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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  February 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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>> dom, thanks for being here. great for you to give up your friday afternoon to have fun with us. walmart, they are having a lot of fun this is a story that deserves a higher multiple. >> there's your final trades thanks for thank you for watching fast money, mad money with jim cramer starts right now. >> my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for everyone, i promise to help you find it, mad money starts right now i am cramer, welcome to med money, i'm just trying to make you little money, my job is not just to entertain but to explain and teach you, call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me at jim cramer. balancing insisted two points
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got advancing 3.2 percent, nasdaq dipping, today may have been placid but we experienced a phenomenon this week. a company recently unknown to many others then show watchers like you and not only trounced it, it elected fried the entire start market -- electrified the entire stock market. i haven't seen everything or anything like the rise in the history of the market. nvidia, don't trade it, what a dream come true. why do we get so set about the chipmaker, that's really what it is in the end? no, oddly and justifiably, there was a biblical quality to nvidia's assent is biblical. and capitalizations, and microsoft, google, a goliath in the market.
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and david with his slingshot. slingshot of artificial intelligence, propelling the stock to the $2 trillion mark. the numbers were incredible, without generating this kind of an action for the entire market, management made it clear that the ai revolution is just getting started. normally when a semiconductor is like this, there is handwringing about how we must be the top because the numbers are unsustainable. it did not happen to nvidia this time, the conference call made people realize that maybe it is in the early innings, the ceo has a multiyear plan to dominate the industry with the best graphics cards, the are really semis, i like to call them graphics cards, in the world. we don't see this often in the stock market. there is genuine wonderment here. that is the word. nvidia has had a lot of positive changes coming in, the whole multitrillion dollar tech
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world gets a high-speed gpu makeover. and videos -- nvidia office cards, run 20 zoster, and cooler, the return on investment is spectacular. is almost impossible to make the assent, retail banks, a very positive week, can it continue, the only question, and what have you done for me lately, let's go to the game plan, take a look at next week. long before jensen wong there was another legendary wealth creator, warren buffett, reporting this weekend we will be parsing over trying to guess what he will by. a totally futile endeavor but never gets old. domino's pizza, ever since he became the ceo he has brought a sense of magic back to the king of pizza. and he has reclaimed the title.
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one of the greatest performers, and if it does it won't surprise me if it lapse up in the quarter, a great operator. the workday eports, this one, a service company for human capital management, has broken out of the pack, it still solid with salesforce, as platform companies, just blowing up, meaning sometimes it failed to deliver the outside urprise that they were hoping for. that is become a thing of the past, it becomes masterful. a remarkable guidance height from royal caribbean this week. the question is, can norwegian cruise lines follow the reports from tuesday, i don't think it is as good but it might be worth a trade if you come in monday. how about the lows, the dynamic, home depot reported it was widely panned, but kind of like mcdonald's, these two companies, you know, they get
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hit and then they come right back, they did say how do-it yourself remodelers were pretty active, which is fantastic news for lowe's, diy, buyers taking the stock up a few bucks with the response, but i think they can take up the ceiling. and results from macy's, and actors from our cows, which once board representation, it is jumped but i don't think it will do, the numbers want to do the talking. one solar company actually making money, first solar, even if solar edge blew up, first solar has been focused more on the commercial side rather than residential, which is much more reliant on financing. is looking good for trade. one f the most important aspects of learning seasons, is that they have their own styles, not if one gets them, tgs is one of them, it tends to be non- promotional with headline numbers that don't to the full story, yet people traded like
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it is crazy out the initial news coverage, please listen before you act, tjx often gives you great buying opportunities, getting hit on good results after surging at the beginning, just wait for a better entry point, was going to happen wednesday morning is to crazy. i will be there with you 9:00 but probably too late. after the close, to my favorite companies report, salesforce and the terrific snowflake, which i would be happy to own if i did have some he tech stocks already, three successive positive analyst reports about salesforce this week. and 24 years ago, not considering but these pieces that were so bullish, they would make me nervous, because the stock might come into hot but even at this point, meeting with buyers by friday wednesday, and how about this snowflake very expensive last season but creating a company that allows you to rent the cloud and find out if you need
