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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  February 14, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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performing strongly, so, place your bets in the data center post networking era, as a.i. takes over, as well. >> retail sales in the morning, more earnings including on this hour, quite a number of executives joining us before their calls in this hour. that's going to do it for us at "overtime." >> "fast money" starts now. live from the nasdaq market site in the heart of new york city's times square, this is "fast money." here's what's on tap tonight. the bitcoin boom. the crypto-currency surging over 20% in the last month, and now back in the trillionaires club. should investors cheer or fear this rally? plus, nvidia and eli lilly continue their unstoppable moves skyward. so, how long do these names keep defying gravity? and later, no parking allowed. we'll take you to a community in arizona where ubers, e-bikes, and your own two feet are the only way to get around. is this part of a new play for
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the builders? diana 0 lick has the details. i'm melissa lee, coming to you live from studio b at the nasdaq. on the desk tonight -- tim seymour, karen finerman, courtney garcia and steve grasso. we start off with a bitcoin break through. topping the 52,000 mark for the first time since december 2021. the coin has gained more than 20% just this month. and get this, bitcoin's market cap is now back above $1 trillion. that's bigger than berkshire hathaway. if it were a company, it would be the seventh-biggest in the united states. take a look at some of the proxies, coin base, microstrategy, marathon digital, all up double digits today. the moves coming as in flows into the spot bitcoin etfs pick up steam. the funds attracts 1.2 billion in investments last week. this according to fund strat, and seeing prices soar alongside it. so, can this rise continue? and what does this mean for risk appetite in the market, tim? >> there's high correlation there. and it's a little ironic, because in the last week or so,
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we've digested inflation data, dynamics around the fed that say the fed is higher for longer. it's a case where i think if you have less fed, this is one of the core ten innocent tants beh bitcoin. it's about having a currency or an instrument or a security or -- we're not calling it that yet, that actually is grounded in some kind of -- of, you know, backed, you know, where you can actually not just print money forever. that's the reason i think a lot of people own bitcoin, obviously, there's a speculative fur vor around it. and i think we're going to get through that 64,000 level. i think it is indicative of where we are in markets. i look at the high multiple tech stocks, the ones not making any money. the long duration assets that are also soaring. whoever you want to look to that was in their hay day, and i think this is something -- and you look at the addressable market for bitcoin, in other words, who can it really be? well, now, it's been
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institutionalized. and that's part of this, but there's no question it goes back to risk in the fed. >> it's amazing when you look at the run, not just in bitcoin, but the proxies we mentioned, it starts months ago in anticipation of the approval of the spot etf. and maybe recent sell on the news sort of dampening, but we continue to go through. >> well, there was sell on the news, that first few days, it went from 47, maybe broke 40. bull what you're saying, the fed being disciplined would not norm li be a good thing for bitcoin. >> that's correct. >> but it seems to be. we don't really have the matter. we have the halving later, half as much supply coming on each year. and i think it's just the supply/demand dynamic of new etfs that are raising a ton of money that need to be with actual bit koipt. there's that demand that didn't exist.
