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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  May 13, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> speaking of games 13 blocks south of here -- >> what's going to happen? >> tim seymour is divulging. the rangers of new york are playing the hurricanes alibaba. they report tomorrow, but you stay with the baba >> answerer. answerer >> thank you for watching "fast. "mad money" starts right now my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you a little money my job is not to entertain, but to explain so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc newsom tweet me @jimcramer. we're in a weird moment where stocks could be hostage to the fed inflation, but maybe they'll be freed by the stealth forces
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of technology. we're worried about it inflation, no doubt about it but we're hopeful about how artificial intelligence can bring all costs down we don't like housing prices staying stubbornly high. but we see how amazon can bring down the prices of drugs and groceries. that's how i've come to view this market. we get the crucial price index tomorrow's game and. the dow dipping 81 points. the nasdaq advancing 0.9%. we did break the dow's winning streak, though the last down day was april 30th that's pretty darn amazing we want to look at this moment as a dichotomy we want to say sure, the drug prices have come down. haven't come down all that much. but have you looked at biohive 2? a new ai supercomputer to speed the work of scientists and health care that was introduced today? have you see what occurs the nvidia back drug developer we had on friday is going to do with it? maybe they can use the machine
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to speed up the discovery and development time every second counts. how many hard to cure illnesses can now be beaten because we have the ability to analyze data so much faster years to months, months to days, days to hours, it's a game-changer no matter what ♪ hallelujah ♪ >> it's not a deflationary hope. you can't. you can't get carried away because rents, far more important for the cpi than say drug prices years out, rents won't come down in price perhaps that's because we have high immigration, with maybe 500,000 people with work visas and the rest housed by state and local governments wherever they can find space obviously more people means more command for housing. on the other hand, immigration is one of the things keeping down wage inflation, but that's not something the consumer needs to care about. but wait, before we get too negative, wait one second, have you played with chatgpt 4.0?
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the o standing for omni. it is amazing, it can perceive emotions it can read bedtime stories with feelings, be more dramatic, musical. yes, it can sing the story kit sing with correct intonation and even handle being interrupted. come on, that's amazing. and by the way, two times faster, 50% cheaper. that's phenomenal. but how does that program that can sing a bedtime story build enough houses to push housing prices and rents lower is there anything in the amazon tool kit that can put up house quickly? can you get one from prime via next day how about same day sure, home builder contractors can coordinate the roof with the gutters and the siding everyone has an apple vision pro built-in house, and they won't, because $3500 price tag. you want to google a cheap house? it can answer a query but can't build a new one. you can use to it learn how to do plumbing. don't do electric. unsafe meta can tell you what your friends are up to, but how is
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that keeping inflation down? none of the titans can keep insurance rates are going higher none can build more used cars that i can help you find cheaper apparel, but that apparel is probably not included. they can do it it's not in the cpi because it comes from china's teemu we keep thinking generative ai will solve so many problems and eventually they will but the emphasis on eventually in the near term, it won't have any impact on the stuff we're worried about front and center, not in the time frame that matters to the fed kind of like when we started the in 1995 we got the money from star wave founded by the late paul allen and slade. slade came to see me a few years after we started and described the video ads that will run on the website, video ads that will pay for everything i said video ads, genius, when can we start the answer was well, how about a few years from now why weren't they available who knows. we're getting a lot of who knows
