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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  February 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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bkx. >> guy? >> mel called tim and i last night before the ranger game, she's like, igor is going to pitch a shutout. >> she knows hockey. >> i try. >> cme group before the bell tomorrow. this is a good environment for them, melms. >> thank you for watching "fast." adonwi j cmer starts right now. my mission is simple. to make you money. i am here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to mad money. other people are here to make friends, i'm just trying to make you a little money. my job is not just to entertain, but to explain. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me.
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you could say we deserve to go down after this long run, or we could simply admit things got way too frothy. too many stocks were going up with little news or notice at all and now they are deservedly getting their heads handed to them and they are leaving. i know that's a brutal conclusion. the dow plunged 1.37%. nasdaq was down 1.8%. it was much worse a half hour before the close of the session. the market did run to the bell. i think that we could have a little more especially with tech because some that have been running nonstop since november. this has two components. there's the precipitating event, the overheating and the consumer price index number that was announced this morning. and then here's the reaction to the event. shareholders that thought they could not lose found out that
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they could, and they cut and ran. the cpi did have a blip up mainly thanks to the cost of rent. it had started equal and we got a big reversal that went up enough to cause a disappointment in the aggregate number. i don't like to look at the aggregate numbers because they don't tell you enough. in this case you have to ask yourself, has something changed? why did it shift? it could be because maybe the sudden influx of immigrants legal and illegal that need to be housed. the government is doing the rent. a big price group of renters can jack up a category and i think that is what happened. if it weren't for rent we would have been in good shape because the numbers are not what anybody wants to see and shelter is a key component for everyone. think kevin they did not start cutting rates because this
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would have made him look like an . it is time to recognize that the economy as a full head of steam. there would be plenty of people buzzing out there. they should be raising the rates are not lower them. those found themselves on the wrong side of the trade. first, it's a conglomeration of institutions and individuals. these people, for lack of a better term were just plain wrong about conclusions and investing style. they believed we were set up for a rate cut in may, something i repeatedly told you is insane. it's out of the realm of possibility because the economy is too strong. a lot of these are the same class. they tend not to do their own homework. they listen to what somebody might say looking at the yield curve and then they declare themselves experts and say, we will have aggressive rate cuts. if they had done homework they would realize that there's no real reason for them to
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accelerate rate cuts or do anything at all. we have low unemployment and we have vanquished inflation. those expecting big cuts may sound professional but i think they are rank amateurs. second, those that believe that because it is an election year and they are supposed to be good the market really can't go off the rails. that is fine when the year begins, the average 6% coming into today, the election cycle is not a lovely bag. it is full of holes. what are you supposed to do with this? you be smart. the third group that is off- site since the shareholders that stay at the party too long after drinking straight out of the trashcan. i talked about this amazing semi conductor company. is a large company. things have gotten out of
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control. i have met individuals perhaps searching for the next nvidia use market orders to purchase the stock partying like it is 1999. for those that don't remember that era it was when you could not lose and you bought a stock. you could just put in a market order. that is when things started to get out of control. right now, very little of the stock is available for sale. they only sold a little sliver of it. the vast majority is under lockup. when you use market orders, let's just say you are an . you may have pays as much as $164 for one of them. i think it is still too high and i say that is somebody that loves the company and the management and the business and tried to get you into the stock several times. the price does matter. it is an extreme example but there are plenty of tech stocks that are valued like crazy. many of recent buyers are up.
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they have no idea what these people do. they make for terrible shareholders. understand that your fellow travelers are now your enemy. many of these stocks are not cheap and hey are vulnerable to shock. i will talk about some of them later in the show. what should you do if you own stocks, we have been sellers for the travel trust which you follow by joining the investing club by which you do. i think it is good. we were not tempted by anything today. we did a lot of looking and came close to pulling the trigger on two different occasions, but we decided to wait. i think it is actually the right course. today i heard somebody on air say that they are gifts. i never like to use that terminology. these are the kind of gifts the greeks gave to the trojans. the market can advance.
