is ui taft.
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>> i'm familiar with them. they've made the pivot. they've turned around. electrical. i'd like to see dan back on. i like to call. this company spent a lot of time in the wilderness. but, it really shaped up. i think ben, first-time, longtime has a good call any ui path. and i like it very much. and i haven't for a very long time, because they were losing so much money. the bar has been raised this earnings season for companies promising to be ai winners. last night we heard from two names that fit the bill, and we love what we heard from the servicenow, and ibm. stock is flying higher after earnings. a study done with the ceo to find out the stock of you sleeping soundly. tesla has been anything but magnificent in 2024. i will tell you where i'm coming down in the company. and all your calls rapidfire in
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tonight's edition of the lightning round. so, stay with cramer. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) -awww. -awww. -awww.
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-nope. ( ♪♪ ) constant contact delivers the marketing tools your small business needs to keep up, excel, and grow. constant contact. helping the small stand tall.
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>> listen, late last summer and early fall there was in any healthcare play that might theoretically. that's the word i'm poking. theoretically be impacted by these new gop diabetes and weight loss drugs. we got to learn some of these companies are actually being helped by the gop dash one is. imagine? one of my favorites. a device company them! but for people who have sleep apnea or similar conditions. you put on their mask. the machine, and you get a good night for heaven sake. because sleep apnea is highly correlated with obesity from 25
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to early august 135 at its lowest in october. i believe the core theory that effective weight loss drugs which translate into fewer people with sleep apnea. but, now we know that's not the case. reported a phenomenal top, and bottom line beat. explain the people who have been prescribed gop dash once, and also have obstructive sleep apnea are 10% more likely to start using equipment than those who don't take the drugs. in other words, they seem to be positively complementary. it still substantial to recover. i wouldn't be surprised if there's more upside here. let's check in with this straight shooting. he the binary to the corner. welcome back. >> jim, it's good to be back on your show. it's great to be here to be able to talk about the numbers i reported to the street yesterday. >> yeah. i'm sorry we missed each other. i always enjoy rigorous you are, and am always surprised
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when people don't understand how good your equipment is versus this disease. why don't you run people through it? i'm sure there's some people on here who are skeptical saying, give me a break. he's just trying to say it's complementary. >> yeah. well, i will give you some scientific data. as you know i love the nerdy data. m.i.t. guy, and all that. then i will come back, and talk about some injected new use. the neuroscientist in me is looking at and equals 529,000 data points. over t equals 24 months. as you said in the intro they are 10% higher probability of a patient on a gop one. higher intensity. absolute percentage points. higher to start. then the skeptics will say oh, yeah. but, they're going to quit in 12 months or 24 minutes. no. the data shows the exact opposite at 12 months. there is 300 basis points. 3% higher. not only adherence rate.
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but, resupply rate. not just time on the therapy, and i'm buying a new mask, and accessories. and they will say oh, no. i get worse over time. no. in two years it goes over a 500 point space is delta. 5% higher resupply rate on a gop one. so, we were all wrong. six months ago some of the street was bidding against us. 40% on as you said in the start. look, i think it's mutual. we were both wrong. it's actually upside. 10% higher start rate. it's going to take a while for these glp-1's to generate. but, i think the combination therapy for these two is right. university of california, san diego. one of the pis on one of the drug studies in glp-1's. he was asked in a public form. a sleep apnea treatment about a, weight loss? or, b cpap treatment?
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he said it's always been a, and b. it's been a and b since i've been in this industry and it'll be a and b this whole time. we think the combination therapy of good exercise. good diet, nutrition. good cpap leads to good health. >> you think some of its it's just a mellowness? awareness medicine can help. awareness of products could help. but, people who got smarter about controlling their own healthcare? >> yeah. it's a really good question, jim. i think these patients that come into the healthcare system that may not have been there by these weight loss drugs. these glp-1's. they say, look i'm getting this pill that's going to make me feel better and look better. and probably have some cardiovascular and diabetes improvements. under the healthcare system. there was a doctor that says actually, look. were looking at you, and we see a bit of sleep apnea. let's treat that.
