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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  May 2, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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tread. i feel like you probably have a dollar downside, maybe like $4. >> it's an option. >> yeah. >> what? >> guy >> you're watching the sixers game, i know msi, check that out, mel >> all right, my mission is simple to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all nvestors there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to help you make a little money my job is not just to entertain but to educate and teach you call me, 1-800-743-cnbc. tweet me @jimcramer. i hate rooting against the u.s. economy. but that's what the bulls have to do going into tomorrow's
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non-farm labor report. we're so obsessed with what the big picture data might mean to the fed that it even controls the action during the single most important week of the earnings calendar. fortunately today it went our way with the dow gaining 322 points, s&p climbing .91% and nasdaq jumping 1.51% but i think that's because we can breathe a sigh of relief the fed meeting is behind us why do we have to hope tomorrow will bring a weak employment number with fewer jobs added, more modest wage growth? because after today's beautiful absence of what we call macro numbers the fed obsession will start anew should they have left the door open for a raise should we have signaled a cut? it's all we talk about think about what happened yesterday and today. let's start with the a.m. before the fed meeting broke up we had a not so hot market it was pretty ugly we were down because people were worried the fed chief jay powell might lower the boom on the stock market by saying something hawkish. there were rumors he might indicate he favors raising rates, not cutting them.
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this narrative alone is an incredible thing we're once again hostage to everyone's worries about the fed which is not only upsetting everyone's worries about inflation. there have been moments we've seen a consumer price index number that's boost bid one or two items and it makes for a whole overpowering wave of pessimism that takes down everything doesn't matter if that thing is just utilities or rent or food whatever line item impacts the cpi it's going to drive down a stock like microsoft, largest company on earth, to ridiculously low levels right before it reported one of the best quarters i've ever seen it actually reversed all that gain every day, practically every stock is caught up in this weird notion where we hang on every piece of macro data. every public statement by a major fed official regardless whether the company itself underneath the stock is impacted even when apple put a better set of numbers after the quarter, sent the stock higher in after hours trading, i have no idea how long that can last wall street was terrified apple iphone sales would collapse especially in china.
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and while they weren't great, down 10 perts it could have been a heck of a lot worse. doesn't hurt that tim cook predict aid return to revenue growth along with a buyback. i think there's a lot to like here i say own it don't trade it. but that only matters on days where the big picture data let it matter. if it's up as big tomorrow as it is in the after hours now it will only be because the non-farm payroll number was a cool one oh, i hate this dynamic because it makes us feel like companies have no control of their own destiny. and we don't have any control of our own portfolio. everything seems hostage to which macro numbers the fed really cares about and we keep hearing they care about this one, this one, this one, that one. tomorrow we get the all important labor report and if you're bullish on stocks you actually need to show lower wage inflation and less job creation are here. because that's what will allow the fed to cut rates and that is what this market is about. nobody likes this kind of market no i've never seen anything like this let me give you a real-life example what i'm talking about and why a lot of people are
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parking their money in two-year treasuries with yield almost 5%, because it makes sense i want you to compare that to amazon i follow amazon like a hawk. i like to say i know amazon better than most people on wall street, possibly including the analysts who's solely focused on this one company there are a couple that really matter one is the growth rate of amazon web services it had been decelerating for some time and that was beginning to impact the earnings they told us things could get better i know i fought them on this because i was really worried management presented evidence that my view was wrong they turned out to be right. amazon web services once again growing like crazy that's so important. lucrative, very lucrative. the second issue was the seemingly endless losses in amazon's international business. next thing you know it's actually profitable. third we need to see the price of packages keep coming down while we've got a preponderance of same-day fulfillment. we got what we wanted, three key met metrics, three home runs but amazon has the misfortune of reporting the day before the fed's press conference so those blowout numbers meant very little to the share price
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yesterday. amazon's stellar performance was a nothing burger until wall street got over its worries about jay powell's next move today once we're past the big data event of the fed so amazon can rally more than 3% you know how long that's going to last? until the employment number tomorrow the fed meeting's always been an important event but the constant obsession about it is a new thing. some of it's going to follow the fed. in a misguided bid for transparency they've created a monster. jay powell doesn't need to hold i aq&a session after every meeting. he's chosen to do a highwire act without a net. that's an extremely risky maneuver that he has chosen. jay didn't need to say they're perhaps done raising interest rates last year. employment's incredibly strong as long as employment's strong the fed had no business taking hikes off the table. powell's fix yaitded on all sorts of data points but all he was thinking about was employment because the incredibly robust job market is the whole reason we have inflation in the first place people without jobs are less likely to spend or buy cars or homes. less spending is what allows
