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tv   Power Lunch  CNBC  May 28, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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w? no pressure. it can. on the servicenow platform, ai transforms your entire business. your people work better, your customers are happier, and todd... well... he's practically euphoric. practically. because when your people work better, everything works better. so what are you waiting for? let's get to work. idris elba works here? mm-hmm. ya, he's super nice. hello way up there and welcome to "power lunch. alongside kelly evans i'm tyler mathisen markets split today. the nasdaq soaring to a new record high, while the dow near session lows, coun nearly 300 points health care dragging on the dow, accounting for half of the dow's losses >> the nasdaq is higher and
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nvidia is boosting tech stocks closed above 16,000 in november '21 sort of the post covid high until today nvidia has gained 250% as the nasdaq is above 17,000 for the first time and look at this, at how close nvidia now is in market cap to apple. only about $150 billion behind as nvidia's market cap approaches $2.8 trillion tyler will have more on what's driving that. >> i could live comfortably on the difference there. >> couldn't we all. >> let's begin with the setup for stocks right now as we've reached the unofficial start of summer mike santoli joins us now with more from the new york stock exchange. >> hi, tyler if you look at history, june, july, tend to be actually positive when the market is already in an uptrend which we decidedly have been and also an election year. you have a little bit of at least faint tailwinds in upward direction, maybe it contributes all else being equal to drift
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higher from here all else is never equal and today is a perfect microcosm for what this market is, which is it's supported very well by overall earnings, being reviewed higher and driven by those high conviction secular themes like ai investment and capex in industrials. at the same time higher treasury yields challenging things, seeing consumer fatigue within the market and you see a lot of selectivity in terms of leadership so all those things together, i think kind of boil into a neutral position short term. you are not seeing any problems coming out of credit you definitely have to deal with the fact that it's a narrower market again, and the rule has been, when treasury yields are higher, the breadth narrows and you need that line of sight towards fed rate cuts or drop in yields to have the broad list of stocks start to participate again. maybe a little bit of chop in here i think it's worth noting, though, that when the 10-year
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treasury yield got to 4.5% in september of last year, the s&p was 1,000 points lower it's not just an absolute level of yields. it's how fast they are moving in one direction. >> let's bring in northwestern mutual wealth management company cio. bless you, kelly pollen, kicking in here. because mike mentioned breadth in the market, i know it's one of the things that has caught your attention the market has been, by most measures, pretty narrow. large cap, big tech, mega cap stocks have driven the indexes to where they are, but you think that may change in what you see as the dawn of not a new era, but a bit of a transition in the market, explain why. >> yeah. i think there's a dawn of a new economic cycle i don't think we're going to get out of this without a recession. i think one is likely in the future because i don't think inflation breaks without one we've been stuck in this narrative of the large cap names doing well and michael mentioned
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momentum as a powerful tool that people gravitate towards on wall street we have to put money to work on a daily basis people have gone to the more seemingly economic resistant names like those big tech companies, but i think when you see the side of this, interest rates come lower after a recession, i think for investors who think 12, 18, 24 months out in the future, i think there's opportunities for the market to broaden back out and bring in things like small and mid cap which trade at 14, 15 times earnings and even parts of the s&p 500 beyond those top 10 names which trade for 15, 16 times earnings. to me you can't keep having a market this narrow and economy this narrow without the economy restrengthening causing the names to go up or a recession. >> i want to come back around to the thesis which seems like a critical one which cracks first the economy or inflation, but before i do that, back to you, mike, how does brent's thesis strike you
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in other words, once interest rates start to fall after a short recession, once interest rates start to fall, the favorable signs will be sort of towards the mid and smaller cap stocks, not the biggies. >> that kind of a reset would be pretty much textbook if we were going to, you know, be at that point in the cycle i don't know if it's a foregone conclusion that we are or we would wait for it or what level we would be rising if you're a something and mid cap. it does make sense, i think i'm more looking at the tdirection f change in yields has tended to determine whether, in fact, smaller stocks and the average stock in the s&p gets some relief or not. the market plays defense against higher yields in some ways going to the well defined themes and those companies impervious to the macros i'm more observing than predicting that's the way. >> brent, why don't we go back to that thought. you think the economy will crack
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before inflation does. why are you persuaded that way >> because i don't think the fed will be able to cut rates and the longer the rates remain elevated they work their way into the economy the consumer run out of excess savings and feeling the pain of credit card and auto loan debts. because the fed leaves rates higher i think it continues to work it ways into the economy and we should remember on average it takes ten quarters for interest rates to impact the economy, at least in the prior times the fed has hiked and we're only nine quarters into this we're not out of the norms for how long it takes to filter in you had an economy built up against that but you're starting to see it work through and that's where you get a recession because the fed won't be able to cut rates and tying into mike's comments, if we're wrong, if the economy does broaden out f the fed can cut rates, i think that's where you have optionality in small and mid and you can win longer term on
