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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  February 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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it's going three for one i'm looking for 15% upside. >> tim >> thank you ge trades less than four. >> karen >> gm. forget ge. >> got to take someone off the table, meta. thanks for being here. >> and take preference in tsm. >> thank you for watching fast money, mad money with jim cramer starts now. >> mission is simple, to make you money, i'm here to level the playing field for all investors, i promise to help you find it, mad money starts right now. >> i am jim cramer, welcome to men money, just trying to make you a little money, my job is not just to educate and entertain, and amuse, call me at one 807 43 kramer -- 1-800-743
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cramer. those who said that the fed would lower interest rates, we question that, your salaries and everything, we were right and you have egg all over your collective faces. bring a huge number of jobs, 350,000, nearly doubling the expected number, and wage inflation getting a little hot. the result wasn't what you think, the dollar actually gained 135 points, jumping from 0.7, the nasdaq surged one .7%. that is something, isn't it. but the analysis is a little irrelevant, we caught some legendary moves in a few specific stocks, meta-platforms up 20%, amazon up nearly 8%, the striking numbers, many more
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goods with fewer people in the goods have high margins. especially the average. it was a handful of magnificent stocks which made you an incredible amount of money, especially meta-, mark zetterberg created more in a day than anyone else in history, adding nearly $197 billion to the market cap today, throwing in the dividend, earning stocks can be a great way to augment your paycheck. and the charlatans who try to scare you with the ets with a single stock risk nonsense, you should know that your naked greed, the jeremiads have hurt our viewers. amazon, huge wins. and that's what it does, produces surprises, what surprises might lurk next week? check out the game plan.
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caterpillar, has been a horse, short-sellers have been destroyed by caterpillar, up nearly 100 points, this is the watch by the stock, almost always goes higher after earnings, i don't think this time might be different, there are periodic things but i think it will be good. closing that, simon property groups, and how they have done, the largest oil company in the world, giving you a different report an excellent output and outlook. i think the radition, knows better than retail anyone i know, the only company that has been able to eclipse the value of tesla and elbow itself to market capitalization, eli lilly, announcing the earnings, anti-diabetes drug that potentially has a whole lot of other uses. the magnitude of sales, i think
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i know it matters, how quickly they can wrap up factories to meet the demand, because wow, is this in short supply. a monster upside because of strong heating and ventilation, i think carrier global could do the same thing, i like the story very much. spotify inked a contract with joe rogan worth as much as $250 million, i know spotify has been doing well but this contract makes me think you could be in for a real boffo set of numbers, i like this set up, spotify, the industrial gas company, a perfect mosaic, carbonated drink meters in hospitals and oil and gas companies, semicon -- semiconductors, and vendors, the company does fine when the global economy is struggling in great if it is struggling, i'm
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encouraged about this for two reasons. adam jones at morgan stanley is calling it his favorite name, and the monthly numbers that philip gave us were terrific, involving a lot of hybrids, were the money is now, i thought the stock would've acted better, it is a little daunting the stock acted so badly but i am hopeful. i think it will be a blowout plain and simple but i wish they would split the stock the way that walmart did, everybody knows that splits are pure optics, the fact is optics matter, one of my favorite stocks and favorite places to eat, one of the most impressive company's i saw them at the conference, they had a good quarterback, talking about its own truck, a once a month shot like the current one is a once
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a week shot, i would buy them, we get results from uber and this company has become so impressive, it is a juggernaut. cvs, not talking about the transformation but i do have trepidation, could have fallen prey to the same issues that hurt humana. i'm concerned. the franchise market has been very good to kfc and taco bell but not so much pizza hut, what could happen if they have a third firing cylinder, wow. the position with -- position we've got, mediocre numbers from this once great company, some of the numbers are self inflicted. something is wrong, netflix is running rings around them, i really want to know why disney refuses to put them on the board of directors, goading them into a proxy fight, what helps -- does it help make them
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feel uncomfortable keye i hope so, somebody should be there and say we are letting down shareholders, including us, we own a lot of stock. i like getting ahead of the quarter, playing a political role in pharma sector. i think it delivers again. nothing is guaranteed but all of those on the board, i'm putting that first. and the holdings, like amd, 2 companies keeping the generative artificial intelligence harbor, dynamite. chevron reported, up 4 and change, and it most reminds me of chevron, conoco, i really like conoco and thursday morning, very strong numbers, pinterest and take to interactive, and i like take 2,