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right now about the promise of generative ai. who knows. if we could just get to the promised land, it could be huge game changer possibilities right now everything is on the verge. but what's before the verge? the answer is all sorts of inflationary numbers that may drive up interest rates making it feel like it's too dicey a moment to invest in stocks it feels like the moment when star wave visited my answer was great. how are we going tomake it until we get to the promised land of video and get rid of these flat banner ads? we're going to be crushed by the first outfit that intermediates. we got obliterated stock and google took over the ad game, number one for dying campaigns, no all the predictions we made about the internet during the period turned out to be true, but it took a decade, a decade longer than the vision areas in had hoped. right now ai is promising the same way but we've got this near-term inflation issue that we can't do anything about
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the cars, the insurance, the homes, the apparel, the rents. these are all working against us and could cause the bond market to behave badly, making the fed in turn feel like it needs to leave rates higher let's bring this all together. i would love to believe that ai will produce amazing gains in productivity that will help bring down inflation and beat that hard. it could make things cheaper, but it can't bring down the cost of what's current will too high. if this were western film instead of just the stock market, ai would be the cavalry. stocks would be stuck in the fort the fort can keep lots of bad actors out, help us go higher, but it can't create the goods that are in short supply as wrong as rates are high, home builders won't put up any new homes, even though demand is off the charts cars and trucks, no longer going towards the electric vehicle future everybody expected. so we can't ignore the near term and the incursion and availability to reinvent drugs,
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how great it is that a bedtime story can be sung by a computer perhaps sounding like taylor swift. but we can't get the agencies that control the fed's world view under control which is why you need to stick with the stocks and companies that aren't hostage to interest rates that you have to be open to growth stocks those do poorly when rates go higher and you don't want to be hurt by the economy, buying the stocks directly to the housing, otherwise you lose money here is the bottom line. we got the streaming video eventually, and i think we'll create drugs faster too. but the former took too long, and the latter, who knows. but it certainly won't be in time to save us from wednesday's cpi report let's hope it comes in cool and it doesn't matter. ♪ hallelujah ♪ miles in louisiana, miles? >> caller: i have a small position in visa and was looking to add to it is this a good level and should we be concerned about rising credit card debt? >> no, no, no, no. it's really -- that would be a bank worried about the credit card debt, not visa.
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people would be issuing more and more cards i think visa, this is a fabulous level to get in. you're down 11 from its high, but that's about all you ever seem to get when it comes to visa woychlt be a buyer. tom in new york. >> caller: hello, mr. cramer thank you for taking my call >> of course, tom. how can i help >> caller: quickly, jim, i've been investing for some time without a whole lot of success >> aw >> caller: i broke down and joined the investing club. >> thank you i like that. i like that very much. >> caller: i feel that you guys have got me pointed in the right direction. >> me and jeff and zeb jeff is just incredible in this stuff. go ahead. >> caller: yes you are all of yous. i'm learning to do my homework >> okay. >> caller: but as a fledgling club member, i thought it wise to check my homework with the teacher. >> sure. >> caller: jim, i have a small position in one of your cramer faves, and i wanted to know if
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it's too late to increase my position in eaton. a little above my basis. >> eaton is a great stock. it trades erratically. so that means that there are these moments where it goes down like four or five, and yet to buy -- you have to put in an order. if it drops four or five, you can buy some for that day. don't put it good, just that day. and then if it falls even more than, that you can buy some more, because it's a crazy trader you have the wait for a decline. we can get excited about all these ai innovations, right? but we can't can't get near-term inflation under control. if you want to actually make money, stick with the stocks and companies that aren't hostage to interest rates on "mad money" tonight, where do we stand on the gig economy stocks now that some of the players have rallied off of their lows if i think the moment can continue then we've uncovered the constellation energy ceg from the stock rallying to over 200 today, is there room to run?
