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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  April 5, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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64, 65. >> slb. >> and congrats to the mets fans at shea yesterday. they got off the schnide. >> and nico eagle minds. well done by you. >> thank you for watching "fast money." have a wonderful weekend. be safe have a wonderful weekend. be safe out there. >> my mission is simple. to make you money. i am here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always some work but i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i am cramer. welcome to mad money. welcome to cramerica. my job is not just entertainment but you teach.
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tweet me @jimcramer. it has become an absurd parlor game out of every federal official's mouth. every time someone mentions a rate cut it is, oh, how many. when? where? you heard it today. the dow jumped 307 points. nasdaq plug-in 1.24%. i understand that you don't need to take these comments so seriously. when fed officials blather all the time, they treat it as gospel. i can't take it anymore. most of the time these comments are full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. they just aren't that consequential but we sure don't treat them that way. within the last week i have heard we might have three cuts, two cuts, maybe no cut. unfortunately, there is one
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member of the federal market who takes a commonsense approach to see how things will play out and making big decisions and it is the runner of the show, fed chair jay powell. because he's other officials will not keep their trap shut, we get this guessing gamer we try to figure out what the fed is going to do even though their comments don't really give us much insight at all. but here's what you need to know, investing is not -- i repeat not -- a game. first of all, pallet is all that matters but when it comes to cuts, as wrong as the rate cuts are in front of us, they come around. it does not matter when or how many cuts. all that matters is the fed wants to be our friend. at this point, nobody knows how many rate cuts we are going to get and that includes fed chief j. powell. the period before the first cut
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is nirvana for the stock market. this is the ideal one where the economy is chugging along just fine. >> all aboard. >> and we know we are going to get some leaf from the fed eventually. but it starts slowing down and that is not good for our portfolio. some people seem to think that the market cannot go higher without rate cuts. that is pulse. the whole dialogue about these fed officials is just dead wrong. the parlor game of guessing when or how many is pointless. what matters is whether they even need to cut rates at all. we have some robust employment and some fairly decent wage inflation numbers. if you heard from the bed this morning, they said maybe one cut. maybe two cut. maybe three cut. that is all anyone would focus on. but after the labor a poor, the narrative should have been something like this. good for stocks. the economy is still humming. there's no need for the fed to do anything at the moment.
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we are pretty darn good. if we were not more focused on the positive, we could have gotten a jump on today's terrific rally. >> that was easy. >> they blame the fed official questioning the need for rate cuts but that is simply not happening at all. if you look at the timestamps, it was totally in conjunction with the spike in oil crisis. yes. it was not the fed that was almost universally credited or blamed for the action. false narrative a large. so going forward, i am urging you to tune out this blather. the market at best is a distraction and at worst it is a misdirection play and will not go on here in "mad money." either way, just ignore it. let's go over the game plan of what we have got. okay? essentially of letting the seven fed speakers. you know what? they will just send you in the wrong direction. monday, i will call it the worst possible day for the solar stocks. it is a solar eclipse of the
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sun. believe it or not. it only works when the sun is out. wind only works when it is windy. personally, i prefer energy focused on wind and not solar. so we have this gigantic service stream based on windmills. at you have got renewables, i bless you with the leg end up that one. thursday, i told you about a group of stocks i have ignored for years and that is the cannabis stocks. i thought they were a waste of our time. but now the supreme court allowed cannabis on the ballot in november and it looks like we will have another stay coming up for recreational weed, assuming 50% of people vote yes. i go with cdc. go at that in a second. many prefer it. i will go back to a well that i have not visited in years and i want to hear what they have to say about this florida boat. wednesday, here, this is
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worthless for the consumer price index. this matters because of the cpi is too high then long-term administration will go higher. i will be focused extra special on rent because we still have a mess of massive how should shortages in this country. legal and illegal. we also get results from the airlines with the best set of financials and that happened to be at this point delta. especially the airlines. but with the travel boom very much alive bolstered by this morning's rosie employment numbers, i think we should give this one hi. next one is earning for the travel trust. yes. you know, this is the number one here in the u.s. by revenue. it gives us a good outlook. we know that beer sales have been strong. but the constellation still has to pay downward that before shareholders can benefit much from it. you never want to be selling the stock so close. friday, the real earnings season does begin and it is the