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we have to drain the froth and refinish. that's what today was as those that don't know anything about the economy. they can't take the pain. it is not bad earnings or a business environment. those that got caught offsides and pulled through the lineup where they can earn the 5% while they break for them and do some much needed homework. let's go to brian in pennsylvania. >> jim, thank you for taking my call. >> i pleasure. >> over the summer i sold verizon and went to t-mobile. i've heard that t-mobile is in the money and could get exercised on friday. what should i do with the money.
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should i go back to t-mobile or take a second look at verizon since they are doing better now? >> how about take a breather. how about if you get t-mobile 155 instead of 160. how about getting verizon when it yields. keep it on the sideline and then you can pull the trigger and that would be the right thing to do. let's go to kyle in new jersey. >> hey, jim. first, i want to tell you for every mean person on twitter that has something bad to say there is 10 guys like me that have nothing but love for you. you've made such an impact on my life. >> kyle, thank you very much. i give them pictures of my dog and they don't know what to do because they probably like dogs. >> i walk through my town in ocean city, new jersey, and i see every attractive housewife
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walking around and i looked down and i see on clouds on their feet. i wonder if that might be the next moon rabbit. >> first, stop looking. you will get in trouble. i think it is terrific. people are betting on this company. they have a 60% short edition. i think on is here to stay just like you. that's because i'm an attractive non-housewife wife who has 17 pairs in my closet and has forced me to live in the hall. i think the selloff is based on bad judgment not a bad business environment. once they are sent back to the sidelines they could be back in the playing field.
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it is a strong performer just like the tech stocks you just mentioned a second ago. are investors getting the opportunity to buy? i don't know. we have to do some work on a. the restaurant brands international, i'm learning more about the quick service restaurant space with the executive chairman so stay with cramer . >> don't miss a second of mad money. send an email or give s a call at 1-800-743-cnbc . if you miss at 1-800-743-cnbc . if you miss something had to i'm not sellin, i invest in a fund
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6:13 pm
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when the stock of a terrific company goes down because of overheating, is it a good chance to buy? take shopify. it was down more than 13% today. i would argue it was down in spite of the quarter because the results were terrific. they have done better than expected revenue, earnings, and spectacular cash flow. they also gave great sales for the current quarter. the only thing to quibble about along the margin lines, hey are trying to help their customers do better so they can do better. nothing wrong with that, so i don't think it is justifying a decline. my view is one of the biggest winners of 2023 got overheated.
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i look at this s a buying opportunity. >> thank you for your great introduction. >> i think the years that we have worked together, i have to call a unified commerce platform replete with some big off-line sales. how did you go about making this journey and is that a better way of making this fulfillment? >> 2023 was an exceptional year for shop if i am the millions of margins that we power transferring the way that businesses and consumers do commerce. we are operating with great discipline and velocity. you mentioned but it is worth repeating. that outpaces the broader u.s. retail market.
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retail brands are doing better. one thing i am proud of this e now power over 10% of all u.s. e-commerce. to your point, you see more and more businesses in every stage of growth coming, including iconic brands like on, billabong, oscar taylor rental, and so much more. we had revenue surpassed $2 billion and $1 billion in gross profit. for the entire year the revenue was $7 million. finally, i think we generated cash flow and free cash flow of 900 mind -- $509 million. we are really proud of our results. >> many different times we have talked. you know i love what you have done to entrepreneurs that would otherwise have no hope. i have to tell you, i googled
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right before we talked. i looked up oscar de la renta clothing. people are buying this stuff? through shop a fight? -- shopify? >> to your point, one of the things that i think has changed his there are more businesses across more industries whether it is luxury or companies that have every day t-shirts and verticals are buying from shopify. you mentioned a few things i want to double-click on. with the focus on off-line retail and enterprise expansion, what we are seeing is so many more businesses using what we are selling. if you think of physical retail for example like point-of-sale, off-line for the year we had $441 million of revenue for the year. that is five times what off- line was just five years ago.
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we are seeing brands like banana republic come to us to power all of their point-of- sale. >> we had dave gitlin on the other day. you know him. they make hvac. what is hvac doing on shop if i -- shopify? >> that's what i was going to say. one of the new areas is more wholesale. like carrier and heating and cooling is coming to shopify. the total gmp doubled in 2023. we expect that to continue so not only are the brands with online stores with shopify expanding to also do wholesale, we are seeing clear carrier coming to shop if i. that b2b market allows us to expand to more verticals.
