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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  March 1, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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>> dell. >> sky. >> a lot of money in garbage. check out the rsg chart. unbelievable. >> thank you for watching "fast money." have a my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always -- and i promise to help you find it mad money starts now. >> pay, i'm cramer. welcome to america. i'm trying to make you money. my job is to entertain and educate. so call me at tony sarsam three or tweet me at @jimcramer. i'm wondering, if it will goble.
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once again we seem to have a set up that lines up positively where we aren't fighting the fed or the tape. that's how we delve in. nasdaq jumped 1.14%. we all have our idols and one of mine was -- that's where i get the don't fight the fed, don't fight the tape phrase. i wish you could have met the humble man who taught a generation of people how to invest. he came on a show called wall street weekly, he would scribble down on a notepad. when he said, don't fight the fed, don't fight the tape, he meant at the federal reserve is raising interest rates, be careful. and you also need to be careful about corporate earnings, because they would bring in a lot of selling in the earnings were weak and then you would have to be more careful if you are fighting the fed and the tape.
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with the most recent data, we have enough weakness that we aren't fighting the fed. they have no reason to tighten if the number --. we have enough positive firepower that the bulls are not fighting the tape either. if anything, the tape is like a wave lifting all boats, even like the leaking once. disclosed an internal controls issue and multibillion-dollar goodwill impairment change and leadership change, with simpler situations that would cause, let's just say, a lot of banks would have gone down and we would have spent the whole weekend worried about, who is next? we should never let that new york community bank by signature. those were two banks and on top of its own. this bank stock was down more than 25% today. yet the tape was so strong it had minimal impact on the rest of the market. it's spreading like wildfire.
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you know what? it tells me there is good news out there and so what we have to ask ourselves is, could the good news continue? why don't we go to our game plan which has plenty of fodder to test our thesis. we noticed a tech lead rally and it has been two pronged. artificial intelligence and enterprise software. when you have a that does both, gitlab which offers a comprehensive ai platform for what is known as dev cyclops or development, security and operations. i think gitlab is going to trough it. plus they have the advantage of being a very good company. you may have heard about of boeing buying spirit airline systems. that is a supplier to them. why that could happen, i don't think it will happen monday,
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but it could happen. it would be very good for boeing to reclaim the fuselage. there are some keys to be worked out but i think it could occur sometime this week and if it does, the entirety of the airline industry will be beneficiaries. look for that news to break. next, we are at the extreme tail end of earnings season. will get the results from target on tuesday. they have had several analysts raise their earnings estimates and price targets this week. that's a very good sign, especially since it was beaten down. that seems enticing to me. i like walmart, amazon and costco, which reports later in the week. target and put on a darn good show. doesn't diminish the other spirit we hear from another company that i have liked, crowd strike. we have them on all the time. this industry has come under a lot of pressure. i favored palo alto. now shifting his business model to a more soup to nuts security platform. crowd strike is a predator. are they having the same
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problems as well alto? we had a good quarter from the scaler. that doesn't bode well for crowd strike. but, ceo george has never missed a quarter. i would hang in there. this industry is the hottest it has been in years. wednesday brings more retail, footlocker and abercrombie. the stock has climbed out of a hole. it is now more than doubled from its lows. we can't tell whether there is a turnaround. footlocker blowup twice, but the numbers may begin to take hold. for the quarter, i'm not abandoning it either. people may realize, this is something i'm going to tell you that is -- you see this abercrombie and fitch? this has become a serial beaten that has become the best in the entire world of retail, the
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best. abercrombie is very well-run. i think this stock was at $29 a year ago. it is at 131 now. it's still cheap. cells at 21 times earnings estimates. many other groups besides tech work in this market. it's not all mag whatever. campbell's soups reports on wednesday morning. after the fascinating documentary let's not, how can you not worry about a soup earnings when they have a fair amount of junk food brands. can pepperidge farms but up consistently strong numbers in a world where people no longer crave cookies the way they used to? thursday were from kroger for the first time after its attempt to merge with albertson's. in a suit that i fear the government will win, i say there is no much overlap but the ftc is wary toward this deal
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because albertson's is a having a bad track record. i hope kroger can win on the merits. they will have to play legation. as anyone in the club knows, we don't like stories where courts play a big role in our future. if you want the contrast, oscar reports thursday night. i really like what i see from this trust name. this past weekend we called club members. costco is a winner. it has a new ceo and while the new cfo in two weeks when the legendary rich steps down. that will be a set even. 's culture is a strong. the team is great. what else? we heard that anything related to the ai data is on fire. that's why we own broadcom and even after the stock rally, it has more room to run. marbella technology also has a role to play in the ai space and i'm expending that part of the business to do well. even as there are other parts of the company that could be a
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soft. so don't expect a blow out like i do from broadcom. we have the friday employment report number and the bulls want to see a slight boost in unemployed roles get to 4% from three and change. wages stay steady. if we get that, once again, we will have another week where we won't be fighting the fed, but the let online, you will want to get complacent after this run is really easy to fall to complacency. better yet, complacency or a willingness to let it ride has been paying pretty well, hasn't it? dell stock has been going strong. it reports a stunning quarter and today it's stock is up 32%. forget not fighting the tape. right now, we are absolutely loving it. let's go to kt. >> jim, thank you for your hard work. we owe you big time. >> you don't owe me anything. i'm just glad you watch.