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all of that high-powered ai stuff. a fantastic value proposition. i'm expecting a good quarter from frank and snowflake a great deal about a number coming up thursday, the personal consumption expanded price index. it will sow confusion, i have been adamant, generating way too much heat to see any meaningful price declines, until the fall, nobody is as negative as i am, pc will vindicate my vision, earnings, best buy points thursday morning, this quarter may not be as good, and the pc cycle, going to best buy, and maybe after this quarter. and a group that has been jarred by disappoint. the identity management. for ages, i think they're going to do it again, and maybe some
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calls, i recommend the strategy but i think it will work for them . finally i was adamant that you must bring g, a company that administers mris, it was a supplier of the machines, for the trust, and since then it appears that is tacked on $20. i will talk about it at tomorrow's annual club meeting. listen to everyone and everything, if you only have a certain amount of time you have to pick your spots, for shareholders of ge healthcare, it was a good spot. bottom line, i don't know if the rosy outlook for nvidia has staying power, but there are plenty of good companies that can carry a torch. let's go to trey in texas. >> jim, my father-in-law thinks all crypto currency is complete nonsense, last night he went so far as to say that coins current prices indicative of wildly speculative fervor, whatever that means.
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i think is going to $100,000 and i'm buying more. my question is, will queen base continue to rise?>> if the coin goes, your strategy in the way you think it is, yes, absolutely. i am neither for nor against, people who want to avoid the coin should only but going. i'm not going to make a judgment, it's made a lot of money for some people. jason?>> jason from florida, how are you? i am doing great. and netflix, we've written it down and back up, considering the consolidation in streaming, do you consider this a buy, sell or hold? >> i like netflix very much, it's had a big run, wait for the blowback, there will be pullbacks, we've been straight up at this point, and i just won't get it at all, let's go to david in kansas >> thank you for taking my call, calling from the home of the super bowl champions, kent
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city cheese. >> love the chiefs. >> second time collar and longtime club member, look to you -- good luck to you on the team tomorrow. and i want to start a position. for koterba energy -- coterra. >> he has that model, it works, it should've been over 27, is at 26, very inexpensive, i would pull the trigger on monday. and at some point we need to take off our nvidia colored glasses. i think there are opportunities that carry the torch next week. i'm here to help you. the average have gotten ahead of themselves, deepen the story we will dig down. will the bulls continue to run, could there be some near-term turbulence lurking, we will find out a 39th location, looking at the strength of retail and this
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terrific run they've been behind for probably close to 100%. stay with cramer. don't miss a second of mad money, followed jim cramer on x, and tweet cramer, hashtag mad mentions, and, or call that 1-800-743-cnbc . is something? head to mad money
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- i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short. - have a fun weekend. - ♪ unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. ♪ - was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪
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moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! ♪ >> if you're worried the market has got ahead of itself, you should think about owning a utility stock, it had a nice run last year, and the nations
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largest transmission and distribution, and to send earnings, and the stock jumped 4% with the response, 4.2 percent yield, while that is not as good as a cd it's not nothing, and cds cannot raise their distribution. let's dig deeper with calvin butler, the president and ceo, welcome back to mad money. >> thank you jim, i could be with you. >> you're just in philadelphia, my hometown, a panoply, baltimore, washington dc, what is the state of the city first of all >> it's amazing, the privilege and responsibility, to serve the greatest cities in the u.s. is there and they are growing, in different ways. you see the revitalization of the urban core, and that is
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what we enjoy and we are parts of the community, it is really good. >> people come on the air a lot of talk about the crisis of commercial real estate, i've done my work on this but i will defer to you. my works says be careful to call things a crisis, some of the things are growing, and growth can cure crisis. >> a rebalancing of commercial real estate, people are converting some office space to apartments and condos, i can speak to baltimore, we are seeing the reemergence of apartments and condos taking over old office buildings, and you are seeing people wanting to come back into the city. but we have to do in a balanced way, but it's happening. >> other buildings you find that your shocked the lights are out, because they are not good enough to be those buildings, is the commercial real estate that bad? bigger it is struggling but not that bad. when i tell you that people are selling, they may not be selling at the value it wants -- it once was, it is a
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leveling off, the conversions are happening and people will be back.>> okay. i was disturbed, that something happened to your company, page 5 , 2023 commitments, excellence, i delivered earnings maintain strong balance sheet, you're doing everything and then you got these different agencies in illinois, one is a rape case and the other a liability, we stand for that liability and they rejected it, 1000 people were involved in the presentations and the agency rejected your plan, i don't understand that? >> it was disappointing, to say the least, it was a 11 month process into your point, we had over 1000 people, 10,000 request for information that we provided, meeting with staff and the commission spoke on december 14 and it was a disappointing ruling.
