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tv   The Exchange  CNBC  May 17, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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estimates and price targets. >> and you prudential, solid growth 4.4% dividend yield. >> and jenny. hercules technolo. no drama, 8.3% dividend yield. >> and great stuff. have a great weekend. the exchange is now. thank you very much. hi, everybody. i'm kelly evans. here is what is ahead. does the rally have room to run? it does for a specific reason. and what name to be bullish on. and it is not costco. so plus openaiddit as they race
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data. and with the major indices heading new highs, trading some of the busiest gainers. and before that, we start with today's markets and dom chu has the numbers. >> generally a positive week but moving not a lot. i'll show you what is happening with the broader s&p 500 which is just a hair below 5300. just about flat on the session. again, we were up maybe around 8 points at the highs answer down maybe 6 to 7 points at the loews. so it has been very tight in terms of trading range. but coalescing right around the 5300 mark. and the dow industrials pacing the advance if you want to call it that. 66 points to. and nasdaq pretty much flat down three points on a base of 16,000. so again, very tepid moves, a calm end to the week so far.
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we'll see what the afternoon brings. it is a week of memes and milestones. what drove the markets? the best performing sectors in the s&p 500 on a one week basis had been technology, real estate and communication services. those three again three of the best performers helping to pace the advance of the record highs. but technology and com services, that is an important note for the bulls out there. talk about the memes. gamestop before the week started, it ended a week ago at roughly $17.46. we got as high as almost $65 in the meme mania this week and we're settling in right now at around $20.53. it has been a massive move of volatility. amc, plblackberry are mixed in trading. and also bitcoin price, we have had a pretty decent march back
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higher to 66,878. and you can see with the move rear kind of back to the near median term highs that we saw the last couple months. so traders will be watching to see if we can break above this. back over to you. >> crypto up 33% this year. gold 15%, stocks 10%. banner year all around. but led by crypto. stocks are still moving higher with the dow on track for its fifth consecutive week of gains. and this is just the beginning you guessed it of the productivity fueled growth psych s kell. this is the debate. and nancy, great to see you. welcome.this is the debate. and nancy, great to see you. welcome. what tells you, this is the most hopeful thing that could happen, it is productivity, we can keep
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growing, it will all be fine. what tells you that we might be in the midst of a oneboon here. >> i've been talking about this for a year. this is a look back to the '90s. there are a number of parallels. we were lower in the deficit in the second half of the '90s and it has ballooned in this decade. but there is inverted yield curve. there was geopolitical shock. there was labor shortage, so companies spent on productivity enhancing technology, the 10 year average 5% to 7% for the whole decade and inflation above 3%. and what greenspan understood and i hope this fed understands is that you can get growth and not really drive inflation in it comes from proceed duct fifth. and i think that we're there. we're seeing so many use cases
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for generative aai. haven't even scratched the surface. >> and may be seeing it already playing out for instance at companies like walmart. >> yeah, that is the poster child of our investing theme. we've been focused on old economy companies that are pivoting to digitization, collude k350ucloud commuting and robotics. and what gave us confidence and the desire to add to it is when the management team last quarter raised the differenvidend 9%. and they set it based on long term sustainable earnings growth. >> and looking at that cycle, so the fed raise zed aggressively in 1994. of course all the fallout. and then they cut three times in 1995 and held the fed funds rate at 1996.
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and we know the script of the back half of the '90s. so do you think this could have several more years to run? >> i do think that. and i'm not always optimistic. i've talked a lot on your and i that we need a correction. but this -- and we'll get them, we'll get more. but i wrote a piece during the correction in march that began in march called watching paint dry and in it i just went back and looked at over the last 30 years how different asset classes have performed. stocks were up 10.3% annualized during the period. gold the next best performing as set was 6.2%. so i think what investors should be doing is treating volatility as their friend. when people say the teblg trade is over, you add to positions and look for the companies that are embracing technology. >> what do you think -- like r rick reared says that the fed
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needs to lower rates, thnot rai them, that cut is better than a hike. he goes through a ton of reasons. maybe hikes aren't slowing certain areas. and do you think that could be the case this time around or are we trying to hard to search for what is happening? >> i do agree that the large cap technology companies for example with fortress balance sheets have benefited tremendously from higher interest rates to his point. and as have wealthier income -- the wealthy ier income cohorts. but there is something else going on that i think will force the fed to cut and that is central banks around the globe. indonesia rate hiked because the dollar is killing their currency.