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>> you have helped me so much. you are a great teacher. >> thank you. >> morgan stanley and wells fargo, 52-week high and 50 points off. i'm think of taking one of the table. i'm thinking of selling morgan stanley and holding wells, what do you think? >> i like your attitude because you are selling a loser and not funding a loser with wells. wells is the winner. we own morgan stanley. we are extremely disappointed, extremely disappointed in the performance of morgan stanley for the travel trust. it is a mark on our performance and it is driving me crazy. does have a 4% yield that has kept me in there. i feel like a sucker. this is the time for that company to start delivering. all right let's go to water, new jersey. >> booyah from the garden state. >> isle of the garden state. at my home state.
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>> my question to you i have an investment banker about four years ago and i wanted to put my money -- i put allotting gold stocks and fixed income. specifically, tell cons. at&t i bought about4.5 it's trading at 39 in about 2019, it's trading at 16 now. what to get down and how does it get back up? >> at&t has been spending a fortune. it has to, to maintain. it made some bad acquisitions and then into the demerger and it doesn't have a good balance sheet. it cut its dividend. other than that, it's fine. i do like verizon. i think verizon is doing better than i thought and i do think that hans as try to make a turn there. they have the cash flow. have a yield at 6.6 that i like. but of the want to buy. we are going to sheila in
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tennessee. >> hi, jim. so good to see you today. >> thank you, sheila. what's going on? >> i want to thank you for all your sage advice and sharing all of that with us small investors. you make us better and well informed. >> i was a small investor and still feel like that all the time. especially with all those billionaires who tell us we should be scared and don't want us to make any money. there's an interesting rep for you. go ahead. >> it is interesting. clearly, you have proved all of them wrong. i just wanted to ask you a little bit about a stock i have been investigating. i have been working for some strong dividend yielding stocks and i'm wondering what you think of an ee next era. >> i see you and i raise you with semper. we had jeff martin on last night. i thought he told a terrific story. same yield, much better growth play and i think incredibly well run. all right, you don't want to
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get complacent. after the run it is easy to be complacent, but remember, we are not fighting the tape and we are not fighting the feds a. we are ready much like what we see. mri and radiology company broad net gave very strong guidance. we will sit with our next ceo to get the full story. i'm turning my homework on one produce related name. there is a lot going on there. all things grocery and food also including or food inflation to supermarket with the ceo of trying to. stay with cramer. don't miss a second of mad money. follow @jimcramer on x. tweet cramer at #madmentions. give us a call at 1-800-743- cnbc . miss something? had to .
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this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley.
6:14 pm
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with our 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? - your data, too. there's even round-the-clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. it's happening. get started for $49 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today!