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i'll give you my take. and the power of the buyback is real. i'm sharing a buyback big shot that might be worth adding to your shopping list so stay with cramer. don't miss a second of "mad money. follow @jimcramer on x have a question? tweet cramer, #madmentions send jim an email to, or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc miss something head to
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don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! where do we stand with the gig economy? ever since the market bottomed in october of 2022, the likes of uber, lyft, and doordash have been on fire the new republic maple bear, a
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parent of instacart finally started growing this january but then the market cooled in march and april and the gig economy names pulled back from their highs. quite dramatically, actual tully. all of the sudden these companies had a lot to prove with their first quarter reports. now that we've heard from them, i want to give you an update on the gig economy, starting on the ride share and going over the del deliveries none of the cards cared about profitable the fed kept interest rates so low for so long it was insanely cheap for these companies to borrow money that all changed when the fed started tightening in 2022, and the gig economy had to pivot to profitability. all these services became a lot more expensive so how are they handling the new world? why don't we start with uber technologies, the number one player in ride share 76 market share and a heavy hitter in the meal delivery space, way behind doordash, though, but much higher than
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anybody else under uber stock rallied from lows a couple of years ago to above 80 in march before pulling back to $66 today. the stock soared like that because these guys figured out how to deliver profitable grow when uber reported february, they reported blowout numbers and followed that up a few days later by announcing a $7 billion buyback. wow, first in the company's history. growth stocks went out style the stock gave up a decent chunk of gains and everybody started worrying about the fundamentals. when uber reported last wednesday, i thought it was mostly pretty good revenue got beat up 148% year-over-year there were some issues, though, starting with the fact that uber's gross bookings missed thanks to a shortfall in the ride sharing business. ooh, bread and butter. plus on the earnings front, they lost 32% most people were looking for a 22-cent profit i don't blame them the ceo explained that the loss came primarily from a markdown for uber's equity stakes in
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other companies like the ride sharing company in china it had nothing to do with the core business. should it have been ignored. management's guidance for the quarter was mixed up but it didn't help bookings, forecast, event ebitda forecast. that was not good. i think it was this softness and the gross books down 5.7% last wednesday because it seemed to confirm the consumer weakness fears. how hear than all the time on top, maybe people wanted to hear more about what uber has for autonomous driving, given all the noise tesla has been making about the robo taxies autonomous vehicles aren't happening any time soon. wow. overall, though, i got to tell you, even after that i'm pretty sanguine about the prospects of uber the company is consistently growing profits and throwing off tons of new cash flow, even if there is some softness on the gross bookings front in the end, i'm viewing this post first quarter shakeout as an appropriate reset of expectations, plus even after uber's pullback to the 60s, the stock remains up more than 7% to
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date and gives management a chance to put that big buyback to work. you got my blessing to buy it because the company will be buying right alongside you i really like the stock here as for lyft, the underdog in the ride sharing space, under new ceo when they reported last tuesday night, the night before we heard from uber, i don't remember david, he has been on the show a bunch of times. uber's gross misbooks loomed so large, it has beat expectations. looks like they're finally on a more exitive fight lyft's gross books matched uber in the first quarter and the old days it they steadily appeared to be losing to issue, but now holding steady the good news is they're defending their market share a modest ebitda beat, surprisingly free cash flow. good guidance on the profitability front for the current quarter too? how are they doing it? solid innovation on the platform
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for the much improved numbers. i think he is right. i've noticed, i accept that as the main reason. as for its full-year forecast, lyft mostly kimpld its previous outlet, yet they raised the free cash flow guidance substantially. that's exactly what you want to see. the takeaway is lyft continued to make problem towards the goal of becoming a proper growth story, which richard has been aiming for since he took the reins about a year ago the results were good enough to send the stock up about 7.1 last week, although given back some since then the stock definitely derved rally, especially since it looks like lyft's endless share loss to uber. i bess the stock can work higher as long as the narratives remain in place as long as richard can turn things around, i actually wouldn't be surprised if lyft even became a takeover target if the stock stays down here while the big turn comes it's the small nest the major gig economy stocks with a sub7 billion market cap the bottom line is both reported
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solid quarters, even if lyft's well received while uber's was hated. going forward, we have to keep an eye on whether uber has an affordability problem. but for now, i'm not going to give up on this one just because some gross booking softness. this is more of a turnaround story, but the turnaround is going great. if you want to learn about the gig side of the economy? why don't you stick around until after the break, because we tell you all about it "mad money" is back. coming up, cramer continues his look at the gig economy. where to invest in the new age of work, next.