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prices to come down. i wish there with a better way to do p but the only way the fed beats inflation bicausing unemployment o'the big providers of goods, walmart, costco, amazon, with the latter being shunned by federal regulators because the biden administration is re reflexively skeptical of any business they see as too big amazing. without any help from our elected leaders all we can do is accept our fate from one tool the fed funds rate to control inflation which leads me back to rooting against the american economy. if our sole tool to combat inflation is the federal funds rate which is set by a committee of people -- people who can't seem to keep their mouth shut the whole stock market entds up being a play thing for people who want to make bets on the fed's next move. or put it another way we all know every single point gain today can be wiped out by the wrong employment number tomorrow and right now wrong means stronger than expected it's absurd. it's the opposite of a stock picker's market. i remember one time when stocks traded on the basis of how the underlying companies actually did. then we started considering their sector more.
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in the old days sector only controlled 50% of the action in a given stock. then so much investment became passive investment, coming into the market via index funds that the s&p 500 became the most important portion of the value of a stock with sectors second and actual performance of the company third. now because the s&p's price direction is determined by the fed than an individual stock price is also determined by the fed too and everything else is subservient to it. which means if the economy weakens your stock regardless of its sensitivity to the economy goes higher. i'm sorry. >> they know nothing >> bottom line, we often get bad news is good news moments at this point in the business cycle. but it's rarely as excessive as it's been lately i wish the market didn't work this way, but that's the reality. and it's why you need to bet against the u.s. economy tomorrow if you're hoping for higher stock prices let's go to max in missouri. max. >> caller: hi, jim >> max, what's up? >> caller: we all appreciate everything you do for us >> thank you
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>> caller: i'm in a major house of pain on a company you've basically been in the hold camp on even suggesting at one point they were a potential takeover candidate. for the mid to long term what is your outlook for etsy? >> okay, elitsy's executing not well i say that because when you read the conference call they tell you they're not executing well and it is difficult for me to figure out what they can do. i have been a backer of etsy i think it is a good company but i just don't know how they can fix the darn thing it's got great customers it's got great loyalty but it's just not working and i don't know what to do other than to say i still like it but i have been wrong in liking it i believe it's a good company, and i don't know how to fix it let's go to d.j. in colorado d.j. >> caller: hey, jim. i'd like to send out a huge boo-yah! >> very interesting.
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>> caller: lovely red star in colorado >> what's up >> caller: hey, jim, i've always loved your wit and your spontaneity as well as your obscure literary and cultural references >> true. >> caller: and the way you stump the guys in the morning show which is why i want to ask you about sg, soilent green. no, just kidding the stock i want to ask you about has one of the lowest p/e ratios of all the energy stocks. just below 8 with a forward p/e of just above 9. which also makes it much lower than so many of these tech stocks can can w. crazy valuations the stock's had a little bit of a pullback lately and could be a good re-entry point. the stock is vlo, valero >> yeah, it had a pullback marathon had one too i think you're right i think it is an interesting level to do it they're going to make a ton of money. people feel it's obviously just a commodity. i understand that. but i do think you have a winner there and i would buy it let's go to robert in new york robert >> caller: jim
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jim, jim what can i say i haven't spoken to you in a while because you've made me so much money that i've just been relaxing a little bit here and there. but i'm ready and you have -- what you have done for people is incredible and you have >> oh, thank you >> caller: i want everybody out there in cramerica to realize that when you said -- i remember exactly what you said about ai and you were dead wrong. you were not wrong you were 100% on the mark. >> thank you, buddy. i really appreciate that thank you. >> caller: thank you anyway, jim, last quarter this company reported 648 billion in revenue, in line with analyst estimates. although statutory eps of $1.91 beat estimates being 5.6 higher than what the analysts expected. they're closing 160 of their village m.d. clinics which they invested over $5.2 billion this company is walmart. >> look, they made the tough decision and it was the right
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decision unlike so many other companies, they are not afraid, they've made a mistake i really value that. it's one of the reasons why i think walmart is a very strong and solid buy. if we didn't own costco for my charitable trust, people know that i would own walmart okay it's a bad news is good news moment in the business cycle while i hate rooting against the u.s. economy, it's what the bulls must do going into tomorrow's job report. on "mad money" tonight brinker the company behind chili and is imagineiano's hit a 52-week high today before pulling back at the close. but given the company's in a tough sector should you consider the stock still? i'm checking in with the ceo and viking came public yesterday in the largest ipo of the year so do i think the stock can continue to sail higher? i'll give you my take. and draft kings reported after the bell and i've got the post-earnings exclusive with the company's top bass so stay with cramer. >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money."
