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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  February 12, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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>> stellantis. the automakers continue. >> keep an eye on jetblue. that's not just grasso's final trade, but the stock is up 17% afterhours. thank you for watching "fast." "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ my mission is simple: to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. >> hey, i am cramer. welcome to "mad money". welcome to cramerica. other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make some money. my job is not just to entertain you, educate you, teach you. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. tweet me @jimcramer. it's such a bummer. it's the most distant serving kind of sentiment, even as it can be mighty enjoyable, when you are
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in it. >> house of pleasure -- >> we are that we've been for 14 of the last 15 weeks, and that has happened more than 50 years. but no one thinks that's positive. >> the house of pain -- >> everyone thinks it's a bad sign, over enthusiasm. too much exuberance. and i think that is a big reason why the average hold back today for some very strong footing. the dow advancing 126 points, as np tipping 0.9%. nasdaq 0.3%. we do know that there are individual signs of this. why don't we just take some down there that i would say pretty clear to me. arm holdings, the semiconductor design company, which was $70 just ten days ago. today it touched 164. i mean, they had a tough quarter. but i'd say, hit, give me a break -- [bell ringing] market orders coming in, not limited orders, but market or just. kind of like we saw in 999, 2000, no discipline, lack of stuck for sale because about 90% of the flow is still locked up like 1999, 2000. people truly have no idea what
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they're doing. they are not cheap. they just have no discipline. when you see that it makes you feel like something is very, very awry. and the bulls are running away too hard, even as the company is fantastic and profitable and terrific. now, we have this other thing going on, we have a parabolic rally in the nasdaq. it means it's going straight up. the parabolic moves are never ever sustainable. not rarely, never. our friend colleague henry spent -- point out that we saw an almost identical pattern in the end of 2021. oh, soon after, we were crushed, just polarized. we may not repeat the pattern. this may be the time that we pick every single red flag. but better not see the red flags at all. we know that some stocks have gotten two levels. longtime kramer faves and video, not an assumption that is just been so right. but this weekend, a bunch of my friends took me out for the perfect birthday dinner. nvidia came up. one of the couples disgusted, admitted they expect it to go
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back to 400, pick things up. now it's 722. i was asked when i buy it here. my answer, don't trade it was not responsible. i wasn't gonna say no go by it. it's a contradiction, if i say don't sell it, i should not be saying by white here. and in truth, what i'm really saying is that at this latest rally, it feels unsustainable to me. and if i'm right, you will get a better entry point. but when i read all the recent blocks, and -- for nvidia renaissance man ceo, where he says things like every country needs an a.i. strategy. i can't disagree. don't you want to own a stop when you read a headline that says nvidia partners within the adjoined to advance a.i. in the world's most populous nation? or canada partners with nvidia two superstar computing power? or how about a.i. to see a second major wave? and nvidia ceo said -- i mean, how could you say no to having nvidia in your portfolio, when it really owns the most important space in the world, the generative a.i. space. think of it this way, all
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computers need to be made faster, only nvidia, to the last extent, a and b can make big devices to run fast enough to do generative a.i.. so how on earth can you stop this thing? yet all i heard today was that nvidia is too hot, too frothy. i mean, i don't know. it's stuff, isn't it? what do you do if you're on the sidelines for this one? now going from pullback, and nvidia weaker than expected quarter. something that will give you a nice extra point. but if nvidia you go -- see, that's the problem in the parabolic move. it forces nvidia to continue deliver incredibly robust numbers, or as its stocks would get do it. what we need is kind of a quiet period like we had last year, where it did nothing. but digest, so in the end what i did was i punt it. i said it was up to them. that's about as helpful as that punt for san francisco -- but i just didn't want to encourage anyone to buy the stock up here because my discipline says we have to wait until a parabolic move runs its course. and this one hasn't run its course yet.
