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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> happy father's day, dads and all dads, boeing. >> courtney. >> walmart, this is our trader fade, do it again. >> steve. >> >> steve's birthday on wednesday. bk's birthday today, carter's birthday tomorrow. >> happy birthday, and happy father's day "mad money" starts right now. my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to mad money. welcome to cramerica. my job is not just to educate but to do some teaching. give me a call at 1-800-743- cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer.
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the dow dipped 58 points. the s&p declined .04%. the s&p -- the nasdaq advanced .12%. it was a huge week for averages. any tech stock related to artificial intelligence let us hire again. everything else not so much. i always tell you not to be scared away from these stocks because there is a narrow rally. at this point they have run so much that you have to be concerned about a pullback. most of the market has no traction at all but tech is so big. it is not sustainable long-term as much as it is really great when you focus on the stocks that we have. with that out of the way, let's go to the game plan for next week. let's start with the fact that we know the linchpin, the most important part of the economy when it comes to inflation, retail, rent and mortgage, renovation, remodeling is the home. the median prices of
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houses have advanced a staggering 28%, way too much for the fed to stand even as it has pulled back from up 40% not too long ago. that is why we are going to spend so much time poring over what we hear from lennar and kb home when they report on monday and tuesday. we need to find out if more houses will be built. will they keep supply so tight that housing prices won't be a come down. ideally they want to the market so the price becomes more affordable. the homebuilders have not cooperated because overbuilding is bad for business. instead they are being unusually disciplined. right now they are often building almost to suit. that keeps housing prices up and gross margins up and keeps their stock up. it is terrible for inflation fighting. so far homebuilding stocks have hung in there because we have a housing shortage.
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how long cannot continue when we start to see pushback with so many other goods like apparel, dining out, airline tickets, which have gone up dramatically in the last five years. i think these two companies will tell us. keep in mind, the price of a home is not in the cpi. just the price of shelter which comes down to rent. you can see a lot of different things through these companies. housing punches above its weight. you have so many industries that are attached to it like appliances, building, everything in the aisles of these stores gets touched by home sales. that's why we must pay so much attention to two companies that are not exactly nvidia and microsoft. if we were going to go to vegas would be piling into the hewlett-packard enterprise powwow. nvidia ceo will be meeting with the ceo of hp.
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they and dell have been two of the biggest limiters of generative ai which we talk about so much. you need their help to integrate ai. these stocks are holding up while others are sliding. how one can that last? that is a central issue to the current stock market. here is something to pay attention to. citigroup is holding an analyst day. this is the most consistent and leased provided part. it includes the treasury and trading part. it is lucrative and rarely gets any notice at all. i think the meeting can move the stock. we are suddenly worried about a stalling of the economy given help we call the numbers that we were seeing all this week. i can only imagine how light the retail sales numbers will be when they see them on tuesday morning. many retail stocks have been unsteady at late to say the least. you need to know that there are
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only four that are constantly doing well. that is amazon, costco, tjx and walmart. i will explore the pain of our age -- rh formally restoration hardware. on wednesday we commemorate the edge of slavery. thursday we are back to data that can move the market. interest rates went down this week they can be subdued because it takes time to affect mortgage rates. this will reflect the higher rates we just had. we know that the market reacts negatively to negative news. news is bad news. it is a big change for the days that we wished for weaker numbers because it might spur the fed to lower rates. then we get results from four really important companies that tell a lot about different industries like accenture ,
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kroger, garden, jabil. when accenture last reported they cut the revenue forecast and investors ran like rats from a sinking ship. kroger has been trying to purchase albertson's for ages. the regulators have just not buzzed the deal. the company itself is doing really well. you have to ask whether it is time to move on. i think they should consider doing something. the ftc is not friendly to the deal. even though there's a little -- very little overlap. kroger risks becoming what i used to call a trump stock because the ftc will not let it go through. maybe the trump ftc would. darden, the parent of all of garden cut expectation. the stock is over 9% for the
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year but it could go lower if they say pandemic error price hikes are hurting the business. jabil will report. they are everything from consumer electronics, healthcare, retail. they are a big manufacture of apple products. it does not talk to apple on wall street. if you work for apple you are not supposed to talk about apple. we still try to define how apple might be doing. next, used-car prices are still part of the inflation. we are going to hear from carmax, the giant used vehicle dealer to see if there's a chance that this inflation can cool off and start going down enough to make a difference with the cpi. here's the bottom line. last night i bemoaned that there are not enough stocks away from tech. let's see what happens next weekend whether we get enough data this week but not too wea . it's hard to imagine the fed cutting rates before the fall. this week suggests that higher