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valuation in both instances. >> yeah. it's tricky. some of us have been waiting for the recession for a couple years now. in the meantime the stock market has been a great investment, and i'm sure people feel the same way. is this a case to tilt towards the russell instead of the s&p sfel a slowdown is coming i feel like that's a tough sell. >> i mean, i think if i go back to 1999, small and mid did better into the recession and before because rates started coming down when people opened up to the reality there would be a recession. i think mike mentioned a playbook and people have been planning that playbook with your comments for preparing for a recession the last couple years and where these names i think have discounted some of that i think it's a question of when that turns, and this is a tweak towards that, not an all-in or all-out. we're trying to figure out how do you take from the last economic market cycle and position your portfolio for the next one without losing too much of the upside you're seeing right now. i think we've done a good job of that. >> so tell us, what signs you're
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seeing right now that lead you to believe that a recession is somewhere over the horizon s somewhere over the reainbow. >> the fed hasn't pushed back on financial conditions which we're all waiting to hear them say, that perhaps the market rally has created a wealth effect. i think once those things occur i do think you will see some signs of an economic slowdown broadening out which i think will the labor market, we all talk about the some rule. 21 states are validating it. we haven't valued on the over yet but you're seeing signs of weakness to me it's when the excess liquidity wears out on corporations, on consumers, and when does the impact of higher rates work their way through as companies reprise their debt and things of that nature which you're going to get to. >> interesting argument. thank you very much.
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the "r" word part of the conversation mike santoli, thank you as well. nvidia's post-earnings rally is continuing. that's what accounts for the bifurcation between the dow and nasdaq a lot of this since reporting last wednesday after the bell. for more on what's continuing to drive it higher bring in kristina partsinevelos 10, for 1 stock split, obviously, could be a factor here. what else? what today now >> there's three reasons, and i'm sure many of the analysts right now 1,000 plus price targets are, you know, cheering that they've been correct for so long as nvidia climbs. we were joking upstairs, colleagues saying oh, no, nvidia cratered under 7% right now. let's talk about the first driver elon musk is in the process of building a super computer with a start-up xai valued at $24 billion, not chump change. for video xai hasn't talked about building in-house chips like amazon or aws which means some of the 24 million
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fundraising dollars will go to nvidia chip sales necessary for the ai infrastructure. that's one driver today. another bullish point for nvidia comes from today's business insider piece that suggests amazon web services is struggling to compete with nid chips. aws makes in-house chips i was there not long ago talking to the team over there this report claims that aws' largest customers aren't adopting and using the in-house chips for aws. it's just a half a percentage of nvidia gpus. some internal amazon ai projects rely on nvidia chips versus the amazon grown chips not great sign when you've had a lab around over for a decade and still opting for nvidia chips. the reason nvidia's software cuda snowflake in the last few months talked about using nvidia chips over aws chips for its large
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language models. another analyst report research out with a higher price target 1250 on nvidia because, quote, they don't see anyone challenging nvidia's margin for the next two years. >> wow. >> those are huge drivers. >> the moat is wide and deep. >> precisely especially because for our audience that's watching and wondering, should i get in, what else could happen with this company? on monday it's com pew text, over the weekend in taiwan, that is a computer trade show normally doesn't make news, but you have intel, amc, nvidia, arm ceos, all xanchls of people speaking and making news and assume nvidia will be one of those two. some murmurs maybe ai pc this is a computer trade show they seem to be talking about that that's one driver for nvidia the other is the plaquewell chip, the next iteration ramping in q3 start to see revenues q4 of this year. >> and that market cap that we
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mentioned early but the fact that nvidia is about to overtake apple, who knows, it's that close in such a short period of time is shocking >> still a lot of bears out there because it's so big. >> yeah. and so rare for the timeframe. >> so far so fast. >> absolutely. reminds me of tesla when it cracked that market. >> then what happened. >> kristina partsinevelos. coming up a potentially positive change speaking for apple in china maybe can stay ahead of the competition iphone sales jumping 52% in april. we'll have details on that story next on ow lch"perun." trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos,
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the nasdaq up 13% so far this year. apple not helping. it's actually down by 1% so far this year. but the stock slightly higher today on reports iphone sales in china maybe weren't as bad as
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feared steve kovach is here with that story. >> it looked like they were about to erase those losses for the year premarket it's fallen off its highs. apple's fortunes in china might be turning around. shares are up following data out from the chinese government overnight showing iphone sales jumped 55% in april from a year ago been a laggard behind its peers and lost its most valuable company spot to microsoft. apple's been, of course, struggling in china ever since the pandemic hit, whether from covid related production shutdowns or the more recent competition coming back from chinese brands like huawei last earnings report for the march quarter showed china may not be as apocalyptic as counter point applied throughout the year sales down 8% that quarter, still bad but not the collapse some analysts thought was going to happen. it was an improvement from the 13% dip in the december quarter and tim cook said during that report iphone sales in mainland china actually grew.
