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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  May 6, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> dan? >> yeah, pfizer breaking out above an epic downtrend. >> bonawyn? >> i'm with guy, i'm with carter, xle. >> steve grasso? >> west rock. wrk, breaking out. >> happy birthday, tim. anyofor watching "fast money." my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. i'm cramer, welcome to "mad money," i'm just trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain but put everything in context. call me 1-800-743-tweet me can the jim cramer. maybe that was the sell off. maybe they fell too much, and
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that's what i'm beginning to believe as i survey the sometimes massive destruction in stock prices that we've experienced in march and april. of course we have a glorious lack of big picture economic information, getting some weaker labor numbers last week that could put the if hefed on a cout interest rates. we've got a couple of fed officials lurking around, waiting to speak in public. there's some consumer confidence along the way. not to mention worries about disney's number. when you look at the survey, dow gaining 107 points, s&p jumping, nasdaq jumping 1.9%. you know we have moved on to an after math of a vicious selloff. a decline here might be occasion to bye bye bye. in other words, maybe the worst is behind us. let's take the quintessential stock of the new year, let's take nvidia. i want you to think of the
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nvidia ark, it started on march 8th. that's when it peaked and we got a strong report. what's happened since then. nvidia introduced incredibly revolutionary chip called blackwell, far faster than anything that's currently available. put that perspective, let's say i wanted to use an example so it comes to life this way. let's say you want to teach a robot to pitch in major league baseball. right now, they would just pull the first inning. but you show black well, okay, the computer, videos of all the great pictures. load them in, then you soak blackwell videos of the great hitters, load those in or the hitters of a good team. blackwell can tell the robot exactly what to pitch and where to place it. and the robot, well, get this, it will pitch a perfect game every single time. every time. and that's just one example of how revolutionary this chip is.
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blackwell can help figure out how the majors, it can rapidly understand proteins. now, look, far from it, i don't want to suppose that. but it means that research can be accelerated, and that is often what really needs to happen. the blackwell super computer offers an comomni omni verse pr you can protect the design, and help execute it in reality, with a fraction of the waste, and waste really matters these days. it made me feel when this nissan roadster, when i was sitting in a chair. people are laughing about the power of the vision pro, and i get that. you know what, i'm going to laugh last, not unlike kari in the great gym scene. this technology can speed up the programs, amazon, microsoft, meta, all seem to want black well chips, even if they are developing the less powerful in-house semiconductors, which we hear about constantly.
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they don't compete with what nvidia is doing. blackwell may be the answer for problems we don't know exist yet. our brains really just aren't big enough. i know that sounds strange, but it's true. things that used to take weeks can be done in a day or an hour. you'll do something you might not have done otherwise. you might think this would have been huge for nvidia, but the market turned against growth stocks because we were turned against the fed, and it fell more than 22% from peak to trough, i mean, come on. that's -- >> the house of pain. >> a massive decline. now, perhaps it was just, maybe it wasn't, though. either way, you can't say nvidia never corrected yo. you can't say it didn't get smashed. in the last few weeks, it's come roaring back. it was hammered. we don't know if apple's bottomed or not. we know there's an apple developers conference coming up. we might see exciting things, including things that make the
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vision pro more of a tool for the enterprise, and spatial computing is for real. nvidia's omni version. apple's quarter was better than expected. service revenue was driven. most important, when i asked tim cook whether the iphone would have the capabilities that samsung had, he laughed. you should be buying apple stock right now. these positives are all ahead of you as a shareholder, warren buffett sold some apple. maybe it's because the possibilities of capital gains tax rates going higher. he forced behind the company in the iphone. for all of that what's happened. apple stock fell 17.8% from peak to trough. again, it bounced back nicely last week. what else, i don't know what to do with arm holdings, a terrific semiconductor architecture company, working arm in arm with nvidia, and ccpu s.
