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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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trade. i chose xom, exxon. make sure you have the energy space right now. it'll couldnntinue to do well. >> steve, bring us home. >> nike. i did it and will probably do it again next week if it gives me another opportunity. >> just do it. >> amazing. >> thank you, tyler, for babysitting. >> appreciate it. see you my mission is simple, to make you money. i am here to level the playing field for all investors. i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to mad money. i'm trying to make more money. it is my job to teach you, so call me. the monotony of greatness. that is what i think about scrutinizing the stocks for the
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completed a second quarter of 2024. today was dominated by the second trump administration in the wake of last night's debate. a dip in 45 points. the nasdaq losing .71% but i do not come to bury your crazed candidates, although if you stick around i have the potential winner of last night's debate. but i do want to talk about the top 10 stocks that led the s&p 500 to rally for the quarter. by the way, an extending 14.5% gain. wow is a. there are an awful lot of old friends, starting with a company that has become a hallmark of this year and of this show, mad money. say it with me, nvidia. this company wildly perceived as the godfather of generative artificial intelligence. while it is often viewed, i prefer to
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think of nvidia as a mainstay, a company that has been lauding for over a decade. by the way, wherever i go, people thanked me for recommending it. the ceo for whom i frankly have run out of superlatives for describing him. if you do this in the third quarter, i better come up with something pure going into the quarter, there was a widely held belief nvidia's stock moved too much and it was time for profit- taking. i heard that several times a day on our network. you know me. i say own nvidia, don't trade it . i think nvidia is unrivaled in his ability to usher in this that jensen huang has been able to do several times. second for solar. this is the industrial maker of solar modules. remember, the scale is not the roof. this is the quarter we
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separate the week. it didn't help we had chinese imports. first solar is used profitable and it has been low-cost for ages. as chief of the cnbc investing club, i believe solar is 5% of the grade. google, 25% by the end of the decade. take advantage of the industry because their technology lets you increase your yield from rows of solar panels. your stock is down. third, semi conductors are descendent and people may not know but these all devices need to be tested to make sure they work. paradigm has dominated the business frankly for as long as i have been in the game. i followed this company for many, many years and it has a stellar reputation. the stock did drop 31% for the quarter. number four, ge healthcare, ge
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aerospace and a third of that company that initially seemed it would be an appendage. that was the power business. everyone knew the healthcare business was profitable. this one wasn't. turns out the ugly duckling was a swan in disguise. they can help the electric grid grow in concert with, yes, the growth of the data center. the grid hasn't grown at all in years and who wins? they not only make turbines, but they have wind and nuclear plant. let's call it a small form nuclear plant in their arsenal. no, it will not be built by 2030 but you know how hot nuclear is as a thesis for clean energy. the theory was this company would be able to produce a profit anytime soon but demand for power is insane and it is the sweet spot. 25% gain. fifth is a company we talked about many times but you probably haven't heard of. i know it sounds like a drug
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company. but no, this one is up 23%. it is an independent power producer. everyone in the space has been benefiting. a surge in demand for electricity thanks to the all power-hungry data centers we have been building out. the texas-based company has been benefiting from oil and gas production. bistro is so special because they recently acquired three nuclear plants on top of the ones it already had and nuclear is beloved because it only way to get reliable clean energy at scale. you don't need the sun and it doesn't have to be windy. wasn't easy to catch the sixth best performer. so many analysts have written it off as a has-been company in a world of artificial intelligence. it is apple. i've got to tell you, i've told people to own apple, don't trade it for ages. do you know how many times i
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went home and told my wife, oh, my god, they are killing it. we remained steadfast because we are believers and sure enough when apple held its worldwide investors conference, they were able to offer the best of artificial intelligence because everyone wants access to their user base. the stocks soared and they told the doubters they could have its cake and eat it too because they don't have to spend tens of billions to build out their own data centers. they will never finish the quarter up 23%. so many of the top 10 have to do with the data center buildout, like storage for amazon web services, google cloud. it's the kind of storage management hyperscalers need. it's like the pick and shovel of the gold rush. stocks up 22%. next, right back to the data center with the monolithic power systems. monochrome. doesn't matter anymore, does it? here is a term you need to no.