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then there's the diamondback energy for, a world producer that just bought a private -- for 26 billion in stock and cash. there's been a lot of deals, including many stock-based transactions that have hurt the stock of the acquirer. not this one, though. diamondback struck jumped 9.4% today. sounds great, right? not so fast. i think this deal is no better than the other mergers, but nobody got excited for them. in fact, it requires a stock going higher, a sign of animal spirits -- go on. how about the stocks -- i like airbnb, as you know that. but 4.2%, i don't feel vindicated. that's the question where things are going. i mean, that means it's a momentum called. at the same time, though, momentum can always last longer than you think. oh, and when you had the big cap stocks like lows dropping 3.3%, the by upgrade, that's pretty noteworthy -- i was doing a piece on lows for tonight's show, but as i watched the stock go higher, as it
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probably responsible to come and top of that. and i heard the endless comparisons to erect 1 to 5 years ago the one that sent us in the rumors for ages, and lost a generation of investors. i think my butterfly is really good. my hedge fund -- where the market was headed south and i also created an internet company, street dot com, which is part of a run up. if you write confessions of the street, my autobiography, you can tell there was huge, huge insider selling every single day. >>, south, south -- >> and it was endless. and it would've been a lot more, remember when i mentioned with arm, most of the companies disappeared during the prolonged fall, more than 300 of them. the vast, vast majority that dot come said no warnings. they there were worthless pieces of paper mascara -- that looks nothing like today, though. the stocks have been flying. they belong to companies that are ridiculously profitable. we just can't tell how to value them. maybe they want to spend, but what happens if -- let's all
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get out in 2025 earnings. so where do i come out? i am convinced that you can't and this move without a huge wave of selling. and that huge wave will not be created by the cautious and the prudent, the ones who pulled out of this market already. you can break this skepticism. things are likely to come up in commercial real estate, if there really is one, won't kill it. it really terrible red-hot cpr tomorrow won't obliterated. we're gonna need -- something has got to go really awry, really long to bring enough sellers, knocked stocks down and keep them down. of course what, it can happen -- but the bottom line says, without huge chunks to sell, we're not gonna have that decline. 20 people went in and haven't had a chance. too few went to get out. who wants to walk away from a hot table, a hot dealer, and go by that cashmere sweater i always talk about? nobody, even when it's probably the responsible thing to do, at least for some of your cash. let's go to trey in texas. trey? >> jim, thank you, you're
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guiding me in my final student loan payments today, 33 years old. >> wow. that is fantastic. thank you, congratulations. you're a good man. what's going on? >> well, regrettably, i bought two nosebleed taylor swift tickets in late 2022 for $180,000. and i will likely pay on those for the rest of my life. >> yeah, you might have overpaid for this. >> yes, sir. as super bowl champion is the stocks what i'm looking for, jim . restaurants get a ring -- >> i have the casual dining space, believe it or not. i like longhorn more than -- you know, longhorn steakhouse, i like that. here's the problem with garden. there are a lot of companies in that space but i will say this, 3% yield, 18 times earnings. i think you will make money and that's what matters. i want to go to the length of my home state new jersey, glenn. >> hi, jim. thanks for taking my call. first time. >> first time, on time -- >>
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i've been watching you for a long time. they're actually a lot happier back when you first start. >> yes, i was 205. 210. i'm now about 40 pounds less, thank you for noticing. but i'm also shorter -- >> me too. i'm the same age. you know i, have a permanent membership -- and it's the biggest -- >> fantastic. thank you, buddy. thank you very much. i work all weekend, i'll stuff under my watch. my chiefs win. what's up? >> i don't work as hard as you do, jim. >> you sound like my daughter. that, stop already, let's watch the site -- that was an uplifting movie. >> i have a quick one for you, i hope you don't mind. is there any light that you would think about four nvidia and what is your long term on wells fargo? >> okay i say only don't trade it. nvidia i think the company is doing things that i can only dream about. it can have the same period like it did, but for much of
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august last year to the end of the year, where did nothing, and that's when i really want. well, whilst is different. charlie sharp is so good. by the way, microsoft, really smart guy, i think that is right here right now -- incredibly kind comments, thank you for that. i gotta tell you, fantastic. let me tell you something, we're gonna need something to go really wrong in order to bring out enough sellers to knock stocks down. and of course, it doesn't mean it could happen, huge chunks of selling as something very awry. we're not gonna have the kind of decline, and we just able to say, oh, now it's safe, let's go in. but maybe tonight with a, looking to the potential in the solar space that went under the radar, huge market share that could be worth watching. and it's really cool. and you thought -- digitalocean, tonight i'm gonna do my own work. and we'll be focusing on some mega trends. tonight, i'm learning more about train technology, and see how companies are benefiting from carbon isolation, transformation, and much more. so stay with cramer. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> don't miss a second of "mad money". follow @jimcramer on x. have a question? tweet cramer. hashtag math mentions. send an email to "mad money" at or give us a call at 1-800-743- cnbc. ssomhing? had to mad money dot ♪ ♪ ♪ oh, charades! - okay! - love it! umm... first word. - tonsillitis! - nostril! uh-uh... bill! uh-huh... - hip-hop! - limping! mmhmm! medical bills! uh-huh! - pancakes! - cash! who pays you cash when you have medical bills? grrr! no idea. [tapping] gap! the gap left by health insurance? who pays cash to help close that gap? aflac! oh, aflac! get help with expenses health insurance doesn't cover at pictionary?!