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we're starting to see a clear divergence between the haves and have nots in the restaurant space take brinker international the parent of chili's and madgeiano's which is one of the haves. tuesday morning 89-cent earnings base off $1.15 basis wow. strong traffic, especially chili's. it's up 25% for the year that is fantastic. we've got to ask can they keep it up? kevin hoffman president and ceo of brinker international to get
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a better sense of the quarter. i'm so excited about this quarter. mr. hoffman, welcome back to "mad money." >> hey, jim, thanks for having me on the show we're super excited about the future >> i've got to ask you right now, kevin, you've got this big smasher burger you've got an incredible deal. unlike what people may understand in the analyst world, you are number one trending on twitter when you announced this. that's not the brinker of old. >> it's exciting there's this whole dialogue going on right now about fast food prices. and so we decided to jump in this is the actual big snack you can see that it's almost a half-pound burger. it's got thousand island dressing lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a brioche bun comes with fries there's more it also comes with chips and salsa. and you get a bottomless drink and it's just $10.99 we keep talking about it's unbeatable in the industry we're now bringing new news to that line-up
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the three for me line-up at $10.99 and we think we're going to have a big winner on our hands. >> you know what's interesting i'm listening to you and thinking why is there this sense you have to be either for the rich or for the not rich how about for the everybody? and i know chipotle feels that way. and obviously you feel that way. the price point you're talking says to me rich, poor, middle class, whatever, i like the buzz, i like the taste, i want to go to chili's >> well, there's two things. one is you're absolutely right i think the folks that are going to win in this economy are the ones that meet all the customer needs, not just one end or the other end. so for example, we call it the barbell strategy and margaritas right now, we've got a $6 watermelon tito's twist margarita. and this comes with tito's vodka, azul tequila, triple sec, a fresh sour mix and obviously watermelon it's a humongous drink you look at that thing, it's just $6. and then if you want something a little smoother we've got the
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hottest thing in america right now, the casamigos margarita -- i'm sorry, martini and this retails for probably around $12 that's for a guest that wants something a little smoother, casamigos, a little more expensive. but that's the point we're winning with all demographics right now and all income segments. we think we can continue to deliver for everybody. everybody wants great food, everybody wants great service, everybody wants great value. we're going to continue to deliver market share >> are you ready for cinco de mayo on sunday will you be able to handle the crowd? >> absolutely. it's been interesting, as we've kind of gotten a lot stronger from a customer experience standpoint, winning with our customers, we're seeing the holidays are getting busier and busier we think the cinco de mayo could be a huge, huge day for us and we're going to be ready for it whether it's with our chips and salsa, our cold beer or obviously our delicious margaritas >> now, i am kind of in awe of something you're doing you're still tv for ads. but at the same time -- for
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instance, we posted something when you were on and you were our biggest instagram hit that we've had. there is something going on. you reference it in your conference call. it seemed like people glossed over it. they shouldn't it's your buzz factor. tell us about having a buzz factor for chili's >> yeah, you know, obviously tv is still going to be the number one way you drive awareness really quickly, and we've certainly gotten into that in a big way and we've got some amazing ads going on we're in the big smasher right now which really shows the incredible value versus what you can get in fast food but you're also going to also have a big presence in digital and so our social media market is run by george hewellis and his team they're doing an incredible job. we're getting into that social media discussion, that conversation and that's why we saw that number one trending thing on twitter for our new three for me offer with the big smasher we're certainly seeing more and more engagement with our fan
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base and i think ruf you've got to do both you've got to have the top line awareness on tv with the bigger dlaz then you've got to make sure you're connecting with your guests on social media and when you have deals like the $10.99 three for me it's going to be pretty easy to get chatter. >> i want to talk about -- i hear what you're saying and i like the simple nature of it and i know when you came in you made a point of making sure that there was simplification i was dealing earlier in the week, no need to mention the week, with a large coffee company that is making more and more and more different kinds of items. and i'm beginning to think that you have to be from a computer scientist from stanford to be a barista. that is not the way it works at brinker, does it >> that's exactly right, jim since i started three years ago we've eliminated over 20% of our menu why restaurants don't do that is -- we've grown ourselves quite a bit. i was just talking with our vpos here in lexington, kentucky