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it was six next year, and a chance to get in before the biggest show in gaming drops on streaming. next, i am tempted, you probably don't follow this as closely, as ceo matthew prince does a fantastic job, with the content delivery network and cyber security network, the stock will go to new highs. controversial by now and pay later outfit, a widow maker, one of the largest lenders that they thought would go bust but it has not, and i don't think it will, picks -- pepsico has been in a rut lately even though business is pretty good, they will worry about the impact of the gop-1, it will probably hurt the business, you will see as many, it's nothing to worry about
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now. next week, insane earning reports, stop and look and listen before you pull the trigger, too much confusion to be as informed when you need to be when you are investing your own money. gary in new york >> jim, thank you for taking the call. >> i'm glad you called, what is happening? >> i did pretty well since the 90s investing and i attribute a lot of that to investing in companies that i have good personal experiences with that are repeatable but i can't negate the fact that also i learned a lot from you over the years, even in those cases where i might not agree from you, and i'm very grateful for that, thank you. >> thank you. >> with that, some of things i learned from you more recently, pertain to this company i'm going to ask you about, some of the fiascoes associated with adm, and additionally making a pivot to enterprise businesses as opposed to consumer oriented ones, and with that, my concern
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is, a company i have had great experience with and continue to use, fmc. >> fmc is a real tough one for me, i am in philadelphia, makes me want to air market fmc, what made me want to reopen the book is that they reported a great quarter but they've not done well, it's crushed me, i do root for the home team and right now the home team is not in the playoffs. angelo in new york.>> what's up, great to be on the show tonight, we used to work at 14 wall street together many moons ago, i would love to learn a little bit more about the investors from 2018, were they going to go from here? >> i have to tell you, that's one of the best enterprise software companies, they've pivoted and made a lot of money, i like them, and when i
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saw you and 14 walcott always try to put a smile on my face even though i was miserable and happy, we have another flood of earnings reports next week, messages, stop, look and listen before you put your money to work and pull the trigger. find out how he warmer whimper could impact earnings then shall not in a positive way. prince harry took meghan markle there, is a good enough for your portfolio, will they let me in, taking a closer look . shares up near 40%, could the decline in earnings be a buying opportunity, stay with cramer. don't miss a second of mad money, follow jim cramer on x, tweet him at mad mentions, send the email at mad or give us a call at 1-800-743
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cnbc, head to
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what the heck just happened to the stock of columbia sports well, the company you may know as product, mountain hardware, other brands, a disappointing quarter with a not so inspiring for your forecast, their conservative, the stock was down 10%, but then it rebounded like crazy, finishing down almost 1%, what was it the new profit improvement plan that management announced before the conference call or the negatives were already baked into the stock or the fact that inventories are incredibly low, let's speak with the chairman, president and ceo of columbia sportswear.
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will come back to mad money. >> thank you jim, great to be with you. >> i have to tell you tim, i happen to be in kansas city for the game between kansas city and miami, and it was -9, it made me think of you, i was wearing my columbia stuff, it's almost like a relic, i don't remember cold weather anymore, do you think part of this country has not seen enough cold weather that they forget you need cold weather close? >> i think is much as we try to really build our business outside of the winter weather time period, we are still heavily dependent on winter weather and this year as you know was incredibly warm, and the appropriate weather. and and an important part of how we are managing the business. and weather dependent business
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like we are, really have to have a balance sheet, and focused on making sure that we have the right amount of capital and thrilled with the way the year came out, not so happy with the numbers that we clean up the inventory, but on to the next year, and things are going to improve. >> the ones who know the brandon love the brand, and and the ability to struggle through, maybe do some kind of dynamic things with new people you are bringing in, you might have some very good ideas. >> that's true, and we often say nobody needs another brand of apparel or footwear, so how
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do we differentiate ourselves, we have been very focused on innovation and making sure we can keep you warm when it is -9 in a way that is comfortable and looks good, and make changes in the business, that are not knee-jerk, not about having to slice the inventory and sell it at no profit, and those kinds of things can keep us on the straight and narrow at a time when business has been more challenged. that's really the focus, as you said we are bringing people onboard were very tough people and rightly so, on the management, including me, to make sure we are doing the right things and managing inventories properly and i think you will see, we currently plan to add another $300 million or so of free cash flow in 2024 further managing the inventories.