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♪ doing a roundup of the major gig economy plays. now that heatwave all reported before the break it was the ride sharing companies. now i want to play about doordash and maple bear, the parent company of instacart. let's start with doordash. it was the first of these companies to report they delivered a solid quarter with seemingly grim guidance. that sent the stock down more than 10% the next day. the actual report was good, but management guided for slightly lower earnings before interest taxes, largely because they're ma making big investments while expanding overseas
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all the hammering we've heard, i want to see if people are backing away from doordash as all the food deliveries have become major sources of inflation. the guidance affect that either. they're just making some big investments in order to bolster the company's growth in the second half of the year and beyond i like that. wall street simply wasn't willing to wait for the investments to pay off just like uber and lyft, doordash have been able to rally over the past 18 months, but because the company pivoted to profital growth. >> i love that less spending, more monetization in the existing business people saw the existing spending plans, they thought maybe stepped back in the wrong direction. at the very moment, there is very little patience for new investment cycle, which is what the company seemed to be telegraphing after the stock's initial 10% decline, it tried to mount a comeback but then last tuesday, we learned that uber and instacart are teaming up to bring meal delivery to the instacart app, a
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new port for uber to bring in customers. a long way behind doordash in market share, this obviously makes them more of a competitive threat, and that erased the stock's rebound. in the end, i got tremendous respect for doordash co-founder and ceo tony shue. like i said, my gut is the company earns the benefit of the doubt, but the process might be choppy until the company demonstrates the earnings improvements. >> sell, sell, sell! >> buy, buy, buy >> i think doordash is worth your trust don't expect it to earn the market's trust any time soon i'm out ahead of it. next, let's look at the last report, the one which came from instacart parent maple bear. maple bear is the parent for instacart, even though you probably never heard from maple bear this came wednesday night. the stock made a huge move higher early in february thanks to a much better than expected quarter on top of reporting strong numbers, the company announced a slew of efforts as
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part of a majority pivot towards profitability. that collides the departure of the coo, a restructuring plan even a $500 million plan, an increase to the previously announced share repurchase authorization. that put the total buyback to a billion dollars. that's pretty big for a company valued at less than $10 billion. i really like that reading between the lines, the sentiment seems to be this as shares fell from 42 and change on the first day of trading down to 22 and change at the lows in early january, madge you realize the stock isn't resonating with wall street. what do you do they do what you do to get things going they took some major steps to make the business look more like uber or doordash which both have been rallying sis 2022, rather than groth at all costs, which is a loser and that sort of allowed the stock to work through its highs last month, although it never pulled back as much as the other gig economy names. i got to tell you, the plan worked, because when maple bear reported last wednesday, the quarter looked awfully similar
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to the one everybody loved in february growth action value higher than expected orders substantially higher than expected revenue higher than expected with accelerated growth and transaction via orders mega bear's adjusted ebitda came in well ahead of the expectations again a and the company delivered another big surprise profit, making 43 cents of earns per share when analysts were looking for a two cent loss. better yet, management was in the high end for gross transaction volume and flat-out better than expected for ebitda. substantially so in response, the stock opened fire last thursday morning, but eventually gave up the gains ending the day 3.7% and tumbling another 3.1% -- the house of pain -- on friday. still up 48% year to date. why did the stock react so negatively this is really a terrific conundrum to me. i could try to parse every line of the quarter in the guidance,
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but honestly, the selling just ended in march you had to expect some profit-taking here the numbers were 48% the parent company is that i'm just not sure how the grocery delivery space is going to work thought the long run sure, they paired up with uber to offer their own meal delivery service. but they need to do that because three weeks ago, amazon, amazon announced a new low-cost grocery subscription for prime customers. nearly seven years after amazon announced its acquisition of whole foods, it still recently hasn't nailed down grocery delivery this is just their latest attempt. but i don't think they'll ever truly stop trying. and in the end, you don't want to compete against amazon. after all, like liam neeson in "taken," amazon has a very particular set of skills that are a nightmare for companies like maple bear. so here is the bottom line for the entire gig economy
