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tv   Power Lunch  CNBC  April 29, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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shortcut welcome to "power lunch." everybody stocks slightly hard today per building on the right nasdaq, s&p, could make it five winning sessions out of last expert despite an early morning drop on thursday, all the averages are just a few percentage points from record highs >> apple contributing to the gains for the average she
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upgrading the stock ahead of the results later this week. tony will join us on friday to react to apple's numbers after the stock is still down nearly 9% so far this year. the big stock mover of the date is tesla. up 15% today, more than 15%. more than 35% in the last week. this latest game fueled by elon musk surprise visit to china and approval for full self driving in that region. we have what it means for tasley. please give us a sense of what we know about this deal so far. >> reporter: leslie, these are the three main takeaways so far. first after mask visit with the chinese premier of the tesla flag, beijing deemed it compliant with the country's new security regulations. this
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as a result, the statement said that local governments had restricted where tesla cars were allowed to go are lifting those restrictions. second, official media said that it is reporting and confirmed with china and tesla but it's full self driving software could be launched in china and what they said as, quote, soon. finally, a source close to the matter told cnbc that the tech giant here would partner with tesla on laying level navigation and mapping services. we are still waiting to see whether or not reports that musk is looking to get approval for the data to be transferred to overseas. we are still waiting to see whether or not those reports become confirmed. >> todd very much. reporting to
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us from beijing but let us turn to phil lebeau. how important is full self driving to the future of tesla? not much in china but in the united states and globally. it is huge, tyler. the holy grail within the auto industry has long been monthly subscriptions. the revenue that you can bring in every month. it is not just a one-time sale of the vehicle. it is how much you can get people to pay you month after month for a particular service. will self driving has whole potential in that area but we look at full self driving, even prices come down considerably from where was he or two ago, we are looking at the u.s. price. you can bite in full for $8000 or you can do a monthly subscription of $99 a month. the take rate is unclear. there has been some who have said, i think it is about 10% of the tesla customers who actually buy will self driving technology or do the subscription. we have never seen any disclosure from tesla.
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full self driving has been bought, according to the company. this was in a regulatory filing earlier this year by approximately 400,000 tesla owners. that is all time but we do not have a people spotted and said, i don't want it anymore. then they sold their vehicle or they are monthly subscribers. that granularity is not clear. we do not know what type of revenue tesla gets from its full self driving software. elon musk said on the conference call last week when they have quarterly results, he believes that the growth potential when it comes for full self driving, it can grow overseas. yes, there are markets in europe that have full self driving technology but he believes it can grow rapidly in other markets but of the sea, china would be a huge market to do that. keep in mind this is separate, full self driving is separate from the robo taxi discussion. it plays a role in it, obviously. if you can develop truly autonomous driving technology, playing up a full self driving technology, then you have the
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robo taxi and they said they will unveil that on august 8th. no other details and what that means when they say they will unveil it. i cannot stress this enough. even though the name is full self driving, it is not autonomous. it is driver assist technology. there are a lot of people who say, i never have to put my hands on the wheel with a full self driving. that is not true. it is impressive. it is impressive but it is not fully autonomous. >> it is impresses, as i've set on the broadcast many times. i own one and i signed up for the subscription because i wanted to try it out. how do people will take it up? i do not know but how much better it gets is really the key here? it is good. it is impressive and it is not perfect. phil, let me leave you for a minute and go back to eunice,
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if i might. i believe at the top of your report, you said one of the things was cleared away between this meeting between mr. musk and the chinese premier. was the idea that now tesla's have no restrictions on where they can go in china? did i hear you correctly and where could they not go, if i did hear you correctly? >> reporter: that was an interesting admission by tesla. there has been several artificial reports that tesla cars were not allowed to go around certain sensitive areas that were usually government related. that was not explicitly said in the notice. i think it highlights some of the challenges that both the chinese and the americans face about each other's cars and concerns about privacy for a lot of that data. >> phil makes a good point that this is not complete autonomous driving, this full self drive option. you have to still keep your hands in contact with or
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proximity to the steering wheel in congested areas, like many cities in china, where street markings and lights and signage maybe or not at western standards, this could be troublesome for bees cars, no? >> it could be troublesome but because china is so focused on trying to become a leader in eb and autonomous driving, and in a i more generally, the feeling is that they might not, necessarily, look so heavily scrutinized with every little thing that tesla does. from the chinese perspective, tesla and elon musk could really help them reach their longer-term goals. and their longer-term goals have been to become a tech dominant player, globally, in a
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lot of the same technologies that he currently is leaving it. to that point, is there a sense of u.s. guard rails on this technology? wanting to keep it, you know, at least proprietary for a u.s. company to have an market from kim i only ask because there has been incidences where other countries have sought to, maybe, re-engineer the technology with their own kind of companies with those regions. is there a sense that the u.s. has clued into this and hoping to get this technology so it's proprietary for -- >> you can bet that u.s. is watching these developments closely. what are the details can what are the particulars of this agreement with china in terms of access to data and what tesla is doing? that has not come out yet. it is unclear at this point. let us not full anyone to think
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the u.s. is not watching any of this insane, it is just tesla doing business. they are watching all of this as they are with any company. whether does apple or tesla. you know they are watching these developments closely. >> in terms of the stock price reaction, obviously, this comes on the heels of their earnings, i believe it was last week. just a prospect with these newer technologies. we got investors' attention. how did they look at today's news of 15% and think about how this will ultimately filter into their models and the revenue potential and all of that? >> most analyst notes have been positive. this is an important moment for tesla in the largest eb market. that cannot be disputed. you have analysts who are saying, this is fantastic. we are not sure exactly how much this will unlock in terms of revenue potential.