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from everything i hear, arm's cpu business is incredibly strong. this stock fell 48% from peak to trough. it's still well off its highs, it reports wednesday. it's true that amd didn't raise its forecast for the ultra fast graphics chips they can can rival nvidia. they took numbers from 4 billion to 3.5 billion. wall street wanted at least five or even more. i think analysts got ahead of themselves, the stock in this period pulled back 38% from peak to frof. trough. that could be an opportunity. not that long ago, sales force, trm, gave a nice beat. threw in the dividend and buying back stock. it was a universally applauded quarter and what happened. the stock fell 16% from peak to trough, a few bucks away from lows. microsoft blew away the numbers and gave you a great forecast
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for azure, the fast growing cloud business. the cfo, was as good as i have ever heard her, ever, many thought the stock was helded to the stratosphere. march and april, the stock fell 10%, from peak to trough, before finally getting its groove back a week ago. that's a big decline for microsoft. you could say wait a second, they are cherry picking, i'm looking at the great growth stocks o. f the year. i got tons of stocks that were obliterated. in the end, we had a rough time going into the fed meeting, a rough time going through earnings season. there were huge losses racked up, ones that could have made people head for the hills and avoid the alternatsset class. a seemingly reasonable moment to pull the trigger, then you know what happened, you got your head
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handed to you, and you only made back some of the losses after today's 4% rebound. if you bought apple and watch it go to 165, you probably took a serious loss. now it's back to 181. let's not forget meta. fell 10.5%. it didn't stop after that. from its peak to its trough, meta, okay, this was a very good growth stock. it fell 18.5%. not many people can handle that loss. talk about shaking out the weak hands, which is what a correction does, and what a hammering, yet here it comes again. the bottom line, i think the sell could be over. no one wants to say that. you run the video tape and look like a joker, i don't care. i have to deal with the prices i dealt with. could be bad news ahead, we can expect from the fed, i don't know, maybe, maybe not. forget the fed for a second. here's what we have. we have benign earnings reports for bid. the most important take away,
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stop waiting for a correction to give buying opportunities. we had one for heaven's sake. let's go to anne in indiana. anne. >> hey, jim, thanks for taking my call. >> thank you. >> i'm a member of the club. love the tea over the weekend, whether it's a battle or cut our losses. >> thank you. >> after new core reported, i started a new position, what do you think? >> you know, it had some bad news today, they make many different kinds of steel, and one of their kinds of steel did have a decline in price, and people are saying that's bad for the company. i like nucor very much. you are going to have to deal with a bit of turbulence, i'm leaning towards buying it, and thank you for being a member of the club. reading the piece that took me the entire saturday. kids are coming over sunday. let's go to matt in new york. matt. >> thank you for taking my call,
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jim. >> thank you, matt. >> what are your thoughts on sofi post earnings and can you get the cramer army? the reddit army to buy up every single share of sofi stock that is out there? >> well, sofi reported a good quarter, but nobody cares. i can defend a stock for so long. i have defended this stock for about almost two years, about a year and a half, and i think it's okay. but i am not going to sit here and forever say it's okay. here's what i have to say. i wouldn't buy it. i'd like to see the stock go up, but i just don't know what drives the stock higher. i just don't know. let's go to frank in new york. frank. . >> hey, frank, hey, jim, how you doing, you workaholic, love you. >> thank you, frank. >> i have been watching this stock since it went public
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recently, and i'm wondering if it can in some way, shape or form follow a little bit and switch steps. >> i think it can. cava can. and i'll tell you what, because cava has that mediterranean diet going forward that is very good for you, and that's what people want. there's a whole cohort of people, they want to eat out and feel good and be good, and cava fits that depiction. i'm urging you to stop waiting for correction to give you better buying opportunities because we just had one as i just demonstrated, and i think we may be closer to the end of the selloff. doesn't mean we're done, but it does mean you buy as they come in. "mad money" tonight, this ain't texas, this is the new york stock exchange, but i'm laying my kacards down on texas road house, then, is it finally safe to dip your toe back into the market. i'm going off the charts to see many if what i just said at the top of the show could be for
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real. and the pandemic has changed. i'm checking with ark vest to see whether that is the time to buy a tattered stock. stay with cramer. don't miss a second of "mad money," have a question, tweet cramer, @madmentions, send jim an e-mail to or call us at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something, held to it's a pillow with a speaker in it! that's right craig. a team that's highly competent. i'm just here for the internets. at&t it's super-fast. reliable. you locked us out?! arrggghh! ahhhh! solution-oriented. [jenna screams]
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florists and makers who grow and create with a passion. 1-800 flowers. for mom, with love. you've got xfinity wifi at home. take it on the go with xfinity mobile. customers now get exclusive access to wifi speed up to a gig in millions of locations. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free. that's like getting two unlimited lines for twenty dollars a month each for a year. so, ditch the other guys and switch today. buy one line of unlimited, get one free for a year with xfinity mobile! plus, save even more and get an eligible 5g phone on us! visit today. you ready? -showtime. this is gonna be epic. [ barking ] it's what the poster said. do you want to make out or? nope. i meant yes. he's a bon garçon. i give amazing sponge-baths. can i get a room? [ chuckling ]
