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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  June 24, 2024 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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i think he was an adrenaline junkie. i think he thrived on winning. he took it way too far. i think he definitely flew too close to the sun. ♪♪ ♪ welcome to "street signs" everyone. i'm silvia amaro and these are your headlines. the eu and china try to head off a trade war agree to hold talks over the bloc planned tariffs on chinese electric vehicles. >> we are now entering a new phase where trade protectionism is rising in various forms, which is very concerning to us. the eu opens up a new front in the antitrust fight with
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apple launching an investigation into the tech giant and warning its app store falls short of regulations. the eu foreign policy chief says ministers will discuss the russian revenues to support ukraine. this is following a report that brussels could bypass hungary's veto. the countdown is on. u.s. president joe biden will faceoff with former president trump in the first debate in the 2024 election campaign. ♪ good morning, everyone. i hope you had a restful weekend. we start today's show looking at data out of germany where the ifo business climate crossed wires.
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we are seeing the reading at 88.6. this is actually lower from what analysts were expecting at 89.7. when you compare the figure, the t 8 88.6 is lower than what we have seen in the previous month. overall, german businesses are less positive babout the state f the economy and thinking about the is outlook. on top of this, it is worth reminding viewers, we have seen the business morale among german businesses stagnating in the month of may. what we are seeing today is basically a worsening of the feeling. just to recap, in the month of may, the reading at 89.3. today, what we are seeing at this stage is a reading of 88.6. this reading is coming after disappointing pmi figures that were released on friday.
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when it comes to the manufacturing in germany, it fell to 44.4. this pmi manufacturing suggests further contraction in the sector in the euro in germany specifically. all in all, what we are hearing from the ifo institute is continuing some of the negative sentiment we had seen at the end of last week. let's discuss this data in detail with clemens from ifo. first, what is the main message you are hearing at this stage from german businesses? >> good morning. yes, i suppose the main message is companies are having a hard time getting out of the stagnation and there is little trust in economic development,
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so the recovery isn't really coming. >> it is really interesting. for a short fiwhile, really the was a rebound. ultimately, what is suggested at this stage is this is short lived and what they expect for the rest of the year is a bit of a painful period, really. >> that's correct. what companies are telling us in particular is that incoming orders are extremely weak and what we expect from the upturn would be that orders are growing and they aren't. so, that's a problem. what we have been seeing for some time is, in particular, reluctance to invest. if we get the goods industry, there is stagnation here. it is beyond that, for instance, in retail, we did expect im improvements because wages are growing more than inflation. this hasn't translated into
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consumer demand. households aren't spending and companies aren't investing. >> do businesses express any concern about the spillover effect from the political turmoil in france into germany? perhaps the broader eurozone? >> it is something we don't really see in the data, so the negative data coming in is really very broad and there last been no change after the european elections. this is something that may come, but we don't see that in the data yet. i think it may be just another piece of bad news that may come in in the coming months. >> interesting. however, when you think about germany and the wake of the european parliamentary elections, we did see the governing coalition struggling in the eu vote. however, we did see quite a lot of support for the conservative party. ultimately, when you think about what the voters in germany expressed at this round of
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voting, any businesses actually sounding quite concerned about the stability of the german government? >> it's not so much stability of the german government as such. businesses are worried about the extreme right parties and the afd in germany because they are very strong in the eastern states. they haven't been as strong as some people feared nationally, but there have been some scandals, so the afd hasn't been doing particularly well in the public debate. in the eastern states, in the east german states, like saxony, the afd was very strong. that is a concern for the upcoming elections there. that an impact on the investment states in germany which is needed for the labor market. there are concerns about the extreme right in france and the
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political situation in france which is germany's most important trade partner. >> the reason why i was asking is because some economists did raise the possibility that the current coalition in germany might not manage to get approval for the budget in the autumn time. do you share this concern? >> i think they have all incentives to get their act together and agree on the budget. i think that is not impossible. there is room for maneuver given the restrictions on financing. i think they will manage. if they didn't, they will suffer very badly in elections, all of them, because, you know, people would look upon this very favorably. it would give a signal of incompetence to agree. i'm sure the coalition will put
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energy into the budget. if actions take place in september as planned, the coalition can hope that some form of stabilization comes if they have snap elections now, then they would all suffer badly. >> the auto sector is very important for the german economy and we are seeing now a lot of talk about the potential tariffs between the eu and china. the latest this morning is they are trying to have some sort of conversation for july 4th to avoid the implementation of the preliminary tariffs. ulti ultimately, what is the auto sector telling you at this stage about the possibility of facing higher tariffs? >> there are clear concerns about this with the german car industry. it does knowledge issues. china is a very important export market for germany and german producers produce cars and the