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and so i think we have to remember that our central bank policy impacts the entire globe. and so i think that they will be forced to do at least one. if it has that effect, that is awesome. but the labor market is softening. not dramatically, but at the margin. >> so you like or arcostco. and where are you getting your champagne? i imagine you rolling up with the f 150. all right. a picture of what it is like out there. >> it is not pretty. >> nancy, thanks for joining us. >> thank you, kelly. shares of read either oig a readddit are soaring on a deal
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access to large amounts of data to train the systems will be key to winning the ai race. let talk to someone who knows a lot about it. scott, welcome. >> thank you very much. a pleasure to be here. >> and can you explain a little bit about what role fico is playing here? >> yeah, so fico is an analytic software company. many people don't see that guy do fico as that. we are ai, machine learning into makes decisions that impact that. we are ai, machine learning into makes decisions that impact people. so many of our customers rely on ai and machine learning that we develop to make really critical decisions that impact their businesses. >> interesting. so you guys are developing ai systems. what kind? are these aimed to be
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competitors are the big ones we always talk about or do they use them to create in-house options? how does it work? >> so we are focused around the responsible ai. and so what it means are technologies that focus on the data assets these companies have to provide interpretable describable, audible sort of decisions that they can make with respect to these models. so different than what we know as the large language model. but they are required because we need to make sure that the decisions that we make can be audible and are ethical. not to say that we don't use the large language models like many do in the industry today and trying to find the right way togs use them responsibly. >> and so where do they pull from? and what i find so interesting
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about the openai deal with reddit, reddit has all these forums. they are one of the top google answers when you try to figure out how to something. so a great deal deal if they could make a lot of money licensing that sort of knowledge to a platform like openai to train it to give better answers. how do your language models populate, what do wilthey learn from? >> many of our models that we'll develop of develop will be focused on a company's internal documentation to make the organizations more efficient. let's say your transaction history and to help provide some indication j mawhy maybe a transaction was stopped for financial crime. so the yooft muse of the models primarily smaller data sets,
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very task specific so the information is relevant. >> and it owns all of its day and then can use it to train systems to give appropriate answers. i think it would be much harder to solve that for a broadly used search and question and answer begin and the biggest risk toot to the ai innovations is pulling back and suing saying we want to be compensated for you to use our data. do you think today's announcement means that they will have to pay up for access to a lot of these answers and if so does that change the attractiveness for instance investing in openai or anthropic or some of the big tech platforms? >> so i think that for each organization that wants to use large or small models, having some control over the data used
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to train the models and to be able to talk about it is a fundamental part of using the technologies responsibly. for many the kigss need to have that level of comfort. so to understand what was used in training that model or how it was trained, that will cause some pause. so where them apply it or where them not. i think the main focus is generative ai has come on like a bull and it is great and interesting technology. but not every problem is a generative ai problem. so most organizations are looking to what are those unique spaces in therapies like making employees more productive and then applies it there are they can do it so responsibly. >> that is great.
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getting the whole economy that way. this large language model would you bet on? >> that is an interesting one. i'm a fan of a lot of the open source technologies. with that said, i think a lot of the work that openai is doing today, driving the forefront of some of the technologies is something that we're definitely paying attention to. but that is where my interests are in addition to fundamental research on how to apply the techniques privately too. >> and excited to see what it means for a lot of us. appreciate your time. >> my pleasure. thank you. and coming up, the treatment is killing the patient. that is how don pebbles says it is doing to the economy. we'll discuss. and plus a biggest gainer has miles to go says our trader.