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>> how does a japanese liquor company come to be able to do business with shopify? >> same thing. we think international is a massive area of growth . we are working to get companies, as i mentioned we are really trying to create a global platform so not only can any brand of all sizes use shopify, but once they start selling with us we wanted to be default. we want their customer base to be global. so we make selling on shopify, selling internationally on shopify as easy as just is to sell locally. >> you have not forgotten you roots. i noticed in the conference call you talked about advancing money to promising young businesses that otherwise would not be up to grow, higher, of healthcare to people, generate income for their families. you are not backing away from
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that. >> not at all. we have given more than $5 billion in capital to small businesses to help them grow. we have such a great view of what merchants are doing and how they operate on shopify our access to making these decisions means we can fund small businesses in a way that most of the companies cannot. you mentioned some of these macro trends and cpi. one thing i think is important to understand is i think 2024 is the year for entrepreneurship. 25% of consumers are considering starting a new business. if you look at business registration recorded since 2021, it is 15.5 million. that's an 85% increase from 2004 to 2021. it feels like it has never been a better time to be an entrepreneur. we see so many businesses being started on shopify. >> i just got 10 ideas for the next shows. in great shape for the rest of the week and beyond. it is great to see you.
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i think you still have passion for the job. >> i definitely do. >> i love what you do and when you come on the show. we will talk soon. coming up, cramer does a little networking. everything you need to know about attack stock with a strong track record. (♪♪) in this clinic, we pride ourselves on putting others first. it's on us to help care for our clients' well-being;
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to help them adapt. it's inspiring to work at a place where our patients succeed. and we as therapists do, too. with great benefits from principal, we feel appreciated for the work we do. (♪♪)
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awkward question... is there going to be anything... -left over? -yeah. oh, absolutely. (inner monologue) my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower. what's next. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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what the heck just happened to the networking equipment powerhouse, arista networks. if you go back to 2018 it is up to a level that trounces all the averages. the index worked his way to 4000 to 5000 just now. last night arista reported and today the stock got clobbered in response down more than 5%. the numbers were actually pretty good. before we get into the details, you need to understand where the company is coming from because the track record here is incredible. from the very beginning they have been focused on high- performance networking equipment initially geared toward the cloud which allowed them to become the preferred partner
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for data centers. at the same time, arista network is small and nimble , certainly more than their key competitors. they have been competitive in the data space for years gaining share from all corners because they offer superior products at value prices. that's why microsoft goes to them for their networking. this accounted for 39% of sales last year. ever called out last night on the earnings call as m&ms which are my favorite candy. arista does a lot of work with amazon web services, google cloud, and international services. they have spent fortunes building out their data centers and growing the cloud networks with a big chunk of that spending going to arista networks. these same companies have started a whole new investment wave through the artificial intelligence. these cloud companies are already core customers of arista and as they build their
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capacity they want to get performance networking equipment which is their bread and butter. last time we got a rude awakening. they are in for another impressive quarter. what went wrong, it wasn't the results. there were better than expected sales. monster 38% earnings which is 47.5% earnings. the revenue outlook applies a significant deceleration in growth down 13 to 15%. the gross margin guidance was also on the white side. they reiterated that they had already rolled out last november which might seem overwhelming given up how much it has grown since then. it is only natural for it to get hit but if you look through the ceo i will pull an
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incredibly compelling story. especially when it comes to the scale of the opportunity. basically, ai skill needs ethernet at skill. they cannot tolerate delays in the network because the job can only be completed after all lows are successfully delivered. all it takes is one culprit to throttle an entire ai. i would say you don't just need nvidia chips to make ai work. you also need the highest quality networking equipment which means you need arista. that is the tail that she's weaving. without arista it does not matter. you can't get it to move as fast as you would like. there has been some concern that they may face competition from a brand that nvidia bought in 2020. this is why i think they needed this. people figured nvidia can bundle the networking equipment to take a share. but the last five times arista -- arista went up for a big ai
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contract they won the contract. in the end, many investors were hoping to hear more optimism. they talked about doing $750 million in ai sales this year. that is a number that management reiterated. i think a lot of shareholders inspected them to raise and then they sold the stock. i think that they had a good up 2023 up 90%. they kept running in january and february based mostly on hopes for ai which in practical terms means multiple expansion. the opportunity is very real that management says they will not start the flow through until maybe 2025. last year was the year of trials. this will be the year of pilot programs and next year will be the year ai starts to come through.