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prey that everyone talks about. all reporting all at once. these are classic examples of what i am talking about when i say it will not necessarily be good for the market when the fed finally starts cutting rates. why? you do not want an aggressive slashing of rates if you are a bank. something like wells fargo which we own for the travel trust does well in a situation where rates stay higher for longer. bottom line, if you only take one thing away from this screen i just gave you it should be that you need to stop the fixating on the words of fed officials. stop worrying about how many rate cuts we are going to get and when or where or why or how. if you cannot for yourself from this terrible parlor game, you are going to miss a ton of terrific investments. i will start with martha in washington. martha? >> hi, jim. it is good to get to talk you
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today. >> same, marshall. what is happening? >> i am looking at best buy but i wonder if i should be concerned about recent insider selling. >> okay. first of all, thank you for being a member of the club. i like best buy because i think we will see a radical refresh of pcs come this fall. and they are not focusing on this. they are making a big mistake. the pc recycle is going to drive best buy higher. i am urging people to get long best buy. particularly, club members know how much i like the stock. brian in connecticut. brian? >> hello, jim. thank you for taking my call. i am working with the charitable trust. >> i am proud that i have given away more than $4 million. >> my question is about at&t. back in 2016, it was about $43 a share. at this time, even with reverse mortgage trust , it is still
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bad. what do you think about the management, the company, and the stock? >> you know, my nana always said if you don't have anything good to say, don't say it. so let's go to, oh, that is it for the cause. stop fixating on the words of the fed officials and rate cuts and when or where or why. that is a terrible game and will cause you to miss a lot of investments. a real spike yesterday like we have not seen since last year. so i am going to review going to my favorite guy, rusty brazil, to find out what is going on with the price of oil and where the market is headed. and we are covering the healthcare space. we put together a great basket of great and smaller caps. and this week was a humble reminder to withstand false agility. we will see if you can pass the muster of cramerica, so stay
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with cramer. (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking. unpack once, and get closer to iconic landmarks, local life, and cultural treasures. because when you experience europe on a viking longship, you'll spend less time getting there and more time being there. viking. exploring the world in comfort.
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>> everyone is watching this run of oil. up to 20% on the year to date. we all wanted cheaper, especially at the pump. let us call it elevated tensions in the middle east. the price of crude cannot seem to find a top. plus, i am a little facetious so we have to deal with this.
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total solar eclipse is the worst day of the year for power companies. yes, we do want to rely on renewables but we need reliable sources of energy. i do not know if solar can only do it for us. so we have rusty. great to have you back on mad money. >> good to see you again, jim. >> you did a great piece at rbn about it. but let's deal with what has happened here. you both know that we have a lot of oil on the permian. we seem to have suddenly though cotton very, very tight. people talk about 100 or 100+. will you please tell me what is going on and when this can stop? >> yeah. what is going on, jim, is we are back into a war premium again. than opec has done for them a good job in extending their
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cuts out, at least right now, uncle jim. and, in ukraine, you have got drone attacks from ukraine on russian refineries. that has tightened things up. in here in the u.s., although the permian has done okay, it has not increased in the last six months. we are right on the verge of the summer driving season and are going to start using a lot of gasoline. prices in the u.s. are up to $87. probably up higher. >> but i might say that we have to get it back down or the u.s. is going to start drilling across the country. >> but we have this thing called capital discipline now. it is no longer drill, baby, drill, like we used to. we are going to increase drilling by some but we will also be taking the cash that we
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are making from the higher prices and paying it back in one way or another to our shareholders. that is the way it has worked for the last three years and that is the way it will work this year, too. >> the refiners. >> say that when my time. >> the refiners. they are the ones who are really going nuts. they are making so much money. >> they are doing good. margins on gasoline are better than they have been for a while. therefore, we are going to be doing just fine in terms of profitability over the next couple of quarters. >> then i see why everyone is buying the melero sunday exons in the chevron's. a lot of people feel we can get 25% of energy by solar. 25% by wind. i feel like that could be a pipe dream. what you think? >> well, we are going to have a lot more wind and solar than we have right now.
