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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  January 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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general in part because it's a recently grabbed favorite trade and then a little thing called a fed meeting. that's going to get in the way between tuesday and thursday. >> can't forget the macro. can't forget - >> you can try but doesn't always work. >> you'll keep us on track morgan sta mike santoli, thank you "fast money" starts right now. live from the nasdaq market site in the heart of new york city's times square this is "fast money. here's what's on tap tonight we are counting down to next week's mega cap earnings bonanza. more than $10.5 trillion mega cap set to report in the coming days will they live up to the expectations or the rally lose some of its steam. social welfare florida legislatures approving a bill to ban social media use for kids what impact could they have on the biggest social stocks. amex at an apex. shares of the credit card companies hitting record highs on the back of earnings.
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what do the numbers say about the strength of the consumers. live from studio b on the nasdaq tim seymour, carter worth and dan nathan and julie biel will join us. what might be the moment of truth for the magnificent seven, alphabet, amazon, meta, platforms on tap to report and most stocks have been rallying ahead of the results meta shares hitting a record lie today. up nearly 170% over the past year amazon trading at highs not seen since spring of 2022 it is up 60% over the last a 55 we - 25 weeks. >> i think the most important up withes are kind of split here. i think apple, i don't think they're going to wow us with anything they're probably going to have surprises on the capital market side the capital return story continue to be positive. the margin in their businesses around services is interesting microsoft, as zur, we've been guided 2827, 28%
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the whisper it could come in higher commercial cloud up 16%. dynamics around ai and the 365 platform and what that is doing to asps. their margins are getting better, economies of scale are working for them hard to say i love microsoft here, but i think fundamentally that story is the most interesting and then google to me and meta on valuations are easier to get behind even despite the move on meta. google the most interesting on some level amazon has the best chart. we did it. >> all right see you later. "mad money" starts now in terms of meta the interesting setup is interesting because last quarter they posted a pretty good quarter and then the commentary on the conference call that spooked investors and you sort of want to see if there's a continuation of that in the softness they flagged in the ad market because of israel because that can have ramifications including an alphabet, for instance. >> that was like a little bit of a pause.
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i think investors were for a reason to take their foot off the pedal after the run it had after the last year and a half or so. to me it comes down to the market cap, microsoft and apple. when you think about microsoft that stock has rallied 10% in the last few weeks alone you know what that is equal to, $300 billion in market cap, rallied 30% since late september. that is equal to a trillion dollars in market cap. whatever great story that you want to lay out about generative ai and what it is doing to their existing business and they will be able to charge for it and the margin framework looks like it is trading at 35 times this year's expected earnings that grow mid teens maybe at best high teens okay, on kind of mid teens revenue growth the stock has never traded at that multiple again and it's traded there before and trading about 31 times next year you just have to come up with a narrative that gets rosier and rosier every quarter without any hiccups to justify it right here
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given where the stock is trading. there were times last year where the stock came off 10, 15% and say maybe the sentiment isn't appreciating what might come over the next year or two. >> the biggest are the biggest concern to you >> apple is not a big concern to me because there is nothing in and around generative ai if anything, they might be able to surprise on handsets and might be able to surprise on china and that might be the thing that causes -- >> the big name, apple is the crowd favorite, right. it's always been the largest until recently with microsoft. this is a testament this past week why relative strength as a factor, is one of the most robust over time the ones that have been struggling apple and tesla are struggling apple's relative performance peaked almost six quarters ago the ones that have been performing continue to perform the question this week amazon and apple. >> chart master great having you here, but you talk about relative strength and the