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we've given some guidance, and pretty right on and allows us to do things that others can't and others. >> very important when known as think about cold weather nobody thinks about some of the brands, the spring 2024 introduction, which we looking for their quick >> a unique product of a midsole and outsole system that we will adapt to a number of key selling styles. really an update to the product, incredibly comfortable and hide performance and i've been talking about the opportunity and footwear, this will lead the path there. >> we got some of the goods, and that's the kind of thing that they would want, is that
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selling well >> you know what, that's a very limited item, the arrangement with disney has been terrific as it relates to star wars, the idea there is to make sure we have some items which are available broadly, and focused and narrowly available, frankly i don't know if you get a chance to see the bubble wallace and mark hamill vignette video that we did, it really has been fun, doing business with disney at the price points we are offering, it has been fun for both companies. >> if you like your story doesn't get out, love the backpack that his performance fishing, and i really do feel that people don't know this,
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the most useful product in the world, i like to deep sea fish and take it with me, everything is kept dry, look what this does, why can't we get the word out? >> jim, we have been accused of keeping our talents under a bushel, so we are about to lift the bushel. >> do it, it's too cool man, i mean it, use your stuff everywhere and i always have to splaine the people why and that should be, because your stuff is the best, tim, chairman, president and ceo of columbia sportswear, i hope for some cold weather for you buddy. >> i appreciated. >> absolutely, back after the break. coming up, cramer casts a keen eye towards where the in crowd assembles, homework on soho house is due next.
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♪♪ they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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one of my new year's resolutions is to stand my homework, where i need to you -- i need to do homework, sometimes it takes way too long, i'm trying to make time to do that. for example last month a cup matt in massachusetts asked about soho house and company is
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one of the 600 odd companies that came public in 2021, is think evans not a bad deal but the stock is had a rough time, it came public as a membership collective, there is a great name, something like stalin, before changing his name, a unique story i've been meaning to pay attention to but the stock is been such a loser, it never seemed particularly pressing. it came public at $14 never got more than one dollar above the price and then lost 70% of the value in 2022, dropping from 13 down to three, but it has doubled up to six dollars but hasn't come to -- close to recouping the 2022 losses. nevertheless it does have a compelling narrative, the soho house membership business, they so various types of memberships that provide access to a
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network of beautiful buildings and spaces with tons of amenities, bars and restaurants, club rooms, pools and spas, they even have their own beaches and hotel rooms and endless locations, it got the start 9095 as a single location in the soho neighborhood and a network of 42 locations in 14 countries. bangkok in mexico city, diversifying into other ventures, if you boutique hotel networks, in the u.s., in london, they co-working space called coat -- soho works and soho home, they sell the kind of things you can see at their clubs. membership is selective, they don't take everybody. they want people who are as cool as the existing members, you have to apply to get in, they tend to like creative types rather than finance prose,
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maybe they should have accepted a few more portfolio managers and the famous meatpacking district location, my mom was an artist, a sculptor, i get what they're trying to do but there is in inherent tension between keeping it selective and generate enough membership growth to make money. so far they seem to be doing a good job, the third quarter of 2023, 21% from the year before and 3% from the previous quarter, i like that. an all-time high of 98,000, 15% year-over-year, reporting the company will not accept any new members this year in the new york and los angeles and london locations, so popular that the they are getting too crowded, that is a high quality growth across the board, delivering 13% revenue growth, i like to see the membership revenue growth, the reason why you want
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that is recurring revenue, it always pays more, because the market value consistently, and they are miles off of turning a profit but moving in the right direction, amortization turned positive in 2022, we haven't seen the first quarter yet, it is likely that even the and priest -- -- ebitda increased. by new properties, as with so many of the 600 so companies, soho house seem to be fully focused on revenue growth. the investors were not concerned with profits, but as the fed started raising interest rates, wall street got tired of pursuing companies like this, and the got the message, monetizing existing properties by getting the margins up. soho house is on track to go