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i'm sure some of the bulls were hoping the time i would be accelerated, but those were the people that sold the stock today. i can't tell you it's just a one-day shakeout. we are in a bit of an air pocket right now. it could be slower growth for the first half of the year. some may choose to set things out especially with the tech selloff. if you bought the stock on margin are used co-options, let me just say boo. in the meantime arista networks remains incredibly well positioned. at some point this year you will want to be in the stock. you will have to be patient. if you're already there just told some patients. you have to
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on the stock before people start talking about 2025. this could also propel the stock higher. this could be 25% growth in 2023 and end up doing 34%. as far as numbers go back it is incredible. under promise and over deliver is in the company dna. let me give you the bottom line on this company. they took it on the chin today after expectations got out of whack. while selling may continue for a couple of days, i do not -- i recommend buying this one because the next era of their growth is only just getting started and arista is integral to the revolution. let's take calls. when we start with chris in connecticut. >> boo yah. long time listener,
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first-time caller. thank you for the wisdom you have imparted over the years to my dad and myself. my question is about marvell technology. is it a buy at this level ? >> if marvell had reported a good quarter they would be down five or six. it has a perfect optical solution for ai. it will probably be the number one in the stack of ai. you have to let this one come in. right now people are looking at these highflying tech stocks and saying, i want to ring the register and make some money. i don't want to lose it. marvell would be caught up in that situation. let's go to walt in pennsylvania. >> thank you for calling.
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>> no problem. >> jim, i've been a shareholder without trading in microsoft for 30 years. the first 10 years there were four splits. we have not had a split since. with the skyrocketing price i think it would be to their advantage. apple had done it, amazon has done it, and i'm wondering what you think about that. >> i think he most important thing is congratulations. you have made a lot of money by owning a stock. a lot of people have come on air and try to talk people out of stocks. you own a great stock. i don't think we should care about that split. we will talk to the ceo and tell her your concerns. i think maybe people wonder about it not being asked -- as exciting as they thought it would be. hold onto microsoft. that is a huge position.
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>> arista networks is recommended buying on the pullback. next up we will talk to restaurant brands international. that is burger king and tim hortons. then we talk about the monster move i just mentioned. what stocks led the rundown? and then we will have the lightning round. so stay with cramer.
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icy hot. ice works fast. ♪♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot. why choose a sleep number smart bed? can it keep me warm when i'm cold? so you can rise from pain. wait, no, i'm always hot. sleep number does that. can i make my side softer? i like my side firmer. sleep number does that. can it help us sleep better and better? please? sleep number does that. 94 percent of smart sleepers report better sleep. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add any base. ends president's day. my name's cody archie.
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and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations.
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some tough time in for restaurant is. here is a great company that had the misfortune of reporting this morning before we got that hotter than expected cpi that crushed the whole market. all other stocks fell more than 4% today. these guys have a top and bottom line that i like. some lines came in a little bit light and they did lower the forecast but that was because of concerns about china like everybody else that has something going there. otherwise it actually could have been up. i have long been a believer of chairman patty doyle. i don't know if we can breathe new life into this company, not that it needs it. let's go to patrick doyle the executive chairman to get a better sense of the quarter and what comes next. welcome back to mad money. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> i have to tell you when i
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look at what was reported today, i felt that other than china which everybody is being afflicted by these numbers are darn good on every single line. >> foundational he i feel great about the quarter and the year. tim hortons continues to do incredibly well. north of 8% same-store sales growth. half of that order account growth. they are doing really well. the plan that they have been driving there for a number of years continues to produce results. burger king had a great quarter, up over 6% positive order counts. popeyes was up over six. overall it was good. we had a little bit of slowing in international like everybody else. still up four or 5% on comps and international. overall was a really good quarter for us and a great year.