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and i tell you with the most disappointing part was, the citizens of illinois are suffering and people are losing jobs, but having said that we are recalibrating, we've heard from the commission, we are willing to partner to move it forward, it was a setback and we have reached the expectations with them and we will work with them. >> you wrote, now lowering the earnings growth outlook is not a change, it's because of them, not anything you did right? >> exactly right, we had to pull back $1.4 billion of distribution capital spent in illinois alone. >> wow. >> we shifted to other jurisdictions and that's the opportunity for exelon because of the scale in size but you can't pull that much capital out and not having impact on long-term earnings growth.>> other than in california, i've never seen that happen, when he does get shocked, i guess it can be part of the equation, already have now, you don't have to worry about it but i
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didn't think you could have that level of what i would regard as being the responsibility of government agencies but they don't report to the people is much as i thought they did pick >> i will tell you, the biggest part we had, two years ago we talked about illinois passing one of the most progressive pieces of -- legislation, the climate equitable and jobs act, you want to align your policy with your practice. >> right. >> this was not a clear alignment, we did not understand what the commission really wanted, despite those meetings. >> trying to figure out then, here is something that does make sense to me, but i'm not sure i like it, and we are seeing renewable energy getting sidelined, because of natural -- national security, with electric vehicles, and the prioritizing for the utilities. it is important. it must go on. >> it is, it's a priority, and
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what you are also bumping up against is the affordability factor and the security and resiliency factor, everyone wants a reliable and resilient grid but they also want a secure grid, as we go on to ensure liability, people say it's going to cost money, you're saying what is the pace of change. speak of the major utility, and it wasn't something to deal with, it's another part of your jobs. >> definitely a big part of the job, understanding the shared vision, and help them get there, this is just part of the process.>> baltimore, washington and philadelphia, and in terms of economic growth and resurgence, every one of them, some more than others? >> they are different, in pennsylvania, philadelphia, what you are seeing is a commercial resurgence, the hydrogen hubs.
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>> a real big area there. >> exactly, you take it in chicago, it has become the fifth largest market for data centers, and along the riverfront in the water there, coming to the development, all of those things are happening in different ways, so that's really utility plays a big partner. >> very exciting and on this i can't figure it out. that is too hard for me and mad money is back after the break. >> coming up, wait and see with the fed, this week's earnings may have clues for interest rate watchers, next.
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so this is pickleball? it's basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one's free.