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♪ ♪ chef's kiss. last week, we spent a lot of time talking about restaurant earnings, we've seen a big divide between winners and losers. you know what, i never got
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around to the best restaurant quarter of all, yes, texas road house, which reported a beautiful quarter last thursday night, to send the stock up 3.6% on friday, and another 2.5% today. that's a good one. texas road house has delivered a series of results, might be in the full service space. this thing has been roaring, climbing from less than $100 late last october, to 167 and change told. people don't talk about it because it's not new york city. let me walk you through what makes the story compelling, it is textbook. texas road house has 700 locations. think burg eers, pizza, wings a beer, and 11 stores for the casual concept, the vast majority are company owned, from menu pricing to staff levels. like chipotle. they pay extremely generous bonuses for restaurant level managers. put it all together and the stock has been a fabulous growth
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story, ever since they became public in 2004. nobody talks about it. for me, the most impressive thing about texas road house is the stock has been a juggernaut lately as most full service chains have struggled. texas road house has figured out how to offer high quality food, including steaks at reasonable prices. one of the most compelling value propositions in the full service dining category. this earnings season we found out that the restaurants that can do well are the ones that give people a good meal at a good price. that's the common thread we have seen from some. so strongest reports like dominos pizza, wing stop, others that raise prices too aggressively without a clear value proposition, including mcdonald's, and starbucks. this one, chipotle, which is raised prices aggressively, california, because that minimum wage issue, yet, no deterioration at all.
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texas roadhouse on the other hand has followed the more typical blueprint for what works. reported a big earnings miss, the third earnings miss in four quarters. not good. texas roadhouse rallied in response. wall street was focused on the revenue momentum. and delivered 8.2%, same-store sales. even as the industry was trying to lose steam on the traffic, texas roadhouse never did. last year, the restaurants were dealing with inflationary pressures, and pass the customers on to you. texas roadhouse did take some price. they were much more measured. they care about giving people good value for their money. that decision hurt their earnings in 2023, but the strong same-store sales showed that the customers liked it. they had a little more vision. the company reported two more quarters, one in february, one last thursday, and on both occasions, they made progress on getting costs under control, while continuing to deliver
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fantastic same-store sales. they didn't raise prices aggressively when the rest of the industry was doing that, and now the customer base is rewarding them for it. doesn't this make sense in they didn't raise the prices. people went there. the other guys raised prices, they stopped going to them. when texas roadhouse reported in february, they had a 10.1 sales growth. that's incredible. for the full year, more than half of the increase coming from traffic improvements. more people. when you add in the company's new store growth, total revenue grew 15.4%. texas roadhouse saw its earnings per share grow by 14.3% last year. initial guidance for 2024, included signs for positive same store sales growth, store weak growth, a quirky metric that accounts for new locations. at the same time, they talked about mid single digit commodity cost inflation, and labor inflation. put it all together, and the stock jumped 10%, the numbers
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were just that good . fast forward to thursday night, another blow out, 8.4% sales growth. wall street looking for 7.8. some of the best comps we've seen, the restaurant chain this earnings season. ceo jerry morgan noted that strong traffic trends drive sales. te just as some o. cost inflation is fading away. therestaurant margin came in at 17.4%, 150 basis points year over year, and 50 basis points above what the analysts expected. that's sensational. even better, texas roadhouse gave bullish updates from the full year. through the first five weeks of the current quarter. so a meaningful acceleration versus the first quarter. for the full year they lowered their commodity inflation, cutting from 5% to 3%. what a story. so to recap, texas roadhouse looks on track to deliver a much better than expected same store
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sales, and that's such a combination. it's ideal and why the stocks rallied strongly in response to the latest quarter. jerry morgan put things simple. our strong results continue to reflect the consistency and quality of the food, the hospitality and every day value. the benefit of our long-term approach to the business and our focus on always prioritizing the guest experience is evidenced in the record sales margin dollars and net income for the first quarter, end quote. this is a great story. this is how it's supposed to work. you don't take the price, you don't gouge the people, you end up getting more people to come. take the price a little bit, and then the costs go down. this is what business is about. despite the fact that texas roadhouse operates in one of the more challenged subsections of the restaurant industry, the full service space, i think it deserves to be in the upper etch lo -- echelon of stocks. they are killing it. never drove the customer base
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away with aggressive price increases, making them a rarity, they can clean up now that the cost pressures are fading. 28 times this year's earnings estimate but i like it. bottom line, if you buy texas roadhouse stock at these levels, you're chasing it, i admit. it would be great if you were patient. maybe the stock cools off a little before you start a position. if you can't resist, you have my blessing. this is one terrific story. "mad money" is back after the break. coming up, the charge may be signaling a key move, and it could happen this week, take a walk on the technical side, when we return.