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free cash flow positive and break even with earnings next year, when they last reported in november it got slammed, it will 21% response, and trending low ever since, did they give a devastating update? it wasn't perfect, the overall membership level was a bit light and they missed dictations, and health revenue was less than expected, the earnings, and free cash flow were also lower-than-expected. contributions margins were much higher as well as adjusted ebitda, over hundred 80% and over what the analysts expected. and despite some of the top results, they raise the full year forecast across the board. i think it got obliterated because it came into high and reported a quarter with a little
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heroin in it, and you can do that if it's coming in that high, it could be a good speculative point, not a lot of companies like this, and the profitability, like soho house seems to be, the report, the fourth quarter numbers are not reported until early march, if you are risk-averse, think first before pulling the trigger, but if you're comfortable, why not put in a small position, f we give you a good forecast, we will be watching now that it is back on the radar, thank you matt for enticing us to take a close look at what i regard as a quirky story, because we actually like what we see. jack, in my home state of new jersey, how are you doing? how are you? >> pretty good. the super bowl is upon us and
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the taylor swift and michael santolli stories here and a lot of women are in the betting pool, i'm sure they will play online slots or table games that draftkings have been advertising, do you think this new crop of female sports bettors can make a difference for draftkings bottom line? bigger remember when it was literally in half of what is now, i started pounding the table and saying it's time to buy draftkings. i continue to like it, it is no longer in expected -- inexpensive, but i do like it, and everything was encapsulated by your thesis, thank you jack from new jersey for bringing it up and sussing it through. patrick in florida?>> how's it going? bigger not bad, how are you? bigger i've had this stock for over 10 years now and i'm trying to figure out what
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direction they are going into, what is your take on under armour? bigger over the last 10 years they have been trying to figure out what direction they should be going, which is why you feel that way too. the stock could be bottoming but the sporting goods apparel business has just turned such a nightmare, there are other things i would like, at one point, they sell sunglasses, if you want sunglasses, i gave my daughter a pair of ray bans, those are some sunglasses. i think soho house is a good speculative buy and if you're looking to add to the portfolio, maybe buy some now and see what they say in march, much more mad money, including the ceo of cardinal health, huge revenue after earnings. the first apple product in nine years is out, i had a chance to talk with tim cook to find out more, i will tell you what i learned, and we will have the lightning round, so stay with cramer!
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icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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what is going on with cardinal health, one of the three biggest routers, for years it lagged behind the peers and some of that is activist pressure and new leadership, ever since elliott nash replaced the ceo the stock has been on fire, up an astounding 68%, too big piece of news, $1.2 billion, helping them play catch up in the pharma space where the money is, and secondly, reported yesterday, big earnings and raise the full-
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year forecast substantially, but i guess it was not perfect. they missed the operating profit expectations and the forecast for the school and medical sector, not for the company, it spooked investors, dropping 3.5% yesterday, and one .6% today, but still up over 50% and i don't really understand the pull back, let's take a closer look with the ceo of cardinal health, welcome to mad money. >> great to be here. >> a long time since we talked about cardinal, give us an overview of where the company is and why you think it rallied 65%, that's pretty remarkable. >> it is really the execution of the team of the last 18 months, benefited from strong utilization across the industry, we've taken the volume and executed very well, the large and most significant business is the pharmaceutical segment, and we benefited from that but
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had some really good resilient growth within the core customers and our individual performance when the -- within that and productivity. the medical segment has been more of a turnaround. we've taken the business from quarterly losses about a year ago to now about $70 billion a profit, driven by the medical improvement plan, driving mitigation to the inflation we were impacted by a couple of years ago and growing the cardinal brand products and investing and getting the right capacity in place and productivity to ensure that customers have service levers they demand. >> talk about the cardinal product, people just presume that what you do has a product, and the products that you traffic in, your own stuff too. >> let's write, a variety of product lines, 4 different -- four different product lines,