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car industry would be one of the losers of the tariffs and of the possibility of the trade war. german companies do acknowledge that there are formal reasons to have those tariffs, but the practical consequences would be bad, so i guess the german auto industry hopes that there will be some agreement after conversations with the chinese. >> let's see what will happen over the coming weeks. thank you for your time today. it was clemens fuest, the president of the ifo institute. in the wake of the ifo information, i want to show you what we have so far. we have the stoxx 600 trading higher by .40%. slightly different from friday's session. the stoxx 600 dropped .70%. all in all, when you think about last week, it was a relatively
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strong performance for the european boards. in particular, the german and italian one. as you look at a new week, there's a lot on investors mi minds. it is very very with the political scene. three important election debates happening this week and more broadly, a couple of companies are due to report. on top of that, some interesting upcoming data as well, not just the ifo business we got this morning. let's look at the board at this stage. all of them trading in the green. the cac 40 is up .60%. this market ended last week's session up by 1.67%. so, what we have seen is a rebound in french stocks despite the initial shock in the wake of the an announcement of the french president of the snap election. let's see what happens cause we have the first round next
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sunday. all eyes on france. in the wake of the bank of england decision last week where we kept rates on hold, the ftse is trading up .30%. a couple of interesting stories there with the food and beverage sector. with that in mind, let me show you what we have at this stage so we can delve into what we have this morning. with the out performer at this stage, autos are trading higher by 2%. this has to do with the eu and china with the conversations in the coming weeks as we discussed with clemens fuest. the issue is to avoid preliminary tariffs. let's see what will happen when it comes to that. when it comes to the worst perfo performance, we have retail and utilities. as i was saying earlier, i want to tell you about food and beverage. britvic is overcoming a hurdle that could see a deal with
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carlsberg. let's see what will happen in terms of the potential dealmaking. i want to look closer to the auto section. as i told you earlier, we have been telling you this is in the wake of the china and european union will hold talks over the announcement of imposing potential tariffs on chinese electric vehicles. looking to my right, we are seeing shares of european automakers trading higher so far in the session. bmw up 3%. volkswagen is up 2.3%. some significant moves. this is the first time, really, the two sides have agreed to enter negotiations since the eu probe into the chinese evs led to the decision to increase tariffs on some vehicles to as much as 48%. this comes as the german economy minister visited beijing, the first politician to make the
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trip, since the tariffs war was proposed. he said he welcomed the move by china, but it was a first step of many. annette joins us with more. this is an important story as we were discussing with clemens fuest. annette, did we get any indication from the generman economic minister we would see a resolution by july 4th? >> reporter: no, he said he would need to get back to the negotiation table. he was unusually harsh with the chinese and if they want to avoid the tariffs, they need to know they are not subsidizing the car industry which is at the heart of the debate. clearly, what is the accusation is the chinese carmakers have a 50% advantage when it comes to
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the battery development and production because of the su subsidies which is a cheaper price than the competitors. of course, that is against the wto trade rules so that everybody should have a level playing field. that is the heart of the discussion. now it is up to the chinese to show that they are not doing so and that this would actually mean they have a level playing field with the european carmakers as well. to bring you back to the argument put forward that the german car industry is -- could be threatened by those cheap ev cars, that's not so much the case. one should think about what kind of market segment the german car industry is catering to and that
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is the luxury segment. for german carmakers, the indication by the chinese to up the tariffs on german produced cars into their market would be the biggest problem, actually. that is why it is utmost interest to get the tariff tit-for-tat race from the table, i should say because german carmakers need the chinese market and they need the luxury segment. >> we will see what will happen. >> reporter: so, in a nutshell, he summarized the trip as being successful and we will see whether the negotiations are going in the right direction in the coming weeks, i guess. >> let's see what will happen over the coming weeks. no doubt, a very important topic and so far, we see shares of european automakers rising as we
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will see some talks with the eu and china over the tariffs. coming up on the show, apple delayis the big a.i. push in th eu blaming the bloc tech regulations. we'll bring you the details after this break. it's hard to run a business on your own. make it easier on yourself. with shopify, you have everything you need to sell online and in person. you
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can have your inventory, payments, and customers in sync across all the places you sell. it doesn't have to be lonely at the top. join the millions to finding success on their own terms. start your journey with a free trial today. what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and
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welcome back to "street signs." the eu regulators opened up a new probe into apple warning its app store falls short of the regulations. the market says the bloc will take further action to ensure the tech giant is complying with the digital market act. the company has been squeezing companies quote for too long. his comments came after the cupertino giant well delay the launch of the a.i. features within the eu blaming strict regulations. a new survey from digital europe shows the continent is lagging global competitors. we are joined by cecelia.