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people weren't going to pre-buy it. so, i think that's what's going on. i don't know how else to explain it. >> you're in it? >> i am. which is hard to defend as a value person, but i've been in it for a long time. >> we're not in it, this is actually not something we look at for investors, but a lot of this has to do with people getting into etfs. they have to buy more bitcoin, which then is causing a supply glut with it. what's interesting, you point out thit's not larger than berkshire. microsoft is basically twice the volume of the entire energy sector. so, you're really just seeing that people are putting all of their money into what they perceive is the growth assets, because if you are getting 5% on a money market for your safety, they're saying, well, if i'm going to invest my money, i'm putting it into the high growth areas. that's where the risk appetite is going right back up. and is that justified? i think that's the question, right? i think some of the riskier assets are getting close to that irrational exuberance, i would
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say. but i think this's xa's happening in the markets, and people are rushing those categories. >> so, i think karen said this, if you an institution, if it's been institutionalized, that's the word you used? if you have an etf, you can buy it as an institution, i don't think you're allowed to buy it in the first week. so, it probably matches up with the amount of weeks they had to wait. i'm long i-bit, and we were worried about gray scale. what happened to gray scale? it outperformed. so, you're not really seeing that money going right into the etfs. gray scale seems like it is unto itself. tim touched on this, it's where people have their trading. so, i don't have a coin base account, i could trade now i-bit in my regular account, which makes it easier, and a lot less risky for me. i don't want to have to worry about an account getting hacked, not to say they are susceptible to being hacked, but any account can be hacked, i just feel like
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i know these accounts, so now i can be invested in them. i sort of have a texas hedge going on, because i'm long marathon digital, as well. so, marathon digital was up 14% today, i-bit was up 4% and change. so, i'm long them both. i'm long them enough to feel good about it, but not too much to lose sleep. you have the halving. how many outstanding are we with bitcoin? 19 and change? so, there are things that are really at the forefront this year, halving happens every four years. so, you have things at the forefront that have a bullish setup going into spring. >> it wasn't too long ago that we were doubting coinbase, because of the percentage declines, even though the longer term chart was a good one. and we are back into these sort of huge monster double digit gains. >> i think the correlation is absolutely going to continue. and, you know, talk about addressable market, the whole point is -- is that there are more people now looking at
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digital assets, and i still think it's the on-ramp. i think it's a case, these assets become more investable -- look, people are rallying up robinhood saying they are actually getting in flow from people from fidelity accounts, the same goes for digital as sets overall. i know there was a laughable period where people were throwing money out the window in terms of tokens and various forms of crypto, but there's no question that, you know, again, think of the different markets where we talk about a growing addressable market. so, back to coin base, i'm long, and i tell you what, it's going to be over 200 before it's below 100. >> is there -- it's a question, i don't have the answer, is it taking some of gold's share? >> i was wondering. >> has to. >> where is that money coming from? >> i would think that it would. and so, that's just an additional source of buyer -- >> other tech? i don't know. >> it's probably a little bit of both. they call it digital gold.
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i have to believe that's the reason. but i think it was a rehash of cpi. people looked at cpi yesterday and say, oh, they're going to be raising, so, that's why the steam came out of bitcoin yesterday and now today, they say, well, it's so levered to rents and rents have been spiking, so, the fed really follows pce, and pce has been running at 1.9%. the fed's target's 2% and that's why it rallied today. >> i think you have a case where if you believe that there are commercial real estate problems, if you believe that there are issues yet to happen in the world, and yet you believe that the worst of the fed is over, again, that's a backdrop for being defensive. a lot of people in the original kind of essence for bit count, pe people thought the world is coming to an end, in financial terms. that is part of the reason that people will continue to buy it, especially when we see the u.s. deficit grow and grow. the s&p finishing back above
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the 5,000 mark. our next guest is doubling down on his call that we are in for a volatile first half of 2024. wells fargo securities head of equity strategy chris harvey joins us now. chris, great to have you. in terms of volatility in the first half, a decline from here or volatility moving higher, because it seems like we are just going to new highs here. >> i think volatility will spike out. things are going to get a little bit -- we'll see a repricing of risk, right? typically, when we're coming out of a big microperiod, we have earnings season, moving over to the macro. we got a taste of what happens yesterday when the macro takes over. the other thing, things are actually good on the macro side, which is going to keep the fed at bay. if we roll the clock back 12 months, we say, gdp is better than expected, stocks are up 20%, 25%, 30%, credit spreads are tightening to below 100 basis points. the consumer was at all-time
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highs, and the job situation was still good, would we be saying, yeah, now's a great time to lower rates -- we'd say no. this is a time where you actually raise rates, that's not going to happen, but we think it's going to be -- you're going to see the fed being pushed back and pushed back and see a repricing of risk. >> so, in terms of that repricing of risk, i'm curious to whether or not nvidia's results is going to be sort of a key test for you if that repricing will actually happen. >> i think what's good for nvidia is good for nvidia. they're up 50%, year to date, so, shifting a little bit, we run, or, i run or oversee one of our model portfolios. that model portfolio is outperforming by 200%, or 2% year to date. we have 10% in cash. in a typical environment, that shouldn't work. that shouldn't occur. but what's good for nvidia, right, so, nvidia is driving that performance.
