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tv   Worldwide Exchange  CNBC  June 24, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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it is 5:00 a.m. here at cnbc global headquarters. i'm dominic chu and here is your "five@5." stocks working to build momentum and a winning streak that goes back to the 2008 financial crisis. as we close out the month, a deep dive into the worst import performing sectors. and looking at cupertino. apple is looking at a.i. deals and the a.i. impact on travel and the stocks taking advantage
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of the breakthrough in technology. later on, elon musk makes good on his promise to thin the ranks at tesla with hopes of turning around that sagging mag seven stock. it's monday, june 24th, 2024. you're watching "worldwide exchange" right here on cnbc. ♪ good morning and welcome to "worldwide exchange." i'm dominic chu in for frank holland. we kick things off in the final week of june and second quarter trading with the dpow coming of the best week since may. the dow implied higher by 75 points. s&p higher by 9 or 10. the nasdaq up by 26. among the top gainers for the s&p 500 over the past three months is, of course, nvidia. also first solar as well. check out some of the
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quarter-to-date s&p 500 laggards. builders first source, intel, globe life among the s&p 500 laggards. checking on the bond market ahead of the busy week for u.s. economic data, core pce prices due out this friday. you see the benchmark 10-year treasury note is lower to a hair below 4.25%. the benchmark 2-year note yield at 3.7%. oil is coming off back-to-back winning weeks. check out the price action. we are seeing a slight bid to west texas. wti crude is up .25%. similar for ice brent crude. $85.41. let's see how europe is shaping up as its trading sday s in the early stages. silvia amaro is in the london
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newsroom there. >> good morning, dom. first and foremost, let's show you the asian session in the first trading day of the week. we saw mostly of the shares in asia in the red this morning. this is as investors are actually waiting what they will hear from the united states with the pce figure on friday. i want to take you to japan where we a actually saw the stos ending the session in the green on the back of the weaker yen. as we are seeing, investors are wondering whether we see further intervention from the japanese authorities in the currency market. let me bring you back to europe. this is how we are shaping up so far into the equity session. as you can see to my left, we have green across the board. this is likely to be a very busy week when it comes to political news. we'll bring you those throughout the week. i want to take you to the sectors to tell you more what we are hearing today in terms of the corporate developments.
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when it comes to some of the auto performance, it is out performing the rest of the market this morning. we have it up 1.6% in the wake of the news that the eu will have conversations with china that could potentially stop tariffs on chinese evs. another corporate story we are following this morning is eurofin scientific. it has shed more than $1 billion in market value in early trade after muddy waters reported it has shorted the stock alleging the firm is optimized for malfeasance. cnbc has reached out for a comment. we will bring you the details when we get them. on that note, back to you, dom. >> silvia amaro, thank you very much for that check. let's get a check on the corporate stories with silvana henao. good morning, silvana. >> dom, good morning. let's start with meta platforms
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which held talks about apple with the a.i. model. according to the wall street journal, despite developing its own small scale a.i. models, apple is looking for partners for complex tasks including anthropic. st sticking with apple, the eu finds apple in breach of the domestic market act. it was fined by the eu with $2 billion for abusing the market position and distributing music streaming apps. tesla has cut 14% of the work force this year. that is 121,000 employees according to internal emails reviewed by cnbc. the figure surpasses the 10% head count reduction announced by chief elon musk back in april hinting more cuts could be coming. musk reinstated
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performance-based stock options for exceptional employees as a way to boost morale among the remaining staffers. u.s. prosecutors are reportedly recommending to the justice department that the agency bring criminal charges against boeing for violating a settlement tied to two fatal 737 max crashes in 2018 and 2019. now, reuters says the doj must decide whether to charge boeing by july 7th. dom. >> silvana henao with the latest headlines. thank you very much for that. on wall street, the major averages are preparing to cap off the second quarter with the wind at this back. the s&p 500 is now at the l longest stretch without a selloff since the financial crisis. big bets around nvidia and other a.i. related stocks are helping to drive stocks to record levels despite ongoing macro