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weakness and like at the nasdaq 100 this week it made an all-time high. in terms of the leadership of this market tells me we're going higher. >> so what's interesting is we only made a slight new relative high compared to the peak before january 2022 move than two years later, in the past eight to ten session, the cues have exceeded the high of the s&p to your point all eyes are on this group and this also i would point this out, it's only in the last three years that they've typically reported all in the same week. they didn't used to. that's been clustering alcoa always first and on average, the week when they do all do report it is flat or down. fairly consistently. so we shall see. >> by the way, it's funny to think about like alcoa versus apple. >> once upon a time. >> sorry, alcoa. >> always reported first. >> my things have changed. julie, you know the setup for apple, fortunately, maybe, you
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know, the sentiment on apple was sour at the beginning of the year and turned a little bit better, rosier, more recently. there's so much concern about, you know, handsets, about saturation, who is going to hold on to their handsets longer, china, et cetera. >> yeah. i think apple just like any kind of marriage is a function of how low are your expectations, and that's how you kind of succeed i think in this case it's in a much better position in terms of expectations being more reasonable exactly why there is no gen ai over here. i think they have access to data that would be persuasive and they have a much higher safety component where people feel comfortable with their having the data it's the one i'm paying most attention to strictly because expectations seem more reasonable amazon i think it's a really important play, not in terms so much just as a consumer, which i
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think we kind of have the data we need for how the consumer did over holiday, but really for business spend and the appetite for business spend. >> yeah. as a read on enterprise, a read also on cloud. mizuho recently i think it was last week or this week saying they're confident in terms of the revenue acceleration line for aws going to 2024, the uptake in cloud is going to be greater, the comparison better, and you wonder at whose expense does that happen here? >> yeah. it's interesting so we talk about these five names and talk about the market cap and where they are relative strength. these stocks are driving the s&p and driving the nasdaq if you look at the qqq one week from today, let's say it closed at 424 today the 424 put that expires next friday, okay, it could cost you 1% 1% to ensure the qqq between now and then that is like ridiculously cheap, unheard of, complacent, whatever
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adjective you want to throw in and around there, if you own these stocks and love them and love the long-term stories but you were nervous near term there's a way to protect them. >> regardless of what happens this coming week you put in your high the numbers are fantastic and all of them do what netflix did and do what ibm did. what's the follow-up that's it, we've priced it in. or they miss and they pull the opposite either way the case to be made either now or in the coming week you put in an important intermediate high. >> one of the things i was doing with a client who has bedrock position this is these names, think about the momentum and delta in these names this is a great time to be selling upside out year if at some point you get called away you have an opportunity to go in and get it you're well paid after a 60% move to 100% move in all these companies they're not going to do that this year. no way they're going to do it. you're pay to sell upside. >> what day was it, the day before in tesla's earnings, remember we detailed, you know,
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so if you were long that stock, we did it on the show and talked about it, sell out of the money calls and take those proceeds of that call sale and by a put and buy a put in play. the 192 half put when the stock was 209. where did the stock close? 184 days the options market we haven't spent a lot of time talking about it, premiums are low, the vix below 13 or whatever there are ways to protect single positions, ways to take in yield against those positions and then some instances use that and by put protection. >> talking more about options -- >> you know what - >> the options market feeling bullish. in fact, on a couple magnificent seven names set to report mike joins us wait look at the action what are you seeing? >> yeah. so dan was talking about ai and, of course, a name that wasn't really being discussed that much, but definitely has been in play in the ai space lately is amd. of the names reporting next week
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that was the busiest stock option and that is implying a move of 8.3% that's actually significantly larger than the 7% or so that it is averaged over the last eight reported quarters. meta is the second biggest move basically in the -- in this category of stock. that is implying a move of 6.7%. that's lower than average but that's because over the last eight quarters they had absolutely wild moves. both cases it was the upside calls expiring next that were busiest going into earnings and in the case of amd, it was the 180 strike calls shy of 20,000 of those trade for 7.5 bucks that would take the stock to a new all-time high and hit a high yesterday and meta, basically the same story, the 395 calls expiring next week, saw over 6,000 trading. we're just under $15 a contract and those traders are betting the stock could exceed 410 or so after they report.