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we're having a joint business meeting. and we've grown over a half billion dollars in sales in the last two years that's a pretty impressive number for i accompany our size. and we've been able to do that while cutting the menu and what's happening right now is our guest experience metrics are going up and because of that we've got more repeat customers and then we're going to continue to simplify. we probably don't have to trim the menu as much but even prep steps can be simplified we have a new chicken sandwich we came out with our menu drop a few days ago that chicken sandwich is juicier, it's plumper, and it's more delicious and that's also our $10.99 meal. and another one is we got rid of our thin lunch patty hamburger which was a double burger. it was only 7.2 ounces we now have 7.5 ounces going to the normal patty one less thing to cook, one less thing to manage, one less thing to order and you know what? when you make things simpler you get much better consistency. but the most important thing is you have team members that are happier and you've got guests that are happier
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and that's what's happening here at brinker >> it is not hard to understand. complexity is the enemy. simplicity is the friend i want to thank kevin hochman, president and ceo of brinker international, the best performer in this group, for coming on. and i hope you have a great cinco de mayo. >> thank you, jim. you too. >> absolutely. great talking to you "mad money's" back after the break. >> announcer: coming up -- viking never sailed with this much style anchors away on this week's big ipo. next it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooo!
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>> no application fee if you apply by may 31st at university of maryland global campus, an accredited university that's transformed adult lives for 75 years. you're not waiting to win, you're ready to succeed again at
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you may not have noticed because everyone was so focused on the fed, much to my chagrin but yesterday we got the biggest ipo of the year when viking holdings came public it's a good option in a strong industry that doesn't have a lot of major players remember, i like the cruise lines because the post-covid travel boom has proven to be remarkably durable, resilient. cruise bookings have been excellent in part because it's a value conscious way to go on vacation people are interested in the new frugality. the only problem is royal caribbean and norwegian, it's had huge runs last year. the bar's already set high how high norwegian cruise report aid mostly strong quarter with modestly weaker than expected revenue. i was shocked to see the stock down 15% yesterday at this point only royal
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caribbean's still up for the year so maybe it might be worth swapping into viking as its stock has not had a chance to get overheated but why don't you listen to it and make the decision if you're in royal this is a pretty popular brand, viking you but they're all about smaller ships, luxurious accommodations, lots of river cruises in europe. they started expanding into ocean routes about nine years ago. then in 2022 viking started offering expedition experiences. so smart like taking people to antarctica different kind of vacation the company has 92 vessels, 24 new ships on order, options for 12 more, not to mention routes that span all seven continents and all five oceans. i bet you didn't know there were five oceans. what sets this one apart from the other cruise lines in its ipo prospectus viking says pointedly, and i quote, we do not try to be all things to all people end quote. there are no casinos on viking boats. no children either and all cruises offer single language experience by avoiding, quote, features unnecessary for target customers the company says it can offer, quote, a superior product at
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competitive prices, end quote. it's now the only pure play luxury cruise line that's publicly traded. i like that. now, viking points to the conde nast traveler reader's choice awards from last october where it was the top-rated cruise line in the river, ocean and its expedition categories, which is the first time any one brand ranked at the top of all three categories i follow those rankings really closely. and i've actually made decisions based on that magazine so this is not idle. others have clearly done the same while viking's a smaller operator, it's very good at finding a specific niche and dominating it. they're the number one player by far in the north american outbound river market. 51% share. nobody else comes close. so it's got a good story what about the numbers last year viking put up 48% revenue growth with earnings before interest, tax, amortization margins expanding like crazy preliminary early results for the first quarter of 2024. viking's growth is decelerating as we move further away from the