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today's report seems to be building on that momentum, yet still going to be pressure on the iphone business through the end of the year, especially the new model this fall which is going to need some impressive ai features to convince folks to upgrade. we're expecting to get our first taste of apple's ai plans at the annual developers conference bloomberg reported some nuggets over what to expect from that event like automatic photo editing and ai generated emojis. you're excited for that. the next iphone will need something beyond that and unique, next month if the business is going to return to growth. >> how do you account or how is anybody accounted for the 50 some percent increase year over year >> comps. >> part of it is comps and part of it is massive discounts and the last couple months we've seen various retailers and apple itself cut prices basically, and keep in mind they're going head to head with huawei which prices there are typically cheaper but
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competes on a spec level there's a bit of that going on too. >> the chinese government has banned for government users the iphone. >> we never got clarity on that. basically no, but maybe. it is kind of the answer. >> maybe they can use it, probably not. >> that was a big headwind last year. >> seems pretty clear that word has gone down that we would prefer you to buy -- >> this is what we're seeing on both sides we see this in the united states with the biden administration, last week, 100% tariffs on electric vehicles, everyone going tight for tat for this kind of stuff but china is hugely important it could be up to a fifth of apple sales. if china doesn't recover, apple can't recover. >> steve, thanks elon musk's start-up raising another round of funding, $6 billion to makes xai valued at $24 billion. deirdre bosa is digging into those investors backing the tech billionaire for today's tech
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check. deja vu. >> now pregen ai this is not deja vu, $6 billion for a series b round was unheard of but this is the age of the nvidia gpu and elon musk's expanding universe a source familiar with the deal tells me the $6 billion round came down to an allocation game, who got in, musk was personally choosing and could have raised more you might consider the investors that did get in, they're part of musk's inner loyal circle of backers. named at the top of the blog post announcing that round, valor and vi capital two lesser known vc names that have backed musk's other ventures and sequoia and increasen horowitz they chipped in for musk's twitter acquisition in 2022. back then horowitz tweeted we invested because we believe in the vision to connect the world and elon's brilliance to finally
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make it what it was meant to be. since that tweet the company formerly known as twst lost billions in value. two years in venture capital is a short amount of time it's generally more accepting compared to other business environments plus what i'm hearing is that he's going to be able to draw from the data sets from x formerly twitter and tesla and could give him an edge in the arm's race. >> shows musk has been so successful if you put it all together, spacex i think gives so much credibility with regards to what happened with twitter, tesla, kind of coming through the 2010, nearly going into bankruptcy and still being ahead of the curve, so i think, hope, expect, maybe he knows what to do here and can do it again? it's just -- it's amazing they're not more burned by the experience of those losses with twitter. >> not at all. i was looking through sort of the list of investors and there's so much crossover.
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you mentioned x, formerly twitter, spacex, there's also neuralink, a lot of investors i looked at that have invested in twitter or xai have been in neuralink and you mentioned tesla as well. they don't feel burned they would maybe feel emboldened and didn't mind their names at the top of the press release because they're in it for the longer term. one thing that i hear from founders and investors is don't bet against elon. >> it's betting on the jockey here it seems. the classic case of that deirdre bosa, thank you. and coming up, a force to be reckoned with before ai, cloud was the hot technology on wall street but now even giants like salesforce have been forgotten a bit compared to the likes of nvidia some analysts saying salesforce is under valued and we'll take a look at that at the fundamentals, technicals and options for crm. that is when "power lunch" returns.