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>> wow tim, what concerns you about next week specifically >> we have a couple -- it's a massive week we do have a fed meeting, folks. i don't know that there's going to be a whole lot there. i think the dynamics around some of the data we got today, pc out, so the core pce inflation that's very important to the fed was the best number we've seen in over a couple years i am worried about this treasury refunding announcement the tra -- nobody knew what those meant before -- the refunding announcement will show what we're going to do in the next quarter in terms of what this government is going to do to finance a deficit that's never been larger at higher rates and known that at times that's been a significant event for the equity market. i realize the fed, if anything, has some support to get more dovish i don't think -- i think they're going to be careful about how they talk about that, but again, long yields where we were with rates in october, the market bottomed basically, you know, a couple weeks after rates topped, so i think that's a very, very
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big moment next week. >> in terms of the treasury refunding announcement i believe the size is announced on monday and the day dense happens on wednesday. >> right. >> on wednesday we can get the fireworks. >> we saw that last time, right. >> exactly that was a huge catalyst for the market julie, how about you given what mike was -- and by the way, mike, thank you given what we're seeing in terms of the option market the moves are bigger for these players, amd and meta and what tim outlined in terms of the overlay of the potential volatility in the treasury market seems like a treacherous week we're headed into. >> yeah. it's going to be pretty spectacular i think. i think what's happening in the treasury markets is really pretty critical and i think it's connected to what's going to happen with the fed. the fed is feeling a lot of pressure to cut rates and that makes sense because we've seen a major increase, but we're not at like crazy historic highs at these levels and the fed is well aware there is almost no stimulus left to give, right we're already at the record
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deficits why would they give back the one tool they have to fight any kind of economic weakness or any exogenous event? there's not really a need when the labor market is as strong as it is. i think that's what people need to keep in mind. i worry that a lot of people are continuing to get their hearts broken expecting a march rate cut when i don't think they want to give up that one weapon. >> the day dense, by the way, i misspoke, thursday thursday the day that meta and amazon report. add that to the list of things we're going to be watching on thursday. >> it's funny, the fed again, we have a fed funds future pricing 0% probability of a cut there. march has come down. i think as high as 75, 80%, now below 50%. when you think about, you know, the 10-year yield at 4.15 and crude oil the way it's rallied over the last few weeks, dollar has rallied a little bit, there are things out there that could cause equity volatility from a very complacent level right now and so it wouldn't have to be any big misses of any of these
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big names. it could just be not the sort of guidance that people were hoping for to justify these sorts of valuations in a way. i just think there is a lot of complacency. might the fed say something in the q&a that, you know, where there's no expectations that could cause a little volatility? maybe. >> let's dig deeper into the charts best and worst charts among the mag 7. the chart master is taking a look. >> well, just to reiterate, apple really is the worst by far in terms of relative performance. that's just a fact the question is, can that improve? i don't think so so we're retaining that under weight the favorite is meta meta is just now returned to it prirs high, which is the case for the s&p and in case for a lot of stocks. whereas, many super kab cap names have made substantial
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highs, the setup is good the chart on the screen is another way to depict the story. this is how bad meta has been. it's a ratio chart one thing divided by another, that's simple, and it means that meta has been under performing the magnificent seven for four or five years. it's starting to bottom and turn so it's a laggard that has catch up potential to its other mega cap brother. >> carter, how relevant are those highs in an amazon so back of the november, december, 2021 levels into 2022 whenever we peaked out they all did at different times all around that time, some of the mega caps is it a foregone that amazon, which has not gotten to those, should we -- because again, and can you oversimply fi it, you can't, and if you think about who got there first. >> that's right. >> who went through and who should be following right through the gates -- >> think about it, we know that semi, nvidia, the qqq dropped from its peak 37% versus the s&p 27 and they had to catch up that much more. we know that semis are through and we know that, for instance,