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pandemic but it's still growing nicely. viking's occupancy rate 92.8% in the first quarter of last year 94% in the first quarter of this year pretty darn good. passenger sales increase bid 13.6%. at the same time talking about 13 to 14% revenue growth in the first quarter. while the company normally loses money in the first quarter their operating losses are shrinking substantially year over year and make no mistake viking had a nice $818 million operating profit last year not talking about some fly by night spac here. nothing's perfect. viking doesn't have the bell balance sheet. but none of the publicly traded cruise lines have great balance sheets because it's a capital intensive industry plus in order to stay alive during the pandemic like the rest of them, but when you compare their credit metrics to the rest of the industry viking's balance sheet doesn't look worrisome at all. i'd argue it's got the healthiest balance sheet in the industry certainly the lowest debt to equity ratio by far. so i like the story i like the numbers. what about the stock is it worth buying here? and if not here where? what's the thing actually worth?
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viking's ipo was upsized from the original 53 million shares to 64 million shares high demand. it priced at 24, toward the high end of the price range opened for trading at $26.15, close the just below that level, $26.10 i like that. added another 3.4% 27 -- i don't like them too high at these levels viking has a market capitalization of close to 12 billion and -- we need to make some assumptions and do a little math, figure out how much money these guys can make. let's start with the assumptions. first, viking says they're likely to put up 13 to 14 1/2% revenue growth in the first quarter. we'll use the low end of that range. we'll go with 13 then project that out for the full year. on top of that let's assume that flat ebidta margins, which translates to 1.23 billion in earnings before interest, tax, interest and amortization.
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12.4 isn't egregious does represent clear premium to the other cruise lines which have high single multiples enterprise value divided by ebidta is often the best way to value companies in capital intensive industries like cruise lines that don't lend themselves to pure e.p.s. kind of thinking. so does viking deserve that premium multiple over its friends in the industry? you know, i'd argue it does. viking's got a cleaner balance sheet than its peers, differentiated brand caters exclusively to high-end customers which i absolutely love premium is such a great place to be i'm going to give you my blessing to buy viking right here that's right right here and that's even after it's been up for a couple of days. it's not wild up i like an ipo that comes here and opens here and then does this that's kind of my textbook cramer ipo that works. of course small position here, maybe a pullback get bigger. but i very rarely do this. i am saying viking is a buy
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right now. i want it to pull back until the valuation's more in line with the rest of the industry, which would be about 20. but after what happened with arm holdings where we only got in small i'm not going to make that mistake again. six months later from now the lockup insider will expire you'll get a chance to buy even more here's the bottom line even though viking's somewhat hot start has made the stock more expensive than its crew line miers i am willing to pay up for this one because i think it's going to be i awinner it's my new favorite in a group i've liked for ages and ages let's take calls let's go to sam in new york. sam. >> caller: hey, jim cramer, how are you? >> i am doing well, sam, how are you? >> caller: good. boeing, buy or sell or hold? >> i'll tell you the good news about boeing is they've got this guy malenkov who's in there trying to get the right guy. the bad news is the shoes never stop dropping. imelda marcos. you can google that. a lot of shoes birkenstock factory. i don't know and i keep worrying every time i
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say go buy it they pick up the paper and say there are 17 nefarious peopling doing bad things at boeing i want to skip that. i don't like that headline risk. so i'm going to tell you while i do think it's probably bottoming i don't think they know themselves where the bottom is brenda in virginia brenda >> caller: boo-yah, jimmy chill. >> boo-yah the chill man in town. >> caller: boo-yah i was wondering if you thought that paramount was a good buy at this level >> no, we're going to just say okay that that got a bid and there's probably not going to be that much of a bidding war for it and we're done with para and it was nice to meet you. okay even though viking's hot start out of the gates has it trading at a premium to its peers, i've got to tell you, i'm willing to pay up here for this name. i think it's a big winner. much more "mad money" including my post-earnings with draft kings. the draft kings parlay, interest in the nfl playoffs in a strong
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quarter. a stock i know you care about. and then we've focused on just how tough it is to be in the restaurant business. so i'm sharing how i tied up the companies in the space and listing the stocks i have my eye on and the ones i like and the ones i can't even fathom and of course all your calls rapid-fire in tonight's edition of the "lightning round. so stay with cramer.