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nvidia will continue to drive that performance, but it's not driving the average stock higher. what we're seeing is rates go higher, that's weighing on the average stock, and nvidia will do what it does, right? it's not -- it's not an indication of the broader market. >> indication of the magnificent seven, which has been driving the gains of the broader market. >> which is the broader market. it is the market. >> i should say, the average stock, right? if you look at small caps, mid caps, you look at value, equal weighed, it's flat to down this year. and that's being weighed down to a certain degree, because guidance, fundamentals are fine, but they're not great. rates are going higher. so as long as you're part of that magnificent seven, fantastic. if you're not, it's tough sledding. >> so, would you be saying that you should buy protection? we saw, other than yesterday's spike in the vix, which maybe i don't even know if the vix is such a good instrument to look at anymore, that -- it was down -- down almost what it was up yesterday. are you saying you should buy protection there?
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it's cheap. >> we want to participate to the upsite and protect to the downside. we're in the portfolio with communication. we want something growthy. that's communication. communication is working. we want to balance that out with something more defensive, something oversold. that's health care and utility. we think that's the portfolio you want to run going forward, whether you're a bull or a bear. and year to date, we've been running this portfolio for the last 12 months and it's worked out very well. and i think in a difficult tape, that's going to work, as well. and year to date to the upside, it's performed quite well. >> you just pointed out a few minutes ago here that small caps and value. a lot of people coming into the year said, oh, the markets are going to broaden out, but that has not come to fruition. and i'm curious, when you're positioning a portfolio, if you are recommending that to anybody, should they have an allocation there, how much they're compared to the mag seven? how much do you -- is that some of the fomo trade that's going to continue to rise?
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>> it's our opinion that we shouldn't see a widening out, right? that small caps are not going to work. what happened last year at the end of the year is what occurred is, you had alot of short covering. you had a lot of hedge funds jacking up their book. that caused the dynamics to look like things were broadening out. then year to date, you saw reverse as the calendar turns, everything reverses. the underlying fundamentals for small cap, they're not great. the macro, what you need for small caps to work, is a really big run in the economy. really big upward revisions. you're not seeing that. the other thing you need, you need to secret spreads come down. this environment is not great for that. this is an environment where there's a lack of growth. you're looking at 2%, 2.25% gdp growth. you want to stick with the growthy stocks. >> chris, thank you for coming by. >> thank you. >> chris harvey, wells fargo. you agree with this barbell approach? >> i like a lot of the things chris is saying. i think utilities are extremely attractive. i think a barbell makes a lot of
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sense. and i would highlight that it's what everybody is saying here, equal weighed is down 30 basis points coming into this. but i look back at an s&p, p pre-covid, before we knew we could have all this dynamic that really has changed the world, but s&p was at 3,300. so, if you think about where we are now, and there's still probably some covid fluff in there, but ultimately, what's been doing it? the biggest stocks in the world, and i'm not sure what's going to stop this. and it's just a little bit of a resurefuling of the deck. apple is making new fresh relative one-year lows against the s&p. nvidia is now bigger than google. microsoft is just off of relative all-time highs to the s&p, so, as a fund manager and whether you're an adviser or if you're somebody that is actually running equities and running, you know, long shore u.s. or wherever you are, getting underweight those stocks is very, very risky, and i don't see anybody doing it. >> yeah. do you think nvidia reports and nvidia will do what nvidia does, or is it some sort of referendum