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you see a stock like rad net diagnostic imaging company with 366 locations across seven states soaring 17%, this was actually gettable. we had the ceo of rad net on in october. i recommended buying the darn thing. i hope you listen. stock is now rolling from 29 to 44 since then. i mean, you think rad net -- in reality they reported terrific top and bottom line beat with a healthy forecast. wall street has left this one up. let's take a close look with dr. howard burgers, the ceo of rad net. welcome back to mad money. >> thank you, jim. >> dr. berger, you traced out this wonderful thesis basically that the payers would prefer to
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chip scans out of the hospitals to your kind of company. i guess it is accelerating because these numbers are nothing short of amazing. >> i think it is a combination, jim, of not only that, but just the overall growth and imaging industry as people recognize the value that imaging plays in early detection and ultimately a better outcome in their health. so, because we deal with elective procedures, the average person is going to make their way into our office, simply with the growth that occurs as the population increases, and as people age. they need more and more imaging. about the additional components now really has been added with the transition away from the higher cost hospital settings
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as well as the new technology, such as pet ct scanning for better diagnostic evaluation of prostate cancer which has allowed us to accelerate this very useful tool for earlier detection and precision detection. >> a good example of that is, mammography now, breast screen service inside walmart. that's where people can go and that is a great place. people can get detection by going to walmart. >> well, we think not only will that be more convenient for patients, but there is perhaps one third of the female population that should be getting routine breast screening which are not for a variety of reasons. many of which is, it's inconvenient to find a place
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that is comfortable for them to go, or a lack of education. so, the program at walmart in our first pilot project in delaware was really to try to tap into better education and convenience that will hopefully take one third of the patients that should be getting screening exams more accessible and more comfortable with it. that along with the fact that even though annual screening is advised, women are not often getting that, and so if you can do it at the place where they are going on a regular basis to begin with, then, it should provide us with better opportunity to enhance the breast cancer detection. i'm pleased with the early results that are pilot project in delaware has done and i'm happy to announce, i believe later this month we are going
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to be implementing a pilot project in phoenix, arizona, also. >> excellent. you mentioned prostate. the standard care has been very invasive and can cause infections and in some cases leading to very difficult complications. but there is becoming a new standard of care that is involving what you mentioned, to use contrast mris, not invasive, and apparently just as good, if not better at spotting cancer. >> well, particularly if you aided the radiologist with some of the artificial intelligence that we have developed, or has been developed, and which we own a company that does to be able to identify more accurately and make the radiologist more efficient and confident in their diagnosis. while it doesn't always eliminate the biopsy, which is necessary to get with pathology
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report and to help better determine what the next step should be, what we are really looking at is trying to avoid the biopsies on those patients that really didn't need it that might have been done blindly just because they had an elevated psa. so, the standard of care now is very rapidly becoming a screening or diagnostic prostate mri scan. >> i think that is incredible because some people felt it was wasteful, too. the system is increasingly to inspects of. we are about to have a new alzheimer dementia drug. it will be approved by ludlow and biogen. without your screening, it's possible everyone in the world would demand these treatments. we can do that. you are talking about four mri screenings that may -- who should be eligible for these.
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>> the mri scan actually is done after a patient has been determined appropriate to on a trial of the new drugs. the current one that is most talked about is a look and be, but once you do the pet ct scan or pet mri scan, to determine whether or not they are a candidate for the new drugs, then for follow-up treatment, because of the side effects that these drugs can cause that has changes occurring in the brain that we use the mri for detection to avoid complications where the cure might be worse than the disease . so, the mri volume as a result of more and more of these patients being diagnosed as an eligible candidate for
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the drug will have to be followed up by routine mri scanning on a pretty regular basis. >> no one ants to have to say this, sir, i think you are one of the best positions and trying to keep healthcare costs down and also getting the patient to the kind of help they need. dr. howard, the president and ceo. thank you for coming on the show. >> jim, thanks for having me and hopefully the next time we can do in person. >> i hope so. what a stock. dr. berger, he started with one of our viewers who talked about this idea. will be right back after the break. coming up, his mission is simple, but how about cramer's take on mission produce? find out if this one is ripe for the taking. next.
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nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself
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and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me." makes my day. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription.
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back on february 5th i got a call from jim in ohio about mission produce, the applicant tigard avl because they are a leader in the avocado business. i hadn't even followed this one since it became public a few years ago. there is a reason for that. mission produce, unfortunately, tied this ipo for a moment when
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avocado prices were getting pulverized. they had to slash the deal in order for the ipo to hit 12 bucks and it felt too difficult for me. in 2021, mission got aught up in the meme stock short squeeze. it went in the high teens and low 20s but once we got to 2022 and 2023, the stock fell apart. avocado prices shot up to their highest level in decades. last year, those prices came right back down. which is why this is now a $10 and change stock. that is after rebound. it was at eight dollars in late november. now the stock has come down. maybe jim in ohio, i see that. after all, this is a story that i really do want to like. like everyone else, i like my guacamole from tripoli and our country is having a growing hispanic population.