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in the u.s. we see millions of cyber threats each year. that rate is increasing as more and more businesses doesn't cover at move to the cloud. - so, the question is... - cyber attack! as cyber criminals expand their toolkit, we must expand as well. we need to rethink... next level moments, need the next level network. [speaker continues in the background] the network with 24/7 built-in security. chip? at&t business. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. so you can rise from pain. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around... and right now, you can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan. all on the most reliable 5g network nationwide. ditch the other guys and you'll save hundreds. get a free line of unlimited intro for 1 year when you buy one unlimited line. and for a limited time, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us.
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on friday night, i told you about how the solar stalks head bottom, especially enphase energy, which hit its quarter last week. why don't we see stocks or? that's a classic sign with the interest rates getting ready to recover. remember, presidential power -- hostage to financial stocks. hardly anyone pays for these systems upfront. the best stocks in this group are going to be winners. the stocks is really expensive to buy all at once. there's a
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thing, though, about the entire solar space, including the commercial side of the industry, which brings me to a new name that i have been hearing a lot about in recent weeks. it's called next tracker. and the capital letters. a company that makes utility scale solar tracker and softer solutions for massive parts. it's all over the world. this thing can probably aim came over a year ago at $24, ended up being one of the best performing ipos in 2023, climbing to 85 cents by the end of the year. and next tracker has to slow down, has not slowed down at all, $58 exchange as of today. although most of that move did come on february 1st, when the stock jumped 25% in response to a blowout quarter. but when i was doing that one, i started doing some digging on this one. you know what? i liked what i saw. here's the basic idea, next tracker makes solar tracker systems that allow you huge rows of solar panels to rotate and follow the suns movement across the sky.
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and that maximizes the power generation. i know niche, but he is good, because you know what? it's not always sunny in philadelphia or anywhere else. the original renovation was the single road tracker technology that allows each of those panels to move independently, rather than all in unison. while this was once considered too expensive, next tracker has been able to lower its input pricing to the point where there are now a much more competitive. in fact, between improved energy generation and lower installation operating costs, there trackers systems can actually lower costs over the life of one of these massive solar fields. over the years, next tracker as added additional figures, south powering systems, technologies that help improve the energy yield on uneven terrain, or bad weather conditions, and equipment that protect solar panels during hailstorms, and -- again, boutique, but green boutique. next tracker is now the global market share later in that space. in the u.s., they effectively got a monopoly. but the second boutique, great technologies, you get that they to control more than 80% of our
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margin. roughly two thirds of the company's revenue and should get a big boost from the so- called inflation reduction act, which include domestic manufacturing credits for the solar trackers. according to them, these traders could boost earnings per share by 20 or 50%. in 2025, and this is really coming together, as for the international market, okay, it's more competitive. but these guys have the manufacturing footprint all over the world, especially in emerging markets along the equator. and talk about the need for solar. but what really stands out to me is the next track or stop for last year at the where the vast bulk of solar stocks get getting steam rolled. the movie made more sense when you look at the earnings. ever since it became public over a year ago, next record slip to a series of strong quarters, with the forecast -- that's why the stock is hanging in there for most of the year before catching fire, the moment that long term industry peak in november. what's the calendar flips to 2024, the next record stock had its first big test. for the past nine years, this company has been owned by non other than flex, the big
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electronics manufacturer. they still own a majority stakes in the business, even after the ipo -- flex distributed interests to its own shareholders, a process that can be absolutely brutal! the parent companies investors, they went out. that was the case here as next tracker pulled back from $50 in the final day of 2023 to around $40 for january. but that turned out to be a phenomenal buying opportunity, phenomenal. the bottom of my january, the stop made it back to about 45, by the time the company was had set to report earnings. and then x tracker delivered its best results since coming public. i mean, i'm talking about a monster revenue growth quarter, up 38% year over year, much higher than expected. analysts only expected, 49 cents per share. but next tracker nearly doubled that, making 96 cents per share. it's one of the biggest growth of the year. for the full year, they got it from 53 cents to -- something over -- by the way, in the last