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uncertainty. joining me to discuss is doug bonaparte. d doug, you manage money. you do it for a living and across a number of different individuals. can you take us through what the conversations are like with markets at record highs. is there any sense of worry? do people feel there is a shoe to drop any time soon? >> i feel people really ask that question. what do we do now at all-time highs? should we be defensive or take risk off the table? most people are looking for some level of action right now. the interesting thing is all-time highs bring about new all-time highs here. we don't want to abandon strategies. it is about consistency and discipline. now may be a time to rebalance the portfolio. if you are 80% stocks and 20% bonds, bring that back down and
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bring the gains off the table and get back to the target allo allocation. >> there has been a trade in the magnificent seven part of the marke marketplace. it has been almost a self fulfilling prophecy. if those are market cap waieighd and it is microsoft driving the results, how do you view the mag seven trade and do you take profits there and how do you do it? >> a really great question when you are indexing, you are getting exposure to the weighting. go look at an equal cap weighted index opportunity if you want to equal the playing field against the magnificent seven stocks. that is performance. being an index investor will allow you to constantly be in tap with what is changing. if something falls out, you will participate in that as well. it is not a great idea to say let's be tactical and stray away from the things that are
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performing. people are usually pretty happy because they have exposure to the winners. >> let's talk about the momentum as you see it. let's say an investor, client, has a core index weighted investing philosophy and they add on the periphery to add out performance. what is that alpha and where does it come from right now? >> we want to acknowledge it is not all s&p 500 or magnificent seven. you look at risk adjusted and you have exposure to small cap and international and emerging markets and fixed income where there might be opportunities right now. you are getting that exposure across the board. some clients might say i want to go heavier on technology or they want exposure to other sectors. sometimes you see digital assets taking place in portfolios with the bitcoin exposure. there are many ways to do it. it is not always let's dump all our money in the s&p 500.
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we are getting exposure across all major asset classes. >> i'm sure you have clients who are income oriented. right now, the yields are relatively high compared to where they have been. you mentioned fixed income. where is it? >> you have the fed signaling one or two rate cuts this year. if you take them on the word before they raise indirates, yod well. now you will go the other way. they are telling you we will lower rates at the back end of the year. you can get higher yields on fixed income. if you have extra cash beyond cash reserve, now may be the time to not participate in the longer rates. it may be a time to lock in yields and get appreciation when rates go down. >> diffiversification is key. thank you, doug. >> sure. >> for more on the markets and
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what is sdriedriving the day ah go to cnbc pro to get the full detail and analysis. we have more coming up on "worldwide exchange," including the one word investors need to know today. first, how a.i. is disrupting the travel industry and the names taking advantage of the red hot technology. plus, no ironman? no problem. disney makes history at the box office. more on apple. more on the allegations of the european union and if the overhang can keep tech away from the worries. more "worldwide exchange" after this break. or a night person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem
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with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours. is it me... or is work not working? at least, not the way it could work. your people are buried in busy work. and you might be thinking... can ai make it all work? it can. on the servicenow platform, ai transforms your entire business. because when your people work better, everything works better. so, let's get to work. idris elba works here? mm-hmm. ya, he's super nice.
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welcome back to "worldwide exchange." the summer travel season is under way and consumers may take advantage of generative a.i. to book the next trip with travel at bots. julia boorstin is looking at the latest installment of the a.i. impact series. >> reporter: i'm here on vacation in hawaii and i used a.i. to help plan my trip. a.i. is playing the role of travel agent with the new tools using the cutting edge technology to offer custom you d ideas. i used a.i.items.