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the name and a few more coming your way. your way. ♪ (alarm sound) ♪ amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ why not? did you forget something? ♪ (suspenseful music) ♪ my protein shake. the future isn't scary. not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. nasdaq-100 innovators. one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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her uncle's unhappy. fund i i'm sensing antives, underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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data showing signs that the housing market could finally be cooling a bit and i'm seeing more for sale signs. new mortgage demands rose last
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week as did single and multifamily starts. and roirt the washington fed ba agreed to sell its portfolio of 2,000 i don't know loans to bank of america. but joining me now is don peebles chair and krooebceo of peebles cooperation. so where are we on the commercial real estate drum beefts the last couple of years? >> i think that there are a couple sides to it. the lending side is challenging because these regional and local banks have comprehend expose some you are to commercial office buildings and those office buildings are in trouble. and most of the major markets around the country. but then when you go to the housing side of the equation, it is supply, not enough, so that keeps prices up and places like
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florida which has been strong are beginning to pull back a bit. but of the major markets in the united states, 50 major metropolitan markets, 93% of them are showing price increases. rents and mainly home prices. and so we'll keep seeing that because we're in supply constrained markets. and now with the credit crunch that is happening, it isbuildere construction and harder to qualify now for the home they would like to own because interest rates have more than doubled. >> and so i guess the larger question, and i understandwhy people have pulled back, where do you see opportunity, where do price dislocations or what pockets of opportunity are there right now? >> i think number one opportunity is product credit. it is playing a big role in commercial real estate. since the regulations changed,
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in terms of discouraging banks to make high volatility commercial real estate loans or development loans. on product credit has stepped in before the pandemic. and now with interest rates more than doubling and banks in no position to make loans, product credit is having a great opportunity to get good quality prod on loans well paid for them and you don't have a competitive environment as much. so i think that is the top space. >> and so some people were saying this is an area of concern. it is kind of a hadshadow marke where there could be problems brewing down the road. you are not worried about that or maybe it just depends on the equ quality of the lender. >> and it is different. banks loans are underwritten by a formula. private credit does it it on an individual basis so you make a
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better decision. so it makes perfect sense to underwrite them better because we know the business. so i think the banks thought they had the security because they were under leveraged. but in reality, they are still having a conferencmmercial offi buildings that are in trouble. in and san francisco and boston are places where there is big opportunity. >> great opportunity in boston. and of course the reason why is supply constrained market. it is supply and demand. and the back pay for example where we're doing business is doing well because it is supply constrained. >> i know people talk about they have bio they can and things like that, but you mentioned florida in terms of softening. usually people are talking about that as still booming.
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is that still the case or the story of a few years ago 1234. >> from 2018 to last year, prices almost doubled in south florida. home prices. and so that rapid appreciation has slowed down. and so there has been a pullback. but people are still making big returns on their investments and so again theres market has been more rowe r pro real estate dem inventory. and so they are focused on producing more product and more supply. so you have a little bit of an imbalance now going towards bifebif buyer supplied. so more supply than demand. >> andbuyer supplied. so more supply than demand. >> and in the debate of to they need to start cutting, what would the takeaway be? this is one of the most
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concerning areas maybe 18 months ago but from what you are describing, it sounds like there is private credit activity. and broadly speaking what is the message there, are things largely kind of doing just fine? >> no. kind of a calm before the storm. like an overcast day but the storm hasn't hit yet. 80 plus% of commercial real estate loans are held by local and regional banks. they have not executed foreclosure action for the most part. that is beginning to tick up. we'll see more of those. and then in addition to that, because of the richbsk to the capital basis of the bank, they are not making more small which is business or real estate loans. so you will see job decline. and is i think then you will see significant losses in that commercial banking sector going
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into 2025. >> perhaps more drawn out or a little more delayed than we thought. but an overcast day still. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. thank you. and coming ups shares of this restaurant chain down more than on 12% after cutting its dividend. plus openai data bricks anthropic just a couple of the privately held names investors would love to get their hands on. we'll speak to one ceo granting access .
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quellwelcomecome back. we're about 65 points shy. and 442 on the ten year, that is probably the big news of the week. of course after the cpi report. lower yields, higher stock prices. a couple movers to mention. take two gaining about a percent after stronger than expected bookings. their q1 expectations were below the mid point though. full year numbers were also well plea and the company saying it
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isn't expect the new grand theft auto game to launch until the fall of 2025. shares still up about three quarters of 1%. and advanced micro reports that they are offering their ai chips as an alternative to nvidia's. and cracker barrel falling after they revised third and fourth quarter guidance lower on weak traffic. they also cut the dividend to 25 cents a share. a problem with the high difference dent yields, are they sustainable. shares are down 12%. used to be such a good place. now it tyler mathisen. >> israeli officials announced air forces recovered thefestiva during the attack. they were found together in a
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tunnel during a military operation in gaza. of the 250 hostages taken, israel says about 100 are still being held. and abortion rights amendment has qualified for the south dakota ballot this november. the proposed amendment would enshrine abortion access in the state's constitution. it is the fourth state to put the issue directly before voter this is year. though opponents can still file legal challenges for another month. and former donald trump lawyer john east man pleaded not guilty to conspiracy charges in arizona today. first of 18 to appear in court after being charged for allegedly participating in the effort to overturn the 2020 election. eastman was released from custody without conditions. and coming up, it seems like there is also spark in the renewable energy trade.