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on a lot of the other a.i.-powered names that lead and drive the mag seven and the markets? >> yeah, so, we've looked at nvidia and we've tried to pick the top, and we've failed, right? repeatedly. i think the point of the mag seven, or whatever we're going to call it now, is a product of passive investing. so, you -- it just feeds onto itself. no one's buying the russell. it's underperformed for too long. i stated that fact, over 40% of the russell is actually unprofitable companies, and back in the mid 90s, that number was only 15% of the russell was unprofitable. so, it's too deep to take that stab and you can't stay there for long. so, you're forced into buying due to passive investing, buying all of the mag seven and staying with market cap-weighed stocks. getting back to nvidia, it's a flip of the coin at this point. they still own 85% of the market. i still think they can chug along just fine. >> we are seeing the cracks, though. tesla has sort of dropped out, right? >> right. >> apple, as you mentioned,
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relative one-year low against the s&p 500. it's not all rising anymore. >> i do think, though, there is some amount. and i don't know what that is, of nvidia that is not passive, that is very retail, very excited, this, you know, the buzz around this couldn't be greater. >> idiosyncratic? >> yes. i don't know how big that is, but i feel like there's a lot of expectation and buy the rumor, sell the news, absolutely could happen. i do have iwm, though, as well, that, i mean, it was nice today, not so nice yesterday. i just feel like it has underperformed for way too long. >> growth will always continue to be if. it's lilly, what's going on in online sports betting, or looking at the digital and bitcoin markets, that's where people are investing, and that's going to continue to not be weighed in fundamentals and valuation. we have a news alert on 13-f filings. berkshire hathaways making
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moves. leslie picker has the details. >> yeah, first, i should tell you that berkshire hathaway, its mystery name is still a mystery. this quarter's filing still included that notation showing confidential information has been omitted and filed separately with the s.e.c., so, we continue to be in the dark, sadly, on what that is all about. however, the firm did make some moves in the fourth quarter, as you mentioned. b berkshire holding $19 billion worth of chevron at the end of '23. however, warren buffett's firm slashed ownership in hp by 78% to hold under $700 million worth as of the end of december. berkshire hathaway reducing ownership in paramount global to hold under $1 billion worth at the end of the year. and berkshire told 10 million shares of apple. sounds like a lot, but that's just 1% of the firm's ownership, worth roughly $174 billion at
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year-end. and of course, always a reminder that these forms are snapshots from six weeks ago. they may have changed in the time since. mel? >> all right, leslie, thank you. leslie picker. karen, what do you make of these moves? >> well, now i really want to know what the mystery is, of course. >> right. >> paramount, whatever is happening right now, talks are not, who knows if anything gets resolved, they sold prior to that. not big changes. nothing really jumps out at me. that's a tiny drop in the apple bucket. >> right. >> been an extraordinary bucket. coming up, some afterhours action, as earnings season rolls on. shares of cisco dropping after delivering results. numbers out of the quarter and how to trade the name next. plus, a ride share shakeup. uber with its first buy-back plan. and after lyft's post-earnings pop, is this trade worth the ride? we'll discuss that when "fast money" returns. this is "fast money" with
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welcome back to "fast money." an earnings alert on cisco.