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ibm -- >> microsoft is through. >> microsoft is through. whereas something like an adobe no something like an amazon no. so the case is do you favor those that have made it through or do you double back and find a laggard and play it? >> i think that's the better player that would be like a meta and we shall see about amazon. >> crazy to think that meta is a laggard given just its performance this year. >> the stock was death and, you know, a lot has changed, but what has really changed, right i realize the metaverse was thrown out the window and we stopped talking about it. >> that's what alphabet can do outline more year of efficiency. that's the one company that hasn't embraced that narrative as much. >> also some of the biggest risks when it comes to gen ai. people thought it was a company spending billions on machine learning, on generative ai and the lead up to that chatgpt launch and everything like that and when they went out and launched bard it was a disaster. this is a year ago
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think how they ended last year with a disappointing gemini. evolution of bard and meant to compete with openai. they do have i think less expectations as it relates to a microsoft, but they also for some reason have to the been able to execute or at least demonstrate what they've been able to do i'll just say one thing because you said it, tim, meta sold off nearly 80% from its highs in late 2021, 80% and come back what else also sold off about 75, 80%, tesla also did. it's been stuck in the mud and really a bad story i think we're going to talk about that later what else sold off 75% from its highs to lows, nvidia. these are names like think about how much enthusiasm was encapsulated in those names two plus years ago,how much they sold off, how far they've examine back and in nvidia's case how far it's over shot. remember, people, they can do that i mean like right now they seem so great but tesla is telling you it can do it again too. >> has nvidia overshot
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>> overshot is a word i'm not sure a term people would all use. >> i mean -- >> let's say there's a experience, some will say it's expensive or rich but more nuance is full nvidia is full. >> you think nvidia is full? >> nice, wow. >> you guys get my job here a little bit i don't know these are love stories and much loved then. >> julie, you're nodding your head here. >> i totally agree i think the thing is when you get to a stock priced like this everything has to go right when in anyone's life everything gone right >> you've made a couple references tonight. >> very difficult to make money if everyone owns it. someone has to buy it in order for it to continue going up. sounds like everyone owns it, right. that makes it really hard. >> but didn't netflix sof -- i know netflix is its own idiosyncratic story, but we went in thinking netflix had its run on the back of ai and here we
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are, netflix is gain of 18% on the week we thought everybody owned that one too. doesn't it make you hopeful. >> still not back to its all-time high. >> you like netflix. >> 680, 690. >> still off its - >> yeah. no doubt coming up, american express dark in on strong guidance before the bell. whether to buy the hype around this name so closely tied to the consumer earnings season heats up next week not just about tech, novo nordisk, gm, exxonmobil in the hot seat we'll return to the charts to see how the names have fared stay tuned. >> this is "fast money" with melissa lee. right here on cnbc you know when you have those moments? that time to reflect. to be like wow! what did i do to get here? (tense music) right. work. you worked hard and it's time for a bank that'll work hard for you.
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take your business further here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. money. american express topping the tape closing at an all-time high today after issuing ber than expected full-year guidance while the company missed estimates for the current quarter it does expect revenue growth american express shares up 7% for its best day in a year travel and entertainment spending was good up 9%. julie, what's your read through on this?