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etf tundown 25%. but it is alive and well among? investors. we'll discuss how and why. and cnbc is celebrating native islander and heritage month. >> i came to the u.s. as an immigrant and started here in college as an undergrad and came to work with morning star right out of college. and i worked my way up the firm and i think the best lesson is that combination of heard work, entrepreneurship and just society does lead to great outcomes. the american dream is alive and well and thriving.
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the future is not just going to happen. you have to make it. and if you want a successful business, all it takes is an idea, and now becomes the future. a future where you grew a dream into a reality. it's waiting for you. mere minutes away. the future is nothing but power and it's all yours. the all new godaddy airo. get your business online in minutes with the power of ai.
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cyber security firm rubric was just one of the tech ipos we've seen recently. leading up to the debut, trading activity dramatically increased on the secondary marketplace where the shares were trading. is this is where they can buy and sell shares. for more on how it works and who
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could be next, let's bring in their ceo. >> great to be with you. >> can anyone use this platform or yesterday beiaccredited investors? >> it is for accredited individual investors and institutional investors. >> okay. institutional makes sense. how do you know if someone accredited? not like they have a through check from the s.e.c. >> in order to be accredited, you need to meet certain minimum income thresholds as specified under law. and we check it before users can come in on our platform. >> do they self report or do they have to upload a tax return orplatform, they self report. >> and i think there are so many people if you look at the meme stocks and excitement around
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names like an dthropic, people y how do i jump in. so talk about that. >> that's right. so if you are an accredited investor or institution you can get involved. a lot of individuals in the u.s. today do qualify as accredited investors. they might be surprised to find that they do need the thresholds to get in on the action as you say. so if you do meet those thresholds, you can on board on hive or similar marketplace and get access to direct trading for these stocks. >> what about the companies in the private market? >> there are a number of companies trading actively on hive. it includes names like data bricks or anthropic or openai. they are both competitors in the ai space. spacex. ripple. which is a crypto name that is very popular and well-known.
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flex port. these are all late stage venture backed companies. also known as unicorns. and that have not yet gone public but might be on a path to go public in the not too distant future. >> anywhere that you used to see big interests but maybe, you know, as we would say shares are done? >> today the hottest sectors as you can see from the list are clearly far and away ai is number one. and y you see interest in block chain. so for example ripple, cracken is an exchange for crypto. similar to coinbase which went public. so a lot of the interest is there. and in these sort of more advanced technology, deep tech type plays.
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i think businesses that have more exposure to sort of the real economy, you know, consumer rod rosen product type play, thins that are quite cost expensive are in favor these days. >> so who are listing their shares for sale, are these employees that maybe they need the cash so they can turn to a platform like your? would that activity pick up if they think an ipo is not coming some. >> yeah, so employees -- the two main categories of sellers on our platform are early stage investors. so a lot of funds who are selling on our platform. companies that -- funds that invest in companies like an early stage like a series a round. venture capital round whereas that might have been 5 or 10 years ago that might be sitting on a massive gain. so a lot of people might be using the second taker market or
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as we call it to sell stakes and realize gains. nd employees may have had stocks and vested shares that they got as part of their employment income. they typically often receive thinkses to buy shares in these companies as part of their income. and they may be sitting on the shares for quite some time and the companies are not going public for a long time. many cases ten years or longer. many may never go public. so they need a place to generate liquidity so they can buy a house or invest in their child's education. >> and you are seeing a lot more activity than last year. what is your conclusion, that even though we've seen decent ipos, that people aren't excited just yet that there will be a big wave? >> whether or not there is a huge deal of ipo activity, there is always going to be interest amongst employees an investors to get liquidity in the private
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market. but the runway to going public and barriers are just getting every higher. we've been talking for years about how companies are stating private for longer. and this trend has been accentuated by the fact that rates are much higher so the cost of capital is a lot higher. meaning the public market is a lot more picky. they expect high revenues and profitability from those companies. and a lot of the start ups have exciting technologies and are growing quickly but may have not reached that level of profitability that the public market requires. so there has been a few ipos in the last six or nine months in terms of high profile tech companies but there are literally thousands of highly valued startups out there. so the line is long.