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>> so let's just touch on that for a second. so involving reverberation and the middle east crisis, those did not things down? >> they did. it probably cost us a point and a half on same-store sales growth. it clearly would have been better. at the end of the day, there are worse things going on in the middle east than what is affecting restaurant sales for us. >> when i read about the reclaim the flame, can i just ask you what was the matter with the flame that it needed to be reclaimed? >> [laughter] we had operational issues. we have restaurants that need to be reimaged and remodeled. there are things that need to be fixed.
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we have not done a great job of driving results in that brand. over the course the last couple of years, tom kertis who is the president of that business, laid out a plan to get the right operators running the restaurants to get better advertising going and get them to reimage and remodel their restaurants. i think we were the fastest growing hamburger chain in the fourth quarter. it is generating results and we are starting to get return of investment. >> so that is that 46% growth of burger king which i thought was outstanding. >> things are good. >> i was watching the super bowl and i saw an ad for a familiar brand. it was not the fried chicken that was featuring, it was the wings. >> popeyes launched wings that is permanent addition to the business. they are extraordinary.
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going on the super bowl is all about driving awareness. the u.s. customer did not know yet that we were selling wings in the u.s. that was a perfect place for us to go out, drive awareness, it is the best reached vehicle and television. we are very excited. if people try these wings they are going to keep coming back because they are amazing. >> when we first talked about how tim hortons was a national treasure. it has been coming down here. the numbers are really staggering. cannot be maintained, 8.4% comp? that is for a chain that is much smaller than tim hortons. >> we have been doing it for a while. a couple of years now. the results just keep coming. they have done an amazing job getting everything right.
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the speed of service improve last year even as we were growing high single digit almost double digit comp for the year, the food quality continues to improve. while we are the dominant player in breakfast, half of the business today is basically lunch or later and that continues to grow very fast. i think there is a real opportunity to continue to grow it not only in the morning but particularly in the later dayparts. >> so we had a question about the staying power of the glp-one , questioning whether people will be taking them one, two, three years from now. i know you are monitoring the situation. what do you think of this drug class and what it could do to business? >> it certainly is a minor headwinds and probably will continue to be.
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i honestly do not see it being a big deal. if you wind up with 10 or 20% of the population reducing 10 or 20% of the calorie intake, that ultimately over time is just not a big reduction. as long as we are giving great service, rate food, great value we will continue to grow. overall, i think it is important? i think they are terrific for the people that need them but in terms of her mill had went i just don't see it. >> excellent. i know that it would have been unchanged. patrick, great to have you back on the show. >> thank you. good to see you. coming up, pop up in the umbrella. cramer takes on all comers in the lightning round,
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next. (christina) wanna know the secret ingredient to running my business? (tina) her. (christina) being all over, all at once. (tina) all the time. (christina) but my old network wasn't cutting it. and that's not good for baking. or judging. or writing. so, we switched to verizon, the network businesses rely on. with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon.
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energizing america with reliable and affordable uranium for nuclear energy fuel from our environmentally friendly extraction process. encore energy. [falcon screech] [ominous background sounds] hyah! sheriff! the adversaries are back! [gasps] not again. sheriff, i got this. protecting your business from cyber attacks can be unrelenting. [triumphant adventure music plays] today's adversaries move fast. crowdstrike moves faster. crowdstrike. we stop breaches.
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lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. trade brilliantly. it is time for the lightning round. the lightning round will be over . are you ready? let's start with fawning kentucky. >> cramer, my stock is ire. what you think? >> i have liked it for a long time. i reiterate that i like it.