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you can ask for recommendations and add plans to your trip and read reviews and shares with family. when i was there, it was helpful to pull up addresses for restaurants. >> if you use chatgpt, you have to google everything. you have to look at all of the different place it is recommends and do all of the work you had to do before. we are trying to make that so it happens like a travel agent would have done 20 years ago. do the work and take all of the effort out. >> reporter: it is not just startups. we are seeing the travel giants invest in generative a.i. tools as well. the two biggest introduced chat bot assistants. rami and penny. airbnb bought one in november. generative a.i. will change the platform and that he wants to
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use it as a travel agent to learn about users over time and enhances their experiences. google is moving into this space. the end result is a personalized vacation plan presented in gemini's new dynamic. the gemini chatbot can offer booking options to create a vacation plan in a matter of se seconds. we have not seen these impact the travel agent jobs. as recently as december, 47% of travelers surveyed said they still use travel agents. for "worldwide exchange," i'm julia boorstin. >> thank you, julia, for that report. let's talk more about a.i. and which companies are managing to leverage that hot technology. bernie is a senior analyst covering internet and consumer technology. bernie, this is an interesting story only because travel seems
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like one of the intuitively places that is enhanced with artificial intelligence. what companies are advanced with a.i. and travel? >> thank you, dom. just what julia said, you have expedia and booking and with airbnb that is a big topic of discussion and the ability to move beyond the core. we have seen airbnb grow beyond the pandemic. that is one of the reasons why brian chesky is focused on the next phase of the company. it is the a.i. ota that he is focused on. >> what exactly is the user interface like when it comes to the accept ability for customers out there? do you think there is a level of, at least, comfort among people like me, consumers who want to book travel via a bot or generative a.i. feature? >> i think taking a big step
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back, it does take a lot of time to book a trip. priceline has a stat of 16 hours to book a trip. that's the reason why travelers are excited about the new technology. there was a survey of booking of 57% wanting to use generative a.i. for an upcoming trip. the products we are seeing in the wild are still a little buggy, but this product is ubiquitous. there is a latin american ota and a b2b travel agent leveraging this technology. we think this technology is u b ubiquitous. they will spend money to drive people to the platform. this personalization could be a reason why consumers will stick around and pick one ota versus zero switching before. >> the ota.
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the online travel agency industry has been, at least, evolved to a point where it has become ubiquitous for us. you mentioned the idea and lag time it takes to get up there. we know there are smaller companies at play. let's talk about the bigger names. expedia and booking. you cover airbnb head on, yourself. what does it look like with regard to how far it takes or how long it will take for all of us to start to see these types of things become commonplace on these otas that you mentioned? >> priceline has a product out there. expedia is more of a beta version right now. what we're seeing with the technology is that, you know, don't bet against it. i don't want to put an actual day out there. i would not be surprised if this is a reality sooner rather than later. i think one of the pieces that
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julia was focused on in her piece was the pre-trip. the 16 hours it takes to do that. it is interesting what happens during the trip with a walking tour scheduled in rome and all of a sudden it starts to rain and you get pinged on it and why didn't you book a museum in instead. that is another interesting product push that could happen that would help the consumer experience. >> bernie, before we let you go, we are coming up, a week and a half away, from what is forecast to be the busiest record-breaking travel fourth of july we have seen in america. what does that say to you about the travel business right now and how exactly do you see it playing out for the balance of the year? >> yeah. the short case on travel has been the peak travel.
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airbnb is double pre-pandemic. 70% booking. this is something people have been waiting for to fall off and it hasn't. the euro is going on in germany and the paris olympics. expectations for a strong fourth of july travel season here as well. so, i think that is one of the reasons why you've seen airbnb in particular focusing on that stock. i think there is an expectation there is an upside to numbers here. we would look at that as the upside to the high single or low double digit grower because of the success in the driving margins. e ebitda will look trading 20 times. we would rather own a doordash or uber with similar valuation or better growth profile. >> bernie on the travel business
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and a.i. thank you very much. still ahead on "worldwide exchange," the shares of one stock surging ahead of the opening bell. the big money movers are next. keep it right here.