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space, after hearing from all these companies, what i see is a confusing situation. uber, doordash and instacart are lower after earns while lyft managed to gain a bit of ground. but the reality is much more complicated. all four reported solid growths, but uber had soft businesses lower, i still like it lyft doing well. i believe in doordash. a little while to pan out. as for maple bear, the parent company of instacart, still too early for me to get behind this one, especially with amazon desperate to take over the online delivery space. and i think they have the horse to do it let's go to rob in kentucky. rob? >> caller: jimmy c, the chairman of chill. >> i like that i like that a lot. >> hallelujah! >> i have a sizable position in cedar fair with the impending merge were six flags, should i stay on this roller coaster for one more ride or get off now and wave the white flag? >> well, look, the stock just had a major run, and its yield
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is not that great here i want you to sell half. just sell half, okay not more than that, but you got to sell half because we had a power bog move power bog moves are dangerous. you sell half, let the rest play and you will probably be playing with the house's money that's stock to chill, please. jan in california, jan >> caller: yes thank you for taking my call, jim. >> of course >> caller: my question is regarding the cava group >> uh-huh. >> caller: you recently said this could possibly be the next chipotle and today it took quite a big dump and i'm wondering if you think this is company specific or the restaurant segment that it's in, such as something like rival sweet cream. >> well, i tell you, it's an interesting question any time you have a move the way
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cava has moved, which again is a parabolic move situation, this stock is up 77% for the year so you got to believe there are some people that say you know what just ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching it wouldn't surprise me if it goes down to 70. it's had such a big run. but i'm stick by my view it could be another chipotle. let's go to chuck in north carolina chuck? >> boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, chuck. >> caller: thanks for taking my call. >> of course. >> caller: i have a small position chipotle. i'd like your short and long-term opinion, and also whether i should add more to my position in chipotle >> okay. i think chipotle is fantastic. i have to fight you on buying more here, because it is so close to its high. but just hold it and don't make any anysales. it's going to split, by the way in june. a lot of stock people really excited about that we might trim some a little when it gets to that. but i think chipotle fundamentals are just fantastic. what great callers thank you so much, everybody all right.
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the gig economy sector is a confusing space that requires monitoring on a case-by-case basis. i do still like the stock like uber, but i'm kind of wary of instacart. much more "mad money." with food and natural gas prices beginning to tick higher, could now be the time to invest in a company like constellation energy which a lot of you are crazy about. we've loved it for so long we have to figure out what to do now. and buybacks don't get enough credit i'm revealing the names of a few companies with the right discipline that could help you make money and all your calls tonight in the "lightning round," so stay with cramer.
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maybe this market's been dominated by the utility stocks. and as close observers of "mad money" know, there is no utility i like more than constellation energy the independent power producer gets the bulk of its energy from nuclear plants, with the renewable kickers. remember, constellation was spun o out, i've been recommending it the whole way, particularly when it was trading at 53 and change. 213. not bad. better than a sharp stick in the eye, as i like to say on wall street i know this is a crazy story from the beginning at every turn of the story, it keeps getting better not only after my initial recommendations, congress passed the inflation reduction act which did very little to reduce inflation, but included gigantic for the nuclear power industry over the past years there has been a growing acceptance that nuclear energy is the only reliable option to wean our
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company off fossil fuels at scale. nuclear is always on even better, oil prices have been creeping higher and natural gas has climbed up making nuclear more competitive on price. it's just one good thing after another here in its first two years as an independent company, interest taxes and amortation nearly doubled. now when constellation reported its fourth quarter numbers at the end of february, management announce they'd were switching from ebitda as the key metric to operating earnings because the inflation reduction act new nuclear energy tax credits had just kicked in, and it's easier to account for operating earnings wow. it's clear wall street didn't appreciate they had no idea how great this ira thing would be constellation guided for $7.23 to $8.03 wall street was looking for $6.51. remember, this is a utility stock. management also said they
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expected to grow this number 10% plus clip for at least the rest of the decade that is hugely positive i mean, it's probably one of the greatest growth stories or off time no wonder the stock went two days after the report. crazily enough, constellation barely got more expensive. it was trading 25 times this year's everything statements after the rally. i don't see, this kind of thing happens all the time with growth stocks but it's rare to find this kind of action in a utility even if it is a growth utility constellation kept running throughout march and april, reaching the 190, tonight i i want to hit the story again. believe it or not, they've managed to surprise expectations again. this is one ofsingle best repor we've seen since why it sent the stock to new all-time highs first, let's start with the numbers, which were understand again excellent.