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but an example of what is going to happen on monday is something we have to consider in terms of how big a deal is this ultimately going to be, because on monday, it is going to hit mostly here in texas where i live. and solar is probably going to get cut by 90%. but it is only about 10% of the whole: generation mix in the area. the operations group that handles most of texas. and all they are going to do is cranked up gas-powered generation to make up the difference. and that is the problem we have always talked about before. sometimes the sun does not shine. sometimes the wind does not blow. until battery technology can take care of it, then the backup fuel is natural gas, and that is simply going to become more and more of a problem as wind and solar become a larger percentage of the generation mix. >> fair enough. how about the action between
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the white house and -- at first it feels like they did not repeal the fpr. not enough chance to dunkin get gasoline down. then this decision to look at a pause with lng. that was bigger than they seem to implicate. wasn't it? >> although the pause that they kicked in is not going to affect what is in the market right now or with the various goals who have already achieved their approvals, but for any project that was under development that was trying to get approvals and trying to get folks to sign up for that capacity, it just through luke cold water on the whole thing. just put yourself in the position of a buyer at lng. you positively have to have certain supply.
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and, now, what you just heard as i can put out a press release or the administration can put out a press release and all the sudden i do not have that certainty of supply anymore, and that means as a buyer i have got to look somewhere else. i cannot trust the united states to be there when i need them, and that is a shame. >> but, rusty, the whole world recognizes we have to go to renewables and be pragmatic about energy. we have to be pragmatic but the white house clearly does not think about energy security if they are thinking about a pause in 2028. >> that is definitely true and it would really be a shame, jim, if it is true as a lot of folks are saying that this is a political bargaining chip in the first place. we have sent out a bad signal to the world. >> boy, i don't understand this. we do not necessarily have that security that we might have thought for with lng. in the meanwhile, we have parts of this country where, lng, we
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cannot give it away. >> but, jim, on the $100, for basically three years, we have been at a $70-$90 trading range, and i think we are going to stay there. we may bump up to $100 for a wild but the supply-demand equation will pull them right back down at he same rate we have been for three years. >> therefore, the inflation the people have worried about from it, maybe that is an overblown concern. >> $90 is higher than $70 so it is nontrivial. but in terms of going to three dollars, that is not going to happen. >> you leave us some hope. it does not seem like everyone is together in this country. rusty braziel, your main the founder and executive chair of rbn and our leading authority in truth say are on mad money. thank you so much. >> all right.
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thank you, jim. after the break. >> coming up, no small stake in healthcare. so which caps past the physical? find out next. it's payback time. all these years, you've worked hard. you fixed it. you looked after it. maybe it's time for your home to start taking care of you? if you're 62 or older and own your home, a reverse mortgage can put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards, and covering medical costs.
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at corient, wealth management begins and ends with you. we believe the more personal the solution, the more powerful the result. we never lose focus on the life you want to build. it's time for wealth solutions as sophisticated as you are. it's time for corient. >> like i was saying all week,
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i think 2024 could be the year that small-cap stocks get their mojo back. the industry stored. by the way, as has been typical, they drastically underperformed the snp again at today's rally. that is why i am going sector by sector to identify names and when they are ready to move. last night i was the industrials and tonight it is healthcare. there are 400 made healthcare stock in this, most of which are biotech names and most of which are bad. positive earnings and reasonable evaluations, it leaves us with only 48 stocks. let me give me my top five. first of is integer holdings. i have not really talked about it at all before. it is a major outsourced manufacturer of medical devices. whether it is boston scientific or electronic designs, they produce this stuff. i think this company benefits from high healthcare
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utilization rates. integer makes regular holdings to keep it fresh. i beg to disagree. when you're producing say a pacemaker that requires real expertise. not just anyone can get these things rolling off the assembly line. second one. how about progeny proxy i have been loosely following since this came five years ago. it is a fertility managements benefit company. businesses sign up o offer fertility and family building benefits to their employees. all the clients and employees. it also helps them pay for expensive fertility treatments. this has been a rapid grower but the stock does not reflect any of that growth. from the teens to the high 60s, progyny playback heart in 2022 and their stock has been stuck mostly in the 30s ever since then. sideways. sideways, by the way, is a
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direction. its most recent quarter was in february. they have what i call a set of mixed numbers. on top of that, the guidance was downright confusing and that is why the stock sunk 50% in a single day. but i think the business remains good. they are talking about 18% to 21% growth. it should get high multiples. the way i see it, the stock is enticing. at the end of the day, we still have a labor shortage which means employers are willing to bend over backwards and that means offering various benefits and that includes progyny. for our third healthcare fave, an old favorite of ours, owens and meyer. remember pp? five dollars and change in the market cap is less than three and $50 million. by the mid-2021 period, owens &
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minor had climbed as high as $49. but then the stock pulled back and pulled back hard. and has now come back to the mid-20s. interesting over the past six months. unlike others, owens & minor put his pandemic-your profits to work by making a pair of acquisition in the home healthcare space. thanks to that is what is a patient truck segment. sales are up 21% over the year. i like that. it has declined. i don't like that. now, owens & minor had an investor date in december. for example, they are talking about earnings and compound annual rate last year from 2028. last quarter was solid. owens & minor is another winner in the world of higher healthcare utilization. it is a big theme of ours. i am not eager to recommend them because the individuals
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are incredibly hit or miss. in the drug space, i prefer the larger or more mature pharmaceutical companies or biotech's closer to bringing actual drugs to markets. speculating on individual biotech requires a ton of research. and if you just want to bet on the group, go by the field that's. like the snp biotech etf. those will do it for you. that is it. there is one i do like. it is called catalyst pharmaceuticals. a biotech firm for diseases. this is more of an investor than an inventor. you know what, i do prefer the inventors but it buys a promising early-stage drugs and brings them to market rather than developing them to scratch. it has taken me a while to come up with catalyst. but it has launched his third and the previous two have gone off with a patent and a future.