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what is cirkul? cirkul is what you hope for when
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life tosses lemons your way. cirkul is your frosted treat with a sweet kick of confidence. cirkul is the effortless energy that gets you in the zone. cirkul, available at walmart and at enterprise mobility, our experts always see another road. because with the right mobility solutions, the path to success is shorter than you think. (♪♪) welcome back to "worldwide exchange." time for the big money movers. shares of rxo surging. it is selling the business for
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$1 billion. the deal will make rxo one of the three large providers in transportation in north america. watching the spot, bitcoin etf, looking to extend its drop. cracks in the crypto space coming hand-in-hand with the rate cutting regime and impact with risky assets. many bitcoin etfs down 2.5% pre-market. hong kong shares of prudential is higher. it is buying back $2 billion of shares by 2026. it has confidence for business growth in 2024 alongside its 2027 financial objectives. shares up 6% in hong kong trading. let's get more of the headlines outside of business with richard lui in new york. >> good morning, dom. much of the country is expected
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to start the day baking under the heat wave. record temperatures possible in 15 states with dangerous heat targeting the plains and southeast. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu indicating the war in gaza could be entering a new phase. he told israel tv that the phase of the war in rafah is about to end, but he clarified it does not mean the conflict is winding down. he reiterated his promise not to end the war before hamas is destroyed. netanyahu repeated a dramatic drop in arms shipments from the united states. the administration pushing back last week against claims other shipments have been affected. in connecticut, play was disrupted sunday after climate protesters stormed the 18th hole of the travelers championship. they were taken into custody
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after dumping a powdery orange substance on the green. scottie scheffler went on to win that tournament. dom, back to you. > thank you very much for the headlines. as we head to break, taiwan semiconductor shares are down 3%. the move follows friday's move for u.s. chip stocks which as a whole closed down 1% with the majority of the losses coming thursday and friday. we'll be right back after this. [crowd chanting] they ignored your potential, and mocked your ambition. but it's not the critic who counts. with every swing and block, your game plan never changed. ♪♪ some still call it luck. let them. because you know what it's always been. inevitable. ♪♪ ♪♪
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we are just coming up on 5:30 a.m. in mornew york and th is still a lot ahead. preparing for a busy wave of earnings and key economic data and fresh fuel for the rally. markets are set to close out the second quarter this week as it tests new heights, but not everyone is riding that momentum. we breakdown the last three months. two tech titans looking to put their differences aside and team up in the a.i. arms race. where they may be finding common ground around the red-hot technology. it is monday, june 24th. you are watching "worldwide exchange" here on cnbc.
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welcome back to "worldwide exc exchange." i'm dominic chu in for frank holland. we kickoff the check of the u.s. equity futures with the dow coming off the best week since may. futures are still big. dow implied higher by 76. s&p up 6 points and nasdaq up 6 points as well. technology is very much leading the charge over the course of the last three months. what's new there? take a look at the stocks pushing the nasdaq 100 higher. nvidia is pushing up in the first quarter. so far, broadcom and qualcomm rounding out the top three. moderna and pdd holdings. on the flip side, names like mongodb and intel on the chips side. sirius xm are some of the
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laggards. mongodb down 36%. checking the bond market ahead had of the economic data including core pce prices due out this friday. the ten-year note yield at 4.25%. two-year note at 4.73%. the u.s. 30-year long bond at 4.39%. oil prices coming off back-to-back winning weeks are seeing a bid this morning up .3%. wti is 81.40%. same for ice brent crude. the gauge at $85.55 there. as investors prepare to close out the second quarter, it is no surprise who is driving the markets to record highs. it's technology. the single best performing
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sector thanks to enthusiasm with nvidia and other artificial intelligence stocks. the horse race for market cap among apple, nvidia and microsoft is bullish sentiment on wall street. all members of the $3 trillion market cap club. joining me now is alex kantrowitz. alex, thank you for being here. let's talk about the technology trade and if it can get any more momentum than it already has. >> look, as you mentioned reading up to the segment, nvidia was up 38% in the quarter to date. they have added 100 something percent to the market cap since the beginning of the year and surging. eventually the law of large numbers catches up to you. that will be very difficult to keep up the pace. can they keep selling and keep growing? absolutely.