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content shared gain. it's the most boring thing i've ever heard but it makes you money. it is gaining content share with the giant systems. come on. right, nvidia! including their next-gen chip that will ship this fall. chips burn hot -- go ahead. where is it? monolithic helps keep it under control. yes, a.i. 21% up. then there is number nine. i don't mean to bore you, but i know i am. the semiconductor company is all aspects of tech and cell phones and a.i. putting other companies indispensable under one roof, $747 billion company no one has heard of but the investing club so we have a real big position in it and we bought it last year.
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i think it's going to be double from when we bought it. finally, you're probably aware of the networking star bringing nvidia to the networking grade appeared the ceo has been on the show several times and is simply brilliant. her team has received almost unstoppable for years now. cloud networking equipment is in demand. when i first heard about it, i thought it was a record label. what do i know? stop stop almost 21% for the quarter. if you are in alternative energy or data center, you did extremely well this quarter. if you wait until the market broadened out like every joker said -- i mean, like everyone claims, maybe if you wait until it broadens out in the third quarter, you will miss the biggest winners all over again! game in texas. gabe?
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>> doing great. i'm looking for stocks to trade and i came across starbucks. is it a bad year so far? >> no, it is not the perfect time and i know that because my travel trust owns it and it's killing me. almost 3%, thank heavens. this quarter, they have to pull it out. they have to offer a credible way to get this back on track because right now it is in a strong race with the stock of nike. starbucks, 77. nike, 75. looks like a race to 60. frank in california? >> jimmy jim come a long time, man. i've been in the stocks since 2022. i'm up 50%. where do you see so fight going long-term?
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>> sofi, so bad, frankly . i have become to not be as big a fan of sofi because i just -- something just happened to me. i like stocks that go higher. i can't explain it. maybe it is because i like to help you make money. anyway, the top leaders are a reminder if you waited until now, you missed everything, you joker. last night's presidential debate may be over, i think, but the implications for the market might just be getting started. plus, here is a good theme. we are talking real time to buy with the ceo. but first, working on and remember when everyone told me to stick with it? you are john travolta. no need to get into it. i will circle back to it, so
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stay with cramer . >> don't miss a second of mad money . follow @jimcramer on x. have a question? send an email to jim cramer at or give us a call at 1- 800-743-cnbc. miss something? head to .
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when we spoke about the sales force, the powerhouse is on the defensive. they reported soft numbers for their outlook for the current quarter. as a result, they lost 20% of their value the next day and they thought they may be in
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trouble thanks to the a.i. revolution especially since they don't know how many software subscriptions they will need. since then, sales force which we told club members to hold onto or buy thanks to the volatility has worked its way higher up to 218 and has rebounded to 257 and i don't think it's done. the company launched its einstein service agent. it is basically a wholesale upgrade from the hatbots to many businesses -- too many of them use them i frankly to communicate with customers. we need to know more about the technology, so let's check in with the cofounder and chairman of salesforce. >> jim, it is great to be with you and welcome to san francisco on the ohana floor. >> i've got to tell you, marc, i got up this morning at 3:15 and right in my box was this
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thing with your name and i clicked on it and frankly, i saw the future. no longer press one for an option and no longer a stupid bot who can't understand me and can't use the data. tell me about this because when i pressed it, i was blown away. >> jim, you can see this is the beginning of an incredible future. digital workers will work together to create better customer service and that is something we know a lot about at salesforce, being the largest customer service vendor in the world but when we can take these large language models, the artificial intelligence we have available today and apply it to our most powerful customer service applications, we can make things a lot more productive for our customers. in an example we showed, a customer, they can take something as powerful as a toaster delivering an error code, showing the computer what
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the error code is and the computer delivering a lot of repetitive tasks that a human worker might have to come into. it does not eliminate the need for a human worker. if that human worker is needed, they can augment that human request and that is the power of human and digital workers working together. >> this thing is different and we are pleasing the customer. something i found incredible, you can send a picture, a screenshot. the bottom -- i don't even want to call it a bot. the incredibly smart machine understands the problem and i think that eliminates a lot of babble about what you are worried about. >> the idea you can communicate with a computer whether through voice, video, text, through a picture, that is called multimodal technology. multiple modes of technology with a.i. built into all of our software now. not only will he have the
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service box that you got excited about, jim, which will make customer service so much are powerful and productive. augment the existing customer service workers, better customer relationships, higher margins. but jim, it will deliver sales bots that will give you, you know, sales development representative who will go out and develop new territories for you and the ability to close deals, you know, without workers involved, this is a powerful thing. even here at salesforce, we are using these new agents to go out and recruit employees and that is a bridge -- >> no, way! i was going to go the other way and ask you how great it is that the company has all of the data to recognize what the picture is, but salesforce using it to get people? you are using this? >> we just recruited three amazing artificial intelligence engineers and we did that by using these agents to go out