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with a judge sentenced to time serve for illegally bringing
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bullets to the island find the,000. one of five american toir lists found carrying unau tore rised weapons or offense the offense carries up to is it years in plinp u.s. condemning the overturning of law today the parliament overrode the vitae of the so-called foreign interference measure that critics worry will undermine georgia's attempts to campaign entry to the european union. the law requires organizations that receive at least 20% of their funds from abroad to register as foreign agents strong storms battered n this morning with damaging winds and large hail after severe weather swept across the central u.s. and vas as well as income income over the long delay holiday weekend killing 25 people 8,000 foot dallas and fiore fort worth area are without power following the storm you're seeing. >> yikes. >> thank you thanks coming up, tesla shareholders are urged to
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rejects elon musk's massive pay package. the brewing internal fight next.
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welcome back to "power lunch. we've got three transportation topics to tackle today so let's bring in phil lebeau for a power run down phil, good to see you. let's start with elon musk and the growing opposition to his very large pay package. >> glass lewis is very vocal and large and influential and whether or not in this debate over elon musk's $56 billion pay package a package that had been approved in sell2018 when the company was incorporated in delaware, a court there voided that agreement and now glass lewis has said when this next vote comes up with tesla shareholders on june 13th, vote no we do not think that this is a good deal. keep in mind for elon musk he has long said, and he said this back in 2018, i don't have any
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skin in the game unless we come through and deliver the results that you expect and as a result, he has basically met all of the objectives that were laid out in 2018 that's why he received a $56 billion. that's not enough for glass lewis. again, we'll find out what shareholders think on june 13th. >> this would be by far the largest pay package ever i mean, we blink when we hear of some execs getting 56 million, this is $56 billion. >> right right. you have to understand the way it was set up in terms of certain benchmarks that needed to be hit in order for him to receive options, grants, et cetera, that would vest over time if you go back and look, he hit all of them and that's why you have a number of people who are supporters of elon musk saying wait a second, this was laid out there, not easy targets to hit, and he delivered tesla delivered. therefore, he should have been
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entitled to i think to that pay. >> let's move on to auto leasing making a comeback, including a big leasing deals at tesla why is the popularity coming back >> well, for evs, right now that is one way for a number of people to get into an ev and for evs to be offered with the federal tax credits because of the rules that are set up there. in general, what we're seeing is greater supply and because there's greater supply not just with electric vehicles but internal combustion engine vehicles the dealers have more vehicles to offer as lease options and generally speaking, when you lease as as opposed to taking out an auto loan, you're going to have a monthly payment 120, $130 lower than an auto loan that is an incentive for people, especially seeing the auto loan rates we have right now. >> auto loans have made the economics a little different here's the question on everybody's minds, what's going on with turbulence on planes
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12 or more injured on a qatar flight after 100 passengers injured on the singapore flight, one with a heart condition died to the incident. i saw comments attributes to climate change has there been a thing going on with the turbulence and anyone know what's causing it >> two high-profile incidents. put those close together it has people saying happening all the time they're happening, i believe, based on what i've been able to determine at the fairly regular pace relative to previous years. are they happening more often than let's say 10 or 20 years saying in many believe so because of global warming and the instability that it causes in certain environments depending on where an aircraft is flying. bottom line is this, unless the pilot is warned immediately by somebody else who has gone through turbulence, watch out it's coming up here and relayed by air traffic control, it's almost impossible to predict when you will hit some of the violent turbulence, which is why
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i know people hear this all the time, not everybody follows it, when they say stay in your seat with your seatbelt on unless you have to go to the bathroom, stay in your seelts wet your seatbelt on. >> all right phil, thanks very much phil lebeau reporting. sports book stocks are lower because of high state taxes. we'll reveal the state that's proposing a big tax hike on the betting operators when we return (traffic noises)
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welcome back let's give you a market check. the dow falling to session lows down almost 350 points at 38,730 the nasdaq struggling to hold on to its gains there you see it up by just a finger neil about 0.07%. shares of draft kings lower by 10% today, on fears of a tax hike in illinois contessa brewer joins us with the details.