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the first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado. we just got an order from dinosaur, colorado. start an easy to build, powerful website for free with a partner that always puts you first. start for free at this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep,
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so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. how do we look at the market, the economy is in surprisingly strong shape. big runs are partially fueled by the fact that the federal reserve will bless us with notable rate cuts this year's -- this year, with businesses that robust, that's what they keep telling you, on the one had it so good that companies
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are making money, on the other and, the fed has said it won't lower interest rates unless the economy is deteriorating, and the rate cuts might be on the wrong side of the tracks, which is a quandary, especially with how well the stock market is doing. we are a strange situation with few historical analogs. the fed has raised interest rates and it has not done that much to slow the economy even though it has loaded patient is good. uncharted waters here, i want to go off the charts, a brilliant technician who runs a trading room at their website and clean of fibs -- queen of fibs, she can get our bearings, and help us get our bearings, this market has gotten a bit overextended on the upside. that is why she is throwing up the caution flag here, and the benchmark, the highest levels
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by 100 points, we've had quite a run, this is the pivot i talk about how great things were, when the feds decide no more rate increases, after they bought about, they ran the national -- initial price targets off the low cost and the given security, running them through the prism of fibonacci numbers, discovered by leonardo fibonacci, godfather of mathematics, in nature, snail shells, pine cones, the way flowers bloom and some incredibly inextricable reason they show but key points of the stock charts. you need to know why it works, but you only need to know has a pretty reliable track record. that's what we care about. the s&p protected previous weeks, the fibonacci numbers, giving price targets of 4743 and 4918.
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we have now hit those levels and gone through them, anytime we extend a prior price swing beyond that key 127 point to point extension, this is where the level that rallies exhaust themselves. when the s&p had the first target, we had an immediate pullback before the market came roaring back. and the second price target, the risk could be higher, even though we hit the target, we could have it back to there, let's listen to what more she has to say. one more price target based off a swing from the lows in october 2022, all the way back here. this is based off a 127.2% extension of the decline into the low intake the s&p to 5179. remember, these are fibonacci extensions, you only need to know that they were, you don't
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need to know how we get to 127. it would be a major move, less than 100 points is currently trading, but says the 127 20 extension, are likely to sell off, maybe we keep climbing there before the s&p needs to cool, ring the register on some winners, in case we get a correction in the not-too- distant future. we've checked all week ahead of the meeting tomorrow. take a look at this chart with two key indicators. five day exponential moving average, the ema, and the 13 day exponential moving average, the red one, ema. looking at these two lines were buy and sell triggers. broadly speaking, with a five days above the 13 day, the means by, 30 days above the five day, mean cell. in terms of the s&p, a bullish course, on the third, only a single day within the 13 days it went above the five day, it turned out to be a head fake,
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if you follow the by target, it has kept you on the right side of the market month now, and these two moving averages tell her that we are still in bullish territory. even though she's feeling cautious, she doesn't want to get to negative. but she still cautious, and i will tell you why. chick at the current daily chart of the s&p, the index is got a standard chart, we will notice, reaching new high after new high, a magnificent ratio there, from nvidia, she's looking at the five sets of dates, were the s&p is more likely to change his directory, given the ratio of past swings. five timetables coming due between now and early next week. the days fall between today and next monday, plus or minus a day. it is a little tight. given that it has created straight at this period, looking for possible adversity, she wants to buy, as long as
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the five dx potential, the blue, stays above the 13 day, as demonstrated in the previous chart. she recommends that you flee, and other than that, the i shares, russell etf, iwms, a powerful, very tight, 9596. we tested those levels a weekend ahead, and it came pretty close, again earlier this week, and they were held, that's good news, and also likes the fact that the daily moving average favors the bulls. the 2000 trading above the moving average, and he five and 13 day extension moving average, in the by territory. and right now the russell 2018 etf is just under $200, as long as the floor support at 196 is there, and holds, guess what,
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she thinks he can go to 207, that would be a very nice. solid risk and reward there. and nvidia, responding to another court, take a look at the daily chart, using the fibonacci methodology, nvidia is bumping up against a few outside targets, it has made clear, the next thought could be a 24, were nearly went to today before pulling back or even going to 881. as long as all the moving averages remain bullish, using -- she thinks keep buying, i say own it don't trade it. the bottom line, it's just the rally in the s&p 500 is getting temporarily overstated even as the overall pitcher remains bullish. she's expecting some near-term turbulence. so be prepared. anthony in new york. >> hello jim, thank you for taking my call >> you are quite welcome.