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good morning. i would like to get your thoughts on the report. it is quite outspoken about the state of affairs on the european continent. ultimately, you are finding europe is struggling in seven of the eight sectors you looked at. why? >> good morning, silvia. well, the technology is connectivity and we are doing very badly in a.i. and in semiconductors. in some of the other sectors, we are present, but mostly because we have research and development. we invest in universities which is excellent. we don't have a scaleable market of the products. that's where the problems are.
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i would say we spend the money, but we don't get the benefit back to the european society of the investments as we do in the critical technology. >> it is clear. today, we get the announcement from the european commission on how they are opening andditiona investigations use apple with the app store. i want to hear if this is helpful or hinders innovation across the european continent. >> what we need to do is focus our own competcompetitiveness. when we looked at the critical technology, we look at the restrictive measures like export controls, but that is actually the wrong diagnosis, but the problem of the supply chain crisis. this is a competitive crisis.
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europe has many institutions and too much regulation and too little focus on how to get a scaleable market. technologies need a scaleable market which is not happening in the eu. this is not only key to the financial, it is key to our military stability. we have seen projects with nato investing in the technologies. we have not seen investment in dual technologies. in the end, the states need to come together to agree that they are one market and not 27 markets. >> actually, before we continue our conversation , i had a chane to speak to a member last week. i want to play this sound to you before we continue our conversation. >> we have become better at
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defending ourselves from unfair competition. we have to realize we can never outspend china or the u.s. we can spend strategically. >> we are playing this sound because she was clear there. the eu needs to be strategic with the investment. this goes in line with what you are saying earlier. where should the money go for the eu to compete with china and the u.s.? >> well, we do have key positions in the tech connectivity, but also green energy technologies. we are quite good there. now we don't mention, but a few years back, i would say keep the base of energy and green technology on connectivity. make sure we do heavy investment there. look at quantum and, of course, a.i., where we do a lot of value or a lot of research, but we
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don't have any scaleable companies. how can we make sure these companies are investing across europe? it shouldn't be like a complicated project. maybe it can be with simple tools. the member states agreeing they will use tax incentives across europe for some of the technologies too boost the uptick and commercialization of the products. it could also be that we basically look at strategic investment with creating procurements much more scaleable instead of for all of germany and france. all of these technologies that we have common procurement projects that doesn't just mean
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price, but scaleable and availability across europe. >> cecilia, thank you. that was the director general of digital europe. apple has reportedly discussed an a.i. partnership with meta as well as startup firms anthropic and complexity. the report comes after the company confirmed it is looking to integrate alphabet's general a gemini into the operating system with chatgptr openai. it has been a busy morning with the eu council filing sanctions against russia. it will block the reloading of the russian lng in the new territory and prevent new lng
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projects. it adopted sanction against vessels and targeting those contributes to russia's war against ukraine. the chief borrell spoke out in luxembourg, borrell said there were procedures in place to bypass objections from hungary to support a deal for kyiv. >> to provide legal ways to advance even if some member states not want to participate. we can see that hungary did not participate on the decision. it is not necessary that it could participate on the implementation of the decision. the decision is clear. the revenue is coming from the
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frozen assets. russian frozen assets will be used to support ukraine. the first will come next week. they will have this money. we need to use it. coming up on the show, s shareholder activism boomed last year. we will see how long it will continue with environmental and social issues center stage. what is cirkul? cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. cirkul is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. cirkul, available at walmart and
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welcome to "street signs" everyone. i'm sofi stadiilvia amaro with headlines this hour. the eu is bringing on new regulations against apple. auto lead sector gains as eu and china plan to talk over the chinese evs. the ifo president clemens fuest
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speaks out. >> the german companies acknowledge there are reasons to have the tariffs, but the practical consequences would be bad. the german auto industry hopes that there will be some agreement after conversations with the chinese. the eu foreign policy chief, joseph borrell says they will discuss resolution on the russian support of ukraine following the bypass of hungary's veto. and biden and trump face-off in the first debate of the 2024 election campaign. ♪ one of the big stories this morning is the announcement from the eu regarding apple. however, apple investors seem
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little swayed by this morning's news that the eu regulators have opened a new investigation into the firm warning that the app store falls short of the bloc's rules and regulations. the eu internal market commission breton says they will take further action to ensure the tech giant is complying with the digital markets act an. this is a very important development because we had a chance to speak with the director in brussels last week and they did highlight they had serious issues regarding apple. the quote is a serious issue. what we see is a big step for the eu digital markets act which is a new regulation they have available to them and this step is marking the willingness of the commission in brussels to take action against the big tech each even though we are approaching the end of the mandate.