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>> not just draftkings but seeing fanduel parent flutter down significantly down as well. illinois senators approved a budget proposal that includes a progressive tax hike on sports betting. the sports books pay 15%. that would increase from 20% to 40% depending on gross receipts. the largest operators, fan duels and draftkings, would be taxed the highest and then those who have less market share would be taxed on a sliding scale based on their revenue if this passes, the illinois house and the governor signs it, it would make maximum nax illinois the second highest rate behind new york and new hampshire's 51%. illinois is the fourth largest state for sports betting revenue and handle and bettors wagered more than $1.2 billion on sports in march in one month alone. the sports betting alliance says this will mean worst product worst promotions and odds for illinois bettors
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draftkings ceo jason robins said the burden will fall on the consumer should taxes get raised and these gaming ceos have stressed to me that it gives the offshore, unregulated books a leg up because they don't pay any taxes at all and besides that, they're already capturing more market share than any of the other legal players. >> are any other states considering doing what illinois is proposing >> yeah, sure. in fact, massachusetts just had a ballot initiative or a legislation they were looking at and they just nixed that because what industry experts will say is, look if you tax the sports book at a higher rate, they're going to make that margin up and that money up somewhere else they will have fewer promotions and, therefore, they will attract fewer sports bettors to the platforms themselves and you can see the overall pot lessen, but that the sports books are not just going to pay more in taxes and eat the, you know,
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what it costs them in profits. >> contessa brewer, thanks very much sure and coming up, salesforce earnings are on deck tomorrow. we'll get the technical, fundamental and options trade on those shares ahead of their results and as we head to break we're celebrating asian american native hawaiian and pacific islander heritage month. here is miriam warren, yelp's chief diversity officer. >> asian americans are the most likely to be hired into nonmanagerial positions in tech but the least likely to be promoted into senior leadership positions. representation is important because each of us need to be able to see ourselves in all sorts of different roles and without that representation, it's hard for us to be able to aspire to the highest levels of leadership
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welcome back to "power lunch. software giant salesforce reports earnings tomorrow. we're looking ahead to the dow component with the index off record highs today we want to dig into the stock with every tool at our disposal, the fundamentals, technicals and options. we've gathered our panel of
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experts on the fundamentals, ava, on the technicals, carter worth, worth charting founder and ceo and options david bull, baycrest directing manager. >> let's start with the fundamentals, ava, what do you see on salesforce right now? >> we like them. they've made a huge improvement with their profit and the big news here is their sgna costs have dropped from 55% to 44% and that enabled their ebitda margins to explode from 14% to 26 now the big, big news is that their earnings before tax, went up 20 times in two years it's a very, very unusual statistic. this is why we like them on a relative valuation base they look great. the valuation to ebitda is 25 compared to 38 and on a forward price to earnings ratio, they look great 20% below their peers.
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unusual time for growth for this company and we like them. >> on the technicals what do the charts say about crm >> a couple things stand out one is the recovery in the stock back to the penny to its 2021 peak where it struck its head. all of the makings of a double top. and then we know the relative performance which defines alpha of crm to the s&p 500 application software subindustry group peaked in 2014 and relative performance of crm to the technology sector peaked in 2019 we have poor relative performance, we have a chart pattern that is quite sort of clear at this point putting in a double top and day-to-day price is very poor relative strength for i think the risk is you get a workday type outcome in crm earnings. >> disagreement there. let's look at the options bet. david, up to you to split the tie here what do the derivatives say
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about salesforce >> so options are pricing in about a 6% move on the event tomorrow night that's about in line with how options have priced this catalyst going back in time. what sticks out to me is this is often the two-day move for salesforce there's simply follow through the day after. i'm looking it as a two-day move when evaluating if options are cheap or rich and i think they're priced low because the last three times salesforce has reported, the two-day move was quite large up 6%, up 13% and up 5% each of the last three times, and also, just mentioned, software has been a volatile sector last week workday was down 15% on earnings and follow through on the downside each of the last few days i think options may be under pricing the salesforce earnings event tomorrow, and the line that sticks out to me that people seem to be playing are the may 34 260 puts playing for possibly some downside hedging long stock positions i'm seeing.