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this is what you want. it also is another example, playing off of last week analyst call. you have elon musk actively engaged in the next development with tesla. that was some of the narrative as the stock was trending lower people were saying, where is he? is he fully engaged with this company or is he busy doing a myriad of other things. now you've had two instances, the analyst call as wells over the weekend, it is very clear. he is focused on the growth and development of tesla. i would not call it positive as much as encouraging, that is the tone you have heard from analyst when they have written about this today. >> certainly, the momentum is there. phil and eunice, thank you very much. turning back to the markets which are higher across the board but it is a huge week of earnings with one third of the s&p 500 companies reporting,
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including tech giant amazon and apple, plus a decision on wednesday and a jobs report on friday but he was more on how to position and what to watch is laura hassell 10. she is also a new place to cnbc. thank you for being here. all the way from colorado. >> thank you for having me. >> obviously, it is a big week but had to reconstruct the portfolio or how much this should -- shifting of you do. what do you make of what we have seen in q1 so far? >> that is a great question. we would advise our clients to take a longer-term approach but this week is the trifecta of what we have been watching for a long time. seeing what comes out of this week will take hold of which narrative is going to win out over time. first off we start with earnings. we have set for a long time that valuations are elevated. if companies can deliver on earnings, those could be justified. that is what you are seeing with the strength behind the market.
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earnings are coming in broadly strong. we are definitely focused on earnings. one of the big decisions is the fed on wednesday. we do not anticipate them to cut. the market is not anticipating that but it is the commentary that comes out of the fed for are there going to be more hawkish? we going to see boat fed cut eliminated completely for this year kim that will be something to watch for the biggest thing is jobs. jobs have come in and surprise to the upside. that has bought the fed some time in terms of not having to cut because of the growth stretch and the economy. if jobs come in weaker, that could be something to watch longer-term as well. >> given those of bentz and this very important week, would you say that this market is more macro driven as morgan stanley's analyst notice this morning or do you think it still is very much a stock picker market? fundamentally driven an investor should prioritize what is going on with earnings over some of the macro development?
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the macro environment is definitely driving the narrative. the way to succeed in this environment is firmly on the fundamentals. looking at companies that can do well if inflation continues to stick around, like we are seeing. or if the fed eliminates all rate cut this year. we need companies that have good balance sheets and good fundamentals that can do well no matter what is going to come in the environment. we firmly believe fundamentals are one of the most crucial things to look at. >> is not that you do not like tech but two sectors that you like our healthcare and utilities. these are not sexy at all. or they haven't been. >> utilities - >> what did i say? i said healthcare. tell me why you like lows. in healthcare, in particular -- i think i get utilities. healthcare is a big sprawling thing but it could be farm, it could be biotech for it can be medical device companies. where in healthcare? why own sexy? and where in healthcare?