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plus, millennial's of all ethnicities can't get enough of this stuff is good for you. put it on toast in the morning. the department of our culture came out with a report that showed america per capita consumption for avocados, more than tripled in the 20 years from 2000 want to go to town and 21. what other food has had that growth? it seems like the story that should work here. why not own a company that gets 90% of its business from avocados pick the rest coming from blueberries and mango spirit it's incredibly risky. avocados are the most volatile kind of produce. avocado is up 12%. but because of lower prices, their total revenue was down 9% year-over-year. a lot of new supply coming online in mexico, which is what crushed the price. you can see in the most recent numbers. one mission reported it's quarter, they were hit by weather related issues in peru that caused serious quality
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issues. they had a significant revenue miss even as their earnings came in slightly better than expected. the stock rallied just over 10% in the following two sessions because the quarter was good enough. missions numbers inflected positively in the period while their sales were down 9% for the 2023 fiscal year, they were up 8% in the order. i would love if that marked the beginning of a true journey but that's not how this industry works. the analysts expect missions revenue to be down double digits over the next couple quarters. i don't know if i want to. there are only two analysts. even though they expecting 2024 to be a revenue they are optimistic about the earnings. even these analysts have price targets of 12, 12, 50. in terms of missions on guidance, they only give you a qualitative outlook, not actual numbers. they talked about lower volume in the current quarter along with pricing coming down on a sequential basis, even as these
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number should be up 15% year- over-year. i like that. we talk about how prices are finally stabilizing. they said they have gotten past the quirky weather related issues of peru, but the company reports on march 11th. you might want to wait for the results before you make any decisions. it's too dicey before that. as much as i want to like an avocado story, it's hard for me to do this. takes one bad weather even to mess up their entire year. the risk is enormous. the upside is limited because there is only so much that people will pay for food. mission reminds me of the first stock i ever bought more than 40 years ago. that was called american economics, which was a company with some great orange groves in florida. it looks like a great business. it groaned really well. next book, florida was hit with its worst frost and the stock went to one. believe me, you are taking your financial life
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in your hands when you been on produce. plus, when you try to figure out the evaluations, again, only two analysts cover the spec they are coming to 28 per year pick this thing is selling for 38 times earnings? i don't know if they are ripe. mission should be able to put up big earnings growth this year but wall street is never going to give them much credit because money managers know that produce is an episodic business. good mission produce still work out for you? if you can buy and everything goes well, i expect the stock to rally. it's very hard to get a read on the future trajectory of one particular fruit. you are basically gambling and that is not a good investment strategy. here's the bottom line. mission produce is the kind of stuck that feels like it should work long term because everybody loves avocados. but this industry is hostage to supply issues. i think there's a good reason to believe the stock can rally, especially since it's
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applicable bucks from its all- time low. i also think mission produce is incredibly risky, just like any other play on pricing for a single type of fruit in general. are much better places to put your money, at the very least let's see what the company has to say when they report earnings 10 days from now. let's go to pete in georgia. pete? >> hey, jim. happy friday. two-part question for you. walmart, i watched your interview with the ceo about a week or 10 days ago. the first part is, significant investments in e-commerce and technology, how do you think that will enable them to compete with some of the online rivals while they maintain brick-and-mortar? the second part of the question, their stock performance has been relatively stable and slow growth compared to others. do you think there is better opportunities within the retail sector? >> a great question. i like costco more than
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walmart. but i think they do a great job. i think there e-commerce is incredibly strong. if you want to buy walmart, i would tell you absolutely. i just want to -- i want to be diversified, but believe me, put a gun to my head, it's a very hard decision. i like costco, i like shopping both places and i let my costco membership. let's go to larry in texas. >> hello, mr. jim. greetings from houston, texas. >> i love, houston. i have been there twice in the last year. thank you. >> thanks for all you do and for taking my call. i have been trading options on campbell soup for a while and i'm doing okay, but i'm considering taking a long position. i have two questions. do recommend the stock as a long-term play? two, if i choose to make this move, do you recommend buying before their earnings release on march 6th or wait until after
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the 10th? >> i'm glad you're switching the call to comment from calls because of their have a 3% yield. market needs to get this radios going but i'm going to be very careful about this. i think the food stocks, to be consistent, are not great places to beat because the gop issues and how they will be resolved. campbell's is a great name brand. we have a government that is very anti-merger. i am concerned about glp dust one. mission produce is risky. at the very least, let's wait and see what the company has to say when they report earnings in a couple of weeks. i'm not done talking about produce yet. the grocery retailer announced a new private brand. and line sales. should you add the stock to the pantry with a 4% yield? i have the ceo. separating the winners from the users. all your calls but by
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and tonight's edition of the lightning round. stay with me.