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they are really leading the charge here. >> what exactly, then, is the case to be made, alex, for investors to keep looking toward companies like nvidia, microsoft and apple? we know the a.i. story is big for the mega cap tech trade, but there have got to be other companies that are maybe not as covered that are the ones that could see some of the similar types of gains even after nvidia posted a banner decade so far. >> dom, i think the concentration is going to continue to be in the large caps because this is a game of scale. the bigger you are, the more gpus are you buy and models you train. the most resources you throw, the brothetter you get. nvidia and amazon and meta and google. i think that continues. the smaller up starts may be able to draft. we talked about travel seeing a
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boost. the big gains will still come from the biggest companies. >> the biggest companies are big for a reason. you mentioned the scale they have. what are some of the names you are watching besides nvidia, microsoft and apple, over whether or not something is happening with meg cap technology? will we play it with other names other than apple and nvidia? >> you think about the sectors that can draft off this. utilities. energy is one i hear in silicon valley. running these models and training these models takes energy. it is not uncommon in silicon valley and hearing them say they need a nuclear power plant to power. the energy demands are certainly through the roof. i hope they find more efficient ways of training these models. i know they are all working on it. if they can't in the time being,
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you see the utility trade come into play here. >> all right. one potential overhang for the big tech trade continues to be regulation. just this morning, european union regulators say apple's app stores is tied to the regulations. they say apple is preventing app developers from giving alternatives and other offers to consumers. just how big of a deal is the regulatory overhang on that technology trade? >> for apple, it is definitely a big deal. services is the growth industry. we saw iphone sales down 10%. they need services to grow and part of services is the app store fees. that being said, it could hit apple. i think europe has grown more aggressive in regulations. we are seeing some stuff in the u.s., but it hasn't made an impact yet. i think the eu law is good as far as the application in the apple case. you can't have a company that controls the marketplace saying
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you can't tell people where to pay for things and focus them on an ecosystem that takes 30%. that is not workworkable. it maybe opens up more opportunities for companies to grow and find margin and a broader economy which is something that we need. >> alex kantrowitz on big technology. thank you very much. see you soon. >> thank you, dom. we revealed the best. coming up, we look at q2's worst performing sector. plus, bullish calls on the morning players. first, some of the top trending stories. "inside out 2" turning the box office upside down. bringing in $100 million in ticket sales during its second weekend. the highest ever for an animated movie. the previous record holder for best follow-up weekend was "super mario brothers." taylor swift posing with
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prince william and his children. pri princess charlotte and prince george. charlotte was seen dancing to "shake it off" causing a big stir on social media. and costco's $1.50 hot dog found its pairing. $40,000 wine. experts say it is one of the best wines in the world currently with a 12-year waiting list time. big wine with hot dogs. "worldwide exchange" is back after this.
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[ inner monologue ] i needed some help. good thing i knew someone... ♪ ♪ or... some-thing. [ a.i. copilot ] glad you called, j. [ a.i. copilot ] it's time for an upgrade. awesome. ♪ ♪ [ inner monologue ] i knew what i had to do. because they never stop. no time to waste.