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>> the reason we like healthcare is because it can balance the defensive but with some of the sexier stuff as well with biotech. people have abandoned healthcare because all they want is the a.i. trend healthcare has not been well for a long time. there is a couple things going for it. one is valuation. back to fundamentals, it matters what you pay for things when rates are higher and ablation is higher. it is cheap as a sector. the benefit of that is, as well, if something were to happen and growth starts to slow, if economy does turn over as the sector broadly, it tends to be more defensive. but then it has been exciting component of biotech. if you're looking for innovation and sexiness, absolute you get that with a.i. the amount of innovation happening with and biotech and robotic surgery, there is a ton of growth opportunities. >> i agree with that. i think a.i. can be transformative in healthcare. it can be transformative in health insurance. right now, there is not much,
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frankly, intelligence that i can perceive. the intelligence seems to me to be directed at ossification. perhaps it can be used to improve customer service, you have got a wheel -- real breakthrough. >> one of the biggest macro -- long-term driving beings is demographic shifts. one in six in which are over the age of 65. when you're over 65, you spend three times the amount on healthcare. as of long-term trend, it will continue to be a nice secular theme going forward. i do think a.i. has a lot of implications especially with robotics. >> how about glp-1 drugs? is her opportunity outside of that? of the sea, that has gotten so much attention lately. i wonder if the same capital is filtering into areas that do not have anything to do with weight loss drugs. >> managers on our global life science think that is one of
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the biggest opportunities with an healthcare but is being underrepresented over the long term. it is having massive implications and a ton of innovation in the space that we are excited about. >> thanks for being with us. we appreciate your time today. coming up, the ipo market showing signs of life. we will talk to one banker behind the debut of reddit. that is in today's tech champion when we return. (♪♪) at enterprise mobility, we never stop looking for new mobility solutions. because sometimes the best road forward, is the one you didn't expect. (♪♪)
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>> reporter: that would be: stuart brady has the biggest debuts of the last three decades. this is a rare and his first broadcast appearance, given the regret of last two years, he did sound relieved. thing that the market is back. he was more nuanced around valuation noting that the bonanza 2021 was exhausting but here is where he said we are now. >> we are back at valuations that are similar to 2018/2019 for most companies in technology. particularly for software companies. they are almost similar. the top companies in software trade at valuations. those are good valuations on a relative basis. that is why people are looking again. when we get some of the big companies public, i would love to take them public. unfortunately, they have got scale. they have got growth. investors are giving them lots of capital. they are also in such dynamic markets that there investing aggressively for the future. they have large opportunities.
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right now the ipo is not in their near-term horizon. >> reporter: those big names, those are the blockbuster ipos that would be around a stripe or a data or even a bytedance. it will take longer for them to go public especially because they can really raise money in the private market for now. we are seeing more companies but it will take time for them to get up and going. the presidential election this year could cap the number that go public this year. by 2025, he says, that will be even better for listings if this trajectory continues. >> one thing i thought was interesting is that rubrik went public on a downmarket day. it suggested that there was still risk appetite despite some of the broader macro concerns with rates and other factors. i wonder if that was a seminal moment for companies that have been preparing and waiting in the wings and hoping to strike
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while the iron is hot. on a day like that when you see the aftermarket price activity, does that signal might as well, now? >> reporter: it is a great point. he would say the risk appetite has increased. you also look up the profile of a rubrik . i know you know well. they have losses but you are seeing these copies -- companies go public. i think there is more of a risk on appetite. look at reddit but it has performed well, though volatile fences ipo was about $5 million for training were at $7 billion now with sterile labs. even last september, except for clavio. instacart has held up well. investors who make money on recent deals are more apt to put that money to work. more money to work in future deals but it does have this cyclical effects.
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>> reporter: i know you and i love the big blockbuster ipos that are household names. you could argue that this market that you are seeing sort of the $10 billion valuation companies go public, that it is a little more boring but maybe a little healthier because it is getting the appetite and testing the waters before you see the big ones. but when did the big ones actually want to go or are they come to bo being private. a lot of the ceo and banners will say they are able to do more in private if they need to grow and they are at this growth phase. there is not much drop for the big marketing event that is an ipo as there was in previous years. >> you in becoming a not enough of a draw. thank you. coming up with amazon earnings on deck, a.i. and e-commerce capture most of the attention of investors. advertising could be but company's actual key to success. that is ahead.