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the patient is more motivated, and more engaged. all i know is the correlation of the data. i do know the causality, but i think we will find that overtime. but, i think my hypothesis is they are motivated, engaged, and they want to participate in treating other chronic diseases. >> okay. let's go over the actual quorum, because the numbers were extraordinary. it's almost as if -- i'm shown that this brouhaha with the gop dash ones. people didn't know how well you were doing. i think people were seeing this company was making a lot of money. >> looks, jim. you followed us for 15 years. i think i was first on your show seven years ago live there in person. this is in our first rodeo. i've been at the company i think 23 years this year. 24 years i've been ceo for 10 years. we produce quarter income and quarter out because there are 1 billion people worldwide suffocating every night. and we have 23.5 million on 100% medical devices. we have 17 billion knots of medical data from the cloud on this. we are using generated ai to a mock value.
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but, i can tell you this is like mile one of a marathon in digital health for sleep apnea. we are really excited about the rest of the marathon. we have a little bit of a lead on the competition. but, jim you know me. competitive, it's a long race. and we are doing well. >> you are very competitive. as you should be, because you've got the superior product. i want people to understand there are whole countries that don't even know about resmed. when i first looked into you i was thinking this is worldwide saturated. isn't it kind of the opposite? people are just discovering resmed. >> yeah. i think the whole field of sleep apnea maybe 15 years ago people would say, what is that? i say sleep suffocation. not just talking with you on cnbc. but, when i'm talking to people, and i'm on a rider on a plane. people understand sleep suffocation. we are probably 15 the maximum 20% penetrating into the market in the u.s. maybe 10, 15% penetrated in most countries in western europe. we are less than 5% penetrated.
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all throughout the pacific and the rest of the world. jim, our challenge is to help everyone who suffers. the generative ai product we just launch actually helps with that. we launched it out in the pacific. i don't know what your health journey is like, but the healthcare system is pretty inefficient. let's say, not the best of taking care of the person as a consumer. we want to do with our generative ai product is create a digital sweep concierge. to help a person who has trouble with breathing while sleeping. find their pass paths to diagnosis. for prescriptions and ongoing management. it's 1 billion person challeng , and i think technology from big tech is going to. and this trend of getting to the healthcare system. both of these are megatrends in our favor versus against us. >> i'm looking at someone who
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is a user. a very grateful user of resmed. about three feet from me. we always laugh, because it really is -- i think it's marriage saving as well as lifesaving. you are always great to have on. it's been way too long to see you. thank you so much. >> thanks for your time, jim. >> who by the way and full disclosure has helped me in some of my healthcare issues, and was a total chamfer doing it. didn't want anything other than trying to help me, it was very valuable. mad money is back after the break. coming up, pop open those umbrellas and tea up your toughest questions. cramer takes on all comers in the lightning round. next. at morgan stanley, old school hard work meets bold new thinking.
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to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you to make them real.
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♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ( ♪♪ ) constant contact's advanced automation lets you send the right message at the right time, every time. ( ♪♪ ) constant contact. helping the small stand tall.
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lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. trade brilliantly. >> it is time. and then the lightning round is over. are you ready? let's start with bringing in, new jersey. brendan. >> hey, cramer. how's it going? >> how are you doing, buddy? >> i've been following the solar stocks of course. the tesla, and i wanted to ask you what your thoughts were on the solar edge? >> no, no. it bounces four points. then it goes down again. this one along with my friend and face.
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let me throw to bloom energy. not solar. not that great. and plug power grenade, fire in the hole! michael from washington. michael. >> jim boo yah cramer. >> you bet. what's shaking with you? >> i'm calling about a biotech that's taken into position. their ceo founded seattle genetics. jim, what you think about? >> oh, my god. that's what dr. taylor crazy got left? that's where he went to? i got to look into him. david in oklahoma. please, david. >> jim, thanks for taking my call. my question is about blackrock. which has been making some interesting moves here lately. what do you think? >> i think you buy it. end of story. that acquisition. i think it was really brilliant, and the stocks should go much higher. i'm not done. i want to move to diane in florida. >> hi, jim.