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>> one thing i thought was interesting read through for the airlines the t and e spend looks solid but the airlines are not you're seeing a sequential decline there speaking to the nature of how work is changing, where we're spending a little bit more internally trying to, you know, have more happening, but locally, and i think that's kind of an interesting trend it looks like the credit quality overall at american express is still very, very high and i think that's what's giving the stock a lot of support is that people feel very confident that this higher end demographic is one that american express really knows, really understand and can underwrite correctly without causing a lot of downside. it's well positioned. >> i mean the bifurcated sort of narrative has gained a lot more steam with that discover news, capital one financial, though, did well in today's session and lvmh you see the picture of the lower end consumer having difficulty and the higher end consumer spending and still okay. >> it's interesting the segments
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you get a little bit more insight into restaurants remain strong, travel norm ooized some of the trends are normalizing. what drove the stock there's operational leverage in the story. cutting expenses on equities staying where it is. i think that's where you are it's, again, this could have been part of our conversation in the a block, visa and amex have performed a little differently but talked about a consumer that was very resilient and that's huge. >> i mean one thing, this is a classic example of why there's no such thing of good or bad news there's only news. they missed on their earnings and missed on the revenue, but the stock surged which is to say how do you square that off you don't have to. the answer is it was good news obviously, it was good that they missed and good that they missed revenue because it would be down which is to say it wasn't as bad a miss as people feared and the second thing i would point out, amex's relative performance to
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the s&p peaked a decade ago. you know, this is more of a bottom it's a good dividend yield but i don't think there's anything exciting here. >> your fundamentals - >> we're talking about fundamentals now. >> not a pair of 2s. >> bonds maybe. >> i would fade -- >> equity clothing - >> there's more "fast money" to come here's what's coming up next >> what do vaccine maker, coffee shop and oil company have in common the chart master is about to tell their tales ahead of earnings we're breaking down the reports outside of big tech that you need to be ready for next. plus, a storm is brewing for social media stocks as florida moves towards a historic ban what does it mean for your portfolio. the story, stocks and pushback in d.c. coming up. you're watching "fast money," live from the nasdaq market site in times square. we're back right after this.
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5:27 pm
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dow another all thime close. the nasdaq losing 0.3% intel tumbling nearly 12% for its worse day since july 2020. that after the chipmaker's weak guidance after the bell yesterday. it's -- were you surprised at the continued sell, you know >> no. i mean, not based upon the intel we've seen disappoint and when they disappoint do they. there's no support for the stock and i think it's, you know, maybe rightly not loved by the street, but what we heard was that there's a continuing recovery it's not that robust there's not a whole lot there. i think the debate that's been had on this desk and could be had anywhere, is just because they've under performed and the stock shouldn't have a multiple in the nvidia camp, does it deserve even a cheap multiple? if you put a 16 times based upon where we are on 2024, it's a $40 stock, and it probably deserves
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maybe less of a multiple if you believe that they're not growing this fast. that's where you play. i actually the day before had sold long dated calls, bought a couple back today. doesn't mean that, you know, i think the stock can get running in a couple days i think it's still a show me story. i still think there's momentum for them as a u.s. chip play and what's going on longer term than people are going to own it. >> the foundry business, right now, granted that's a part that can grow as the theme of made in the usa, but it's only 2% of revenue at this point. >> that's fair and again, what we heard from taiwan semi and really still they're losing market share and data center we know they're losing that to amd. >> how do the -- look. >> a drop in gap is tempting could get it on the cheap. never do it. as a matter of technique it usually has follow through to the downside the semiconductor index, the philadelphia stock exchange on
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its october low is 45% before today's giveback today's giveback in line with something in line for a giveback. >> amd reporting other chip makers you're watching for next week. >> the amd thing we talked about last night, it's doubled in the last three or four months. all of the enthusiasm and market share, all those things you don't want to talk about that are detractors for an intel, they are in the stock. what is the expectation they're going to be able to -- forget about it to your point about american express, they could miss and guide higher or whatever i just don't see it. i don't see how that stock can work higher. one thing about intel, nearly 20% customer there is dell and that thing acts pretty well. that's not a stock we talk about a heck of a lot. i guess there's things you may want to look away from generative ai that might start working out pretty decently in the semi and related space. >> coming up, florida advancing a bill that could ban kids under