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new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. has the market truly changed its stripes. i think that's the question we got to figure out. last week we got an extremely benign fed meeting where jay powell made it clear he has no plans to fight bulls again, and two days later, a cooler than expected labor report. for months wall street was terrified that the economy was overheating and the fed might need to lower the boom on us again, hurting the stock market, wrecking jay powell's credibility. he indicated the rate hikes were over. that's why i spent so much time highlighting the brown shoots.
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the slowdown gets the fed off our backs permanently and allows the stock market to rally. two days later we got the brown chute, a slow down in hiring from the non-farm labor report. this market has caught fire again, after spending most of march and april really kind of in the jumps. so can the averages keep running? this feels like a decisive moment. we might shift from the early spring selloff. at moments like these, take my emotions out of the equation. tonight we're going off the charts with the help of carol, the brilliant technician who runs the trading room at elliotwave do you know she predicted a period of turbulence for the market in february, and she told us that the turbulence would be temporary but acknowledged it could be painful. i said at the top of the show it
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has been. has the turbulence come to an end. boroden is looking at price points. she likes to look for what's known as signs of symmetry. moves that tend to be similar to previous swings. you'd be surprised how often this happens as the decline terminates at the same points as the previous klein. i know it seems to show up in the charts all the time, a pretty reliable pattern, frankly. people seem to like buying stocks or indices after they pull back by roughly the same amount as a previous decline, which is why the concept of symmetry can help predict sustainable bonds. in terms of the s&p 500, when you look at recent declines, when you look the at latest low in mid april, the estimate was down 311 points, and you can see these, i'm going over here that's interesting t. this is a 311 point decline. it's very similar in scale to the three pullbacks, the 315
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decline. since that low was made, she has seen multiple buy signals, she loves to watch the moving average of the daily chart. when the five-day goes over the 13-day, that is her buy trigger. each tick represents 30 minutes where she uses the five period exponential moving average. after april, five period moving average has crossed above the 13 period. may is the time to buy, okay. the s&p rallied 210 points. as long as it holdings above the april low, which comes in at the mid-49 hundreds, would not be surprised if the s&p can keep running a more bullish picture than we have had for quite a long time. but it might not be totally smooth sailing on the way up. zoom in on the s&p 500, now the daily chart. get this, boroden points out the s&p is jousting with resistance
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levels. we cleared a major hurdle today. we just cleared that hurdle, and she thinks that that can mean we can move 5, 3, 4, 9 on the s&p. that's up a little less than 170 points, versus where we are right now. she says the next major hurdle comes at 5, 4, 5, 7. now we're going to talk about way up there. i didn't even bother. let's deal with the hand we've got here. now, how does she identify the key price levels. running them through the prism of numbers, which are a series of extremely important ratios that show up everywhere in nature, the patterns of snail shells, pine cones or cauliflower, and the stock market. this is one of those things with no clear logical explanation. i don't have one. we know the patterns are
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meaningful because they show up at pivotal points for the stocks. running between 5, 1, 4, 3, and thanks to today's bullish action we have cleared each of these levels, and all day we were checking in. remember, we're updating, these are not easy things to do, and see we kept hearing yes, we're clearing, and we have the pinnacle for a new high, and it's gotten a lot more likely in today's action. these levels come from the coincidence of the three 100% projections of previous swings, of a previous move and 127.2 extension of a different move. these are all part of the same mathematical construct. we have a 61.8 retracement, and i could go on and on about these. i need you to know we're taking out key levels that signify strength. right now, something like the