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the new key metric operating earns came in $1.02 a share. dampening enthusiasm a tad was the fantastic that constellation declined to raise its full-year forecast for this line item. nat point, does anyone believe constellation will come in below its own forecast after following the company for the past two years, i highly doubt that constellation added another billion to buyback bringing the total authorization to $3 billion. another reason why those things run so much. clearly management agrees with me that the stick is still a bargain. what's important to us is the story hence constellations ever improving numbers. right now it's thanks to surging demand for carbon free power for date the centers on the conference call last week, ceo joe domingus spoke about several growth drivers from electric power including growth vehicles and the reindustrialization of north america. this is such an industrial place
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is incredible. the data economy and constellation nuclear energy go together like peanut butter and jelly. he said, quote, in advanced conversations, large well-known companies about powering their needs. these deals take some time, but could be finalized soon. no wonder constellation is so confident it put up double-digits operating growth for the years to come. no word the stock is the best to perform this year, up 82%, constellation is trying to extend the lice of existing sites. i do see it going to 2060 and beyond but they're also talking about adding new capacity, primarily existing sights because the demand is so strong. that could include adding smaller next generation nuclears when fresed later in the call, constellation's management team said it received a request from google, microsoft and nucor
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steal. these aren't signed deals, at least not yet, it's going to divert tons of companies that desperately need reliable clean energy, so their only real choice is nuclear. they're even talking about reopening three mile island. at the end of the day, constellation energy has been one of my single greatest picks in recent years, but you've had to stay close to the story along the way, because the story keeps evolving and evolving for the better first, for those of white house believe in nuclear energy, but realize. the case got even bolder, including new subsidies from nuclear making it a lot more competitive for corporate customers who already want the electricity. and now they can get it on the cheap. this story about further as we start to get an ideal of how prop lar they were for the company. now the drivers, the demand, the
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future, including the insane gham, which they're putting up like crazy to feed the ai machine. that machine has gotten so strong, that major companies are imploring constellation to add new ones, new power plants at exist plants years ago we wondered if any more nuclear power facilities would ever be built here in the u.s. because it was so unpopular, and because of the overruns of southern so. now we wonder if we can build new ones fast enough forgive me if i remain bullish on constellation energy, even after the stock is rocking higher despite running from 50 bucks to a buck 200, we still somehow to be in the beginning days of this story. again, i think it's got the legs to go higher still "mad money" is back after the break. when we return, master the markets, one sock at a time. the "lightning round" is up next
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ask your retina specialist about syfovre. ♪ it is time it's time for the "lightning round. >> buy, buy, buy, sell, sell, sell, and play the sound -- [ buzzer ] and then the "lightning round" is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? time for "lightning round. steve in new york. steve? >> caller: happy monday, professor. how you doing? >> i'm doing well. how about you, partner >> caller: i'm good, thank you so i wanted to ask you with the potential for rates coming down, i would like to collect some more yield in my portfolio, along with capital appreciation. >> okay. >> i was wondering if you could
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share your thoughts with me on alliance bernstein, ticker symbol a-c >> very well run company i'm always surprised it's as inexpensive as it is, which is why you have the big yield i do support that idea let's go to richard in georgia, richard? >> richard >> caller: boo-yah, jimmy chill, and happy monday. >> oh, same to you, man. got a full week ahead of us. fantastic! what's up? >> caller: i'm ready let's go big shout out to your crew they are fantastic >> make me look fantastic every single day what can i do for you? >> caller: they deserve a raise, my friend. >> i wish. i would write them all checks, but that's not allowed all right. they like that >> caller: i need some when this stock. >> sure. >> caller: i need know whether to hang on i know it doesn't matter where it's been and only where it's going. so i can't cry about what it was. but where is it going? do i need to hold on to it or do i need to find a better opportunity? and the stock is chh cardinal health >> okay, it's ban great