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shares down after posting weak guidance, but the company reported a beat on the top and bottom line. kristina partsinevelos has the latest. >> the call just finished. cisco resetting expectations. the ceo warning on the call they have to cut investments and costs, because companies are more cautious with i.t. spending, especially within cable and teleco providers is. think verizon, at&t. customers are still working through elevated inventory levels, as well. and that's taking longer than expected. and possibly a reflection of weaker times, they plan to cut 5% of its global work force, 4,200 people in q-3. that will mean $800 million in costs. the company, as you mentioned, beat earnings expectations, but the bar was lowered last quarter. networking business dropped 12% year over year, but software sales increased, remitting 50% of total revenue. the dividend increased 3% in the quarter. and it may not change the tides right now, but this quarter,
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they announced a partnership with nvidia. and chuck robbins says on the call, they are seeing a.i. orders tripling, and start to see that in theirfiscal new year, in september. he will be on "mad money" tonight with more details about the caution in their guidance. >> kristina, thank you. kristina partsinevelos. tim, do you own cisco? >> i do own some cisco, and this can fall under the category of value trap. i mean, this is a company that, to me, in the last five years, has been transitions from hardware to software. and into security, and doing things that are high margin and very interesting. annuity-based. they should be helping the multiple. this is one of the names, if you listen to the street, there's a handful of analysts that have called this one of the great value, whatever, big cap tech stocks. so, when you hear the weak telco outlook and some of the dynamics that chuck robbins, who is very, very honest with the market, and sometimes there is a little bit
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of an overly conservative outlook. it is what it is. this is two quarters in a row that the numbers are really disappoint disappointing, in a space of the world where they are spending on security and software. >> yeah, and i think that's the question, is it a value trap? because the valuation is attractive here. i think they have a really strong balance sheet. i wouldn't be surprised if we see share buy-backs or m&a. i don't think this is going to be an instant gratification trade. i don't think holding a piece of this is a bad idea. >> last earnings cycle, the stock dipped and was under a lot of pressure. and it rallied back, so, it was off the bottom. it looked like it was going to be a value investment, but it sold off again leading up to this, so, it's -- i thought it was going to be a good entry point, and it's sort of interesting, the way he talks about the pandemic and his customers and how they're working through supply chains. so, i think they're getting to the bottom, where it will be a value stock again and i love the nvidia partnership.
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so, i think -- i'm willing to give it a try, not on a day like today, let it breathe. there's at lot more "fast money" to come. here's what's coming up next. ride share stocks putting the pedal to the metal, as uber and lyft go for a joy ride. with this trade picking up steam, is it time to get in? plus, invincible investments. the trades on seemingly unstoppable stocks. can anything ruin these rallies? the technical take, next. you're watching "fast money," live from the nasdaq market site in times square. we're back right after this. (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪)
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welcome back to "fast money." uber, the best performer in the s&p 500 today, after the ride sharing app announced a $7 billion buy-back. the stock jumping 15% to set another record high at the close. this comes one day after lyft's earnings, when the stock initially soared nearly 70%, before pairing gains after an error in the press release. lyft shares up 35% today. not bad at all. but for uber, this means they're confident about free cash flow and their prospects for profitability. >> which is really important,
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because i think a lot of people have been on the sidelines with uber, because they were unprofitable for so long. and it is interesting because this comes after a time when meta announced their first dividend. you're seeing the growth companies are having to show other ways to give back to shareholders, whether it's going to be with buy-backs, with dividends, because the question is, how long can those companies continue to grow at these valuations? so, it's a really strong move you're seeing from uber. >> it is interesting, though mathematically, it's not really in their favor to be buying back stock. i'm sure they have stock-based compensation, they want to offset that, but it's not like -- remember apple in the old days, which, i don't know, ten years ago, just, i mean, that was just a money machine for earnings, to buy back stock, so -- it's a little different. >> we still don't know. you can initiate a buy-back program and not really buy back shares. >> yes, absolutely. >> this could all just be -- >> excellent. >> a show. >> i don't think this is the
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buy-back. i think this is a halo effect from the industry dynamics from lyft, which is the l in bliblic. 47% supply of hours added year over year. drivers up 25%. remember when the industry had issuesconstraints, just industry-specific. i think uber trades high er off lyft. waiting for this kind of a turn for lyft is something -- i think there's one or two bags left on this thing. i think this -- if you look at where this stock is relative to uber and the move and by the way, uber is up 95% in the last 75 sessions. essentially doubled since the end of october. i realize the fundamentals have turned, but this is what you have to expect from lyft. >> so, i'll just woundld you rather, because i know you're going to self- -- >> i don't know that. >> data would say. >> exactly. uber is trading much more
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expensively on a forward p pe. ubers that transportation, international -- >> i would always go with uber. they outsize them, they dwarf lyft. but i do believe the spike that we saw in the stock was in large part by -- or because of the buy-back. if you think about, why does a company initiate a buy-back, it's because they're confident going forward that they're going to earn a consistent amount of money. i think they figured out now how to get to the big boys table. they're at the grownups table now. >> you mentioned blicep, trying to add lyft into your 2024 acronym, when it's part of your 2023 acronym. >> yes, it was. >> would you really want to do uber? >> it's an interesting would you rather acronym version.