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nine months for the forecast for the 2024 fiscal year, it has increased by 87% to mid point. , these guys are having an incredible year. i mean, a ton of demand for the merchandise. on the conference call, next tracker ceo, also known as -- explained that his excellent results were, quote, driven by exceptionally high deliveries in our u.s. business, growing 70% year over year. but he also called out the company tremendous progress in expanding overseas. when the manager spoke about the future, they paid an incredibly optimistic picture. uncertainty relating to trade proceedings, but these headlines are overwhelmed by the industry tailwinds. there's the inflation reduction act benefits, the fact that solar economics are improving, and it's now normalizing after few years of supply chain interruptions. there are other positives to, like decreases in battery costs, which makes solar much more viable than almost every other form of energy. he has given the internet nature sunshine as a power source great storage technology make it work. more important, he points out
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that our country desperately needs more power generation capacity. listen to this. i'm gonna quote. over the last few years, however, energy usage has increased dramatically, driven by growth in data centers, electrification of appliances and transportation, and re- industrialization across the united states. at the same time, there's been a significant retirement of legacy power plays, and quote. the result, according to the energy information administration, we're looking at a 5% annual increase in new power generation, needs over the distant next five years. he believes a great deal of that will come from utility scale solar projects, and those things need tracker systems, which will most likely come from ither next track or, or that one other competitor i mention. i have to tell you -- i got blown away by the story. maybe i love it. of course, it feels like we are led to next tracker with a stack of 149% from the ipo, and a little over a year. but consider the numbers, that stop not expensive. it's trading this 22 times in the mid point, earnings forecast. but the 2025 assessments, it's
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only selling for 19 times earnings. even after a huge run, it is still relatively cheap, especially considering it's monstrous growth. i don't have many stocks like this. the bottom line here, the stocks you can use to dip our toes back into solar. and i think next tracker is a great option, just great. so you've got my blessing. scoop some up, and then you get more aggressive if it gets knocked down on a market wide pullback. although shook might be able to stop it. bring it down at least when it comes to next tracker. we'll be back, everyone. ♪ ♪ ♪ coming up, the market can feel as big as an ocean. so cramer has done some work on a stump or you won't want to miss, when "mad money" return. ♪ ♪ ♪
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as the head of hr, i help lead a successful home security firm. our teams work hard to secure our customers' most valuable assets. and while they do that, i work hard to secure ours... ...our people. that's why we chose principal to provide the benefits and retirement plan that show our people just how much we appreciate them. benefits help us keep top talent. —hey mom. benefits help us grow. because we know how important security is to all. ♪♪
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how am i going to find a doctor when i'm hallucinating? what about zocdoc? so many options. yeah, and dr. xichun even takes your sketchy insurance. xi-chun, xi-chun, xi-chun! you've got more options than you know. book now. the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? the chookie! manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> two weeks ago on january 30th, we got a call from barbara, in new jersey, she asked about digital ocean. this news has been loose on our radar for the past couple of years, one of the best performers and 2021. although the stocks still plummeted to 80.5% from the highs of november 2021. to its lowest of november last year. now, i am tempted by this one, though, because digitalocean is a cloud infrastructure player, kind of like amazon web services, or microsoft -- but with a focus on smbc, small and
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medium sized businesses. the big voices in the space -- not ideal for smaller operators. now, i wouldn't give this a second look, but the stocks now doubled from its lowest since november. was the last rest of the court? is this part of a larger move or an opportunity for them to get a better price? why don't we start with the numbers which are pretty impressing. for 2023 you're looking at roughly 20% revenue growth, slower than what they've been doing -- more important, digital ocean has been profitable since coming public, making it very unusual for an ipo from the class of 2021. they're talking about earning roughly dollar 53 per share for 2023. we are still waiting on the fourth quarter. but if they had that number, 64% growth -- the company will go to the -- these numbers are frankly great. when you look at the headline results, it's on that the stock has been so much last year
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getting clobbered, because they never stopped reporting strong results. but that headline numbers don't tell you everything and there's been some noise to this story, some would say some bad hair, that you did not know about. the issue can be seen in the evolution of digitalocean's full year 2023 guys over the course of the past year. digitalocean 2023 outlook delivered in favor of last year, slightly below expectations on the top one, but all of the earnings and cash flow lines were well above expectations. it was received positively. then the company was able to maintain its momentum through the first quarter in may. in fact, they raise their full year guidance at the time. the stock continue through rally throughout the summer, and even depth up in july when digitalocean announced it was played paying $111 million -- infrastructure for scalable applications. this seems like a defensive move, a way to get some artificial intelligence. but the stock -- by mid july, it was up over 100% year to date.