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and catalyst has done nothing since a few months ago. so you have not missed anything. finally, i have one more small- cap healthcare plate. this is a new one. this is called addus home care. it is moving away from providing care in hospitals and towards other lower-cost settings like outpatient treatment centers or even patients' homes. they offer services including in-home medical care and in- home assistance with day-to-day activities for people who need help. and let's not be in home hospice care because no one wants to spend their final moments at a hospital. new mexico and new york but they want to expand into new areas like making that $100 deal to tennessee. the company does not give formal guidance but imagine sounding the optimistic tone for 2024. the analysts have been falling in love with this one. and i think it has the sweet
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spot trend wise. those are my five favorite from the healthcare space with a nice mix of sub sectors. don't you think? now we have some new small-cap ideas for both industrials and the healthcare sector. listen, we are not done with this. we start with the financials. there is a ton of them in there. because if this turns out to be the your eye small-cap stocks, we need to identify the potential windfalls. >> that was easy. >> house of pleasure. >> rambo in california. rambo. >> jim, it was so great to meet you a couple weeks ago. >> i like santana row, man. i would toast you if we were there right now. >> jim, i will have to send a bottle to hector for thinking campers setting up that. >> you be the man. and how much we miss hector. and nvidia is just the best that there is. how can i help you, buddy?
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>> jim, i am starting to invest in pharmaceuticals. there is one company i am looking at. it is treating at a lower pe of 13 because it lost exclusivity on a couple drugs they have got coming up. but the strength does not give them any redit. it has potential to make up for that shortfall. it has a dividend of almost 5%. and, most important, the partner closest to nvidia is using a.i. to advanced drug discovery. should i doubled down? >> okay. here is my problem with bristol myers. they are very objective. they do say that it will be fine. but by 2030 -- let me just say that. the problem with that is most people are going to be impatient. they will not wait that long. i agree with you about the whole thing but there is no patients on wall street for that one, even as you and i think there should be. now, this turns out to be the year of small-cap stocks. hopefully this one will peak
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your interest. now, we have so much mad money that is just outrageous. we are making sure you have a portfolio to handle whatever the market throws, so we now play our favorite game that i know you love. we may make some changes. then they came out with a scathing intel today industry has been a problematic one for me. so what i am going to do is share what i make of the chipmaker for you. and rapidfire a special march madness edition of the lightning ground. so stay with cramer. >> house of pleasure.
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>> well, the markets have been seesawing this entire week. haven't they?
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it is down one day and up the next. we have seen this for 13 years. investors can panic and make changes to their portfolio that they regret later. especially if there is no cuts. no one ever made up by panicking. you make money by doing your homework and sticking with the good ones. you tell me your top five holdings. maybe you have ought to mix it up a little bit. in kansas, chris? >> jim, thank you and your staff for having me on. i appreciate the hard work you do. >> thank you for being a member of the club. we had a lot of members at the club last night with my wife at the plus for a vent. >> thank you. i would like your opinion on my portfolio. they may come back like the chiefs who fell apart like the cowboys. i appreciate this market. my top five stocks are geiser,
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ford, disney, shop say, and wells fargo. jim, am i diversified? >> first of all, for a moment there, i was just going to bless it anyway because of what you said about the cowboys but i still have to drill down. maybe one day when i worked for nbc sports. so ford is going to have a major earnings breakout. why? because of the hybrids they have. pfizer, we have got a pharma company. not good earnings. wells fargo. reports friday. the disney company, we are going to stick with that. and slb. i always liked slumber-jay. hail to the chiefs is what i say. hail to the chiefs. let's go to debbie and pennsylvania. debbie? >> hi, jim.