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okay, we are less worried about the fed's ability to beat inflation than we were a few days were. we made some progress with food inflation and that brings me to spartannash. the food wholesaler that supplies grocers cross the midwest. they understand the industry. what did it mean when the company reported a meaningful
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revenue miss a couple weeks ago. they did post a better-than- expected adjusted ebitda pick and hasn't really bounced back it. could this be the buying opportunity or the more headwinds? let's check in with tony sarsam, the president and ceo. welcome back to med money. >> grout -- glad to be here. >> we need a refresher from when you were on last. will go into food inflation and spartan role and we can go from there. >> we are a food solutions company. we deliver groceries and consulting services over 2300 independent grocers including these stores ourselves but we serve our u.s. military to the commissary system globally giving our servicemen and women a taste of home wherever they may be stationed. that's our broad business. witek about the independent growth. it's such a big part of our business. they are the hub of the communities. those communities might be an urban setting where there would be a food desert. it could be in the suburbs, but
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the vast majority are located in small communities and rural parts of our country. those folks service those communities. there are 21,000 of them nationally, and they are the heartbeat of those communities. they do a great job. i'm proud to say that a couple of our largest got a big award for the service they do. minnesota and thompson grand rapids. recognized for their growth and innovation as well as the extraordinary service they provide their communities. >> albertson's is trying to merge with kroger, the ftc is worried about the anticompetitive nature. it sounds like it might be a competitive thing if the companies merge into one. >> that is a concern for our customers. that is a big chore for the ftc to sort that out. we know that is on the minds of not only our customers but also sharks. >> yuba point to be of food inflation because he used the phrase that bothered me, you said the unprecedented food
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inflation spike of 2022, there are a lot of people that go to the supermarket and they will say, how can that get undone? >> it was a big spike. biggest inflation year we have had in 30 years. >> this is troubling. >> it is troubling. let me tell you, bless him i was on the show i talked to you about the unprecedented number of requests. we formulated a merchandising transportation. we could field of those and hold a manufacturers accountable. both manufacturers could demonstrate that those were justified increases and work with them to make sure they provide some relief to promotions. the prices were going up, we want to give shoppers an opportunity to stretch their dollars more. additionally, we have invested in our privately owned brand, and that gives a lot of relief. it gives a very competitive
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price. >> finance reserve, your newest pilot, is that underneath other luxury brands, that would be no tray done whatsoever, but be less expensive? >> that's exactly how that works. think about the macro trends going on in the environment. value, indulgence and convenience. on the indulgence topic, people are more aggressively looking for great ways to indulge on those great food experience is. the art having precedents for value. they want to get those at a competitive price. that confluence is were something like finance reserve plays really well. we have some great products coming out and they are competitively priced. we have frozen pizzas from italy. they are priced competitively with other pieces in the frozen i'll pick we have wine we are introducing. one of the ones you will love, a luxury portfolio of chocolates. >> unfortunately, i love chocolate way too much. i think there was some confusion. you and amazon parted ways. to some degree.
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they own some --. there is nothing -- there is no bad blood that i can tell. it seems like there is a different direction. people just thought that was totally bad news. i don't really read it that way. >> no, i think amazon is rethinking what their model is going to be. they announced they will take a pause on their stores. we are still supporting them until they find their strategy. we are still engaged. as a figure out their strategy, we want to be the supplier. >> they can still exercise those warrants. they mail -- may still take part in that. >> with a certain amount of business, they figured out there benchmarks and they start growing again. >> that is important because i think the people thought, i want a company that has control of its own destiny, doing very well, with the balance sheet that can support that 4% dividend. any issues?
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>> no issues. >> you do -- i know a lot of companies say they are doing some ai. i think you are doing a i to keep costs down and automate. it's saving money? >> we have some great things going on. it's a great time for technology. there are so many great ideas out there to make your business stronger. one of them is a new tool for helping us to model our labor. make sure we have the right people, right time, in all the right warehouses. we are piloting drones in our warehouses that flight up and down the aisles to take inventory. >> these are giant facilities? >> they are giant facilities. in grand rapids we have about 1 million square feet. it's tough to get around and those drones are very helpful. the one that is really fun is we have a robot in our store, have our stores when expanded with this robot called tele. a continuous scan of all the shelves and can tell us whether the prices are right versus the tag. and tell us whether we are out
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of stock. they will send a message that we need something and i'll eight. it does that but it will take hours from one of our associates to do it. because we have that network and it is done continuously and it is accurate and gives an immediate message. our associates can provide more time providing customer service as opposed to doing that work. >> it's obviously not for show. this is tony sarsam, the speedy -- ceo of spartannash. good yield, lots of opportunity, a lot of people feel the market is going way too high. what about something like this? i think it makes a lot of sense. cramer takes her calls and the sky is the limit. it is a fast fire lightning round, next. you got this. let's go.