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how are you? >> really good. my company i'm talking about is so five technologies, last quarter, fourth quarter last year, first-ever profitable quarter, management is forecasting profitability for the rest of 2024 and beyond, they have a selfie stadium, the la stadium named after them and they decided nba contract, multiyear, to be the sole bank of the nba, what is with the short interest, help me understand? >> people are betting against that but that's a soccer's bet, last year in may, i've known you for 30 years and you never let me down. and he says not at all, as a matter fact, the time to buy, exactly right, the stock bubbled, we are up again overextended a little too high, it has pullback and is at a great level to buy, i am with you. robin new york. >> i must say you are the man, i tell everyone how you made us
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money. you did it again this time, big time this week, while divorce if nvidia goes down, this could be a big crash, but with your steady hand, you made me a boatload again. just telling you what you are doing for me. >> i am humbled. like the great rodney harrison said, you made some great calls and bad calls, in fact i did make good calls. >> you really did pick >> thank you for that. my annual meeting tomorrow. for the investing club, i'm glad to hear you say that, it gives a conviction, i have to keep on keeping on i think you so much for those words. how can i hope you now? >> i want to talk about a stock that has the highest analyst price targeted 96 and the lowest is 62. 60% of the company's expenses are labor, and soon with ai these cars will drive themselves, the collection of
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data is a ai risk, no pun intended to this company. >> i think the ai angle, they have a great app, it gets better and better, i would say the secret sauce of the company, is unbelievable management and they pivoted early on to make money and i think it is just a very -- i finish up a chapter about them for something i'm writing and i have to tell you, i couldn't agree more, i think it goes higher. suggesting that the rally is getting temporarily overstated, even as the overall pitcher remains bullish, be prepared, mad money, a real red-hot read, top and bottom line for the fourth quarter, i'm learning what is working with retail and we will speak with the ceo . and stopping to work in big pitcher, stop with the big pitcher factor numbers and start looking at the individual companies.
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this week, i diverted my eyes all week from these figures, everyone is looking at aggregate figures, but they're wrong, and the rapidfire, tonight's edition of the firing around, stay with cramer. see that? that's like the gap in my health insurance. gap in your health insurance? yeah, it didn't cover everything when i got hurt. good thing i had aflac. hmmm the cash i got from aflac helped pay for medical expenses, groceries, rent. it really helped close that gap. go, go, go! yay! go aflac! go duck! get help with expenses health insurance doesn't cover at wish we had aflac on our team. you can! ( ♪♪ )
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- i got the cabin for three days. it's gonna be sweet! what? i'm 12 hours short. - have a fun weekend. - ♪ unnecessary action hero! unnecessary. ♪ - was that necessary? - no. neither is a blown weekend. with paycom, employees do their own payroll so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line.
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my name is sister monica claire. because of tiktok, i've created a community where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that. we need strength and comfort. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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with all the focus on the mega caps, they get ignored every season, the investment trust, tenure -- tanger, the kind of retail story that
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appeals to bargain oriented consumers, sure enough, delivering a nice top and bottom line, giving us a very strong full-year forecast, impressive with accelerating momentum and big new properties coming on line, i like the opening of the new nashville location. the stock jumped more than 3%, and giving up more room to run, long been one of my favorites, stephen yalof is the ceo of tanger. welcome back to med money. >> great to be here. >> the last time we talked you, the excitement was nashville, i did know there are more, asheville and huntsville, this is where people are going, destinations for the rest the country?>> that's right, we are looking for markets that not only have urban populations and growing collisions but also tours, asheville, what a great city, for tourism, excited to be there. >> are there enough people with enough income to make it so the
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stores do well? >> first of all, 12 million people come through asheville, a pretty staggering number, the biltmore, over 1 million people coming there alone. people are coming for the food, the music, for the great attractions, and staying for the shopping. don't forget, a great big local catchment area there, so we get to serve the local mall. >> in the other days, a stock that nobody could sell and the stores that nobody wanted in the mall, i am looking at your names and thinking, these are premium companies, why are they going to tanger quick >> the brands are getting better and stronger, with online shopping it's important for a lot of brands to have a full price presence, and with a lot of excess inventory, we clear regardless of category your shopping in, a great platform and a platform that is growing, and a lot of tenants are entering the business through the channel, and we are growing them throughout the portfolio. >> and when it is raining where