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s&p has cleared the ceilings of resistance, meaning it could be smooth sailing. basically this was a make or break moment for the market, and right now it feels like we're going to make it. as long as the s&p doesn't back slo slide, it's headed from the weekly chart remaining on the table. let me give you the bottom line. i can't emphasize enough how many times we're back and forth, trying to get this right for you. the charts suggest this could be decisively the s&p 500, and after today's run, she thinks it's looking very much like it's going the way of the bulls. last year was a game changer, we were afraid we would have to fight the fed again. it's clear the fed doesn't need to tighten and we might get a rate cut or two because practically everyone has given up on getting relief. that jivings with the reading of the charts and i like it. dave in florida, dave. >> hi, jim, booyah.
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>> how are you doing? . >> i'm doing well. how about you? >> doing good. thank you. my question is about pfizer, i chose that as a holding versus moderna during the operation, is pfizer going to be a sleeper? >> i think pfizer is bottoming. the cgen is starting to kick in. i think they're doing a lot of stuff by the way, with migraine, which makes me happy being a spokesperson for the american migraine foundation. i don't want to call it a new pfizer, i want to call it an energized pfizer. you have a 5.9% yield, i like it. jim in new york. >> hi, jim, how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. how about you? >> i'm doing great. thanks for taking my question. >> quite welcome. >> since mid-march wendy's stock price has fallen. first quarter results announced on may 7th. do you think this reduction is
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reasonable in light of wendy's performance or do you think the market has joover reacted. >> we think it is business as usual that there are some people who felt that lindy would be hurt by the fact that people are not as concerned about environment as they are about security right now. i think that short-term nature thinking, and you should hold on to the stock. this could be a decisive week for the s&p 500, after today's she's getting more bullish. i don't blame her. we saw why. i think it's a reasonably good level. "mad money," we are always looking for signs that the fed could cut rates. what would it mean for the freight industry? typically it's a good thing. and smaller ones and restaurants are sending signals that we have to listen to. i'll share what we've learned and how it could impact your earnings season investment
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thesis, and your rapid calls in tonight's edition of the lightning round, stay with cramer.
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celebrate the people you love.
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lately, we have been looking for what i call brown shoes, for signs of a real economic slow down. that's the only way that the fed stays our friends. i mean, look what we saw last week. right? how good is it that the fed is on our side. we have seen a ton of brown from the freight business. arc vest, truckload freight and managed transportation solutions for the enterprise. last week, ark vest reported while the revenue came higher than expected, they only earned $1.34 per share.
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that would have been wouldn't have been too bad, but discouraging things to say about the fright business in the month of april. the stock plunged 14% on the news. that's my reaction. was that an over reaction or has the business deteriorated that badly. the chair and ceo of arcbest, welcome to mad money. >> thank you, jim, how are you? >> i'm doing good, how about you. >> doing well. >> the sell off has been severe. tell me if it's warrants or not, please. >> i don't believe it is. we had a great quarter from an execution standpoint, though we were impacted as the industry was by the soft environment. when i look at the quarter, i see that we over came the soft demand a $29 million increase in labor costs.