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the quu eue is quite long. >> all right. thanks. we'll check back in soon. sgla and speaking of investor appetite, while wall street has left the renewables trade for dead, private markets are stepping up to fund it. pippa stevens is here with those details. >> and starting with the public markets. if you look only at clean energy stocks, you might think trade is all but dead. but it is actually booming. five years ago the value was half a billion. and last year nearly $26 billion. and wind and solar still attracted the most but the ecosystem has become broader with renewable fuels, batteries seeing more investment. and pe play as a critical role because they are a stepping stone of sort fogs companies that have outgrown venture
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capital but not ready in public markets. they did say a lot of the deals are investing in infrastructure buildouts rather than acquires companies outright. so essentially you are getting a foot in the door now in the opens of bigger returns later. but he says the fact that they can even raise money is a good sign. >> is it just a lagging thing where the returns for clean en energy, we've talked about how they are down big, could the same hit be coming for some of the companies with private equity investments? >> i think what a lot of the pe deals being done on the infrastructure side, you can get steady longer term returns. but they are not taking bets on what will be the next new hot technology.
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i think they should have stayed private for longer and they needed hand holding. so i think the next sustaining of pe investing will be bets but we're not quite there. >> so whether or not partners are interested in the threnergyr se, but three times earning, they might say the financial returns are too attractive to pass up. >> and we're searing the energy side grow. and a lot of the companies have been on it on both sides. so if there is money to be made, they will go. and still ahead, hotel stocks underperforming.
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mayor i canrriott and hilton ar. and also cruise lines are higher. we'll talk autheorra t cpote izzy, and emma... no one puts more love into logistics than these three. you need them. they need a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for your team. let our expertise round out yours. are you interested in safeguarding your investments with gold? alamos gold is a growing canadian gold producer with a long track record of outperformance. alamos gold. invest with us. our growth sets us apart.
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welcome back. a lot of u.s. companies have been looking to diversify able from china but some of the biggest names in china are making big bets on its recovery. see ima mody has the story. >> and travel is one of the bright spots in china. the latest five day holiday saw nearly 300 million trips in the country. 30% higher than 2019 levels. and it is in part driven by the chinese traveler. and it is a market that brian chesky is looking to expand in.
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and then royal caribbean has a second shift to saleil next yea whilist operators are increasing footprints. 65,000 properties expected to break ground in the next 12 months. and however international travel to the mainland still lagging with data showing foreign rifles to china is 30% below pre-pandemic levels. one of the issues we've discussed is the language of flights to and from the country. hilton ceo did say that he expects more flights in the second and third quarter. so the industry is really betting on that recovery. >> do we call it a recovery in china? this is the second or third time we've had discussions with investors or companies turning more optimistic. >> when you look at the lens through travel and as it relates to china, they are cautiously
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optimistic about the recovery there and how they travel through the country and now starting to leave. you are seeing that consumers spend money to travel at the least. >> seema mody, thank you very much. coming up all three major averages hitting record highs with the dow topping 40,000 for the first time ever. there is still room to run in some of the names, including this one. we'll reveal it and the leader now too expensive, next. to start a business, you need an idea. it's a pillow with a speaker in it! that's right craig. a team that's highly competent. i'm just here for the internets. at&t it's super-fast. reliable. you locked us out?! arrggghh! ahhhh! solution-oriented. [jenna screams] and most importantly... is the internet out?
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don't worry, we have at&t internet back-up. the next level network. i sold a pillow!
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the major indices all hitting new record highs this week with, yes, the dow touching 40,000 for the first time. here are some of the names that got us there -- but which ones will continue to go higher, and where should you cash out? we're trading the market leaders in a special edition of three buys and a bail. our trader is victoria green, founding partner and cio and cnbc contributor. great to see you again. welcome. >> well, thank you so much. >> let's start with nvidia.