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my husband and i have enjoyed watching you from our small town just outside of hershey, pennsylvania. >> my wife is not that far from you. what is going on? >> it is pretty good. >> all right. let's go to work. >> i own apple, engine, disney, pnc, and of course hershey. jim, and i diversified? >> i like people who support local and boat local. the cocoa price is about to come down. that will cause the markets to soar. apple we own it but don't trade it. pnc a very good quarter. disney, we covered that. and, yes, bob tiger won but i think anybody could win. and amgen is a little let down with some of the drugs but, you know what, we think you are doing a good job. we have food. tech. bank. entertainment. that is totally diversified.
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it is completely and utterly max diversified. let's go to zachary. >> hey, jim. thank you for having me on. how are you doing? >> i am doing okay. i suffered through an earthquake today and came out the other side. >> me too. i am ready for some college basketball. >> we are shaking, too. all right. let's go to work. >> my top holdings have done a strong performance the last couple of years. nvidia, microsoft, apple, and pepsi. >> oh, let me go to work on that. >> first of all, you need to know that i have my nvidia hat on and she said take that hat off. all that stock does is go down. i am not kidding. take this hat off. a loser start because it went down for like 10 days. nvidia, the finest tech company of the year. microsoft which is a could say that.
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pepsico, obviously beverage, but also frito-lay's. don't forget that. and uber. i was just in a uber last night. we have got three of the same. i have to do some work. so what we are going to do is get rid of microsoft. microsoft is really great. we are going to sub out with louis. why? even though louis has moved out, they have not spoken forget nearly enough. then i don't know. look, i am going to violate all my roles because i have the two stocks that i believe should be owned and not traded. i cannot go against it. it is the only two stocks that trump my diversification. there is nothing i can do. oh, do we have another contestant? sure enough, we have betsy from california. betsy? >> hey, jim. my four stocks are ford,
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general electric, meta , toll, and valero. >> this is like an unbelievable portfolio. betsy, listen to me. hear me out. ford is an earnings breakout because of the hybrids. meta, the stock is up like $730 today. it is crazy. ge. it is almost back to where it was before it had its apocalypse. good job thereby the recall. valero, the best-performing refiner. best in this market. then toll brothers is the best- performing home builder. homebuilder. refiner. aerospace. zuckerberg. and, oh, i don't know. wow. unbelievable.
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these were all really great. i am willing to go this weekend and look at the club holdings, throw them away, asking betsy what to do, and then i will be here after the break.
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what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and >> lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. trade brilliantly. >> it is time. this special march madness issue of lightning round, we will be taking it in the final four rapidfire.
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and then the lightning round is over. are you ready! i am going to start with danosh from the university of connecticut. danosh! >> these economist vehicle deliveries, what are your thoughts on this initiative? as far as reaching out on the next five years? >> oh, i like uber. i think this stock is a bye, bye, bye. >> well? >> what is going on, jimmithy? >> i have been in favor of nvidia but that does not mean i am not in favor of wells fargo. buy, buy, buy, buy, buy. let's go to brooke from the
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university of alabama. i remember them from the final four. that is a new thing for me. bama. what is going on? >> doing gray. would love to get your thoughts on resmed. >> i am okay with the stock. i am okay with resmed. jacob? >> should i buy with volatility? >> which one would that be? >> tesla. >> tesla? no. tesla is in some sort of grip of a -- go. here is this one. we have got to change address. jacob, university of connecticut. jacob? jacob, get in the paint. come on. >> how is it going.
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thanks for having me on the show, jim. i have got two things for you. first of all, let's go huskies. >> i get the huskies. >> second thing, i would love to hear your thoughts on snci's performance. >> snci is complicated. it is not as good as nvidia. i like nvidia, although it is difficult to tell. my wife told me to take the hat off because all that stock does is go down. painful comments. we now go o ian l. from the crimson tide. how are you doing, ian? >> living the dream. a couple questions for you. corsair.
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corsair. this is why you are a first- timer. i have to say ix nay on that one nay. on? >> k, jim. how are you? >> thank you for taking the call. i had the question of the day about blackberry. there is new eadership coming in. there is some cyber technology. do you think it is a good group fit? >> no. not at all. i was thinking, i happened to have a blackberry for lunch and that the not taste good either. i need to go to grant from the university of alabama. >> first of off, will -- >> i am with you on that. >> we really like football here. how about this stock? >> brookfield? hey, good. we finally got one. sweet home alabama.