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welcome back to "fast money. we have dug into next week's tech earnings reports but they are far from the only names on the calendar we wanted to to ask the chart master for his read on nontech names. we picked four carter start us off with novo nordisk. >> of course this is the definition of god-like, when you have just a steady, orderly up trend. that's the momentum. it's right as a matter of technique to stick with it does it have to continue, no probably it is arrow to the right my judgment. >> not a pair of twos. >> opposite. definition of god-like. >> pair of kings. >> yeah. >> starbucks is out on tuesday what do you see here >> talk about a real laggard, right. this is a company that over the
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past year is down 14% s&p, up 10 and so the issue is, last quarter, it gapped up 10%, a big successful quarter gaps come in twos or threes. bet long here that you get another very sort of happy post-earnings pop. >> exxon is out towards the end of the week here so what does the chart look like in. >> exxon not a novo nordisk, of course, but a selloff to a level of support and my thinking you play for a bounce here. >> and gm, early next week. >> yes this is a company, i mean, look has a short-term chart for a reason the same price it was 15 years ago, right it basically doesn't ever work but this minor formation i'm a buyer for move higher. >> you like all four charts that you went through >> that's why i picked hem. >> all right which ones looked -- were there
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ones that were terrible that you were like -- terrible, not going to do it on tv. >> next, next. >> all right where do you stand on starbucks? >> i like starbucks. i have a position that's probably 25% of the kind that i like to hold in this name. i think i'm going to get it lower. i think this is a company struggling between also what kind of growth they're going to coming out of china and covid and inflation have been fantastic for margins at starbucks. they can't, you know, i won't get into my rant about the price of my venti right now, but you can't spend more than 450 for a cup of coffee. >> is that the price of your venti 4.50. >> yeah. nothing fancy about it >> drip coffee. >> don't call me a drip. yeah anyway, i love this company. i do feel like it's how i might have felt if i was on mcdonald's 20 years ago they're not going anywhere this is a consumer staple on some level. >> julie, which do you like or
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let you go off the board even. which name are you watching on tech >> nontech name i'm watching is merck. i think it's great that glp 1s have everyone's attention and we can recognize it's a problem, but as it turns out there are many, many health conditions we're chasing and i think that they have recognized that their pipeline is a little bit in jeopardy and need to get out and do m&a to bolster that and they're doing that i'm kind of curious hearing more how that sounds going forward. >> you know, i want to focus on novo nordisk for a second because it has characteristics that, you know - >> ai -- >> excited about in tech and the like and to your point it's a great looking chart. very near an all-time high expectations are high. read a story today one of the bull cases, you know this space, state and governments paying for the weight loss drugs and there was an article today that north carolina when they started paying for these drugs in 2021 they paid for i think 2800 people to be on them last year, 25,000 people
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it's 10% of their drug costs, their prescription drug costs and they're going to stop paying for them stuff like that, those hi headwinds, one you hear that, the enthusiasm is that great, that's when you want to pay attention to me, so i want to see how investors react to any commentary in and around what states and governments are paying. >> the long term is interesting because you think about health care costs overall going down because of the reduction of cardiovascular events, but in the short term with these prices still high, you know, we're looking at higher costs to the health care system right now we're in this interesting period maybe the saving grace from the chart perspective or stock perspective is that, you know, they're selling as much as they can make that hasn't hit the story yet. >> dan is bringing up a great point an also a great point if favor of the bulls it is. when these states stop to think about the cost savings they will have overall if people don't have this full litany of other
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diseases that are a function of obesity, it's the big debate but it may be the fact that they're going to spend 25,000 patients right away who knows. >> does a lilly chart look as god-like as a novo nordisk chart? >> it certainly has. we know that lilly was a laggard compared to the great pfizer and lilly has changed its stripes and it is actually for the first time the biggest weight in the entire sector, health care sector, bigger than united health care. of the two i like novo better, but you have to respect the lilly chart. >> coming up the s&p hit a new intraday htoday. not everyone came along for the ride traders lay out their charts of the week and if any of these names are ready to turn around a social pariah, one state eyeing a social media ban for kids could this just be the beginning? what it means for the stocks when "fast money" returns.