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let's go to mike in pennsylvania. mike. >> k, jim. how you doing? >> i am doing well. >> i want to ask you the earnings estimate, this company reported 11.5 billion. it is ev batteries with half the market cap as tesla. >> that is a tough one to be able to come in. i will tell you that i think toyota is going to wait for it to come down. lynette in new mexico. >> hello, jim. do you like dick's sporting- goods? i watched it go up for the last few trading days? is it good or is it another example of the untamed exuberance you've been speaking of. >> it is another example of the
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untamed exuberance i've been thinking of. you have to wait for it to come down. i do not like it straight up. so wait. michael in california. >> boo yah, jim. >> what's up? >> i like watching you on tv. i was wondering your thoughts on rockwell. >> they are in the penalty box. they had a miserable quarter. i cannot recommend a stock that had a bad quarter. i have to wait for a good quarter to say that it is back and okay. it is a major penalty. >> let's go to randy in massachusetts. >> how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. what are you up to? >> i'm doing well. my question is, this company installing the first electric air taxi charger in a city like new york city for those that want air taxi service, how much of a jump do you see them
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making come 2024? >> they have to come closer to profitability. they are so far i cannot recommend them. it is just too painful. let's go to bill and arkansas. >> boo yah, mr. cramer . long time viewer, first-time caller. i would like to give a holler to my family and friends and arkansas. what's your thoughts on pltr. >> i would like it to come down a little bit. they had a good quarter. let's go to jim and virginia. >> how are you doing? >> good. how are you. >> i'm a club member i love to catch the morning show whenever i can. i've got a small position in an infant -- energy infrastructure company.
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they provide renewable energy in southern california and texas. >> i like centra very much. it comes down with some good deals and growth. i would pull the trigger and purchase that stock right here. sempra is for me. ryan and ohio. >> hey, jim. we want to know what your thoughts are on buying dutch brothers? >> they are down a little bit. they are not opening stores as fast as they used to but i will tell you this. i do not see a good quarter. that, it is and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, we are not done yet. don't miss cramer's take on tech plays that may already be
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in your portfolio, next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly. were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!!
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with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. empower. what's next. in the u.s. we see millions of cyber threats each year. with a real time dashboard athat rate is increasing as. more and more businesses move to the cloud. - so, the question is... - cyber attack! as cyber criminals expand their toolkit, we must expand as well. we need to rethink... next level moments, need the next level network. [speaker continues in the background] the network with 24/7 built-in security. chip? at&t business.
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after today's beatdown, i want to remind you why we love this market so much before the hotter than expected cpi rating. let's talk about the stocks that led the s&p 500 from 4000 a few years ago to 5000 last week even though he slightly pulled back today. first, nvidia. there's no secret that they have compounded 53% for the last four years. most people did not see it for what it was. a gaming chip company
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developing the fastest chips in the business which allows them to dominate artificial intelligence. right now it is a battleground stock. they ran so far so fast. my motto is a simple one. on it, don't trade it. it will seem cheap in retrospect once we find out that the earnings are growing faster than expected. we will see soon enough. second, eli lilly has developed the most powerful weight loss and diabetes drug on the market. the amount of illnesses these drugs might treat. everything from hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver, sleep apnea, makes me think it could be the best selling drugs of all time. wall street is still behind on that. third, builders first source. they only have 570 distribution centers. while you could fret about mortgage rates how did it get to be such a stud.
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lowest prices, best service. this is great ai play. when i first started this business 42 years ago i was always looking for a company that had some business that constantly renewed itself. cyber security is one. the hackers never go away. that is why the ceo of palo alto is so tight. he built the best in show cloud with no real peer save. the scale of opportunity has only gotten larger. it is the best of two things. they have truncated to 380 million shares. the real number is quite a bit lower by now. right behind that is target resources. the used processor of natural
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gas where it can be shipped overseas. i can't see where the market loves them so much. number eight, they play a handed networking not to mention being a close partner of nvidia. i think they reached a position to make it more of a higher if not highest and network company. nine is the company behind fight go. they created it and now it has taken over the country. they have a popular business besides that. they may be the best tech company out there. finally, jabil. other companies design stuff and they give us to jabil to put it together. they have diversified enough
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that they can't be knocked out. when i look at these 10 top performers, i am pretty confident they can keep running. the possible exception of targa and marathon. there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise >> right now on last call, today's markets saw unexpectedly high inflation data. the outlook becoming increasingly unclear. that's what happened on the markets. the future is mixed. there's not a lot of volume but there you go a lot of indication on whether to sell off. if you want the supersmart analysis then you came to the right place. we have to get ahead of


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