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and then, digitalocean reported second quarter and august, and this was a big negative catalyst. long story short, the company said they found mistakes. in its previous quarterly report which led to income -- and they could not report any net income numbers for the second quarter. management did issue guidance for the third quarter and the full year, those numbers did not include any formulation of earnings. worth, that you fully forecast include a lower revenue outlook with digital ocean citing, quote, weaker than anticipated cohort growth, and quote, for the shortfall. in response, the stock plummeted nearly 25%, innocent recession. now, those counting, these issues results quickly. it took a little over than a week. but then you full earnings that was lower than previously forecasted, problem solved. >> the house of pain -- >> wrong. less than two weeks after that, we got another surprise. digitalocean in transition saying it would search for a new
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ceo. although their former ceo would remain in place until they found a successor. they also pointed to new executive chairman, given all of this uncertainty, digitalocean became a very easy stop to sell, and many people did. the stocks sunk lower and lower throughout august, september, october. by the time it finally bottom, it was down nearly 60% from highs in july. big problems. that thing things started to get better again, when digitalocean reported their results -- the numbers for better. bottom line, raising its 40- year forecast once again. then the stock jumped 25% over the next few days and it has continued to climb for the rest of 2023. along the way, digitalocean pick up some additional analysts support, with goldman sachs -- double upgrade from south to buy in december. that was really positive. -- top big for 2024. potential scale of the a.i. opportunity here. last month, digital oceans
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messi leadership transition was found result. but the company bringing in a former ceo of go to, a cloud communications company and anti management as this next ceo. before we go to, he had a ton of experience at amazon as general manager for machine learning platform services and alexei i. exactly what digital ocean needs. by the way, then you see overstay of the job, kind of interesting. what do we do now? i'm starting to say it but i'm punting on this little ocean, at least for now. i very much like the idea of a cloud vendor for small businesses. but speaking of numbers, the issue last year to me is the kind of -- it's a red flag. even as it it is mostly seems behind them at this point, i'd like to see a few more quarters . clean financials before giving digitalocean my endorsement. i'm also worried that few billion dollar companies might struggle to compete with amazon, apple, microsoft, oracle. these companies are gonna spend
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trillions of dollars and how do you compete. for now, you have to withhold judgment. but digitalocean reports again next wednesday and the stocks are coming in hot, of more than 100% over the past few months. this is the new ceo first report and if they're smart, they will throw out some lowball guidance -- but if you does issue a conservative forecast, the stock gets crushed, and then maybe re-look at things. bottom line, even if you like digitalocean, and there is a lot to like about this one, there's too much uncertainty here for my taste. and i don't like the risk and reward ahead of next week's earnings report. just wait to learn more -- oh, and please, once you get your feet, what come visit us at fox "mad money" and tell us directly why your stock is a bike. let's go to gregory in california. please, gregory. >> good day to you, sir. >> same to you. >> i'm happy with the super bowl event. >> i'm a chiefs fan because of coach andy reid, he's my guy.
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i love him. how can i help you? >> i'm calling as a loyal club member. i followed you for a long time now, jim. it's not the only show that i pay attention as a club member, all the guidelines you set out for us. but it might be the kind of move you might make on your own. this company has traded sideways for a while. and then last week on their own, they just skyrocketed at 30%. it's a software company that manages large data streaming nets on its platform. it's got some competition out there, but it seems to be the queen of the crop right now. so it's pulled back over the last couple of days, and i'm just wondering, this might be the kind of consolidation that would allow for us to get in and the stock is confluence? >> oh, wow. gregory, thank you for the kind words, and you're absolutely right. we keep talking about a lot, confluent, it's the right price. it's really interesting, and i say, yes, by some right here. and thank you for the kind words about the club. let's go
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to richard in georgia. richard? >> hey, jim. thank you so much for caring, and boo-yah. >> boo-yah back at you. what's going on? >> for a long time, i've been watching you, and i'm a member of the investor club -- >> thank you very much. >> my question generally applies to any topic, and it may have too much exposure as a percentage in your overall portfolio. let me get some really quick -- i bought in the money lead, 1923. on december 10th, 2001 -- [inaudible] the layoffs in september when i
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wasn't sure exactly what was the option. i decided to take the shares. i bought about 80 shares, 812 to 860 models. >> well, look, i remember when we bought it. i remember we bought it twice. i just had that nasty hernia operation, a lot of information you don't need there. but i said by, it was right. you've done the right thing. you are a loyal club member. stocks up 60% since then. i want you to hold on to this -- there's a lot to like about digital ocean. but right now, it's a little uncertainty for my taste. there's so many stocks that i like a little bit more. let's see what the quarter has and maybe get some insight. because the risk reward right now, doesn't seem that good. now, there is much more mad money, and a special company, train technology, rosy outlook for 2024, with investors excited about what's to come. and i'm learning exactly what we should be looking forward to with the ceo.