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>> hi, diane. >> i would like to talk to you about a stock. a couple years ago i found what i believe to be an unrecognized hidden jim in the buyer sector. i would be asking for a symbol a x fm. >> i don't know it. the central nervous system diseases which are very, very hard. i'm working with the company just tonight about that. i got to tell you i have to do more work. because so many companies have failed when it comes to central nervous system. more work to do. michael, in georgia. michael. >> boo yah, jim. >> boo yah, michael. >> things for taking my call. with pressure from activists last year's millions in capital. an upcoming sellout of the global champion brand. what you think about the turnaround with hbi brands?
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>> let me check just one second. too early. and that's the truth. and that ladies, and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round. the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, and then there were six? cramer explains how tesla right now is allhat. no cattle. next.
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>> let's get something straight. after today's 25 points rubbing tesla is out of the magnificent seven. done. stick a fork in it. we all know it. people are just afraid to say it. maybe they are worried elon musk has something up his sleeve or maybe they are just scared of the guy. or, they like thing magnifico seven all the time. although, i'm sure people have
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never seen any of the cinematic iterations. i do not have such trepidation, people. tesla removed itself from its elite group by itself. i think it's a teachable motive about what qualifies a stock to be a member of the knight division seven. which sadly is no more. let's start with the need for growth. you have to have it. you got to have it to be magnificent. what did tesla say last night? quote, our vehicle volume rate may be notably lower than the growth rate achieved in 2023.". you can stay magnificent with a lower growth rate. that's like bringing a knife to a gunfight. remember, the guy with the knife doesn't make it the other movie. second, a big reason why we were the seven is because they have. we want to hear about interest rates or special consumers. we heard elon musk talked about affordability for heaven sake. listen to this. we have lots people who want to buy our cars, but simply cannot afford it. you're never going to hear that for many of the other magnificent seven. in the old days i always loved
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the teslas. however, musk talks about digital campaigns and audience education. sounds like selling cars to me. leadership. no matter what i feel like the people running the respective companies are committed to the enterprise, and committed to you the shareholders. they are all in. musk makes it clear he's unhappy with the status in tesla, and may not take the company to the next level. he says he sees a path to creating artificial intelligence. a robotic stromberg not of truly immense capability. but, then he goes on to suggest he has a little influence over the company. that stage i can sort of be voted out by some sort of random shareholder advisory firm. he wants more voting power. maybe almost double the amount he has. getting him 25%. possibly, a dual class in a stock too. how about this reassurance? he offers, if he gets more stocks up to 25%.
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that's not so much that i can control the company. even if i go bonkers.". oh, thanks heaven. more important, what if he doesn't get his 25% voting power? does he take his bat, and his ball along with his artificial intelligence, and go home? do you think steve mcqueen would just stop championing the villagers, and go to another gunfight? if they didn't get more compensation. stick around, pal. get the job done. finally, none of the seven i've ever been at the mercy of foreign competitors. but, now musk can see tesla is facing dangerous petition for the chinese. frankly, he ponders i think if there are no trade barriers established they will pretty much demolish most other car companies in the world. musk to say there could be a second wave of growth may be in 2025. he does have. it has he says, if we execute very well i think texas tesla to be the most valued company. sure, terrific. i want the ones that can do it.
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not talk about it. right now the world's richest man is allhat, no cattle. someone who was among the first to vocalize the magnificent seven rubric. i officially acknowledge now is that there are only six left. a super sixpack. as for tesla, time to move on. more, i am jim ramer. last call starts now. right now on last call, rescue for the economy. shifting the election. a new war on american natural gas. a huge decision for the biden administration could be set for tomorrow which could anger our allies. intel diving right now. we hear from the ceo on the path ahead.


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