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and have conversations with folks saying hey, are you happy where you are working? do you want to make more money and have a better working environment? come to the ohana floor. the agent is working with the candidate up to the point they want to have the interview and have that conversation and of course, our human reporters -- recruiters step in and complete the process. >> i'm sure of there are people out there saying wait a second, this isn't true. you are firing people to get this. you are talking about up selling or getting more money by using a bot help the individual do a better job at their job? >> here in silicon valley, it is hard to find people at all. we have a labor shortage. certainly with artificial intelligence, you need to be able to augment the employees you do have to go out and extend your workforce, so it could be in sales, service, marketing, human relations or
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human resources. you know, all of these ideas will be extended with agents. we will have human workers and digital workers working together. it is not just about an a.i. future. don't get me wrong. i actually was in the office today in san francisco and you can jump in a car that is driving by itself. you know, i wouldn't jump into an uber necessarily because i like to talk about salesforce in the car and i'm orking but there is nobody listening to me, so i jumped in. as soon as i got access, i'm like, i am all in. i also want to be able to switch off and have that human interaction whenever i need it. >> i usually don't do this to a human in one segment because i like to have a power grid of thought as we learned in fifth grade, but i had todd mckinnon on recently and i didn't know todd until you introduced me to him. he was talking about the european commission, the
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bundling of teams, whether it was right and if it makes it so you have to take microsoft security which he thinks is not as good. microsoft would say jim, that's not fair, so that is one person's view but i want to get your idea bundling teams. frankly when you bundle things, sometimes you have to take stuff you might not want. >> jim, i think you saw this week the european commission did say microsoft has once again broken the rules. microsoft has once again broken the rules. we have een that so many times. number one, we thought -- well, everyone knows the story of how they pulverized internet explorer and windows. of course you could talk to aaron leavy about what has happened where they bundled one drive and how that has impacted their companies. and you will see you talk to the founders of slack how i bundling teams with windows, again, they did the same
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maneuver. they are not so secret in their playbook. the way they get market share and new markets is by using windows as the vehicle to bundle in their offering. >> why isn't our country looking into it? why is it up to the europeans to make this kind of judgment? >> jim, you'll have to get our regulators on your show. i cannot respond on behalf of them. >> they are trying to stop apple from putting out good phones and breaking up amazon like breaking up standard oil! >> jim, as you know all i am trying to do is deliver $38 billion in revenue and 32.5% margins. >> well, not everyone can. everyone gave up on you in the last quarter. are you still there, or are you a bot? >> everyone overlooked we generated more cash in the last quarter than coca-cola. i
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thought that was pretty amazing. you can see the stock recovery has been -- >> all kidding aside, i was blown away by this. i want people to go on x and click on what i did. you will find it is the future. i love the future, marc, and i want to thank you for ringing it to us. >> it's a great opportunity to improve your sales and marketing. we will see incredible stories coming out of this and jim, we just finished up with fedex and we saw amazing, amazing things happen with our data cloud there. what happened was they are selling international services in a whole new way because we can spot existing customers who don't buy international services when they are browsing fedex's website looking for international services and we have been able to see a market improvement in sales. it has been an incredible thing using artificial intelligence
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to not only improve service, but improve sales and make that customer connection. >> and we are talking about raj subramaniam, who turned around fedex. he is so good. marc, i want to wish you a good weekend. cofounder and chair of salesforce, thanks for coming on. talk soon. >> looking forward to having you in san francisco. >> can't wait. mad money is back after the break. coming up, the future is cuddly? cramer choose on an annual -- animal health play next. >> jim cramer is a great teacher . he teaches how to invest come up versus what to trade. it is an experience. >> go to cnbc .com/joinjim.
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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ with the price of just about everything inflating these days, you may wonder why mint is deflating the price of mint unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month.
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well, it's easy. we know a great price on a great product is better than one of those things. right? does big wireless really believe that these things actually work? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) this one will never see the light of day. all right.
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okay, i love pets. i think there are a lot of opportunities in the unionization of pets. i want o talk about a major player in the animal health space. 3% arrival and weighing the launch of their competing dermatitis drug. will need a safety warning label. still down 12% for the year, so what do you make of this one currently on the list? let's take a closer look with the ceo of zoetis. welcome back to mad money.