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again, i think the -- you just said it. i look at the multiples here, i look at -- every analyst that wrote a report about -- not everyone. i read reports today on lyft where they said, we're not sure we can see this sustained. and that's really why i think the stock, and the market kind of said, we think you can, but i -- you know, i look at the street, i think the street is very, very conservative on this. blicep for sure. can we squeeze that in? coming up, some stocks channeling their inner freddy mercury, singing "don't stop me now." the chart master is laying out seemingly invisible investments. more on that next. and new developments in the disney dog fight. activist investor nelson peltz sounds off on ceo bob iger. what he had to say about the media giant's latest earnings report ahead. don't go anywhere. more "fast money" in two. missed a moment of "fast?" catch us any time on the good. follow the "fast money" podcast. we're back right after this.
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welcome back to "fast money." stocks staging a small rebound after yesterday's big selloff. the dow climbing 150 points, the
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s&p up 1%. and back above 5,000. the nasdaq jumping 1.3%. and some afterhours action. occidental with a beat. and twilio dropping 10% after issuing light revenue guidance, active customer count coming in lower than expected. meantime, though, the magnificent seven have been leading the market as of late. they are far from the only stocks on a tear. the chart master is here to lay out what is next for two well-known winners, and a couple of names you might not expect. let's bring in carter braxton worth of worth charting. what did you bring? >> yeah, so, four stocks, all which have been just tremendous performers over the past two years. two consumer names, and we can start right here with a comparative chart. so, remarkably, on a two-year basis, they are all almost iden identical. all up remarkably similar
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amounts versus an s&p trailing is up 13. let's look at them individually. one is really different than the others, and that's abmber com bee. this has had eigsix or eight instances where it's dropped down to zero. this will be a corrected. it's not a long-term compounder, but the other three are. if we look at the up and to the right, decker's circumstance, it's been basically appreciating without sort of wild swings since the early 1990s. so, too, of course, for nvidia, which has not been around as long, but it is also since '99, up and to the right. and then finally, of course, the flay ve flavor of the day, lilly, which is all the rage, and it, too, with some drawdowns, but unlike amber com bea has delivered
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results. these have been great winners over a two-year basis, but long-term winners. but i thought, since we were talking about things that are so good, we should maybe compare to the one god-like stock, because lilly is all the rage here. but we might have a table, and this is a very sobering reality, not only for lilly, but for almost everybody else. if you go back to 1985, look at the compounding effect. the s&p 10,000, you have 292 ground. 10,000 lilly, you have 1.6. united health care, you have almost $25 million. making lilly a small speck. united healthcare, god-like, unlike all others. >> so, in the ranking of god-like or unstoppable stocks, united health is perched on top, but -- >> hope, for sure. >> so, for nvidia and lilly, do they still have momentum to the
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upside? they still look like good charts? >> they do. they're up and to the right. and they are not extended or para parabolic. >> all right, and united, by the way, is in carter's acronym. correct, carter? >> that's right. >> yeah. >> it is. >> didn't even bring it up. >> i know. that's why i plugged for him. >> you have to plug yourself. >> look at you. nice. carter, thank you. carter braxton worth. >> united health or lilly or nvidia, in terms of the most god-like for the longest amount of time, or maybe newer gods on the move now? >> yeah, i -- i actually look at the health care space as opposed to nvidia. you want to own nvidia, but the question is, how much that excitement has already been priced in. and i really like a lot of the health care names, even with a lilly that is very expensive. their pipelines look really strong, as opposed to the
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competitors that have patent clutches coming in. i would look at those. it's something to look at for 2024. >> united health care acted like a growth stock. it's one of the reasons why it gets the multiple it does. i was also, though, waiting for carter to say, these are so good they're bad. >> right. >> because we get the so bad they're good. and i think sat some point, you know, that's what he certainly described you could get at abercrombie, which is astounding, the move this $6 billion -- which still has -- $6 billion market cap, but still got a 14% short interest, which tells you kind of what's been going on here. united health care is a name i'm long and name i'm very comfortable staying long. >> decker is surprising. i don't know. >> i was a little surprised. remember last year, abercrombie outperformed nvidia. it was up more, which is -- that's kind of astounding. you would think that's a pairs trade you could put on now that nvidia will remain its momentum and outperform. >> how about a would you rather,