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i am with you on that one. i am right with you on that. i am going to aria from the university of connecticut. >> i appreciate this show. what is your outlook? as far as expansion strategy? >> it is cheap. i don't know. it is just not as compelling to me. i want something that i can say is great, great, great, and buy, buy, buy. let's go to weslee from nc state. how are you? >> i am doing good. how are you? >> i am okay. how are you? >> feeling pretty good. what are your thoughts on the stock alt? >> how are you doing? that is what i have to say
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about that one. tough. we are tough critics to them today. let's go to evani from brown university. by. what is this? like the squash 20? >> no. i really enjoy watching your show and i am also a club member. i was wondering what your thoughts were on amazon? like checking out that shopping technology. >> i like amazon and i love brad. you see, she did this. thumbs down. by the way, i turned down stanford. take that, "out west." let's go to trevor from the university of connecticut. >> hi, jim. what you think about aluminum? >> no. no. same business.
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better dinner company. i want to thank all the students participating except the ones who had he really bad stocks. and, that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, lost in foundry. cramer explains why intel is on the outside looking in coming next. asts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. - "best thing i've ever done." that's what freddie told me. - it was the best thing i've ever done, and- - really? - yes, without a doubt! - i don't have any anxiety about money anymore. - great people. different people, that's for sure,
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and all of them had different reasons for getting a reverse mortgage, but you know what, they all felt the same about two things: they all loved their home, and they all wanted to stay in that home. and they all wanted to stay in that home. - [announcer] if you're 62 or older and own your home, you could access your equity to improve your lifestyle. a reverse mortgage loan eliminates your monthly mortgage payments and puts tax-free cash in your pocket. call the number on your screen. - why don't you call aag... and find out what a reverse mortgage can mean for you? - [announcer] call right now to receive your free no-obligation info kit. call the number on your screen.
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>> it is not often that an analyst will eviscerate a ceo. usually they want to criticize a match but they put it diplomatically. they do not want to lose access to the locker room. he is a top in adversity and research. in intel, a stock of the chip company. the real takeaway, no reason
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for me here until 2030. end quote. when i broke into this business, they were studying chips to become the backbone of the pc. we all knew they had some firepower. and the toughest ceo i ever met, andy grove wrote my favorite book of all time. "only the paranoid survive." understood that intel would crush everyone and own the market for microprocessors. the only other company that survived was federal aim. we used to joke that intel had to kick amd to stay alive. what other people did not know is that the old intel had a secret weapon and his name was jerry parker. his job as to build semi conductor factories at good prices with good yields. he was like a machine. each plant he put up was just
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like all the others so engineers would immediately know what to do at any given plant because they were all familiar with it. they came in on budget and on time. than a series of intel executives came and went. by the time he was gone, he was a shadow of his former self. now, our country, to the good work of commerce secretary gina raimondo, is trying to reassert herself as a major player in semite conductor production, because it would be easy for the chinese government to cut that supply chain off. intel is playing a key role in this process but is not clear to me that intel is going to do it also well. the business could be a big money loser for years to come. i have seen difficulties in semiconductor manufacturing. the ceo made a very promotional appearance on our network a few years ago. then on wednesday he revealed that the division he was promoting had racked up operating losses of nearly $7
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billion in 2023. now, along comes stacy racked cough at bernstein and he decided to tell it the way it is. first of all, the goal posts keep moving. the margin goals were booted from 2026 to 2030. hence the title of the piece, intel, see you in 2030. then he lowers the boom on this incredible singer. why do they do this to themselves? he goes on, intel story over the last several years has been one that has dashed expectations from outlandishly bullish targets to keep products, leading to eventual abject collapse. holy cow. that is an incredible ending. it took 10 years to get intel into its current position, so how could it take any less time
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to fix it? i have been very critical of this period and that is why i have told you to buy nvidia or amd instead. but apparently i have been a relative sweetheart versus this truth teller. at least investors now know why they have lost so right now on last call, the secret sauce for job growth, eye-opening new detail revealing the impact on the immigration a surge. a big new announcement on tesla. we've got the new developments. demand that called the dive says similar stocks can tumble. boeing revealing its compensation for its outgoing ceo and ascending the throne, caitlin clark,


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