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the commission is coming to an end in late october, however, it seems the competition team in brussels is looking forward to try to close as many investigations as possible and, indeed, use the new regulations they have available in the tool books to actually look at what the big tech are doing overall across the eu. so, not necessarily a surprise announcement from the commission this morning, however, it is a confirmation of what vestager highlighted last week that they have serious issues with some of the ways that apple operates across the bloc. let's see how this will unfold. for the time being, you can head to our web site for the continuing updates on the story at and carlsberg agreed that
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pepsico agreed to waive changes to control the clause over britvic. there is no certainty any offer will be made. else's where, shares are trading higher in hong kong after prudential offered a $2 billion share buyback program to be completed by 2026. the company says this points to progress it made on the achievement on the growth targets for 2027 while raising the potential for further shareholder cash returns. prosus reported an 80% increase of core headline earnings for the year with the technology investor pointing to a boost from strong ecommerce operations. tax profits tapopped $7 billion. we have a quick check of the boards this morning. all boards are trade in the
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green at this stage. i would highlight we are seeing stronger moves to the upside in italy. considering rebound when it comes to the french equity space. of course, there has been a huge concern over what can happen in this part of the market in the wake of the announcement of the parliamentary election and worth keeping in mind that the first round is happening next sunday. here, the ftse is trading up .40%. when it comes to the bond market, this is the picture at this stage. we are seeing, for instance, the yield on the benchmark 10-year german bund at 2.39%. i would just highlight, actually, when it comes to some of the moves in the bond space, that we have a comment from one of the members of the ecb who spoke about inflation. this is something they need to monitor closely.
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they could see further spikes in inflation. that is why the ecb doesn't have forward guidance at this stage and they are deciding on what to do based on the data and, of course, meeting by meeting. when it comes to the u.s. futures, this is how we are shaping up ahead of the open on wall street. it seems it could be marginally higher stateside. today, on the economic calendar, the dallas fed manufacturing data and we will hear from two of the fed officials. all eyes on the commentary as investors are trying to understand what we are going to see from the fed this year in terms of potential rate cuts. those expectations have changed significantly from the start of the year. now, postpone listings from golden goose has raised concerns of the outlook for the europe ipo market. this is despite a number of high profile listings across the
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continent this year. the total value of the ipos stands at $19.5 billion. more than double recorded at the same period last year. the total count is at 51 which would put the continent on pace for the slowest year this decade. now pitchbook senior analyst told cnbc that political concerns would continue to hit the ipo market. >> volatility and political uncertainty which causes the volatility in the stock market can weigh on sentiment. you see that feed through with the elections globally and the ones in europe with the pulls and listings we have had so far. i would say, generally, we are seeing listings activity weaker than other markets. it is pacing below the highs we have seen previously. most of them have been feeding back to the system which has
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been pretty weak. this is a stick in our thesis of the fact we expect next year to be more of a window and this year a bend. there is uncertainty and politics is one of those things. this comes as activists invests come at highs last year. i'm pleased to have our guest joining us with more. >> good morning. >> first, i would like to get your thoughts on whether we are seeing a sustainable revival of activist investment? >> sure. our report we rereleased for 2024, shows a back drop. in april and may, there has been an uptick. we are predicting 100 campaigns in the next 18 months.