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$200 billion of revenue by itself, primarily the distribution of other manufacturer products, the medical segment specifically, which is about 10-$12 billion of business has a component of about $4 billion of our own cardinal health branded products and also distributing other national branded products from other manufacturers. >> a little bit more margin, tell us about the acquisition, this is what you need to separate yourself from the pack. >> i should say that we are over $30 billion of business in the specialty space, and the last three years, with script it's grown at 14% see agr, however, and if we do an acquisition, it would be in a specialty space, that has been the priority, an opportunity to
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celebrate -- accelerate that strategy. it is a fantastic business but i have to start with the people, we know them well, we've worked with them for a long time, a fantastic leadership team and they have built a great business, a multispecialty group purchasing organization and enhancement organization, multispecialty, let's start with that, begin urology but also exposure into rheumatology and g.i., nice growing businesses within specialty. what we've really liked about the business is the technology stack behind it, pps analytics, a subscription-based ai platform that uses electronic platforms and other data feeds and use it to provide actual insights, upstream with manufacturers in the big pharma companies, and downstream to the smaller independent physician offices and help them run business more efficiently and more importantly helps them to be a
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better provider to ultimately the patient's. >> that is what we want. >> the last part is, we are investing organically with the network in the oncology space. we think some of the technology can be transferable to where we are growing internally organically as well. >> there saying wait a second, do they do will when there is some drug that just explodes, gop-1, does that impact you or it doesn't matter, it's not a metric that matters? >> currently today it's more of a topline revenue metric, definitely impactful to the rhetoric but not the majority of revenue growth and not impactful to the bottom line today. generally speaking, we love innovation, it starts with the patient, demanding these types of products in general, it's important to them and our customers, which means it is important for us. when you think about this type of innovation, it's an
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evergreen opportunity for distributors, these are products that need to be distributed, and that is what the industry is based on, years and years of that innovation, and generics become generics after years of innovation of being in other categories and also wraparound services, innovation is the lifeblood of the entire industry, especially organizations like our own and the role in the industry. we will continue had to have value over the years >> we kind of like the story, and i'm trying to figure out, say there's a chain of 12 drugstores, why do i choose cardinal over mckesson or can i use everybody, what is the selling proposition that you offer? >> first and foremost, it goes back down to the people, we are healthcare's most trusted partner, we do what we say were going to do and very much focused on the core of the customer's business, the type of customer you talked about,
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when i came in to the rule, one of the first things we did, we reduce some growth initiatives to make sure our core was the strongest in the industry, focused on simplifying how we operate, we exited some product lines and exited some businesses and countries, and manufacturing plants, we did a lot of the resources, we reinvested in areas of the core business like the core customers, ensuring we get the right product at the right time and fantastic service from us. >> a different cardinal than i remember, kind of impressive, it's just like clockwork, the one that was in clockwork set for last year, a lot of that is things you've done, one last question, you think when the by the administration put through the prices, the price paths, medicare will be negotiating,
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the profitability for many companies like they tell me? >> for our role in the industry, we like the transparency we are seeing in the predictability, what's good for the patient is ultimately good for us, when you think about so many of us in industry, as the patient has more affordable choices, that ultimately gives us more volum , which drives more scale, more competitive to displace in the role, everything about the transparency and affordability, that ultimately is good for all of us.>> that's what all of us one, more than just a couple of drug companies, you got that right. >> there more customers as well. >> i know. >> a holler to you, keeping up with the rest of the pack, back into the break, thank you jason.
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oh, charades! - okay! - love it! umm... first word. - tonsillitis! - nostril! uh-uh... bill! uh-huh... - hip-hop! - limping! mmhmm! medical bills! uh-huh! - pancakes! - cash! who pays you cash when you have medical bills? grrr! no idea. [tapping] gap! the gap left by health insurance? who pays cash to help close that gap? aflac! oh, aflac!
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get help with expenses health insurance doesn't cover at pictionary?! it is time! the lightning round, play the sound, and the lightning round is over, are you ready steve, i want to start with north carolina, wade. >> hey jim. >> you tell me, what's happening? >> tough break for the eagles in the playoffs but 'm curious to hear your take on bouncing back from setbacks, both in football and the markets, looking forward to your insights on resilience and potential winning.