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and produce d results that were equal to last year, in terms of the alternate based operating income, which was executed well, and that was accomplished by the optimized work that we were doing with our costs, and some specific cost cutting measures. so. >> go ahead. ichs i was going to ask you about the cost cuts, you are a union operator, it's not easy to go up there against jp hunt. it's just not easy. >> well, i mean, i feel like the labor cost deal that we entered into last summer was effective, and it was certainly front loaded, but overall, for the five-year period, it's about a 4% cost increase, which is pretty reasonable, and so we did deal with the front load nature of that in the first quarter. the great news is we were able to, you know, optimize our costs in other areas, and really
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select freight that was good for us, grow our core business, and it worked very well. you know, our strategy is to accelerate our growth, increase efficiency, and drive innovation. and one of the innovations is a city -- the optimization of our city routes, which enabled us to reduce miles, and reduced our costs by about $12 million on an annual basis. and we also saw an increase in our pipeline for customer growth of 35% since the beginning of the year. and we were able to drive innovation as well through the announcement of vox smart autonomy. this was "times" best invention. and it was also a good quarter from progress on that, from pilot customers. we're piloting that work with
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the fortune 50 and fortune 500, and we have about 20 pilots in place, so i was please d with te execution in the quarter, certainly was a softer demand environment. but we made a lot of progress on longer term issues, which is the way we think. >> the softer demand environment, does that continue, and i point it out because you've got a fed that has been saying, until last wednesday, higher for longer, and yet when i looked at the projections of how you guys have done, you're a pretty good barometer of the u.s. economy. i could not understand why he would keep things higher for longer, given the numbers that you have. >> well, it has been an interesting difference, i think, in the overall economy, versus the freight on trucks that we're seeing. you know, when we think about it, we know that the demand environment will be unpredictable. but what gives me confidence in our business is that we know that customers need to make
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their costs more efficient and they want reliability and we deliver those solutions. our managed solution, which is designed to help customers plan, execute and optimize their supply chains had double digit growth in the first quarter. and the momentum and the pipeline there is really good. and what's interesting is when you think back about the pandemic, you know, our customers were wanting capacity sources and they wanted flexibility to deal with some of the pain points they had like shortages and other things. we were able to deliver on that as well. so the way that we built this integrated logistics platform is just effective in this variety of environments that we're facing. so, you know, we're confident about how we're positioned and how we're serving customers, and that's working very well. >> does it bother you that probably what would get the stock going is not necessarily how you're doing but if the fed
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cut rates? i have always wanted to ask someone in the industry, just saying, okay, here you are, you're working so harod, you're trying to do everything right, but a quarter point rate hike is what would move your stock up 20 points, isn't it? >> it's certainly a possibility, but we just deal with what we can control, and we try to address that in the short-term, which i think our team does a great job of educxecuting. we have the best service performance in three years in the first quarter, as an example of that, we received ask ccolad from the excellence in security award for the first quarter, which is something customers look to and trust for. those are the kinds of examples of things we can do well despite what's going on in the macro, and that's where we like to spend our time. >> i think that's right, and look, that's the investment case, doing those things while we're waiting for the fed, and
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that will really help, you know, ultimately your traffic. anyway, i want to thank you judy mcreynolds, chairman of arcbest, that's a great explanation. >> thank you so much, jim. when we return, master the markets one stock at a time, the lightning round is up next.
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round, and then the lightning round is over. are you ready for the lightning round. max in new york. max. >> booyah, jim. >> bwhat's going on? >> i wanted to know about avav. >> absolutely, and here's what you need to know. we have a lot of very expensive military equipment that is just way way too expensive and then we've got the stuff that the environment makes, and that's the bargain. it's about time the pentagon started looking at the guys who don't cost an arm and leg because our enemies have inexpensive drones. we can have them too. craig in california. >> is this the chill master, jay? >> you bet it is, what's going on chief? >> i'm looking at a stock. i don't have any exposure in this one sector. it's got a nice dividend, dirt cheap head ratio, revenue growth over 26% over three-year with
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gold seemingly destined for 2,500 an ounce, is it time to stake a claim in aem? >> i think shawn voigt has been delivering since he's been on the show. i like the gold stocks, and i do like gold very much. jordan in florida. jordan. >> jimbo, booyah. >> what's happening. >> first time caller, long time listener. moved to florida 30 years ago, where i met my beautiful wife and grew my family. >> lucky man. >> a couple of questions for you, first, with before we get into the business, feeling bad about the 6ers. >> remember, philly is a football town. >> howie roseman knows how to do
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it. [ crying baby ] >> let's go to work. >> back to this. i'm calling about -- >> a perfect enterprise for the company, it's cloud enterprise software. that's what people want. it's very expensive. it's going to keep going higher. how about chap in florida. >> hey, jim, how are you? >> i'm good. h how about you. >> i'm good. the stock i'm looking at is -- it's it's not bad that it's speck. it's not making a lot of money and losing money. you have to expect if one of the drugs fails it's going to get hit. not that it's a bad company but it's much higher risk than a company that has a continual earnings streak, and that's how i feel about it. . let's go to david in missouri. david. >> hey, jim, how you doing? >> i'm doing great.