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the reason i will not grill you on the quarter, you are in the quarter and the law says you can't talk about the numbers but nobody says you can't talk about the pipeline and how you are doing from the previous quarter. i was -- you were introduced to our show many, many years ago and i didn't understand there could be blockbusters for pets but there was a sense there maybe wouldn't be that arrival would come in. looks like you will withstand the challenge. >> yes. first of all, apical is the first product for dermatitis. we took a product that is $70 million and made it $1.5 billion market. i mean, apoquel is a phenomenal drug. we got rid of the elizabethan collar. >> your heart goes out. they can't tell you. they can't nod their head. it's all over. >> it is a real medical condition, more than an annoyance and we have years of
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data. this is a really critical category. we helped build it. we have leveraged direct to consumer advertising and auto ship which i know you spoke about earlier on your show and i think we are very proud of our safety record for apoquel. >> you have others . you've got simp erika trio which is incredibly strong. >> we have a three of the top five. we have apoquel, an antibody and a triple combination product for dogs for parasites for fleas, ticks, and heartworm. >> the dogs got their shots this weekend i did want to point out -- look, i know you have competition but it would have been great if their drug did not have a warning label from the point of view of them but it happens. it is a very hard drug to make.
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>> you and i have talked about this many times. we are the number one in innovation. we expect $5 million and what makes us so successful is the thoughtfulness of our commercial teams, our r&d teams , our regulatory teams and as we have thought about the products, really making sure we balance safety and fficacy. when you look at a brand like apoquel, we are proud of that safety and efficacy. >> absolutely. and you have taught me a lot about illnesses for non-canine animals, like livestock. i know you explained to me the way the flu works and they are not like humans lose. they are different. held -- tell me about the bird flu situation. you don't think about it until it is impacting the food supply around the world. >> we talked about bird flu many years ago as we saw avian influenza start to emerge. now it is moving species.
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it's gone from poultry to livestock and a lot of the attention now in dairy. we are partnered with the usda and i met with the secretary a few weeks ago on how to better support the usda as well as our customers. we have started development for clinical trials for using a vaccine in case that ends up being needed, but right now we will just support our customers to have whatever strategy they think makes the most sense. >> there was a time before the cold trade war, you are the expert in helping what's going on in china. do we have any -- is everything so out of kilter even when it comes to animals, we don't speak to the chinese about these kinds of things? >> look, the market is quite important as you look at the livestock market in the u.s.. poultry, close to 25% is exported and i would love to say that tariff decisions around the world and trade decisions
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are made out of science but we know that is not always how it is sometimes you see markets around the world using any excuse they can. it seems ashamed that vaccinating an animal could be a reason not to export it to a different market. >> we believe something has changed here. we had kind of an over earning for the companion animals because during covid, things laying -- went way, way down. chewy said it is starting to perk up. the veterinary business is starting to perk up and we are getting back towards a more normal baseline. is that what you are seeing too? >> animal health consistently is more resilient. 86% of pet owners would pay whatever it took to take care of their pets. even if i had a 20% decrease in your take-home pay, would you spend less to take care of your pet and the answer is a resounding no. if you look at zoetis performance over the years with an 8% annual growth rate,
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it underscores we are incredibly resilient and when you are zoetis and you bring the level of innovation we bring to the market , it is incredibly durable. when you look at the consumer right now when it comes to animal health, we do not see a demand issue. as you know with the veterinary workforce issues, we are more concerned about supply than demand. >> is it interesting that walmart takes out their 51 clinics and goes all in on pets ? they know how important this growth industry is to america. >> i am very excited about the business models you are seeing in health. whether it be walmart, telehealth, high-end concierge clinic's, there is a different proposition for every consumer and its critical given the humanization of pets. we want to make sure pets can be taken care of. >> ever since the spinoff, when
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the spinoff occurred i said, look, this is the big one but people thought it was because i loved cats so much. i've had six cats at the time. kristin peck, ceo of zoetis . that is no longer the case. mad money is back after the break. coming up, a company keeping it 100? cramer mines for tech insights next.