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for longer may be too inflexible a strategy for the economy. let's go to michael and virginia. >> booyah , jim. thank you for having me on. >> how can i help? >> last time we spoke to i mentioned that i purchased shares of zoetis . a month went by and i called him and asked what was going on because the stock traded all the way down to 163. i was in pain. it improved. >> it is very tough one. i will tell you why. this has been slow and steady wins the race. zoetis has a lot of good things. the ceo is terrific but this was a one horse race and suddenly there's competition. it is a little worrisome which i think is driving the stock lower. let's go to john in north
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carolina. >> hey, jim. this is john. longtime listener, first time caller. am calling about mastercard. is it still a buy? >> i think it has been a buy the whole time for the whole run. i took it off after making money for the travel trust. i want to get back in. i'm hoping for it to come down. i like the stock very much. we will go to tad in north carolina. >> hi, jim. first of all thank ou for helping me be a better investor. it's had a big impact on my life and my family's. >> excellent. >> recently after an analyst cautionary comment this stock has fallen significantly. i think it is a good time to add but i want your opinion. i am calling about celsius.
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>> i've been working so much on celsius because it keeps going down. i will tell you this. my friend sara eisen actually has john on her show on monday. i have to tell you. as far as i'm concerned we will get to the bottom of it because sarah will not let it go until she finds out why it's going down and whether it can stop. that's what my friend sarah can do. right now there are too many stocks that are landmines. we have to see ow economic data looks next week because it's hard to imagine the fed cutting interest rates until the fall. restoration hardware is tumbling. can bright spots be found between the couch cushions? i'm doing a deep dive. nasdaq had its best week since april but where do other sectors stand?atan we own besid the wawi play, am i disorders -- am i diversified?
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we are going to talk about reaching around -- regeneron. stay with cramer. >> don't miss a second of mad money. follow @jimcramer on x. send jim an email or give us a call mein-800-743-cnbc . miss sothg? head to
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i've been running through my favorites like eli lilly. it seems like we are headed to
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a slowdown. you need exposure to nice and consistent drug stocks. i'm considering all the ones we have been talking about. we've covered astrazeneca, merck, novartis, and pfizer. i want to talk about regeneron. if you bought it after our interview back in january you would be up 15%. it's always a good time to buy regeneron which is now trading at an all-time high after breaking through the $1000 level for the first time. over the past 19 years we see them grow from a clinical stage biotech company to a $114 billion diversified wire pharma -- bio pharma powerhouse. they have drugs in eye diseases, allergic and inflammatory
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diseases, and oncology. it could pay off big in the future. what makes me like this one so much? it's been driven by one thing. great science. i admire the way they develop their own drugs. running by a constant string of acquisitions. regeneron has the same patent worries as the rest of the industry. they are mostly overcoming these worries with their own pipeline. for the past two decades the lion's share came from there groundbreaking treatment for age-related macular degeneration as well as other serious eye diseases. it ultimately reached sales of more than $9 billion each of the past three years. regeneron's key drug is at a pivotal point because it's facing real competition from a rival drug released in 2022. patent protection could be
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going away. they have been very litigious in these patents arguing that it should be protected through 2027. it is securing multiple wins, blocking the generic version, including a permanent injunction. it is protected until 2027. importantly they have a version of the new of there on drug which is stronger and last longer. it has a higher price tag. it was approved last summer and the plan is to transition as much of the market as it can to the new version which should help protect some profits even as the original patents expire. other than that, what does regeneron have going for it? the second major drug is so huge. it is called dupixent which is
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approved for five indications, all allergy related. it was approved as eczema treatment and has grown to $11.59 billion in sales last year. it is now the top seller. dupixent was still growing at a 24% clip in the first quarter. i think there is still plenty of upside. it's a wonder drug. folks have achieved positive trial results in seven type ii allergic diseases. right now they are trying to get dupixent approved for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. there was a setback in recent months, not necessarily devastating. the fda asked for more data and delayed the day when they would make the decision. regeneron sounds confident of the prospects given that dupixent has already been approved for so many allergy related diseases.