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and the gop -- i'm sure what you should make of this stocks that are put in the crosshairs, and all your calls rapid fire in tonight's edition of the lightning round. so stay with cramer. ♪ ♪ ♪ (christina) wanna know the secret ingredient to running my business? (tina) her. (christina) being all over, all at once. (tina) all the time. (christina) but my old network wasn't cutting it. and that's not good for baking. or judging. or writing. so, we switched to verizon, the network businesses rely on. with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. [falcon screech] [ominous background sounds] hyah!
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sheriff! the adversaries are back! [gasps] not again. sheriff, i got this. protecting your business from cyber attacks can be unrelenting. [triumphant adventure music plays] today's adversaries move fast. crowdstrike moves faster. crowdstrike. we stop breaches. awkward question... is there going to be anything left... —left over? —yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! i want a massage, in amalfi, from someone named giancarlo. and i didn't live in that shoebox for years. not just— with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. i guess i'll get the caviar... just kidding. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real live conversations. empower. what's next. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food.
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developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food.
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like many, if you are worried that stock market has got overheated, remember what's been fueling this one? it's great earnings, not momentum. that trane technologies, and major player and heating, ventilation, air conditioning space, a kicker -- reported a tremendous quarter, highlighting the company writing multiple mega trends, such as energy efficiency, decarbonization, digital
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transformation, and some key and markets like a data centers, education, k-12, health care, 7% all-time high. it's pulled back at the bit since then. maybe that is an opportunity, or some people say it's time to bring that register. after a monstrous move from lows last october, maybe the stock has moved on the run. let's check in with dave regnery, the chairman and ceo of trane technologies. gabe, we'll come back to the show. >> hey, jim. thanks for having me. appreciate it. >> i told people you're gonna be on, and i'm excited by your business, and i also showed them the chart. i showed them the chart first, and i said which text doc? i mean, trane check. the fact is you are a technology company, and the fact is graduate when the guy went from plastics. how did get so exciting? >> we're super proud of our company and i'll tell you we had a fantastic 2023, jim. our organic revenue growth was up 9%. our earnings per share was up 23%. and by the way, jim, that's the
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third consecutive year that we've had eps growth of 20% or greater. >> and then, your business used to be tied to this cycle, this so-called business cycle. it's just not -- i can't see any connection to it now. >> yeah, i always tell people is a system of things that makes trane technologies a great company. and you certainly have the mega trends around decarbonization and the fact that 15% of all greenhouse gases from heating and cooling of buildings, and the fact that we have been able to invent a different way than what was done in the past, which is significantly more efficient. but it is a system of things that makes us a great company, whether it's our service business, which is roughly a third of our company, whether it's our direct salesforce, we love our direct sales force. we love talking to customers. we love understanding what their needs are today, and what their needs would be tomorrow. it really -- how we innovate for products, we put over 100 new products in 2023. but really, one of the things
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that differentiates us is at trane technologies it's the culture we've been able to create. it's really about having an uplifting, inclusive culture that really has a can do attitude to it. >> explain to people, it wasn't always trane. you're part of a bigger company. it was, was the culture always there and buried? >> it was, but i think over the last three years, it's certainly been enhanced a lot. i worked as a ceo for a developer, and it really has to do with engagements, how we recruit our talent, how we develop our data. we have a partnership program for all of the associates now. we transition from -- we used to have, let me give you a great example, we used to have a tuition reimbursement program . we changed that to intuition advancement program. because a lot of people can't afford the upfront funds. so now with an advanced program, especially for our associates, they have the opportunity to learn a new skill, which is gonna make them stronger, which is gonna make us stronger as a company. >> how many of those people stay with you after they graduate? >> there's a lot of loyalty, as you would imagine.