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welcome back to "fast money. it is being dubbed the seat belt moment for social media companies. one state is taking a step toward limiting access to these apps julia boorstin joins us with the details. >> well, melissa, florida's house of representatives has
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passed a bill that would bar anyone 16 or younger from using social media now the bill does not name companies, but this could deal a blow to meta, snap, pinterest, tiktok and youtube, given that an estimated 95% of 13 to 17-year-olds are on social media according to pew research. meta says it's working with florida lawmakers and that they thunk it's crucial the bill, quote, provide clear, consistent rules so all services meet the expectations of parents, teens move fluidly across online services and use online safety bills that hold different services to different standards in different states will subject teens to inconsistent protections online now the bill does have partisan support but even if it is passed it is likely to face lawsuits from free speech advocates and trade associations such as net choice which filed lawsuits against state laws restricting youth access to social media in
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arkansas, california, ohio and utah but this is all part of a wave of proposed legislation from at least 35 states as well as puerto rico to help protect kids and teens from the potentially negative impact of social media. and it comes ahead of the capital hearing on wednesday on child safety and social media. so that is a hearing, melissa, i'm going to be watching closely. all the big ceos will be there. >> that should be interesting. thank you. julia boorstin what can we expect from the ceos when they testify at the senate judiciary hearing. what is next here? eamon? >> reporter: melissa, this is going to be a big one. as we heard you are going to see all the ceos of the top companies up here. the hearing at the senate judiciary committee is focused on child exploitation on the social media platforms and i think you can separate out a couple of buckets, right one is the political pressure the social media companies are on that's going to be on full display next week on wednesday all the top executives are going
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to be there. they're going to be before the senators and cameras and the senators will try to score a lot of political points against them the pressure exists. you heard julia talking about the legislative pressure out in the country in the states passing laws to go after social media and then, of course, there's the legal pressure which you see in the case of a number of cases, class action lawsuits being brought against these social media companies alleging child sexual exploitation, mental health issues, teen addiction to social media issues, all of those things are being adjudicated in the courts as well and throwing out a lot of embarrassing detail into the public record for these social media companies. they're really under fire on a bunch of fronts at the same time it's a problem for these big companies. >> all right eamon, thank you eamon javers. i have no idea how they enforce it, but let's say they can, let's say this goes through and, you know, it's not contested, et cetera, what could this mean? the holy grail is to get the
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youth, right, target youth that's what snap is about and the beauty of snap from an investor standpoint. >> yeah. get them hooked early. julia mentioned the companies and snap and, you know, youtube is the one that i think is most interesting to me because it's not something that a lot of us identify as a social property, but for all intents and purposes it is one of the largest one throughout and one if you have young kids you know they've spent a lot of time on there it doesn't have a lot of the other, you know, dynamics i think that a lot of people are worried about as it relates to some of the bad content and some of the unusually horrible behavior that exists there this is going to be something we're going to be dealing with for years but think about it in our lifetime, they finally got around to convincing people cigarettes were bad for kids, and it took just 50 years or so. good luck with this getting done any time soon. >> for cigarettes, that was watershed moment where nobody thought anything could be done and then all of a sudden the warning that was forced upon and then they had to change how they advertise.