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back in march the hottest stocks in this market started rolling over including draft kings. the online sportsbook where the stock has more than doubled last year rallying another 40% in 2024 before it peaked at $49 and change last march. the following weeks the stock pulled back to the high 30s although it's recovered to $42 in today's close then draft kings reported and showed us why its stock's so hot
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in the first place these guys earned 3 cents per share. 17-cent loss they had higher than expected sales. 53% year over year even better management raiseded the full year forecast across the board which is why the stock's getting lift in the after hours. seven points away from its march peak, still down significantly with all-time highs set in 2021. could it have more upside? let's have a closer look with jason robbins, co-founder and ceo of draft kings welcome back to "mad money." >> hey, jim. thanks for having me >> this is a huge surprise what's the make of it? how did it happen? >> well, you know, i think the business continues to grow fast and i think the team's executing great. the market is growing. and really pleased at the pro performance. we continue to exceed our expectations that's why we're raising our guidance so significantly for the rest of the year we're really excited about the trajectory >> i do not blame you. i'd like to know how things have
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changed since the supreme court said that gambling was fine. because it seems like initially there was this giant land grab now it does seem to be pretty rational has that changed >> i think so. i think a lot of it was a combination of early in the industry and also we had a pretty irrationally exuberant market in 2020 and 2021 and i think that fueled it now i think everybody's very focused on the path to profitability and also on continuing to grow and i think we've all realized those things do not have to be in conflict. you can both, as we showed this quarter, put up really nice growth numbers and achieve profitability and continue to increase your margeins and that's what we've been doing >> so when your customer acquisition for, say, north carolina, it becomes a pretty good decision based on the lifetime value of a gambler. >> that's right. we are still investing you know, in the quarter as you noted we launched north carolina we also launched vermont both of those were negative for
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us but overall the company's obviously doing reallywell in so many other states where the paybacks are there and that's why the company's been able to achieve adjusted ebidta profitability. >> i want to talk about something people may not realize. there was a gambler who also played basketball, jontay porter what he may not have understood and what the players in sports may not understand is you work with the regulators. you actually flag people so perhaps maybe the players should think twice and not be banned for life because you're somewhat like the s.e.c. at a brokerage house. you're mindful of the bets that are being made >> what you're talking about is exactly one of the many benefits of the legal market. you've seen past scandals where sometimes things can go on for years or maybe longer and it finally gets caught. maybe it never gets caught and our, you know, legal regulated market, when we see
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suspicious activity you're absolutely right, we report it look how quickly things are -- it's unfortunate it's happening. but i think you're right fewer of these things happen and the consequences are more severe and people realize they can't get away with it in a legal market they're going to get caught. i think you'll see a drastic decline. i'm not going to say it will never happen again but really showing that we are ka catching this and that people are suffering severe consequences for making these bad decisions is the answer. >> and i think it's great because in the old days we used to read about people who rigged things and they rigged and rigged and rigged and never got caught because no one ever knew, it was all done in the dark. something that's not done in the dark, dave portnoy's been on the show a bunch of times. everybody follows him on twitter. he's a colleague now with the team but he also has been bragging he's been beating the heck out of you. how do you rationalize -- the guy is on a hot streak even though he's going with a lot of the favorites. >> yeah, you know, i thought
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dave was just going to cost us a few bucks in marketing but it turns out he's winning a lot on the betting side too. he's been on an unreal hot streak really good -- good for him. listen, obviously we love to see people win some people are going to win sometimes. some people aren't it's actually an extra benefit when that person happens to have a big following and is getting some nice publicity around it. really happy for dave and glad to be partnering with barstool >> it's still the most fun site to watch now, i wanted to ask you, this weekend we have the kentucky derby. and i hope one day i can just go into my draftkings site and it's there. but you do have a link up with churchill downs. correct? so people want to gamble can place bets on what's basically just a coalition you have with them i don't know how it works. >> yeah, we have a separate app called draftkings horse.