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you know, in terms of apparel or what you would wear? >> now he's asking someone else, not even the self-would you rather. >> what would you wear? abercrombie or -- >> it's a store, right? it's apparel. so, uggs versus abercrombie. is this that complicated? i thought it was -- shouldn't have spoken up. i'm going to shut up right now. >> best show on tv. in my opinion. >> can we go to a commercial? >> yes. coming up, the gloves are off in the battle for disney's body room. what nelson peltz had to say about bob iger in a fiery interview today. that's next. plus, lyft and lennar teaming up for an interesting experiment, building a car-free community in arizona. inside the neighborhood that could become a blueprint for the future. and during february, we are celebrating black heritage. here's the president of united airlines. >> there is always this sense that you are not complete and
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welcome back to "fast money." the gloves are off in the battle between activist investor nelson peltz and disney ceo bob iger. peltz going in hard on the exec in an interviewer year today. here's a taste of that conversation. >> i'm thrilled if the ceos of the companies we invest in make a ton of money. we want them to be the highest-paid executives in their industry. but only if we, the shareholders, the great unwashed, are making money along with them. these two things have gone in a different direction. compensation up, shareholder value down. that doesn't work for me.
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>> peltz also saying that disney's string of announcements, including a sport lgsz mei sp sports -- >> these are election day comments. and bob is making -- is talking like he just got into office a week ago. this is a management team that's been there for 20 years. >> the comments not enough to put a dent in disney's fantastic start to the year. now up more than 23% already. tim, do you agree with him? >> i -- the comp issues are pretty startling. and i think there's sometimes a presumption that high profile folks should get paid a lot of money, and, you know, this has been going on at gm, too, and there's a lot of people that have been horrified and the stock performance have been almost as bad as disney, so -- disney's last round of numbers, i think, tell you that bob iger, though, has things going on that
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are at least catalysts and adding value. and on top of their own year of efficiency. and some sense that we can see where streaming is going. so, as someone that's been very frustrated with disney myself, i do like where disney is going here. i do like the profitability dynamics. i like the fact that the company is generating free cash flow. and i think the core company is very cheap here. >> yeah. you mentioned things, peltz calls it a spaghetti against the wall plan. he puts it in quotes, plan, in that letter to investors. >> and i think his point, too, is saying that this is all coming because he knows they're trying to get on the board right now. and the argument, does it matter where these ideas are coming from or why the timing is now? ultimately, disney is coming with additional ideas to increase their revenue, increase their profits, so -- i think, does it matter? it's going to be good for the stock and that's what's getting priced in here. >> the sports partnership was sort of puzzling. i think there are questions -- >> a lot of questions in the
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analyst community -- >> never happens. >> you think it never happens? >> i kind of agree. it seems like it hasn't been totally thought out. >> very difficult to get three companies -- we talked about the ownership and the revenue. something interesting, though, i think that iger's last quarter may have been enough to change the vote, if nelson peltz were going to win. i do also wonder, didn't he sell stock at 120 last year? remember he was in. >> yeah. >> they were going to have the fight, he said, no, i'm not doing the fight anymore. and he sold some stock at 120. does he have a very different view of what it's worth now because if 120 was the sale last year, i don't know where it would be a sale this year, we're not that far from that. i think the tide has really changed a fair amount in this fight. >> i agree with nelson. this is -- if you look back, the end of october, disney's stock was at the pandemic low. so, it was just a handle of months. we were all saying the same thing, he came out loaded for bear. he had to do this. that whole board is up for
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nomination, or re-election, so, he had to do something to keep nelson at bay. he did enough, judging by the stock performance, as you lead in with it, but just look at it in another couple of we weeks/months and see where we're at, because i think nelson ultimately will be the winner of this. >> yeah. so, tim, in terms of your position, has it changed at all? over the past -- >> i've probably nibbled somewhere a couple years ago when it was flat lining, and you could have traded the stock, you if are looking at these 20%, 30% ranges you've had in the stock. it's not bad, but -- i've been a long-term dlbeliever. this is one of those stories that i believe you should be in. stock is up 42% from those lows. coming up, america's first carless city. one community in arizona is getting rid of parking spots, garages, even streets. we'll take you inside the neighborhood backed by lyft, lennar, and others.