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things did happen that were once unthinkable to this industry finally it happened years afterwards >> i know. it's also unthinkable to me that we can be banning, you know, speech, banning expression this sounds like we're living in a different country in the far east i can't -- no way it's happening. >> almost like they're trying to substitute the function of parents. it's up to parents. >> there you go. >> what access your children have i don't know if lawmakers can actually step in to that role. >> well, i don't think it's free speech because it's a commercial private platform and they can really do whatever they want it's not the town square as they love to argue. it's a business. and they run it as a business. but i think it's undeniable if you look at when facebook was able to get on a phone and teen depression, that they are almost perfectly correlated, right. it's hard to kind of ignore that this has a major impact on our teens who don't even have a fully developed prefrontal
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cortex it doesn't seem like it's going to have a huge impact on their business because most of them aren't on some of these social media platforms, the really young people are not on facebook, but i agree, youtube is the most nefarious one. it is where you see the most dangerous content and i think it's actually probably the easiest one to regulate for them i'm looking forward to seeing that. >> coming up, it is friday and we've not one, but two, oh, not two, four, we've got four charts of the week for you so shocking that number. we're spelling this with an "a," weak, which can make the case for a turnaround you won't want to miss ts, ayunedhi
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join the millions of people taking back♪ ♪eir privacy ♪ ♪ . welcome back to "fast money. stocks hitting record highs this week as investors digested positive economic data and all three notching a weekly gain wasn't sunshine and rainbows it's time for charts of the week w-e-a-k. the stocks where traders are seeing troubling price action. >> weak is hard to find. gilead is kind of a standout with the aibb. if you look at that chart it's less about to me where that
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chart is going i think maybe it still continues to go higher it's the abrupt selloff it had around the release of their phase three. this is at least a pipeline in their oncology expected to be one third of revenue by 2030 it's another one of these companies people are worried about whether the pipeline is going to matchup i think it will and i think ibb and biotech looks good. >> dan >> yeah. mine would be the smh, the etf that tracks the semiconductor index. when i think about this one, we've talked about amd and intel's report look at the five-day chart it ended where it started the week it closed down 4% from the highs earlier this week. it sold off in sympathy with intel as a big component of it, but i look at next week and i look at nvidia, you know, like four of their largest customers are going to be reporting. we know what they are, microsoft, meta, amazon, and alphabet and look at this chart here i think this pulls back to 178 or so over the next week or two.
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smh. >> what's your chart >> you know, if it isn't the fundamentals catching up to tesla. this quarter you know you've seen the impact of more entrants coming and i hear again and again elon built a better car a better product and he's going to get us out of this it doesn't matter if he has the best car, if he has the fastest car he has competition and they have to cut prices and margins are absolutely getting crushed so i believe that this should be trading more in line with the other automakers it has more growth to trade at a little premium but not this premium. >> finally, chart master your chart of the week. >> well the weakest of all archer daniels dropped 23% on the week biggest one day drop in the company's history. irregular accounting, cfo put on the sidelines. but it's not out of nowhere. it was at a 52 week low, so was mosaic, so was -- deer deere is down 6%, caterpillar up 16
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everything ag heavy and archer daniels fell out of bed this week news related but happened from a bad pattern. >> which of the traders charts of the week did you like best? >> you have to remind me i was thinking about my -- >> the other one. >> gilead, tesla, smh. >> for sure. with which i would continue to be short up next, final trade ♪ ♪ every day, businesses everywhere are asking: is it possible? with comcast business... it is. is it possible to help keep our online platform safe from cyberthreats? absolutely. can we provide health care virtually anywhere? we can help with that. is it possible to use predictive monitoring to address operations issues? we can help with that, too. with the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. it's not just possible. it's happening.
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quick programming note monday and tuesday next week "fast money" will be live in miami beach broadcasting from the global 24 conference
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we'll be joined by dan guy on set and a lineup a few of the highlights, monday founder and ceo of altimeter capital joins us ahead of tech earnings tuesday we'll be joined by the ceos of oak forest about private markets and real life traders behind the big short must see reunion and a conversation about what they are trading right now. it all starts 5:00 p.m. monday night right here on "fast money. on the road. time for the final trade around the horn. julie. >> you know given how rowdy tech is next week i am seeking comfort in bentley securities. it's a steady eddy way to go. >> tim. >> i'm long and i expect to be long into the gm numbers maybe we'll finally hear about how they're getting more credit for their ice business that's internal combustion engine. >> thank you. >> we'll see. >> and carter braxton. >> silver had a good week relative to gold the ishare silver.
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>> dan geearing up for miami. >> we spent time talking about the big tech names if you own those like tim is talking to his clients about it how you don't want to be long in puts in the qqq. they look cheap to me. >> thank you foratin wchg "fast money. "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. e got pleasantly cool inflation numbers. the av


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