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that happened with eli lilly with the dementia drug. it is not a death sentence by any means. next, regeneron's growing presence in immuno oncology. that is the way they are starting to treat cancer. they harness immune systems for a number of solid cancers and blood cancers. delete drug was approved for skin cancer and has been approved for small cell lung cancer tumors and basal cell carcinoma. they wrapped up a nearly $869 million in sales last year alone, above her 50% for 2022. by the way, regeneron required full ownership from their partners. in 2022, usually they share the economics with their partners but this one is all there's. each approval means me -- even
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more upset. this is just the first of the handful of drugs that they have with each working on multiple different types of cancers. while this has been out for several years i think it is fair to say that regeneron has just begun to scratch the surface. i would say oncology business will power the stock from 1000 to 2000. then there is everything else. like i said before, regeneron is best known for having some of the best science in the bio pharma industry led by the cochair and chief scientific officer. as the company continues to grow they are hoping to move into all sorts of additional areas many of which we discussed with the cochair ceo. they are getting involved in the race to beat obesity with a focus of developing drugs to be used in combination with these shots. they want to minimize the muscle loss that is one of the worst side effects.
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they attack fat and protein. you only want to attack fat. regeneron has drugs with the potential for blood clot prevention. they have medicines with multiple approaches to diseases. they have a first in class one time gene therapy that has restored the hearing of a deaf child. that is incredible. the stock is trading at a remarkable 22 times their earning it's estimates. they announced a buyback program . it is like saying the stock is too cheap. it is great to see regeneron one of our first guests, they are crossing the $1000 threshold. i think it is a steel. mad money is back after the break. coming up, re-furnish your portfolio? a high-end idea for investing in a high-end design. next.
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there are a few stocks that are as hit or miss as rh. it's either really good or really bad. last night it was really bad. the stock climbed 17% today.
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this was just the latest negative up date from a company that has had disappointing numbers for the past several years. despite these constant disappointments, i just cannot take my eyes off what is happening. the ceo is either a visionary who built a business that will be very valuable in the future or a madman that is so focused on ambitions that he is driving the company to ruin. under his leadership they've spent the last decade going through a radical transformation. in september 2021 they were a joke or not. they had huge formats and historical locations with impeccable details all to showcase these products. they call the store's galleries. many have restaurants, coffee shops, wine bars, and other designed to make you want to stay in the store. my daughter and i love going to the one in the meatpacking
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district. the newest location just opened in palo alto. they are recently expanding to europe, opening their first gallery in the english countryside. on top of that they are expanding into hospitality, opening their first guesthouse in the packing district. the napa valley outpost is an integration of food, wine, art and design. they have jets and a yacht available for charter. they are moving into real estate to build and sell whole communities of homes fully furnished. not to mention spas and hotels nearby. able have homeowners rent out their houses when they are not around. this is the grand vision for the future. the company spending fortunes to create the empire of luxury
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goods and experiences. while they are running full tilt to build this industry colossus and it is magnificent, the actual core business is selling high-end furnishings. that has been struggling mightily. remember, that is the core competence. a couple years ago during the height of the pandemic, they were thriving. they had 32% sales growth in 2021. from the lowest in march to the peak of august 21 it rose more than tenfold. encouraged by it success they made a couple of big moves with major implications. they took out a 2.0 billion term loan and added an incremental 5 million term low in 2022. this was intended to fund expansion efforts. i love that. however, they ended up spending $1 billion on repurchasing their own stock then shelled