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so you know, you can go and play with draftkings but you're right, it's a partnership with churchill downs. and we're working actually on integrating that better so it won't have to be a separate thing. you can use the same funds and the same account hopefully by next kentucky derby. >> i hope so we're all going to derby parties and it will make it easier one last thing international. i understand you might be interested there's talk about uae as a place to go. what's your plan >> right now we're really focused on the u.s obviously, it's our job to make sure we're aware of everything going on around the world and if there is an appropriate international opportunity that we should examine and consider we will do so. but the bar is really high given what we think is actually a big advantage for us, that we have this sole focus on the u.s if you look at most of who we're competing with, whether it's a totally separate line of business or a different geography, there's something
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else for us this is it. we can tell our whole company is about winning in u.s. online gaming i think there's a lot of power to that. i think there's a lot of power to that focus. it's not to say we will never do anything and certainly we will continue to look at opportunities as they arise. we're also going to be a very high bar and be very selective about any moves we make internationally and do it at the rate time. >> fair enough i wanted to get that in. my colleague contessa brewer covers this industry very well as you know, and i certainly wanted to share anything she's given us i want to disclose i've had a relationship with draftkings bull market fantasy. i like fantasy and i know that these guys have a great fantasy site so there we go that's jason robins, co-founder, chairman and ceo of draftkings i love when you come on the show thank you so much. >> i love coming on. thanks for having me >> "mad money's" back after the break. >> announcer: when we return, master the markets one stock at a time the "lightning round" is up next
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inevitable. ♪♪ ♪♪ it is time it's time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money. until this sound and then the "lightning round" is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "mad money." start with jay in florida. jay! >> caller: big boo-yah, jim. this is jay from amelia island, florida. i'm considering buying one main financial. >> that high yield tells me it's a little bit riskier than people would like
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but i think the fed is going to lower rates. so i think it's going to work for you. let's go to camden in massachusetts. camden >> caller: what's up, jim? how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. how are you? >> caller: i'm doing good. thank you. i just had a question about -- automotive do you think it's growth potential -- >> it's got to make money. it's losing money. it's been around forever and continuities making money. that's no good for me. let's go to kevin in missouri. kevin. >> caller: hey, jim. i love your show >> thank you >> caller: cracker barrel. old country stores i watched it three years ago, about 170 to the 50s now. now it sports a 9% dividend. they've got good food, seem to have good management they have real estate on their balance sheet -- >> i know. let me do this i myself have been amazed the stock has dropped like a rock and i've been amazed because i
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think they can cover that dividend we're going to do this-some work on that because i used to recommend this stock and it has been horrendous and i haven't looked at it in many years we'll come back and do that. let's go to brendan in new jersey brendan! >> caller: hola, jim >> hola. >> caller: i have a question about an argentinean company which i know nothing about >> fair enough >> caller: after this guy javier milei got elected it seems like the stock kept going up. gr groupo -- >> this is another one that i don't understand that's the way it is easy come easy go for me i've got to look into this company. why is it selling where it's selling? i have no idea but i will come back with an answer let's go to fernando in florida. fernando >> caller: boo-yah from orlando. how are you doing? >> i'm doing well, thank you
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what's happening >> caller: my question is gm general motors time to get out or -- >> i like gm very much it's inexpensive doing a terrific job i think you're in good shape there. let's go to dan in illinois. >> caller: hello, mr. cramer, this is dan from rockford, illinois >> and how are you >> caller: great how are you doing? >> good. where my friend jim stewart's from let's go to work >> caller: all right screw capital of the world and home of the rockford peaches i went to loris college in dubuque, iowa. there's a regional bank there called htlf. >> htlf is a very good regional baf bank it's good numbers and is very conservative i think you're in good hands with that one. let's go to jim in florida jim. >> caller: jimmy chill, this is jim from naples, florida >> okay. what's up? >> caller: i want to start off by thanking you and your staff for all the help throughout the