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quandary, mckesson has been unbelievable jays holler came on the show i thought he told a really good story and the quarter was terrible so let me do this. let me do this for you let me have him back on. i want to know what happened, because i don't get it all the other companies are doing incredible in that industry let's learn more now i need to go to gregory in california gregory? >> caller: jim, you know, you and jeff and the gang are really just hitting all the marks. >> thank you >> i've been a member for a long time >> see club members happy thank youy i love the piece you wrote on the restaurants over the weekend. >> inflation beaters, inflation fig fighters, and inflation fighters >> caller: i'm calling about today, they bucked the trend of all the others and beat the street. what do you know how high do you think kit go, and that is if it's all coming together and flowing
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>> confluent oh my god, that is -- gregory is so right if this thing gets together, this thing could be a rocket ship buff if it doesn't, i'm going have to say i think the chances are that it doesn't. and i'm not going the recommend the stock here, but thank you so much for the kind words. let's go to josiah in florida. josiah >> caller: yeah, thanks for taking my call >> of course. >> caller: pstg, pure storage? >> yeah, this is a fabulous company. it's funny, because the previous stock was one i said if they get it together, it could be huge. this company struggled to get it together for years, and they have gotten it together now. i have to hand it to them. they stuck with it, and enterprise storage solution, i typically don't recommend them i do like pure storage joanna >> caller: hello, mr. cramer. >> joanna, how you >> caller: i bought a stock quite some time ago, and i haven't since sold it, but it was microstrategy.
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and it was $1900 the all-time high. >> woo. >> caller: then it started to sell off and it's down somewhere in the 1300s now. >> right >> caller: dropped $600. >> all this company really is, just to be clear, it off of bitcoin. because michael sailor who runs the company just buys bitcoin. and i think that's what happened it accentuated bitcoin i always tell people if you want bit bitcoin, don't by microstrategy. by bitcoin i think that's what you're in and that's what you could so this do. tory >> caller: ba-ba-boo-yah, cramer. >> great to have you >> caller: for months we're up today. i know they were just selected for replicator last week, i'm just wondering, should i keep holding? >> we've been behind aero environment forever. they make drones much less expensive than the stuff the military buyses.
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if we're going to win in the wars we're involved in, we need cheap drones, not the real expensive stuff because the real expensive stuff you can't make fast enough, and it's going to bankrupt our budget. let's go pete in connecticut pete >> caller: hey, jim how. you? thanks for taking my call. >> i'm doing good. how you? >> caller: good. my question son a small position with strl. >> every one of these is going to be the same thing, whether it be pwr or -- >> buy, buy, buy >> or the other day, sterling, these are infrastructure plays that are working because that money is starting to pour in from the federal government. that's why that's a winner and you go to ronnie in delaware ronnie >> caller: hi, jim thank you for taking my call >> caller: oh, my pleasure >> caller: my question is about nus. >> yeah, you know what -- [ buzzer ] >> the personal care space is very, very difficult, and that is not the one you want to be
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in they are -- it is an overvalued stock even at these prices let's go to sharon in minnesota. sharon >> caller: boo-yah, jim! >> boo-yah. >> caller: so i'm trying to see if you think oracle is at a reasonable price to buy here. >> a lot of people call and say good thing about the club. i want to talk about oracle. i got oracle wrong two quarters in a row i thought they were going to do it big, and then they didn't, and i felt it was wrong to hold it. i sold it. i sold it at a bad price i have to defer to others who know oracle better than i do that's how i like to look at it. let's go to greg in florida. greg >> caller: hey, jim. how you? >> i'm good. how you? >> caller: good. thank you for taking my call and hope you and your family had a good mother's day yesterday. >> we had a good mother's day. thank you. >> caller: watch your show almost every night. >> thank you. >> caller: and really appreciate your daily insights. >> >> caller: thank you. >> caller: it's invaluable