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fed meeting on wednesday, jobs report on friday. rick santelli tracking the bond market action for us from chicago. looks like bigger declines on the longer end of that curve. >> it certainly seems as though last week stronger-than- expected gdp and the pricing components in that report and the filing report showed warmer if not much progress made inflation investors seem to be pretty easy on the data points. you see three days there, since last thursday, they have slipped just like leslie pointed out. you look at the two your note and i find this fascinating, we have had a couple of closes at 4.995/4.998. we have not close really about 5% as you see on this year to date chart. why does that matter? it does matter but it shows there some is inertia were
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sitting on levels and for the big reports at the end of the week but wednesday we get adp as well. it shows that the markets are in a decision-making mode. surely if we get hotter than expected job reports on friday, i would to jump over these areas, whether it is 5% in the two year or on a 10 year, the 4 3/4 market if you look at the dollar yen, everyone is talking about everett it traded over 160. very briefly did they intervene to be that is not the big question but the big question, does intervention ever work on how live basis? that is why it was given up years ago. if you look up the last time we actually closed above 160, it was 38 years ago, december of 1986. tyler, back to you. >> hard to imagine that. rick, thanks very much. we have seen a lot of dealmaking and consolidation in energy. pippa stevens is looking at names with winners or losers. a lot has been going on, they
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have all been involved in big deals or last 12 months. >> mna has been the key theme. there was hundred $92 billion worth of u.s. upstream bills last year but things are already up to the races with about 51 billion according to new report out from an varus. misses the driver to secure prime acreage and secure long- term future if you are emp. wonder if this might not be so good for is the services companies. if there are fewer players looking for services, pricing might not be as competitive. as one person described it, if your landlord and you own all the house on one block, if you do something like leaf removal in the fall, you can do for a discount versus every player doing it individually. that is the same thing with the service companies. we have seen this in the performance as you can see the oih, which tracks the industry with the lives of upstream and downstream as well as the broader ecosystem.
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one thing on the flip side is that there are for you are upstream than it will be less sensitive to commodity prices they are not ramping up and down as frankly based on the move. maybe the service companies can see their future and also be able to be more efficient. they have underperformed this year so far. he met with any -- lithium stock skin today, why? >> reporter: on the back of teslas anytime earlier this hour, the do track. we saw an uptick in china over the weekend. it does filter through the future market because of this new subsidy in china. if you trade in an older vehicle, you can get cashback if you go for an ev or hybrid, you get more but if you go for and ice vehicle. that will boost demand for ev. and after we saw this massive downturn with lithium prices, you have a higher cost producer with production off-line to the market is tighter.
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what has been a very depressed market. >> as a hybrid owner, i did not know that about the trade-in value. >> in china. a little difficult. >> not impossible but may dismiss the gates for a minute. let us get over to courtney reagan for a cnbc update. columbia university students are chanting and encircling their pro palestinian encampment this afternoon as they reach a deadline to break up their demonstration or face suspension for students under suspension will not access full facilities and will have their i.d. card deactivated. the university issued the ultimatum more than a week after students learned camping on grounds calling for the university to tobias -- to divest from israel. antony blinken met with the saudi prince today in riyadh but he met with other regional leaders earlier today to discuss a humanitarian crisis in gaza and the future governing plan for the enclave.
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house and senate lawmakers say they have agreed a $105 billion bill that aims to make air travel safer. it focuses on increasing air traffic controller staffing following a series of close call incidents at airports across the u.s. the senate is set to vote on the measure this week. leslie, back over to you. >> sound like an important measure. thank you. the ftc banning noncompete clauses what could this have on the labor market? we will diusscs next
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welcome back to "power lunch." the federal trade commission issued a been on worker noncompete clauses said to go into effect in the early fall. rowling praise from labor organizers and lawsuits from business groups. this comes as the biden administration alaniz -- final is a bill. here is alan, of vice chairman at korn ferry. good to have you with us. black -- let us talk about this
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ruling. it is hard to understand who it backs and who it doesn't affec . where and in what industries or markets the ftc has authority to apply this rule and where it doesn't? the basic question, how sweeping is this declaration? >> about 37% of all jobs are covered with the ftc ruling. the majority of jobs are not that does not mean they're not going to be other efforts to up approach this through legislation. >> what large areas of the economy are not covered. ? >> financial service industry and definitions, medical industry. those are two that they do not fall under the ftc. >> if i am a banker at chase, they can still in force on me a noncompete agreement. >> if you live in nine states in the country, little more difficult than if you live in the other. state laws also are in place that address the noncompete. there is all kind of ways that
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the noncompete dynamic can be, let us take away from the free market through some sort of legislative or governmental action. >> non-competes became more prevalent with the diminishing role of unions in history. i am curious, now that we have seen more of a movement towards unions, does this rule need to take place or do you think that unions will ultimately be able to resolve some of the issues with non-competes? or is this not at the top of the list for most unions as it pertains to their own collective agreements? when you think about the onions, it ranges everything from pilot in the airline industry to labor unions and construction. with that, you have different strata of employment. certain employees are exposed to more insight, more trade secret, more information than others.