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>> that gives you the panoply o options. we want to get your picks based on your expertise outside of the world of salesforce. ava, on the fundamentals, what stock jumps out that you think is a buy >> i'll go with a competitor oracle they're known for their profits. it's a $52 billion company, $12 billion in profits it's a profitable company. ebitda margin is 40%, double their peers, which is 20% and on a p/e basis they look great. half their peers 32 compared to 56 for the rest of the category and at every relative valuation metric we are tracking looks very promising here and also that's a slow and steady it's a 10% revenue growth company and in this market where we're uncertain of whether we will see rate cuts, i like slow and steady slow and steady will win the
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race. >> let's go on to the technical bix. carter which stock are you choosing and why >> well, also an earnings play and this is on wednesday, marvell technologys, a semiconductor that has yet to even return to its former high over the past three years. we know many big stocks, nvidia sf , for instance, and the index is making new highs this stock is a catch up play and think back to about 100 marvel on the long side earnings wednesday. >> finally then, let's turn to the options. david, you're picking a name way outside the world of technology, well, you know, you're picking wells fargo, explain >> so wells fargo setup is interesting from an options perspective and i think there's two time frames over the next month or so. from now until june, options expiration, there could be a ceiling on the stock, june 21st, because there's a call wall at the june 62.5 strike
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heavy open interest there. seems to be sellers to open of these calls and what that does if the stock rallies it could slow trading down in that range and make it very difficult to get through that level and then the stock could trade more freely after june expiration just in time for what should be the release of the bank fed stress test out the last week in june and this is often a very large catalyst from the financial sector notably wells fargo where it's moved about 5.5% on average on an absolute basis each of the last four events and option markets are pricing much in so i would buy the calendar, lean into the call ceiling and sell the june 62 calls and buy the june 28, 62 calls, and hopefully get cheap upside for the potential bank stress test catalyst >> all right. >> all right thank you very much. ava, carter, and david thank you.
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and remember, you can always hear us on our podcast you could be doing it right now for all we know. listen to "power lunch" wherever you go "power lunch" podcasts we'll be right back. so this is pickleball? it's basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about. with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one's free.
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your cells renew every 27 days. it's in your nature to glow. your digestion can improve by laughing with friends. it's in your nature to thrive. your body is brilliant. from your head to your heels. we're just here to supplement you. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. all right let's give you a check on the markets the dow down more than 300 points, 319 right now. that is off the lows of the session which we hit during this past hour. the nasdaq holding on to a minuscule gain up 24 points with about an hour's time to go in trade today. >> about 3 minutes left in our show several stories to discuss starting with the change to the way that stocks are bought and sold starting today the settlement cycle for broker dealer transactions is one day or as
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it's called t plus 1 had been t plus 2. it will only take one day now for that to be officially transferred to your account. >> is this good for me as a buyer or a seller >> i think the lags have bothered people because they felt needless in this day and age. >> why did it take so long something behind the scenes in theory you're not going to notice. >> you will see it instantly wall street journal declaring perplexity the chat both after rigorous chats against competitors like chatgpt and google gemini, perplexity received the highest marks with the journal highlighting its summerization and events and coding as most note worthy i am a convert. >> you heard it here first. >> yes talked about how eloquent you found it to use and they found the same thing. >> two things that stand out, it gives you sourcing for some of the things within the text that
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it gives you, and it also gives you links to related stories. >> yep. >> which can be very helpful if you want to go more in depth. >> i like what deirdre reported, apparently draws from a lot of large language models to define the answer want to mention shares of u.s. cellular after t-mobile planned to acquire most of the company including their stores, plus some of the wireless spectrum and customers includes cash up to $2 billion in debt and expect to close in mid 2025 doesn't move the needle as much, but it's another incremental thing. >> a company having a lot of success in this market. >> sure. >> you can't not do an nvidia story, right you can't. nvidia co-founder and ceo jensen huang threw out the first pitch at saturday's oakland athletics game as they took on the houston astros there were eight people in the stands watching. just kidding, folks. he had a nice crowd. you see, there were more than eight.
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it was in honor of taiwanese heritage day motion. good arm motion. looks like a four seamer, festivities at the oakland coliseum wore a jersey for the number 93 for the year which nvidia was founded. put a button on a fantastic month for mr. hujensen huang he added $10 billion thanks to his stake in nvidia's high flying shares. there you see a happy jensen huang having thrown out the first pitch. >> i hope he tons have wider and wider, you know, name recognition along with the success he's already had and we are sad to report that basketball legend bill walton died monday after a long battle with canncer. helped lead ucla to back-to-back national championships and runs with the trailblazers and celtics. after his retirement as a player
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we knew him from his career as a basketball analyst and for his colorful personality he talked philosophy, literature 71 years old came on "closing bell," tyler, back in the day. i told him my uncle was a fan, and he signed a book when i mentioned my uncle was an english teacher he wrote a page and a half about how john wooden was a teacher. >> he was an amazing character thanks for watching "power lunch." >> "closing bell" starts right now. >> thanks. welcome to "closing bell." i'm scott wapner live from 900 this make or break hour with the nvidia surge continues yet again today. we'll ask our experts how much further the stocks can run and what it means for the markets overall. near 7% in the meantime, the scorecard with 60 minutes to go in regulation more red than green on the board dow is negative as the


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