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they become part of the trane family, and they advance in the company. and it's one of those things, the culture is really what different rates as the company. and companies, over time, they can copy products and copy your services. culture is very difficult to copy. >> okay, you have residential. you have commercial. people will go to commercial, commercial real estate is awful. but that's not the kind of commercial you have. >> we played in the commercial vertical. it was a bigger year in 2023. i hope we will see a similar here in 2024. but vertical such as data centers or electronics, the chips area, think about education, the education vertigo with extra funding. health care, very, very strong verticals. and our applied systems with our direct sales force were able to meet with the end customers, so systems, highly engineers, salesforce is highly technical, and they're able to cater to the customer at a different level. >> okay, so, when i look at one efficient i have to mention,
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because it is the best of the best, thermal. but there were a lot of orders before, and then you had a kind of a drop off. but that is natural. >> yeah, i mean, it is a more cyclical business than we've seen in our commercial interfacing business for sure. but i would say, look, if you look at our result on a global basis, our thermal business in 2023 was flat. markets were down, probably mid single digits. i know we outperformed the markets. 2024 would be another year where we will have revenues that will be down. i think the market is gonna be down 10%. we will do better. the market will be down in the mid single digits, again, we will be better than that. but the key here, jim, as we continue to invest in the business, even though things may be down a little, this is the time when you double down on investments, and make sure we are ready, as this market comes back. the good news is in 2025, all forecast had it is market coming back down. >> so one extra thing -- look at the arc of your career. did you ever think that this was, that you would become at
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the vanguard of decarbonization and making it so that we have a safer planet for our kids and our grandkids? was that ever in the equation? >> you know, jim, as i got two more senior roles at trane technologies, the transition to trane technologies, it became so relevant that we had the opportunity because of where we play and how we can have an impact. again, 15% of all greenhouse gases from heating and cooling. another 10% is from food waste, mostly how that food is being transported. so we have the opportunity within 25% of all greenhouse gases to have an impact. and we had this crazy vision, you know, three and a half, four years ago that said, look, one company can influence and industry, and that industry could have an impact on the world. and that's what you are saying today. >> it's a magnificent job you've done. i mean, it really is. and the stock kept up with what you've accomplished. congratulations. congratulations, dave regnery. dave regnery is the chairman ceo of trane technologies. but those of you who are
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tortures, take a look at this one, you won't believe it. read about it because the orders, the business, the earnings, they're all there. "mad money" is back. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ next. next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. aga... [ sigh ] next. next. if you don't pick one... oh, you have time. am i keeping you from your job. next. i don't even know where i am anymore. stop. do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. ♪ ♪
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i'm a long time glob member. i enjoy you and i appreciate every thing you do. >> he was booked today. what's happening? >> i'd like to know what do you think of birth him holdings -- >> a great performance of our time. it's really all the guts and the data center. remember who the chairman is, david cody. by the way, last year, that stop was in the snp -- it would have been a number one performer. it's already up 27%. now, i need you to go to bail in massachusetts. bill? >> boo-yah, mr. kramer. >> boo-yah, bell, how are you? >> for that's the benefit of being a member -- >> i love it. that's what i do. i will probably stay until at midnight. i don't know about you, what's happening? >> i can't wait. i can't wait. i'm coming from austin just to see you my man. >> well, i hope i'm doing a good job for you. >> your club is so good for me. i can't talk about it enough. i tell all my friends --
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>> well, thank you, man. thank you. and jeff does a great job. let's go to the -- >> you know what? i couldn't believe it, you did a great job. >> he's unbelievable, he is unbelievable. all right let's, go to work. >> okay, let's go to work, general dynamics, i picked -- i check in with you, you gave me the thumbs up. a cool 0.70. >> i like that ceo. he's just terrific. you know it's not expected at all -- to say that we're gonna have promised overseas. i mean, come on, way to go, comments, holy cow, flying high as a kite here. let's go to dawson in new york. >> hey, jim. how are you? >> i'm ood. how about you? >> good, good. thank you. jim, i would like to ask you about the a.i. -- >> well, it is tom siebel.