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one would argue that in jobs where you might have the kind of insight, your company ought to have the opportunity to protect itself from you leaving and taking that information to a competitor. if you are in positions that are lower in the strata of wor , where you not exposed to that, you asked the question, why should a noncompete exist? many of the labor union type coverage is not threatened very much by having to fight to protect their members from noncompete. as you move to the more professionalized or higher administrative jobs, and those jobs can be, let us say, fall under the jurisdiction of noncompete if but employer wants to do that. >> if i have a contract today, does this ruling change that? does it take it out to does it take it out of play for some workers but not for highly compensated workers who might have access to trade secrets?
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>> we will know when caselaw steps in has been put forth. there is legal action to try and block it. as soon as someone decides that they are going to take a new job, they are an ftc regulated industry and they go to the new company and we will see what happens. ardently, their old employer could say, no and that will test the ruling. of the, better for legal -- >> how long do most noncompete agreements last ? if i am a performer in television, is a six month noncompete affair, is a three-year unfair? >> totally ranked as absolute based on the role and the level. by and large, non-competes for executives -- only about less than 1% of executive level jobs technically fall into an area where the noncompete is pretty irrefutable. as you work down, there is more wiggle room.
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basically, six months is about the norm. at 12 months is the norm when you get into the c suite of the fortune 500. for ceos it could be two years. there is consideration that goes with it. if i am your employer and i ask you to sign a noncompete as an employee, free-market dynamic in play, i'm going to ask you for some consideration in return for that if i'm going to give you a noncompete, i am going to look for a year's salary while i am on the beach or in the garden. i'm going to look for a salary and equipment of last year's bonus for summer reiteration so that while i'm not competing and working, i am also -- >> you're getting compensated for that fact. >> one should always aspire for garden time. i don't know if anyone to take complete with that. i'm curious about another part of the noncompete also has a new geographic location.
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how has this transformation towards more hybrid workplace, work from home ? how does that factor in to the lower levels ability to abide by the noncompete law may be just working from somewhere else? >> there is a couple components. typically there is a good reason clause that allows you to quit your job if your employer requires you to him move a certain distance from the original agreed-upon location. and then all bets are off and your noncompete does not apply. if you are a lower-level employee who can now do remote work coding from wyoming instead of new jersey, you have relocated on your own. again, i am not a lawyer but i suspect the noncompete provision would still be there as long as your employer did not require you to do the relocation. that is probably how it works. >> so fascinating. allen, thank you for breaking it all down. still ahead, most investors think of a.i.
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or e-commerce when it comes to amazon success. there is an under the radar segment which could if you will the stock higher. we are back in two
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wooooo! welcome back. shares of amazon slightly higher today ahead of the earnings tomorrow while it is cloud business and artificial intelligence have been a major focus. advertising is a keep part of the case. kate rooney is drilling down on that part of the business ahead of earnings. >> reporter: the average story tends to grab fewer headlines than a.i. for example but it is an essential part of the bull case on stock. the bar heading into tomorrow's earning is even higher after snap, microsoft and i'll bet all saw strong demand for investors are watching amazon move into dv style commercials and a paid ad tier for prime, $2.99 and forks -- sports are
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also in focus. they will stream their first nfl playoff game exquisitely next even root and it was close to a deal to bring nba games to prime and there is expected to be more spending after the election. you probably notice if you are a shopper in amazon they have and embedded into the e- commerce platform as well. keywords and sponsored shopping on that side of everett and then in the last support, q4 ad revenue soared at 26% doubled the growth of the north america and eight u.s. sales segments. will reach since amazon makes up about 8% of total global ad spending but they expected to outgrow the broader industry by two expert u.p.s. opening its target with high margin revenue potential around prime video. looking for revenue to come in around $11 million that is in line with street estimates. you cannot forget about aws growth expectations. 14.7% of growth.
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and the north american retail margins as well. back over to you. >> kate,much. coming up, some tasty results. dominoes higher but of fake first quarter fee. thanks to strengthening the loyalty program but the new loyalty program but the new partnership withw's the chicken? the prawns are delicious. we will traded in the next stock lunch. wrong? tired of people not listening to what you want? it's truffle season! ah that's okay... never enough truffles. how much are they? it's a lot. oh okay - i'm good, that - it's like a priceless piece of art. enjoy. or when they sell you what they want? yeah. the more we understand you, the better we can help you. that's what u.s. bank is for. huge relief. yeah... ♪
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welcome back, everybody. here with our trades is quint tetro. first up, quint, is domino's pizza, the stock shooting up 5%, first quarter earnings with a rise, like the dough, in same-store sales increasing year over year. your take on domino's? >> first of all, i'm a fan of pizza. i'm not a fan of the stock i think you take this rise and sell into the strength 5.6% increase in same-store sales, revenue up 9.9.