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it is time for the lightning round. the lightning round is over, are you ready? let's start with and minnesota. >> good afternoon, jim. my question is on global fc. >> this is a company that has commercial real estate. we don't know what they own. i never recommend the stocks. i have been right from day one on the show. let's go to roger in minnesota. roger? >> booyah, jim. thank you for the work you do. >> thank you. >> grateful for the great
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information and analysis. thank you for entertaining us so much. my question is about a stock i've started accumulating last year. it's been charming along. and started to spike. analysts have started raising their price target. >> that caught my eye to. i think you got an interesting stock here. it has run two interesting stocks. let's go to engine california. angie? >> hi, cramer. how are you? >> i'm doing well, thank you. just hanging out. what's going on? >> just wonderful. what brought me here, first of all, thank you so much for --. my investment stock.
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>> i don't think the door is going to open anytime soon. i think the forces of improvement are waiting on roku. i don't want to be there. that walmart deal was the kiss of death. how about mandy in maryland. mandy? >> hi, jim. happy friday. thank you for all you do. thank you for helping us to make some money. >> i was wondering about cfx. is it a hold or a buy? >> this is a company that is a homebuilder and i prefer lenore but they are all doing well. you won't get hurt by this one. peter in oklahoma, peter. >> thank you for taking my call.
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i'm in the great state of okayama. i want to say a quick thank you for everything you do. >> i love talking to individual investors. i think those people are wasting my time how can i help you? >> listen, you have been super helpful to me but my question tonight, it applies to --. >> you want to own lam research. that is the conclusion of the lightning round pick lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. t y filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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order now in the subway app. it takes a pretty special company to push the stock up almost $30 or 32% in a single day. typically because of earnings. dell is a very special company. if you follow tech in any way
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shape or form, you know michael dell. he was a pc piner then a server pioneer and a network piner and a virtualization pioneer. he is always willing to explain things to anyone who politely asks for wisdom. is it okay to mention he is one of the most charitable people in the world doing good deeds without fanfare? the best way to give. this is a stock show and what michael did to shareholders was pretty simple. he took advantage and nvidia was offering. putting high end chips into artificial intelligence factories. then dealt takes those ai factories, data centers with the best service and offers them to the enterprise. dell brings ai to a client data, not asking the data client to bring to his ai at dell. we know nvidia h 100 chips aren't like iphones. you don't take them and store them somewhere. you have to install them in
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computers and they create a i systems on top and it takes a lot of work. as far as high-bandwidth storage. dell is number one in storage. it's bigger than numbers two, three, and four combined. it has allowed tell to take a lot of market share. it has been in close partnership , until today, we were truly aware of. two great ceos and an incredible team, huge numbers. who else is winning? how about broadcom? we had a ton of misleading stories. several brokers pushed the stock up and finished almost 99 point. you need this stuff for the ai capable data centers. broadcom reports toward the end of next week. i like to see a good number but up 99, well that's going to make it tougher. how about amd which is working closely with computer companies to produce ai infused pcs. amd stock jumped more than 5% today it's now up more than 37%
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for the year. it will be very involved with the new ai infused personal computer, the hp, and they will talk about in the conference in vegas. is another stock i see heading higher. graphics cards are the benchmark as fast as nvidia's. the book is written about this here, you will find people who agreed out how to use these generative ai chips from nvidia and people who totally dismissed the concept. i know firsthand many have tried at this whole ai process calling it hype or a craze or a giant bubble. so many big enterprises scoffed at nvidia. some even dismissed the company as a mere gaming chip business with impossible aspirations to be something bigger, long- lasting. refused to accept the skill of the opportunity may be until it kicked in the face and then they had to recognize it. ai is doing incredibly well. they are putting up huge numbers, empirically, including
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this pullout quarter for dell. those who doubted ai, they have already made themselves irrelevant. frankly, i don't know how they can get back into the game. there is always a bull market somewhere. i prtotoisisomome e find just right now on last call, apple investors taking a harsh new turn. let's make a deal? a potential merger. >> keep on electric kicking. from kim to jay, the cyber truck turning into the celebrity status symbol. eli lilly with its boldest wall street call yet. >> candidate from the world of tech wants to literally cleanup the city by the bay. >> stay safe, stay home. california


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