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out more for buyback in 2023. that is right about when the core business started to roll over. as interest rates were raised the housing market stalled out. so did their business. they were not ready for a tight fit. i cannot put it all on gary. the question is whether interest rates can come down fast enough to turn things around. i was hopeful it would be saved when the fed signaled it was done raising rates they are still planning to leave rates higher for longer so they have not been able to get sustainable traction despite my wife separates to -- efforts to drive up earnings. that brings me to last night. management tried to sound optimistic saying, the demand is positive and we continue to build momentum despite operating in the most challenging housing market. two paragraphs later they went on to say demand was up 3%, slightly below guidance as
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growth softened when interest rates exceeded 7% with commentary through april. so it was positive but still not as strong as they had been expecting. sales came in slightly better than expected. it has put enormous pressure on profitability which is how they ended up losing $0.40 per share. they technically reiterated the full-year forecast and also said, quote, we expect business conditions to remain challenging until interest rates ease and the housing market rebounds. that does not sound too good and it does have me concerned. the real problem is the guidance which was ugly. they expect growth in the range of 9 to 10% which is great. they also had 3 to 4% revenue growth. margin and ebitda came in way
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lower. telling people things will get utterson but not white right now. after several quarters hoping to see a meaningful term, some are starting to feel patients with what feels like an experiment and not a business plan. i feel awful saying that as he's the best at what he does but it doesn't mean he's the best in hospitality, restaurants, management, furnishing. sometimes it pays to go less than fullbore. we need to reckon with some serious questions that could be avoided if the numbers were not quite that bad. like what happens when the term loans come due in 2028. we also have to wonder if any of these expansion plans will pan out. we learned the first european gallery which is a beautiful estate, is off to a slow start. in part because consumers don't really know who rh is. maybe they have less appeal.
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the other. problem is gary friedman does not seem interested in slowing down. you voted picasso. every act of creation is first an act of destruction. that is not what you want to hear. the letter concludes with him almost thumbing his nose at critics pointing out that he's been accused of lunacy before and things have always worked out well. so what happens next? i truly don't know. there is a fine line between genius and madness. unless the fed cuts rates aggressively i can't tell which way rh would break. if you are investing in rh you are investing in the man . business is not good but he's great at his core competence. you also need to believe interest rates will come down quickly something that looks less likely after the fed meeting. there's just no way for him to make the numbers. right now it feels like a questionable investment but it
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makes for great content. if they start cutting faster than expected this could be the biggest winner of them all. keys in pennsylvania. >> jim, how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. how are you? >> i'm doing great. i just want to get your advice on wayfarer. the stock has bottomed out twice this year right around this range. i'm wondering if it's a great opportunity to invest? especially since rate cuts could be coming up the board later this year. >> i am not going to recommend that. i will say i like williams sonoma. they have moved up tremendously. laura albert has demonstrated time and time again that she is the horse to bet on in this industry. let's go to patrick. >> it's my birthday today. i want to send a fair isaac my family and friends.
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>> first of all, happy birthday. >> think you. my question is about macy's. i have a long position and i want your opinion on whether to buy, sell, or hold. >> i think tony spring has a lot of great ideas. therefore i am saying buy macy's at $18.36. it seems like a questionable investment for rh. if you invest in the name you are betting on interest rates coming down and you are betting on gary friedman. i do not know if they will cut rates. we are playing am i diversified. is nvidia on pace for even more of a run-up? i have a real surprise inclusion.