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right now companies are
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offering consumers the best value and they are winning, as they should. the ones that have enrolled back higher prices are left in the dust, as they should. i believe that is the new normal, which is why i wanted to dig into this privately held data firm with unbelievably good feedback from thousands of brands and companies from their actual customers and their focused on purchase intent affordable metric and historical data that doesn't make you any money as a potential shareholder. gives much more visibility as to where things are headed. they are giving real feedback in real time and for hundredx making contributions to charities . let's check back in with the founder and ceo of hundredx . i've got to tell you, rob, it is a joy to have you here. thank you for coming here to see us on mad money. >> thank you, jim . >> we have been exploring the concept that i need or
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verification of. my thesis is there are customers who are recognizing, do you know what? that company raised price too much and i want to switch but they don't actually know they have that intent. but they feel like, wait a second. i feel like i'm being gouged. true or false? >> absolutely and we called out the substitution phase. you've got the initial shock. prices went up. people absorbed it. now they are stepping back and saying, what is my best value? a great example is the restaurant space. the quickserve players have raised prices. >> like mcdonald's. >> exactly. they are bumping against the casual sitdown players and people are saying well, maybe it is a better deal to go to chili's. you are seeing a switching. we saw this with airbnb versus hotels. when you get too aggressive on price, there is a boomerang
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effect that shows up in subsequent quarters. >> let me ask you. my wife and i know where to go. we go to benny's when we want to treat. maybe we should be going to chili's? >> you are right. humans have routines. that is what we see in our data. >> that's us! >> if they make it too painful, it's like, why don't we try chili's again? with an athlete, if you let the backup in the game, sometimes the starter never gets back. when you think of pricing strategy, you have to think not only the quarter but the lifetime value of the customer. >> rob, one of the things i like about what you do, i tend to find out after the quarter is over. oh, he's telling me that chili's is getting a lot of people. as a potential shareholder, trying to make money in the market, i need to get in ahead of that. your data seems to get
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you in ahead of that when we find out how the quarter works. >> if you listen to the customer, two to three quarters down the road, it starts to play out in the financials and connecting that bridge is the key thing that we do. >> you also are using lots of different techniques that a lot of us might think are not rigorous but turn out to be they are. for instance, i always felt this was just voices but it's untrue. >> our data on reddit when we think of future usage, not purchase, but usage compared to google and other platforms, it is actually trending up significantly. it's not just informational, but it's also people, you know, are using it for entertainment. it is a combination of entertainment, informational, and relational. our data is very positive on reddit. >> are you able to gauge income group? >> absolutely.
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one of the biggest is starting around october, we started to see the consumers earning less than $50,000 having to pull back. in other words -- >> in other words they are frugal by choice. >> right. the reservoir they had coming out of covid and the government support kind of hit a wall, so for the first time we started to see this unfortunate thing where the affluent consumer was fine and doing better, but the consumer earning less than $50,000 was having to stop and say, i can't afford to buy as much as i used to. we saw that in october. he saw that in the first quarter results, second quarter results, that fork. >> people have to understand goldman sachs. let's bring that into play. there is a recognition that a lot of companies are afraid to hold prices back because that might hold them down in a different department. from the old days.
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is it possible that if you don't rollback, you get left behind? >> yeah, absolutely. as you know, we have a partnership with goldman. they have been terrific about bringing that customer dimension into their leading research franchise and really leaning into that and we have a thesis, jim, which i know you support that the future of how companies are evaluated isn't going to just be about short- term earnings what are you winning with the customer and is it durable? >> yes. i will give you one last one. there is desperation going on today. there are people literally trying to catch a falling knife. to me, they are butcher blocks but maybe they're smarter than i am. nike. this is a brand -- let's forget the stock for a second. this is a pristine brand. we all know nike is the best but their stock is the worst. is there any hope for the stock
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of nike? >> we are not stock pickers. >> i'm the guy that picks it. >> the answer to your question is -- bear with me. we were expecting a tough quarter, but we are starting to see scores on selection and styles come back and that has always been our leading indicator for the nikes of the world, that trend. be patient in the second half. we would say it's early but we are seeing a bit of that so i guess we would be who gets there first gets the falling knife. >> that's a great way for someone out there listening. you see this great stock, this great company. maybe you need to be more mindful because of where the price of the stock is. you take our view and melded with what he is saying and maybe you catch a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity for a great brand that happens to be a stock suffering right now. i want to thank rob pace founder and ceo of hundredx.
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he's got a partnership with goldman and i hope you have a partnership with mad money because i think you are mad money. great to see you! mad money is back after the break. coming up, pop open the umbrellas and tea up your toughest questions. cramer and the lightning round, next.