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years. >> you're welcome. >> caller: i've been watching you since kudlow and cramer, which my dad got me to watch at a very young age >> 24 years ago. just so people know. >> caller: my question is on a wind and solar company which has started acquiring several years ago, i've added to my position because it went down the stock is down 46% over the year pays a good dividend buy, sell or hold n.e.p. >> it's losing too much money. maybe i'll put them on but they're losing too much money to recommend i'm sorry. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the "lightning round"! >> announcer: the "lightning round" is sponsored by charles schwab coming up, check please. cramer on which stocks are feasting in the battleground restaurant space when we return trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim,
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what's the toughest business i've ever tried my hand at the restaurant business. so much has to go right. labor, checks, service, point of sale, price of food, hours, approach, pickup, delivery no matter what i did i couldn't get the mix right. the price of food versus drinks. the number of hard drinkers, tequila, mezcal, beer and chips versus families who barely touched the liquor where's the money best made? i thought it was liquor. turned out to be families. the whole thing's ridiculous one thing i did know when i was running a restaurant my year over year, quarter over quarter numbers, i knew those cold not to mention i worked my people hard to meet the numbers and finally i ceded control to my manager because he was better at it than i was we've seen wildly divergent numbers in the restaurant industry we look at same-store sales because if we just looked at actual sales we'd be thrown off
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by any chain that's adding lots of new locations or closing lots of old ones. the same-store sales just don't lie. who's got the best numbers besides brinker, we mentioned earlier? which by the way is a total winner first by a mile is wing stop yeah, this had 21.6% domestic store sales growth which is inconceivable especially because they're also lapping some amazing numbers how does the ceo do it this is interesting. wings are hot, right both literally and figuratively. you see the prices are low most important it's almost impossible to get a wing stop franchise without already having put up great numbers at another restaurant chain they're very good at scrutinizing the franchisee. they have to they can get anyone they want. why? because a wingstop makes almost $2 million per store by the way their market cap's almost the same as another company i'm going to mention soon chipotle's got the growth from higher traffic rather than higher prices.
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we like that they did raise prices to offset higher costs, though but it didn't matter especially in california where restaurants are being hit with a new $20 minimum wage it has earned sales. fresh ingredients, limited time offerings, amazing ones, superior store management. by people, by the way, who are incented with stock. i like that. domino's pizza had been in a rut under previous management but two years ago lilt lilt a fire the company's racking up 5.6% saimstore sales growth for the quarter. i think the decision to link with uber eats for delivery was brilliant. i like the banana peppers and i like -- their app is amazing pat legend has become exec. chair of restaurants international. i would not be surprised if he's rung the show. bird camp 3.8% he's not happy with that 2.9% u.s popeye's and 6.2% here in the u.s
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tim horton's on fire because people love the coffee, the pastries, the price. doyle's working hard to ex-paneled popeye's because chicken's been a big hit overseas reminds me of the great numbers popeye's used to put up when it was still independent. those are the winners. what about the losers? yum brands failed to deliver put up minus 3% same-store sales globally taco bell. kfc down 7%. kfc numbers stand in contrast to wingstop, don't they making me think something's gone awry here. taco bell, value and nice remodeling effort. pizza's been a laggard time to spin it off like red lobster. the real disappointment was starbucks with a 3% decline in same-store sales, which took my both away quite frankly. the companition shocking fall from grace is stunning a function of high price, terrible through-put and way, way too many offerings for the staff to know how to make them with any alacrity. the real problem at starbucks is
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somehow management believes business is better than ever there are industries where you can get away with being in denial about your performance. but as i know all too well the restaurant industry, it ain't one of them. i like to say there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad money. i'm jim cramer see you tomorrow "last call" starts now right now on last call, trump media declaring an all out war on short-sellers. could it if you will another rally or wash them out? everyone is betting so why isn't betting stocks doing better? ford's electric ambitions getting recharged. we will dive into the report giving investors a big jolt of confidence. structure pharmaceutical up any entering the weight loss goldrush. investors buying up the stock. we will tell you the name. a survey that you will only get here and, it could have elecon


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