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18.6, net income over 20, except if you dig in, you'll see a lot of that is due to the increase in u.s. franchise and royalty fees also, they had a bit of increase due to the quint their expected supply-chain issues they have seen in the past our big reason for staying away is the debt, $5 billion in dead, $2 billion in total assets, like $700 million looking for roll in 2025 it's not cheap, either we're talking low double-digit growth if you're in it, enjoy it, but i think you sell into the strength. next you have, sofi technologies, that one despite posting a better than expected earnings for the first quarter, shares tumbling, gosh, more than 10% today after a disappointing outlook. quint, what do you make of sofi here >> leslie, this is a tough one, because i really would love to
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get behind this company. i have tried to buy into the idea it's more than a bank, but at the end of the day, today's action tells you, it's still a bisque, and it trades rich i'll give them the extra value due to having increased technology and growing their user base. at the end of the day, it's still a bank unfortunately at these levels, it's just not for me i'm not a sofi owner and would sell the stock, unfortunately. let's see if we can find one you like, carrier global, is this one a buy for you >> yeah, we bought this one today, as a matter of fact, carrier is a traditional stodgy name, as you know. it's not that cheap trading 21 times forward.
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they also reiterate guidance, which i think speaks volumes this acquisition is really coming together, which we like quite a bit. 73% of the overall revenue what hvac, which speaks for people doing a lot of work in their home and not a lot of real estate transactions. the technical people out there, you'll like this, breakout of blue skies, a stop at 53 grifts this an excellent risk/reward. we're long here. >> thank you, quint tatro we're going to take a break. we'll be right back. to create generational wealth. i'm partnering with sofi because they care about making your money work for your ambitions.
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just like my mom did for me. recognize a generational player. join the official bank of the nba. sofi. get your money right.
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(grandpa vo) i'm the richest guy in the world. join the official bank ofhi baby!. (woman 1 vo) i have inherited the best traditions. (woman 2 vo) i have a great boss... it's me. (man 1 vo) i have people, people i can count on. (man 2 vo) i have time to give (grandma vo) and a million stories to share. (grandpa vo) if that's not rich, i don't know what is. (vo) the key to being rich is knowing what counts. nvidia is up 2% in the past year super micro, 750%, but don't
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worry if you missed the boat on those. there may be other a.i. tubes, and seema mody has been looking at some industrial names. >> to make big tech's a.i. ambitions a reality is preventing from overheating, which can result in damage and stress on the system that's where cooling technologies by carrier global, and trane, and more. parker hanifan, which specializes in a fluid connect ore, you'll see both stocks are up double digits this year jeffries analyst pointed to caterpillar and coummins, while scott strazek also benefited from the a.i. crazy in the past quarter. they recently saw increased
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demand for high volt an switch gear, both in the u.s. and in europe, and keep an eye on connectivity they expect it to double their products transport electric signals to servers. there's a lot of names playing a supportive role. how does pricing factor into this and also supply chain, are they able to meet the demand? >> because they're raising -- they have the recall materials in place to immediate this surge in demand from big-tech clients, but this will be a key talking point. >> seema, thank you. >> thanks, seema. the first bank failure of 2024 took place late on friday the republic first was sold to fulton financial
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republic had about $6 billion in assets, the sixth largest bank failure since the financial crisis it's less that 3% of the size of similarly ly named first repub. however, republic didn't file year-end financials for 2022 and 2023, causing it to be delisted last year, the lesson is don't have "republic" in your name or maybe first this is a small bank this is not systemically as the scale of first republic or silicon valley. >> not even close. you can see that with the reaction of the kre today, other regional players not moving really on this news. it was widely expected they had a lot of inyo sin crattic issues they had some activist
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investors, so it's been a tricky name for a while obviously they face some of the same issues we saw last year it doesn't appear to be systemic at this time. good to have you with us today, leslie. >> thank you, tyler. thanks for watching "power lunch," everybody. >> "closing bell" starts right now. leslie, thanks so much welcome to "closing bell." i'm scott wapner this make-or-break hour begin resilient. even as cautious comments begin to flood the street. we'll ask our experts whether that's warranted or not as another big week is about to heat up. in the meantime your chlorocard looks like that, green across the board. apple, an analyst comes of


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