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this isn't sci-fi. this is precision ai. ♪ ♪ welcome back. time now for the "morning call sheet." citi is raising micron's price target up from 175. citi expects the company to post results above guidance consensus in mimicron's memory exposure. shares up 1.5% pre-market. another price target on nvidia from jefferies. the company remains a king and kingmaker in artificial intelligence. ubs upgrading the rating from ab
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inbev to a buy. those shares up 2.5% in trading as well. time for the "global briefing." bytedance is working with broad c broadcom. production on the chip would be outsourced to taiwan semi. it is not expected to work on the chip this year. china wants the eu to scrap the decision on the tariffs on the e vuvs. the discussions will begin on the anti-subsidy probe. tariffs up to 38% are set to kick in on july 4th if no resolution is reached. and the bank of japan debated
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the need for a rate hike. one called for a hike without too much delay to address lingering inflation pressure. other boj board members are cautious about the rate hike. the next policy meeting begins on july 30th. coming up ahead, the one word that every investor needs to know today, plus, we reveal to know today, plus, we reveal the seoroteengney ct n fli erg you are bountiful. s iezed by the market's recent rally. we're back after this. to stand strong. your cells renew every 27 days. it's in your nature to glow. your digestion can improve by laughing with friends. it's in your nature to thrive. your body is brilliant. from your head to your heels. we're just here to supplement you. nature's bounty. it's in your nature.
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what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and
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welcome back to "worldwide exchange." while artificial intelligence has been the buzz word of the second quarter, energy stocks have been anything but. making it, by the way, the worst performing sector over the course of the past three months. with oil riding a two-week winning streak and berkshire hathaway's faith in occidental petroleum due for a bounce back. jason is joining me now. jason, this is so cyclical. people are able to buy on dips and sell on rallies over the course of the last several years with oil. are we at an inflexion point
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with oil as gas trade? >> i don't think we are at an inflexion point yet. we will see demand strength in the summer. there is a move past 2024 into 2025. you see some indications of the demand weakening in china and the u.s. that makes up 40% of global demand. as we saw from the recent opec meeting, there's a desire for opec to add some of its spare production capacity back to the market. they have about 5 million barrels a day of capacity waiting to be added back and they are investing more production capacity that they will want to add back to the market. over time, there's a higher push from opec to add more supply to the market that will weigh on oil. >> we are also, of course, jason, in an election year. oil and gasoline prices are always a hot-button topic for that time of the cycle.
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do you think in addition to the opec plus production regime, the u.s. and its use of the strategic petroleum reserve is something we have to be careful about or watch for and are energy companies subject to the macro factors here in the u.s. more so than maybe international oil and gas companies? >> so, certainly it is an election year and there has been some discussion about continuing to use the spr. you'll see a strategic gas reserve that will be liquidated over the summer. it is only 1 million barrels a day. we don't see that much release from the spr over the coming months. we have seen the spr restocked after the multi-100 million barrel drawdown ofver the past few years. obviously, there will be a lot
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of commentary out from the candidates given it is an election year. we don't expect that to weigh too much on the fundamentals of the oil supply. >> jason, let's go to something more micro. we have seen consolidation over the last year plus with oil and gas specifically with shale pro producers. do we think that trend continues and where do you think the opportunities are with regard to upstream or midstream or downstream in refined products? >> most of the consolidation we have seen has been in the upstream space. that's the area where there's a lot of smaller companies producing and the best way to improve the economics is to combine with other companies and core acreage to reduce overhead. especially if you see weakness
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in oil prices over the next one-to-two years. >> jason gabelman with the state of oil and gas. see you soon. >> thanks. coming up on the show, why our next guest says markets appearing calm may not actually be the case. the signals of volatility she is seeing under the surface. first, cnbc is celebrating pride month throughout the course of june. as we head to break, here is aerospace industry president and ceo eric fanning. >> i grew up believing i couldn't be a public servant and openly gay man. as i worked may way up the ladder at the department of defense and ultimately serving as the secretary of the army, i found more support inside and outside our community. anyone contemplating coming out during pride month or any other time and fearing backlash, don't
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under estimate the support that's on the other side. dave's company just scored the
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comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five... -i'm on a call. it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. yes. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years. introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities.