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i happen to like tom. >> i don't see any earnings there, as you know, sir i can't recommend a stock that has no earnings. tom siebel is a guy that's bankrate for 30 years. i don't like any situation that doesn't make money. let's go to paul in virginia, paul? boo-yah, jim. ! >> fired up, you're coming home. what's up? >> the stock market on a daily basis, really second to none sir. >> i like that. that's what i try to do. i got up at 3:30 this morning today, i was tweeting and stuff, what the heck is going on? >> what can you tell us about the gop wanting to release a stellar forte tweaks to trial data on the weight loss -- it's competitors like a therapeutics had three billion. i'm calling about auto immune -- >> look, it doesn't seem
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like they have something, 27% weight loss. right now what happens, as they got a giant leap, and so does nova nor this. maybe somebody buys them, i don't know. it's a speck. i need to go to ron in nebraska. ron? >> boo-yah, jimmy jim. >> boo-yah, chief, what's happening. >> from nebraska -- >> there you go, that's what i'm always thinking. with my late dad and mom, we had last time in the world in omaha. we can't get any further than that because my dad said this is as far as we're gonna go. we can turn around. but it's dynamite. what's happening? >> all right. affirm, affirm holdings -- >> okay, i went with this. it's constantly underrated. the guy has got passion. he comes to lake every day. they go to bust the wrong.
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i'm gonna go to melissa in texas. melissa? >> hi, jim. >> hi, melissa. >> i want to thank you for becoming one of my most valuable assets that changed my life in investing and procuring. >> well, thank you. how can i help you? i kind of did, but, you know? >> thank you. thank you for working class and middle class families of america. i'm interested in that stock, b ar -- >> you know, darling is a really interesting company. but the stock is going down. it is too many -- i'm gonna leave it at that. ladies and gentlemen, conclusion of the lightning round? >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, the wave of weight loss drugs continues to crest, making sense of that sectors that could be in for some bell tightening, next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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some are trying to lose weight, aren't they? people are taking these newfound weightless drugs that gop -- the numbers, the former and the latter for the same drug. but it's the same one for weight loss. very quick update, it could be so fascinating. is it already changing our eating habits or is it making -- the food companies they're moderating the situation. but the consumer hasn't shifted. no one has even started these drugs about the numbers are too good for it not to be impacting behaviors. there are other patterns that are driving the gop weight loss drugs -- the story headline, jim's face stuff here as key january growth reaches to a halt. exponential fitness and planned fitness because the january is the money month when people make the new year's resolution to sign up for james to try to get in shape. this is january, bloomberg's
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foot traffic, tenth largest gym chains, flagging over there. not a good one when you see 40% growth this month. the stock of planet fitness has been very weak, down 14 points after a two week high of 84, but not as bad as exponential fitness, down 22 bucks from as high of 33. now flat-footed is attempting to raise prices and rolled back. so are some of the people who used to go to the gym now simply taking the gop drugs. that could be. for they recognize that diet and exercise have failed to work which is why they're getting these weight loss shots, however, many who go to the gym after making resolutions, to get stronger or feel better, or maybe they shouldn't be impacted. but the variables here are so immense. again, no food companies will admit that the sales are low. glp is -- however, pepsico did admit that their snack business is suffering.
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but glp does one -- they say we're gonna work from home to cut into the bigger bags of -- you got to wonder how much of what happened to pepsico is like the failed planet fitness price increase, assigned that customers want higher prices -- the president of the united states called for rollbacks of ice cream shrinkflation among other kinds of foods. i mean, that's still one more variable. and why i won't thrown that decline in liquor? people are switching to cannabis, or maybe price increases for booze, or because it makes you so fat? in the end, we just don't know what's the impact of glp, one jet over everything else. however, if you think these trucks could not play some sort of role, i refuse to believe for murray that best selling tequila at my old restaurant in brooklyn could be down 14% year over year. purely one on its own, great deal of what we see, and we're only at the beginning of this mega trend. long story short, stay away
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from these food and beverage stocks, please, because they will be a day that they will come, when will finally admit they will be hurt by the glp dash one and that will take down every stop in the room. there's always a bull market somewhere. right hehet t rere a a"mad mone last call, nvidia infinity, the stock will search 1200% in the last couple of days because they barely even mentioned nvidia. black old rush, what is behind the biggest bunch of oil deals ever. from black gold to digital gold, the big move behind the coin and why. carl icahn setting his sights skyward once again, called betting big on a new better line now, putting a solution behind it, tiger woods expected to make a big announcement within the hour of who his next partner is. and make it monday


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