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companies in germany and switzerland could come under activist interest with dialogue or an attack with a public campaign. >> tell us what sectors are likely to be more active in the space? >> industrials have been historic interesting for ac act activists. that will clearly be of interest. the second will be consumer. third is software. these are the three sectors we see and predict based on the activist alert report. >> now, have you noticed any change in terms of the interest among activists investors? the reason why i'm asking you this is because looking at some of the political dynamics, it seems green policies are likely to take a hit or not take center stage. ultimately, how is that impacting activist shareholders? >> this is important to activists. >> as important? >> not as important anymore
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partly because of what is happening in the macro environment. if you look at the uk in particular, you know a lot of prices are under valued. the markets are under valued. that is creating opportunity for activist interest. particularly with public to private transactions. m&a, you are seeing a rebound in m&a activity. i suspect there will be dispo disposals as we have seen on friday. there will be many other opportunities. the important aspect is the opportunity to fix businesses and sell them. we do expect an uptick there. >> ultimately, who is more efficient in this space? is it the larger activist investor or the smaller ones? >> effective is interesting. you could define effective as historic. those above $10 million is a
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trend. that is apparent in north america. in europe, we have seen the larger funds are more private now. they are having constructive dialogue with the management teams and the boards behind the scenes. those managers really have assets below the 2 billion mark which are becoming more vocal. they are demanding seats on the board and demanding change. there is definitely an increase compared to last year. >> i also would like to understand a little bit more the sort of pressures the companies might face in the context of, let's say we are both competitors and working in the same space, but you are facing an activist investor. explain to us, really, what does this mean for companies that are on the other side of this equation and not having the activist shareholder on the board? >> the role of the activist is important. the activist is there to make
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you accountable as a board and the end objective is maximize shareholder value. in the last 18 months, we compared the companies targeted by activists, those have out performed. typically, what you find is a degree of out performance in the sector because everyone, to some extent, is looking to ensure they are not the next target for activist. >> very interesting. ultimately, i would like to understand also what the macroeconomics picture is doing in this space. ultimately, we are seeing a lot more activity this year compared to last year. is this the right macroeconomics environment in order to see more activist investors being vocal, as were you suggesting there? >> the macro environment is ambi ambiguous. ambiguity creates opportunities as well. i would say there are pockets of opportunity where there is
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valuation where they increase the stake over time. the answer is definitely yes. at the same time, it is important to look at the future as well with the elections coming up in the uk. a lot of activists will look at how they change their positions. do they need to build positions for a longer term or looking into play in the next 12 months that might impact that sector or company and how do you drawdown on that position. >> interesting. how is the election here in the uk impacting some of the sector pressures for the year? are you hearing about shifts the way the activist shareholders want to be active? >> i reported the elections. the outlook at the moment is there is likely to be more opportunity. we haven't gone into specific details over the impact of the new government or existing government. >> the polls suggest we will see a labour government. >> yeah. the report hasn't looked into that detail. >> when it comes to the outlook
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for the uk, itself, what sectors are we likely to see more movement? >> manufacturing. industrials. that is where the biggest opportunity is. there are some consumer players out there as well. there are likely to be more in the future. a lot of the uk has manufacturing and consumer as really key. the third would be software. technology. you have seen organizations like thomas bravo take over darktrace and there will be others as well. i suspect in the next six months, there will be less short-term impact. there is an opportunity in the second half of the year we will see more activity through act activism. >> thinking more long term. thank you for joining us today. that was dhruv sarda. eurofins has shared more than 1 billion in trade after
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muddy waters has shorted the stock alleging the firm is quote optimized for malfeasance rather than business. cnbc is reaching out to eurofin for more details. u.s. prosecutors will recommend criminal charges brought against boeing according to reuters. prosecutors found that the plane maker reached an agreement it signed in 2021 protecting it from criminal charges of conspiracy to commit fraud in the wake of the two deadly accidents in 2018 and 2019. the justice department has until the 7th of july whether to decide to prosecute boeing. now ferrari has unveiled the new factory. the e-building where the automaker will build the first all electric car. the ceo said the site will be
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used to shorten product development. cnbc's robert frank filed this report. >> reporter: they will launch a new factory to build the first ever all electric ferrari. that model won't launch until the end of next year. in the meantime, if than that f think, they will build cars. the waiting list for ferrari is up to three years. the hope from dealers and customers here is this new factory could add production. the ceo telling us in the exclusive interview, right now, they see no slowdown in demand, especially in the u.s. >> what we see is a good, healthy demand in different countries. so the order book is going well into 2026. u.s. is our biggest market. it represents around 30%.