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i am, it is riverhead, when i am having raining, in rehoboth, places where there is nothing to do if it's raining other than to go to you, is that playing out? the retailers must love it quick >> we hate to pray for rain on a sunny eekend in the summer time but when the clouds come out, so to the cars, an amazing thing, myrtle beach and hilton head. we love beach communities and love the south,and a lot of success, not just in the summer months. >> the occupancy rate is always just incredibly high, what is the right level? some might say they're not 100%, but i don't want that, if someone comes along who is really big, i want to have the room, what is the right option level, you can determine that yourself? >> first of all the vacancies critical, when you are a temporary tenant gives us
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control and the opportunity to get the space back if we want to re-merchandise and bring in another tenant, we've been repurposing it, raising the occupancy rates and more importantly, every year we have renewals, that is a great opportunity and a good source for us to grow the portfolio and keep bringing in fresh tenants and recycling older, less productive tenants with more productive tenants and also drawing a younger customer, that comes in more frequency and more importantly they spend more money. >> this is something i didn't know, a background in retail but there are companies that like to use a store to see if it works and if it does they will build out, that is actually experimental quick >> there's a lot of barriers to entry to get into the space, you don't know when you open your first outlet store if you have 10 weeks or 10 years worth of excess inventory. we like to work with a lot of
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retailers to give them the opportunity to try essentially before they buy, we call them pop-ups and a lot of the ones we've done, a couple of brands have been pretty good success stories, little 11, vineyard vines, just to name a few but then they have stores across the portfolio. >> if you told me that huntsville, the rocket city, frankly i had no idea that there would be 825 that's my 825,000 square feet, as a lot of us that are missing it but what parts of the country are next quick >> the part you're missing were there are secondary markets, since covid people are due the geographies, looking for secondary marketplaces, tax rates are a lot better, the business climate is a lot better, people working out of their homes or they are growing leaps and bounds. huntsville has always been known as rocket city, nasa has a community there, we are
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finding the residential population is out sizing quickly as well. >> one of the things of course that we have to focus on, the fed keeps raising rates, they want to stop inflation but not economic growth. the state of it is pretty strong isn't it quick >> we are seeing that too, sales are continuing to happen in the portfolio but more importantly, we are on sale every day. regardless of the economic headwinds. there is always a customer that is willing to shop, the quality of the product is very good, the brands people love and you can't beat the prices.>> should i tell my wife, the nashville trip, the next lady's trip is to huntsville, is that the weight is working quick >> that's the way it works, huntsville or asheville. either one. i learned a lot from you. it was always new orleans or nothing, much cooler cities, you have taught me a great deal, so impressed by the
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stock's movement. the rocket, the ceo, the money is back in >> creamer take your calls, and the skies the limit, the fast lightning round next. last call on cnbc. (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... in real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon. their solution for us? a private 5g network. (ella) we now get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) now we're even smarter and ready for what's next. (vo) achieve enterprise intelligence. it's your vision, it's your verizon. (grunting) at morgan stanley,
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it is time, the lightning round, the lightning round is then over, the lightning round,
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1-800-743-cnbc, #madtweets, hutch in new jersey. >> how are you. >> how are you? i'm good. >> i purchased smg about two years ago. a pretty large stake in a, i wanted your thoughts on that quick >> to use their product, i'm a big gardener, is my concern, if the weather is not good, scott's miracle grow doesn't do well enough, therefore i can't recommend the stock. george. >> hi jim. i own stock in an electrical infrastructure company and i mentioned it to you a few months ago you thought it would be good, since then the company has reported a 53% increase in revenue any stock rice is doubled, what you think now. >> i got that one right. and i'm thinking maybe we should do some selling, i have to come back to you, after this
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level, it is crazy, i have to find out what is going on. there is some good stocks out there. scott. >> hi jim. calling about avid exchange, abp x, 24-year-old company, went public a couple of years ago, experiencing about a 20% year-over-year growth and becoming a dominant player in the business of business, invoice and payment industry. >> it's a tough industry, it's had a big run, historically i've been positive about the industry, but turns as of late, the multiples of , to high but i like fiecko, we will do more work, i don't know enough to be up to say it, that's the way it is. let's go to rafael in new jersey.>> how are you? figure i'm good. >> pretty good, a beautiful sunset new jersey. >> me too. >> go ahead, what is up?