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right now we have a tale of two markets with tech doing the heavy listing for everybody else. you have to be ready for what the market might try a few because it's a crazy one. that is why we play am i diversified? i will tell you if your portfolio is diversified. five stocks is acceptable as we were talking about this morning. let's go to donnie in arkansas. what do you have? >> booyah, jim. i have five stocks for you. one is eli lilly, amazon, chipotle, nvidia, and my
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speculative stock is kenvue. >> we ve drug, major internet, nvidia, this one is going to be generative ai. chipotle, great food company with a very big split. here's the problem. kenvue, even though it is generic it does conflict too much with eli lilly. we will get rid of that and we will go put in right here procter & gamble and then and only then would i be satisfied with diversification. next, how about we go to tom and florida. >> i am an investment club member and second time caller. thank you for your help with everything. my stocks are apple, coterra,
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dell. we have apple and dell which are conflict. we have coterra. ge healthcare. i like this. they have to make this quarter or i will be very upset. then there is stanley black & decker. these are both excellent. tom is an investor of the investing club which i which -- wish everybody elsewhere. i'm thinking why not add abbott labs. we have a lawsuit that is going to start in missouri. it will mean that much to the company but it will freak out investors. that's where i pulled the trigger. now we will go to bonnie in
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michigan. >> first of all, thank you so much. i just joined the club in january. a lot of blessings to you and your family. >> thank you. >> you are such a good guy. >> he's a good man. >> so amazon, google. i'm in michigan. i had to do four. you keep telling us to hold onto four. when nvidia split i bought some. >> let's go to work. first of all, thank you for the comments. that made my whole week. i will think about those all week because what you said is so kind. i'm disappointed with ford stuck at 11 but i'm inpatient.
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nor does alphabet, amazon, nvidia. what do we do? i will count two of these. we will keep amazon and nvidia. we will use amazon as a retailer. i cannot do all three. i will have to put in an industrial here. i'm going to suggest we do eaten because it was down badly. let's go to pennsylvania and lou . >> how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. i want to thank you for all you do for the retail investor. >> that was the plan. i worked for the rich and that was really great but that's not why i started. i figured i would go back and
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do what my late mom wanted me to do. >> my five stocks are american electric power, new york community bank, palantir, snowflake, and finally viper energy. >> okay. we are getting a little bit out of the box with this portfolio. my friend steve, his bank which i think will be fantastic. american electric power. it's kind of strange i don't know the ceo for the first time in 20 years. i will invite him on. palantir is software for military but also consumer. we have oil and gas and this is a tough one. snowflake. i will let it stay because it is so low but i'm not happy
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with how it is doing. it has to have a good quarter or we will have to say, that was an interesting experiment. we have -- let's call this cyber terrorism. that makes me feel better. we will use this as data center. we have utility, bank, oil. i will allow it but i'm worried about the quality of the portfolio not the diversification. that's it? these people had all these nice things to say. now i have to say mad money is back after the break. pop open those umbrellas ante up your toughest questions. cramer takes on all comers in the lightning round. power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain,
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easy-to-use tools, and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley
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at corient, from wherever you are. wealth management begins and ends with you. we believe the more personal the solution, the more powerful the result. we never lose focus on the life you want to build. it's time for wealth solutions as sophisticated as you are. it's time for corient. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today.
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lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. trade brilliantly. it is time for the lightning round. we will play the sound and then the lightning round is over. let's start with gabe in texas. >> booyah, mr. cramer. >> i'm doing fine. booyah. >> i'm an 18-year-old. i want to give a shout out to my grandpa who recommended your show to me and paid for my subscription. >> thank you. >> i have a question about vistra. >> it is a momentum stock.
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i think it is the sweet stock of the energy department but i prefer constellation. let's go to tom. >> thank you for taking my call. happy father's day. >> thank you very much. what's up? >> i'm calling you about one of the stocks out there. it appears based on recent news the protein-based covid shot may have fewer side effects than its competitor. it is novavax >> you are not going to get me on that. i think it was a lucky break. you are not going to get me on that. let's go to arden in indiana. >> mr. cramer, thank you for taking my call. i'm wondering about twilio. i
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have 75% loss on an investment from a few your back. >> there is a call saying that business is not good and the consumer could tank them. i still cannot recommend twili . it is shocking to see that company, disintegrate is too strong a word that -- let's go to paul. >> how are you doing, jim? i want to give you a shout out about your garden pictures on x. very impressive. >> you will see dramatic growth because we have weather. i'm not going to do that time lapse photography from last year. what's going on? >> it's great to see. speaking of green i have one for you. hp fuller. >> i am, believe it or not -- this is literally adhesives and
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things like that. i think it's a great little industrial company. you should buy. let's go to tom in washington. >> thank you. i appreciate the opportunity. i'm down 50%. we had a 52 week low today. do i hold, sell, or get more unity software. >> you are not a butcher block. i imagine from the boys you do not look like a butcher block. i will say let's stay away. let's go to perry in louisiana. >> hi, jim. this is perry. first of all, thank you for everything you have done for me as a retired soldier. i want to give you a new orleans booyah. >> that made my whole weekend. i will live on that for the next eight days.