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clem's not a morning person. or a...people person. but he is an "i can solve this in 4 different ways" person. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you with a plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours. lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. trade brilliantly. >> it is time! wait a second. the lightning round is over. are you ready? it is time for
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the lightning round. let's start with bill in oregon. bill? >> happy friday, jim. great to talk to you. >> how can i help? >> the power industry. >> another company that does processes and packaging for electricity and distribution. this is one of those companies -- all of these companies are on fire and this is a good one. i will feature it, but i will come back. let's go to cal in new york. cal? >> hey, jim. happy friday. first time calling. longtime fan. thank you for all you do for the millions of followers. >> millions, i like that. someone said hundreds of thousands. what's up? >> i know you love trade and i thought this would be a union trade with the stocks down.
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>> it did not have a great quarter. it did not have a great quarter. we would rather own a ttd. i like that. by the way, crete is always on. he's always on. get him on the show. ned in ohio? ned? ned, you are wrecking my friday . i'm having the time of my life out here and, ned, you are like, really upsetting me. ned? ned! it's jim. how have you been? ned is really hurting my feelings. why do we go to -- hey, why don't we go to mark in washington just for the heck of it. mark? who's that? who's that? what's going on? >> i would like to thank you very much for all of the advice you have given us. you know, i had one question for you. >> thank you. sure!
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>> i wanted your input on arct. >> this is a really interesting situation. let's say i recommend that because it has the 9% yield, then it goes down. i have no idea what loans they have or what's inside that company, so i cannot recommend it as a good yield. that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, here we go again. why the market won't mind was in the white house, next.
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>> i tried to tell him i own the restaurant. >> it is like a lion. >> i'm scared to death. don't go in the kitchen. i mean, quarter. i'm told quarter. they try to dump a hot bucket of fries on me. >> it all starts at 9:00 a.m. eastern.
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[thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪
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people are dusting off the old trump labeled after last night's debate and i don't blame them but this is a show about money, not politics for that matter so i will play it straight and tell you what would work under the second trump administration. they rarely stood in the way of mergers. you have to understand the
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albertson's murder -- merger would go through. normally i would leave this to the guys but these two feel like a given since trump would certainly let them go through. capital one should maintain its deal to buy discover, a deal that would gain a lot less scrutiny with trump. you can buy either one of these. the stock of new fortress, one of my favorites, that has the most to gain from the exports. energy would be the second best. it has the cheapest natural gas in the country, so that is a winner for the spike in natural gas. we talked about that and yesterday's investing club call . president trump was not a big believer in financial regulation , which is great news for banks largest jpmorgan, bank of america, goldman sachs, wells fargo, and morgan stanley. a lot of good dividend boosts
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after the close this evening because of the stress test all of the banks past. you could expect those dividends to be larger under a trump administration. the justice department and big tech. apple has been abused, i think, for putting out really good phones. i don't know what else to say. neither candidate seems to like big tech, but trump administration would hammer great american tech companies. at this point, we have to believe with apple, companies with big chinese exposure like nike and starbucks will remain losers. nothing new here. apple makes chinese phones with chinese labor which kept them from government punishment. they've put a lot of people to work there. let's step back for a moment. i remember when i was the anchor of an old show and biden was a senator in delaware.
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biden went out of his way to say he was the poorest senator because he owned no stocks. he was actually bragging about it. he is not a champion of capital. he will never go out of his way to help the stock market along and he doesn't follow it much. he admires he sticks to his guns on this but i don't like it one bit. on the other hand, in the many years i've known trump and i know him pretty well, he's been wildly pro-stock market and he watched it like a hawk. he's appeared on the show many times. even though he is in real estate, he enjoys stocks. look at the dow jones average. he often told me there was too much regulation. he is wildly pro-gas. period. regardless of how you feel about those issues, it affects the stocks. remember, i am trying to explain to you what will happen to your money.
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if you think trump is more likely to be president, the turn in the stock market will improve only because the man can't bear to see it go down. he measures his own job approval. you may think that is insane but it is the reality. he's good for your heart folio. just for you on mad money, last call starts now. right now on last call after a debateer th saying biden should drop out of the race. another billionaire backer is on the fence. is the tesla turnaround in full effect? things elon musk says yeah. he sees tesla stop going. a controversial call from a major retailer ditching ddi. will more follow? all that and more over the hour so as always bellyp


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