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>> i hear mixed things about live nation. but i'm not sure where it is going. >> this is going to be another great year for them, they are actually so well ahead of plan that i was shocked, the repeater is really good. you know i love them, it is unrequited, i thought i did everything they wanted but i'm not bothered one bit. let's go to tim in ohio. >> hi jim, what's up >> i am just showing like usual, what's up with you>> hey, i'm doing good, i wanted to double check on parsons. >> parsons is one of a couple of infrastructure stocks that i look at myself in the why did i not have it? i've been the biggest bull on u company. i've actually known this company for 15 years, i missed it, my bad, i think you go even
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higher. econ not good, and j not as good. and the final pw r. this go to john in kentucky.>> hi jim. this is john >> what's up. the energy stock that i'm interested in. the gas play >> the company, not going to go there, that man through and through in ladies and gentlemen, that's the conclusion of the lightning round.>> sponsored by charles schwab. with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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6:56 pm
stop staring at the big pitcher of backward numbers but look at the companies that reported just this last week. because if you're paying any attention to earnings, you would not be trying to guess what the that is going to cut rates, -- whether they are
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going to cut rates, you will hope they won't have to raise them again. we sports this week, shows you things are heating up, not slowing down the economy, a royal caribbean, the third best performer in the s&p 500, nvidia, the cruise line stock think we would cool off with the rate hikes and it had until this week when shockingly they raised the for your guidance significantly. and three weeks after they reported earnings. things are so much better, jason them after three weeks, not something that happens when interest rates are in the consumer, ow about live nation the ceo talked about shows that are flying out the door from top to bottom, the cfo, seeing strong demand at all price points. >> the tickets are insane. and the royalties. and the priceline. getting overrides a 10%.
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11 or 12%, not too shabby -- chevy, the war in the middle east. that's the way they should have. you heard that and outlet malls, from stephen earlier, incredible strength and that's national, formally known as square, the acceleration the online growth payment, by now and pay later, $23 million active monthly cash card, and the show last night and talked about the red-hot national housing market. in a stunning number, and should the margins be going lower if the fed raises rates? that's what you would expect, they remain up 46% from 2019, that is wrong, how can the fed possibly cut in this climate.
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take a look at the spending by the small and medium-sized business owners who use intuit, total online payment growth was 20%, some companies are being created and so if you are failing, never stop our conference call, $.38 in the percentage of $.54, and corporate events, up 8%, coming back, no wonder the stock shot up or than 10% today, think about the segments, extremely strong, small business extremity strong in retail is amazing, cruises amazingly high, entertainment is perhaps the best it has ever been, is anything >>, used car prices, moderating, same with processed food, but to be down, only natural gas is important, it's what it is heated by, flashing red, green, no time to cut. the number of rate cuts we're going to get here in a heckuva
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lot better, getting the cut in order to, the prices for most goods are not coming down, the economy is fine, no need to be aggressive, have to wait and see, just for you, right on mad money, i am in for brian sullivan tonight. right now on last call, can't stop won't stop. nvidia scores a week for the ages. do they still have room to run? lights, camera, crash. misery intensifies for two hollywood giants. speaking of hollywood, one of its most powerful figures slams the brakes on its new sora . russia is hit with more sanctions but are they actually working?


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