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what's happening? >> my portfolio is on 100 in the value sectors. i am looking for a little dividend, a little value dividend play with the way the markets are working. i wanted to know, is the dividend space on ambt. >> you just dumped me. i do not know that one. ardagh, i don't know that one. you stumped me. let's go to sheldon and new york. >> hey, jim. tgif. the stocks are driving me crazy. a good earnings report, goes up for a week. within a week it is down asked what it was. down 5% today on no news. i know you have done this stock before. so far -- sofi.
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>> i just bought some. right now the last quarter was not great. i just did not like it and i will have to wait. that is the conclusion of the lightning round. the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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we have had a remarkable run. we should be under no illusions. this is artificial intelligence. that's good news on the ai front and the stocks march fire. it all started monday with the apple worldwide developers conference. apple with open i bringing the best artificial intelligence of the iphone 16. of the older models only the iphone 15 pro and 15 pro max can take advantage of it.
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you can expect a monumental upgraded cycle. that's what many are waiting for. that's why the market caught fire after initial misguided wave of selling. oracle gave a bullish presentation about the data center buildout. lots of text companies led by microsoft and google are partnering with oracle for generative ai. wednesday was brought calm. they have moved aggressively to provide equipment for the data center including what amounts to plumbing that connects nvidia chips to enterprise. this blew the door off investments and that's all that matters to the stock. not the near-term earnings or sales which did miss projections. last night was adobe. they made it clear that generative ai has been a huge help to the visual media and marketing business. that's why the stock rebounded more than 14%. this allowed other stocks with a strong a i present to keep moving higher. the biggest winner of the mall
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was nvidia which has emerged as the king of both computing and generated ai. it is giving apple and microsoft a run for its money in terms of market capitalization. you have to wonder if this one stock, atlas like, can support the entire movement. i know one person that does not think it is possible and that is larry williams. there are so many tops and bottoms that we have to take his musings seriously. here is the chart. don't get scared. this combines the current most dominant cycles in the share price and it paints a pretty clear picture of negativity. remember, this meant that. you are looking forward. you are selling this for a perfect picture. he said it still captures an overall view of the landscape. his forecast tend to be pretty accurate. if that is right nvidia is at the top right here. the decline, it needs to last
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until july. i am of two minds about the stock. i don't want to give back any of these incredible gains. it's not really a gain until you sell it. we were ready to stick this one an apple. another one we do not trade. nvidia was up 9% this week and apple gained 8%. working enough to show it to you and investing club members we did some trimming with some other ai names. we know we have been greedy. when there are big gains you need to take something off the table. i'm a big believer but this is a massive run. if you follow the cycle entirely you might have wanted to sell their. that is the problem. you would not have gotten back on for that. maybe it goes down to here. maybe it does not go all the way. it could fill in this gap. if it stops it is a pretty good pattern. you can only imagine the
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capital destruction because so much is key on this one stock. let's not be too greedy. remember this markable but limited year. you don't want to spoil it by refusing to ring the register on every one of your stocks that maybe ai. there is always a bull market somewhere. right now: "last call," falling like a rock! a musty report on inflation and it is here. first, books and a bunch of other stuff, and now amazon is looking to disrupt maybe it's biggest market yet. bullish on the bowls. it is the restaurant stock on a scorching run and it is not chipotle. we will name names. belly up and buckle up. "last call" is up right now. clears


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