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we're club members, and i'm a first time caller, and we appreciate what you do for the little guy. >> thank you, man, i hope you likemy piece this weekend. spent a lot of time on it. calling about evi energy. >> yeah, this is a refinery of a lot of the different chemicals that my friend rusty writes about all the time. i think the cycle could be turning against them. i'm feeling that way, when we had ag coon, and i'm concerned that dividend is going to prove to be a value trap. let's be very careful. jared in washington, jared. >> jimbo slice, booyah. >> what's up? >> you guys reported another great quarter last week, and with berkshire's latest comments on the capital about to hit the utility sector, these guys do it all, what do you think of
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quanta. >> a terrific company. i say let's get in and we don't, and that is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. comin coming up, a latté, a burger and can't miss consumer clues, food for thought on the earnings front. when "mad money" returns. ou an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly.
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the big retailers haven't reported yet, the smaller ones a have taught an important lesson. very few operators are willing to admit that prices are too high. if you acknowledge without doing anything about it, you're setting yourself up for disappointing numbers going forward. bye bye bye, it's not easy to figure out who can keep prices higher. chipotle pulled it off because customers think it's worth it, something you hardly see. brinker, the part of chili's
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offering lower price items for value conscious consumers, and premium items for affluent customers. kudos to the ceo for not making an either/or proposition. that was a good idea. it wasn't because of taco bell, they offered outrageously cheap food, the cravings value meal did great. some of the other divisions not as good. mcdonald's failed the test because the burgers cost too much. they have gone up in price so much so they don't come off as a bargain. the franchisees seem reluctant to admit. starbucks is disappointed the coffee is pretty expensive. nobody is willing to own the idea. disappointment all around including from former ceo howard schultz. i'm not hearing anyone talking about rolling back prices at starbucks. they want to add more menu items, which would lead to worse throughput, another
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unacknowledged problem for many. nothing short of a brutal experience. what else, okay, this morning, tyson foods had preferred food businesses which has seen 20% cumulative deflation over the last few years has become too pricey for americans. that's why that one was hit. what does all of this tell us as we head into retail earnings season? i think the take away is americans want what walmart and costco give them, a low price that rolls back prices to feel like bargains again. walmart offers less expensive prices, costco has been a bargain. both will do well. i'm not sure how the market will react to target, macy's, and nordstrom. they have billions of dollars they sell. but and they do offer real value. i don't know if that's enough. target yieldings s almost 3%. nordstrom flirting with going private. i wonder if it has the cash flow to get a deal done.
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macy's is the most intriguing, they added two board members. the question is does that end a possible $24 takeover bid that had been widely talked about. it's not clear. i do know this, if it weren't for the activists muddying the story, i think the company has made a case for affordable luxury with bloomingdale's and current ceo spring. i'm guessing macy's will be given time to work magic. the $2 stores, very confusing, dollar tree and dollar general, known for lower prices but is the price of costco's membership too high for dollar shore stoppers? if you can afford the up front payment, you know what, so does walmart. the dollar stores are able to offer something that can match or exceed walmart when it comes to lower prices on individual items. here's a real oddity, william sonoma reported excellent numbers and it's certainly not the cheapest in the category. that's wayfair, that's a high quality branld,d and that's wha
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people want. retail is the ugly duckling. people don't want to spend money on physical items, and even then they're going to be more frugal, even if it means getting a lower quality hamburger or a latté. there's always a bull market somewhere, i'm right now, a special edition of last call live from los angeles, california. from the annual milken conference. the biggest, boldest and maybe the best ideas come together also live together in one hotel. one of the most powerful names in business, politics, healthcare and more and that is of course what we are here over the next two nights. coming up, we are joined by the bill browder, the ceo and


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