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i'm calling tonight regarding stock symbol alb >> that's lithium. no, anything connected with the ebs right now is a no-go that stock is going to mark some time, maybe go up a little bit and that, ladies and gentlemen, the conclusion of the "lightning round" [ buzzer ] >> the "lightning round" is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, a tool of financial engineering that can sharpen your portfolio where the buyback is making its mark, next
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(vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. how's the chicken? the prawns are delicious. oh, i have a shellfish allergy. one prawn. very good. did i say chicken wrong? tired of people not listening to what you want? it's truffle season! ah that's okay... never enough truffles. how much are they? it's a lot. oh okay - i'm good, that - it's like a priceless piece of art. enjoy. or when they sell you what they want? yeah. the more we understand you, the better we can help you. that's what u.s. bank is for. huge relief. yeah... ♪
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♪ when we talk about why stocks go higher, we don't spend enough time, you and me, accounting for buybacks. apparently it comes up last month autonation, car and truck dealer reported a pretty good quarter, leading to another leg higher for the stock that rallied from $20 at the thick of covid to more than $168 today. >> hallelujah! >> sure a lot comes down to the fact cars are pretty consistent because there hasn't been enough of them, until about now but i don't think it's truly propelled by stronger vehicle prices the net income is between $1.3 billion for the last couple of years. it's not the sales, which have gone up, certainly not by a lot. certainly nothing scorchling it's the buyback that has been driving this higher. this is amazing. from just under 90 million
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shares in 2020 to around $40 million now. [ applause ] repurchased more than half the stock, for heaven's sake and fell more than 3% the past quarter alone. gigantic plus, autonation just announced a new $1 billion buyback i mean, come on. ridiculously huge. the company is only $6.8 billion company. these guys don't even make a big deal of it other than to say they're balancing the repurchasing with the leverage americaning that they paid $350 million for the stock they repurchased this past quarter. much of the conference call is devoted to the auto industry and previously used cars obviously some chatter about interest rates are high as usual. but the most enlightening question came from john murphy who noted, quote, your stock is incredibly inexpensive and then he went on to say that he was curious about, quote, how the decisions are getting made on sort of the speed and race of the buyback, which everyone was thinking the answer murphy got was pretty matter of fact
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it's why buybacks don't get the attention they should. autonation said they have plan in place and that use as grid, and the grid kicked in that caused them to buy a lot of stock. instead they emphasize that they're circumscribed by what they can do because of the law buybacks need to be automatic. in the end, the cfo explained that, quote, our opportunities were somewhat limited, but it does remain a key part of our capital allocation strategy. >> hallelujah! >> you won't hear me criticize any company with that big a buyback. but i think there should have been more recognition of autonation's incredible success fuels the buyback which fuels its stock success and in tend that's all we really care about. this stock sells over eight times earns. really good operators. it would be 16 times earning if they saw the same share count they did in 2020 but in the hedge fund world that i came from, i think i would have added the following on the conference call. as long as there are stupid
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idiots who will sell the stock of our terrific company down at these ridiculously low levels, we will keep buying it back, because it's much easier to make money for our shareholders than selling cars and trucks. i like to say there is always a bull market somewhere. i promise to find it for you right here on right now on last call, unusual activity. you are only going to hear about it tonight, call it an ai for ai. there suddenly getting very real as google has a chip up its sleeve. flat new polls on the academy raising some big new red flags for president joe biden. a critical vote underway at alabama right now.


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