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we just want to bring your attention to what's happening with prices for bitcoin. on coin metrics, prices dropped 4.25% so far today. most of that move has happened within the course of just the
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last half hour or so. the intraday low, according to the metric, was just a little over $60,600. we are keeping a close eye on the precipitous intraday drop of bitcoin prices. time for the wex wrap-up. the eu is fining the apple app store following the investigation it kicked off in march. accusing the iphone making from steering consumers to the content. and apple is in talks with meta platforms to integrate a.i. into the apple intelligence. according to the internal emails cnbc reviewed, tesla has cut 14% of the staff in 2024. u.s. prosecutors are recommending to the justice department the agency bring criminal charges for boeing tied to the fatal 737 max crashes in
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2018 and 2019. here is what to watch this week. we get economic data on consumer confidence and home prices and new and pending home sales and final read on first quarters gdp and the fed favoriteinflation gauge pce. we get earnings from fedex and nike and micron and carnival. on the docket is the nvidia shareholder meeting. the fed releases the result of the annual bank stress test. president biden and former president trump hold the first presidential debate on thursday evening. we get fed commentary from austan goolsbee speaking later on this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern time. a busy pweek so far. let's bring in amy wu silverman.
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amy, it has been a very, very calm on a relative basis market, that keeps hitting record highs. what gives and can it continue? >> this is a question that we have all been pondering. i've been calling this the paddling duck market. it does look calm. it looks calm on the surface. there are violent rotations underneath. we see that very much in options sentiment, docm. we see it sucking out on the call side. you are slowly starting to see the tick up of folks looking for protection. i would say, you know, it looks calm on the surface, but there is action underneath. >> it doesn't -- it is not out of the realm of reason, amy. the vix languishing around for the last several months. buying downside protection is a relatively cheap alternativeto
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doing something on the upside? >> it absolutely is. on a completely factual basis, the cost of protection isat historic lows. the issue is i've been saying that for a long time and i'm not the only one. it is a boy who cried wolf situation. we don't have any shocks. what i think is happening is that may change. we talked about political volatility and geopolitical volatility. as we see that, that shock could shake the costs of protection higher. >> with all of that in play u let's go through your word of the day and why it is. >> so, my word of the day is do-nothing. i have it in air quotes because it has felt like a do-nothing market on the surface. underneath, as i mentioned, there is a lot of action. one strategy we like is folks really think at this point there is upside, but not that much upside compared to where we were at the start of the year.
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so, we like selling that upside maybe 10% to 15% of money on call options to essentially fund downside. what you are saying is, you know, you are in some ways aggressively neutral on the market, but you believe more asymmetrical down side. >> before we let you go, amy, we talked so much about the a.i. trade and big technology right now. there are certain key parts of the market that you see more action developing? is it still in technology or can we look elsewhere for more action? >> unfortunately, it mostly is still technology. what you will tell you is you are starting to see different action from apple than you are from something like nvidia. you are seeing a lot of call exuberance sucked out of nvidia. this is one reason why we have a paddling duck, dom. one major weight is going in one direction and the other in the other direction. we just had a clearing event.
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i expect to see investors post new positions from here. >> all right. amy wu silsilverman from rbc. thank you very much. modestly bid. dow implied higher by 100 points. nasdaq down 29. keep it right here. "squawk box" p picks up the coverage right now. good morning. breaking news from eu. charging apple with violating the tech rules. auto dealerships remain crippled after the cyber attack took down the software that runs their operations. cdk says it has begun restoring systems, but did not say whether it paid a ransom. we're learning more about layoffs at tesla as the company pushes to cut costs, more even. it's monday, june 24th, 2024 and
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a "squawk box" begins right now. ♪ good morning. welcome to "squawk box" here on cnbc. we are live from the nasdaq market site in times square. i'm becky quick along with joe kernen. andrew is reporting from the aspen ideas festival. he will join us a little later this morning. if you take a look at what is happening with the equity futures, it is a mixed picture. dow futures are up sharply. a gain of more than 100 points in the futures. this comes after the dow is on a four-day winning streak and the best week last week since may 10th. the s&p 500 and nasdaq have been up eight of the last nine weeks. the nasdaq looks like it would open down 20 points here this morning. if you check out what is


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