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there is no sign of change, let me say. >> reporter: the market cap of ferrari is now 1.5 times that of ford or gm. remember, they make millions of cars per year. ferrari makes 14,000. the dollar profit on a single ferrari is $120,000. you need to sell five porsches or 16 bmws to have the same dollar profit on a single ferrari. >> what an interesting statement there. coming up on the show, president joe biden and former president trump are set to face off in the first datebe of the 2024 race. we will have more after this break.
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only xfinity gives you the most powerful mobile wifi network, with speeds up to a gig in millions of locations. and right now, xfinity internet customers can buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. welcome back to "street signs." it's been a very busy morning so far, but you are in for a busier week. markets are bracing for another packed week of political events and economic data. we will hear from the german
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chancellor at the bdi day. we will have the daily world economic forum meeting of the summit in china. on wednesday, we will have market earnings on deck and nvidia will host its agm. we will get the results of the fed's latest stress test. on thursday, i'll be in brussels. the eu leaders will be meeting there ahead of the first round of vote in france's parliamentary elections. in the u.s., joe biden and donald trump will go head-to-head in the first presidential debate. to cap the week, we see the first inflation reading from france and spain. a very important one for the fed. it is a week until the first round until french elections. the latest polls show marine le pen is in the lead. 36% in a poll carried out over
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the weekend. in contrast, the president macron's renaissance party is polling at 20%. the national rally is more trusted on economic issues than its main competitors. now speaking to cnbc early this morning, the chief economist outlined the key focus for the future french government. >> the priorities should be to change policies as little as possible because, by and large, macron has been on the right track. even macron is facing fiscal challenges and judging by the programs of the far right and the left, these challenges will get worse after the election. >> it is busy in europe, but also in the u.s. where the president joe biden and former
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president donald trump are set to face off on thursday. biden spent the weekend preparing while donald trump hit the campaign trail making two speeches on saturday telling voters he knows who his vice president pick is and that person is likely to be at the debate. nbc news' alice barr is joining us. how is it shaping up ahead of the critical debate on thursday? >> reporter: silvia, this does, this debate does have the potential to reshape this race. this could be the first really major opportunity for a lot of american voters who maybe haven't been tuned in to get engaged in an extraordinarily tight election when every voter can count and every person p does need to be tuned in. as you noted there, you can look just to the two candidates' debate prep as an indication of how differently they are going
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to layout their strategyies, yo know for the country. biden is talking with allies and former president trump is on the campaign trail. he says he doesn't need to hunker down to prepare. president biden has been talking strategy with close aides. strategy highlighting his opponent's criminal record. it is not just about calling donald trump a convicted felon, but that goes to his behavior and his character. one thing we can be certain about is age and readiness will be central in this debate. we will have the two oldest candidates squaring off in the debate in the general election cycle. they will show us where they stand on issues from immigration to the economy and to abortion. today is the two-year anniversary of when the supreme court overturned roe v. wade
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taking away federal abortion protections. democrats believe that is an issue that can help sway this election toward president biden. you are seeing one of the recent polls that showed him with an edge in the recent polling. it is within the margin of error. expect the biden team to zero in on abortion. expect the trump team to focus on immigration and on the economy. as you noted, we may get a closer look at who could be former president trump's vice presidential pick. that person he is not announcing yet, will be at the debate. >> we will see what happens. any sort of event is important. alice barr, thank you for reporting. as we head to the end presidof the slo show, i want to show you the boards. in the uk, the ftse 100 is
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up .5%. we are looking at potential deal making news in the food and beverage space. we are keeping a close eye on francis e as we approach the fi round of the election. when it comes to the u.s. futures, it is suggesting a p trading day. let's see how the session stateside will shape up. that is it for today's show. i'm silvia amaro. "worldwide exchange" is coming up next. what is cirkul? cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. cirkul is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. cirkul, available at
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5:00 am
it is 5:00 a.m. here at cnbc global headquarters. i'm dominic chu and here is your "five@5." stocks working to build momentum and a winning streak that goes back to the 2008 financial crisis. as we close out the month, a deep dive into the worst import performing sectors. and looking at cupertino. apple is looking at a.i. deals and the a.i. impact on travel and


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