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the new community in tempe is completely carless, and its developers are betting that more walkable, social neighborhoods are what people want. cnbc's diana olick has all the details. diane that? >> reporter: well, melissa, this new $170 million rental community has all the amenities, it's got the fitness center, the dog park, the outdoor kitchens. it does not have cars. cul-de-sac is the first community in the u.s. designed specifically for car-free living. cofounder ryan johnson says it is what americans want. >> in the u.s., we've been building the wrong kind of housing for 100 years. we've built sprawl and it's created car dependency and it's made us lonelier, less healthy, and less happy, and what people want is to live in walkable na neighborhoods. >> reporter: retail, restaurantsing and close to 200 apartments in the first phase. no cars means no parking spaces, no garages. the complex is strategically located right next to the area light rail system. all residents get a free pass.
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the first 200 also get a free electric e-bike and a partnership with lyft gets them discount rides. those are partners. investors in the $30 million series a include lennar, khosla ventures and founders funds. walkable neighborhoods are all well and good when the weather is fine like it is now, but temperatures here in the summer can sit above 100 degrees for weeks at a time. and that will be the real test, melissa, to see if carless living can really go the distance. >> so, we've been having this debate all day, diana, since this is in tempe, arizona, and it is hot there, that when it is hot in the summertime, how far do you actually have to walk to get to that lyft? because there are modes of transportation, but if there are no streets in front of your apartment building, you've got to walk there, and it's going to be burning hot. >> reporter: yeah, no, i asked that question, and the ceo told me, he said the buildings are designed and tilted and lean a little bit toward each other, their very close to each other, which makes all the walkways
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through the community completely shaded. now, that's not going to help when it's 120 degrees outside, right? you don't have to actually walk that far to get to the edge of the community where you can get your lyft and the light rail is across the street, but again, it's going to be tougher when it's hot. right now, everybody is outside enjoying themselves at 70 degrees and lovely. that, i think, is going to be one of the tough ones for this to overcome. also, i think families might have a hard time here, because we all know that we're always driving our kids everywhere. >> with a lot of stuff that you don't want to walk with to the edge of the community. i think about the car seats, all these other things. all the buildings are tilted. that doesn't sound dangerous or anything. >> reporter: well, not tilted. i don't want to say they're not tilted. they're angled. i should have used the word angled. in a certain way, and they're very close together, so, it almost feels kind of european, there are narrow walkways, and really shady inside. >> all right. we'll take your word for it. di
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di diana, thank you. >> did she say it was full? just -- >> still in the -- >> leasing up, okay. >> i live in a walkable, social neighborhood, it's called new york city. >> me, too. i was going to say, i don't have a car. works fine. up next, final trades.
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time for the final trade. tim? >> happy valentine's day. and there's been a lot of love for tencent music, tme, breaking out. the spotify of china. >> karen? >> yes. so, retail, hopefully a little better the end of the year. we'll see tjx in about two weeks. long tjx.
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>> courtney? >> oxy, you want to make sure you have energy in your portfolio. >> steve? >> marathon digital. it's the beta for bitcoin, but bites both ways, up and down. >> thank you for watching "fast money." see you backere moow htorr for more "fast." my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now . >> i'm kramer. welcome to mad money. trying to make you a little money. my job is not just to entertain but explain. call me. read me. maybe what we need to do here is have a patented


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