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>> to be honest, i prefer then to lear. mj will do better. auto? >> how are you doing, it is a fantastic day today. >> give me a stock, it's go to work. >> a big 49ers boo you first. >> i wish them luck, i am friendly with the reed family, and the other team, i like a 49er noun then the what's going on? figure.your i, and he has both, trent music says none. >> i'm going to have to tell her, i'm to call her up and tell her what you said, the most powerful force in the world, the gdp of entire nations, go ahead. >> i'm looking at block, with
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the revenues. >> i think you're right. jack is back doing his thing, and it has been fantastic, block, which is now simple square, you have a winner, patrick. >> jimmy, how are you doing? >> doing well, almost the weekend, you know i don't like that because i don't get to come to work tomorrow. >> the weekend. >> i always hated that. that would also happen, the equator, wrong latitude, that's a longitude thing. >> long time and 2nd time in club member. >> great. >> i have a question, if you have made a decision on what to do, or found an entry point on walgreens? figure i talked about this with geoff all the time, we know field aspects of people with himself boos or specialty, i want them to wait another quarter, we don't want to jump too soon, it is a troubled
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situation. let's go to rick in florida. rick? >> jim! from bradington, florida. >> this is jimmy joe from new york, what is happening? figure i was looking to see if it was a viable by? rocket lab? >> it's not a viable by, doesn't mean someone by it and some will take it even higher, i would much rather be in terra firma than the rocket lab. and new york. marlin in new york. >> how are you doing? >> well. how are you doing? >> excellent, the nft, is it a bye bye-bye. >> -- -- next tracker, what a monster quarter, 22 times earnings, i can go higher, perhaps put a good company. taught me a little bit by
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surprise i have to admit. mark in wisconsin. >> thank you for taking my call doctor cramer, a stock for you and heavy equipment, trains, they've been doing it for 120 years, why they have not been acquired by caterpillar i don't know, that said, insiders are buying with both hands. black rock came in late january, but 12 1/2% of the flow, you know the company, kicker and tw. >> minutes walk -- manitowoc, maybe we do a little bit of buying, on monday, let's see what they say, and that is the conclusion of the lightning rounds point>> sponsored by charles schwab. nning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools,
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6:57 pm
let me give you a little just a position, on the one hand, apple only seems to care about iphone sales specifically the slowdown in china but on the other hand i'm about to watch the unveiling of the vision pro, the astounding headset that could only be made by apple. i got to speak with tim cook at apple, last night, and we talked about how we could integrate this device and interpreting your eyes and ears to toggle from a wondrous scene to another one. so i can see them, which is impossible with a tv set 15 feet away, when the pieces of plastic are torn for my eyes, what a silly thing to have a huge screen when i can only make out colors when i can watch the same show in living color in my head while i'm laying down. if we had vision pro years ago i don't think we would've put those ugly things on the walls, will have some all sorts of use cases, walmart managers will be
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able to look at a show space in a walmart store and see how it's doing is a different merchandise that can do better. healthcare specialist can chat while looking at a patient, contractors can examine a whole ceiling for cracks, people can cook while they write and with timers at the ready. vision pro can help ensure what you are looking at is up to snuff. there is no such thing as wonderment per-share, it's the numbers, the numbers they put into the earnings models, because of last nights will telegraphed guy down, the excellency faux -- excellent cfo talked about china, and the overvalued stock, it doesn't matter if it is the highest satisfaction numbers on earth, or millions of people who will buy it purely because it is made by apple, all that seems to matter is that china, a big
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market is week. when people make these models and say china sales could be down, they slashed the price target, some analysts blame weaknesses in the economy, and they say they might go to huawei , maybe if we edged in the phone, would go back but not me, some the companies that doing poorly in china, they can only blame the poor chinese economy and not apple. i have faith in the management, and tim cook, how to grow the earnings, maybe this quarter or the quarter after that, debbie next year, if you get out of apple stock now or get back in at a better price. maybe you can, given the management team and worldwide customer loyalty, one of the companies that is truly beloved, i think selling is better than sticking with it. that's why say own it, don't traded. you know what does exist, indispensability per-share, and
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you and i know that. this metric is pretty obvious to all longtime apple investors, and the indispensability per share remains the best and the entire stock market. as always, i am contessa brewer. right now, the tide turns . how a red-hot job market is shifting the odds for president biden. striking back, the u.s. against retaliatory acts against militias backed by iran. a big labor alkout could soon hit multiple casinos just in time for the super bowl. what do you do if cuts come for you.


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