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yes, it's up 89%, the top performer on the nasdaq 100, third best on the s&p. reports next week, is the rally over or not? >> i don't think the rally's over. it is important to have good results next week. a lot of it's going to be about the outlook and guidance forward as it is for most tech stocks. i think as long as it's solid, as long as the growth trajectory remains intact they'll get over the 950 hurdle and get over 1,000 a share. this is a buy. by far and away the leader in the clubhouse in the chip industry. i don't see that going away. i feel like they're about to run and roll everybody else because they're so far ahead with the chips they're manufacturing. look at the oracle xai deal. that's almost all going to be funded through nvidia chips. for me that's so much growth potential. the stock is not overvalued, and the growth trajectory doesn't look like it's slowing down. it looks like it's going to accelerate. it's still a buy, i see $1,000 easy for them if they beat next week. >> what do you make of the big
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names trimming positions, they've done well. the pe is hardly too frothy -- we could say it's not frothy, not 100, not like netflix used to have. is the pe still expensive? >> it is. is 38 cheap? no. is 38 reasonable for a transformative company, yes. i think this is still such early innings in the ai trade, and we're going to see so much investment not just from incumbents but also from -- companies but also from sovereign nations, individuals as we get into ait play. we're still early innings. this development is going to continue, and the chip demand is only going to continue to grow. for us the challenges aren't there yet. we can talk about china and amd and people trying to ramp up, but nvidia by far and away has made the best chips, continues to make advanced chips, continues to make better chips than their competitors. it's like do you want to buy a -- you know, a mercedes-benz or do you want to buy a toyota camry. you know, you'd rather the g
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wagon. i feel like nvidia is the g wagon of the street. >> let's move to amazon. that's next on our list here. up 21% year to date, third best on the dow. ongoing cost-cutting efforts and growing ad revenue with aws. a major driver for the stock, as well. you are sticking with amazon. >> absolutely. for me i see00 easy on the stock -- see 200 easy on the stock and a generational hold. i do not see this as a tradeable stock. you want to put in a roth and hold it. they continue to develop new growth lines. look at aws, a decade ago they were just an online retailer. then aws, now about 17% of revenue, now as growing. these are high-margin businesses. we feel like aws could get to 40% margin in the next couple of years. i feel, and it might be an aggressive call, but i feel like by 2025 they're going to be a $200 billion a quarter company. they have other things they can lean into. look at this, word they may be
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starting to use their logistics for outside their sales revenues. maybe they start competing with fedex and u.p.s. they already ship 80% of their volume, they're extremely good at shipping products. what if they expanded to even more revenue streams than they have now and that further enhances their growth? for me, amazon is one of these companies i absolutely love. do not love the add on prime. i would like to override that easier, please. >> i will -- wonder if they're under more scrutiny at some point for divestitures so you can't have aws subsidizing retail and especially once they become the biggest company in america. anyway, let's move on to goldman sachs. speaking of crowd favorites. that was the chart we teased. up 21%, neck and neck with amazon for the number-three dow spot. focusing more on the core businesses. this one makes it on your list. >> yes, absolutely. i see this, again, as the potential to move to 500 a share because goldman went back to being goldman. and goldman is very, very good at being goldman. they're trading, the investment
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banking, ultra high net worth focused. they're continuing to grow other lines outside the retail. they're custodial business growing into the ria, the management business continues to grow. for me it's just their trading and dealmaking is so core to their revenue, and they're very good at that. we see the ipo market heating up. we see m&a heating up. even with high rates, we see more and more deals getting done. goldman is one of the leaders in that field. they also then continue to look beyond that. let's get into the alternatives push that most asset managers are getting into. that's a new revenue stream that goldman hasn't had a huge chunk of that they can continue to push more into. i've seen this as early innings in goldman rally and buy any dip, and i can see the stock at 500 maybe by the end of the year. >> wow. let's go from your three buys to the bail for the group. a name that's rivaled nvidia with gains but is less will known. constellation energy up 84% since january. number two and number four on the nasdaq 100 and s&p respectively. they're focusing increasingly on their role as a data center
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power supplier. how can you be so excited about nvidia and bailing on this one? >> it's than i'm bearish, it's just a little expensive and looking topsy for me. i'm worried they're going to retest the 185 level. looking weak. i do not hate the power trade. we've been leaning in. we think power, infrastructure, it looks a little expensive. that's the only reason that i'm saying hey maybe it would be a good time to take profits. first off, it's a utility. can we remind ourselves, they're a nuclear utility. we need to to step avenue you this. they are growing. there's a little growing tail risk that if there is a red wave, the ira, the inflation reduction act, which has done a lot for the profit margin, could be at risk. now there was a lot of talk about oh we're going to repeal obamacare if 2016 happens and then they didn't. so i see that, though, potential risk. >> that is fascinating. thanks for drawing our attention to it. we appreciate your time. victoria greene.
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so enjoy this moment. ♪♪ the one they said you'd never live to see. ♪♪ some would still call it luck. ♪♪ let them. because you know what it's always been. inevitable. ♪♪ ♪♪ good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to "power lunch." alongside kelly evans, i'm tyler matheson. glad you could join us. stocks are off their record highs now, but the dow is still up for the week. the s&p 500 and nasdaq also setting records. the nasdaq up more than 2% this week. we'll have much more on the markets with our


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